The Orion - Spring 2012, Issue 8

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Chico State’s Independent Student Newspaper since 1975



Chico State Memes creates space to make fun of Chico culture. Story B3




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Kony 2012 call hits Chico State


Clubs turn to BMU to avoid fees

Natalie Eucce STAFF WRITER

The social media sensation “Kony 2012,” a YouTube video by Invisible Children, will be presented by the Cross-Cultural Leadership Center at 6:15 p.m. tonight in Holt Hall Room 170, a week after the video went viral. “Kony 2012” is a call to action directed toward the American people to locate and capture Lord’s Resistance Army leader Joseph Kony, who is wanted for war crimes, by the end of 2012, said Ariel Aizenstadt, the CCLC’s screening coordinator. The video was released March 5 and was shared millions of times through social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter. Because many have already seen the film, there will be other short videos, a discussion and a guest speaker at the screening, Aizenstadt said. Patricia Akello of northern Uganda will appear as a guest speaker, Aizenstadt said. Akello has come to America to tell her story about growing up in RELATED times of war. The screening is meant to EDITORIAL support a discussion about Invisible Children, not just show For The Orion’s take on support for the “Kony 2012” call “Kony 2012,” to action, Aizenstadt said. turn to B7. “One of the longest running wars in Africa is going on,” she said. “It started in northern Uganda, and Joseph Kony has spread to the Congo and Dominican Republic and central Africa.” Kony has led the LRA for more than 26 >> please see KONY | A3

Associated Students said it has received a spike in student interest since campus clubs have learned about the facilities-use charges that were instituted on campus in November 2011. Kjerstin Wood Dan Reidel Aubrey Crosby THE ORION

Scan the QR code to read about how Chico State students celebrated the Hindu festival Holi. THE ORION • KEVIN LEE

HIT ME Alex Kalajakis, a senior communication design major, throws colored powder during Chico State’s second annual Holi Festival in Trinity Commons on Sunday. The end-of-winter Hindu festival occurs on the day of the last full moon of the lunar month.

Busy crosswalk yields fewer accidents than expected Aubrey Crosby STAFF WRITER

There have been three reported accidents since September at the crosswalk that connects the campus bike path to Nord Avenue, including one in which a Chico State student was struck by a car Feb. 18. The busy crosswalk doesn’t pose as much of a threat as many would expect, Chico police Sgt. Rob Merrifield said. “I don’t think that the crosswalk is necessarily dangerous in design,” Merrifield said. “It is on a flat road, without curves and in a visually open space. Our main concern is that it is on a state highway. There aren’t actually as many accidents there as you think.” Highway 32 runs through Nord Avenue, placing the crosswalk in state jurisdiction. In 2010, there were 193

Don’t leave for spring break before watching this week’s webcast. Video



CROSSWALK Since September, three accidents have been reported on the crosswalk that connects the bike path to Nord Avenue. accidents on the part of Highway 32 that runs through Chico, not just the crosswalk, with 244 injuries. The reported number of accidents from 2011 to present has not yet been released by the California Highway Patrol. Chico’s interest in the crosswalk is prevalent, assistant city

manager John Rucker said. “The area in question falls under multiple jurisdictions, but most of it is covered by the state,” Rucker said. “If safety is an issue we are certainly interested, but there isn’t much that the city itself can do.” There has been talk about adding lighting to the

crosswalk to help prevent pedestrian-related accidents, but because the area is under state authority the city would have a hard time allowing these changes. Taran Virk, a junior psychology major, thinks more can be done about the safety of pedestrians in the area, Virk said. There should be a stop sign at the crosswalk so pedestrians don’t have to walk into busy traffic. Anthony Ong, a sophomore exercise physiology major, agrees that more can be done, he said. “There is no signal,” Ong said. “We’re basing our safety off of people who can choose to slow down or not, depending on if they actually see you.” Aubrey Crosby can be reached at

Chico State’s facilities fees policy has student clubs seeking alternative spaces or paying up. With fees reaching $3,000 in some of the available facilities, students are using Bell Memorial Union more, said Deborah Lemmo, A.S. event manager. “We are seeing some additional reservations come over from other facilities,” Lemmo said. “We don’t charge for student groups to use our facilities, and we are open to community members for a small fee.” Student groups have complained about either not getting rooms when they want them, because the BMU is filling more reservations, or being unable to afford to hold events elsewhere, said Nicole MacDougall, Associated Students director of university affairs. The Student Activities Office has been taking longer than usual to book reservations for rooms in the BMU, MacDougall said. There’s a delay because it’s the same office and the same amount of people handling the increase in reservations. “As long as they plan ahead of time they can always use the BMU,” MacDougall said. Recreational and intramural sports are among the groups affected by the changes to campus use charges. Many groups have had to cancel or make changes to events, said Kimberly Scott, director of recreational sports. “The biggest issue that faces us at this point in time is that, aside from charges, is that they are limiting the hours,” Scott said. MacDougall has been trying to clarify when groups can use the facilities for free and when they have to pay, MacDougall said. The issue with fees came up in 2010 when the California State University Chancellor’s Office issued Executive Order 1052. The order stated that university presidents had to implement fees that were outlined in the chancellor’s 2007 Executive Order 1000. Chancellor Charles Reed advised that there needed to be a campuswide facility agreement that would clearly define how much each entity or group was charged, MacDougall said. Other campuses charge students for rooms as well. “One piece that’s a little bit different is that >> please see FEES | A4

Geography graduate student dies after long illness Don Hankins said. She was tenacious and didn’t let things stand in her way, Degmetich’s roommate Abby Rizzo said. “Michelle took advantage of all that Chico had to offer,” Rizzo said. “She was an aspiring pilot and logged over 80 hours of flight.” Degmetich was “more of a colleague than a student,” said Jacque Chase, chair of the geography department, in the release. “She was really supportive of other students and acted as a leader,” Chase said. Degmetich was great at conversing with people inside the classroom and out, she said.



Michelle Degmetich and her niece and nephew visit the Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge in 2006.

Chico State graduate student Michelle Degmetich died Feb. 29 after having cancer for about 15 years. She was 48. Degmetich enrolled in the geography and planning master’s program in 2006 and helped establish the Geography Club, according to the release. Her graduate school project pertained to mammals in the Big Chico Creek Ecological Reserves. “It was truly remarkable the way she would bounce back from obstacles in her life,” geography professor


“She was always cheerful, even through tough times in her life,” Chase said. She was a pleasure to be around, political science professor Mahalley Allen said in the release. “Despite her long illness, she had a remarkable attitude of perseverance and enthusiasm for her life and the academic community at Chico State,” Allen said. Degmetich brought a great enthusiasm for animals and was very involved in the issues surrounding sustainability and environmental policy, Allen said. “Her defining characteristic to me was her overwhelming

kindness,” Rizzo said. “I had never met anyone with more generosity than her.” Degmetich had asked that she be remembered through donations to the Barry R. Kirshner Foundation, a nonprofit that works to increase awareness about the care and preservation of wildlife and wildlife habitats in the community and globally. Degmetich is survived by her parents, her brother and sister and their children, according to the release. A memorial service is scheduled for 11 a.m. Saturday at Saint Thomas More Catholic Church in Paradise. The Orion can be reached at


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57 50

high low

Softball senior Sam Quadt uses her bat to asssume the role of silent leader on the team. Story A6

Arts Is hip-hop dead? Commentaries B2

Opinion Columnist reveals his no-longer-guilty pleasure. Column B7

full week A2 >>


A2 |


WEATHER >> today | rain

57 50 More than 100 Egyptians picked up presidential applications Saturday. The Muslim Brotherhood, a political group, has gained influence throughout the country and will more than likely stand behind a candidate in the May elections. Last year, Egypt’s former President Hosni Mubarak was forced to step down because of anti-government protests. Source: Associated Press

Israel retaliated against Palestinians for the second day in a row, killing 15 militants in an airstrike Saturday. More than 100 rockets were launched from the Gaza Strip. Source: Associated Press


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thursday | showers

friday | rain

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saturday | rain

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Source: ABC News

Aubrey Crosby STAFF WRITER

Source: Associated Press


Lawmakers in the committee of education finance rejected Gov. Jerry Brown’s proposal of cutting Cal Grants to more than 26,000 students who benefit from the financial aid program. Source: San Francisco Chronicle

55 34

The first Stop Trafficking of Persons conference began March 5 to raise campus awareness about human trafficking and slavery in the modern world. The group is trying to give the community an accessible abolitionist movement, STOP president Jean-Claire Peltier said. Human trafficking occurs when women and children are taken and forced into areas of work including sex, manual labor and massage parlors, Peltier said. “We are really trying to engage the community of Chico with the issue of human trafficking as it stands globally and locally,” Peltier said. “It is a prominent issue in the north state because of the cheap labor it provides.” The weeklong conference started in Trinity Commons with live music by White Russian and anecdotes from women who had been placed in the trafficking institution. Other events included “teach-ins” with guest speakers and panelists such as Justin Dillon, who shared his documentary “Call+Response.” The conference wrapped up Friday night in Bell Memorial Union’s auditorium with the highlight of the event

— the airing of a documentary by Mimi Chakarova. Chakarova, a photo journalist who teaches at UC Berkeley, held a Q-andA session after the screening of “The Price of Sex,” the documentary that explores Chakarova’s travels to Eastern Europe and the issue of sex trafficking. “I would not have made this film or come here if I didn’t think change was possible,” Chakarova said. “It doesn’t make sense to me that younger people don’t know about this problem.” Chakarova thanked the members of STOP for hosting the conference. “I think that when you have a discussion and events for a week, it opens eyes and acts as a training tool for the public,” Chakarova said to the audience. The event was named a success by Evan Davis, STOP event coordinator. “From my perspective, the conference went amazingly,” Davis said. The event will help inspire students to get involved in stopping the trafficking of humans, Peltier said. “We’re just really hoping that students see that this is a major issue, but it is an issue that they can help come to an end,” Peltier said. Aubrey Crosby can be reached at

tuesday | showers

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AWARENESS Mimi Chakarova, a photojournalist who teaches at UC Berkeley, speaks out against human trafficking Friday in the Bell Memorial Union auditorium in an effort to get students involved.


Pedro Quintana STAFF WRITER

Council members vote 5-2 to have committee craft language of ban; not city’s place, critics say an ordinance. The average American shopper will use 332 bags in Chico grocers could soon be one year, and only 3 percent asking, “Do you want a bag of those will get recycled, according to the Calwith that?” ifornians Against City Council decided Waste website. March 6 to move forThis isn’t a people ward with crafting an People problem, Keller said. ordinance that would It is a product probban single-use plastic need to because plastic bags in Chico. wake the lem, bags are so light they The panel of counhell up. blow out of the Neal cil members was Road Recycling and skeptical as it heard Waste Facility. hopes from the public The solution is not regarding the reduc- STEVEN WESTBROOK in paper bags or a tion of the number of Zero Waste Task Force coordinator monetary incentive, plastic bags used in as both options use town. up natural resources, “Think globally, act locally,” was the theme to Westbrook said. “It’s amazing how selfish support the plastic bag ban, ChicoBag president Andy people can be for such a small Keller said in the public com- commodity,” he said. Others raised the question ment portion of the meeting. Twenty percent of the world’s of whether or not this is somepopulation live in communi- thing Chico residents want. Cristopher Cone, a senior ties where such regulations business administration are already in place. California has outlawed the major, does not want to have distribution of single-use plas- to buy environmentally safe tic bags in cities like Malibu, bags when he has other in 2008, San Francisco, San expenses, he said. This is not Jose, Long Beach and other an issue City Council should ocean cities where bags pose be focusing on. “There are bigger issues, threats to marine life, according to the Californians Against and if anyone wants to regulate plastic bags it should Waste website. Plastic bags are a prob- be the responsibility of the lem, said Steven Westbrook, stores,” Cone said. In a 5-2 vote, the Council a fourth-year natural sciences and liberal studies double sent the ban to the Internal major and the Zero Waste Task Affairs Committee for the ordinance to be crafted. Force coordinator on campus. Dates have not yet been “People need to wake the set for future discussion of hell up,” he said. Keller cited litter prob- the ban. lems, the burdening impact on the environment and eco- Natalie Lessa can be reached at nomic costs as reasons for Natalie Lessa STAFF WRITER

“ “

The U.S. Labor Department reported a strong month for job creation with more than 200,000 jobs created in February. This is the third month in a row the department has reported positive job growth. Since December, the U.S. has added more than 700,000 jobs.

monday | few showers

Human trafficking target of weeklong visit

City moves forward with plastic bag ban Presidential hopefuls Rick Santorum and Mitt Romney both won delegates over the weekend. Kansas held its caucuses, and American territories Guam, the Virgin Islands and the Northern Marianas also held primaries. Santorum won the caucus, while Romney took the territories.

sunday | showers

Chico State launched the My Service Counts campaign in early February with a goal for the campus community to reach 125,000 community service hours by the end of year. This year the university is celebrating the 125th anniversary of its founding. The campus community is challenged to perform 125,000 service hours and alumni and parents have the same goal, for a combined 250,000 hours, said Nan Timmons, Associated Students assessment and special projects administrator. The university is reaching out to students and campus organizations in order to get the word out, Timmons said. Students are encouraged to log their community service hours on the My Service Counts page located on the Chico State website. A.S., CAVE and the Interfraternity Council have each pitched in to reach the goal. Greeks participate in many philanthropic efforts within the community that can be beneficial in reaching the goal, Timmons said. The only question is if the time will be taken to log the hours worked. Chico State wanted to make the campaign accessible for students to input their hours on the website, and it is a great way to show how the university gives back to the north state community, Timmons said. The My Service Counts website offers information about the campaign, links to community organizations that students can get involved with and up to date information on the total number of hours students have completed so far, she said. Students with internships this semester can log the hours they have put into their respective organizations, Timmons said. In the university’s attempt to reach a mass audience, the campaign will be pushed on Cesar Chavez Day, when students participate in community service projects. It’s an admirable goal, said Cameron Jacobs, a senior business administration major. Community service is important,

MAGIC NUMBER In celebration of the 125th anniversary of its founding, Chico State has called on students to log 125,000 community service hours.



CURRENT as of March 13

service hours

6,270 service hours

Source : CSU Chico

and it gives students a chance to give back. The campaign demonstrates the values of Chico State. While some students think it’s a great idea, others, like Diondra Wallace, a sophomore art major, are still learning about the campaign. “I saw the student announcement, but I don’t know too much about it,” she said. Wallace is interested in getting involved though and has volunteered in community service projects before, she said. Students who choose to participate in the challenge receive incentives depending on how many hours they complete. Recognition from the university and prizes vary from T-shirts to a private reception with Chico State President Paul Zingg. Community service is good for resumes, Timmons said. Pedro Quintana can be reached at

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Andre Byik California faces a shortage of teachers, according to a new study. The percentage of teachers reaching retirement age has been increasing rapidly while the number of new teachers gaining credentials has been decreasing for the past seven years. Source: ABC News

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Students can donate blood from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. today in the Bell Memorial Union auditorium as part of the National Cesar E. Chavez Blood Drive Challenge. It is advised to eat and drink plenty of fluids before arriving. Donors must weigh a minimum of 110 pounds, be in generally good health and be at least 17 years of age. Source: Campus Announcements


CALL TO ACTION The “Kony 2012” video has gone viral online, reaching millions of viewers since its March 5 release. The Invisible Children production aims to make Joseph Kony, the Lord’s Resistance Army leader, a household name. The video will be shown at 6:15 p.m. today in Holt Hall Room 170.

KONY: Social media sensation brings criticism continued from A1

years, abducting children in countries like Uganda and training them to be soldiers. “Kony 2012” was produced with the intention of making the notorious leader a household name, Aizenstadt said. Taylor Gantt, a senior business administration major, opposes the “Kony 2012” sensation but is still considering attending the screening, he said. “People have sent Invisible Children millions of dollars, and Joseph Kony is still out there,” Gantt said. “I relate this to us catching Osama bin Laden. It was a good front, but they have too many followers willing to take over where they left off.” What Kony’s victims go through is terrible and bringing awareness is always positive, but the impact Chico could have is questionable,

It would be cool to find him, but it’s none of our business right now.

JOSEPH BERTOLDI junior business administration major

Gantt said. The screening will foster a sense of community, which is good as long as people actually care, he said. People will post on Facebook to act like they care without acting on any of it. “Kony 2012” will not make a difference, because it is not just in the Congo nor just Kony, said Joseph Bertoldi, a junior business

administration major. He will not be attending the screening. “We are about to be in a conflict with Iran and Israel, and there is about to be a presidential election,” Bertoldi said. “I think there’s more important matters. It would be cool to find him, but it’s none of our business right now.” No stranger to Invisible Children, James Gibbs, a sophomore music industry and technology major, has been involved with the organization since its first documentary tour for the film Rough Cut, he said. Invisible Children helps by educating the Western world, because few were aware of the Ugandan conflict or knew who Kony was, he said. “Kony 2012” going viral and the screening and discussion of the video at Chico State are going to have a great impact, Gibbs said. People still need to educate themselves

more, because few college students know the gravity of the atrocities in Africa and many people get false information about the organization online. A lot of the criticism is based on inaccuracies, he said. There is one statistic that states 30 percent of Invisible Children’s money goes toward aid and 70 percent goes toward administration, but that is inaccurate. In 2011, the organization spent 80.46 percent on programs that further its threefold mission, according to Invisible Children’s latest statement on its website. Also, 16.24 percent was spent on administration and management costs, and 3.22 percent was spent on direct fundraising. Natalie Eucce can be reached at

Robert Tinkler, a faculty member in the history department, gave a lecture on the Civil War titled, “Lincoln’s Loyalists — Dissenters in the Confederacy” Wednesday evening. Read about the lecture Thursday at

A4 |


POLICE BLOTTER Information cited directly from Chico Police Department and University Police. Chico Police Department

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Facilities fees

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University Police

Thursday, 5:17 p.m.: Domestic Thursday, 11 a.m.: Medical aid dispute reported on Boucher Street. reported at the Marketplace Cafe. “No weapons. Male is feeling “Fainting victim. Medical is en route. paranoid, stating that they are Victim is up and talking — located planting pennies around the house in the break room. No injury to the and that means they think he is a person involved. Going home with pervert. Subject is out friend.” front throwing wood. The male is very Thursday, 12:27 paranoid. He made p.m.: Narcotics arrangements to have violation reported Male is feeling paranoid, at the amphitheater. a friend assist him.” “Juveniles involved. stating that they are Thursday, 6:21 p.m.: group in planting pennies around Contacting Assault/battery the amphitheater. the house and that reported at One Mile Adult male, juveniles Recreation Area. means they think he is a moved along.” “Reporting party was pervert. jogging through the Friday, 12:37 a.m.: park, was assaulted Suspicious subject THURSDAY, 6:21 P.M. in the face by a group reported by Butte Chico police records of 15 to 20 male and Hall. “Resident female juveniles.” adviser reporting a male subject walking toward Butte Friday, 12:51 a.m.: Domestic Hall from dorms. Subject appears to violence reported on Nord Avenue. be very intoxicated and is having a “Reporting party advising that difficult time walking.” girlfriend just arrived and assaulted him. Female punched two holes in Friday, 1:09 p.m.: Medical aid — nonthe walls, punched him in the face alcohol reported on West First and and kicked him. Refusing to leave Ivy streets. “Male face down on the unless he calls the police. Female sidewalk. Medical en route. Chico Fire half upset over him breaking up with at scene. Subject being transported, her. Very intoxicated.” confirmed subject with previous history.” Friday, 9:26 a.m.: Refusing to leave reported on the 1100 block of East Saturday, 3:21 a.m.: Report of threats Eighth Street. “Female in wheelchair made at Whitney Hall bicycle racks. blocking the driveway and refusing “Resident adviser was threatened to move. Has small child in her lap. by group of males. Resident adviser May be trying to oppose current could not provide any details. It was construction project. She is creating requested that tenant/victim contact a hazard.” UPD.”

“ “

Saturday, 11:18 a.m.: Vandalism reported on the 100 block of Rio Lindo Avenue. “Ongoing issue, occurring two or three times per week. Subject scatters nails in the parking lot. Also silver graffiti on the business sign. Reporting party suspects the father of her son but no proof.”

Saturday, 4:30 p.m.: Verbal disturbance at Shasta Hall. “First, second or third room from the right, guys yelling across the field at high school game in progress, parent attending the game responded to handle, gained entry into the building, possible pending altercation.” -Compiled by August Walsh, Dan Reidel

*Chico Stateedepa departments **Non-state ments **No te funded, fun d selfself funded by CSU Operating Fund supp supporting entities

*** Professional P ssiona andd community organizations comm SOURCE : CSUCHICO.EDU


FACILITIES FEES Chico State crafted a policy that sets fees for use of campus facilities. The California State University Chancellor’s Office ordered campus presidents to recoup costs of facilities.

FEES: A.S. asks for testimonies continued from A1

we own our BMU,” she said. Students at Long Beach State are not charged for campus facilities use, except for specific facilities like athletic fields and dance studios, which have lower hourly fees for students than for off-campus groups, according to a document provided by Mary Stephens, vice president for administration and finance at Long Beach State. Rental fees for space have risen, but that has more to do with the budget cuts that all CSUs are facing than the executive orders, Stephens said. “We get pretty protective of the time and place for our students,” she said. Long Beach State has not raised any fees for students regarding facilities use, Stephens said. Sacramento State, San Francisco State, Sonoma State and Cal State Northridge could not be reached for comment on facilities fees by press time. Budget cuts at Chico State have led to a decrease in activities, and the cost for room reservations could mean student groups will schedule fewer events, MacDougall said. The Japanese Animation Club is one organization that has been affected by

One piece that’s a little bit different is that we own our BMU.

NICOLE MACDOUGALL Associated Students director of university affairs

the facilities fees. The club has slimmed down Mini Con, an annual event with art contests, video game tournaments, a Magic: The Gathering tournament and costume contests, said Frank Roberts, the club’s president and a senior math major. The club didn’t schedule Friday movie nights this semester because of the fees. The club runs on a minimal budget, Roberts said, and the Event Funding Allocation Council funds Mini Con. This year, $1,414 out of $1,569 from EFAC went to paying facility fees for Mini Con, which will be held April 21, he said. The club had seven rooms for last year’s Mini Con, and did not have to pay for use of campus facilities. The event is down to five rooms this year. Administrators are working with A.S. to educate

students about the fees. Lorraine Hoffman, vice president for business and finance, is working with A.S. President London Long to create a FAQ sheet about the fees. Hoffman could not be reached by press time Tuesday. Chico State President Paul Zingg will address the university community about matters regarding facilities in a message that will include a FAQ attachment, he said in an email to The Orion. Students can voice their displeasure with the fees at the board of directors meetings held at 3 p.m. Fridays in BMU Room 209, MacDougall said. She asked that groups email the Government Affairs Committee with testimonies of their problems with the fees. “If they’re not able to hold events and there’s no record of it, then we’re not able to track how much student groups are being affected by this,” MacDougall said. Academic Senate meetings, where students can “Ask an Administrator,” are also venues for concerns to be voiced, Long said. It is important that students and administrators work together for a compromise, she said. The Orion can be reached at

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The baseball team recorded their first conference sweep this weekend Story online at


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Stay on your feet Overqualified With a flurry of the hand, millions of self-proclaimed college basketball gurus are filling out their March Madness brackets to the tune of Queen’s “We Are the Champions.” I won’t claim to be a March Madness know-it-all, but my dad and I joined the millions of fans who filled out brackets in hopes of winning a few measly bucks. But this year I had a different view of the teams I was choosing for my brackets. The NCAA recently created a qualifying standard that calculates the graduation rates and success of freshmen in the programs and was put into effect in 2004 to improve the graduation rate of college athletes. This random thought came into my mind when I was filling out brackets, because I was wondering if some teams wouldn’t even be seeded if they didn’t reach the minimum 40 percent graduation rate required by the NCAA. I can assume Harvard University met the requirement even though its team hasn’t always been a basketball powerhouse, but I’m not sure the same can be said for the reigning champs, University of Connecticut. Not that the GPAs or graduation rate of your favorite March Madness team even matters, but what does matter is how the team members are representing their school. We are fortunate here at Chico State to be represented so well by our very own NCAA tournament teams. The Chico State men’s and women’s basketball teams’ seasons ended over the weekend, but the teams represent more than just a dominating athletic department. The men’s basketball team won its first NCAA tournament game since 1958 before falling in the second round of the West Region, and while the players hold bragging rights to the best season in the program’s history, they won’t stop talking about the core group of guys they will remember forever. In the many interviews I’ve held in my time at The Orion, I don’t think I’ve heard players talk so passionately about the university and the program they represent. Senior Jay Flores takes more pride in his Capital One Academic All-West Region first team honors than in his First Team All-West Region accolades, and junior guard Damario Sims told me once that the way the team represents the Chico community is an honor. When I asked men’s basketball team head coach Greg Clink about the recent success the common theme is his postgame interviews is about the group of guys on the hardwood and the heart they pour into their sport. There isn’t a doubt in my mind that Chico State athletics would qualify for any NCAA tournament, no matter the GPA or academic standard. If Chico State didn’t have enough teams qualifying for NCAA tournaments based on their skill level, someone should fax over the never ending list of academic honors. Those are just the kind of people I have come to know at Chico State. I think Queen should be singing in the background of all of our highlight reels. Allie Colosky can be reached at

Chico State’s silent leader eader shows

in Andrew Delgado ASST. SPORTS EDITOR


ports open doors to new experiences and connections with others. For senior Sam Quadt softball became the catalyst for attending a university after high school. Since entering the program in 2008, Quadt has emerged as a prominent weapon for the Wildcats. The outfielder has recorded 11 multi-hit games this season and a .474 batting average, the secondhighest in the California Collegiate Athletic Association. She is also tied for third in the CCAA in hits with 37. Quadt will not gloat about her accomplishments, however, as she is a silent leader on the field, said Hailey Stockman, Quadt’s roommate and a senior catcher. “Her determination for the game is shown through her play,” Stockman said. “The sophomores and freshmen see that and play off of her.” Quadt was at the field as a baby to watch her father, John Quadt, as he played competitive softball. Being around the diamond and hearing the cheers are things she has done since before she could walk. She never missed any of her father’s games, John Quadt said. “She would come out and shag balls and take a few swings before a game,” he said. Sam Quadt grew up in Burlingame with two older brothers who didn’t make her childhood easy. “I pretty much was a tomboy my entire life,” she said. “Growing up with two older brothers, they didn’t let me get away with a lot of things, and that definitely made me a stronger and tougher individual, physically and mentally.” They roughed her up as older brothers do, John Quadt said, but she was able to learn from them as they too played baseball and she would often practice with them. After years of competitive softball leagues and different teams, Sam Quadt was content with hanging up her cleats after her high school years, she said. Not every team has cohesiveness, and she didn’t connect

Andrew Delgado can be reached at


TENURE Senior outfielder Sam Quadt leads the Chico State softball team as one of five fourth-year seniors on the Wildcats roster. The Burlingame native is batting .474 with 24 RBIs in 78 at bats so far this season.

Chico State athletes prove resilient to injuries Alyson Nagel Carly Caumiant THE ORION

With the amount of sports injuries in modern athletics, college athletes know the inside of a training room all too well, and are too familiar with the sideline. At Chico State, riding the bench or heading to the training room has inspired athletes to train even harder. J.P Smith, a sophomore track and field decathlete, dislocated his right shoulder while pole-vaulting last spring. Smith then experienced six months of limited recovery and 18 months of full recovery for range and motion. He missed an entire season and now regrets the time lost as a competing athlete, he said. Once back on the track after the accident, Smith was not yet ready to compete with his teammates. “Mentally it was hard to train with them, so I took the rest of the year off,” Smith said. “That’s probably what my greatest regret is.” Smith had to undergo extensive physical therapy and surgery after the injury. These health obstacles caused him to recognize the importance of pregame preparation, he said. “I used to be the type of athlete where I would

j[ ock ] talk What are you looking forward to over spring break?”

with the squads. A four-year university wasn’t something Quadt really thought about, and she thought she would probably put her bat away and attend junior college. “If I wasn’t going to get picked up at a college it was a sign that what I had done was kind of over and lasted as long as it could,” she said. “But I’m glad it didn’t stop, thank God.” Quadt was recruited by San Francisco State and Chico State, but she didn’t have a great first impression of the coaches at her first practice as a Wildcat. “I was a nervous wreck,” she said. “I was the freshman that was always late because my alarm didn’t go off.” Quadt showed up a half-hour late for her first practice. She hadn’t passed the summer agility test that was required to practice, but she was able to pass that day and join the team. “People on the team to this day talk about how funny it was that I showed up a half-hour late to the first practice and passed,” she said. Once her time on the Chico State softball team becomes a memory, Quadt hopes to plan parties for celebrities. “I know it might be unrealistic, but I am hoping so much for it,” Quadt said. “I just want to be really well-known.”

just put my shoes on and start doing it,” Smith said. “Now I need the entire 30 minutes to warm up in the training room.” His father’s love of track and field helped to inspire Smith’s passion for being a multi-event athlete, he said. His own excitement for the events didn’t spark until after the dislocation of his shoulder, however. “I only get to be this young once,” Smith said. “I think athletics make people healthier, mentally and physically.” Rashad Parker, a sophomore guard on the men’s basketball team, tore his right ACL in the second week of his freshman year. Parker was new to Chico and eager to try new things but became discouraged after the injury. He was unable to practice for a full year, but his spirits were lifted when he started physical therapy at the training center on campus. “The training staff here is really good,” Parker said. “They got me on the right track.” Although his injuries were severe, Parker’s passionate flame did not flicker. “Injuries are just part of the game,” he said. “Sooner or later everybody gets injured. It didn’t make me look down on basketball.” Sarah Hockensmith, a junior track and field heptathlete, ruptured her Achilles tendon during

“I’m looking forward to relaxing, because school has been stressful.”

an inner-squad 150-meter race at Chico State. After being in a wheelchair for three months she is now able to redshirt this season. Chico State’s training center has been helpful during Hockensmith’s slow recovery, she said. “Scott Barker, the athletic trainer, has been there every step of the way aiding my recovery and has made this injury a lot easier both emotionally and physically,” Hockensmith said. Even though Hockensmith is aware of the changes she will have to endure for day-to-day life, she keeps an optimistic outlook on the situation, she said. “It is hard not being able to do the things I love at the moment,” she said. “It is going to be hard to get back to where I used to be as a college athlete, but every baby step in rehab I attain only grows my desire to get back to the track.” The harder training is worth the struggle when she can prove to her passion to her peers through her progress, Hockensmith said. “I could go from being a girl in a wheelchair unable to walk to being the girl that worked and succeeded to my full potential in my athletic career.” The Orion can be reached at

“Having a break from morning practices and being able to sleep in.”

“Looking forward to no homework and practice during the week for our weekend games.”

Alex Isley

Rachel Failla

Matthew McBride

senior | track and field

senior | softball

senior | rowing team

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Wildcat hurdler gives teammates jump start MORALE BOOSTER Chico State hurdler Aimee Rodgers has been the spark in morale for the women’s track and field team. Rodgers qualified for the National Collegiate Athletic Association championships in the 100-meter hurdles in 2011 and was the California Collegiate Athletic Association runner-up in the 100-meter hurdles.

Orion staff THE ORION

WILDCAT off the


Ben Manlove ba seball Junior catcher Ben Manlove took batting to another level over the weekend in the Wildcats’ four-game series sweep. Manlove recorded four doubles and a triple, sent four runners home and scored seven times himself for a weekend batting average of .600. For complete coverage of the ’Cats’ weekend, visit

Wildcat of the Week is a regular feature meant to acknowledge the contributions made by individuals to the team. Winners are chosen by The Orion sports staff from nominations taken from all sports. To nominate:


1 (SOFTBALL) The amount of hits senior pitcher Sam Baker gave up in the first game against Sonoma State over the weekend in a 1-0 win that went into extra innings. Baker won the outing in the ninth inning, and the Wildcats went on to win three of the four games of the series.

The moments before a race can be tough and full of tension, but the Chico State track and field hurdles team has their own rituals to relieve the pregame butterflies. The smile of junior Aimee Rodgers leads the group in relieving any tension before or after a meet, her teammates said. “She’s really crazy, always giggling,” said Emily Denton, a freshman hurdler and Rodgers’ teammate. “She walks around giggling no matter how hard the workout is.” Rodgers always somehow lifts her teammates up, said Hakeem Dyson, a redshirted freshman hurdler. Rodgers’ bubbly, energetic personality keeps her teammates motivated, Dyson said, “even though we might be dead tired and all want to quit.” Rodgers’ personality has been an inspiration to her teammates to continue through tough moments, she said. “Before all the races we tell funny stories to make each other laugh,” Denton said, “and we scream together to get all our nerves out so we’re not thinking about racing no more.” Born and raised in Oakley, Rodgers began running track in the seventh grade but began hurdles at Freedom High School. One of the reasons she joined the sport is because her mother did it in high school, she said. It was also something new for her to do as she transitioned from gymnastics. Rodgers won her league in high school, made it to the state competition in her senior year and holds a few school records. Her performance in high school earned her a scholarship to Chico State. “I want to break the school record, and I’d like to win conference in the next two years that I’m here,” Rodgers said. “Maybe even win conference in the 100 hurdles next year.” While the business


administration major admits to being unsure about what to do for a career, it will be something within business and marketing, she said. Rodgers doesn’t plan to continue with track after college, but she is going to enjoy doing it in the time she has left at Chico State, she said. The running, competition and ability to stay in shape are some of the reasons she likes the sport, but her teammates stand out even more. “They’re all very supportive and we’re funny,”

The Orion can be reached at

Education history courses at Chico Junior High School. STAFF WRITER She owes the good fortune of being able to coach at Chico State to It is often said that those who the relationships she forged can’t do, teach. But for Beth Burwhile coaching at Pleasant ton, the track and field team’s Valley High School, she said. throws coach, teaching is the “I had a relationship with result of her avid success. the coaches here, because I Burton’s fascination with She wants would bring my athletes to throwing began in middle meets and stuff,” Burton said. school, and she threw hard and the best “I was working at a summer long enough that it eventually out of us. camp with the head coach earned her enough recogniShe helps Kirk Freitas’ son Jason, and tion to receive a scholarship to he saw how I worked with the attend Cal State Northridge. a lot with “I threw in junior high,” Burthe way she kids and he offered me a job.” Burton likes to have ton said. “It was something else coaches us friendly relationships with to do in the spring. I continon our form the athletes she coaches, ued to throw all four years in she said. They are open relahigh school.” and our Burton attended Warren High technique. tionships in which she can listen to them and give them School in Downey, and she still guidance. holds the school records in Derek Nichols, a sophshot put and discus. While at omore thrower and civil Cal State Northridge, Burton engineering major, has a earned All-American honors DALLAS WILSON good relationship with Burthree years in a row. freshman thrower ton, he said. Upon graduation, Burton “It’s very friendly and moved to Chico to pursue a masrelaxed,” he said. ter’s degree in anthropology but The group of throwers is tight-knit, soon realized it was not meant to be. “After a few weeks I realized that it and Burton’s coaching style makes her wasn’t for me,” Burton said. “I quickly good at what she does, said Dallas Wilgot into the teaching credential program, son, a freshman thrower. “She wants the best out of us,” Wiland I’ve been teaching ever since.” Burton has dedicated her life to son said. “She helps a lot with the teaching both inside and outside of the way she coaches us on our form and classroom. She teaches a course called our technique.” AVID, or Advancement Via Individual Determination, at Pleasant Valley The Orion can be reached at High School and Gifted And Talented Adam Levine


The number of top-10 finishes the men’s track and field team recorded in the 3k at the Aggie Open hosted by UC Davis. Sophomore Isaac Chavez finished with a winning time of 8:20:36.



Total runs the baseball team scored this weekend en route to a series sweep against Academy of Art University, which managed only 13 runs. The Wildcats open a fourgame series against Cal State Monterey Bay at 6 p.m. Friday at home.

s t r o sh Recap

“She is one who clearly defines her goals and works to accomplish them,” Irving said. Outside practice, Rodgers and her teammates enjoy having lunch together at Sutter Dining on Fridays and going out for breakfast on Saturdays. And when the team travels for competition, Rodgers “brings all the great movies,” Denton said.

Experience, lax coaching style knits Wildcat throwers together


o St of Chic

Rodgers said. “They can turn my day around.” Rodgers’ hurdling coach Steve Irving considers her the ideal teammate, he said. “She’s very supportive of her teammates,” hurdles coach Steve Irving said. “She picks them up and is there when they need her.” Rodgers’ talents could make her one of the top10 hurdlers in the country in Division II, Irving said. Through her progression and hard work, he could even see her as an All-American.

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EASY DOES IT Chico State track and field throwing coach Beth Burton’s relaxed and caring coaching style has made her a key component in the Wildcats’ system, freshman thrower Dallas Wilson said. Burton has used her personal experience to teach the ’Cats.

The men’s lacrosse team improved to a 2-2 overall record, with a 11-7 loss to Sonoma State on Saturday and a 14-8 win against the University of Minnesota Sunday. source: The Orion FILE PHOTO • FRANK REBELO

The softball team won three of the four games against Sonoma State this weekend. The cat’s have an 18-5 overall record with a 12-4 record in the California Collegiate Athletic Association. source: The Orion THE ORION • BRETT EDWARDS

The baseball team recorded their first conference sweep after beating Academy of the Arts at home over the weekend. source: The Orion THE ORION • ANNIE PAIGE

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Award-winning author Yiyun Li shares excerpts from her latest book. Story online at

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EVERYBODY DANCE NOW The African Diaspora Club takes over Trinity Commons Wednesday and invites the audience to not only watch but also participate in the mid-day performance.

Strong beats from skin drums pulsated with the movements of the dancers dressed in colorful wraps as Trinity Commons was taken over by the African Diaspora Club’s cultural dance event Wednesday. The first crowd of dancers was made up of mostly females, but Jeanne Christopherson, who was leading the dancing, convinced some male onlookers to join in on the fun. Christopherson is a faculty member in the kinesiology department and teaches “African and AfroCaribbean Dance.” The club developed as a way for students who couldn’t take the course to remain involved in the dancing, Christopherson said. Although the style of dance is open to influences from all over the world, the club focuses on dance styles from Cuba, Brazil, Haiti,

community, she said. She has taken classes with Christopherson and has enjoyed what the club has to offer. Diaspora refers to the dispersions of people with common cultural roots, said William Dantona, program director at the ALCI. Students of different cultures are drawn to this sort of music, he said. They can hear pieces of their own cultural traditions in the music. “We want the students to have purposeful engagement in the community,” Dantona said.

Jen Moreno can be reached at

We want the students to have purposeful engagement in the community.


Paige Fuentes can be reached at



Funny man visits Chico

Silence no longer golden Kayla Wohlford STAFF WRITER


Fans of “Full House” take heed. America’s comedic uncle is coming to visit. Dave Coulier, best known for his role as Joey Gladstone on the ABC sitcom, will be stopping in Chico to perform his stand-up. Coulier started in stand-up at 18 and has now been perfecting his craft for 33 years, he said in a telephone interview. His act includes voices, impressions and even some harmonica playing. “If you work clean, you work anywhere,” he said. “I never thought that adding four-letter words would make me funnier.” Coulier is looking MORE forward to his fi rst ON DAVE performance in COULIER Chico, he said. The bonus of performing Where: El Rey in a college town Theatre is that most of the students grew up When: 8 p.m. watching him on TV, Thursday so there’s already a built-in audience. Cost: $20 advance or $25 “Full House” was at the door a show everyone would watch after school, said Katia Palacios, a senior art major. Jessica Beckford, a senior social work major, is unable to attend the


CUT IT OUT Known for his wholesome voices and impressions, Dave Coulier keeps his comedy clean. performance but would have liked to have heard about it sooner, she said. The Joey Gladstone character always seemed like an excellent father figure. Opening the show is Northern California comedian Aaron Prinz. Originally from Red Bluff and now in San Francisco, Prinz has been a comic for four years. Aware of Coulier’s cleaner comedic styling, Prinz and other comedians performing cleaned up their acts for Thursday’s performance, Prinz said. “I think there’s a bigger market for that than there is for the more crude humor type stuff,” Prinz said. “This is a show you can come to, just laugh and have a good time.” Jen Moreno can be reached at

The fight for equality is a campaign that one aspiring activist has undertaken through film. “Out in the Silence” is a powerful documentary that illustrates the ongoing struggles LGBTQ communities face in small towns. Showing the film in Chico could help or inspire someone too scared to come out, Chico State Pride director Katie Garland said. “The LGBT community in Chico is strong, and I will consider the event a success if even one person feels more confident and safe afterwards,” Garland said. The film screening will bring more awareness to the LGBTQ community, said Ange Bledsoe-Briggs, program coordinator for the Chico Stonewall Alliance Center. The movie showcases director Joe Wilson and his partner Dean Hamer as they publish their wedding announcement in a newspaper in Wilson’s hometown, Oil City, Pa. The announcement causes a serious disturbance and negative response from community members. “People can see these

Bridging a Jeneration

Kayla Wohlford can be reached at

Diaspora club boogies

Trinidad and Africa. As the drums sped up, the dancers followed suit, and as the dancers slowed down so did the drums. The dancers fed off the music’s energy. Bruno Faria, the club’s president, is originally from Brazil and has helped the club become open to all students, he said. Faria participated in the American Language and Culture Institute at Chico State and was looking for a way to get involved in the different communities on campus. “We are trying to organize events on and off campus for the entire community,” Faria said. Robin Blue, a Chico resident, is an active member of the African Diaspora Club and is involved with other dance groups in the


experiences, and it will give them a different perspective,” Bledsoe-Briggs said. The film shows both sides of the battle, as Wilson and Hamer speak with a wide variety of community members including supporters, non-supporters and anti-gay activists. The movie shows the changes that can occur over “OUT IN THE time as SILENCE” the battle SCREENING to promote and Where: The expand Pageant Theatre equality is carried When: 6:30 out. “I think p.m. March 25 it’s a more Cost: Free powerful film, because it’s a more personal story,” said Kimberly Edmonds, director of the Gender and Sexuality Equity Center. “It’s directly from someone’s life experience.” Wilson will be in attendance for a Q-and-A session after the award-winning film. “I’m hoping to get a really broad audience,” BledsoeBriggs said. “We welcome everyone.”


Jen Moreno

The silent treatment When most reminisce about the first few decades of the 1900s, an image of a European, dark-haired man with a funny mustache comes to mind. No, not that one. The other one. The one that came to America from London and swept everyone off their feet with his comedic styling and unforgettable character – Charlie Chaplin. Baggy trousers, fitted coat, suspenders, derby hat, cane and mustache all came together to create the little tramp, Chaplin’s widely recognized and incredibly successful silent film character. While Chaplin may not have been the only successful actor during the silent film era, he is definitely one of the most remembered. Silent films were prevalent from the late 1800s up until the 1920s. Narration was sometimes crucial during playback to audiences to explain what was going on in the scene. Less of that became necessary with the use of intertitles, the dialogue or description text used between scenes to allow audiences to follow along. Silent films may seem like an easier alternative to memorizing a script. However, they actually required more from the actors because they had to get their messages and actions across without the use of words. Facial expressions and body language were all they had. Nowadays, production companies rely on witty writers to come up with creative and moving dialogue. Any lines from “Jerry Maguire” such as, “You had me at hello,” “You complete me,” “Show MORE ON me the SILENT FILMS money,” or even Scan the QR “Here’s code below looking at or go to www. you, kid” from “Cas- arts/ to read about the first ablanca” Silent Film wouldn’t have held Festival or to watch my very the same own attempt at weight a silent film. on an intertitle. Lines like that stay with you long after the movie is over, but few remember who said them or what the characters looked like. You take the characters of silent films with you, not the picturesque lingo a writer spent hours rewriting and perfecting. From Chaplin’s thick, stringy mustache and unruly hair to Lillian Gish’s bright, blue eyes and thin, pursed lips, images like these will stay long after the credits have rolled and the popcorn has grown stale.


Paige Fuentes



VIRAL VIDEOS >> speaking

“Closing time, you don’t have to go home, but you can’t stay here.” Semisonic “Closing Time” 1998

“Kony 2012” YouTube

“I Like To Dance” YouTube

This man went from unknown to many to all over everyone’s Facebook feeds in a matter of days.

Just two more days until spring break. You’ve made it this far and survived. Time for a dance break.

MORE ON KONY Turn to B7 to read this week’s editorial on the “Kony 2012” video

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Reader-friendly, reversible placemats Nicole Walker STAFF WRITER

Each week, a DIY art ote: project will be featured Editor’s Nwith a step-by-step guide.

ed: d e e n s l Materia • • • • • • •

cardboard scissors glue recycled newspapers or magazines aluminum foil duct tape clear shipping tape

Most college students don’t have the time or money to get too fancy, but with a good idea, some household supplies and a lot of tape, fancy takes on a new meaning. Placemats are used as both decoration and surface protection. Those uses are not always compelling enough for students to want to spend already limited funds, but they do add a homey feeling to a college pad. Instead of spending money, take the piles of newspapers and magazines lying around and give placemats a new spin with some reading material, cool art or fun quotes to add an original twist to the traditional idea.

With reversible sides to match any occasion, you’ll save money and look classy while showing off your placemats to company. Just like that, you’ll have placemats that double as reading material and table protection. Nicole Walker can be reached at



Cut the cardboard into a 13-by-19-inch or 12-by-16-inch rectangle, depending on size of your table


Cut out clippings from magazines or newspapers


Glue the clippings onto one side of the cardboard in any way you choose


Glue the foil or more clippings to the back of the cardboard for a twosided effect.


Take the clear shipping tape and tape over both sides of the cardboard to create a laminated look and feel.


Take decorative or colored duct tape and line the edges to polish off the placemat. You now have a tasteful placemat for your home away from home.


Life of hip-hop questioned as musical stylings evolve New artists flatline industry Angel Huracha STAFF WRITER

True hip-hop born out of creative social commentary is dead. Hip-hop is no longer the avant-garde or the groundbreaker it used to be for modern pop music. What it once stood for is now buried beneath faulty lyrics and repetitive beats. It is now a genre that lacks creativity and needs to walk into Jamba Juice for an energy boost. Recording executives are now more interested in turning a quick dollar than nurturing rap culture, and this is leading hip-hop toward its demise. The classic stylings of hip-hop are no longer residing in the mainstream. What used to be exciting, groundbreaking music seems to have been reduced to pointless one-note records. There are only so many songs a rapper can create with sex, violence and jewelry as themes. Also, do not make me listen to you rapping about your countless hoes and then flip a 180 and tell me you are just looking for love. That formula has pretty much run its course. Gone are the days when you hear the elegance of Peter Rock & CL Smooth’s “They Reminisce Over You (T.R.O.Y.)” or paint a solid image of real life

scenarios like the Notorious B.I.G. did about hustling in “10 Crack Commandments.” Even glorifying money and drugs seemed to be done more gracefully back in the day in Wu-Tang Clan’s true-crime confessional “C.R.E.A.M.” The death of hip-hop can be derived from the genre having no aspects of its original design and craftwork in the current mainstream hip-hop world. Head to iTunes, click on the hip-hop tab and take a look at the selection of top-10 hip-hop records taking over the airwaves. Leading the pack is Nicki Minaj’s “Starships,” a record that sounds like something that plays over the intercom at Six Flags as I patiently wait for a funnel cake and frozen lemonade. Through the pack you’ll see Flo Rida’s “Sugar” and J. Cole’s “Work Out,” both songs by artists who have “borrowed” lyrics from other artists and thrown them into their own songs to pretend as if they are original. Has hip-hop gotten so bad you have to steal from Paula Abdul’s 1980s song “Straight Up”? Nowadays, hip-hop consists of cars I can’t afford, money I can’t spend and bottles I’d rather save for a special occasion. The question is, can and will hip-hop ever get back to its truest and most appealing form? Angel Huracha can be reached at


Hip-hop checks musical heart rate, continues beating Devan Homis STAFF WRITER

Hip-hop will never die. Hip-hop serves an artistic purpose for its fans. It’s more than just a beat to bob your head to. It’s about the creativity of meaningful lyrics. Lyrics that speak to people and have messages need to be heard. Whether the message is about dealing with personal life struggles and conquering in the face of adversity or pointing out the injustices that happen to people throughout the world, hip-hop always has something to say. “I start thinking how many souls hip-hop has affected, how many dead folks this art resurrected,” hip-hop artist Common said in his song, “The 6th Sense.” Hip-hop emcees aren’t just music artists and producers. They are in every way philosophical vessels for expansion of the mind. It is a music genre that opens the heart and can ignite a flame in a person’s mind to fulfill their life and even cause them to take action in a specific cause or belief. Just because the mainstream media doesn’t focus on hip-hop as much as it used to does not mean hip-hop is dead. Its fan base continues to grow, especially in the world of underground hip-hop.

Art pieces displayed for enjoyment, profit

DIVERSITY WELCOME The Diversity Art Show has a vast selection of art pieces on display and for sale.

Juan Mejia

Renowned artists like Atmosphere, Wu-Tang Clan, Hieroglyphics, Brother Ali and Living Legends are generating a community of millions of fans from coast to coast and everywhere in between. Rather than dividing, the common interest and love for hip-hop gives fans pride in uniting together to sustain a beautifully creative art form. Hip-hop artists can express themselves better than those of any other music genre, said Justin Joh, a freshman business administration major. “I love the beats but most importantly the lyrics that artists come up with,” Joh said. Hip-hop has helped me through all of my struggles throughout my life. Like Joh, if I did not have hip-hop to get me through the rough times, I probably wouldn’t be where I am today. As Del the Funky Homosapien said, “Rap is about fluency with rhyming ingenuity.” Not only does hip-hop help me through the times of hardship but, most of all, it amplifies the enjoyment of my success. It’s a genre of music that will never die, for us “hip-hop heads” are supporters of a music genre created from the three greatest things in life—the heart, mind and soul. Devan Homis can be reached at

Professor shares women’s short stories from Cuba Angel Huracha



A mix of wallpaper and art decorate the passageways of the Kendall Hall rotunda. The fourth annual Diversity Art Show is dedicated to embracing cultural and artistic diversity by compiling entries from Chico State students and community members. Photos, acrylic paintings, sculptures, quilts and stylized skateboards hang from the walls that lead into and around the spiraling staircase. The goal of diversity is to MORE ON THE get people to show everything, said Josh Whittinghill, DIVERSITY a professor of multicultural ART SHOW and gender studies. All art will be There are about 26 paron display at ticipants and more than 65 no cost in Kenpieces of art for sale. dall Hall until Seventy percent of profits March 29. from purchased artwork go to the artist and 30 percent go into a diversity fund for scholarships and keeping the show alive, Whittinghill said. Thursday’s reception provided patrons with a chance to meet some of the artists and the opportunity to snag up any piece they wanted. Shyna Deepak, a sophomore art major, heard about the show and wanted to add her own

If Sara Cooper had any more on her plate, she would probably be in need of some Tupperware. On top of teaching Spanish and multicultural and gender studies at Chico State, Cooper is helping to bridge the gap between MORE ON two nations “DISCONNECT/ with a tumultuDESENCUENTRO” ous past. Only 90 miles Where: Crossof water sepaCultural rate Cuba and Leadership Center the United States. Over the When: 3 p.m. Thursday past 52 years, the U.S. has Cost: Free had a bumpy restriction in place against Cuba that limits trade and restricts American travel there. Cooper’s nonprofit press, Cubanabooks, is on the verge of its second anniversary and focuses primarily on publishing Cuban women authors. Cooper launched the press in May 2010 and has just released its latest publication, “Disconnect/Desencuentro” by Cuban author Nancy Alonso. In the book, Alonso mixes fictional characters with her personal experiences and the repression that still exists in the 21st century toward women, said Claudia Ortiz, a senior Spanish major. Alonso is fearless when it comes to the variety of short stories in the book. Ranging from comedy to tragedy, she gives the reader a chance to journey into the story and explore the Cuban culture. Anne Fountain, a San Jose State professor, translated “Disconnect/ Desencuentro.”


pictures, she said. “I thought it would be a good way to get my art out there and have some experience being in an exhibit,” Deepak said. Many people unfamiliar with Chico don’t think there is a lot of diversity, so any show that showcases that is important, she said. About 40 patrons and artists attended the hourlong reception and took time to eye the art in its first week on display. Sandora Nishio, an artist whose art was featured in the Diversity Art Show, found inspiration in the energy flow through photosynthesis, she said. “Diversity is very important to me — human diversity and also biodiversity,” Nishio said. The reception ended and the live guitar serenade that soothed the room left, leaving behind pieces that mirror the diversity of styles and influences from their creators. Juan Mejia can be reached at

Read the online exclusives Online only Read about why superhero movies are a good thing, the first Silent Film Festival and a fiction reading by author Yiyun Li .

SILENCE IN THE COURT Friends of the Arts hosted the first Silent Film Festival to raise funds to keep Bidwell Mansion open.

“She takes up topics like gay and lesbian love that Cuban authors were previously reluctant to write about,” Fountain said in a telephone interview. Cuba has been a focus area for Cooper since she was an undergraduate. “You have all of these various, interesting elements coming together,” Cooper said. “The way gender roles have developed, you have much more complex players coming in from Cuba.” Cooper’s passion for literature written by Cuban women drives her to continue publishing these authors’ works, she said. It has never been about taking a political stance. It is about ensuring that authors have equal rights to expressing themselves. The books published by Cooper are allowing the women of Cuba to be heard, their stories told and the sociocultural landscape explored, said Krista Yamashita, a Chico State communication design graduate. Starting the press was not an easy task, Cooper said. Cooper has been teaching a few extra classes in order to provide funds for the publishing, but for her, it’s all worth it. “I’m so committed to listening and making room for voices of people who are marginalized, who are ignored yet who have something very interesting to say,” Cooper said. The event for the book’s release is open to the public and will begin with a brief introduction to Cuba. A video of the author reading an excerpt from the book will be followed by a translation. After the reading, a brief online Q-andA session will take place. Angel Huracha can be reached at


Students celebrate the Holi Festival with powder and Super Soakers Story online at



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Ben Mullin M



Mullin it over

Success K id: An ed ited pictu re of a tod this mem dler, e signifies petty ach ievement

capture campus Facebook page displays pop culture references, offbeat university spirit Stephanie Geske STAFF WRITER


hat began as a joke between friends has spawned more than 100 copycat pictures and more than 2,000 fans. The Chico State Memes Facebook page was started in February after Andrew Reyes, a freshman biochemistry major, saw how many other universities had pages, he said. He created a few memes himself and showed them to Andrew Knowles, a freshman business administration major, and “thus, the page was born.” Knowles said he promotes the page while Reyes is more of the brains. The page creates a “great camaraderie” in the student body, said Dan Wardwell, a senior communication design major and president of the comedy club. “I also think a lot of them are stupid as hell,” he said. “But what can you do? Memes and college kids go together like ham and rice.” Reyes was surprised by the popularity of the page and the demographics of the 2,173 people who have liked it, he said. Females from ages 18 to 24 account for 56 percent of the likes, with males 18 to 24 next at 38 percent. Besides contributing a few memes to the page, both Reyes and Knowles will comment on or “like” pictures to encourage

Business Cat: The most adorable meme, Business Cat portrays the workday feline.

people to post more, Reyes said. Most of the negativity they’ve received from the page hasn’t been directed to them but to others who have misused a meme or posted a bad joke. “Some people think it’s stu-pid humor,” Knowles said. d. “At that point you just ignore re it, because you know if they ey really hated it that much they ey wouldn’t ‘like’ the page.” Chico State Memes has only nly been around for a month, but u ut it’s not as popular as it wass at its peak, Knowles said. Hee also didn’t realize how fastt Facebook could spread thee word about the page. Shalene Mitchell, a junior recreation administration major, found the page through a friend when it had fewer than 100 “likes” and “liked” the page herself after seeing how funny the pictures were, she said. She had seen memes on sites like Tumblr but liked the ones that applied to Chico State students because they make fun of the things Chico State students nts do, say and feel every day on campus, she said. Memes are funny because they let anyone turn the specific joke into something that has the “chuckle factor,” Wardwell said, “or maybe it’s because our society has been plummeting further into a state of idiocracy. Hard to pinpoint.”

f id snap o u: A cand Sad Kean s. ve e e Keanu R




Boromir [Above]: A “Lord of the Rings” hero warns readers against foolhardy solutions. Lazy College Senior [left]: A student who’s graduating in a few weeks, the Lazy

Stephanie Geske can be reached at

College Senior has

no incentive to do





A meme is a pervasive thought or thought pattern that replicates itself via cultural means.

Funny caption, usually in “Impact” font, that does not have to relate to image subject.

Richard Dawkins introduced the original meme in the book “The Selfish Gene” in 1967. A meme was a unit of social imitation, something people repeat and pass along, Dawkins said. Memes can be concepts or behaviors.


Sources: meme.htm

Scan the QR code (right) with your smartphone.

Humorous subject in photo — cats optional but recommended.


A meme is short and easy to pass on. If it’s a phrase or word, it should be easy to pronounce. Memes need to be a complete idea or behavior. They should be easy to edit and apply to new situations.


Find a picture that says what you want to imply. Post your meme where it can get a lot of attention or views. Post it in relevant communities. Nothing will get you hate faster than a misused or unfunny meme.

Perception is virality There’s a lot to Chico State besides drinking, but you wouldn’t know it from our memes page. When you go to Facebook and search for “Chico State memes,” you’ll fi nd a student-managed page with student-generated content, with most of it pertaining to the student-generated perception that Chico State is a party school. On the page, there’s a picture of beautiful people dancing at a house party labeled, “What you think you look like when you’re partying.” Beneath that, there’s a picture of frazzled, zombie-like partygoers captioned, “What you actually look like.” There’s also a dualphoto meme that includes a picture of a woman sticking her tongue out captioned, “Fuck it, I’m young,” above a picture of a woman cradling her head in her hands, holding a pregnancy test. These are not situations that only happen at Chico State or even commonplace here, and they don’t represent what it’s really like to be a student here. I realize that Chico State’s positive qualities are hard to laugh at. It would be difficult to create a meme that pokes fun at our small class sizes, beautiful campus and welcoming community. But the parts of Chico State that we’re sharing S among ourselves are not a specific to our university, sp and they’re not why we a ccame here. The memes to the left and many of the memes a featured on the Chico fe State Memes page repreS sent se the many fun — and annoying — quirks our a ccampus has to offer. They’re relics of the petty T frustration, poverty and fr annoying stereotypes that a attend a college education a in Chico. Recently, my girlfriend gave me information about g some unsavory statistics so pertaining to UC Berkeley — namely the high crime rate, the astronomical student-to-instructor ratio and the lack of community between students. Professors with too few office hours are forced to accommodate hundreds of students. Sitting in a lecture hall with 500 other students is not education — it’s a glorified slideshow. And yet at Chico State, where students know each other, get one-on-one instruction from faculty and travel around town in relative safety, the thing we choose to emphasize is how much liquor we can — or can’t — keep down. The more we tell ourselves that Chico State is a party school, the more we’ll each believe it. It’s a self-fulfilling prophecy. But unlike most prophecies, this one can’t see past next weekend. Ben Mullin can be reached at

FASHION >> Spring forward “shek-o”

Compiled by Gina Calabrese

“I took the culture of “Shorts remind me

Ghana back to Chico

of summer.”

with me.”

Lizette Chaidez

Will Cayler

Michelle Beerli

freshman | social work

freshman | biology

senior | anthropology

“My dress just says ‘spring.’”

ONLINE EXCLUSIVE >> To take a look at CONNECT, an event that brought industry professionals to Chico State classrooms, scan the QR code below.

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Older ’Cats have different focus face SE X COLUMN>>

Lexi Brister S E X CO L U M N I S T

Sex ed: pick up tips and tricks Unless you’re a 20-something hermit, you know what it’s like to get rejected. The trick to being successful in any sexual endeavor is knowing what pickup technique to apply. Jokes, cheesy lines, fits of nervous laughter and drooling over someone are not going to get you laid — but I can. Every man on the planet needs to understand that if you come on too strong, you will crash and burn. In other words, if it’s too obvious that you’re interested, she will probably blow you off. There’s a fine line between flirty and creepy. And ladies, I know how tempting it can be to throw on a tight, little dress and sky-high heels to land that cutie from math class. But if you look easy he will assume that you are, and your personality won’t matter. You want to stand out but not as that guy who gives every woman in the room four hugs and not as that woman who looks like she could work a corner. Getting into someone’s pants is usually as easy as making them laugh. That doesn’t mean open with some lame joke that only you think is funny. Under no circumstances should the phrase “your mom” ever enter the conversation. Also remember that there are times when it’s appropriate to appear uninterested. As much as I hate to further stereotypes, particularly one regarding female behavior, I’ve found that many women enjoy working for attention. So if you’ve caught her eye by, say, manning the keg at a crowded party, fill up her cup first but don’t make eye contact until you hand it back to her. Another great way of meeting people without giving them too much attention is to “accidentally” bump into them, make eye contact when you apologize and then just walk away. You’ll see them again at some point later in the night, so when you do, start up a conversation about how clumsy you are and let the flirting begin. On that note, it’s important for every woman to understand that being coy is cute for a little while, but don’t play games. If you’re interested, don’t make him beg for your number. I’m not a fan of one-nightstands but I know they have their place in the world of college dating, so I think it’s also important to point out a few rules of etiquette. First of all, men and women alike have got to get it through their heads that if you proceed to carnal relations within hours of meeting someone, you can’t expect a commitment. The best way to handle that awkward next day is to laugh it off. No matter what actually happened, you can act as if it was a great time and go on living your life. If you do want to make a next-day phone call, wait until the following night and keep it non-committal. A quick “let’s get coffee Sunday” will tell you all you need to know. Please take note: If you get blown off, don’t keep trying. In most cases, “no” means “no,” and if that happens to be code for “try harder,” steer clear. The dating game does have rules, and anyone who speaks in code probably won’t play fair. Lexi Brister can be reached at

Gina Calabrese STAFF WRITER

After getting a divorce, dealing with an ex who totaled her car and working as a massage therapist for 25 years, Tasha Stover decided it was time to go to college. Stover, 47, is a pre-nursing major and single mother of three who has been taking college courses for the past five years. “I keep hitting bumps and getting pushed back, but I just get back on the horse and keep moving forward,” she said. Professors see that Stover is serious about her studies and have more respect for her because she’s not living on “mommy and daddy’s dime,” she said. It’s great if older students want to come back to learn more or start their education, said Amanda Tillman, an 18-yearold freshman physics major. They are working hard and taking the initiative to come back to college. Older students with families generally have extra motivation to perform well in school, said Susan Toussaint, director of the Associated Students Child Development Lab. “Their dedication to successfully completing their education so that they can ensure that they provide for their families is impressive,” she said. The majority balance school, work and parenting with grace, Toussaint said. One difficulty student-parents may face is the closing of the child development lab. If approved, the governor’s budget proposal will cut the funds for childcare on campus for the upcoming year, leaving student-parents without


GRADUATES Vincent Portillo and Bianca Murillo-Aguilar, two graduate students, work together in Meriam Library. Older students often have to juggle academics, childrearing and other responsibilities. difficult, she said. subsidized childcare “The pressures services, Toussaint CHICO STATE’S 30+ of life and being said. STUDENT POPULATION a single mom get Stover underin the way, but stands the Below 30: 14,038 I’m determined to importance of child30 to 34: 477 make it,” she said. care services on 35 to 59: 682 Older students campus, she said. 60+: 23 come to campus “It’s absolutely relthinking they evant and necessary Source: Office of Instituknow everything, for the education tional Research said Louis Gonof adults with chilzalez, a junior dren,” Stover said. Stover’s children are between art major. “One older guy I worked with the ages of 11 and 17 and don’t particularly like sharing their at summer orientation acted like mother with schoolwork and I would cater to him just because college students, she said. Sto- he was older,” Gonzalez said. When older students have ver has made many younger friends while attending Chico one-on-one conversations with State, and the majority of the professors during class and act students in her classes are very like no one else is there, they get annoying, he said. accepting of her, she said. However, being in a classThis semester is Stover’s fifth attempt at organic chemistry, room with older students is and even though she loves being less difficult than working with in college, it can be extremely them, Gonzales said.

Students with more life experience are generally more academically inclined and more likely to participate in group work than their younger counterparts, said Andy Lerner, 27, a liberal studies and natural sciences major and father of three. Lerner is taking 19 units this semester and has had trouble in the past getting his younger group-mates to participate in work, he said. “You’re less likely to get a weekend out of them,” Lerner said. Older students tend to be less focused on instant gratification, said Vincent Portillo, a 42-year-old English graduate student. “The Banshee’s going to be there in the summertime,” Portillo said. Gina Calabrese can be reached at

A.S. officers reveal rigor, stress of upcoming student campaign your body and use your body. The Orion: What challenges do you think Chico State still faces? Knutsen: The biggest challenge is always going to be space and providing affordability for students. I’m a student too, and we can’t afford any of this.


With elections a month away, Associated Students is waiting for prospective officers to file for candidacy. The Orion sat down with students in office to get impressions of their time served and expectaCAMPAIGN tions for the campaign.


Elyse Gutowski, a senior legal studies major, is the executive vice president of A.S.


ELECTED OFFICE [above] Kate Knutsen, vice president of facilities and services and a senior agricultural business major, sends emails at her desk in the BMU. [below] Taylor Sharp [right], prospective candidate and junior exercise physiology major, listens to A.S. Commissioner of Multicultural Affairs Chris Horton [left] summarize the details and duties of his office.

Kate Knutsen, a senior agricultural business major, 20 people ran The Orion: How currently serves as vice for A.S. office much did you spend on president of facilities and last year. your campaign? services. Gutowski: I spent $200 The Orion: What was 32 applications have on my campaign. It was election day like? been given to mostly because I made Knutsen: I didn’t sleep at prospective sandwich boards and wood all the night before. I didn’t candidates was expensive. eat anything, and I remem- this year. The Orion: What was ber having an 8 a.m. class election day like? and the elections start at Last year, Gutowski: Part of me, on 8 a.m. I was sitting there Chico State had election day, was nervous refreshing the page over and the secondbecause people can write over again and waiting for it highest voter their names in. Also, they to hit 8 because I want to be turnout behind Cal Poly San can write mean things on the first person to vote. Luis Obispo. there, so I was really afraid. The Orion: What type of The meanest thing anyone adversary did you face? Source: Ashley Knutsen: My opponent Holten-Westhaver, wrote was “anyone else.” The Orion: Any advice was very aggressive and A.S. elections for potential candidates? was the kind of opponent coordinator, and Gutowski: For my posithat would talk down to you The Orion tion, I would say you need to scare you. I didn’t handle to have a lot of patience and it very well. I was kind of a lot of flexibility with people. timid. The Orion: What do you still Taylor Sharp, a junior exercise want to accomplish? Knutsen: I would like to work physiology major, is running for the with the WREC to develop a program commissioner of multicultural affairs for an intro to exercise for students position. that haven’t been physically active. The Orion: Why are you If you never worked out in your life and you see someone lifting running? Sharp: Mostly I want to get weights, you can feel intimidated. A class you can learn more about involved. I want to put the cherry

on the top of my cake for college. The Orion: How do you feel about the upcoming elections? Sharp: Very excited. I’ve never run for a position before. We’ll see how it goes. Overall, besides wanting to make a difference on campus, it’s just a way for me to improve myself and public speaking skills.

into office what are you planning on doing? Sharp: Getting involved. I plan on coming in with full force, and I would like to build strong relationships with many clubs and organizations. I want to befriend them, not be their boss and demand things from them. The Orion can be reached at

The Orion: If you are elected

How it weird wouldtocollege have people be diffold erent enough if you to had bekids? your parents in class? WORD OF MOUTH >> Is “I think the “Under it’s BMU weird at because fi rst, because there’s one a computer time I hadlab.” an older guy that I thought was the professor, and I was like, what is he doing here?”

“No, Ilibrary “The think it’s because good I actually that anyone dogets my an work there unlike education, old or Whitney because young.” it’s really loud and I procrastinate.”

Related story above

“I don’t “My room think because it’s it’s quiet weird. People and acan controlled environment always go back to and I can minimize college.” distractions around me.”

Katherine Jin BaiCarreno

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Jackfruit imitation meat doesn’t fake taste much like chicken that more than a few of them opted to go hungry. This is one of those rare occaRebecca Mahan sions when even though it FOOD COLUMNIST walks, talks, looks and acts like When 60 vegetarians refuse to chicken, it isn’t chicken. It’s jackfruit. eat something, you know it’s a Because jackfruit is good imitation. native to Asia and is not That was the case JACKFRUIT is a abundant in the West, it last summer when I large, prickly will take more than your worked at a camp with fruit native to average grocery shophigh school students Thailand that is sold in Amerping run to hunt down — a number of them ica canned in this exotic treat. vegetarians. brine or water. Your best bets are One day the vegehealth food stores and tarian option in the cafeteria looked and tasted so Asian markets — the latter being

where I located my share of the ingredient. Since it’s also that time of year in which many Catholics give something up during Lent, a 40-day religious season of personal sacrifice, I know quite a few who chose to avoid meat. So whether you’re morally opposed to eating meat, like many of the people in my summer camp, or you’re just avoiding it temporarily, this ingredient is sure to provide a guilt-free alternative to that common diet staple.

Christopher Tavolazzi STAFF WRITER


serves 4



• Two 20-ounce cans of young green jackfruit (make sure it’s the kind in brine or water, not syrup) • 1 tablespoon chili powder • 1 tablespoon cumin • 1 tablespoon oregano • 1/2 teaspoon paprika • 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper • Salt to taste • 1 large onion • 4 cloves garlic, minced • 12 ounces salsa verde • 1 lime, juiced • Tortillas • Any other toppings you like on carnitas (I like avocados and sour cream)

Drain and rinse jackfruit, then press moisture out of each piece. Mix jackfruit, spices, lime juice, onion and salsa verde in large pot and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer on low for at least 1 hour, coming back to stir and check on the mixture periodically until

most of the liquid is cooked out and the jackfruit is moist and browned. An hour may seem like a long time, but it’s a great thing to prepare while simultaneously working on homework. Serve over tortillas, add additional toppings and enjoy.

Other things you’ll need: • Large pot • A stirring spoon

STILL HUNGRY? Find more recipes online by scanning this QR code.

Director lets off steam chasing down trains

Rebecca Mahan can be reached at

90 minutes


LOCO FOR LOCOMOTIVES The Union Pacific 844 4-8-4 steam train passes over Feather River Canyon on March 2, 2009. Train spotting requires careful planning, which includes looking at topographical maps and patience.


CARNE IT’S NADA Jackfruit carnitas garnished with avocado and a bit of lime juice tastes and looks similar to meat, which makes it an ideal dish for Lent. Many vegetarians are fooled by its texture.

Only eight pictures in Chico State employee William Allen’s office are proof that he has spent much of the last two decades camping with his brother-in-law and a camera. As Chico State’s interim director of institutional research, Allen collects statistical data on the university’s students and uses it to project enrollment and inform administrators about students. But when he’s not pursuing work, Allen is perusing trains all over the western states. Twenty years ago, a colleague told Allen that a rare, steam-powered train would be making a trip through Weed to refill its water supply on its way down to Sacramento, he said. He and his co-worker drove out and watched the engine take on water at an old water tower, and Allen snapped a picture. After that, he was hooked. Allen and his brother-in-law have tracked trains all over California, Oregon and Nevada looking for beautiful locations, Allen said. Since he began, Allen has taken more than 500 photographs of trains for his own personal collection. People like Allen consistently come by the Amtrak station to observe the trains whenever there is unusual locomotive activity, said Erin Wells, volunteer and board member of the Chico Art Center. When Allen goes out to take a series of photos, he finds out when

and where the trains will run, looks at maps and finds where the tracks intersect roads or where there is a beautiful location to take a photo, he said. He then travels there, frames the photo and camps out to wait for the train. It is the journey that is important to Allen, not the photos themselves, he said. “I more like the process of taking the photos,” Allen said. Each year 850 to 1,000 people like Allen travel to Winterail, a train-lover’s convention in Stockton, where train photos are shared, Winterail producer Victor Neves said. Allen has never taken the trouble to submit any of his photographs for publication, he said. He enjoys sharing the pictures and their stories with his friends and family, he said. Some years ago, his wife and daughter made a dream of his come true when they sent him on a ride with the “Run A Locomotive” program at the Portola Railroad Museum. The program allows anyone 18 or over the opportunity to run a vintage, diesel locomotive on museum grounds, according to the museum’s website. He was able to operate the Western Pacific 707 diesel-electric engine for a full hour, an experience he will never forget, he said. “It was a blast,” he said. Christopher Tavolazzi can be reached at

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opinion B7 |

Thumbs Up to Chico State memes. One does not simply read The Orion. Story B3

Thumbs Down to stereotypes. Chick flicks can be guy flicks, too.


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‘Kony 2012’ fuels complex conversation Over the past week a video has taken over the Web, and it’s not your typical cat clip. “Kony 2012” has gone viral on social networking sites, prompting debate over the video’s merit. There are those who have ridiculed the video created by the Invisible Children organization for being misguided and inaccurate, and then there are those who were so moved by it that they re-posted it for all their friends to see. When we brought the topic up to our editorial board, opinions varied just as widely. But the thing we all agreed upon is how this “Kony 2012” craziness proves social media’s ability to spark debates and conversations about complex topics that people otherwise tend to steer clear of. Getting young people to, of their own volition, passionately articulate their thoughts on a global issue such MORE ON as human “KONY 2012” trafficking is some- See related thing that’s news story on A1. not easily achieved in normal, day-to-day conversation. But on Facebook, through something as simplistic as this video, a multi-layered discussion evolved in a matter of days. The 30-minute YouTube video summarizes the atrocities committed by Joseph Kony, the Ugandan leader of the Lord’s Resistance Army. The video campaign aims to make Kony visible, to make him infamous and to raise awareness, and with more than 50 million views on YouTube, it seems that aim for rapid awareness was achieved. The tricky part is translating awareness into meaningful action. What, in the end, do all of those views, “likes” and retweets add up to? Even if they don’t culminate in something transformational, we can hope that as social media continues to grow and change, its role as a conduit for information, conversation and inspiration will stay the same. Because even though the spectrum of opinions on most topics is wide and difficult to wade through, bringing varied voices to the table for any conversation is a good thing.

Flicks falsely labeled Lucas Meek OPINION COLUMNIST

Apparently, saying the lines in sync with Regina George was grounds for extreme awkward giggling among the group of women I had just joined for the end of a movie marathon. Regina George is the main “plastic” in “Mean Girls,” for those who didn’t know. I like some chick flicks. They can be funny, and they always have a storyline, no matter how dramatic it is. It’s not that I cry along with the brides or get dramatic along with the pregnant women, but I can laugh at the situations. Women can be crazy. But somehow women don’t find it acceptable for me to like “27 Dresses” or “Mean Girls.” “Fired Up!” is sometimes acceptable but only on the rarest of occasions. Sometimes getting in a tear can show you have emotion, and that’s a good thing, said Michael Richards a junior marketing finance major. “Of course it’s OK for a guy to like chick flicks,” he said. “They should appeal to all audiences.” To Jill Dockter, a junior music industry and technology major, it is OK for men to like chick flicks, she said. “It shows they’re sensitive and can connect with a girl on a deeper level than a guy who can’t handle watching a chick

flick,” Dockter said. I don’t appreciate the doublestandard at all. Women can watch and openly

enjoy “Transformers” or a sports movie like “Remember the Titans,” but I can’t laugh with Julia Roberts in “Pretty Woman.” Chick flicks are pointed to a feminine audience, said Geneva Desin, an undeclared freshman. “So it’s just weird, because they aren’t aimed for guys’ viewing,” she said. It is just not right for men to enjoy this genre of films, Desin said. “They have period jokes and Pink references that most guys ignore but girls find hilarious,” she said. That’s why so many women know every word to “Mean Girls,” and guys don’t pick up the references most of the time. Gentlemen, don’t pay attention to the haters. There are some good chick flicks out there, so don’t be afraid to open up and watch them — make sure you’re with the right crowd, though. Ladies, lay off our backs, OK? We are just looking for some refreshing enjoyment just like you, so let’s watch the same movies. Lucas’ top-five chick flicks 1. “Pretty Woman” 2. “She’s the Man” 3. “Mean Girls” 4. “Titanic” 5. “Miss Congeniality” Lucas Meek can be reached at


Many community people are understandably upset by what happened, and I would like your readers to know that those of us who work on campus — who are involved in planning events or booking facilities and who sometimes make mistakes in the process — also feel badly about this. Special Olympics is one of many community organizations that has deep roots on our campus with ties to many of us who work here. We will do everything we can to keep such a scheduling error from reoccurring and continue our close relationships with community groups.


Dear Editor, The Orion had an article Feb. 22 on reactions to Chico State’s new policy on facilities use, and last week’s issue also included a letter, opinion piece and editorial on the topic. President Paul Zingg is sending an email message this week to faculty, staff and students to explain why we need this new policy and how we can work to make it effective for everyone. President Zingg also discusses the unfortunate booking error we made with the Special Olympics basketball tournament and why we did not host it this year.


DEBATE Becca Rullhausen [left], a senior anthropology major, and Benjamin Day [right], a senior theater major, discuss tuition hikes.

For an additional letter to the editor scan the QR code or visit theorion. com/opinion.

Editorial Board The opinion editor can be reached at

The Orion encourages letters to the editor and commentary from students, faculty, staff, administration and community members.


It’s my body — the choices I make with it should be mine and no one else’s problem. If I decide to become sexually active and want birth control for that extra protection, I should have the access and right to do so. President Barack Obama and I have something in common — we both agree that women should be provided with birth control. The president approved birth control, annual exams and other women’s services to be covered by health insurance plans as part of the Affordable Care Act, according to This can reduce out-ofpocket costs for women who really need these services, and companies that provide health insurance will have to cover these expenses. Some religious organizations such as churches, schools and jobs, however, want to be able to deny insurance coverage for birth control. Women do not have to use this policy if they have no interest in it, which makes me wonder why religious affiliates would recommend this anyway. No one is being forced to go by the insurance plan. While I feel it is very helpful for women, it is not required that they take birth control. Unwanted pregnancies can be prevented, because women have a choice and don’t have to worry about costs. We all make mistakes — a woman bringing a child into this world without proper planning should not be a burden. Sixy-four percent of women use some form of contraception, according to While 3 million women don’t use birth control, they account for 47 percent of unplanned pregnancies. No matter what people really think about birth control, it’s there to help stop these situations from occurring. Tasha Clark can be reached at

BIRTH CONTROL LETTER To read a letter to the editor about birth control scan the QR code or visit

The Orion: What’s your take on tuition doubling in the past five years? Becca Rullhausen: I wish I saw more benefits from it and less concrete results. Benjamin Day: It hasn’t affected me personally, but I would have liked to see more done. The Orion: Do you think tuition hikes are good for the economy? Rullhausen: For the people who are paying their bills, no. Day: It could be if these hikes were going where they were intended — to help students. The Orion: Do you think the increases will affect retention rates? Rullhausen: Absolutely. If a student starts with a set college fund and tuition doubles, it may affect them to graduate. Day: Students don’t like tuition hikes, but I’d much rather pay more to be in class

Read the guidelines to the right for information on how to submit your own Letters to the Editor

A woman’s body, choice


You Say Tomato Editors’ note: Every week, The Orion will feature two Chico State students’ opposing opinions about a given topic.

Thumbs Up to St. Patrick’s Day. Time for spring break, dancing leprechauns and green beer.


than to have gone through furloughs. The Orion: Can the hikes influence future students applying to college? Rullhausen: I don’t think so. High school seniors are excited about applying to college and aren’t thinking about the costs. Day: Possibly. Depending on whose perspective they listen to, whoever educates them on the issue of tuition hikes. The Orion: Are tuition hikes fair for low-income students? Rullhausen: Raise it for one, raise it for all. Day: No, but I don’t think we should do without them. Selectively raising tuition is not a good idea and would cause more division.

• Letters and commentaries may be delivered to The Orion, Plumas Hall Room 001. Deadline is 5 p.m. Friday. Letters are also accepted by e-mail and go directly to the opinion editor at

The Orion: Can any positive outcomes come from this? Rullhausen: Idealistically, yes. I understand it takes time to make changes, but we’re paying for things we won’t see, like the parking structure being built. Day: Yes, if the tuition hikes start being used correctly. The number of teachers should be increased instead of parking. A lot of it is about investment. The Orion: Is the education you receive worth $6,890 per year? Rullhausen: Absolutely not. Classes have downsized and teachers come unprepared for lectures. It’s like all we get is busy work. Day: Yes, but only because I put a lot into my education. Your educational experience is what you make it. -Compiled by Tasha Clark

• Commentaries should be limited to 500 to 700 words and are subject to editing for length and clarity. Please include your phone number.

• Letters to the editor should be limited to fewer than 300 words, must include writer’s name and phone number (for verification) and are subject to condensation. Please include your year in school and major, or your business title.

• The Orion does not publish anonymous letters, letters that are addressed to a third party or letters that are in poor taste. The opinions expressed by The Orion’s columnists do not necessarily reflect those of The Orion or its staff.

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