Ther ei saper cept i onoutt her e
t hatOr vi sr odsar e expensi ve.Some ar e. Ther ei s a si gni ficant amount of ski l l , knowl edge,exper i ence,and t echnol ogy t hatgoi nt ot hoser odsast heygot hr ough each st ep oft he bui l di ng pr ocessi nt he hands ofa mast ercr af t sman.Butt hose samemast ercr af t smenar et hear chi t ect s, and i n manycasest he bui l der s,ofever y Or vi sr odnomat t erwhatt hepr i ce.When youbuyanOr vi sflyr od,whet heri tcost s $1 98 or$895,t her ei sa f ami l y ofr od bui l der s,manyofwhom have been her e f ordecades,t hatt ake per sonalpr i de i n t he bui l di ng oft hatr od.They ar et he def act o descendant s of a l ong l i ne of Or vi sr odbui l der sandi nnovat or st hatf or 1 60 year shaveper f ect ed t hei rcr af ther e i n Manchest er , Ver mont . Thi s i s an ext r aor di nar i l yr ar ecommodi t yi nt hi sage of pl anned obsol ecence and f acel ess, mechani zedmasspr oduct i on.I tcannotbe r epl i cat ed exceptby t i me—1 60 year s of t i me and ceasel esseffor t .When you buy anOr vi sflyr od,nomat t erwhatt hepr i ce, you have t he sat i sf act i on of knowi ng t her e’ s a l ong, pr oud l i ne of mast er cr af t smenst andi ngbehi ndi t .Ther ei nl i es t hepr i cel essdi ffer encebet weenhei r l oom andobsol escence.
TOCUBA “ Het henopenedt hel apt op andpr oceededt o s how uss omeoft hemos tcompr ehens i ver es ear ch Ihaveevers eencompi l edonbonefis h. ”
Is atatat abl emunchi ngpl ant ai nchi psi nt hemi ddl eofat wor oom hous e humbl ei nappear ance,butl i v el yi nmoodandambi ence.Amanandhi s f ami l ybus t l edar oundat i ny ,bar eboneski t chenpr epar i ngf ood.T omyr i ght , t her oom openedupt ot abl esandchai r sont hebeach,f ul lofEur opean t our i s t swai t i ngt oeat . Hef oundamomentt obr eakf r eeandj oi nedmeandmyt r av el i ngcompani onatt het abl e.Hegr abbedanol dl apt opf r om t hedr awerbehi ndhi m.I t l ookedt i r edandout dat edbyours t andar ds ,butmoder ncompar edt oi t s s ur r oundi ngs .Het henopenedt hel apt op andpr oceededt os howuss ome oft hemos tcompr ehens i v er es ear chIhav eev ers eencompi l edonbonefis h. Wel comet oCuba. St or ycont i nuedonnex tpage
Theman’ snamewasLaz ar o.Imethi m whi l eexpl or i ngt hei s l andi ns ear chofflyfis hi ng t r avel advent ur es . Hes pendshi sday sasafly fis hi nggui deandr es ear chi ngt hemov ement s ands pawni ngbehav i orofbonefis hi nt hewat er soft heZapat aNat i onalPar k,apeni ns ul a bor der i ngt hei nf amousBayofPi gs .I nt heeveni ngsher unsapal adar( apr i vat el yowned r es t aur ant )outofhi smodes t ,yetbeaut i f ulhome. Onl yi nCubacany oufindapopul at i ont hatont hes ur f aceappear spoor , buti nr eal i t yi sr i ch i npas s i on, cul t ur e, andcommi t ment . Ar emar kabl yunas s umi ngpl acewher el ocal cons er v at i onands us t ai nabi l i t yeffor t ss ett hegl obalbari npr es er v i ngoneofmos tpr i s t i nes al t wat er fis her i esont hepl anet . —BySi monPer ki ns,Seni orManagerofOr vi sAdvent ur es
The new Hy dr os ® SL c hal l engesev er y t hi ng y ouknowaboutflyr eel s .As uper l ar gear bor meansqui c kr et r i ev alr at es —upt o1 2% i nc r eas ei nl i ne r et r i ev ec ompar ed t ot he or i gi nal Hy dr os .A s eal ed c ar bon dr ag—t hec l ut c hbear i ngi sf ul l ys eal ed i ns i det hedr agmec hani s m—meanst hi s r eeli sr eadyf orwhat ev erc ondi t i ons y ouc hoos et ot hr owati t . Andwemade t hedr ag near l y3xs t r ongerwi t hz er o s t ar t upi ner t i a, j us tf orgoodmeas ur e. A nar r ow s poolmeansl es sl i nes t ac ki ng. Weaddedani nc r eas edbac ki ngc apac i t y andi mpr ov edt ol er anc esf ors moot hoper at i onf orar eely ouwon’ ts oonf or get ,and t he ul t r af as tr et r i ev alr at e meanst he fis h won’ tf or getei t her . I nbl ac kni c kel . I mpor t ed.
“ Il ov et hes moot hnes soft hedr agasafis hpeel sl i ne,aswel last he r api dpi c kupwhenIc r anki n.I nt er msof“ gi v eandt ake”per f or manc e andov er al l v al ue, t hi sdes i gni si ni t sownl eague. ” —KI RKDEETER, FI ELD&STREAM
Ourbes t i nc l as sHDl i nesc ombi net wodi s t i nc tki ndsoft ex t ur e. Anex t r emel yaggr es s i v e di amondt ex t ur eont het i pandf r ontt aperfloat sbet t erandoffer sl es sdr ag. I nt heheadand t hr oughoutt her unni ngl i ne, agol fbal l i ns pi r eddi mpl edt ex t ur e( y ou’ v eknowni tf ory ear sas t hehar dc har gi ngHy dr os ®3D)offer st hes amef eat ur eswi t habi tl es saggr es s i on, al l owi ng f orc omf or t abl ehandl i ng, eas i ermendi ng, andbet t erpi c kup. Bas i c al l y , y ouc as tf ar t herwi t h f ewerf al s ec as t s . Shootf ar t her , dr agl es s . Si mpl e. v ec ar ef ul l yflat t enedt het ex t ur eont her unni ngl i ne, al l owi ngf ormi ni mal noi s eand We’ ens ur i ngt hel i nes t ay ss of tony ourhands . Bas i c al l y , i fy ouhav en’ tfis hedt ex t ur ed, y ou’ r e mi s s i ngt heboat . TheHDs er i esf eat ur esI SI nt egr at edSl i c knes s , per f or manc et aper s , f unc t i onal c ol orbandi ngt odi ffer ent i at et apers ec t i ons oft hel i nes , andawel dedl oop.
SHOPNOW TI PANDFRONTTAPER Agr es s i v edi amondt aper
RUNNI NGLI NE Di mpl edt ex t ur e
Nowa v a i l a bl ei naca mo pa t t er n, Sa f ePa ss a ge®i st he r es ul tofmor et ha nadeca de ofev ol ut i oni nfis hi ngpa c k a ndl ugga gedes i gn.
Anangl erkneel st or el eas eabr ownt r outdur i ngwi nt er fis hi ngont heBowRi v eri nCal gar y , Al ber t aCanada. TheBowflows365mi l esf r om BowGl ac i eri nt heRoc ki esandempt i es i nt ot heSout hSas kat c hewanRi v er .
phot o: Fac el es sFl y fis hi ng
Super s t r ongpl usL eaderandTi ppet WetKnotSt r engt h—48% av er agei nc r eas ei nal lXs i z es I tt ookus1 8y ea r st ofi ndabet t ert i ppetma t er i a l t hanSuper St r ong™ , our bes t s el l i ngl ea dera ndt i ppetma t er i a l . Wef oundi t , a ndweha vet hei ndependentl a ba ndfi el dt es t st opr ov ei t . Super i ora br a si onr esi st a nc e, per f or ma nc e, a ndwetk notst r engt h. STARTI NGAT$279
GOLD MEDAL T ay l orEdr i ngt on’ s Ar kans asRi v erJ our ney
Two year sago t he wor l d became abet t erpl ace f or T ayl orEdr i ngt onandcount l es sot her swhof oughtt o br i ngar i verbackf r om devas t at i on.Onehundr edand t womi l esofhi sbel ovedAr kans asRi ver , f r om t heheadwat er snearL eadvi l l et oPar kdal e,Col or ado,achi eved Gol d Medals t at usmaki ng t hi ss i ngl es t r et chofr i ver accountf oral mos tat hi r dofCol or ado' s322Gol dMedal r i vermi l esandt hel onges ti nNor t hAmer i ca.
TheSuper f undcl eanupi nt he90sr eal l ybr oughtt her i ver backt oavi abl ebi ol ogi calhabi t at ,buti t ’ st hewor koft he l as t1 0year st hatbr oughti tt owher ei ti st oday .I t ’ st he hundr edsofi ndi vi dualpr oj ect si nbi ol ogi calr ei nt r oduct i on ofi ns ectl i f e,cl eanup,habi t atr es t or at i on,put t i ng nat ur als t r uct ur ei nt her i verandget t i ngunnat ur als t r uct ur eoutt hathasenabl edt heAr kans ast obecomewhati t oncewas . ”
I r oni cal l yi twasgol dt hatdeci mat ed t he r i ver . Heavymet al sf r om t hemi ni ngoper at i onsi nt heheadwat er snearL eadvi l l ewr eakedhavocont hebi ol ogyof t her i ver .Butt hi si sas t or yofr edempt i on.Whatwas oncedes t r oyedi nt hes ear chf orweal t h,hasnowbeen r ecl ai medi nt hes ear chf ors omet hi ngevenmor eval uabl e.
Akeyr ei nt r oduct i onwast hes al monfly( Pt er onar cys ) . “ Ther ewasnor eal hi s t or yoft hebi ol ogi cal pr ofil eof t her i verast hemi ni ngoper at i onshavebeenher es i nce t he l at e1 9t h cent ur y ,s o we mi mi cked ot herCol or ado f r ees t ones .The bugsi nt r oduced her e came f r om t he Col or adoRi ver .Wewor kedwi t hs omer emar kabl ebi ol ogi s t st o getcr eat i ve wi t hi ns ectl i f ei nt r oduct i on t o i ncr eas et hef oods our cest hatr es ul t edi nt hes t r engt hof t hepr es entt r outpopul at i ons .Thi s ,t her es t r uct ur i ngof t hehabi t at ,andal lt heot herpr oj ect shavehadadomi no
“ Thel as t1 0year sofmyl i f ehavebeenf ocus ed onget t i ngt hi sr i vert owher ei ti st oday , ”s ai dT ayl or . “ Buti tt ookusal ongt i met ogether e.
effectont her i ver . ThePHl evel swhi char enowex cel l ent i saper f ectex ampl e. ” T ayl ori squi ckt or ecogni z et heconcer t edeffor t s ofal l t hos ewhowor kedt ogett heAr kans ast owher ei ti s now.“ Col or adoPar ksandWi l dl i f e,pr i vat el andowner s , r ecr eat i onal compani est hatmaket hei rl i vi ngont her i ver , s o manyhandsi nvol ved, ”s ai dT ayl or .“ Thi si sar eal l y gr eats t or yandIcant al kf orhour sabouti twhendoi ng pr es ent at i ons ,buti tj us tgoes t os how whatcan be accompl i s hed i fwe s ett he s t age and t henl etMot her Nat ur edoherwor k.I t ’ sar emar kabl et hi ngt owat ch. ” T ayl orEdr i ngt on owns and oper at es Or vi s endor s ed out fit t erRoyalGor ge Angl er son t he Ar kans as Ri veri nCanonCi t y ,Col or ado.Hi sent i r el i f ehasbeen devot edt oflyfis hi ng,gr owi ngupont heAr kans as ,gui di ng i n Al as ka and Ar gent i na,hos t i ng flyfis hi ng t r i ps ar oundt hewor l d,butmos ti mpor t ant l ydevot i nghi ms el f t ocol dwat ercons er vat i on,andi npar t i cul arhel pi ngt o br i ngt heAr kans asRi verbackf r om t heabys sofmi ni ng pol l ut i ont ooneoft hegr eatt r outr i ver soft hewor l d.
Fordec adesweendur edt heal t er nat es weatandc hi l l of r ubberandneopr enei nt hepur s ui tof our angl i ngpas s i ons .ThenOr v i si nt r oduc ed br eat habl es .Asr emar kabl yc omf or t abl east heywer e, t heywer es ewnf abr i candt hatpr es ent edi t sowns etofc hal l enges . Soni c Seam wel dedt ec hnol ogyi nt r oduc edbyOr v i shast akeny etanot hergener at i onal l eapi ndev el opi ngwader st hatnotonl y ar easc omf or t abl easy ourf av or i t ej eans ,butofferunhear dofdur abi l i t yi nc ons t r uc t i on.Wel ded s eamsel i mi nat et het hous andsofs t i t c hes ,t heweakeni ngoft hef abr i c ,andul t i mat el ykeepy ou dr y , c omf or t abl e, andi nt her i v erunt i l t hedec i s i ont ol eav ei sy our s —noty ourwader ’ s . STARTI NGAT$279
Newi nnovat i onsequals uper bt r act i on,comf or t ,anddur abi l i t y .TheBoa®Cl os ur e Sys t em t eamsanex cept i onal l ydur abl eandl i ght wei ghtr eelwi t hai r cr af tgr ade s t ai nl es ss t eel l acest opr ovi des moot hcl os ur ef oras ecur e, comf or t abl e, andt r ul y cus t omi z edfit .J us tt ur nt hedi alt oachi evet hedes i r edfit ;t ot aket hebootoff, s i mpl ypul lt hedi aloutunt i li tcl i cksandt henpul lt het onguef or war d. SI ZES71 4 |MSRP$1 99
HEALTHESETROUTSTREAMSFORFUTUREGENERATI ONS. TheEi ghtGr 8T r outSt r eamsCampai gnwi l l r ewat er , r ehabi l i t at e, andr ec onnec tc r i t i c al t r outs t r eamsi nMont ana’ sUpperCl ar kFor kRi v erbas i n—final l yheal i ngt hewat er s damagedbymor et hanac ent ur yofl ar ges c al emi ni ng, l oggi ng, andagr i c ul t ur e. J oi nt heac t i onanddonat et oday .
or v i s . c om/ c l ar kf or k Wat c h‘ TheL as tGr eatPl ac e’ v i deo. Phot obyJ as onFi t z gi bbon
Li c ens et oF
Roam “ Awor l dofadvent ur eson r i ver sandi nt hewoods openedbef or emeandI haven’ ts t oppedexpl or i ng andl ear ni ngs i nc e. ”
r es houtof1 0y ear si nNewY or kCi t y , t her eI was , s i t t i ngi nf r ontoft woFi s hand GameWar densandaMas t erGui de, bei ngt es t edonev er y t hi ngf r om l os tper s on s c enar i osandc anoer es c uet ohowt omakeas pl i ntf r om at r eebr anc h. I twast he i nf amousor al por t i onoft heRegi s t er edMai neGui deex am. Onewr ongans werand t heex am woul dbehal t ed. I woul df ai l andnotbeabl et ot r yagai nf orov eray ear .
Thr eemont hsbef or e, I woul dnev erhav egues s edt hatI woul dfindmy s el ft aki ng t het oughes tt es tofmyl i f e. I hadl ef tagl amour ousj obasaf as hi onedi t ort or ec onnec twi t hmy Mai ner oot sandr et ur nt ot heout door s . Asar ef r es her , I enr ol l edi naMai neGui depr epar at i on c l as s . I di dnoti nt endt ot aket het es tatt heend. I of t enwentoffonmyownandj us twant eda bet t erf oundat i onofout doors ki l l s . I gott hatands omuc hmor e. Y ear sofc ampi ngandfis hi nggav emeonl yapor t i onoft heknowl edgeneededt obepr ofic i entand s af eonout dooradv ent ur es . I knewI hads omewor kt odo. Fort henex t8weeks , I hadc l as s es ev er yT ues day , Sat ur dayandSunday . Myc l as s mat esandi ns t r uc t orwer egr eat . Weac t ual l yhadf un andt hef ac tt hatI wasawoman( oneoft hr eei nt hec l as s )wasnev erani s s ue. I hadt ol ear nt hel awsandr egul at i onsc ov er i ngs por t sI di dnotpl ant opar t i c i pat ei n, s uc has ATVi ngands nowmobi l i ng. I woul dnotbeabl et or el yonaGPS. Mapandc ompas spr ofic i enc ywas r equi r ed, aswel l asaFi r s tAi dc er t i fic at i on. I t i edknot sev er yni ghtwhi l eI wat c hedTV, pr ac t i c ed c anoes t r okesi nmyy ar d, keptmynos ei nr egul at i onmanual s , wat erandbot ani c al fiel dgui des , and wentt oal oc al mount ai nt owor kondeadr ec koni ngandl ookf ori magi nar yl os tc l i ent s . Att hec onc l us i onoft hec l as s , I r eal i z edt hatI mi ghthav eac hanc et opas st het es t . I twasnoti nmy or i gi nal pl an, butI wentf ori t . Att hev er yl eas t , I ’ dhav eagoods t or y . Whent heWar denss hookmy handt oc ongr at ul at eme, i twasoneoft hebes tmoment sofmyl i f e. I hads etoutt ot es tmy s el fand r edi s c ov ert hes por t s womant hathadbeenl ef tbehi nds omanyy ear sago. I nt hepr oc es s , I ear ned anent r yi nt ooneoft hemos tr es pec t edands t or i edr anksi ns por t i nghi s t or y —Regi s t er edMai ne Gui des . Awor l dofadv ent ur esonr i v er sandi nt hewoodsopenedbef or emeandI hav en’ ts t opped ex pl or i ngandl ear ni ngs i nc e. Debr aCar rBr ox —Regi s t er edMai neGui de
Ac adi aNat i onal Par k, Mai ne
We’ v e t aught mor e t han 1 00, 000s t udent st oflyfis h, and i ns o doi ng enhanc ed t hei r enj oy mentoft heout door sand t hei rc onnec t i onwi t ht henat ur al wor l dt hats ur r oundst hem.
i t ’ sawayofl i f eandnot hi nggi v esusgr eat erpl eas ur e t hans har i ngourl ov eofal l t hati toffer s ; ac onnec t i on t ot henat ur al wor l d, peac ef ul s ol i t udewheny ouneed i t ,andl aughout l oudf unwheny ouwanti t .I t ’ swhy we’ v et aughtov er1 00, 000peopl et oflyfis hi nt hel as t 50 y ear s .L etusopent hedoort oal i f eofs har ed memor i esandgr eatadv ent ur esi nt heout door s . Comeon.I t ’ swor t hi t .Wel c omet ot hewor l dasi t wasmeantt obe.
T om Rosenbauer ’ s“ I fIcoul donl yt akefivefli es ” f ort r outfishi ngi nNor t hAmer i ca.
50year sagoOr vi s offer edi t sfir st Fl yFi shi ng School ,a t hr eedayi mmer si on i nt ot hespor tf or$75. Deemeda“ pr act i cal school ,notaf ancy exper tt our nament cast i ngwor kout , ” whi chst i l lhol dst r uea hal fcent ur yl at er .
Or vi sflyfishi ng schooli nst r uct or s T om Rosenbauer , AceManl ey ,Br uce Bowl en,T onySki l t on andBenUpsoni n t heear l y80s.
Sof t , s uperl i ght wei ght , br eez ydr i r el eas e速f abr i cdr i esf our t i mesf as t ert hanc ot t onandwi c ksmoi s t ur ef r om y ours ki ns oi t ev apor at esf as tt ol eav ey oudr yandc ool onhotorhumi dday s . Noot herbl endkeepsyoudr i erormor ec omf or t abl e. STARTI NGAT$39
t hatOr v i sr odsar eex pens i v e.Somear e.Ther ei sas i gni fic antamountofs ki l l ,knowl edge, ex per i enc e, andt ec hnol ogyt hatgoi nt ot hos er odsast heygot hr ougheac hs t epoft hebui l di ng pr oc es si nt hehandsofamas t erc r af t s man. Butt hos es amemas t erc r af t s menar et hear c hi t ec t s , andi nmanyc as est hebui l der s ,ofev er yOr v i sr odnomat t erwhatt hepr i c e.Wheny oubuyan Or v i sflyr od, whet heri tc os t s$1 98or$895, t her ei saf ami l yofr odbui l der s , manyofwhom hav e beenher ef ordec ades , t hatt akeper s onal pr i dei nt hebui l di ngoft hatr od. Theyar et hedef ac t o des c endant sofal ongl i neofOr v i sr odbui l der sandi nnov at or st hatf or1 60y ear shav eper f ec t ed t hei rc r af ther ei nManc hes t er ,Ver mont .Thi si sanex t r aor di nar i l yr ar ec ommodi t yi nt hi sageof pl annedobs ol ec enc eandf ac el es s , mec hani z edmas spr oduc t i on. I tc annotber epl i c at edex c ept byt i me—1 60y ear soft i meandc eas el es seffor t .Wheny oubuyanOr v i sflyr od,nomat t erwhat t hepr i c e,y ouhav et hes at i s f ac t i onofknowi ngt her e’ sal ong,pr oudl i neofmas t erc r af t s men s t andi ngbehi ndi t . Ther ei nl i est hepr i c el es sdi ffer enc ebet weenhei r l oom andobs ol es c enc e.
Day l i ghtar r i v eshal f way bet weenI s l amor adaandCapeSabl e. Thehuntf ort ar poni soni nEv er gl ades , Fl or i da. phot o: J as onSt empl e
ByJ ohnT eaf or d
Thi si swheni ts houl ncl earwat erflows atourf eet ,mount ai npeakst oweri nt hebackgr ound,a f r es hhat chr i s esf r om t her i ver ’ ss ur f aceandt wi r l si n buggypl umest hr ought heAr ct i caf t er noon.Af ew gent l ecas t st oj udget hewi nd,t omeas ur et he di s t ance,t oas s es st her ange,andal i nel andsont he wat er .Nott oomuchs pl as h,nott oobadapr es ent at i on. Cur l edl i nes t r ai ght ensi nt hecur r ent ,aflyper cheson t hes ur f ace,t r avel i ngwi t ht heflow,ci r cl i ngi nt he eddy...t hi si swheni ts houl dhappen.Not hi ng. Anot hercas t ,anot herdr i f t ,anot hereddy .Not hi ng... Mys on,Wyat t ,fis hesal ongs i deme.He’ st en. Oneday ,he’ l lwantt ogooffonhi sown.Oneday ,I won’ tbeabl et okeepup.T oday ,t hough,Iam s t i l la gi ant ,aher o,adad.T oday ,wefis hs i debys i de. Thi sval l eywasgl aci er fil l ednott oomanyyear s ago.T oday ,i cecl i ngsonl yt ot hehi ghs l opes ,whi l et he val l eyfloori st r acedbyameander i ngs t r eambed,s t i l l ear l yi ni t syout h,s t i l ls ear chi ngt ofindt hebes tpat h t ot hes ea.As etofr api dsfil l st hefir s tf ew hundr edyar dsupf r om t hecoas t ,f as tand r ockyenought hatwepi ckourway acr os sbyhoppi ngs t onet os t one.
Abovet her api ds ,t her i veropensi nt oas er i esof connect edponds ,i ncr eas i ngi ns i z easwewor kour wayups t r eam.Wes cant hedept hsf ors hadows , wat chi ngt hes ur f acef orfins ,f orpuddl es ,f ors wi r l s , f orr i s es .Not hi ng... Thef os s i lr ecor ds ugges t ss al moni dsevol ved i nt ot r outs peci esatt hebegi nni ngoft heMi ocene per i od,r oughl y20mi l l i onyear sago.Gr eenl and woul ds t i l lhavebeencover edcompl et el yi ni ce;t he gl aci alr et r eat scommoni nmoder ncent ur i eshadnot evenbegun.Nor i ver sfloweddownt ot hes ea,and nofis hs wam upt os pawn.Ther i verwe’ r efis hi ngi s pr obabl ynotmor et hanhal facent ur yol d...I tl ooks l i ket heper f ectpl acef orfis h,butt hi sr i veri sj us tt oo young.Ther ear efis hi nGr eenl and,ol dr i ver swher e Ar ct i cchars pawn,s ecl udedpondswher efis hcame i nf r om t hes eaandwer et r appedl ongago.Out fit t er sknowhowt ofindt hos epl acesf ort hei rcl i ent s , butwewant edanadvent ur eofourown,acoas t l i ne t hatnoonehads eenors et t l ed,as t r et chofr i ver t hat ’ sbr andnew. Mys onandIfis hs i debys i de.Il ookdownat hi sflyont hewat er .Thi sl ooksj us tl i keapl acewher e fis hwoul dbe,butt hei cedepar t edf r om t hi sval l ey nott oover yl ongago.We’ r ej us tal i t t l eear l y .
“ Wewant edanadvent ur eofour own,acoas t l i net hatnoonehad s eenors et t l ed,as t r et chofr i ver t hat ’ sbr andnew. ”
Formor et hant wodecades,Or vi sAdvent ur eshast akenyouar oundt he wor l d,br i ngi ngyoubot ht heexci t ementandt hesol i t udeofnat ur eever y st ep oft he way .Whet heryou’ r e chasi ng smal l mout hbassi nWi sconsi n, i sl and hoppi ng i nt he Bahamas,oreven at t endi ng one ofourschool s, ever ydayspentwi t hOr vi si sanunf or get t abl eexper i ence.
Getadvi cef r om ourfishi ngexper t sonwher eandhow t o fish l ocal l yorar ound t he wor l di fyou’ r e pl anni ng at r i p. Castar od,orevengetf r eecast i ngandflyfishi ngl essons. And check outt he l at esti n new flyfishi ng gear and cl ot hi ng,i ncl udi ngt henew Hydr os®SLr eelandTr outBum fishi ngappar el .