Education Central - 4th Qtr. 2022

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(Getting to Know What Happened in America's World of Business, History, and Religion)

Message from the editor...

I can't believe we are about done with 2022! I bet if there is anything we have in common is that this year has flown by!

It's an overused word, but for what seems like eternity (speaking of the last three years), we have been living in unprecedented times. As humans, we need to see some finality to what can only be labeled as evil But the bright side comes, in a few days, the celebration of the birth of Jesus He came to save us, each of us The darkness of life is overtaken by the light - His light! We see this in the article on Christmas traditions observed (in first column).

From the Living Changed: At Christmas devotional: "As you go through this holiday season, have faith that the promises of God are trustworthy and true " Merry Christmas!

The Traditions of Christmas - How Others Have Contributed to Giving At Christmas Christmas and the Economy - Where Did Your Dollars Go?

With nearly every holiday comes traditions Easter has its Easter Egg hunts The Fourth of July is celebrated with family and friends gatherings combined with firework displays. Thanksgiving has the turkey dinner with family. But Christmas, for me, stands out as the most giving. Unlike other times of the year, people in December give more freely. Not just to family members but to many who are in need And that is the key - taking care of others in some way or fashion

So I thought I would list a few of those individuals whose hearts for others brought joy to many during the most festive time of the year:

President Harry S. Truman

The thirty-third president of the United States, Truman celebrated Christmas mostly at his home in Independence, Missouri. But there were two years in which he observed Christmas at the White House.

Senior Historian, Matthew Costello, writes about one of those Christmas' at the White House in his article "A Very Truman Christmas " In 1945, during Truman's first Christmas as president, he requested that Alonzo Fields, an African-American man who was the maitre d'hotel at the White House, find an African-American family who was in need of "a real happy Christmas dinner "

Fields went to the Southeast Settlement House, finding a fatherless family. A woman who was widowed was taking care of her nine children. Her husband had been killed. Seeing that there was no stove in the woman's home, Fields realized that this was a family in need Scurrying back to the White House, he told Truman about the plight of this family

Fields suggested that a Christmas dinner be prepared in the kitchen of (continued on page 2)

Christmas gifts, for the most part, have been bought By now, most are wrapped, under the tree, waiting to be quickly unwrapped Alas, all that hard work of fitting and taping the paper to cover a gift will be forgotten. Because what's under the wrapping paper is what counts. I am reminded of The Christmas Story in which Ralphie and his brother tore open wrapped gifts, looking for that one toy that would make their Christmas Of course, as Christians, we know the real meaning of Christmas - the birth of Jesus! He is the reason we celebrate Christmas! Earlier this week, I did my last minute shopping. Every year there's always something I forget to get one week before Christmas Not sure why I do that to myself; maybe it's the challenge of finding last minute gifts Two hours later I put the packages in my car. But as I got in my car I thought about the two different worlds I had seen during my shopping escapade On one hand, people were buying items (granted not abundantly) On the other hand, a person came into a restaurant looking to snatch another person's take out order Opposite ends of the spectrum I wondered with the latest economic news, how prevalent was the latter going to become versus that of the former in 2023.

Understanding the Truth

The U S Real Gross Domestic Product for the third quarter rose by 2 6 percent Each quarter, and yearly for that matter, we cling to this number. It's become over the decades a barometer of how healthy the economy is It's either a bellwether of hope or one of (continued on page 6)

INSIDE THIS ISSUE: P1 The Traditions of Christmas | P1 Christmas and the Economy | P3 The Coming of the Messiah - The Book of Matthew- Chapters 1 & 2 | P5 Book Review: Christmas Miracles | P6 America's President Page: George Washington
F o u r t h Q t r . 2 0 2 2 P1

The Traditions of Christmas - How Others Have Contributed to Giving At Christmas (continued

from page 1)

the White House and taken to this family Truman agreed A Christmas dinner was prepared for the family and taken to them Costello stated that Truman, thereafter, provided holiday dinners for those less fortunate, becoming both a Thanksgiving as well as a Christmas tradition each year thereafter while he was president

Charles Dickens

Giving back to those where we grew up. In the book, A Christmas Carol, Scrooge was a miserly old man. Selfish, self-centered, and a hoarder of money, he would soon see the downfall of his ways Charles Dickens, the author of the Christmas Carol, set in motion with greater intensity the philanthropy movement because of his book. He also practiced what he told others to do, giving to local schools and hospitals in London.

Helen Clay Frick

An amazing woman, Helen Clay Frick brought Christmas to Pittsburgh's poorest and neediest children during the early 1900s Sue Morris and Clayton Docent wrote a tantalizing article on Frick's inspiring efforts to address the needy at Christmas. Utilizing the Clayton Playhouse for the annual Christmas parties for these children, Hick provided "lunch, candy, and presents for the children." The Gazette Times reported that the presents consisted of clothes for the boys and material to make dresses for the girls. There were also toys given out - girls 10 years of age or younger were given a doll, girls older than 10 years of age were given one of Charles Dicken's books, while boys were given "horses or other animals "

These Christmas gatherings are believed to have continued until 1914 when Hick's family moved to New York. Her philanthropy would not end there, however, as she would "go on to fund and establish many charitable endeavors." The Gilded Age had provided much wealth for the elite. However, Morris and Docent mention the "moral burden of wealth" that perhaps existed at that time We do know through this article that Hicks and other women during the early years of the twentieth century were instrumental in charitable acts that helped many

Marine Corps Reserve Major Bill Hendricks and his wife, Diane

The Toys for Tots program began in 1947. That year, Hendricks and his reserve unit in the Los Angeles area amassed 5,000 toys, distributing them to less fortunate children The success of the program prompted the Commandant to direct "all Marine Reserve Sites to implement a Toys For Tot campaign "

Today, the Marine Toys for Tots Foundation is a not-for-profit charity, created in 1991. The program continues to distribute toys to those who are less fortunate. The website,, states that the program "distributes an average of 18 million toys to 7 million less fortunate children annually."

President Calvin Coolidge

Who was the first president who have an outdoor Christmas tree at the White House? It was President Calvin Coolidge who, on December 24, 1923, pushed a button and the wonders of lights lit up the tree and, no doubt, the grounds surrounding the tree Later on, the National Tree (as it became known), along with the decorated Christmas tree in the Blue Room, would be a part of the celebration of peace following World War II and the Korean War.


Morris, Sue and Clayton Docent "Gilded Age Philanthropy: Helen Clay Frick's "Christmas Treats " The Frick Pittsburg 19 December 2019 https:// www thefrickpittsburgh org/Story-Gilded-Age-Philanthropy-Helen-Clay-Fricks-Christmas-Treats Accessed: 19 December 2022

"Origin and Evolution of Toys for Tots Program." Accessed: 19 December 2022. P2

The Book of Matthew - Chapters 1 & 2

Of the four books of the Gospel, two of them - Matthew and Luke - speak of the birth of the Messiah Jesus Christ

Matthew was a tax collector, not a well-liked profession anytime, but especially not in the first century A.D. Yet, he was chosen by Jesus to be one of His twelve disciples (see Matthew 9:9)

Matthew was an intelligent man whom, as John MacArthur puts it, "knew the Old Testament very well because his Gospel quotes the Old Testament ninety-nine times." He wasn't braggadocios however. He was low key except when it came time to tell fellow Jews about Jesus His passion was to lead Jews to Christ

In the first chapter of Matthew, we see his knowledge of the Old Testament as he tells the reader about the geneology of Jesus. It began with Abraham, moves through the generations leading up to King David, followed by Solomon, his son Rehoboam, to Josiah, and through to Joseph, "the husband of Mary, of whom was born Jesus who is called Christ " (see timelines below and on page 4)

When we get to Matthew 1:18, we find that Mary is "with child from the Holy Spirit." Joseph was beside himself with anquish. He wanted to "divorce her quietly." However, the Lord had other plans. He had an angel appear in a dream Joseph was having. "Do not fear to take Mary as your wife," the angel tells Joseph "She will bear a son, and you shall call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins "

Imagine the excitement Joseph must have felt. The angel would then tell him that the birth of the Messiah fulfills prophecy, which the Lord had Isaiah speak of hundreds of years beforehand:

"Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and they shall call His name Immanuel."

After this, what did Joseph do? He no doubt told her of his dream Believing, he took Mary as his wife They would travel to Bethlehem because Caesar Augustus mandated that all those in the world must go to their hometown to be registered (for tax purposes) We're told that Joseph was of the house and lineage of David God would use Caesar's decree to fulfill the prophecy of the prophet Micah: "But you, O Bethlehem Ephrathah, who are too little to be among the clans of Judah, from you shall come forth for me one who is to be ruler in Israel, whose coming forth is from of old, from ancient days."

After not being able to find an inn or home to have the child, in Matthew 1:25 we are told that she "brought forth her firstborn Son " He was born in a stable with a manger as His bed Joseph, remembering what the angel said in Matthew 1:21, "called His name Jesus " (continued on page 4)



told Abraham "And I will make of you a great nation and I will b ess

Had a twin brother, Esau Jacob and his mother, Rebekah tricked Esau for his birthright and blessing (See Genesis 25 and 27)

Perez, a twin, was the first of two born His brother was called Zerah (see Genesis 38:27-30)

The parents were Judah and Tamar

Judah was one of twelve sons of Jacob; was Joseph's brother

Hezron was the son of Perez; his brother was Hamul (See Genesis 46:12)

Was one of approximately seventy Israelites who moved to Egypt with Jacob

Nahshon was the son of Amminadab and the brother-in-law of Aaron (see Exodus 6:23); he was the chief of the people of Judah (See Numbers 2:3)

Boaz married Ruth; they are the greatgrandparents of King David (see the Book of Ruth)

Jesse was the father of David; Isaiah 11:1 says "There shall come forth from the stump of Jesse, and a branch from his roots shall bear fruit "

Amminadab was the son of Kohath; Kohath was the second son of Levi (see 1 Chronicles 6:22)

Salmon and Rahab were the parents of Boaz

Obed was the father of Jesse

The Genealogy of Jesus The First Fourteen Generations (see Matthew 1:2-6) David, the son of Jesse defeated Goliath (See 1 Samuel 17) David would eventual y reign as king over Israel and Judah (See 2 Samuel 2:1-7 and 2 Samuel 5:1-5)

Isaiah 7:14
Micah 5:2 P3 Years Unknown Years Unknown Years Unknown Years Unknown 2166 to 1991 BC 2066 to 1886 BC 2005 to 1859 BC Years Unknown Years Unknown Years Unknown Years Unknown Years Unknown Years Unknown 1035 to 961 BC
Religion - The Coming of the Messiah you
and make your name great, so that you will be a b essing " (See Genesis 12:2) Married to Sarah
The story of Abraham and his son, Isaac, shows the faith and obedience Abraham had for God (see Genesis 22)
Married to Rebekah
Ram was one of three sons of Hezron (see 1 Chronicles 2:9) He was the father of Amminadab

Religion - The Coming of the Messiah (continued from

During this time there was little or no fanfare with the birth of the Messiah John 1:11 says "He was in the world, and the world was made through Him, yet the world did not know Him " Here the Savior Jesus was in their midst and it was hardly observed with the exception of the shepherds who would then tell others about Jesus. In Matthew 2, we read of the wise men coming to Jerusalem. They were seeking "the king of the Jews." During this time, Herod the king, obsessed with power, heard of the Savior. His chief priests and scribes told him of the prophet Micah's prophecy 700 years ago (see above). After Herod spoke to the wise men, asking them to return to him with the news of the birth, the wise men traveled to Bethlehem Once there, the wise men saw Mary and the child, and presented gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh After being "warned in a dream not to return to Herod, they departed to their own country by another way "

Joseph would subsequently be warned in two separate dreams to 1) take baby Jesus to Egypt as King Herod sought to destroy Him; and 2) "take the Child and his mother and go to the land of Israel " He did both as he was instructed (See Matthew 2:13-23)

The Genealogy of Jesus The Second Set of Fourteen Generations (see Matthew 1:7-11)


Solomon was the son of King Dav d; he was the third and final king (971 to 931 BC) of the unif ed nat on o Israe ; he wrote Ecc esiastes the Song of Solomon and most of Proverbs

994 to 931 BC

The son of King So omon; assumed k ngship upon death of h s father; because of h s rebel ion against God (re ecting the demands of the northern portion of the un ted kingdom) he ost ha f of h s kingdom He reigned from 931 to 913 BC

K ng Jehoshaphat was the son of Asa He was a good k ng, He obeyed God, l stening and follow ng H s commands He was the fourth k ng of Judah,re gn ng from 870 to 848 BC His reign for the most part was considered to be prosperous 905 to 849 BC

The son of Amaziah who we re to d in 2 K ngs 14:3 "d d what was r ght n the eyes of the LORD yet not ike David h s father " Unl ke his father Uzz ah was a good k ng who followed God As he sought God, God would n turn he p h m prosper, g v ng h m victories in batt e along w th peace He sinned against God when he took over the role of the priests n the temp e He re gned from 781-740 BC

Ahaz was the son of King Jotham 2 Kings 16:2 states hat "Ahaz was twenty years old when he began h s reign " He was wicked doing unspeakable ev l He commit ed do atry nclud ng worshiping Molech He reigned from 735 to 716 BC The l fe of King Ahaz s recorded in 2 Kings 15:3816:20 and 2 Chron c es 27:928:27

The son of King Hezek ah Manasseh began h s re gn in 697 BC He comm tted atroc ties against God He later asked God for forgiveness God granted such King Manasseh s repentance ed h m to des roy the pagan a tars to make whole aga n the Temp e and to publ c y worship the Lord His reign ended in 642 BC

After h s father was k l ed, Jos ah became king at the young age of eight Second Chronic es 34:3 te ls us that in the e ghth year of his reign whi e he was st l young he began to seek the God of h s fa her Dav d; and in the twe fth year he began to purge Judah and Jerusalem of the high places the wooden mages the carved images and he mo ded images " Josiah reigned for th rty-one years

In the Bib e you wi l find ment on of two kings with the name Jehoram/Joram Joram, the son of King Jehoshaphat, reigned over the k ngdom of Judah from 853 to 841 BC The first four years of his reign were w th h s fa her A ter that he ru ed for another e ght years He did not wa k n the ways of h s father He did ev l against God

The son of King Uzziah Jotham ru ed Judah rom 750 o 732 BC The Lord looked favorably upon Jotham because he did what was right Jotham saw that his father, Uzziah, sought the Lord He nevered entered So omon s Temple a ter his father was punished for his disobedience toward God

Hezekiah, the son of Ahaz, began to reign in 716 BC He was us twenty- ive years o d His name means God has strengthened He s considered o have been an aston sh ng king used by God o not only rescue Jerusalem from the Assyr ans but a so brought change (revival) o Judah He was king or nineteen years

King Amon was the son of King Manasseh He was king for just two years: 642 to 640 BC He was he fourteenth king of Judah An evi king (see 2 K ngs 21:18-26) he was assassinated by h s own servants (see 2 Chronicles 33:20-25)

Jecon ah also known as Jehoiachin was the grandson of Josiah He became k ng at the age o 18 H s re gn was short- ived: ust three months (during the atter part of 598 BC to the early part of 597 BC ) P4
Abi ah
to re gn over Judah fo low ng
Asa s the son of King Abijah; he was the third king of Judah and was the f fth king of the House of Dav d He re gned over Judah for forty-one years
to 870 BC) He s considered to be somewhat of a good king F rst K ngs 15:11 te ls us "And Asa d d what was right in the eyes of the LORD as David h s
son o Rehoboam
the death of h s father (see 2 Chronicles 12:16) He d d th
n the eighteenth year of King Jeroboam (see 2 Chron c es 13:1) He would re
for only three years (913 to 911 BC)
(from 911
father had done "
Dates Unknown Dates Unknown Dates Unknown (thought to have lived to be between 59 and 63 years old) Dates Unknown Dates Unknown Dates Unknown (thought to have lived to be 41 years old) Dates Unknown Dates Unknown (thought to have lived to be 54 years old) Dates Unknown Dates Unknown Dates Unknown (thought to have lived to be 39 years old) Dates Unknown L I F E S P A N
page 3)
The son of Jeconiah The name Shealtiel means "I have asked of God " The grandson of King Jeho chin (Jecon ah); the son of Shealt el (see Ezra 3:8); was the head of the tr be of Judah at the time the ex le ended at Baby onia; was appointed governor of Judea; h s greatest work was rebu ld ng the emple The name Abiud means "Father of praise " Abiud's father was Zerubbabel The son of Abiud; Eliakim means "whom God will raise up " or "the resurrection of God Both of these apply to Jesus Christ He is given much authority (see Isaiah 22:21-23) The name Azor means "a helper " He is mentioned twice in the Bible: Matthew 1:13 14 Zadok, the father of Achim, is mentioned in Matthew 1:14 He was the royal son of Azor Achim the son of Zadok, appears only once in the BibleMatthew 1:14 Four generations before Joseph, Eliud is the son of Achim and the father of Eleazar He was mentioned in Matthew 1:14-15 Part of the direct royal line between King David and Jesus, Eleazar means "God has helped " Eleazar is mentioned in Matthew 1:15 Mentioned in Matthew 1:15, Matthan was the father of Jacob and the grandfather of Joseph Mary s husband and Jesus' legal father Mentioned
The Genealogy
of Jesus
The Third Set of Fourteen Generations
Matthew 1:12-16)
in Matthew 1:15-16 Jacob, as mentioned, is the father of Joseph, the husband of Mary Joseph, the son of Jacob, was a carpenter He was, more importantly, the husband to Mary and the legal father of Jesus Why did Jesus the Son of God need an earthly father? Because Jesus was human as well Growing up, He needed the care of both parents See Matthew 1 and 2
Unknown Dates Unknown Dates Unknown Dates Unknown Dates Unknown Dates Unknown Dates Unknown Dates Unknown Dates Unknown Dates Unknown Dates Unknown Dates Unknown Dates Estimated
0 BC Luke
The Son of God The prophet, Isaiah states hundreds of years before the birth of Jesus: For to us a child is born, to us a Son is given; and the government shall be upon His shoulder and His name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace (See Isaiah 9;6)
birth to be between
3:23 tells us that Jesus began His ministry at about thirty years of age
was in ministry for three years His death is estimated to be between AD 29-33

Book Review: Christmas Miracles

What an inspirational book! On its pages are forty-eight personal stories of miracles Stories that tug at your heart and, hopefully, make many of us realize two things:

1 That those of us who have been blessed should reach out with kindness and love to those who are less fortunate For many of us, we have at one time or another been in need

2. The Lord helps those in need to triumph over circumstances. His presence is everywhere - at the peaks and in the valleys In Deuteronomy 31:8, Moses tells the Israelites that "He will not leave you or forsake you "

Cecil Murphey

Cecil Murphey is a master at his profession. A veteran author and co-author of 135 books, he has won numerous awards for his writings. He co-wrote with Don Piper the New York Times bestseller 90 Minutes in Heaven He also co-wrote, with Dr Ben Carson, the book Gifted Hands: The Ben Carson Story For more on Cecil Murphey, visit his page at www cecilmurphey com

Marley Gibson

Marley Gibson is a best-selling author of both fiction and non-fiction books She is the author of the popular young adult Ghost Huntress fiction series

Making the Case

Christmas Miracles was published in 2009, but the stories in the book are timeless They are as inspiring to us today as they were for the generations before us. Yes, the book ties in nicely with the time of year we're in - Christmas. But these short stories can be read all year long as you seek the Lord for a day's troubles. My first thought when I read the first few stories was that my family wasn't the only one that had struggles along the way The stories are impactful, opening the reader's heart to the issues being told We get caught up in our own lives, forgetting that there are others who are in need. In fact, as you read the entire array of short stories you experience good honest people with truly life-changing events, i.e. a woman with breast cancer, a family with not enough food to eat, an unexpected pregnancy, a child hospitalized. Their faith in the Lord began, became stronger, or was reinforced with the events But it was faith in the Lord and the grace and mercy extended by a loving Father that got these people through their trying circumstances

Have you ever asked what is a miracle? C. S. Lewis, in his book Miracles, defines the word "miracle" as "an interference with Nature by supernatural power." In their book, What's In the Bible?, R. C. Sproul and Robert Wolgemuth state that a miracle is "any divine intervention breaking through the codes of natural law " Josh McDowell of Josh McDowell Ministry succinctly makes the case this way about "miracles" - go back to the beginning of the Bible in which Genesis 1:1 states "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth " Throughout Scripture, beginning with Genesis, we read of miraculous events, including the creation Such events "are unique and without precedent."

Jesus says in Luke 11:9-10:

"So I say to you, ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives, and he who seeks, finds, and to him who knocks, it will be opened."

Minister Don Piper put it this way on the back cover of this book:

"The existence of miracles in our lives is an assurance that we're not alone and that our Heavenly Father looks out for us in our hours of need and even in what might seem to be a trivial situation."

As we come to the end of another year - a year in which people all over the world have endured much - our reliance needs to stand firm on God, that He will get us through, as He has with those whose stories are in Christmas Miracles. Whether it be health issues, financial problems, or the loss of someone near and dear, the stories in this book prove we are not alone in this journey we call life if we will just let the Lord in P5

America's President Page: George Washington

George Washington - A Christian Leader

There are many opinions on the religious beliefs of America's Founding Fathers. George Washington was both a leader and a Christian. It is hoped that this will enlighten the reader as to the Christian faith that Washington had and spoke of frequently

The Early Years of George Washington

He was born in 1732 in the colony of Virgina.

George Washington's father was lay-leader Father Augustine Washington (1694-1743); he died when George was eleven years old

His mother, Mary Ball, was his father's second wife; Mary and Augustine had six children - George Washington being the first born

Beginning at six years old, Washington and his family lived in the Fredericksburg, Virginia He would live in the area for about fifteen years

An avid learner, George Washington was tutored at home; he became proficient in real estate law, land acquisition and surveying; Washington was a local leader in the Anglican church

Christianity in

America in the 17th and 18th Centuries

What was one of the first things the settlers of Jamestown did in 1607?

The settlers placed a "wooden cross" on the beach at Cape Henry.

What type of society did George Washington's ancestors face when arriving in Virginia?

The principles upon which the society lived were "deeply Christian "

What was Virginia's first church?

The Anglican Church which became independent from its mother church in England.

Evidence of Washington As A Christian Leader

Book of Common Prayer; The Sufficiency of a Standing Revelation; The Travels of Cyrus; Copy of the New Testament (Latin translation)

George Washington's Embrace of God's Word

3Perhaps this gives great insight on Washington's view of God's Word: Peter A Lillback, in his book, George Washington's Sacred Fire, state "we have gone through and counted over two hundred different biblical allusions and expressions that come right into his writings from all parts of the scriptures "

Christmas and the Economy - Where Did Your Dollars Go?

from page 1)

despair In the case of the latest GDP, there's a little more despair as many red flags are lurking behind this number, i e Personal Consumption Expenditure (PCE) is down, demand for goods dropped, the residential market fell again. Financial managers interviewed for the latest Barron's edition (December 19, 2022) are predicting anywhere from 0 to 1 percent economic growth in 2023. And of course the government continues to spend the Keynesian way - government spending

Keep in mind that the government cannot spend its way out of a recession, i.e the currently proposed $1.7 trillion spending bill. Second, we should not be so accepting of such a low economic growth for America Economist David Stockman, in his book, The Great Deformation, spoke

this way of the Great Recession of 2008: "Free markets and prosperity are deeply imperiled because the state and its central banking branch have failed miserably due to overreaching, overloading, and outside capture." The same could be said today of the economic morass America is in

Back in 2013, Heather Stewart wrote an article on the impedance of economic growth in the U.K., which, in some respects, could be a message to U S politicians today The title of the article is "We can't spend our way out of economic crisis But we can cut taxes " Enough of the spending.

It is hoped that next Christmas will have more shoppers and less attempted thievery that only comes about with a stronger free-market economy


Character Helped Him Lead

It was hardly a small undertaking going to war for freedom from your mother country But in the mid-1770s that is what happened in America David Abshire points out in his article, "The Character of George Washington," that "who he was and what he did made the birth of the United States of America possible " Washington had a presence that made people want to follow him

2Character qualities of Washington:

Had Charisma Was Humble

Provided Sustainability

Exhibited Servant Leadership

Demonstrated Self-Control Learned From Mistakes Expressed Honesty Had Morals Had Integrity

Lillbank quotes Washington's view of having the character of a Christian: "While we are zealously performing the duties of good Citizens and soldiers, we certainly ought not to be inattentive to the higher duties of Religion To the distinguished Character of Patriot, it should be our highest Glory to add the more distinguished Character of Christian "

Get to know the book of Genesis. Get to know God who shows from the beginning of time not just the love He has for you and me, but also the grace and mercy He extends to each of us Get to know the men in the book of Genesis, whose faith and belief in God overcame the obstacles they faced Order this book now at https:// P6
Washington's 1The number of individuals or institutions who influenced George Washington's Christian beliefs: his father the vestryman, his mother who was deeply religious, the church,
and his tutors
Some of the books Washington referred to:
Sources: Abshire, David "The Character of George Washington " (1998) Center for Strategic and International Studies https://www thepresidency org Accessed 15 December 2022 Lillbank, Peter. George Washington's Sacred Fire. Providence Forum Press. Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania.
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