7 minute read
Heal One, Heal All
by Rajashree Maa (Joni Dittrich, Ph.D.)
In Kali-Ki Reiki, there is a motto: “A healing for one is a healing for all.” Kali-Ki Reiki practitioners find this to be true on multiple levels, from the personal to the universal. In practical terms, the motto means that Kali-Ki Reiki practitioners need to practice reiki self-healing on a regular basis. Energy healers, like many of our counterparts in medicine and caregiving, often put caring for others ahead of self-care. While this is sometimes applauded as selflessness, the truth is, only by taking care of ourselves will we have the strength and fortitude to deal with the pain and suffering that is presented to us. We healers need to—as they say on an airplane—remember to put on our own oxygen masks first, ensuring we can breathe while assisting others. No one who asks for reiki healing for pain and stress relief wants to work with a stressed-out healer.
We know that, when one person is happy, it tends to elevate the mood and perspective of the people nearby. When clients who are depressed or in chronic pain come for reiki healing and leave with a pain-free sense of well-being and ease, they often find that their complicated interpersonal relationships begin to go more smoothly. Problems that seemed insurmountable before suddenly have a simple solution. We know from firsthand experience that happiness and well-being can be contagious. The happy person also finds that sullen store clerks become helpful and smiling.
What exactly is this contagious quality that propagates well-being in ourselves and those around us? Why do we, for the most part, feel happier around happy people? This question can be answered in the esoteric and universal realms of energy healing and how reiki works. Neuropsychology and biochemistry tell us about “mirroring effects” in which seeing a smile can prompt a smile. Happy people release chemicals that activate happiness chemicals in others. Certain scientific traditions even accept “biofield” theories that claim that an undetectable—and as yet unmeasurable—energy field surrounds the human body which influences and is impacted by the biofields of those who come into close proximity.
The biofield theory might explain what we see happening in Kali-Ki Reiki. For Kali-Ki Reiki practitioners, the biofield is a small part of the infinitely vast field of consciousness that underlies all that is. That field of consciousness is pure awareness, unchanging and endless. Known to some as the unified field, the God field, or the Brahman, Kali-Ki Reiki practitioners call it “Limitless Love.” It is love in a non-dual sense, meaning that it is not relational or conditional—it just is, and it is the source of all that is.
The unchanging and undifferentiated awareness of Limitless Love is the energy out of which the universe(s) and all beings emerge. In Kali-Ki Reiki, the creative energy of Limitless Love is called the “Loveforce.” That which delivers and transmits the Loveforce is referred to as Divine Mother or Maha Shakti (great power). Limitless Love is essentially neutral, and so must be its power. Kali-Ki Reiki practitioners liken the Loveforce energy to a mother who cares for and nurtures her creation.
When Kali-Ki Reiki was first introduced in 2008, it appeared as a mystical revelation to me from Divine Mother. She clearly indicated that this healing practice, with its symbols or light-forms, was to be used to heal not just individuals, but to heal collective humanity and the planet itself. Over the years, Her messages have insisted that we all come to know the underlying truth of the unity and interconnectedness of all that is. Our sense of separation is illusory. Each person’s suffering and joy is linked to the experience of others. Our collective suffering is linked to the ravaging of our planet. We must heal ourselves to heal our world.
Whether humanity ultimately survives in its current form is irrelevant to the infinite, universal energy. But if, as humans, we want to evolve our consciousness in such a way that we can all know the Limitless Love at our source, we need to nurture and heal both ourselves and our planet. Healing one person at a time is the perfect place to begin. When Divine Mother’s Loveforce is activated in one being’s system, waves of luminous energy ripple out into the collective and the planet. This is how, in Kali-Ki
Reiki, we understand that a healing for one is a healing for all.
An African proverb states there is no healing without a change in consciousness. Unlike medical treatments that rely on chemicals or biomechanics, reiki heals through the transmission of Loveforce energy via the medium of the healer. In KaliKi Reiki, we have consistently found that when materialistic-minded people feel improved physically and emotionally—as a result of channeled energy they cannot see, feel, hear, touch, or taste—something changes in their awareness. They may suddenly realize that what they have known as reality is not what it appears to be. This transformation in consciousness, Kali-Ki Reiki practitioners call “wisening,” allows them to experience themselves as energy, or an energy field, that is a part of the whole.
Kali-Ki Reiki healers like to invite their clients to think of themselves as sunbeams whose light is dependent upon and not different from the light of the sun. This is how they think of themselves as part of the one whole or one consciousness.
The word “heal” stems from a ProtoGermanic word meaning “to make whole.” Thus, when we experience healing, we are experiencing the wholeness of our being. As we wisen, we realize that the wholeness of our individual system is connected to universal wholeness. As long as any parts remain broken, how can the universe be whole? From the nondual perspective of Limitless Love, everything is always whole, perfect, and unchanging. But from the perspective of Divine Mother active in the relative world, we must collaborate with Her to evolve into our greatest wholeness—to wisen. She is always waiting for us.
A 1993 statement issued by the Parliament of World Religions declared: “Earth cannot be changed for the better unless the consciousness of individuals is changed.” Once we understand the interconnectedness of the personal and the universal, we can see that a healthy healer is a more effective healer. It is counterproductive to put ourselves on the back burner. As we offer healing on an individual basis, we can trust in the power of Divine Mother’s Loveforce to ripple into and wisen the collective awareness, which in turn transforms how we, as both individuals and the collective, interact with and care for our world.
Self-care is also care for the greater Self or one soul that we all share. Together, let us heal and be healed.
Joni Dittrich, Ph.D. (Rajashree Maa) is the author of May the Loveforce Be With You: Kali-Ki Reiki: Healing Through Divine Mother & Yogic Wisdom. She is a master of four reiki lineages and a venerated interspiritual teacher of meditation, yogic wisdom and holistic wellness. From many years of practice as a psychologist and healer, she sees true healing as a gateway to spiritual wisening and awareness of the Limitless Love at the heart of being. She is the founder of The Wisdom School based in Napa, California, which is dedicated to offering online and in-person healing sessions and training in Kali-Ki Reiki and supportive practices. thewisdomschool.us