February 23

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February 23, 2011

Serving The Community Since 1948

Volume lXV Issue XIII

The Pace Press

Digital Illustration by Hilda Adeniji/The Pace Press

kATHerIne rIley features editor

College students who majored in subjects which inclined them to long hours of calculating and studying computer programming are on the right track to earning top paying salaries post graduation. While undergrads should not base their career choices on how fast they can make a six figure salary, it is important to

know the facts and figures of the job market. according to the National association of Colleges and employers (NaCe), top earning majors for 2011 include engineering, computer science and accounting. the starting salary average for computer science is about $56,200 while accounting majors earn about $44,600 upon graduation. university students follow the in-

creased trend of popular business related majors. College Board reported that about 37 percent of the university’s graduates are business or marketing majors. another top earning major, engineering, includes the application of science and mathematical principles to technical problems. these jobs incorporate petroleum engineering, nuclear engineering, chemical

engineering, biomedical engineering and computer engineering. While the university does not specifically offer engineering, students aiming to pave a career in the field usually major in computer science or biochemistry. students studying computer science develop software or programming and improve and create new technology. according to a recent study done by Pay scale salary sur-

vey, computer science majors, specializing in programming and software, take home an average starting salary of $56,000. College Board averages that about 7 percent of university students are part of the Computer and information sciences bachelor program. Liberal arts majors should not consider asking their advisers to change majors as there is still plenty Continued on Page 8

lGBTQA TASk FOrCe HOlDS ArT eXHIBITIOn on page 3 • AVrIl lAVIGne releASeS neW AlBUM on page 5

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Feb 23_February 23 3/1/11 12:22 PM Page 2



February 23, 2011

University to sell Briarcliff Campus in coming years Grand jury drops all police

charges in Henry case IVOnnA THOMPSOn NeWs editor

briarcliff Campus’ main building Dow Hall. Ivonna Thompson/The Pace Press

lynn rICkerT editor-iN-CHief

over the next few years, the university plans to sell off the Briarcliff campus, with the help of real estate firm Newmark Knight frank, as part of their five year strategic Plan. according to the university’s website, the offices and residence halls currently located on the Briarcliff campus will be gradually moved to the main PLV campus, which will undergo an expansion. “the regulatory approval process and the work required to consolidate the two campuses should take four to five years if all goes well,” senior Vice President and Chief administrative officer Bill McGrath said. Junior Michael oleaga, who lives in one of the Briarcliff campus residence halls, said he only found out about the sale through his involvement in PLV’s campus newspaper, The Paw Print, and because he “attend[s] the student association meetings” and has heard university President stephen J. friedman and McGrath speak about it. “i bet there

are many [students] that still have no clue about [the sale],” oleaga said. McGrath said the move will “provide a stronger sense of community and campus life.” While the sale is sure to bring in some profit for the school, McGrath explained that it is mostly for the sake of student life. “the sale is a component of the campus master plan which is all about improving student life and making Pace more attractive and competitive,” he said. McGrath also noted, “surveys and anecdotal feedback from students indicate a strong preference to be on campus in Pleasantville.” He continued to explain, “and obviously walking to class rather than driving or taking a shuttle bus is much more convenient.” oleaga disagreed about students’ preference for living on campus. “i believe there are reasons students choose to move to Briarcliff instead of Pleasantville,” he said. “i’ve lived in three different dorms in Briarcliff since my freshman year and absolutely prefer being on this cam-

pus.” oleaga said he thinks adding residence halls at the main PLV campus will make it “cramped,” whereas having residence halls at the Briarcliff campus offers students “an escape from everything” and a “much more peaceful and quiet” environment. McGrath explained that they have just begun the process of putting the campus on the market. “i will not speculate on potential buyers or uses for the property, [but] i can tell you that it is a beautiful property with great potential,” he said. the university originally purchased the campus from Briarcliff College in 1977. university alumna susanne Villemarrette, who was originally a Briarcliff College student, said she was one of only about 50 girls from the all female college who stayed when her school was bought by the university and became co-educational. “dow Hall was beautiful. i hope [whoever buys the campus doesn’t] tear it down,” Villemarrette said.

the Westchester County grand jury dropped all charges feb.14 against the police in the case of university student danroy (dJ) Henry, Jr. who was fatally shot by Westchester police oct. 17, 2010. the grand jury investigation began Jan. 10. according to the Westchester County district attorney news release, the assessment of the decision was, “immediately after the shooting an investigation began into the circumstances surrounding Mr. Henry’s death. as part of the investigation, more than 400 people were interviewed by investigations in New York and elsewhere, including as far away as florida. “Numerous items of physical evidence were collected from the scene and forensically analyzed by experts in ballistics, toxicology, accident reconstruction, dNa and trace evidence.” the Westchester County district attorney (da)’s office, including the investigators High technology forensic identification unit, the Mount Pleasant Police department, the Westchester County Medical examiner’s office and the Westchester County department of Laboratories and research conducted the investigation. after the grand jury decision, da Janet difiore issued the closing statement on the case for

Westchester County. da difiore said, “i would like to thank the 23 citizens of this County who comprised the grand jury for their service, for the time and effort they devoted to this investigation and for the careful manner in which they discharged their solemn duty.” the university issued a statement feb. 14 in regards to Henry’s case, stating, “in the absence of seeing the evidence that was presented to the Westchester grand jury, Pace cannot comment on the outcome of the grand jury proceeding. We understand that the decision will disappoint many students and other members of the Pace community.” the university further stated, “We are proud of them and their ongoing efforts to remember their classmate, teammate and friend and to support the Henry family through this difficult time. We have been advised that the u.s. department of Justice has been monitoring the case. if the Justice department determines that a civil rights investigation is appropriate, we will provide our full support.”

ONLINE Do you have an opinion or any thoughts regarding this case? Send your editorials to editor@pacepress.org

Lienhard School of Nursing becomes College of Health Professionals nAzAry neBelUk distriButioN MaNaGer

the university established the College of Health Professionals that will consist of the combined Physician assistant’s (Pa) program and the Lienhard school of Nursing. the new college will allow for greater multidisciplinary interaction, a trend common in the health sciences professions and more options for university students to pursue careers in the health sciences. “the university has had an interest in the field of health care for a number of years and the new school will reflect [our] efforts to prepare students for jobs in the emerging healthcare industry,” according to a statement issued by the former dean of the school of Nursing, interim Provost Harriet feldman and acting dean of the College of Health Professionals Gerri Colombraro. Provost feldman also said, “Congratulations, kudos, brava and

bravo to the Lienhard and Pa faculty and staff for your willingness to collaborate as a team, be open to change and to persist,” adding “… it is time to identify new program areas and the talent to create the programs to [expand] the College.” the university does have plans to “strategically grow additional multidisciplinary programs that can attract diverse audiences,” according to the university press release statement which also said, “the College is currently engaged in conversations about which programs should be included and then how to move forward in establishing these programs.” the two programs already established as part of the college — nursing and Pa — have been very competitive. Provided the merger, they will most likely continue to prosper under the new college. the Lienhard school of Nursing pass rate for the National Council Licensure exam for registered Nurses was 94.45 percent. the national

rate is 81.74 percent and the New York state pass rate is 77.05 percent. the Master of science for the Pa program is one of the most competitive programs at the university with over 1,300 applicants for 50 spots. there is, however, a desire to see these programs grow, as stated by Provost feldman and dean Colombraro, “the intent [of the new college] is to grow our current programs in Pa studies and nursing and add new ones over time.” the new College of Health Professionals brings the total count of the university’s Colleges to two, with the dyson College of arts and sciences. “i was glad to hear that Pace is forming this college. While it does not seem to create any significant changes in major opportunities, it does allow for greater vocalization of a very important line of study that is available for students at Pace,” freshman Craig Mayle said. Digital Illustration by Hilda Adeniji

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February 23, 2011


UN’s “Girls Stand Up” encourages women to rise above inequality IVOnnA THOMPSOn NeWs editor

The University’s Women’s and Gender Studies Department and Working Group on Girls (WGG) hosted the 55th Annual Meeting of the United Nations (UN) Commission on the Status of Women entitled, “Girls Stand Up” Feb. 20. WGG is a 17-year-old coalition of nongovernmental organizations (NGO) that focuses on women’s issues. University President Stephen J. Friedman and Interim Provost Harriet R. Feldman were in attendance for the commission. Girls Stand Up included speeches from keynote speakers and workshops that gave insight on advocacy techniques, gender equality, women’s engagement in science and technology, discrimination and violence against young women. Approximately 45 NGO’s were represented including Girl Scouts of the USA, Plan International and Girls Learn International. There were over 275 girls and young women between the ages of 16 and 25 from 20 countries in attendance. Former president of Chile, Michelle Bachelet, delivered the opening keynote speech. Bachelet is currently the Under-SecretaryGeneral for the UN for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women also known as UN Women. Bachelet discussed a wide variety of world issues that women face including gender equality, education, violence and many other issues. She also discussed how violence against women was on the UN’s agenda, how to approach it and who to include. “It’s essential that boys and men are part of this. Violence against women hurts them also,” she said. Bachelet also discussed how education is essential for young women to grow and excel in society. She said, “We need to use education as a tool of opportunity.” One of the methods that Bachelet along with the UN is using is working with United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). “We have a lot of success to celebrate, but much more to do,” Bachelet said. She added that it is important for girls to remain in school. Bachelet commended audience members for taking the time out to go to the commission. She said, “Just by being here you remind us that you want to end discrimination [and violence against girls].”

Bachelet also discussed female empowerment in order for girls and women to be successful and to pass onto each other. “If we empower women then the voices of empowered women can be heard and inspire more women to have high positions,” she said. To close her speech, Bachelet also reminded girls and women to know that with success comes responsibility. “There’s no such thing as a ‘superwoman’ and that can be painful. Women can do all only not all at the same time,” she said. The audience received Bachelet after her presentation and displayed it with a round of applause and a standing ovation. Between the keynote speeches and workshops, young women also had a panel in regards to their humanitarian work and efforts towards progressing the status of women. For the closing speech Executive Director of the Women Peace and Security Network Africa, Laymah Roberta Gbowee, discussed how everyone should fight for what they believe in when it comes to women’s rights. Based on her experiences, Gbowee spoke out against the Liberian War and gave empowerment to women who were suppressed in war. During her introduction Gbowee was referred to as the MLK of her nation and Mama Africa. Gbowee has suffered from physical and mental abuse as a woman and has told her story to many. She discussed how she met with women at another forum and a girl asked her if she could go back and do something different would she, with Gbowee replying nothing, because she would not have understood everything she’s gone through. For Gbowee she has achieved her success through motivation and drive to make positive changes. “I’m fighting for what I believe in and it is a satisfying thing.” In terms of gaining equality and how to be proactive Gbowee said, “Fighting for what you believe in means being aggressive.” To start the process of being a successful activist is to become aware of the situation at hand and then assess it. “Awareness is the first step to any form of activism,” Gbowee said. In closing, Gbowee seemed to really empower the audience when she said, “It’s time to stop being pretty and start being active.” The audience gave a standing ovation and a round of applause after her speech.

Art exhibition celebrates Center building kelly HerBerT CoNtriButor

an art exhibit called, “Building a Center,” has been erected in 41 Park row to commemorate the literal building of the university’s first ever Lesbian Gay Bisexual transgender Queer and ally (LGBtQa) and social Justice Center. the exhibit, which is made of hundreds of photographs of university students, staff, faculty and alumni holding signs that read, “LGBtQa Center requested at Pace” represents the many layers of individual involvement necessary to make change. for more than a year and a half, the LGBtQa task force, the stonewall Coalition and allied organizations have rallied the university community around the creation of the Center and has inspired departments, alumni and other individuals to donate bits and pieces to literally create this space. the Center has been gifted chairs, desks, computers, original

art, hundreds of books, programmatic funds and scholarships. “it is small but revolutionary and every picture, as an amalgamated whole, represents what a campus can do, once united,” senior and stonewall Coalition President Lorendra Pinder said. the exhibit is a reflection of the reality that it took many individuals coming together to form a coalition around a specific need in order to make change. university seniors susana Lucero and Bouchra aanouz volunteered at the LGBtQa Center to build the exhibit. “We both feel that we wanted to contribute something to the Center to show our support and to give back to the Pace community members who have made it possible for us to have this incredible and necessary Center. We hope to stay connected as alumni!” Lucero said. as the art exhibit reflects, this movement was built by the small and large offerings of time, energy, heart, supplies, funds and power of hundreds of individuals on campus.

“i hope the work we continue to do gives students who may be considering joining stonewall and being on the executive Board incentive to do so. We need willing and able folks to keep the cogs of this great machine turning. each of us stepping up to the plate and doing our part is the only way,” Pinder said.

“It is small but revolutionary and every picture, as amalgamate whole, represents what a campus can do, once united. -Lorendra Pinder, student this movement still requires the energy and efforts of people on campus. Currently the Center is established, but the task force is waiting on the administration to secure funding for full-time staff and programs.


To find out how to get involved, email PacelGBTQACenter@gmail.com

for details or become fan on Facebook at “We want an lGBTQA Center at Pace.”

For graduating seniors, stay connected to the Center through the LGBTQA Alumni Committee’s Facebook page: “Pace lGBTQA Alumni Fanpage”

or by e-mailing PacelGBTQACenter@gmail.com. All photos by kelly Herbert

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February 23, 2011



Vanishing is predictable, but still very frightening new thriller


Hayden Christensen stars as lucas in Vanishing on 7th Street.

kIM BUI assoCiate editor

imagine you are walking down empty sidewalks and streets to find that the only things left are a graveyard of empty clothes, reminding you that you’re all alone before the day turns into night. Vanishing on 7th Street, the lat-

est suspenseful thriller from director Brad anderson (Session 9, The Machinist) follows a group of four strangers coming together to survive a common fear, the dark. finding themselves in the now deserted city of detroit, Mich., the days become shorter as the sun begins to set faster. With these shorter days, it leaves little time before

everything descends into darkness. Lucas (Hayden Christensen), rosemary (thadie Newton), Paul (John Leguizamo) and James (Jacob Latimore) find themselves to be the only survivors. they find refuge in a local bar, running on a power generator that will only keep them safe for so long as they try to find a way to escape the city and the darkness.

the eerie, mysterious enemy that is the dark begins to personify over time. the darkness comes in waves, but as the movie progresses you can see that the darkness has a mind of its own. sometimes taking the form of shadows and human silhouettes, you aren’t sure what exactly it is that they are running from. Whether it is a force or an actual creature, no one wants to wait around to find out. While the survivors try to figure out why they survived this apocalyptic event, it is revealed that is it the presence of light that keeps them alive. Being around their own light source when darkness descended and everyone vanished is how the four came to survive while losing their loved ones. any light source like a simple lighter, glow stick or even children’s light up shoes can be the very thing that saves your life. the conflicts of light versus dark and good versus evil are not hard to decode from the plot. as the movie progresses, the darkness becomes more apparent. Lurking in the shadows and creeping in corners, you also begin

to hear voices and faint whispers as it comes closer. Paul, who is attacked by the darkness, then reveals that it is as if they are not fighting to survive, but rather, fighting to exist. existentialism, a surprising topic to encounter in the rather black and white, or light and dark, plot, does add some depth to the storyline. each character then begins to evaluate their life in a sense, as each recounts what it is in the world that they fight or fought for, hoping to give them the motivation to find a way out. the characters develop drastically, going from emotions of panic and struggle to an “every man for himself” mindset. the cat and mouse chase between the survivors and the shadows becomes a bit tiring over time. Like any thriller movie plotline, you are just waiting for the survivor count to lower so you can finally see if the one survivor, the hero, will win against the evil force. Vanishing on 7th Street may be predictable like many thrillers in a sense, but it will leave you wanting to carry a flashlight with you nonetheless.

I Am Number Four brings life-threatening situations and comedy together BeTTy FerMIn CoNtriButor

in typical sci-fi film fashion, the plot of newly released thriller I Am Number Four involves aliens living amongst humans. Number four (alex Pettyfer), also known as John smith, is an alien from the planet Lorien, sent to earth for protection from another alien race, the Mogadorians. the Loriens that occupy earth are protected by a charm that only allows them to be killed in numerical order, hence why it is important to know that John is in fact Number four. Number four hides out among a typical high school setting, combining an action packed alien movie with runof-the-mill high school drama. it is learned that every time one of the Numbers has died, John has been with a scar — with each subsequent death of the other numbers before him, John gains another circular scar. His father Henri (timothy olyphant) also known as the “guardian,” brings great comedic relief to the screen. the banter between Pettyfer and olyphant definitely lightens up the somber mood but also highlights how tense the situation really is. the cast in this movie is great

because each actor brings something to their character. sam (Callan Mcauliffe), the typical high school nerd archetype, transforms before the audience’s eyes as the movie unfolds. another typical high school character is that of the popular girl, sarah (dianna agron). the twist with her character is that she has been shunned by most because of her breakup with a football player, and is now always seen with a camera with which she claims to see through all the lies. as John grows more and more interested in sarah, he begins to rebel against everything that Henri has told him and as the threat gets close, John begins to learn about himself. in one of his first exhibitions of anger, the audience sees how powerful he has become with his ability to throw a football so hard that it makes the bully he threw it at fall flat on his back. director d.J. Caruso is undeniably an incredible filmmaker — he causes you to have such care for these characters and with the vulnerability of every character, you want them all to succeed in wherever this journey takes them. in the case of Number 6 (teresa Palmer), her fierce en-

trance for the “apocalyptic” battle towards the end brought cheers from the audience — entering with her australian accent, kicking ass and taking no prisoners. the villains are so creepy that the audience began to hate them right along with the characters. the ensuing fight and battle scenes are crazy and the special effects are amazing — minute after minute, the scenes intensify. I Am Number Four brings both sides to the table; the serious and life-threatening situation of these aliens, as well as the comedic relief that each character happens to bring to the table at any random moment. the audience is definitely left wanting more at the end of this film and with Henri’s line to John stating “We don't love like the humans. With us, its forever." We know that there is so much more to this story and we cannot wait to see how it continues to unravel.

ONLINE Did you see this movie? What’s your opinion about it? Send your editorials to arts@pacepress.org impawards.com

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February 23, 2011

Justin Bieber turns even more listeners into ‘Beliebers’ with Never Say Never lAUren rOGerS CoNtriButor

Never Say Never, the biopic following teen heartthrob Justin Bieber, was released on feb. 11 much to the excitement of his fan base. the movie is an inspirational and music-filled documentary, easily recommended to any of his self-proclaimed fans.


the movie takes the audience from Bieber’s humble beginnings in stratford, ontario, Canada to his Youtube stardom. the audience meets his family and his management team, who are all willing to go the extra mile to ensure Bieber’s success. the film also shows the ins and outs of his My World 2.0 tour, ending with footage from his sold out show at NYC’s Madison square Garden. “the film shows that the star’s passion for music never died. He never gave up. He went from having nothing but a love for music and a dream to having a number one record. it is a true success story,” sophomore alireza Vaziri said. Besides the inspirational aspect of the film, other things to look out for in the film are celebrity cameos from Ludacris, usher, L. a. reid and snoop dogg. You also see Bieber’s funny and down to earth personality. Minus the fame, he is your average 16-year old — he is responsible for schoolwork, plays sports and tries to hang out with his hometown friends any chance he gets. “the movie is completely inspiring, regardless if you hate or love him. You’ll gain so much respect for this kid. He’s 16 and sold out Madison square Garden in 22 minutes. if that isn’t real, then i don’t know what is,” freshman Jena Montanez said. the movie also contains various clips that make up the Bieber phenomenon such as his hair, music and fans. With over 290 million hits on Youtube, over seven million followers on twitter and an extreme fan base worldwide, the Bieber craze is not dying anytime soon. Go see Never Say Never, as it is a funny, emotional and all around good film. You just may catch Bieber fever.


Want to tell The Pace Press about your favorite — or least favorite — movie, album, book or concert? Email our Arts Editor at arts@pacepress.org

to find out more about writing a review!

Avril Lavigne’s Goodbye Lullaby shows off the pop princess’ talent QUInn WASSOn staff Writer

it seems like avril Lavigne faces the same challenge every time she releases an album. Having never been seen as a champion of artistic growth, she is often relegated to the “out-of-touch” pile. this, after all, is the woman who got married, then released a song about wanting “to be your girlfriend.” Lavigne has a secret weapon, however, that she rarely gets credit for: her voice. its power is hidden by her singing tone — a little petulant, a little nasally and completely unchanged since her teenage debut — but her range is undeniable. Listening to Lavigne roar her way through her new single, “What the Hell,” it is obvious she is not straining for a single note. in regards to artistic growth, Lavigne has caught up a little. in comparison to pop-rock diva Pink, “What the Hell” is Lavigne’s “so What,” and her new album Goodbye Lullaby is very similar in tone to Pink’s Funhouse. Just like Pink, Lavigne wrote and recorded her new album while in the midst of a separation from her husband, sum 41’s deryck Whibley.

You would assume the heartbreak is coming as soon as Goodbye Lullaby begins and you hear the twinkly music-box notes of the intro, “Black star.” Lavigne’s voice is laced with sadness and a little ache. then blasts “What the Hell,” and you think exactly that — “What the hell?” the sequencing of Goodbye Lullaby is totally off. “What the Hell” is a classic Max Martin jam that finds Lavigne at her most sexual. “all my life i’ve been good,” Lavigne insists, “but now…all i want is to mess around.” it is one of her standard kickoff singles — bombastic, bratty, brash and managing to be catchy and forgettable at once. it’s a smart move to re-establish herself though. after “What the Hell,” the album mood switches again, and we get the best three tracks of the album, “Push,” “Wish You Were Here” and “smile,” which should have been the first single. all three paint a vivid picture of a strained relationship and result in a good union of pop production and honest songwriting, along with some of the best vocals in Lavigne’s career. Lavigne has said that her label insisted on her recording “What

the Hell” as her first single, which makes no sense if they were already sitting on a gem like “smile.” over choppy layers of guitars and drumbeats, Lavigne exudes a fresh-start enthusiasm as it is the catchiest song. the streak ends with “stop

standing there,” a monotone snoozer that tries to evoke a shuffling ‘50s beat, but just winds up sounding undercooked. the album immediately rebounds with “i Love You,” a slick, pretty piece of pop that manages to be both positive and melancholy. the lyrics,


“You’re so beautiful, but that’s not why i love you / the reason is… you / being you / just you,” make it a lovely and longing song. from there on, the album gets a little muddied. “everybody Hurts,” “4 real” and “darlin’” are standard deep-album cuts that are unable to maintain interest, although the latter would sound terrific live. “Not enough” fares much better, with the vocal track weaving in between the production masterfully. any artist that writes a song called “Goodbye” is going to stick it at the end of their album. Lavigne’s is a simple, lush track; it’s her own “i’m With You” all grown up. “i have to go and leave you alone,” she sings in an unusually pure tone, “but always know / i love you so.” then the strings really kick in, the background voices mesh up with the lead vocals, and suddenly you’re listening to the heartache of a divorce right in your ear buds. this cathartic moment of harmony is what the entire album’s been building up to, and it’s a great way to end a surprisingly strong set of tracks from Lavigne. Goodbye Lullaby will be released on March 8.

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February 23, 2011

2011 Grammy Awards: the good, the bad, and the unexpected AleX rUFInO staff Writer

the 53rd annual Grammy awards, the music industry’s highest honor, took place at the Los angeles staples Center feb. 23 with hot performances and surprising winners. the ceremony started with a tribute to 18-time Grammy winner aretha franklin. the first award of the night, Best Pop Performance for a duo or Group, went to train for their catchy tune, “soul sister.” the group gave a quick, humorous thanks to Justin Bieber for not being a duo or group. the anticipated performance of Lady Gaga had stirred commotion and bewilderment earlier in the evening, as she entered the red carpet in an egg-shaped capsule carried by men and woman. she said she was “incubating” for her performance, which was her new single “Born this Way.” she also took home Best Pop Vocal album for The Fame Monster. “i didn’t see it, but i heard [about Lady Gaga’s egg-shaped capsule]. i really turn my head every time she’s mentioned. i feel like she’s from New York so i feel like she’s a little attention-starved,” senior Michelle ramirez said. up against some of the biggest names in the music business, country music’s Lady antebellum took home five Grammy awards.


the title track, “Need You Now,” off the trio’s sophomore release earned Hillary scott, dave Haywood, Charles Kelley and their team the coveted Grammy’s for song of the Year and record of the Year. While accepting the Grammy for record of the Year, an emotional Hillary scott first thanked her mom and remarked on how it has been such an amazing year for her and the group.

for the second year in a row, Lady antebellum also picked up the Grammy for Best Country Performance by a duo or Group for “Need You Now.” the ceremony also included performances by Justin Bieber, usher, rihanna, eminem, drake, Janelle Monae, Bruno Mars and even Mick Jagger and Barbra streisand. eminem was awarded Best rap album for Recovery, while triple-threat jazz bassist,

singer, composer esperanza spalding took the Best New artist award away from hyped nominees florence & the Machine and Bieber. a memorable performance came from Cee Lo Green’s muppet-themed stage decor and collaboration with actress Gwyneth Paltrow, as the duo performed Green’s “forget You.” finishing the night was a well-deserved and mind blowing win. taking album of the Year was Canadian indie band arcade fire for their album The Suburbs. overjoyed with their first Grammy award, arcade fire took to the stage one last time to celebrate their win, performing “ready to start” from the album. “i don’t understand how the Glee cast and Justin Bieber are nominated, the Grammys are supposed to be the music equivalent to the oscars. it’s not old-school Grammys anymore, it should be taken more seriously,” senior Kristin Gonzalez said. “it’s all about the drama and the performances now, and who’s wearing what, it’s not real anymore. Like why is Kim Kardashian walking the red carpet? What does she have to do with music?” she continued.

WEBSITE For a complete list of Grammy nominations and winners visit grammy.com/NOMINEES

3 credits in 6 weeks? eek Really. Summer registration is now open. See your adviser now to plan your summer courses. Find your adviser at:


Summer undergraduate tuition has been reduced to $850 per credit.

Register at www.pace.edu/mypace

Feb 23_February 23 3/1/11 12:22 PM Page 7

February 23, 2011


OPINION AND EDITORIALS DISClAIMer: These opinions are expressed by contributors (students, faculty, administration, and staff) to The Pace Press.These opinions are solely those of the individual writers and do not reflect the opinions of The Pace Press, the members of The Pace Press staff, or Pace University. The Pace Press is not responsible and expressly disclaims all liability for damages of any kind arising out of use or relevance to any information contained in this section.


Student activity fee funds University events


throughout the campus. In addition to that, the money also helps with other student-based concerns, such as making sure that The New York Times is available on campus. In my opinion, Pace is not wasting our money. In fact, they are using the money for what it is exactly intended to be used for. Campus activities are open to everyone. The only waste of your money would be to not partake in any campus activities during the semester. Also, if you want more of a say in this subject, the Student Government Association (SGA) holds town hall meetings during common hours to find out more. You can contact them at pacesga@gmail.com.

i read about the Poetry Brothel in The Pace Press and i applaud the idea of getting students involved in poetry and providing a format and a venue for them to share their creative endeavors. i'm unhappy, however, with this format of a “brothel” and especially with referring to the poets as “the Whores.” i think it's sexist, reeks of slumming for entertainment, glamourizes prostitution in a naive and ill-informed way and is in poor taste. after all, college students are employed as prostitutes. i knew half-adozen in my undergraduate years at Pace and i have no doubt there were many more, both men and women, whom i did not know. i am sure there are even more college prostitutes these days, with jobs for students so scarce, and parents struggling to pay tuition, much less provide living expenses. there will always be college students who want to have lots of money and fancy clothes and will be drawn to prostitution for that reason. But others are simply desperate. How would a college student forced into prostitution, forced to choose between her self-respect and getting a college education, feel about calling herself a whore in order to participate in the Poetry Brothel? i think it would make her feel absolutely terrible. the history of 19th century prostitution is really a chronicle of the widespread abuse of women and children. it may look quaint and sexy in the movies with all the beautiful costumes and furnishings, but the harsh reality is

I don’t know if the author of the letter wanted to suggest that the money be applied or given to students that are in debt but just in case you were: I strongly believe that is the most unbalanced idea or suggestion. I understand that many students are in debt by the time they graduate — I will even be in debt myself. It wouldn’t be fair or ethical, however, to use money from all students and just allocate it to some for any reason. And as for the 1.5 million New Yorkers living in poverty, there is a lot you can personally do to help. The Center for Community Action and Research (CCAR) is an organization on campus that has events and opportunities to volunteer and

give back. They are currently working on the Alternative Spring Break project which is specifically dealing with poverty in New York City. You can email them at ccarny@pace.edu to find out more. Also, many of the sororities and fraternities on campus also do a lot of philanthropy for different causes for their chapters. The next time you have a question, statement or criticism it would be useful to learn more about how the University works instead of plastering a flyer which was basically an illogical syllogism. If you have any more questions about campus activities, there is a whole floor full of staff dedicated to the subject on the 8th floor of 41 Park Row.

that most women and children who worked as prostitutes led miserable lives, particularly immigrant and minority women. some were actually enslaved — and they still are today. these women are smuggled to the united states, then must work as prostitutes to pay the smugglers' fees. also, prostitutes don't really “seduce” their clients as described on the Poetry Brothel website — it's a commercial transaction. the clients choose the prostitutes, not the other way around. and the term “whore” was applied only to women in the 19th century — if it was used at all. there were dozens of other 19th-century euphemisms for prostitutes, but they are all uniquely applied to women, as was the term “whore,” so it's especially insulting to women and less so to men. if the idea is to pretend that these poets are “courtesans,” they would certainly not have referred to themselves as “whores” as that was a low-class term. there is also something a bit distasteful about well-fed college students masquerading as 19th century prostitutes. Considering that many if not most of those unfortunate women couldn't read or write, it strikes me as in particularly bad taste. i love the idea of students assuming personas and sharing poetry, but why the Poetry Brothel and not the Poetry saloon or the Poetry speakeasy? Why must the sad reality of women forced to sell their bodies be a source of entertainment?

lynn rickert Editor-In-Chief

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Poetry Brothel name too offensive for some poetry enthusiasts

editorial Board

natalie Gavilanes Executive Editor


Recently around campus I came across a flyer that said, “Pace University spent $18,000 on Ryan Leslie. While 1.5 Million New Yorkers live in poverty and 91% of college students are in debt. Don’t allow Pace to waste our $$$.” As an active member of the campus life at Pace University, I felt really complied to answer this “statement.” The money used for the Live. Love. Laugh concert, (the Ryan Leslie show) and other campus events come from a student activities fund. This fund is financed by the $76 “NY UG Activity Fee” which is billed to every student each semester. This money is then pooled together and distributed to organizations that coordinate events

the pace press

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The Pace Press is the student newspaper of Pace University’s New York City Campus. It is managed and operated entirely by members of the student body as it appears above. The Pace Press welcomes guest editorials and letters from students, faculty, administration and staff. The Pace Press reserves the right to not publish any submitted material, both solicited and unsolicited. All submissions must include the author’s full name and contact information. The Pace Press 41 Park Row, Rm. 902 NewYork, NY 10038 www.pacepress.org editor@pacepress.org Copyright 2011

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February 23, 2011



Ellis and Igel present refreshing shows at Fashion Week 2011 Mel BAIley staff Writer

Twice a year, the hustle and bustle of high fashion New Yorkers transitions to a throbbing beat of stilettos and the flutter of digital cameras for New York Fashion Week. This year’s designers came together at multiple venues throughout Manhattan to illustrate their hard work to the public. It is difficult to avoid the model struts and the bumping music, not to mention the thrill of celebrity sightings and expensive clothing. Virginia born men’s fashion designer Perry Ellis, who started his clothing line in 1976, displayed his Fall 2011 line Feb. 11. The rustle of fabric and the scurrying of witnesses to their seats came to a halt when the lights began to dim. The entire room known as the “stage” at Lincoln Center was sizzling with anticipation when the

music cued up and the thrumming bass poured into the room. The lights illuminated the runway and the leafless tree backdrop welcomed the first male model to step right foot first onto the runway. Ellis’ show detailed a lot of beige and neutral colors featuring many blazers, trench coats and open knit sweaters. Manyof the looks were accented with a droopy hat which complimented the colors of the ensemble. As always, Ellis did not fail to deliver flawlessly tailored pants and jackets suitable for the highest end men’s wear. The show concluded with a shoeless group of male models sporting lounge wear. The men glided down the runway in thermal Ellis tops and cream long john bottoms. Ellis made a brief appearance, giving his thanks to the crowd who applauded bountifully.

Designer Stacy Igel is the face behind the brand Boy Meets Girl which was shown Feb. 15 at the Metropolitan Pavilion. Celebrities such as Natasha Beding- field, Miss Jay Alexander of “America’s Next Top Model” and Kat DeLuna were spotted amongst the crowd. Bedingfield performed a song off herlatest album, Strip Me, before the runway show began. The background music vibrated throughout the pavilion’s center as members of the audience probed and pointed at looks they were fond of, as the show went on.

a look from stacy Igel’s boy meets Girl runway show on Feb. 15. Mel Bailey/The Pace Press

Spring brings the next generation of smart phones JUlIA yeUnG staff Writer

Digital Illustration by Hilda Adeniji

the iPhone coming to Verizon Wireless is not the only smartphone-related news to get excited about this spring. the next generation of smartphones are coming to the market soon with features such as full high-definition (Hd) video playback, dual-core processors, 8GB memory space, 8megapixel cameras and more. Here are five of the anticipated smartphones that are set to be released this spring. the android’s LG optimus 2X is set to be released in late March or early april. it is the world’s first dual-core smartphone with a processor that runs at 1GHz, one billion cycles per second, which allows users to experience rich gaming, 1080p video capture and fluid multitasking. the smartphone can also provide video capture through an 8megapixel primary camera for face to face calling. the High-definition Multimedia interface (HdMi) output enables the ability to hook the cell phone up to a television and watch in 1080p quality. it has a four-inch Wide Video Graphic array (WVGa) screen with an 8GB memory that can be expanded with up to 32GB of microsd. since the LG optimus 2X uses a dual-core processor, applications for the cell phone have to be specifically designed. it will be launched as a “world phone” and be available online, world wide without contracts — which can have a hefty price. Motorola atrix 4G from at&t

Boy Meets Girl’s Fall 2011 collection was fun and playful, featuring many black pieces with nicely fitted tights and artfully designed stockings. The ensembles featured tops which had larger sleeves or were cuffed with fur accompanied by flowing skirts or shorts. Whichever the case, this fall season is bound to see a lot of leg. After the show, Igel and Bedingfield stepped onto the runway to thank the audience for their attendance and support. The crowd quickly got up and dispersed as to avoid the high volume of attendees at the door. Sponsors such as The New York Post, Izze sparkling juice and Glo.com were present at the show and proceeded to hand out free gifts to those in attendance.

is available for pre-order and will begin shipping around March 6. the phone will sell for $199 with a two year contract. the phone can be placed onto its optional dock, a 13-inch notebook that provides full screen size, keyboard and a separate battery, to charge the phone as you hook it up to the laptop. the dock, which is optional, costs approximately $500. applications for the phone enable it to run a full Mozilla firefox 3.6 browser and supports adobe flash Player to have access to videos on the internet. it can be used to schedule recordings, download and watch television shows from the phone. “i don’t think it’s worth it to spend money on smartphones because as time goes by new technology is constantly being developed and will continue to advance. in today’s economy, people have more priorities than to spend money on a smartphone,” junior Mauro Calderon said. the Kyocera echo from sprint is available for pre-order for approximately $199 with a contract, with shipments beginning in early spring. the phone has two 3.5 inch WVGa slide-out screens with a pivot hinge that allows you to use only one screen or both. it can be placed on a tablet that can be used to display it as a single, over-sized display that is good for videos and other multimedia. the two screens would allow you to browse side-by-side websites, email in one screen with a keyboard on the other or play games where one screen is the controller. the smartphone also offers a

5-megapixel camera and a 720p Hd video camcorder with Wi-fi. some negatives for the phone include not having many applications that can run on the dual-screen functionality and the use of two screens at once can use up a lot of battery. “they are good phones, but i usually just text and the extra features they provide i don’t really need and they are also overpriced,” freshman Jessica Lewand said. samsung infuse 4G signed a contract with at&t and will arrive around the second quarter of 2011. it features a 4.5 inch super amoled Plus screen and is one of the thinnest phones at&t offers. it has an 8-megapixel camera with a 1.3 megapixel shooter on the front and a 1.3 GHz single-core Hummingbird processor, making it one of the fastest phones from at&t. the large 4.5 inch screen however, can be seen as useless for those who are not used to having such a large screen. HtC thunderbolt from Verizon will be released feb. 24. it possesses a 4.3 inch LCd screen with an 8-megapixel camera. it is also Verizon’s first 4G Lte handset that will enable “skype to skype” video talk with or without Wi-fi. it provides 8GB of storage and comes with a pre-installed 32 GB microsd. it does not have a dual-core processor, but it does provide a 1 GHz snapdragon processor, which is sufficient enough. these new phones are examples of the new generation of smartphones that are setting a trend.

Some majors may lead to more profit From Page 1 of success and money that can be acquired with an arts degree. finding a job, however, may be difficult considering the percentage of college graduates with art related degrees. “i am nervous [about finding a job] because of the state our economy is in and because communications is a really common degree amongst graduates, but i believe that my communications degree will equip me with the right tools to get any job in my field of interest,” junior shannon Gaspard said. according to Pay scale, a starting salary for a communications graduate is about $38,000 and may earn up to $72,200 as a mid-career median pay. the field of communications is very broad including public relations, journalism, broadcasting, media design and film. “Communication studies are a wide field with plenty of different areas to work in, which is why it is so popular,” Gaspard said. No matter what field of study your diploma authorizes you to do, finding a job is hard work and usually a long process. Getting internships while you are still in school will build up your resume and give you the confidence from experience. Having at least a part time job or full-time job not related to your career goals may be necessary to keep your feet on the ground. “i am an environmental studies major and i don’t have a job in my field yet. i am starting the process of applying, but for now i have a part-time job,” alumnus Kevin Jones said.

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