February 23, 2023 | The Pace Press

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February 23, 2023

Volume 79 | Issue 5

Est. 1948


“Honesty and Objectivity”

Students champion amended financial aid policies on Student Aid Advocacy Day FEB. 16, 2023

In the company of other collegiate institutions, Pace University award of $500 is simply not enough, so I fought for an increase in that.” students lobbied at Student Aid Advocacy Day in Albany, New York, on University students advocated increasing the minimum award to $1,000, increasing the taxable Feb. 14 for policy changes regarding New York State’s Tuition Assisincome limit to $110,000 and restoring graduate education financial assistance relative to TAP. Islam, tance Program (TAP), Direct Institutional (“Bundy”) Aid and increased funding for several opportuMangus, Saskowski and Williams also championed increasing funding in additional opportunity nity programs. programs such as the Higher Education Opportunity Program (HEOP), which ensures students are Under the purview of University Public Affairs, Aman Islam (‘24), Taylor Mangus (‘23), Noah provided with adequate academic support through tuition and supplemental financial assistance; the Saskowski (‘24) and Jeremiah Williams (‘23) spoke with Assembly representatives for New York Collegiate Science and Technology Entry Program (CSTEP), which represents an increasing number City and Westchester to capitalize on the need to invest in student success through more inclusive of marginalized students pursuing professional licensures and careers within the mathematic, scienpolicies surrounding financial aid services for higher education. tific, technological or health-related industries; and Liberty Partnerships Program (LPP), a collaboUniversity Public Affairs, a department not traditionally involved in student-facing expenditures, rative organization of 46 higher education institutions across NYS aimed “to support at-risk middle made a concerted effort to expose University students to elected officials, specifically those who and high school students in their academic, social and emotional development” through mentoring, oversee the creation and revision of higher education financial aid policies and requirements. socio-emotional counseling and career and college exploration activities, according to their website. “At Pace University, we prepare our students for real-life experiences by prioritizing experien“I’ve encountered so many students during my time at Pace who have benefited from TAP, as tial learning,” said Chantel Cabrera, Director of New York City Public Affairs. “On more than one well as many students who have not had access to that funding,” said Mangus. “Expanding upon the occasion, staff from other institutions described Pace students as program gives so many New Yorkers more opportunities.” impressive and legislative staffers commented on how impactful Among the opportunity programs listed above, the Commistheir stories were. They embodied the go-getter spirit, and the sion on Independent Colleges & Universities (CICU) in New York, Majority Leader said as much. I was proud and grateful for their a statewide representative for “the public policy interests of chief participation.” executives for more than 100 independent colleges and universiOne of the most memorable moments for students was meetties” in NYS, asked Assembly members to increase all opportunity ing and contributing to conversations with University Alumni program funding by 10 percent. and Majority Leader of the New York State Senate, Andrea StewThe Association of Program Administrators for C-STEP and art-Cousins. Mangus, Pace Debates Vice President, commented STEP (APACS), who support the advancement in equity, access on Stewart-Cousins’ investment and devotion to students who are and excellence in education by fostering “the development of poloptimistic for the future of increased, comprehensive funding in icies and practices that enhance and increase” the aforementioned higher education. educational qualities, asked for all STEP/C-STEP programs to “Having the opportunity to sit in the gallery of the state assemincrease funding by 20 percent. LPP asked for a 20 percent increase bly hall inside the Capitol building was an incredible experience,” in funding for its programs. said Williams, the President of Pace Debates. “It was surreal to The “Bundy” Aid, which provides direct funding to witness lawmakers speaking on the floor, but it was also a glaring independent colleges, has a current $35.13 million fund used as a reminder that we need more young, informed and engaged perspecfinancial aid service to enhance and support students’ educational tives in government roles.” experiences on campuses in NYS. Representatives of the Bundy From left to right: Aman Islam (‘24), Jeremiah Williams (‘23), Taylor Mangus TAP financially assists eligible New York residents with Aid asked to increase their funding by 10 percent, or $38.6 mil(‘23), Noah Saskowski (‘24) / Chantel Cabrera, Director of New York City tuition for approved NYS public and private higher education lion. Public Affairs institutions, with a minimum reward of $500 and a maximum of Williams urged students to continue the fight for financial $5,665. Eligibility requires the student to be a legal NYS resident relief in higher education and to partake in advocacy to make for 12 continuous months with a taxable income limit of $80,000, specifically for dependent or inde- real changes whenever the opportunity arises. “If you’re still breathing, then it’s not over,” he said. pendent undergraduate students who are married or unmarried with tax dependents, orphans, foster “Whatever your cause, fight or passion is. If you live by that code you will feel impassioned to stand children or wards of the court and be charged a minimum of $200 in tuition per year, among other up and advocate for a better future. I wanted those assembly persons to know, ‘we will not comprostipulations. mise on financing our futures. We deserve an equal shot at changing our lives.’” Islam, Executive President of the Student Government Association (SGA), expressed that the While financial aid was the topic of discussion, the larger message on Student Aid Advocacy University is “very expensive, and without financial aid, many talented people would not have the Day is to hear from those impacted most by the policies in place, to reflect on the effective practice opportunity to be on our campus.” Islam noted that he does not qualify for TAP “due to the current of such legislation and acknowledge University students who are in the thick of leading the charge to income limits that TAP provides. If NYS increased the TAP, I would qualify. The current minimum a different future. MANDI KARPO Editor-in-Chief

Ashvin Live: an interview with the creator of ‘The Ashvin Show’ FEB. 19, 2023 continued on PAGE 8 I call it a sketch variety show, it’s just so many different things. It’s what I imagine a Late Night show should be; we do sketches, we play games–I’m really proud of the games I come up with, we have one where I say a name and the person has to guess if it’s a senator or a superhero, which is one of my favorite ones–I do stand-up comedy, of course. Interviews are my favorite part of it, though, I like to have random people on. It’s been mainly the Pace community so far, and getting to know everyone through the things we do on the show is really nice. it ed Cr :A

I’m so curious to know, what do you like to talk about in your stand-up? I love to talk about myself, of course. Just like my surroundings, especially since coming to college because these people are weird out here, it’s crazy! I have never met this many crazy people! I also grew up in a very Indian town, so I didn’t have like a typical “Riverdale”-type high school experience.

in Ka shv


It’s safe to say that New York City is a hub for all things comedy, especially considering the comedic powerhouses native to the city like “Saturday Night Live” or “30 Rock.” Occupying a space in the comedy world is not an easy thing to do, and breaking into the scene is even harder. But Ashvin Kapoor, 21, creator of “The Ashvin Show Live” and a junior at the University majoring in Arts and Entertainment Management, is not afraid of the challenge. As described by the creator himself, “The Ashvin Show Live” is a comedy, musical extravaganza. What started as a YouTube channel, Kapoor has been working on the show since the second semester of his freshman year. Most recently, it has evolved into a web show that releases new episodes every Wednesday at 8 p.m. and once a semester “The Ashvin Show Live Live” a live special (the third installment will be held on April 14 in the Bianco Room). The Pace Press sat down with Kapoor to talk about the past, present and future of “The Ashvin Show,” as well as who the young creator is when the cameras aren’t rolling. ZOE POULIS Features Editor

Are there specific topics you hold close to your heart that you like to communicate through comedy? I just like to talk about my perspective, like Indians, we’re here, we’re there. But I feel like now we’re starting to get more representation and respect, and creating our own culture [within the comedy world]. Representation is key, especially new representation. It’s weird being a POC in America because, depending on your culture or race, there’s no “American” version of that. I’ve decided that I’m going to create that culture for future Brown boys, so they don’t have to appropriate Black culture. That’s my new creative slogan.

What got you into comedy in the first place and who are some of your biggest inspirations in the comedy world? I was super into stand-up comedy at a very young age. I also talked a lot and people listened, so that was nice. I gotta shout out my Indian comedians, Hasan Minhaj and Aziz Ansari. They’re just the GOATS, blueprint. They actually made Indian American culture for us, so [I’ve] gotta respect the OGs because they came when there were no Indian American comedians ever. So at least I have a couple I could look up to. Also, Donald Glover because of the versatility that he has. He’s a rapper and a comedian. So those are definitely my inspirations. Tell me about “The Ashvin Show Live.” What exactly is it that you do?

INSIDE @thepacepress





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