Isssue 3 oct 2 13

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October 2, 2013

Volume 65 | Issue 3


This week inside the issue:

University student lands dream job

Graphic designer Golnaz Ghodstinat to visit University

pg 5

pg 7




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New subway kiosks will limit customer service pg 4


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October 2, 2013

Four-day takeover of Kenya mall comes to an end Victims held hostage in Kenyan mall attempt to recover from brutal attack ELIZABETH POORAN Contributor With approximately 72 people dead and over 200 injured, the death toll of the victims at the Westgate Mall bodies, both dead and alive, after a four-day takeover that ended on Tuesday night. The hostage situation began on the morning of cafés and garage after two groups of armed attackers were able to enter the building. Shortly after this, smoke was seen rising from the shopping center right after a grenade had exploded on the rooftop parking lot, leading to several other explosions. While numerous shoppers were able to

as Muslim were released after proving they were Muslim. Cindy Tineo, sophomore, weighed in on the terrifying event, saying, “This attack is somewhat worse than a

Carl De Souza / AFP - Getty Images

have chosen to kill little children and shoot expecting understand these depraved people...their actions are beyond redemption.” One of the hostages, Uche Kaigwa-Okoye, spent up people as they heard gunshots right outside of the door. Others were able to text each other Islamic phrases and prayers that they could use to prove that they were Muslim if asked. On Sunday, Sept. 23 the Kenyan police, army and special Israeli forces were able to gain control over most of the mall. Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta stated that the criminals were located in one section of the mall,

well as a Ghanaian professor, a popular radio personality Ruhila Adatia-Sood and her husband who were expecting a child, and citizens visiting from the United States, Switzerland, South Korea, South Africa, Peru, New Zealand, The Netherlands, India, France, China, Canada, Britain and Australia. Elif Yavuz, pregnant Harvard graduate just two weeks away from giving birth, was killed in the attacks. She chose to be in Kenya to deliver

her baby because she originally considered it to be the “safest” place. any reason to even think of doing a terrible act like this, let alone going through with it and taking multiple lives, sophomore Kelly Lake of the attacks. Al-Shabab, a group within the Al-Qaeda network claimed that the attack was a response to the Kenyan military operations that have been taking place in Somalia since 2011. The group, whose name is translated to “The Youth” in Arabic, tweeted on Tuesday: “You could have avoided all this and lived your lives with relative safety. Remove your forces from our country and peace will come.” They also claimed that the Kenyan government assault team “disseminated chemical gases to end the siege.” However, this was merely a false allegation, and attackers as reported by government spokesman Manoah have been recruited in to al-Shabab over the past six years, with many being traced back to a somalian community

Amina Mohamed, declared that there were two to three Americans involved in the attack between the ages of 1819. The four-day tragedy came to an end on Tuesday, Sept. 24 as Kenyan forces waited for daylight to search for more bodies, where evidence shows that up to hundreds of people could still be buried underneath the rubble, with terrorists among them. Those who were still alive were suffering from severe dehydration. Currently, 11 attackers are being held in custody rumor that a woman had been involved with their scheme of the assailants was a British woman, now referred to as the “white widow,” whose husband was a suicide bomber that he would “punish the masterminds swiftly and indeed very painfully.” This unfortunate event is now considered to be the deadliest terrorist attack since the Al-Qaeda truck bombing of the US Embassy in Nairobi in 1998.

Dozens injured in Chicago shooting


On Thursday, Sept. 19, only three days after the Washington D.C. Navy Yard Shooting that resulted in the deaths of twelve individuals, another shooting occurred in Chicago, IL. While people gathered to watch a street basketball game at Cornell Square Park in the Back of the Yards neighborhood in South Side Chicago, two armed men shot into the crowd. In the hours leading up to the Cornell Square Park shooting, Bryon Champ, 22, a Black P Stone gang member, was shot and wounded by individuals Champ suspected were members of a rival gang called Gangster Disciples. After Champ was shot at and injured, it is believed that he went to 20-year-old Kewane then went to the park with Brad Jeff and Tabari Young. Jeff kept a lookout for law enforcement and rival gangs while Champ and Young approached the basketball court. Rev. Corey Brooks/AP Champ later admitted to the police that he went to the basketball court for revenge and that he and Young “just shot in 3-year old injured in shooting recovers the park” at least a dozen rounds. From those rounds, thirteen people were shot, including three-year-old, Deonta Howard and in July of 2011 Bryon Champ, one of the gunmen, had been convicted of unlawful use of a weapon by a felon. Instead of spending time in jail, Champ was sentenced to attend boot camp at the Cook County Department are also still attempting to arrest other suspects they believe to be of Corrections. McCarthy stated that had related to the orchestrating of the crime, if not the shooting itself. Champ received jail time for his previous Police superintendent Garry McCarthy told reporters that offense, the shooting most likely would not

have occurred. In light of discovering new information

3-year minimum sentence for the illegal carrying of a gun. The Mayor also called to action community support to help deter individuals from a life of gang violence. Although the Mayor called for action and community support, both are acts directed towards the future of Chicago. Many individuals are wondering what the people of Chicago will do in immediate response to the shooting. Deonta Howard, the three year old child who was shot, is currently making a speedy recovery in the hospital, but his mother Shamarah Legget said that, “The shootings are

Unlike the D.C. Navy Yard shooting, the Cornell Square Park shooting ha.,s yet to make national headlines or receive any national attention. Upon asking students about the Chicago shooting, the lack of coverage was clear. Freshman Leanne Reynolds said she had no knowledge of the shooting, and inquired as to what happened. Similarly, junior Rebecca Arslanian asked, “What Chicago shooting?” Whether this failure occurred because of the location of the crime, the general race of the victims or the lack of fatalities, major media outlets have chosen to shy away from coverage. Many feel that without national attention

new laws for protection of the citizens.


October 2, 2013


Pope Francis scolds Catholic Church over “obsession” with gays AMANDA PEREZ Contributor Pope Francis I made a bold move last week when, in an interview for a Jesuit journal in Rome, he stated that Catholics are too obsessed with gay marriage, abortion and contraception. Only six months into his papacy, he has changed the tone of the Catholic Church. The church is known for its strictly anti-gay philosophy, with many religious gay Catholics across the globe, “They tell me that they feel like the church has always condemned them. But the church does not want to do this.” The Pontiff has not openly supported gay marriage but does invite them to the Catholic faith. “Who am I to judge a gay person of goodwill who seeks the Lord,” he asked. Though he has not supported gay marriage, abortion or contraceptives, he has given a new hope to liberal Catholics. This could be a step for Catholicism to enter into the changing 21st century. Pope Francis sees the church as a “home for all” and believes this can only be achieved when Catholics overcome their obsession with gay marriage and abortion topics. He wants the church to be a place where all are welcome, a large

many individuals.

attract more people to the church.” This step in acceptance allows non-practitioners to view the church as modern and welcoming. It will likely expand the Catholic audience. When asked if he saw this as a step towards a more open-minded church, freshman Ali Hajihaidari said, of religion and equality. The leading offense toward the homosexual community is that they are going against proper religious conduct. If they are accepted by such a highly more comfortable in regard to accepting them.” With what the Pope has given Catholics to consider, there is certainly a new balance that is slowly being discovered by the Catholic Church.

XVI, who wanted a smaller, purer church. The previous Pope felt strongly about homosexual in the priesthood. Pope Benedict had stated that homosexual individuals have “a strong tendency ordered toward an intrinsic moral evil.” He went as far as to say that homosexuals should not enter the priesthood. Many have said that for the head of the Catholic Church to bring up these issues is priesthood or marriage, Pope Francis has allowed for a discussion between leaders of churches across the world. “It is not necessary to talk about these issues all the time,” the Pope stated to a Jesuit journal in Rome. He has pressed the fact that the church will “fall like a house of cards” if they do not focus on God and living according to the Gospel. Many have come forward and agreed that Pope Francis is calling for a more accepting church, a far cry from stricter doctrines of past pontiffs. he stated, “The feminine genius is needed wherever we make important decisions.” He added, “We must therefore investigate further the role of women in the church.” With remarks like this, Pope Francis I is earning the title for Most Liberal Pontiff by

Intensive Crossfit exercise plan giant announces new child program ALEXA MAUZY-LEWIS Contributor A new exercise trend is sweeping the nation. It comes in the form of an The exercise program has become an enthusiasts across the country. CrossFit movement executed at high intensity. In other words, it combines weightlifting, calisthenics, gymnastics, kettle bells, running, rowing and a series of varied intense physical conditioning to increase overall strength and endurance. a wide variety of participants, and now programs for children as young as four years old are being developed. Hundreds of CrossFit Kids classes are popping up around the country, and demanding as the adult programs, questions are beginning to rise about the safety of intense physical exertion for small children. According to founder Jeff Martin, who launched CrossFit Kids in 2004 with his wife, Mikki, the program is a safe, yet effective method of teaching CrossFit to kids between the ages of 3 and 18. Martin includes his own testimonials, as well as a series of information on the safety “The functional movements involve exercises that are fundamental to all things that kids need to do when they play—pull,

push, run, throw, climb, lift and jump,” Martin said. “All of the movements are taught safely and effectively under the close supervision of thoroughly trained CrossFit Kids Trainers.” better, well-rounded athletes and promote healthy lifestyle choices. “Our workouts will increase physical Cardiovascular and Respiratory Endurance, Stamina, Strength, Flexibility, Power, Speed, Coordination, Agility, Balance and Accuracy,” Martin said. In the New York area, The Brooklyn Barbel Club offers CrossFit classes for kids in accordance with the CrossFit Virtuously program. The program is split into 3 age groups, kids 3 to 6, kids 6 to 12, and a teen program for ages 13 to 18. Their website states that the workouts strengthen bones and muscles and promote healthy nutrition to fuel optimal development and

teaches children to avoid physical injury. Despite the reassurance from Martin about the safety of CrossFit for young children, the subject of four year olds weightlifting raised concern amongst University students when they were told about the program. if this program is healthy or not healthy, a child,” freshmen Charlotte Horine said. “Kids are supposed to go outside and run and play.” Horine explains that CrossFit may be too demanding of a task, especially for toddlers enrolled in the program. “I feel like this is way too stressful of an activity for a child to physically and mentally endure,” Horine said. According to a statistic put out by Center for Disease Control and Prevention, childhood obesity has more than doubled in children and tripled in adolescents in the

past 30 years. Martin seeks to combat this not only physically trains children, but teaches them healthy eating habits as well. on the zone, but to get them to think and make good choices about what they eat,” Martin states on his website. “Our goal is to teach them very basic concepts, sugar is bad, protein is good and you need to eat some in every meal.” Another student, freshman Desirae healthy lifestyle in young Americans. promoting physical activity and exercise for young children,” Hallstrom said. However, like Horine, Hallstrom it comes to the CrossFit program being introduced to young children. “CrossFit is a little bit too intense,” Hallstrom said. “Maybe young children

growing.” While the CrossFit program may be deemed as too extreme by some, the CDC recommends that Children and adolescents should do 60 minutes or more of physical activity each day, a standard many children are not receiving in their basic physical education classes. “We need physical exercise programs for our generation, and the generations to come to promote health, exercise, and good eating habits.”



October 2, 2013

J.K. Rowling announces plans to write first screenplay JESSICA OWENS Contributor

movie series, few had anything to say about the plot.

Harry Potter fans around the world rejoiced on Thurs., Sept. 12 when J.K. Rowling, the author of the best-selling book series announced she would be putting the wizarding world back on the map—and the big screen. J.K. Rowling will be writing the screenplay for the upcoming Harry Potter

senior, Taylor Chiappone, added. Rowling, however, emphasized that this movie only shares the same environment as the Harry Potter franchise. The author was keen to differentiate the new series from the old one. “Although it will be set in the worldwide community of witches and wizards where I

will take place 70 years before the crew ever arrived at Hogwarts. The upcoming set will

prequel nor a sequel to the Harry Potter series, but an extension of the wizarding world,” Rowling stated. Rowling had agreed to create the textbook for an anti-poverty charity Comic Relief, which was founded by Love Actually director Richard Curtis. Warner Bros suggested that

The movie will be telling the story of the author of the book. a mazoologist named Newt Scamander. The textbook is basically an encyclopedia chronicling all the magical After a group of University students were asked their opinions about the upcoming

her for the rights to use the pamphlet. Rowling then quickly decided to pitch her own adaptation. In a Facebook post, she explained her reasons for doing so. “I thought it was a fun idea, but the idea of seeing Newt Scamander, the supposed

clearly needs no help coming up with additional backstories for characters. However, explore.

it should be 50 Shades of Grey with magic wands, but I always wanted to know a little

see—and better see!” he exclaimed. The passion is certainly already spreading among fans that seem unwilling to be disappointed. With J.K. Rowling as the screenwriter as well as the success of those eight movies and the rest of the Harry Potter franchise (estimated to have generated more than unlikely of expected fan reactions.


MTA to add 120 digital kiosks to city subway stations “provide instant information that makes

MICHAEL TJ WILLIAMS Social Media Manager

CBS Outdoor and the MTA will be funding this project, but MTA funds will only cover the cost of installation for the machines. Advertising on the kiosks will be

The MTA recently announced plans to install 120 digital kiosks across 21 different subway stations by the end of the year. “On the Go” is the kiosk pilot program that will be heading this new development. The company began in within Grand Central Terminal and Penn Station. The new kiosks, which will be implemented in various subway stations, will be designed by CBS Outdoor. Thomas Prendergast, MTA chair, explained, “[On the Go] enabled us to put technology in the station and do things that normally used to be done with a human presence.” Sophomore Tatiana Tilearcio, sophomore, gave her input on the new machines: “The digital kiosks are a very good job to be a tour guide to newcomers, but help them all.” Sophomore Rhejass White viewed

Customer playing with new kiosk. this possibility in a different manner, saying, “There will be no one-to-one interaction because of these digital kiosks, and that is a horrible idea. I do think the kiosks would be helpful, but overall, this customer service is more important. Also, unemployment could be a consequence of the kiosks, which would be even worse.” The locations for the digital kiosks Columbus Circle and Union Square, but also include smaller neighborhood stops like the 149th St – Grand Concourse station in the Bronx and the Bedford Avenue L-train stop. Tilearcio continued, “The possibility a downfall to this implantation of kiosks. Also, technology always has non-reliable aspects. I wish we could have both kiosks and customer service, but I fear that the loss of customer service in subway stations is inevitable.”Sophomore Rhéjass White viewed this possibility in a different manner. Each digital kiosk will include touchscreen technology and will have the capability of offering directions in a map or list format, providing alternate routes to destinations and even track subway trains in-and-out of the stations. Prendergast explained that the kiosks

will go to the MTA. The revenue that will be made from this project is a high-point of this upcoming enterprise. One of the main goals for this initiative is that the kiosks will be both Installation of the digital kiosks is simultaneously making headway as the MTA wires their underground subway stations with Wi-Fi, anticipating cellular reception in both the stations and on trains. Some, however, still remain centered projects. “I believe that both the digital kiosks and the Wi-Fi on the trains will be be a better way to be spending the money that is being used for this project,” White concluded.

October 2, 2013




University student lands

Olivia Beteta Editor-in-Chief Erick Mancebo Associate Editor

Opportunity THATIANA DIAZ Features Editor

Nicole Morales Copy Editor Damien Morgan Creative Director Shannon McMahon News Editor

senior with past interning experience at Harper’s Bazaar, E! News, NBC, Celebuzz, Teen Vogue, Vogue, and New York Fashion Week. With an impressive resume, and plenty of intern experience, Dash has managed to land a position at Lucky Magazine before even graduating. The University student shared her best advice and tips to interning, time management and more. The Pace Press: What was the most valuable lesson you learned while interning? Dash: Hard workers stand out from the not-sohard workers.

Irene Schultz Arts Editor Thatiana Diaz Features Editor Omnia Khamis Advertising Manager Sarah Aires Web Editor Michael TJ Williams Social Media Manager

TPP: How do you manage being a full time student and having this fast paced full time career? KD: To be honest, it has been tough. Especially because I was thrown in right before New York Fashion Week and Europe fashion weeks in

Stephanie Hsu Faculty Consultant

incredibly inspiring, kind, all-around amazing boss is rewarding. If I had a dollar for every time someone asked me if my life is like [the totally is not because Eva is the opposite of that character in the best possible way. TPP: for a college student looking for an internship or even an industry to explore? KD: probably not going to be at Vogue. Apply to many different opportunities and try out many different things. Most of my internships were totally varied because I wanted to

TPP: Before landing Lucky, did you worry about job placement after graduation? Any suggestions to those in that position? KD: knew I was doing literally everything possible to be ready. Obviously interning is important, but a lot of people think that all you have to do is get a couple internships on the

The Pace Press is the student newspaper of Pace University’s New York City Campus. It is managed and operated entirely by members of the student body as it appears above. The Pace Press welcomes guest editorials and letters from students, faculty, administration and staff. The Pace Press reserves the right to not publish any submitted material, both solicited and unsolicited. All submissions must include the author’s full name and contact information.

good look to reach out to your contacts right as you need a job so if I were you, I would send a “hello” email to someone right now if you are reading this. TPP: Time management must be on your side with all that Invitations to fashion week events Dash recieved. you have going on, any tips you would like to share on it? KD: I was a slave to my old fashioned pen-and-paper planner all through high school and college so that was a major tool

TPP: What resources out there you would point college students towards to help them land the internship they want? KD: Apart from your own friends and family who probably know more helpful people than you think, ed2010 is a helpful site. And Career Services at Pace! TPP: We have to ask! Working in a world with lots of fashion, where do you get your fashion inspiration? KD: Working in the Conde Nast building with undoubtedly the most well-dressed people in all of New York (and arguably all the editors are wearing. While I pull inspiration from the street and my travels, I mostly just wear what I like and what I of a uniform.

Images courtesy of Kristie Dash

The Pace Press 41 Park Row, Rm. 902 New York, NY 10038 Copyright 2013


From closet to catwalk


October 2, 2013

Fashion’s biggest designers expose their sexuality through their work

VANESSA VITIELLO Contributor Calling all fashionistas at the University. On exhibition at the Fashion Institute of Technology is “A Queer History of Fashion: From Closet to the Catwalk.” The exhibit fashion industry who are also LGBTQ individuals. With couture suits from the 1900s to modern wedding gowns, the exhibit displays various pieces of clothing from an array of well-known labels including Christian Dior, Gucci, Chanel, Versace and Yves Saint Laurent. While the designers can be recognized by their iconic names displayed in magazines and on runways, the presentation of their sexuality has not always been the topic of discussion. This exhibit honors the sexuality of those individuals and embodies the meaning of “queer fashion.” Located on Seventh Avenue at 27th Street, the FIT museum offers free admission into the exhibits. “A Queer History of Fashion” is a new installation that will be available for patrons to enjoy until Jan. 4, 2013. The display begins with suits from the 1900s. Both mens and the similarity between the two. In the early 1900s it was completely absurd for a woman to be dressed in a suit, even if it included feminine details. A woman wearing this type of clothing was considered to have “lesbian elegance.” The menswear look actually emerged in Paris women were dressing like men, men were also dressing like women. Cross-dressers and drag queens are not just fads of

Gianni Versace, leather evening dress.

for decades. Men would go to Molly Houses, which were secret places for homosexual men and cross-dressers to express their love for femininity through extravagant corsets and quilted skirts. The exhibit switches gears towards modern day USA, focusing on Pride Day and legalizing same-sex marriage. Designers Rage and Bone and J. Crew have two suits displayed that were worn by Steven Kolb, CEO of the Council of Fashion Designers of America, and his partner, on the day of their wedding. Being that the exhibit is a mark for homosexuality, one cannot fail to see the large t-shirt display that holds shirts that have been used and worn during HIV Awareness Events and Pride Parades. Designer Ralph Rucci is quoted in the gallery as saying “fashion has provided a safe environment where gays can work with dignity.” University Junior, Nick Ponce, agreed, commenting that “fashion is just one way for homosexuals to express their creativity. Many take pride in the way they look and enjoy having an expressive appearance.” While one does not need to be a LGBTQ

One interesting topic mentioned in the exhibition is that lesbian designers come out less often through their designs than their “counterparts.” Gay men are often thought of for their elaborate and feminine designs,

Alexander McQueen, silk dress. Jean Paul Gaultier, ensemble with kilt and trousers.

do what feels right, and create endlessly. Oscar Wilde believed “fashion is a form of ugliness so intolerable, we have to alter every six months.” Salerno discussed that similarly, but less frequently, sexuality can change as of orientation, the exhibition is an exciting and elaborate stop for fashion lovers.

was famous for her androgynous style. While some think her designs were a mark of her sexual identity, it is more

century. Ball gowns and evening gowns such as the ones designed by Christian Dior and Balenciaga decorate the

with powerful men. Sociologist and University faculty member Roger Salerno, talked about gender and sexuality in his Gender and Social Changes class. He remarked, “Nothing we do is natural.” There are different types of males and females, but society asks us to present ourselves as either male or female, and we typically reply by doing such and making a certain appearance. What the designers of this display challenged are the norms set by society—they

polyester suits worn by some of the most famous and original queens are situated alongside a typical leather costume worn by a gay male stripper. If you are ready to see some incredible pieces from fashion history, designed and created by eccentric and monumental people, then make the trip to The Fashion Institute Museum and enjoy “A Queer History of Fashion: From Closet to the Catwalk.”

October 2, 2013



Renown graphic designer to visit students

The Career in the Arts Panel begins with commerical photography

MAX ONOFRE Contributor will have the pleasure of hosting their annual “Careers in the Arts Panel” which this fall will be centered on commercial photography. The event will be hosted on include Charles Masters, a photographer for popular stores including Target and Gap, Layla Carrol, the stylist agent for brands such as Prada and Gucci and Golnaz Ghodstinat, the art director for Bloomingdales. The Pace Press had the chance to interview panelist Ghodstinat before the event to get a small preview into her world as an art director. Starting with the obvious question, TPP asked Ms. Ghodstinat why she decided to become a graphic designer. She admitted to always liking graphics, grids and typography. “I used to draw a lot of symbols with black ink in middle school, before I even knew what graphic design was.” Like many artists, her love for design began young, but she admitted that, “Later on when I took graphic design classes at a community college I knew this is what I want to get into. I always loved fashion as well and the fact that I could do both really got me into it.” Knowing there are stereotypes set out for those heading into a career in the arts, and knowing that in this case the stereotype is that an artist will struggle, TPP wanted to know what her thoughts were on having must in this industry. I had a professor at Art Center that I work in the real world I can understand what he meant, but when you have true passion for what you do then you can get through the challenges a lot easier, and make it We then discussed what other forms of art she enjoyed, and she spoke about doing a lot of printmaking

Poster design for Paper Denim & Cloth, Jeans collection.

doing that again and maybe make out a show together by my images. “I love abstract image making with different printing techniques.” Ghodstinat, like many artists, even if fond of one form of art explores other mediums to express herself and her ideas. While discussing the slight minimalism in a lot of her designs for work, Ghodstinat added a small snippet of fun facts. “Actually amongst my peers at Art Center German clean design, I always pushed it and tried to do something bigger. I injected a lot if personal work into school work and really tried to think outside of the box.” In fact, Ghodstinat has a book, where she confesses to have added a lot of detailed art, going outside of the minimalism. “If you look at my schizophrenia book,

minimal at all. But I do love clean design, maybe with a little bit of edge to it.” Ghodsinat believes that it would be a good experience to share her journey so far in her career at the Career in the Arts Panel, and “maybe help someone for big companies, yet from simply speaking to her, she resembled many of the art students at the University, due to the feverous love she has for her art.

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where students will have the opportunity to ask many more questions about her and her career and get to know her side of photography work. Students will also get the chance to speak to the other panelists and enjoy learning about just a few of the many possibilities waiting out there for them in the world of arts.



October 2, 2013

Discovering the lost sounds of the ’50’s

Pace Present Series kicks off it’s season with Esquival’s timeless music MAX ONOFRE Contributor

their twenties, the music seemed to bring back memories of their time when they enjoyed going out to parties with friends. There was a sense of reminiscing as the

The lights dimmed on the stage to a soft, red glow that leapt off of the brass,

singers took a last deep breath, suddenly a jolt of energy was spread around the Last Saturday, Sept. 21st, the University had the pleasure of welcoming Mr. brought in quite an audience. The show, Mr. Ho’s Orchestrotica Sonorama: The Lost Space Age Music of Esquivel some of his biggest hits live, even though his music was originally performed in a studio. Juan Garcia Esquivel was considered the “king of space-age pop music.” music no longer exists on available music sheets. The story goes that the music sheets were stored in a storage unit and, after forgetting to pay the rent for the to the audio left behind and took the songs apart, writing the music all over again for each and every instrument in the band. Now, the ensemble, which includes a large brass section, a humongous percussion group, a bass and a slide guitar, four singers and a B3 organ (their way to reproduce the rare synthesizer sounds

chatting with the audience. One of the greatest achievements of the show was the attention to making sure to set a good mood. The songs were upbeat and the environment set around the band played with the sensual, silly, comedic and fast-beat mood each song had. They used the lights in their favor, starting with a red hot and transitioning to a smooth blue, transferring the feelings of the songs. The voices of the singing said, as “a woodwind section.” There was rarely a time where they overpowered the music, other than their comedic skit in the “Miniskirt” song. Their music ranged from amusing and bubbly, to criminal and physical. No song was left untouched from this range of emotions they gave off, each one of them unique and enrapturing. from instruments, keeping a towel on the piano to wipe the sweat he accumulated from his crazy movements. The songs were planned in a way to make sure that all the instruments played a role of importance, having a solo for the bass a tambourine piece and many other highlighting moments. Rosie Esquilin, a University student, describes it as “excellent, simply excellent.” She gleefully declared that she expected it to be “just a simple show, but it was extravagant.”

a generation. even to those who had never heard the music before, requiring the audience to ask time, bounced to the beat and counted off to the start. His energy spread in the room, as he kept a big grin on his face. Although most of the audience was far past

The Voice judges are reunited and it sounds so good

CeeLo, Aguilera, Levine and Shelton return together for season five of The Voice IRENE SCHULTZ Arts Editor

promising team of singers. As in the past, each contestant performed for the

The Voice. Starting off with an Emmy in tow for best reality competition, the original judging crew returned, including season one winner Adam Levine, three-time winner Blake Shelton, CeeLo Green and Christina Aguilera.

were faced towards the audience. If they liked the voice they heard, they turned their chairs around in hopes of snagging the singer onto their dream team. It was then up to the contestant themself to choose which coach, if any, turned around in hopes of working with them. “I want someone that wants to go to the top!” Aguilera

in the chair!” Part one of the blind auditions featured a noticeably

One of the biggest stirs of the night was that none of Matthew Brea, who performed in memory of his brother,

headpieces. Levine was not even clean-shaven. There were few wacky and interesting contestants as popularly anticipated on the similar American Idol initial audition rounds. In night one of the blind audition round, each judge chose lucky contestants to join their teams and fought to get said contestants to choose them in return. Before the entertaining battle between celebrity judges for the best contestants began, the four stars performed the Joan Jett getting the original band back together and jamming one more time.” After this bit of teamwork, however, it was

quickly realized what they were missing out on when they turned around to see the young talent onstage. Knowing what a loss it was, CeeLo rushed backstage to give the tearful teen some encouraging advice and begged him to come back next season. On the opposite spectrum, another contestant Matthew Schuler had each judge turn around before he even began to sing. It was the fastest four-chair turn in Voice history. After blowing the judges away with his performance of “Cough Syrup,” coaches Levine and Aguilera got out of their seats and verbally fought each other to get the singer

to pick them. In the end, Schuler chose Christina, adding to her team of all males this season. Unlike leading teams CeeLo and Christina, Team Blake lagged behind, reeling in only one cowboy-boot winning streak. The ultimate battle of the night was for college dropout James Wolpert who performed “Love Interruption,” causing all four judges to want to get the indie artist on their team. Without being able to choose them all, Wolpert decided to go with Coach Adam. Amusing quarrels between the judges aside, Shelton revealed how excited he was to have the original foursome back together saying “It was really cool to see Christina and CeeLo, it was just like old times seeing those two all fall back into those chairs and pick up where we left By the end of the night, Team Adam had three contestants, Team CeeLo and Team Christina both had two, and Team Blake had only one. Each coach still needs 12 contestants in order to complete their team. The win it all this season of The Voice. With the four original superstar judges back together again, one of them is sure


October 2, 2013


Emmy Awards celebrate talent in television SAMMI REED Contributor brought not only families and friends together, but also the nation. Hundreds of television industry workers will work for weeks (sometimes even months) in order to put on a single episode. With the spread of streaming though sites like prevalent than ever. On Saturday, Sept annual Primetime Emmy Awards Show in order to honor the countless men and women who work on television. This year the evening was hosted by Neil Patrick Harris, and honored shows like Breaking Bad, Modern Family, and House of Cards. Awards were handed out for directing, writing, acting and best overall show. This year became the Outstanding Choreography (which was awarded to Derek Hough of Dancing with the Stars) on a broadcasted show. It also included a dance tribute to all honoring shows such as American Horror Story, Game of Thrones, and Boardwalk Empire. for Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Comedy Series. The award went to Merritt Wever whose acceptance speech of “Thanks so much. Thank you so

Host Neil Patrick Harris performs a musical number much. I gotta go. Bye,” may have been the shortest speech in recorded Emmy history. Jim Parsons was awarded Outstanding Lead Actor in a Comedy Series for his role as Sheldon in The Big Bang Theory for the third time. Outstanding Lead Actress in a Comedy Series went to Julia LouisDreyfus for her role as Selina Meyer in Veep. Fellow Veep actor Tony Hale was awarded Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Comedy series, and Modern Family rounded out the comedy awards by taking home Outstanding Comedy Series. Breaking Bad was given two awards--Outstanding Drama Series and Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Drama Series (Anna Gunn for her performance as Skyler White). Bobby Cannavale won Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Drama Series for his role

as Gyp Rosetti on Boardwalk Empire, while Claire Danes (Carrie Mathison in Homeland) and Jeff Daniels (Will McAvoy in The Newsroom) took the in a Drama Series. The Colbert Report surprised a number of people by taking home the awards for Outstanding Variety Show and Writing for a Variety Show. The show won the writing award in 2008 and 2010, but has never before won Outstanding Variety Show. Behind the Candelabra also deserves mention for taking home 11 awards awards included Outstanding Miniseries, Outstanding Lead Actor in a Miniseries, and Outstanding Directing in a Miniseries. Some people were surprised (and

others joyous) at the lack of attention reality TV got on the broadcast. The only award mentioned on air was Outstanding Reality Competition Program, which went to The Voice. Heidi Klum and Tim Gunn were given the award for Outstanding Reality Host for their work on Project Runway, and Undercover Bosses won Outstanding Reality Program. However, not all of the evening was dedicated to awards. The more touching segments of the night were dedicated to those who had put their lives into TV, but had sadly passed away in past year. Many people felt their hearts go out to Sarah Bromell who accepted the award for Outstanding Writing for a Drama Series on behalf of her late husband, Henry Bromell. Tribute was also given to Jean Stapleton (All in the Family), Jonathan Winters (Mork & Mindy), Cory Monteith (Glee), and James The Sopranos). Elton John also gave a performance dedicated to Liberace. In an age where TV dominates our daily lives, it is good to take a step back and joy, laughter, and (occasionally) some angry shouting. The men and women who give their lives to public enjoyment and the art of Annual Primetime Emmy Awards show did exactly that. Honoring those who passed, awarding exceptional work, and taking a moment to appreciate everything that goes into entertainment, the evening was one of the award shows for the history books.

Dogfight premieres at Schaeberle SAMMI REED Contributor New York City has entire districts

programs located in colleges throughout the NYC campus is one of the top programs in the nation and draws exquisite students from all over. Recently, the University gained the honor after its off-Broadway premiere. Amy Rogers, Director of the BFA Musical Theater Program, will be directing, with Hayley Anna Norris and Cory Jeacoma playing the leads of Rose Fenny and Eddie Birdlace, respectively.

to be a part of. Being the Assistant Director I have gotten to work in dramaturgy research, to character analysis, to lights.” Set in 1963, the play follows three boys on their last night before they leave to go over seas for the Vietnam War, knowing little about what they were getting themselves into. On this night, however, the character of Birdlance discovers a special girl. tells the story of the unlikely romance between the waitress Rose Fenny

and the marine Eddie Birdlace. Eddie asks eve of deployment where the young men try to bring the ugliest date. Based on a movie with the same name, it was originally produced at Second Stage Theatre. The musical score was written by Benj Pasek and Justin Paul, based on the book written by Petere Dunchan. Dunchan, Pasek and Paul recently visited a rehearsal, after which Dunchan tweeted “Spent 2 hrs chatting

describes the unique and amazing experience crew: “They explained to us about the journey they took in creating the story (based on the movie ) and allowed us to pick their brains a little.” Excitement is growing among students and faculty. The show will be playing from Oct. 2-8 at the Schaebrle Studio Theatre on the 10th $6.00 for students, but have now completely sold out. Wilkins exclaims, “The show opens in




October 2, 2013

Music singles and albums continue to leak Drake’s “Nothing Was The Same” gets out to the public a week early ASHLEY SPENCER Contributor This fall we have more than just our favorite Starbucks drinks, and cold weather accessories to look forward to, we also have music. With artists like Drake, One Direction and Lady Gaga all releasing new albums, the music world is a buzz. More and more albums and singles are being leaked early to the public. Prompting some artists like Lady Gaga, to release her single “Applause” early, due to the fact that it was being leaked by another source. Others like Drake, who released his third album Nothing Was The Same on Sept 24, stayed mum about his album leak, continuing on with Best Song Ever leaked six days early, band member Niall Horan took to twitter urging fans not to listen to the leaked version and to wait. In an interview with an Australian radio station, Horan said “ Its

or not.” In contrast student, Jasmine Cruz, also a sophomore, said “When you illegally download music you are taking away some of the competition that album sales generate. And although sharing it is positive publicity for the artist, its still technically stealing.”

In just looking at the recent leaks there seems to be a pattern, the level of hype been gone from the music scene following an injury to her hip that required her to cancel a

conducted by Robert Hammond, an assistant professor at North Carolina University, it showed that leaked albums actual showed an increase in album sales to popular wellknown artist. Looking at Drakes album sales analyst suspect drake will sell over a million

number two and number eight single beating out Drake. Music labels and artist often will send a copy of their album to journalist, bloggers, etc. to preview. Sometimes it is these sources that end up leaking the album or single. Other times its deliberately done by the record label or artist. When asked what he thought of the drake album leak, H.I.M said, “ It could have been a publicity stunt. It still

and after multiple offenses possibly jail time. The aim of these laws is to stop over seas sharing and in doing so they have to start with the issue at home. Some artists argue that

really depends on the artist. For instance if Lady Gaga or Drake had an album leakage then fans would be able to listen to the material beforehand to decide whether its good

Do-it-yourself decorations to dorm in style SAMMI REED Contributor The stereotypical college dorm room is a blank white cinder block box that does not offer much personality. While this makes it easier for generation after generation of students to be able to use the same space, it forces students to use a little creativity to make the space their own. Basically, the room becomes a canvas and the student uses décor to create their own

masterpiece. Sadly, the reality is that a majority of college students are operating on a shoe string budget. Most are unable to buy “boxed” decorations at big stores. Instead they are turning to more unconventional methods and having a totally unique piece and also being able to relieve some stress amongst all the studying. Luckily, everyone is now in the age where information is extremely easy to access. After just a few

Bit Funky” which has a tutorial for creating your own canvas print. All you need is modge podge, tissue paper and a canvas. Basically, one would print the picture on the tissue paper, then modge podge it on to the canvas. In half an hour (and about $10 for the supplies) one can have their very own canvas print. A more useful idea involves a picture frame, paint swatches and glue. A 16” x 20” picture frame runs about available for free at most hardware and paint stores.

on everything from “Create Your Own Pencil Cup” all the way to “Create Your Own Shelving.” Here are just a couple of simple ideas that can be afforded even on a One super easy way to decorate is using Washi Tape. A new trend imported from Japan, Washi tape is ultimately decorative masking tape. Washi Tape can be used in as many ways as one could imagine and useful for decorating blinds, desks, phones, laptops and even bikes and cars. A quick Google search came up Decorate with Washi Tape,” which has instructions on how to create photo frames, luggage taps, even pencil cups holders. There is a starter pack of eight 30 foot rolls on Amazon for $10.78 after shipping, making it not only easy but also a pretty cheap method to decorate. For decorating photographs: If you love canvas prints but do not want to spend the money getting

a piece of poster board or construction paper, and put inside the picture frame. Use a dry erase marker for a unique calendar. Design Sponge has a tutorial to create a fake book out of a clamshell cardboard box. Cut two pieces of cardboard that are about a quarter inch bigger than the box, and attach to the top and bottom. Then take a paper towel roll and cut in half lengthwise and attach to the side of the box that does not open. Cover the entire box created a unique storage place for a small amount of time and money. Hang pictures of your friends and family, buy some posters, and even get a creative comforter that can show different aspects of a person. One can get a sense for a person just from the state of the room. Now go express yourself in some inexpensive ways, and release some stress from studying.


October 2, 2013


Newly crowned Miss America gets backlash for being Indian MAX ONOFRE Staff Writer Controversy has struck the nation again, this time in the form of beauty. As the beauty pageant season for the year ended in America, and the new queen was crowned, many reactions rose from state to state. To much surprise, many winner of the traditional American pageant. The American community has come around with many opinions, ranging from total glee that the winner, Nina Davuluri, was selected, to rage American. However, Davuluri said her platform is “celebrating diversity through cultural competency,” a similar statement to that on the Miss America website, which states, “the Miss America program exists to provide personal and professional opportunities for young women to promote their voices in culture, politics and the communities for young women to promote their voices in culture, politics and the community.” That said, however, many people were not expect Miss America to be a blond haired, blueeyed girl, and what they got was not what they exactly expected. The displeasure and the joy of many can be found not just in the news, but

users have decided to voice their opinions on her winning. There seems to be a split in the country University students shared their opinions. It seems to be a consensus in the general opinion over the new Miss America. Most students, like

Most people conceded with this statement. The runner up for Miss America was of also Asian-American descent. Both contestants got backlash and encouragement but it seems that within the University, students agreed with

Junior Abdul Atoyegbe summarized the general

However, these opinions might differ from those who actually watch Miss America. The most common audience for the show is middleaged women, according to the Nielsen ratings. With young audiences watching television less, and many of them not aware that there was even a new Miss America, the opinions we see on the media are of a different generations. University students, a younger audience, feel like Nina Davuluri is a formidable Miss America.

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Campaign on the rise urging teenagers to stop texting while driving MICHAEL A. FINN Contributor

One Republic, singers Demi Lovato and Tim McGraw, San Antonio Spurs guard Danny Green and many others have chosen to take this pledge. In the commercials starring these celebrities, they speak about who they are taking this pledge for—whether it be for their fans or for their families.

amount of 11 teenagers each day. While 94 percent of teens admit that texting and driving

television spots. They appear in these commercials and tell their story about why they

combat these disturbing numbers, AT&T has put millions of dollars into a campaign known as “It Can Wait.” This campaign urges teens all over the world to pledge not to text and drive. AT&T has laid down the foundation for this movement and other phone carriers such as Sprint, T-Mobile, and Verizon have also stepped up to join it. Through heartbreaking stories and celebrity pledges, the “It Can Wait” campaign has become very well-known over the past few months. One way that the “It Can Wait” campaign has been getting support is through commercials that tell stories of people who have lost loved ones due to texting while driving. In one campaign, family

for anyone to take the pledge themselves. They speak about not texting while driving because there is so much that they are looking forward to in life. Earlier this year, AT&T released a powerful documentary entitled “From One Moment to the Next,” a documentary that showed the dangers of texting and driving. It shows extended accounts of some of the people that told their stories in the television commercials and some new stories. In one of the stories a once active woman is rendered inactive and lost her dog to a driver who was texting. In another, a woman loses her father because he was hit by a truck when trying to avoid a driver who was texting. In order to avoid future incidents of accidents caused by texting and driving, AT&T has released an application that you can download onto your phone that is called DriveMode. This app restricts the user

the last text message that a person was trying to send before they got into a fatal accident that caused them their life. These commercials stress how easily a life is taken due to a simple text message that could have waited until the driver was safely parked. The common message between all of the commercials is that “no text is worth dying for.” In another area of their campaign, AT&T spoke to people who have hurt someone while texting and driving, or have family members who suffer from a permanent handicap due to an incident with someone who was texting and driving. In one of the commercials, a man spoke of how he hit and killed three children while he was distracted on his phone. Ironically, he was texting his own children that he loved them. In another spot, a mother spoke about her child who is now paralyzed from the diaphragm down because he was struck by a car whose driver was texting. AT&T urges people to take the pledge to never text and drive. Many celebrities have come forward and taken this pledge. The band

When someone texts you, they will receive a message similar to an away message that is used when instant messaging that informs them that you are currently driving. The app also has a feature that uses GPS to automatically enable the app when you are

with the “It Can Wait” campaign hope to stress the importance of staying focused while on the road and not texting while driving. Many people have already taken the pledge and these companies hope that others will follow. When asked if their friends text and drive, that their friends did and one even admitted to texting and driving themself. AT&T continues to push the idea that no text is worth the risk and that every life is more valuable than any text that you could receive.


October 2, 2013


Seesaw tour a success with The Rubens and Grouplove

Sam Margin winning over the crowd with his sultry voice and soulful playing.

The Rubens kept show simple, allowing talent to shine.

OLIVIA BETETA Editor-in-Chief

yuppies came out for the sold-out Seesaw tour at the Bowery Ballroom. The tour was in support of Spreading Rumors. Supporting act, The Rubens, were also celebrating the recent U.S. release of their selftitled album. Antsy fans wrapped around Delancey Street and questions about the new Australians on the indie was intimate, reminiscent more of a house party than a concert. Some mingled by the lower-level a spot before the show. From the balcony, PR reps and fans wanting a birds-eye view began to cluster and the entire room seemed to buzz with excitement. It was instantly clear the boys of the band, though fairly new to touring, felt incredibly comfortable on stage and performing. Before the band took the stage many in the crowd wondered about the quartet from down under. However, they are far from new to the city, as lead singer Sam Margin said, “New York is like a home in America for the band.” As the music started the lights dimmed and soul melodies and guitar riffs poured out of the speakers. The crowd was won over instantly by simple, which allowed their lyrical skill and playing to be the focus. The band let their songs speak for themselves and chose to play songs back-to-back instead of introducing themselves.

Christian Zucconi showing his showmanship.

crowd, the response they received was incredible.

in which they showcased their ability to modernize classic soul sounds with songs like “My Gun” and the single that shot them to fame “Lay it Down.” After a quick sound check the lights once Night” began pumping through the speakers. band emerged from back stage. Within moments the band switched into gear and began their repertoire. The crowd sprang back to life. Fans matched the group word for word on nearly every song including those from their recently released album. For headliners Grouplove the show represented a homecoming of sorts. Family and friends of lead singer Christian Zucconi, Bronx native, were littered throughout the audience, cheering and singing along. The stage show was incredible; members of the band seemed passionate and eager, as if each song was a new adventure for them. Their stage show was a full body experience. rainbow of colors all the while Grouplove played their infectious pop-rock. Towards the end of their nearly hour and a half way to stage. Together they performed their record store day collaboration “Make it to Me.” As the show was winding down Grouplove made sure Photograph,” “Tounge Tied,” “Colours” and their newest single “Ways to Go.” Even before the band left the stage fans were screaming for more, but after a short encore the band called it a night and left the stage sweaty, and with fans clamoring for novelties to commemorate the evening.

PHOTO CREDITS | Olivis Beteta

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