November 2021
The Paisley Re-launch
Tips on Trailer Loading Practice Sessions
to connect with love and appreciation. Do your best not to get upset if they begin to tense up or panic. You need to continue to embody the feeling of staying calm, relaxed, and completely confident that getting in the trailer is a safe thing to do! For the trailer:
Do a safety check on the entire trailer, especially the floorboards. You might need to raise up your rubber mats to see how they are looking. If there is any question in your mind, have your trailer inspected by a qualified technician. This way you can relax and know you have the safest trailer possible for your horse. Trailer loading, like anything else with horses, reBefore you get your horse, be sure your trailer is quires the human to be in a relaxed, calm, zensafely connected to your vehicle and is stationlike state before even walking your horse over ary. to the trailer. Be sure you are there first. If you have any fear, anxiety, tiredness, or anger, don’t If you have escape doors, open them to create attempt to load your horse! the best light possible. If there isn’t enough light, consider moving your trailer to a better area for Once you feel completely present and selfmore natural light to stream in. aware, begin by getting into your heart center and sending the idea of what you’d like your Check on your dividers and position them so you horse to do. Be completely clear about why you can create the most space possible in the beginwant to practice. Is it to go to fun places? Is it to ning. be sure you can move your horse in case of an emergency? Do you want to move your horse to Be sure your dividers, butt bars, and/or ramps a new barn? Explain in detail with pictures and are easy to negotiate. Basically: Know that you words, why you feel it’s important for your horse can secure your horse easily once they are reto trust you and get in this confined space with laxed inside. wheels. Then, once you’ve explained your case, ask your horse what they need from you to feel completely safe. Notice what images or words or feelings come up. If you aren’t able to receive any information back, just notice how they respond when you begin your practice. They will often tell you with their body language quite quickly how they feel about the whole thing.
When you step in, notice if anything is clanging loudly. Jump up and down a little to be sure. You might need to rearrange some things in your tack room to avoid the loud noises, especially when you do eventually begin to drive off. The least amount of noise for the horse within the trailer, the better! For the horse:
I want you to think of your horse as a young child These tips are for the horse owner who already that needs support from you in a kind and patient has a good connection with their horse on the way. Be their cheerleader and encourage them ground. Your horse understands how to do the to take their time and feel brave. This is the way ‘hokey pokey’ when needed. In other words: You can continued on page 26