64TH YEAR, NO. 29
JULY 17, 2008
University, students seek to combat rising gas prices J.R. ORTEGA The Pan American
The issue has been in headlines all a c r o s s America for quite some time now: Gas prices skyrocket, price per barrel of oil reaches recordbreaking high. And while many people continue to mope and gripe about rising gas prices, administration and students at The University of Texas-Pan American are beginning to take the issue in hand, finding ways to save and gain more. With the Valley sitting at the $4 per gallon mark, university students are learning this summer that gas prices will not be going down anytime
soon. The American Automobile Association expects the national average to hover around $5 by next summer. UTPA has already taken the initiative, announcing a fall schedule change plan that would help students save gas by tweaking Monday, Wednesday and Friday afternoon classes to give students more class time to learn material. In the past, the MWF class schedule had been 50 minutes. However, the university will do away with Friday afternoon classes by increasing MW classes to 90 minutes. MWF and Tuesday and Thursday morning classes will not be affected. Two new timeframes will also be added onto the Friday afternoon schedules from 1:10 p.m. to 3:50 p.m. and 4 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Saturday classes will also be offered only from 8:30 a.m. until noon. A university task force comprised of faculty, staff and students has been researching and planning the scheduling change since 2006. Ana Maria Rodriguez said the fall schedule change not only gives students but also professors more choices when it comes to designing their schedules.
“The new fall schedule will give the students more flexibility and an opportunity to register for classes so that they attend 4 days out of the week rather than 5 days if they wish,” she said. Though some students may be wary of the sudden change, Rodriguez ensures that students will adapt fairly quickly to flexibility and advantages of the schedule adjustment. In spite of the university’s new initiative, students are finding more gas friendly alternatives, too. ON-CAMPUS HOUSING Traditionally, the university has been a commuter campus, with less than 10 percent of its 18,000 enrolled students living in the dorms. A new facility with 1,000 capacity was completed last year, and the longterm goal is to get more kids living on campus. Ironically, irritating price hikes in fuel may be an ally in this regard. Chad Martin, director of residence life at UTPA, said occupancy in the three student housing facilities has increased, but added the tenant increase cannot be solely because of the rising gas prices.
See GAS page 17
FINANCIAL AID Community, students march against Border Wall See Page 4
The Pan American showcases university artwork See Page 12 & 13
UTPA athletics joins Great West Conference See Page 19
Student-loan crunch worries mount ANA VILLAURRUTIA The Pan American Student loans always come with a lot of baggage, including varied interest rates and lingering debt, proving that the old adage was right: You don’t get something for nothing. But now, in light of many economists’ grim outlook on credit loans, students may have new worries to add to their list. The question is: As the downturn
continues, will aid for college decrease? Or will there be fewer lenders around to offer financial assistance? That was the case for Alfredo Garcia, a history major at The University of Texas-Pan American, when he started Summer I with no loan offers. “It‘s hard to get loans [now]; it used to be they just gave you the money you needed,” said Garcia, who is happy to be graduating, before the so-called “credit crunch” really gets bad. “I think this could block a lot of people from get-
ting an education.” The Rio Grande City native has received $2,000 from loans since last spring, and he depends on the extra
“I think this could block a lot of people from getting an education.
” Alfredo Garcia history, senior
money to pay for gas. “After TPEG (Texas Public Education Grant), I still needed to borrow money for gas to get to campus and now it’s at $3.95 and I live one and a half hours away.” A few years ago, approval for credit loans was easy, but as the mortgage crisis spread across the country, a student-loan crunch was feared, prompting interest from some congressmen and presidential nominees in direct loans.
See CRUNCH page 17