Drive-by Cowboy
■ Gravel Feature . ......... .15 ■ Hoops Review . . . . . . .14 ■ Sports Clipboard... . . . 13
Lady Broncs down Prairie View A&M UTPA Women Edge Second Victory of the Season; Momentum Changing for Lady Broncs
Mariucci Out
After six seasons with winning records Steve Mariucci has lost his job as 49’ers head coach. Owner John York has expressed dissatisfication with Mariucci’s inability to bring a championship to San Francisco. Mariucci’s dismissal comes less than one week after the 49’ers 31-6 loss to Tampa Bay, which ended their hopes of advancing to the Super Bowl. York is expected to choose from a short list of available candidates including defensive coordinator Jim Mora, and other assistants from Mariucci’s remaining staff.
By ED CHRNKO The Pan American The UTPA Lady Broncs notched their second victory of the season by rolling over the Prairie View A&M Lady Panthers 64-48 Jan 14, led by Amanda Carlow who picked up a career-high 21 points. The win is their second in four games, and marks a drastic momentum change for the Lady Broncs who opened the season with 11 straight losses. UTPA began the turnaround at the beginning of the month after an abysmal start to the season by upsetting highly-touted Nebraska, 61-58. The team hopes that its recent performances are a sign of things to come. "We're going to be in every game from here on out and that's going to make us tough down the stretch," interim head coach Tracy Anderson said. The women’s hoopsters pressured Prairie View throughout the first half by playing an aggressive, fast-paced style of basketball that forced several turnovers. The Lady Broncs cashed in those turnovers. UTPA charged to a 19-2 lead midway through the first half and went into the intermission with a lofty 36-13 advantage thanks to Carlow's 16-point first half contribution. In the early minutes of the second half, the Lady Broncs mounted an impressive 32-point lead over Prairie View, 4715. But the Lady Panthers upped their intensity and level of play in order to chip away at the UTPA lead. The fast-paced offense of the first half had apparently taken its toll on the Lady Broncs, who slowed down and began to turn over the ball. Prairie View took advantage of the Lady Bronc fatigue and used a 16-0 run to cut the lead to 10 points We’re going to with be in every game 3:18 left in from here on out, game. The and that’s going to Lady make us tough Broncs
Women’s basketball Schedule
down the stretch - Tracy Anderson, Lady Bronc head coach
Date Jan. 18 Jan. 21
eventually composed themselves, adding 10 insurance points in the process to improve to 2-13 on the season. "It was a good win for us,” Anderson said. "We don't tend to handle athletic teams very well and we needed a win here at home because we've been struggling to do that.” Carlow, UTPA's leading scorer, credited the team for her season-high performance. "My teammates set me up real good so I've got to give credit to them,” Carlow said.
Naima Williams
Would you be interested in hearing Rudy Giuliani speak?
January 16, 2003
An Inside Look: News ............................................2 A & E............................................7 ■ Sports ........................................16 ■ ■
T h e S t u d e n t N e w s p a p e r o f T h e U n i v e r s i t y o f Te x a s - P a n A m e r i c a n
Giuliani visits
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With the victory over Prairie View, the team has won two of their last four games and appear to be on their way to turning around their sub-par season. UTPA began to turn the tide Jan. 5 by upsetting Nebraska in Lincoln, Neb. Alex Gravel scored 22 points while hitting 14 of 14 free throws to lead the upset. "That's one of those wins as a coach that I'll never ever forget,” Anderson said. "We played flawless basketball on both ends. It was just a huge monkey off the kids' back.” On Jan. 9, the momentum from the victory over Nebraska carried the team to a 12-point lead over Air Force, but they failed to hold on and eventually lost the game, 64-61, at the Field House. On the upside, Naima Williams led the team in scoring for the fifth time, notching 17 points. "We made some really poor decisions down the stretch and didn't shoot free throws well," explained Anderson about the heartbreaking loss to Air Force. On Jan. 11, the orange and green nearly came back to defeat Lipscomb at Allen Arena. UTPA's rally in the second half came up short as they fell 57-49. Junior Mary DeCock stepped up and led the team in scoring with 15 points. "If we can just play the whole 40 minutes instead of playing just 36 minutes. I think we can turn the whole season around and get some more wins. I see a very positive finish on the season," commented Carlow on the team's outlook for the remainder of the season. "We're working a lot better now as a whole than we were before," Gravel said. "Offensively, we're pretty solid. Defensively, we've got some work to do. I think we're still giving up too many easy baskets,” Anderson said. "We have a tough stretch coming up with New Mexico State and the two trips to Arkansas so, we're going to have to cover shooters better and continue to finish in the paint,” Anderson said. The Lady Broncs are on the road from Jan. 18-23 against New Mexico State, Arkansas State and Arkansas-Little Rock. Their next home game will be on Jan. 25 against Texas A&M-Corpus Christi at 7 p.m.
Cowboys reserve defensive back Dwayne Goodrich was released from jail Wednesday after posting a $50,000 bond. Goodrich was being held on two charges of felony manslaughter following a hit-and-run in Dallas. The hit-andrun claimed the lives of two Plano residents who were trying to rescue a man from the aftermath of a previous accident. The penalty for each manslaughter charge is a sentence of two to 20 years and fines up to $10,000. Police were still considering other charges upon Goodrich’s release.
NM State
Las Cruces
Arkansas State
State Univ.
Jan. 23 ARK.-Little Rock
Little Rock
Jan. 25
Jan. 28
Oral Roberts
Feb. 1
Feb. 3
Feb. 8
Corpus Christi
Feb. 13
Fort Wayne
Comedic Stylings
Comedian and actor Kyle Cease entertained students in the Student Union Food Court Wednesday night with his clean comedy. Known for his role as Bogey Lowenstein in "Ten Things I Hate About You" and the slow clapper in "Not Another Teen Movie," Cease is touring the country and performing at various colleges. "I prefer colleges because the audience is closer to my age and they can identify with me when I talk about Nintendo and Britney Spears," 25-year-old Cease said. "Plus I've made teen movies so they know who I am." Cease’s show included audience interaction, something the students seemed to enjoy. "It was like he was a part of the crowd," Chris Baiyeri, a freshman computer science major, said. "That made it different. He was great and really funny." Cease answered Baiyeri's cell phone during the show and played a joke on his friend who was on the other end. Cease also pulled Chris Florez, a freshman criminal justice major, from the audience to assist him with a few songs. "It was really cool even though he was teasing me. I hope he comes back to give us another show," said Florez. The University Program Board was responsible for bringing Cease to campus. Noelynn Gillamac, a sophomore nursing major and movie committee chair, said the decision to invite Cease was made as a group.
Former mayor to speak at Fieldhouse tonight By JENNIFER TAPIA The Pan American
Celeste Y. Tello/The Pan American
HISTORY— Time marches on as workers continue the demolition of Jody Ramsey Stadium on Tuesday.
Major changes in store for microbiology By HILDA BARRIENTES The Pan American Because of the shortage of scientists a local laboratory will be opening its doors to offer clinical rotations for students who are in the University of Texas PanAmerican Clinical Laboratory Science program. A spokesperson for the Microbiology Specialty Lab in Edinburg says that they will now be able to offer clinical rotations for the students because they will be moving into a new office on Jan. 27. A clinical rotation is when the student is sent to a laboratory and is placed in each department for six weeks at a time. The departments in which they do there rotations are hematology(the study of blood), chemistry (serum chemical analytes), coagulation, (blood clots), urinalysis (urine), immunology (antibodies), and microbiology (microorganisms). While making the architectural plans for the new lab, MSL said the aim was to make special accommodations for the
students to have a classroom-like atmosphere. “We are now going to have room to have the students come here and achieve hands-on experience,” said Celia Munoz co-owner of MSL and a clinical laboratory scientist. “I love to teach and that is one of my favorite things to do. “ According to Teresa Savoie another coowner and scientist, MSL is a laboratory that draws blood from patients referred by area doctors, receiving specimens sent by local doctors’ offices. MSL performs the various tests ordered by the doctor on the specimens and they are analyzed by high-technology machines and by scientists on staff. MSL then reports the results to the doctor’s offices so they can inform to the patient of the results. “MSL opened four years ago and has grown a lot,” Munoz said. “It is important to me that these tests are performed right because it is a patient’s result and our reputation that is at stake.” After experiencing the work
See LAB page 4
Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani will present a speech tonight at the University of Texas-Pan American Field House, in which he is expected to talk about his leadership in New York and how he plans to clean up Mexico City. As part of its Outstanding Leadership Series, the UTPA Foundation will host the speech at a private dinner at 7 p.m. The highdollar dinner costs $600 per person, or $1,000 per couple. UTPA President Miguel Nevarez is glad the foundation was able to bring someone like Giuliani to the university, and hopes that it can continue to bring such speakers to campus in the future. Last year Desert Storm commander Norman Schwartzkopf gave an address at the school. “We are very honored to have him here,” said Nevarez of Giuliani. “He is Time’s Person of the Year, I don’t think we could’ve asked for a better individual.” Although the mass media will not be able to attend the private dinner, the foundation will hold a press conference Friday at which the media will be able to meet briefly with Giuliani. Giuliani and his consulting firm have been hired by Mexico City officials to cut down on crime, after he was instrumental in lowering the crime rate in New York City by 65 percent, cleaning up the city streets, and taking charge during the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center. According to an article in the San Antonio Express News, Giuliani, who will be paid $4.3 million, is optimistic that his zero tolerance policy can work in Mexico City, a massive city of 18 million residents where corruption and crime are rampant. He visited there this week, even amid rumors of a possible kindapping plot by Colombian rebels. This might be just the beginning of his troubles, according to some observers. Juanita Garza, a history professor at UTPA, says Giuliani may have a difficult time cleaning up Mexico City because of his lack of knowledge about the people,
culture and the politics. “If he is going to try to clean up Mexico City, he should know about the people,” said Garza. “We may have similar laws, but the way that they play them out may be different in Mexico.” According to Sylvia Aldape, director of Stewardship Annual Giving at the University Development Office at UTPA, and coordinator for the event, the money that is raised will go to scholarships for students. Generous supporters of the event will make such fundraising possible. “In the past we have had highlevel speakers come to campus,” said Aldape. “We are thankful because we have had a lot of support from the community.” Aldape says such supporters donate anywhere from $5,000 to $15,000. The supporters are labeled by the foundation as Five Star Sponsors down to Two Star Sponsors, depending on their donation. All sponsors will have recognition in a special advertisement to appear in the Sunday edition of The Monitor, Valley Morning Star, and the Brownsville Herald. Although not many students will be able to attend the dinner, Aldape says that some student groups from UTPA will have the opportunity to see the man who rallied a nation after Sept. 11. One such group is the UTPA Student Ambassadors. “We do have three student groups involved in the event,” said Aldape. “The groups are helping us with the event.” However, Garza says that students should be granted the opportunity to see Giuliani because they should get to hear his ideas. If students are able to hear Giuliani speak, she noted, they will have the chance to compare his ideas from the others and make a choice out of it. “That is what higher education is,” said Garza. “It’s about making choices, and how are you going to make choices if you don’t get a variety of ideas?” Around campus this week, many students have wondered why they are not going to get a chance to learn from one of the country’s
See GUILIANI page 4