February 5, 2004

Page 1

NBA Schedule Thursday, Feb. 5 at 32-18 9:00 23-24 San Antonio Spurs vs. Feb. 6 at Sacramento, 9:30 Feb. 9 at Houston, 8:30 Feb. 18 at Toronto, 6

Friday, Feb. 6 at 27-21 7:30 14-36 Houston Rockets vs. Feb. 7 at Atlanta, 6 Feb.9 San Antonio, 8:30 Feb. 11 L.A. Lakers, 8

Saturday, Feb. 7 at 31-18 7:30 33-17 Dallas Mavericks vs. Feb. 9 at Atlanta, 6:30 Feb. 10 New York, 7:30


Friday, Feb. 6 Lamar vs. Kansas, 1 vs. Sam Houston State, 5 Saturday, Feb. 7 vs. Kansas, 5 Lamar vs. Sam Houston State, 9 Sunday, Feb. 8 Sam Houston State vs. Kansas, Noon vs. Lamar, 3

Killer Bees Friday, Feb. 6 at Killer Bees vs. Corpus Christi Rayz, 7:05 Feb. 7, at Austin, 7:30 Feb. 8 Corpus Christi, 6:05 All games p.m.


■ Baseball. . . . . . . . . . . . 15 ■ Hoops . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 ■ Sports Clipboard . . . . . 13

Tempers flare in Broncs’ 90-78 win By BRIAN CARR The Pan American The Broncs extended their winning streak to three and strengthened their record to 10-13, when they defeated the Lamar Cardinals 90-78 at the Field House Wednesday night. Junior guard Sergio Sanchez had another huge evening leading all scorers with 26 points, while shooting perfectly from the line, and tallying 12 points from field goals. And senior center Allen Holcomb picked up a doubledouble on the evening posting 15 points and 10 boards. The game was not entirely one-sided, however, and the Lamar Cardinals, lead by junior Gil Goodich who put up 21 points in the contest, looked to run away with it in the beginning of the second half, scoring eight unanswered points, and taking advantage of a seemingly weary home team. The Broncs, who helplessly watched a 14 point half-time lead cut to a single basket differential as the Lamar Cardinal shooters warmed up, needed something to happen to swing the momentum back in their favor. In the end it took an elbow to get the Broncs’ offense going. With the Cards within two points of a tie senior Terrel Petteway was hit in the face by a Ryan Lange elbow as the 6-11 junior went for an offensive rebound. “There were some words exchanged,” Lange said. “I turned and accidentally caught him in the face with my elbow and he didn’t like it.” The very emotional Petteway, who leads the Cardinals with 15.4 points per game, became enraged and could not regain composure. After

a series of verbal altercations with teammates and officials, he was ejected from the game. “I guess it was a good thing,” Lange said. “He’s one of their best players, and it was good he was out of the game.” Point guard Sergio Sanchez made good on both free-throw attempts, strengthening the Broncs lead, and igniting a 10-2 run. The home game hijinx, however, did not end with the technical call. Moments after Petteway’s ejection, junior Eric Montalvo lost his footing while trying to defend a Cardinal fast break. Montalvo projected into Lamar head coach Billy Tubbs, sending him to the floor, and inciting a verbal altercation that security stepped in to disperse. “I gambled, I thought I could get [the ball]. I thought I could steal it,” Montalvo said. “My momentum just took me straight to the coach. It was just one of those things I couldn’t control.” The collision raised the high-energy game to a state of pure physical play, and the two teams combined for a jaw-dropping 56 personal fouls. Despite the high level of physical play head coach Bob Hoffman was pleased with how his team handled the situation. “It was just an unfortunate situation,” Hoffman said. “Sometimes things can get heated in the course of the game. But I thought that our guys did a good job of handling themselves like we talked about and finished the game with style.” But Hoffman was also pleased with the Broncs’ skill level and he stressed the

February 5, 2004

Writing seminars

An Inside Look: News ............................................2 ■ A & E............................................7 ■ Sports ........................................16

See Page 6 for details

T h e S t u d e n t N e w s p a p e r o f T h e U n i v e r s i t y o f Te x a s - P a n A m e r i c a n

GARCIA COMING ATTRACTION ? RESIGNS Women’s Studies program developing

Photo by Delisa Guadarrama/The Pan American

Lamar’s Jason Grant (left) tips off against UTPA’s Allen Holcomb See BRONCS page 14 in the Broncs’ 90-78 victory over Lamar at the Field House.

¿Que onda? Where’s soccer at UTPA? at the same time: The University of TexasPan American. In less than a month, two big-time soccer, or fútbol, events have taken place within driving distance of the Valley. The 2004 high school season also kicked off a few weeks ago. However, despite South Texas’ predominant Latino culture and population along with the area’s proximity to one of the largest and most Photo by Delisa Guadarrama/The Pan American fanatical soccer nations in the world, The Edinburg North Lady Cougars and the Mission Lady Eagles in a girls soccer México, the Valley’s match played in January at Edinburg. youth players find they By ED CHRNKO have no where to go after high school. The Pan American In late December, the Mexican Apertura 2003 championship was decided in Monterrey, Nuevo León, México at the Universitario Stadium, a mere Soccer is around everywhere you look in the three-hour drive from the Valley. Pachuca lost the Valley, except in one of the few places where second-leg of the final 1-0, but hung on to defeat aspiring young area players could turn to in order to pursue a career in the sport and get an education the Tigres on aggregate score (3-2) to win their



third title in four years. Last month, the Prelibertadores tournament, which was recently renamed the InterLiga, was played out in California and Texas (Dallas and Houston) between the top eight Mexican clubs of the past year. The Interliga was held from Jan. 4 to Jan. 14 and is the Mexican qualifying tournament to South America’s Copa Libertadores tournament. Locally, the Valley high school soccer season kicked off Jan. 6 and the McAllen Youth Soccer Association just got their season underway Jan. 24. Regardless of all the soccer action going on in and around the area, the Valley’s soccer players have nowhere to go after high school. One of the reasons is because UTPA, one of the largest universities in the Valley, does not have a soccer program. At one time the university did have a soccer program, however, it disappeared in the late 1990s. The UTPA athletic department cites Title IX and funding issues as primary reasons for not fielding either a men’s or women’s soccer team. Out of the seven athletic programs at the university, each gender has involvement in six of the seven programs. The only programs that support only one gender are volleyball for women and baseball for men. UTPA is not in danger of violating Title IX, yet the issue is continuously brought up whenever the

See SOCCER page 15

In a bombshell announcement made Wednesday via mass e-mail, Dr. Homer Garcia resigned his position as dean of the College of Social and Behavioral Sciences, ostensibly to take a position as president at a college in Washington state. Garcia, who had weathered several controversial in-house storms in recent years, sent an email message late Wednesday, the text of which follows: “I am hereby resigning my positions as Dean of the College of Social and Behavioral Sciences and as a tenured professor of sociology. I have informed the provost this evening of my resignation and will work with him to work out the details of my resignation and to identify the date when [sic] can be relieved of my day-to-day duties as Dean which I hope takes place as soon as possible. I will assume the presidency of an out-of-state college later this spring.” Garcia was involved in an ongoing struggle with former psychology/anthropology chair Etzel Cardena, and also dealt with the sexual harassment case of Dr. Mark Dantzker, a criminal justice professor who returned this semester after a leave of absence. As of January 2004, he was one of two finalists for the presidential position at Henry Cogswell College, along with Frederick Snow, vice president and dean of online graduate programs at Norwich University in Vermont. There has been no official announcement yet by the college about the position. Garcia was dean of the College for three years, and before him there was Dr. Daniel Death, criminal justice professor who served as interim dean for two years, replacing Jim Lamar who served three years. According to Jerry Polinard, chair of the political science department, the faculty and staff want Dearth back as interim because of the job he did for the college. James Aldridge, psychology and anthropology professor was not happy with the date of the resignation. He said that it is unusual for someone to resign in the middle of the semester, and that finding a replacement will take some time.


psychology and women,” Davinroy Zavala explained that women in general explained. “Women’s studies is an earn much less than men do and Hispanic academic discipline, so it teaches in women earn the least when compared to With a new women's studies minor being principle and also lets students learn about Whites and African Americans, earning created at UTPA, new opportunities for things they maybe hadn’t discovered yet. only 59 cents to the dollar. classes, and mindsets, are also on the way. It’s an activist discipline that involves the “Studying women who have Dr. Ellise Davinroy of the English community.” demonstrated courage and perseverance department With the location of the and have contributed greatly will only has university close to the U.S.inspire, encourage, and motivate other experience Mexican border, Davinroy sees it women to reach for the stars,” Zavala said. with as the perfect place for students Davinroy said that instead of the drones women’s to learn about border studies and of repetitious lecturing students sometimes Nearly sixty percent of studies and recognize the effect ethnicity and encounter, the women’s studies courses has shown a gender have on social situations. could offer a diverse education to their the university’s considerable Dr. Glenilia Zavala thinks a general education studies. Students in the population is female and amount of women's studies program would past are said to have taken a women’s I don’t understand why interest in be a wonderful addition to the studies course out of curiosity, passion, or bringing university and would bring even simply to argue against a professors we don’t have a women’s one here. information and education to insights. Davinroy hinted that the different studies program. She is part students who could be affected views are what bring vigor to the courses. of a group from taking courses that “It’s so much fun,” she said. “It can be - Dr. Ellise Davinroy, of faculty deliberate on gender. eye-opening for several people because English Department professor members “Throughout history women they change the way they look at people’s put together have played an important role in lives. Women’s studies is important, not to craft the proposal needed to make the shaping our country,” Zavala said. “They only to women, but to everyone.” program a reality. have not, however, been Even though such a thing has been recognized for their attempted in the past, various committees contributions as much never got past the proposals. Now, with as they should be or support of the administration and the treated equally in the excitement shown by the newest labor force.” committee, preparations to begin a new Critics of a women’s minor could occur as early as Fall 2005. studies major or minor “With the population of the university have suggested that growing quite rapidly, new students are while the subject is coming in that can make programs like this worthy, it is not successful,” Davinroy said. “Nearly sixty encompassing enough percent of the university’s population is to comprise its own female, and I don’t understand why we discipline. They have don’t have a women’s study program.” also complained that the On other campuses such as UT Austin subject is overtly and UTSA have them. politicized, with the The UTPA program is still in proposal majority of instructors stage. A faculty survey has been pushing their own distributed, and a student survey should agendas rather than a also be under way, to demonstrate what neutral learning interest there is in courses. Survey data experience. may also provide recommendations on how “I don’t think there to define courses, what type of classes will be any backlash there should be, or even how many fields from the university that of study the minor could cover. would be any different Davinroy explained that the women’s from other places,” studies minor would be part of a series of Davinroy said. “I cross-listed courses. These courses in actually find men women’s studies could take the place of a supportive of strong general education class. Daniel Aguilar/The Pan American women in a male“With having the classes cross-listed, a dominated society, and ROAD RAGE— The Dodge Arena in Hidalgo hosted a student who needs to take a physiology interested in the Monster Truck show last weekend, where eight trucks enterclass for their general education, could dynamics of the tained the Valley audience. have a choice in taking a class that applies courses.”


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