March 4, 2004

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■ Golf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

UTPA host Razorbacks in weekend series By BRIAN CARR The Pan American

Why mess around? That seems to be the philosophy of Willie Gawlik, UTPA’s baseball head coach, at least when it comes to the team’s 2004 schedule. In his second year as the head of the Bronc baseball program, Gawlik has amassed a schedule which ranks 27th out of 287 teams in terms of difficulty. The Broncs will go head to head with several big-time programs this season, including this weekend’s series at home against Arkansas. Why aim for the big dogs? There are many reasons. “One, when you play a schedule like that and you win, the NCAA is going to give you a consideration,” Gawlik said. “Two, it will make you better players, you play better when you play better talent. And it gives you recognition for your school and program.” By Gawlik’s best approximation it would take 32 wins to earn an NCAA tourney bid. By that standard, the Broncs (7-10) would have to win 25 of their 34 remaining contests to

accomplish the first objective. Whether they can do that will be determined when those games are played, but the Broncs have already made great strides in fulfilling Gawlik’s other goals. With a 3-2 win against Washington State Feb. 27, the Broncs showed they can compete with the big schools. They also picked up wins against both Kansas and Lamar earlier this season, but WSU was ranked just outside the top 25 when they visited the Edinburg Baseball Stadium, so the extra-inning victory was huge. Although the Broncs took the opener of that series, they slipped in the second and third games of the three-game visit losing 15-3 and 15-6. According to Gawlik, the main problem in those two outings was the pitching. “The percentages for a walked player scoring is something like 70 percent,” Gawlik said. “We walked 15 players on Sunday and nine of them scored. You can’t walk players and win.” This weekend the Broncs will host another big-name school when the University of Arkansas Razorbacks visit Edinburg to

compete in a two-game series, with games Saturday at 7 p.m. and Sunday at 1 p.m. The Razorbacks (11-3) have dropped only one road game this year, losing to Texas A&M, ranked 14th at the time. Gawlik knows that to compete against a team of that caliber there can be no mistakes. “We’ll have to get all the small things right. And that means getting here on time and playing a full game,” Gawlik said. “We can’t just play five or six innings against a good team and expect to win.” But according to the UTPA boss, pitching will be the cornerstone of the Broncs’ success or failure. “Everything starts from the mound,” Gawlik said. “You pitch well and you’re in the ball game.” In Saturday’s contest, junior Juan Sáenz will take the mound in hopes of keeping the Broncs in the game. In his two appearances this season as a starter, the 6-foot Valley native has picked up as many wins and leads all pitchers with a 2.16 ERA.

■ Intramurals . . . . . . . . . 15 ■ Sports Clipboard . . . . . 13

With the 2003-04 CHL playoffs quickly approaching, the Río Grande Valley Killer Bees look to enter the playoff race seeded fourth in the Southern Conference behind Amarillo, San Angelo and Laredo, respectively. The Bees, who have not yet clinched a playoff berth, still need to pick up one standing point, or see a regulation loss by the Austin Ice Bats, before a postseason appearance is certain. But after picking up at least one point in their last 10 games it would be highly unlikely that the red-hot Bees would be held pointless in their final seven contests. For Trey Medlock, president and general manager of the Bees, the postseason bid is a sign of success. “[Getting into the post season] is a very good thing,” Medlock said. “It shows that there has been success on the ice, and it helps your bottom line off the ice when meeting your goals.” The Dodge Arena, which has hosted 11 sellouts in 31 Killer Bee home games, will likely see consistently larger crowds once the playoffs begin. From an operational


‘Havana Nights’


March 4, 2004 An Inside Look:

See Page 7 for details

News ............................................2 ■ A & E............................................7 ■ Sports ........................................16 ■


T h e S t u d e n t N e w s p a p e r o f T h e U n i v e r s i t y o f Te x a s - P a n A m e r i c a n

The fad is in the word School janitors maintain jobs, juggle future plans By EDWINA P. GARZA The Pan American

Bees on verge of clinching playoff spot By BRIAN CARR The Pan American


Photo by Delisa Guadarrama/The Pan American

Sophomore Aarón Guerra swings away at a recent game. The Broncs lost two of three games against Washington State University last weekend.

stand point Medlock says the Bees look to expanded the CHL to 19 teams. Both teams draw significant income from entering the should make it to the postseason, as Colorado leads the Northwest Division with playoffs. “If you have a good playoff run you have 78 points. They will be the second and third a great opportunity to make more money,” teams in the new CHL to enter the Medlock said. “We could have as many as 10 postseason games, and if you sell all those out you’ve been v e r y successful.” In the history of the CHL/WPHL, which merged to form the existing CHL in May 2001, there have been 19 franchises that went bellyup. Photo by Daniel Aguilar/The Pan American This year, the Killer Bees and The Killer Bees will continue their run for a playoff spot when they visit the Colorado Odessa today at 7 p.m. The Bees are 29-20-8 this season and in secEagles joined, ond place in the Southeast Division of the CHL.

postseason in their inaugural year, following the Laredo Bucks’ performance last year. Steve Cherwonak, who has been the vice president of communication for the CHL since the 2001 merger, is pleased with the two teams’ results. “A lot of work goes in to planning and preparation,” Cherwonak said. “We choose the right people and we are comfortable they will do a great deal of hard work. I wouldn’t say we feel relief that both teams have made the postseason, because we anticipated success. But it is a good thing.” With the Bossier-Shreveport Mudbugs’ 32 regulation loss to the Memphis Riverkings at home on Tuesday night, the Laredo Bucks became the regular-season champions and in doing so will be awarded the Governor’s Cup. If the playoffs began today, the Killer Bees would face their archrival, the Bucks, in a best-of-five playoff round. In their last two meetings, the Bees and Bucks have split, with each picking up a shootout victory in front of a home crowd. The Bees are 3-8-1 in the season series with the Bucks. The two teams will play once more before the playoffs on Friday, March 12 at Laredo.

When asked about the prevalence of crude humor and attitudes, Medrano said different people find different things funny. If people don’t like the captions on the shirts, she said no one is forcing them to buy them. Parents and their children have for

McALLEN – “Only in American can the mentally retarded be President.” “Boy Bands Suck.” These are just some of the one-liners that grace T-shirts across the country. In La Plaza Mall, stores like Hot Topic and Gadzooks are finding that this type of merchandise is popular with young adults, and sometimes, older people. UTPA student Mari Mendoza, 20, is an employee of Gadzooks. She said that among the amusing T-shirts the store sells, one that says “It worries me how dumb you are,” is a big seller. “I think they’re funny,” Mendoza said. “They aren’t offensive, they’re cute.” Recently however, much has been made of the trend toward Daniel Aguilar/The Pan American antagonistic and sarcastic messages on BAD TASTE— T-shirts with raunchy or racy messages have shirts, reminiscent of become commonplace in recent times. This rack at La Plaza the bumper sticker Mall in McAllen is a good example of that. craze of the 1970s. Some people say that years argued about style and what’s the appearance and proliferation of such appropriate for a young person to wear. messages is a continuing sign of the Los Angeles father’s-rights talk show coarsening of the modern culture, while host Glenn Sacks is a protester against others argue that free expression has shirts which include negative messages simply found another vehicle. about males, and he has started to ask Abercrombie and Fitch has had to pull that retail chains stop selling such some of its more offensive products from products. stores, including several with what can One of the most controversial lines is be considered ethnically insensitive. But manufactured by David and Goliath messages still continue to be sold on based in Clearwater, Fla. “Boys Are shirts, hats, and other merchandise. Smelly - Throw Garbage Cans at them,” Hot Topic is a new addition to the says one shirt, and “The Stupid Factory McAllen mall, and caters to the punk- Where Boys Are Made,” is another, made rock crowd. The store sells chain belts, by chief designer Todd Goldman. leather, faux leather, lots of black, and An Edinburg woman shopping with her has a wall dedicated to around 25 teenaged daughter said she couldn’t different T-shirts with dry humor. imagine buying one of those shirts for her “I wish I could CRTL-ALT-DELETE children. you,” is one example. “I have never bought one of those, and “People shouldn’t take it so serious,” I don’t intend to,” she said. said Lorie Medrano, 16, of McAllen. While she doesn’t want to purchase “They’re just T-shirts.” these products for her children because The McAllen Memorial High School she finds them rude, she still enjoys student said the shirts are a new way to reading what they say. flaunt a bit of personality. “I like to read them,” the school “They’re just really funny, and they counselor admitted. “They’re funny, but add personality - so that’s cool,” they aren’t funny on my kids.” Medrano said.

By JULIAN CAVAZOS The Pan American

spend as much time with the family as he’d like to because of his work. This is a common problem for those who work the shift; they are shifting into gear when most people are winding down for the day. “I work all night, and then I have to get up at 6:30 to take them to school. Then they get home at 3:30 or 4, and I see them for a little bit, then I have to come work,” said Rodriguez. “ I only get to see them about 8-10 hours a week, about two hours a day. I have to spend most of my time with them on weekends.” Instead, while he wishes to be at home but cannot be Rodriguez probably sees the reflection of his loving wife and two children within the shiny tiles he cleans on the second floor. Not seeing the family enough is one thing. Not getting enough sleep is another. “I don’t get too much sleep, especially when I have to go make some errands during the day. I wake up at 6:30 to wake up and kids and have them get dressed and take them to school,” said Rodriguez. “By the time I get my sleep back, it’s already 9 or 10 and then the phone starts ringing, so I don’t get too much rest.” The Rodriguez family only has one car, so his wife has to drop him off at 6 p.m. and then wake up to pick him up at 2 a.m., when he is finished for the day. “It’s difficult, especially if you have kids and

Just like many students sail away in their own fantasies of someday becoming lawyers, doctors, musicians, and astronauts, Sylvia Saenz once dreamt of becoming a teacher aid. Then, after doing some thinking, she decided that becoming a janitor was a better match for her. “I had my thirty hours required to be a teacher aid, and I could have gone that way, but I realized that I really enjoyed being a janitor,” said Saenz, as her big hazel eyes and soft smile illuminated the Student Union. “I had previous experience working as a janitor in hotels and motels, so I already knew what to do. I love being a janitor.” Saenz, wearing a button-down khaki uniform with her last name emblazoned in the upper corner of her shirt, has worked here for a little over a year, on the daytime shift from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday in the Student Union. Every other week, she switches with another janitor from the same building to work from 9:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Since she started at UTPA, she has found it interesting to be working around so many other people. “It is interesting because I meet a lot of people; it’s never lonely. The most fun part is when events are going on, especially the holidays,” she said. “There are a lot of parties, and the students all gather together and have a good time. Its fun to watch them enjoy themselves.” Working in the Science building is another janitor, Gabriel Rodriguez Jr. The difference between him and Saenz is that he works the night shift, from 6 p.m. to 2 a.m. Monday through Friday. After marrying young and then having a family start to come along, Rodriguez had to find some way to support his family. “I got married real Franco Caballero/The Pan American young, when I was 16,” he SOLO FLIGHT— Most UTPA custodians work odd hours and said. “After the kids were usually by themselves, and deal with student sanitation apathy. born, I have more responsibilities now. I had only one car,” Rodriguez commented. “If you to think about what I could give to them. When have a wife who works, you have to take them you have kids, you have to work. You have to to work, and then they have to come drop me pay bills.” off and then pick me up. Sometimes I have to The night shift is hard for See JANITORS page 12 Rodriguez, who isn’t able to

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