■ Baseball. . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Pumas-Tigres tie, makes local history
■ Dodge Arena . . . . . . .15 ■ Sports Clipboard . . . . . 13
An Inside Look: News ............................................2 ■ A & E............................................7 ■ Sports ........................................16
Final Score!
T h e S t u d e n t N e w s p a p e r o f T h e U n i v e r s i t y o f Te x a s - P a n A m e r i c a n
Pan Am Days introduce various cultural issues By EDWINA P. GARZA The Pan American
Photo by Delisa Guadarrama/The Pan American
Arizona next for Broncs UTPA track and field By STEE RAMÍREZ The Pan American
April 15, 2004
See Page 3 for details
By ED CHRNKO The Pan American
McALLEN -- The Tigres of UANL and the Pumas of UNAM fought to a 2-2 draw Wednesday night in the biggest sporting event in Valley history before a near sell-out crowd at McAllen Veterans Memorial Stadium. The two Mexican League clubs officially made history at 8:15 p.m. when the whistle blew and the ball began to roll on the stadium pitch. “It was a good match for both teams,” said Pumas Technical Director Hugo Sánchez. “I’ll gladly come back to play a match like this.” With the Pumas leading 2-1 and the clock winding down, the Tigres’ second-half substitute Andrés Silvera scored the game-tying goal in the 89th minute. The Tigres opened up the scoring in the 19th minute on a goal by Brazilian forward Kleber. UNAM tied the match in the 41st minute on an individual effort by defender Gonzalo Pineda and took the lead in the 53rd minute on a goal by midfielder José Luis López. Although the match appears to have been a success, it was marred by what went on behind the scenes. A couple of hours prior to the match, event promoter Francisco Javier “El Abuelo” Cruz was arrested by McAllen police. Cruz is allegedly charged with fraud and did not return to the match. Since Cruz is a Mexican national, he has to pay 50 percent of his bond. Sources close to the event suggest that the charges leveled center on last year’s soccer match in Laredo, and alleged mismanagement and/or fraud connected to the match.
The Tigres’ Brazilian forward Kleber (11) leaps for ball against Pumas defender Joaquín Beltrán (3) during the Mexican League soccer historical debut match in the Valley at McAllen Veterans Memorial Stadium Wednesday. The game ended in a 2-2 draw.
toughest schedule in Division 1 college baseball,” Head Coach Willie Gawlik said. Gawlik added that late-inning pitching is what the Broncs will seek to improve on in the remainder of the season.
The much-needed win against TAMUCC was collected by freshThe Texas-Pan American baseman Phillip Rodríguez. ball team put a bad stretch of “I was not really nervous comgames behind them and look foring out of the bullpen, and felt pretward to their next test when they ty confident with Jarod Hickle travel to Tucson and take on behind the plate,” Rodríguez said. Arizona in a three-game “Hickles’ gestures help series. me to relax out there on The Broncs took on the the mound.” Texas San Antonio The Edinburg North Wednesday at the standout was given the Edinburg Baseball leather for his first start Stadium, but the game of the season and had not ended at press notched an instrumental time. win for the Broncs at a Prior to Wednesday’s time when they needed it home game, the Broncs most. had a 16-24 record. The win was highPan Am snapped a lighted by Matt Sisk, nine-game losing streak who smashed a grand Friday by routing Texas Photo by Delisa Guadarrama/The Pan American slam over the left field A&M-Corpus Christi 11fence in the bottom of Freshman Phillip Rodriguez is batting .262 in 15 3. the third inning that staked games in his first season with the Broncs. See BASEBALL page 15 “We have the 27th
places at TAMUCC By MATT HALL The Pan American
Rashaad [Ben] continued to perform well. Rowena [Hamlet] had a good debut in the 100-meter hurdles, and Amy The University of Texas-Pan Moses had another solid meet.” American track team ran and threw its Moses and Ybarra were the top two way to seven top 10 finishers for the Broncs. finishes despite an They placed second in abbreviated Texas the women’s and men’s A&M track and field hammer throws, meet April 10. respectively. The meet was Sophomore Hamlet shortened due to severe ran the 100-meter hurdles lightning strikes after for the first time in her the second heat of track career and her time men’s 800 meters. of 15.32 was good Head Coach Ricky enough for second fastest Isaac Ybarra Vaughn believes the in school history. meet was a solid one for Senior Clarisse his team and was not happy with the Arredondo threw the javelin to a 10th weather cutting the meet short. place finish with a throw of 117-4. Ben, a “We had some good performances,” senior, had a fourth-place finish in the Vaughn said. “Isaac [Ybarra] and 110-meter hurdles with a time of 14.29.
See TRACK page 15
With its effort to promote continued international cooperation and knowledge, the university’s Pan American Days event is under way. The event started Tuesday and ends Friday, and is done to broaden the horizons and minds of what is already a somewhat culturally diverse university. Pan American Days is celebrated annually during the third week of April, when speakers and performers both locally and around the world are invited. According to Jessica McAllen of the Office of International Programs, Pan American Days was created to honor the Pan American Union, which has a history beyond colleges campuses and modern times. The Pan American Union was created to promote international cooperation plus offer technical and informational services to all American republics. It served as the repository for international documents and was responsible for the furtherance of economic, social, juridical, and cultural relations, according to the Columbia Encyclopedia. As the event approached, McAllen said that the buzz was positive. “We’ve had a really good response,” she said. “I think what made us most successful this year was to publicize these events directly to people who are interested, and also the use of the campus e-mail system has been very beneficial.” The enthusiasm for the ongoing festivities will benefit
the university according to McAllen, who noted that one of the most popular events might be the Valley Symphony Ensemble performance and reception to raise scholarship money for students to study in Latin America. Tickets for the Friday night affair sold out quickly and McAllen said that people who are unable to purchase the $20 tickets have been providing donations anyway. This year’s Pan Am Days features three main speakers. The first was Keith Harper, the Native American Rights Fund senior staff attorney, who spoke Tuesday on several issues concerning Native Americans, including gaming and sovereignty within tribes around the country. “I want people to understand the issues that Native Americans face, and ask what powers tribes ought to have,” Daniel Aguilar/The Pan American he said.“People can easily dwell on the VISITS— Governor Lazaro Cardenas Batel of Michoacan, Mexico discusses negative between tribes and the government, but our future is very international issues including immigration and NAFTA to students in the Media Theater Wednesday night. bright.” The second main speaking event of Wednesday in the spirit of improving bilateral the week was Michoacan, Mexico Governor Lazaro relationships between the two countries. Cardenas-Batel who discussed immigration and NAFTA, “I want to hear from professors and students here at among other topics. Batel, a third member of the Cardenas UTPA on how they see Mexico, the country of origin of family to be elected into the governor’s office of that state, addressed nearly 100 students and faculty
Family remembers fallen Edinburg Marine By JULIAN CAVAZOS The Pan American
In total, the war in Iraq has taken 649 lives, according to the Department of Defense. Sekula was the first one to die from Hidalgo County, and the fourth She can still vividly recall, as if it was yesterday, to die from the Rio Grande Valley. when her son attended his first day Now Lisa has realized all the time she spent in of kindergarten. Holding on tight, he the past will be treasured in her heart. would lock his arms around his Dustin Michael Sekula, or “Dusty” as he was mom’s leg because he didn’t want called, was born June 8, 1985. Dustin was raised her to leave. This custom lasted in a religiously Christian home, where morality almost his entire kindergarten year. was deeply instilled in his life. His mother Lisa Sekula can still hear the stayed at home to raise her family while Don joyous laughter that once came over Sekula, his father went off to work. her when young son came home “Everything he learned at the house, it from school with some saved ice followed him whereever he went. I’m not cream in his lunch pail. When she saying he was perfect, because he wasn’t. [But] opened the lunch box, she found the I know Dusty had a relationship with Jesus and ice cream melted. The little boy he knew that if he ever died, he would go to didn’t understand why. DUSTIN SEKULA heaven,” his mother said. It was that same little boy, Dustin During the time the Sekula children were Sekula that went on to grow up to be 6 foot 2, under their mother’s care at home, a special bond was commonly dress in wrangler jeans, boot and slick hair: created between them, and it continued to exist as they a typical rancher-cowboy look about him. He graduated got older. from high school with an offered agricultural “I’m thankful that I was able to be the stay-home scholarship. He turned the scholarship down, with the mom; the mom that didn’t work and was able to stay determination of joining the military. home with my babies,” Lisa said. However, almost a year after receiving his diploma, As a student at Freddy Gonzalez Elementary School he unexpectedly passed away in “hostile fire” in Iraq’s in Edinburg, Dustin proved to be very successful, and Al Anbar province on April 1. The funeral took place had many achievements. on April 9, with over 1,000 people showing their “He was an excellent reader. The principal at Freddy support and grief. Gonzalez [Elementary] was able to get big prizes for
those [that excelled in reading]. He got to go to NASA, and also ride a limo. All through school, he got straight A’s, and he was very well-rounded,” said his mother. His siblings also recall some memories spent with Dustin. Dustin’s sister Danielle had a close relationship with him and she remembers him as taking life seriously. “He’d always say that anything that he considered serious, I made a joke out of it. One time, when I tried to learn how to rope from him, I was making fun of it. Then, [Dustin] said, ‘It’s not funny Danny! You need to learn how to do this and it needs to be done a certain way!’” “He was always a real perfectionist”, said his sister as she laughed. Then came the decision to either pursue an education or to serve the military as he graduated from Edinburg North High School in 2003. His family wanted him to get an education, but then found out that after trying to convince him to follow that direction, it wasn’t making him happy. There was something else he was seeking. “I could see his face and that he wasn’t happy. So, one day, he and I got some opportunity to spend some time together,” explained Lisa. “I asked him, ‘I see that you aren’t happy. What is it going to take so that you can be happy? Whatever it takes, I’ll do it.’” Dustin then replied that he wanted his parents to sign him into the delayed entry program in the U.S. Marine See SOLDIER page 12