■ Sports Clipboard . . . . .13 ■ Rodeo. . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
UTPA athletics will soon lose the driving force responsible for a six-year program renaissance. On Tuesday William J. Weidner accepted the athletic director position at Weber State University in Odgen, UT, after being chosen from a national search that included more than 45 candidates. Athletic department head trainer and veteran Jim Lancaster has been chosen to fill the position vacated by Weidner who will remain athletic director through October until taking his new position at Weber State in early November. Lancaster, who has served under six athletic directors in 24 years, said he will “hold down the fort,” until a national search yields Weidner’s replacement. The veteran and the rest of the Bronc family now say goodbye to the man who helped them get back on their feet during troubled times. “This is a positive opportunity,” said Weidner, who was a finalist for the job at Northern Arizona University in the spring. “It’s a new challenge.”
Weidner actively sought the UTPA athletic inspection by the NCAA. He leaves a group department’s change from probationary status that will be certified for the next 10 years. to what he describes now as a “fully-certified, “We’re not the same program we were six compliance-driven years ago,” Weidner said, who program,” and this spoke at length about his career return to respectability at UTPA on 1240 KSOX-AM will be one of his main Wednesday afternoon. “I wouldlegacies. n’t have traded it (the experiIn 1998, his first ence) for anything.” year at UTPA, Weidner Under Weidner, the cumulative was a part of the unigrade-point average of studentversity’s full certificaathletes has risen from 2.40 to tion into the National 2.92 with 51 percent of UTPA Collegiate Athletic athletes earning a cumulative 3.0 Association (NCAA), or higher. shouldering the task of As a result, UTPA has been restructuring the athrecognized with an inaugural letic department, and USA Today/NCAA Foundation placing a priority on Academic Achievement Award integrity and student for finishing in the top 10 in stuachievement. The predent-athlete graduation rates vious series of years above student body average. had been difficult, as Through his efforts, and those rules violations and of his staff, athletic fundraising other problems dogged WILLIAM J. WEIDNER has increased 500 percent; the aththe program. letic department secured a televiIn August, Weidner witnessed the second sion broadcast contract for all men’s and stage of the certification process after close women’s basketball home games during the
MNF scores at Student Union By JACOB ALEGRIA The Pan American He’s at the 20, the 15, the 10…and he could go all the waayyy! Yes, that’s right its football season again, and the annual madness has been welcomed with open arms, at the University of Texas Pan American. For some, watching football has always been a great way to see some of the greatest athletes compete in a game they can no longer participate in, not professionally anyway. However, for others it’s a chance to be a fan and support a favorite team, even if you’re not at the stadium watching the game. The best way to watch football is going to a live game; however the next best way is to watch it on a big screen TV. Another key necessity is the food and for many this is probably the main necessity. All these facets have now become reality at UTPA, thanks to the Kappa Sigma fraternity, the Student Union and the University Program Board, who are throwing a weekly party for fans of the NFL. Over the summer it was proposed that Monday Night Football games be shown at the Student Union, sponsored by a number if groups. Though it is a fraternity hosting the event, many have not been discouraged from going. For some it has been a warm welcome. “Everyone here came up to me and introduced themselves and I got to know them and it’s been a lot of fun being here” said Arnold Trejo, who attended a recent Monday event. There have been three telecasts so far; the NFL plays a 16game regular season schedule and each Monday night game has been on ABC every year since 1970. Although everyone isn’t cheering for the same team, people have managed to get along and have a good time. Luis Cantu, a longtime Cowboy fan, said, “I don’t like that guy
(Trejo), because he’s a Tampa Bay fan, but other than that he’s OK.” The project was approved during the summer on a fourweek trial circumstance. After three weeks, Kappa Sigma Vice President Michael McCarthy says “it has done well, but we want the numbers to increase in order to keep it going.” The new project was put together in hopes of creating an interactive involvement chance for the student body of what is largely a commuter school. The idea is to increase the times that students hang out with other students. “We want students to come together and socialize with other students that they don’t know” said McCarthy. Although, for games the attendance has been just a shade over 100 people, the sponsors would still Courtesy of like to see some improvement there. The crowd has also included some university faculty members, who are welcome to the event as well. However, watching football and eating aren’t the only things going on, because at halftime of the game, prizes are given away through raffles. This is something that the fraternity does in order to thank its guests for coming to the Monday night get-together. It is also something they do in hopes of getting to know guests and encouraging them to come back. Even if your favorite team doesn’t win on Monday night, you still have a chance at being a winner. For all you Dallas Cowboy fans, although the win wasn’t pretty, it was a win…and at least there was free food on hand.
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Long-time AD resigning after six years By JOEY GOMEZ The Pan American
Athletic Director Weidner departs UTPA
1999-00 and 2000-01 seasons; and made a commitment to improve existing facilities evident in a $6.5 million baseball complex plus in-house training facilities. Weidner said his achievements and success at UTPA impressed Weber State, a Division 1AA Big Sky Conference program. The word from Utah is more of the same. “Bill is an outstanding individual with a demonstrated track record of success,” said Norm Tarbox, vice president of administrative services and chair of the search committee, on the WSU website. “He will be a great addition to our Wildcat athletics team.” Weidner has 25 years of athletic and academic experience in athletic programs at Ashland (Ohio) University (1995-98), Southern Methodist (1988-95), Murray State (1983-82, 86-88), Ohio State University (1985-86), Stanford University (1983-85), Southern Connecticut (1981-82), and University of New Haven (1980-81). He leaves UTPA after six years of success, and said it was a tough decision, but the right one for his career. “I’m confident they’ll find an excellent replacement,” Weidner said. “My heart will always be with UTPA.”
T h e S t u d e n t N e w s p a p e r o f T h e U n i v e r s i t y o f Te x a s - P a n A m e r i c a n
HESTEC Photogr aphs on Page 4
The Future Broncs Club is becoming reality. The project was developed last year, but will officially kick off soon at the University of Texas Pan American. The club is an opportunity for young UPTA fans to interact with the sports programs offered at the university. It is designed for all Rio Grande Valley children in the 8th grade and older. The director is April Cupp, a Texas A&M University May graduate, who joined the UTPA Athletics Department as marketing coordinator last month. She replaced former coordinator Craig Pintens, who accepted a position as assistant athletic director for marketing and sales at Marquette University. He was the pioneer developer of the Future Broncs club. Prior to coming to Pan Am, Cupp served as a staff member in the promotions department with the Coastal Bend Aviators, an independent minor league baseball team in the Central Baseball League, and a rival of the Edinburg Roadrunners. She was also in the marketing and advertising department with Idea! Worldwide, where she served as the project coordinator for the first annual Velocity Games, an extreme sports event held in Corpus Christi. Now she is a Bronc, getting the new club on its feet, a process which
always has trial and error. “We have five members signed up so far, but there has not been anything yet,” Cupp said. “The parents of the children are a bit disturbed that the club has not given out membership cards [among other offers].” After given this project, five months ago – among other job duties – Cupp is optimistic this club will be successful. “This will be the first year (the club) will start,” Cupp said. “We are getting ready.” Despite the rocky start, the Future Broncs club, whose motto is the “Best Club in the Valley,” offers positive and interactive activities. All members are supposed to receive an official Future Bronc Tshirt, membership card, Future Broncs newsletter and e-mail updates, team posters and info on Future Broncs-only events. Members will also receive free tickets to all volleyball matches, men and women’s basketball games, eight baseball games and other UTPA athletic events. Another feature the Future Bronc club offers exclusively to its members is a birthday bash party. Club members can host a birthday party at a UTPA basketball game for $35 a pop. The club will advance technologically with it’s own Web site in the near future. The site will feature sports tips, events calendar, trivia contests and more. Members will also be able to e-mail their favorite Bronc.
UTPA follows the rhythm of HESTEC By ANGELA I. CANALES The Pan American Hispanic Engineering, Science and Technology (HESTEC) week is designed for Hispanic students to consider a future career in one of these fields. With sponsors such as Ford Motor Company, Texas Instruments, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and many others, it is an opportunity for students to focus on what comes after graduation. University of Texas-Pan American 2003 graduate, Aaron Acuña, is now the electrical systems engineer for CD 338-334378 Ford vehicles. Acuña is here to represent one of the companies that sponsor it. “It’s gratifying to know that I can now provide opportunities to local students,” Acuña said. “From the feedback I have gotten from other Ford recruiters, they have said that the quality of students here in South Texas is excellent, the only downfall I see is hesitation from local students to re-locate.” Acuña explained that this conference is a great way to inform younger students of fields that they may not be exposed to. Michael John McArthy Jr, criminal justice major, attended one of the HEST events and walked away with a positive experience. “I feel that Pan Am and the proper organizations have done their best to get the word out as far as HESTEC is concerned,” McArthy said. “There have been posters, fliers, advertising in the newspaper, different radio plugs from a bunch of the different radio stations across the Valley have all been advertising about this even for the past two or three weeks.”
Bronc kids program to kick off By LORI CHAVEZ The Pan American
September 30, 2004
________________ Members of the UTPA mariachi perform in the Field House to celebrate HESTEC week. ______________________ Melissa Martinez/The Pan American
Bilingual Education: the Texas phenomenon By EDWINA P. GARZA The Pan American Editor’s Note: This is the first installment of a two part series about bilingual education in the Rio Grande Valley. Before the Civil Rights movement took root, tales of abuse against nonEnglish speakers were common across the United States. In some cases, students had to pay money for each non-English word they spoke, and in others they were punished by being forced to stand in a designated area for a certain amount of time or having to repeatedly write a promise to speak only English while at school. But as times changed so did the schools’ attitudes toward these students. To help them get an education with their English-speaking peers, the federal and state governments passed laws to allow
non-English speaking students a chance at an education by learning with their native language whether it be German, French, or Spanish. The program called bilingual education has become one of the most debated topics in education over the past few decades. Opponents favor “immersion,” or forcing non-English speakers to dive in to using English, without much aid from their native language. Supporters of bilingual programs say that students learn better while learning from their native language. Both sides want the group in question to get an education, they just differ on which method is better. BACKGROUND Historians point out that bilingual education began in the 1800s when Ohio became the first state to adopt an act in order to teach German and English. Much
of the debate today deals with students speaking Spanish. The Valley is the most populous Spanish-speaking area in Texas and has been in the middle of the debate for years. Recently, The University of Texas-Pan American invited Guadalupe San Miguel, Jr., activist and associate professor of history at The University of Houston, to deliver a speech titled “The Rise and Fall of Federal Bilingual Education,” as part of the Rondel Davidson Lecture Series for 2004. He explained to the audience why bilingual education has become such a controversial issue. “Bilingual education is controversial in today’s world because it raises significant questions about this country’s national identity, the nature of federalism, about power of ethnicity,” San Miguel said. “It raises questions about how one defines an
American in general, and finally it raises questions about instructional methodology and its relationship with immigrants and native children.” According to San Miguel here are nearly 24 million Mexican-American students in the nation’s schools today, and almost 14 million other Spanish-speaking students. “The Mexican-Americans continue to be the largest group of Latinos in the United States,” he said. In the 1950s, the Texas Department of Education, which was later renamed Texas Education Agency, and the League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) organized the “Little School for the 400” program for preschool Mexican-American students, to teach them English vocabulary that was necessary for school. From that, in
See BILINGUAL page 11