June 15, 2006

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T h e S t u d e n t N e w s p a p e r o f T h e U n i v e r s i t y o f Te x a s - P a n A m e r i c a n

June 15, 2006

Conference addresses plight of uninsured population By LUKE KOONG The Pan American For many people without health insurance, a simple ailment like the flu could spell death. At best, weeks of distress. The plight of the uninsured in the nation is being felt, especially by the Hispanic population. Of the 45.8 million individuals without health coverage, nearly 14 million are Hispanic.

Last month, experts who have long researched the uninsured congregated at The University of Texas-Pan American to host the National Uninsured Latinos Conference and address the growing need for healthcare reform. “It’s time we’re no longer, in this country, silent about the millions of Americans who are suffering because of uninsurance,” Roland Arriola, vice president of External Affairs, said at the conference. “We’re not going to acquiesce

anymore to the apathy that we see around us on this issue,” he added. MORE EQUALS LESS Close to 18,000 people are dying each day due to a lack of health coverage. In the United States, more money is spent on healthcare on a per capita basis than any other country in the world. However, spending all that money has not yet produced equivalent

See UNINSURED page 4

Luke Koong/The Pan American THINK TANK - Raul Yzaguirre (left) leads a panel which included Dr. John Lumpkin (center) and U.S. Rep. Silvestre Reyes (right) at UTPA May 22.

National organization hopes for local branch By CAROLINA SANCHEZ The Pan American

www.utm.edu/staf/leeb/Vietnam/wall.htm HONORING - The Dignity Memorial Vietnam Wall arrives to the Valley at the end of this month for public viewing. The wall is a smaller version of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C.

By SANDRA GONZALEZ The Pan American Jorge Gonzalez remembers the names of all his friends who lost their lives in the Vietnam War. When the Dignity Memorial Vietnam Wall opens for public viewing on June 30, he does not know how he will react to seeing those names again. “I can not tell you that I’m looking forward to seeing their names, but in a way I’m looking forward to seeing their names,” Gonzalez, volunteer coordinator for the event, said. “I’m

apprehensive about how I’m going to react.” However, Gonzalez said he knows he is not the only Veteran feeling anxious about the event, but insists it will be a good experience. “They are going to benefit from this. The entire community will benefit from this,” he said. “We need something like this to happen to us here in the Valley.” Getting the wall to the Valley has been no easy feat. The process started about two years ago, when Dignity Memorial, a company who owns 1400

funeral homes and cemeteries across the U.S., first submitted an application on behalf of the Valley. According to Charlie Minjares, Dignity Memorial Vietnam Wall venue leader, though they were accepted the first time, certain events caused them to cancel the stop in the Valley. However, they applied again last year and were once again accepted. “It had never been done here before so I figured what better way to pay tribute than to post one here,” Minjares, who managed the wall when

See WALL page 4

Cherie Hodges believes in the power of focusing attention on children, thinking that when given the right amount of attention and care, children have no limits to what they can accomplish. That is why the self described “community liaison” is trying to bring the organization Big Brothers/Big Sisters, which pairs a needy child with a “big brother” or “big sister” as a mentor, down to the Rio Grande Valley. “There is an extreme need here in the Valley. We have the highest rate of teen pregnancy, drugs and alcohol abuse and this is one of the poorest areas in the country,” Hodges, a McAllen resident, said. “By helping this organization and building it in the area, it is a way of giving back to the community” Hodges came to the Valley from Midland where she saw the success of the mentoring group. After wondering why the Valley didn’t have a local branch, she realized that if she wanted something to be done, she had to do it herself. “When I came here, I found out that there was not an organization,” she said. “I’m trying to bring it here because I know it would help to improve the area.” Big Brothers/Big Sisters has been working for more than 100 years. It is one of the Top 10 charities according to

Forbes magazine. The program is for kids 18 and under who are in families with a single parent, come from a low socialeconomic status, or need more focused attention. There are two formats to the program. One is school-based where the big brother or sister visits the child’s school for an hour a week. The other is community-based. “I personally prefer the community-based, because you have more opportunities with your child and maybe have more fun,” Hodges said. “It is not necessary to spend a lot of money. Just time to have fun.” MOVING FORWARD A local organization has to receive a lot of support from contributors. The largest concern is funding, and a financial goal of $150,000 has been established to get this project started. Hodges and her border director have met on several occasions to discuss such issues. During the summer, they will hold “Jean Day,” where employees of participating health systems are allowed to wear jeans on a designated day as long as they contribute $2 to a chosen charity like Big Brothers/Big Sisters. She believes that there are a lot of resources out there to contribute to this

See BRANCH page 3




UTPA receives $46 million for construction, expansion of facilities

Dodge Arena prepares for Rob Thomas, Jewel June 25

Complete coverage of 2006 World Cup in Germany

See page 5

See page 8

See page 3

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