T h e S t u d e n t N e w s p a p e r o f T h e U n i v e r s i t y o f Te x a s - P a n A m e r i c a n
A u g u s t 24 , 2 0 0 6
Commuting students adapt to high gas prices
Provost/ VP moves in with energy, momentum By LUKE KOONG The Pan American This week, freshmen will begin a new chapter of their lives as they traverse the halls and walkways of The University of Texas-Pan American for the first time. Paul Sale, the new provost and vice-president for academic affairs, is joining those students in that he is beginning a new journey of his own. Sale officially began his career at UTPA on Monday and has been adjusting rather quickly. The new provost joins the university from Radford University, where he served as the dean of the College of Education and Human Development for six years. Prior to that, he worked at the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs. Sale and his family are acclimating to Valley life, adjusting to the heat and culture of the area. In the midst of learning the ropes of his job, Sale sat down with The Pan American and shared his experiences, his current situation and hopes for the ensuing academic year.
See SALE page 5
Onydia Garza/The Pan American
Progress, plans SUCCESS - President Blandina Cardenas spoke to faculty, staff, and students at the annual convocation Aug. 23 in the Fine Arts Auditorium. Cardenas highlighted many of last year’s achievements and her hopes for this school year. “We’ve got to be together. None of us will succeed unless we all succeed,” she said. In addition, Cardenas unveiled UTPA’s new logo (right).
By ANA LEY The Pan American A new school year begins today at The University of Texas-Pan American, and for its commuting student population, climbing gas prices are hard to ignore. While last week’s statewide gas price average was $2.873 per gallon, the national average was $2.977 per gallon. Though both numbers are down from previous weeks of $2.914 and $3.057 respectively, students still have to find ways to cope. David Rojas, a junior business major who resides in San Benito, said that while gas prices have posed new challenges, it only takes a few adjustments to accommodate. “I just don’t make as many trips in general, and I set aside money especially for gas, though I’ve considered catapulting or jet-packing my way to class,” Rojas joked. According to him, most of his friends have found ways to carpool to school and work. In addition, Rojas said
See PRICES page 11
Unity Halls open doors to students amid positive reviews ON THE MOVE - Jose Lucio, a junior business major, smiles as he moves into Unity Halls on Aug. 20. Lucio is one of 400 occupants in the new residence hall. Construction on the dorms began in Dec. 2005 and was one of the fastest buliding projects in the UT System’s history.
By SANDRA GONZALEZ The Pan American When Crystalina Sanchez first considered living on campus, she had only one question for her parents. “My first questions was: ‘Is there still room in the new dorms?’” Sanchez, a freshman history major, said. “When they told me there was, we agreed to move in.” Sanchez is just one of the nearly 320 students who’ve made themselves at
home so far at The University of TexasPan American’s new Unity Halls. The dorms are split into two towers with women in the north tower and males in the south one. The 110,000-sq.ft. residence hall has 204 rooms and a co-ed common area with pool tables and TV access. Some were so anxious to see the completed amenities that Chad Martin, director of Residence Life, said he had
some late night visitors the evening before the Aug. 20 move-in. “I had some parents try and sneak in last night around 10 to get a look at what we were doing, so I let a few of them in on a tour and they were very excited with what they were seeing,” he said. “I also had a couple of people move in at midnight last night, but I had to tell them no.”
See UNITY page 11
Campus alcohol offenses up from last year
Indie filmmaking makes visit to the Valley
Lady Broncs open up latest volleyball season Friday
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