T h e S t u d e n t N e w s p a p e r o f T h e U n i v e r s i t y o f Te x a s - P a n A m e r i c a n
October 5, 2006
Faculty member’s firing raising concerns By SANDRA GONZALEZ The Pan American A shadow of unanswered questions and allegations of policy violations lingers even after former political science professor Terence Garrett has walked away from The University of Texas-Pan American. Garrett, who chose not to speak with The Pan American because of pending legal action against UTPA, was dismissed
from UTPA at the end of the spring 2006 semester after a series of complicated events. However, the five Ws and H of the situation still remain hazy more than one year after the initial conflict occurred. One thing remains certain, though: UTPA faculty members want answers. “Some of the things are really murky, just baffling,” said James Aldridge, professor of psychology and
anthropology and vice president of Pan American United Faculty (PAUF). Samuel Freeman, an associate professor of political science, said he has spoken with Garrett, who worked at UTPA for around five years, several times following the events that resulted in his dismissal, in search of those answers. What he has found is Garrett’s side of the conflict but no answers to the most important
question: Why was he fired? TRIALS AND ERRORS According to Freeman, the entire incident transpired after Garrett, who was in his second year on tenure-track, was not paid for two months after teaching the second summer session in 2005. By the end of August, Garrett had not been paid
See PAUF page 11
Taxi for the tipsy
Celina Gilpatrick/The Pan American MURKY - Yellow-tinged water flows from the College of Science and Engineering’s dean’s suite kitchen faucet.
Less than clear water baffles one office’s staff By CELINA GILPATRICK The Pan American
By ANA LEY The Pan American San Antonio drinkers have one less excuse for driving under the influence. PointZero8, managed by computer video game consultant Marc Groleau, is a new subscription service offering less-than-sober clients—and their cars—a ride home after a night of clubbing and bar hopping.
PointZero8 guarantees student members a ride home for the current annual fee of $40, with a $25 fee for each trip within a 10-mile radius of the starting point. Extra miles cost $1.50 each. Nonmembers can get a ride for $35 for the first 10 miles and $2 for every mile over. In comparison, the average 10mile cab ride in San Antonio costs
$16.60, according to Fodors Online Tour Guide. While PointZero8’s services are more expensive that just taking a cab home, the advantage is than they take your car home too, saving members from possibly having their cars towed. “I thought of the idea because I go out a lot, and I see that a lot of people are cracking under the pressure of driv-
ing after they drink,” he said. “I know when I go out, I always want my vehicle to be in my parking lot the next day.” Coined by Groleau, the name of the service is a spin-off of the state’s .08 percent legal blood-alcohol limit. The designated driver service offers various memberships, such as
See DRIVING page 11
The water from the College of Science and Engineering dean’s suite is usually used for coffee, oatmeal in the mornings and washing dishes. That stopped about a week ago, when yellow water started pouring out of the kitchen faucet. Staff in the dean’s office found that the water from the kitchen sink was tinted yellow and the earlier you used it, the darker it came out. Leticia Dutschmann, secretary for the School of Engineering and Computer Science, was the first to notice the abnormality and reported it to the university’s Office of Environmental Health and Safety. “Initially, I wanted to know if my health was at risk,” Dutschmann said. “I didn’t know what chemical was causing the yellow coloring.” While Dutschmann’s concerns are valid, Oscar Villarreal, director for facilities maintenance and operations, assured her and everyone else that the water is not being chemically treated and
See WATER page 11
Army cadet stands out as he ranks in the top 12 nationally
Classic play of power, betrayal comes to UTPA
Boxing matchups showcased excitement in Edinburg last weekend
See page 8, 9
See page 16
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