T h e S t u d e n t N e w s p a p e r o f T h e U n i v e r s i t y o f Te x a s - P a n A m e r i c a n
January 25, 2007
UTPA, TSTC partner to boost number of transfers By SANDRA GONZALEZ The Pan American Blandina Cardenas, president of The University of Texas-Pan American, is trying to make it a little easier for students from Texas State Technical College to obtain a four-year degree. At a ceremony Jan. 18, Cardenas and J. Gilbert Leal, president of TSTC, signed three agreements that aim to increase the number of hours students from the technical college are able to apply toward a four-year degree, and facilitate the transfer process. “By signing this agreement, we are recognizing that our students are very capable of handling the curriculum at the
university level and they no longer have to start at the beginning,” Leal said, referring specifically to the General Articulations Agreement. Cardenas said the Dual Enrollment Agreement will provide advisement opportunities to TSTC students upon declaration of intent to transfer. At the advisement, transfer students will be given a degree plan and receive help throughout the entire transfer process. In fall 2006, out of 446 students who terminated studies at TSTC, only 55 transferred to UTPA, according to Cardenas. She hopes these agreements will result in an increase in the number of students who choose to continue their education.
“A year from now we want to double that number, and two years from now we want to double the number from the year before,” she said. An agreement was also made between TSTC and the UTPA College of Science and Engineering under which students who have completed an Associate of Applied Science degree program can continue on to pursue a four-year degree in engineering at UTPA. “We have looked at those more technical courses that students take at TSTC to see which of those could transfer,” Cardenas said. “They don’t all transfer, but by working together we want to maximize the transferability of
See AGREEMENT page 11
Sandra Gonzalez/The Pan American COMING TOGETHER - President Blandina Cardenas shakes the hand of TSTC President J. Gilbert Leal at a ceremony partnering the two universities.
UTPA to pare down 48-hour core By CLAUDETTE GONZALEZ The Pan American Having to wait in line at the post office is no big surprise. But at the Edinburg Post Office on Jackson Street, droves of people have been lining up, not to mail packages, but to get a passport in order to keep up with new travel requirements. The first phase of the Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative officially went into effect Monday. What does this mean for the average Rio Grande Valley citizen? For those who cross the border and return by land, not much for now. However, anyone planning to travel outside the country and return by air must now present a valid passport, which costs $97 for anyone 16 and older, and $82 for those under 16. According to Felix Garza, a supervisory customs officer in McAllen, the WHTI affects everyone traveling into the United States by air from Canada, Mexico, Central and
South America, the Caribbean and Bermuda. For U.S. citizens, a U.S. passport is all that’s needed to reenter the country. Legal U.S. residents can present their resident alien card or “green card” instead. Citizens of any other country will be required to present a U.S. visa in addition to a valid passport issued by their home country. “If you’re a Mexican citizen and live and work in Mexico, the only way you can make entry to the U.S. is by having a valid U.S. visa and a Mexican passport,” Garza said. First announced in 2005, the new rules are a cooperative effort between the Department of State and the Department of Homeland Security. The WHTI, a two-phase plan, is meant to improve national security as mandated by the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004. The second phase, scheduled to go into effect in January 2008, will require passports from anyone
See PASSPORTS page 11
By SIDNEY MEADOWS The Pan American The University of Texas-Pan American will soon be reviewing the core curriculum, possibly lowering required hours from 48 to 42 in order to abide by two mandates created by the State of Texas. One mandate says that the total hours needed to complete a degree should be lowered to anywhere from 120 to 124 hours. The other states that the core curriculum should be at 42 hours, unless probable cause is shown to warrant up to 48 hours, which is the current number of hours in the core. The object of the proposed cut is to enable students to get into their major courses more quickly, which could help students graduate sooner. Under the current core curriculum plan, students are required to complete
See COURSES page 11
Engineering students face unique challenges at national competition
Musical organizations come together for yearly classical extravaganza
Junior guard Brian Burrell leads Bronc hoops in scoring
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