March 1, 2007

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T h e S t u d e n t N e w s p a p e r o f T h e U n i v e r s i t y o f Te x a s - P a n A m e r i c a n

March 1, 2007

UTPA extends recruitment efforts beyond RGV By VERONICA GONZALEZ The Pan American The University of Texas-Pan American is looking beyond the Rio Grande Valley, after signing a three-year contract with the popular student Web site College Board to help attract prospective students from outside the area. To this end, the university has begun purchasing names from the College

Convention center to host grad ceremony By SANDRA GONZALEZ The Pan American It’s official: the McAllen Convention Center, slated to open later this month, will host The University of Texas-Pan American’s May commencement ceremony, various sources have confirmed. The decision comes after months of deliberation among the Commencement Committee, students and administrators as to moving the ceremony from its usual location in the Field House. As a result of the move, students will be allotted 12 tickets, as opposed to six, and there will be three ceremonies held, as opposed to four as there had been in the past. They will take place at 9 a.m., 1:30 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. Ana Maria Rodriguez, who served on the Commencement Committee, said it was ultimately the access to more available seating and the new condition of the facility that were responsible for the decision. “We’re going to try it for the first time. No one else has tried it before,”

See GRADUATION page 11

Board, ACT and The National Research Center for College University Admissions. This year, UTPA spent a total of $11,000 on student information from these organizations, at 29 cents per name. According to Magdalena Williams, dean of admissions and enrollment services, the decision to start a more intense and wide-ranging recruitment program came as a result of an increasing responsibility for boosting admissions.

While the recruitment department is not new, campus administrators have realized the need for increased diversity and enrollment, according to Debbie Gilchrist, director for New Student and Visitor Services. In addition, with the opening of new housing and construction on the Wellness and Recreational Center nearing completion, UTPA needs to make sure the facilities are put to good use.

“Any time you have new housing, you have to meet those needs to fill them,” Williams said. PICKING, CHOOSING With so much information, UTPA has invested in a student marketing system to sort and hold it all. “Before we purchase, we evaluate,” Williams said. “For example, we ask questions like: did we see an interest from

students in this area? Was it worth it?” Williams says the university wants to make sure they’re targeting areas whose students will be encouraged to move to the Valley and find it comfortable. Of the nearly 18,000 students, over 90 percent are from this area. Focusing on students whose parents have gone to college and those who live in families with income that can


‘Designer babies’ center of debate By MANUEL TISCARENO The Pan American Some scientists and the public are voicing their concerns after Britain announced last week it could become the first nation to allow the genetic alteration of human embryos, a step some claim could pave the way for the creation of “designer babies.” Embryo screening, which allows parents to select the sex of their baby, check for disability or select a particular genetic makeup, has been under attack from popular opinion since the birth of the field. In fact, on Sunday, Pope Benedict XVI condemned genetic engineering and other scientific practices that allow people to select attributes of unborn children by screening them for defects. One of the concerns surrounding the debate over genetically modified embryos is that some disabled families have voiced their preference for selecting embryos with genetic make-ups coding for the same disabilities as they have. “That is absolutely repulsive, absolutely immoral,” said psychology professor Jerwen Jou of The University of Texas-Pan American. Some parents with disabilities, via

embryo screening, are demanding reassurance that their child be born with a particular limitation. In one example, a person with dwarfism could choose to screen embryos to assure that his or her offspring will be born with a shared trait. Sandra Hansmann, an assistant professor for the department of rehabilitation at UTPA, said genetic screening should be accessible to everybody, even if the process is used by some in a way others might not agree with. “If we accept that parents use genetic screening to eliminate disability, then we should accept parents who wish to use genetic screening to select disability,” she said. Scott Gunn, a biology professor and health professions adviser, said parental rights also play a role when considering a middle ground for the issue. “I assume if they know themselves and they know their own feelings, they may feel more comfortable with a

See GENETICS page 11




Student tells of her trip to Africa as missionary

New version of a classic tale comes to UTPA

Brazilians bring flair to the tennis court

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