April 5, 2007

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T h e S t u d e n t N e w s p a p e r o f T h e U n i v e r s i t y o f Te x a s - P a n A m e r i c a n

April 5, 2007

Immigration bill proposed, experts doubt resolution By KRISTEN VILLEGAS The Pan American Following months of debate over illegal immigration, yet another bill was introduced March 22 to try to address comprehensive immigration reform once and for all, with special emphasis on improving border security and employment verification. H. R. 1645, cited as the Security

Through Regularized Immigration and a Vibrant Economy Act of 2007, would create policy regarding common immigration issues like law enforcement, border security, workforce needs and the large population of undocumented immigrants. Dubbed the STRIVE Act, the bill, introduced by Republicans Luis Gutierrez and Jeff Flake, calls for illegal aliens to remain in the United States, but

would require undocumented workers to pay fines, be subjected to penalties, undergo background checks and learn English. In addition, there would be a “touch-back provision” that would require illegal aliens to return home before applying for citizenship. It would create a new system for employers to verify immigrant status for new hires and increase the number of fami-

ly- and employment-based visas, according to Valley Congressman Ruben Hinojosa. A similar bill died in Congress because the House and the Senate failed to reach an agreement on how to deal HINOJOSA with the estimated 12 million undocumented immigrants in

Days to remember

UTPA hosts numerous events as part of Pan American Days


an American Days’ focus on the Latin American culture took shape in a variety of performances and exhibits. International films such as Argentina’s “La Cienega” (see pages 8, 9) graced campus screens. Tropical music, such as the Brazilian group led by Maria Guerrero and George Amorim, of the modern languages and literature and music departments, respectively, wafted from outdoor stages. But in lecture halls across campus, quieter events catered to students’ intellectual sensibilities. Two of the many prominent lecturers who visited campus are featured below.

Ad agency president shares Professor presents research on his journey to top of industry Hispanics’ attitudes about sex The Pan American As president of Bromley Communications, one of the largest Hispanic advertising agencies in the country, Ernest Bromley knows a thing

or two about bringing together creativity and multiculturalism. The San Antonio business, whose clients include Circuit City, Payless, General Mills and Burger King, is know for its cutting-edge, innovative ad

See BROMLEY page 5


Elections under way for SGA By SANDRA GONZALEZ The Pan American

Moses Garcia/The Pan American ACTRESS - Dalia Hernandez, lead actress in Mel Gibson’s “Apocalypto,” speaks in the Student Union Theater Tuesday night as part of Pan American Days.


this country illegally, according to Hinojosa. Hinojosa supports this bill and said he recognizes that the current immigration system is broken. He believes it is critical that legislation offers a sensible solution. “We must bring our immigration policy into the 21st century,” he said. Hinojosa added he is hopeful that

By CLAUDETTE GONZALEZ The Pan American In the Social and Behavioral Sciences Building Monday, Russell Eisenman, a professor in the department of psychology and anthropology, spoke

openly about sex with a group of college students. Although sex is often on college students’ minds, it’s not often that a professor willingly agrees to broach the often-taboo subject. In particular, Eisenman’s talk

Friday is the last day for University of Texas-Pan American students to vote in the 2007-2008 Student Government Association elections. Students have been able vote for a variety of SGA positions, including college senators and president, since April 1 online via an e-mail that was sent to their preferred address. If an e-mail has not been received, students can approach one of the voting booths - located in the Student Union, cafeteria and library and ask for a ballot to be sent to them. While the process for voting can be perplexing, one thing that stands clear is the executive candidates’ top priority. At a debate held March 29, presidential candidates Tony Matamoros, a junior political science/history major, and David Zamora, a senior economics/political science major, both expressed interest in lowering the cost of textbooks in the coming year.

See SGA page 11 Q For more on the candidates’ top issues see “Executive ticket See EISENMAN page 5 platforms” page 11.




Activists hold march as tribute to Cesar Chavez

Concert tours colleges for a cause

Big Leagues lure UTPA baseball players

See Page 3

See Page 7

See Page 14

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