Thursday September 6, 2007
58th Year No. 2
University community reflects on 80 years
Cardenas speaks on security upgrade plans
The University of Texas-Pan American has come a long way since its opening as Edinburg College in 1927, as the institution has grown from having 200 students to over 18,000. But enrollment numbers tell only part of the 80-year history. Although the college opened just before a difficult time in history — amid the Great Depression — many students took advantage of the new learning institution, said Blandina Cardenas, UTPA’s current president. Rio Grande Valley residents and those living in surrounding communities were now able to receive highereducation without having to leave the area, she added. “Many students found the university to be an asset because it provided individuals a chance to get an education,” said Cardenas. “Many young bright students got their start right here.” The university has undergone many changes, including five name changes before it settled with its current name in 1989, when the school became part of the UT System. However at least one custom celebrated
by UTPA remains the same. The annual convocation where students, faculty and staff meet to listen to different issues concerning security, faculty programs, student success and student engagement was held Sept. 4. To commemorate the accomplishments UTPA experienced through its 80 years, President Cardenas, along with the Provost, and Vice President of Enrollment & Student Services John Edwards spoke at convocation. Along to celebrate in the occasion, the UTPA’s Men’s Choir sang the Alma Mater and the Bronc Band played Happy Birthday, UTPA. Many students, faculty and staff participated in a luncheon when the celebration was over. CHANGES “When UTPA acquired the UT brand, it made the university much competitive in attracting high-quality faculty and a greater number of well-prepared students,” said Cardenas, in her fourth year as
As The University of Texas-Pan American kicked off its 80th anniversary at fall convocation on Tuesday, expressed optimism from President Blandina Cardenas was slightly overshadowed by the realities of present dangers. With a large audience of students, staff and faculty, Cardenas shed light on her plans for improving security measures on campus, a move prompted by the April shooting at Virginia Tech University that left 34 people dead. “It was a rude awakening for every college campus,” she said. Measures currently in the works include using university listserves to distribute e-mail messages, and implementing a textmessage alert system. Cardenas also said they Sidney Meadows/The Pan American would like to utilize teleFUTURE - President Blandina Cardenas addresses stuvision monitors around dents, faculty and staff at fall convocation Tuesday.
campus to display mass alerts. The university has also allotted $200,000 to upgrade the police department’s radio communication system and provide riot training. In addition, Cardenas said after a bank robber led police on a chase that ended at UTPA in March, the incident brought harsh realizations that “we were not connected as well as we needed to be with the local police.” The university will stage a tabletop exercise in October for administrators, police and IT officials. This discussion will precede a planned spring 2008 mock-disaster drill. “We will begin to put theories about how to deal with these issues to the test,” she said. “I have to tell you at the end of the day that I know I bear the responsibility to make this campus as safe and secure as it can be.” LOOKING FORWARD Cardenas does not bear the weight alone, however. The event gave the president a chance to introduce her six-member vice-president support system, which included former external affairs vice president
See PLANS page 11
Library criticized over Playboy subscription See Page 3
University implements new administrative structure By ANA LEY and ANNA VILLARRUTIA The Pan American
Local band hopes to break in to scene See Page 7
SPORTS UTPA student creates buzz in boxing ring See Page 16
The University of Texas-Pan American has begun its search for a suitable person to fill a new vice president position, following an administrative reorganization prompted by university president Blandina Cardenas. The push for a new administrative structure took action Sept. 1, following Cardenas’ late July announcement of the changes.
As part of the new arrangement, UTPA will split its External Affairs division in two and begin a nationwide search for a sixth vice president, who will head the new Division of University Advancement. Susan Griffith, director of institutional research and effectiveness, said the school had been talking about the split since last fall but had not announced changes as administrators continued to think about how they would properly deal with proposed changes. “When you take apart such a huge
department, you have to figure out where all the little pieces underneath it go,” Griffith said. Griffith added that most schools already have departments that specifically work on institutional advancement and assures the mentioned growth is necessary. “It’s an evolutionary step. At one point, we probably just had one vice president,” she said. “We’re just getting larger, so things get more complex. We need to have more specialized departments.” The result of increasing endow-
ments or donations to the university is also one of the reasons why administrators feel a sharper focus on university advancement is crucial. According to Griffith, university fund-raising programs have recently raised much more money than they did in years past. Currently, Lydia Aleman, whose former title was director of development and endowment services, is serving as executive director of the new division, which absorb the Development Office,