58th Year No. 5
Thursday September 27, 2007
Pelosi among most anticipated
Event brings prominent leaders to UTPA
The Pan American
With Hispanic Engineering, Science and Technology Week in full swing, The University of Texas-Pan American has again become an educational hotspot, visited by thousands hoping to participate in the university’s annual effort to promote science/tech literacy. Though half of the week’s events have already ended, several are still in store for those wishing to partake. Three major ones are the Robotics Expo, Career Expo and Community Day. During the HESTEC Robotics Expo on Thursday, students will have the chance to learn about and interact with new technologies that help preserve natural resources. According to Gustavo Salinas, assistant director of minority business development and Robotics Expo coordinator, the event will feature the SargentWelch/K’NEX Education Solar Model Competition, in which 60 five-member teams comprised of high school freshmen will participate. Each team will have to build a solar-powered vehicle and race it with the rest.
“The purpose of this is to expose students at an early age to start thinking about their future,” Salinas said. “[This is especially] to create awareness in students that they can become teachers, astronauts and engineers.” The solar model car competition will begin at 11:45 a.m. at the university’s soccer field. Rex W. Tillerson, chairman and chief executive officer of Exxon Mobil Corporation and Nancy Pelosi, speaker for the U.S. House of Representatives, will be the main speakers at the Robotics Expo. Pelosi’s speech will emphasize the importance of increasing mathematics and engineering studies in schools, Salinas said. According to Roland Arriola, vice president for community engagement, 100 tickets were reserved for UTPA students to attend the speech, while the remaining 700 are meant for students and teachers at local elementary schools, middle schools and high schools. “The main focus of Speaker Pelosi’s visit is so that we get students in the community interested in science and technology,” he said. “She is com-
The Pan American This week, the sixth annual Hispanic, Engineering, Science, and Technology Week drew in top corporate, educational and government leaders to the Rio Grande Valley. Among the slew of activities, two events in particular were clear crowd-pleasers. STANDOUT AFFAIRS HESTEC week commenced with Educator Day Monday, which featured a Congressional Roundtable. Held in the UTPA Field House, the Roundtable brought together government officials and business leaders to discuss the necessity of keeping the United States on the forefront of worldwide innovation by educating students, especially Hispanics, in the fields of math, science and technology. Those who attended the event, moderated by ABC reporter John Quinones, heard speeches delivered by top executives from Verizon Communications, Texas Instruments, Chevron, Hewlett Packard, Lockheed Martin and NASA. Tuesday was Leadership Day,
which gave students a chance to hear from a variety of professionals in fields ranging from technological advancements to environmental conservation efforts. Electrical systems engineer of Ford Motor Company and UTPA alum, Aaron Acuña spoke to a group of high school freshmen during the event at the UTPA Field House. “My education at UTPA provided me the critical thinking skills that have stayed with me until today,” said the Valley native. “Whenever there’s a problem at work, I use those skills to solve it as best I can.” Acuña was pleased to see students interested in what was presented to them, proving that they will be taking something away from HESTEC. “We try to bring in major executives to talk to at least 1300-1500 students about opportunities in Fortune 500 companies,”
See HESTEC page 11
For more on HESTEC see page 5.
NEWS Student credit card use, debt on the rise See Page 3
A&E Large hype surrounds latest Halo installment See Page 8 and 9
SPORTS Eternal question: Is UTPA ready for some football? See Page 13
Campuses struggle to fill police officer spots Low pay may play role in PD retention woes By SANDRA GONZALEZ The Pan American As university police departments across the country develop plans and measures to deal with the “if” situations of campus security, some schools within the UT System are asking not for proce-
dures, but police officers. While the most recent University of Texas-Pan American Campus Safety report states there are “26 certified police officers, security officers, and various administrative support personnel,” the 2006-2007 report is somewhat misleading, according to a former UTPA Police Department employee. When stripped of guards, personnel and administrative officers, the number of on-beat police officers stands at just six, reported the former employee, who chose to maintain anonymity. That translates in
to one officer for every 2,903 students. James Loya, assistant chief of police, however, said in an e-mail inquiry that the university is “authorized 18 officers and 15 guards that assist the everyday security needs of the University.” This would mean UTPA’s officer-to-student ratio stands at a much safer 968.6 student per officer. While UTPA’s PD currently provides security services for the Starr County Upper Level Center in Rio Grande City, according to Loya, exactly how many work at the center are unclear.
Follow-up inquiries to Loya were not answered by publication. However, Loya did acknowledge the advantage of added force. “We can always benefit by having more officers,” he said. “This will allow us to provide more crime prevention sessions and participate in more off campus crime awareness functions.” The need for more forces extends beyond UTPA, however. The University of Texas-Brownsville Police Chief John Cardoza said while he does have enough
See SECURITY page 11