October 4, 2007

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Thursday October 4, 2007

58th Year No. 6



Some departments not included in new core curriculum proposal By SANDRA GONZALEZ The Pan American

an attempt is being made to shave hours off The A sUniversity of Texas-Pan American’s core courses, certain

departments on campus could find themselves on the figurative curriculum cutting room floor if a proposal to the Faculty Senate passes later this month.

September was postponed until late October to allow for further discussions on the matter. Currently, forums in each college are taking place. The department of modern languages, computer literacy and kinesiology are among those with core classes missing from a 42-hour proposal drafted by the University Core Curriculum Committee. UTPA currently has a 48hour requirement plan including offerings from the aforementioned. One of the most significant changes within the proposed plan, which has been in the works for three years, includes six hours of so-called flexible components, which allow students the option to choose two three-hour classes within their own discipline to count toward the core curriculum. An electronic vote scheduled to take place at the end of

FLEXIBILITY Cutting down on core curriculum hours to allow for more discipline-specific courses is one avenue universities are taking to make up for more strict parameters set by the Texas Legislature in late 2005. The Texas Education Coordinating Board mandated that by 2008 all university bachelor degree plans should not exceed 120 hours — with exceptions made for highly technical areas, such as engineering. Rajid Nabiar, associate professor of mechanical engineering, said he favors the new plan, which was first put up for faculty consideration in March. He said increased class choice flexibility will help the engineering department cut the

See CORE page 11

Departments await Ph.D. programs in development By BOBBY CERVANTES The Pan American In the past decade, The University of Texas-Pan American has offered students the ability to further their education through post-baccalaureate degrees by instituting doctoral programs in two of the university’s colleges. According to officials, many more are in the works. Marc Simpson, Ph.D. program director for the College of Business Administration at UTPA, said the mathematics department is considering having its own doctoral program. Simpson said the further development of such programs will certainly enhance the university. While the school does not currently have planning authority, the department has submitted a request to the UT System to acquire it. “The math department contacted the College of Business Administration when they were putting together their application to ask us about some of our success rates,” he said. “We have very high success rates, so they were very pleased with that because it shows that the Ph.D. programs we have at UTPA are very successful and indicates that we can handle more.” Since May 1998, when UTPA awarded its first doctoral degree in business administration, the university has


See PROGRAMS page 11



By ABIGAIL MUNIZ The Pan American

State Rep. Pena speaks on upcoming campaign See Page 3

A&E Local fans await return of Ricky Martin See Page 8 and 9

SPORTS Runner Nava defies odds, claims victory See Page 16

As rate rises, education specialists tackle solutions

Jerry Lowe knows a thing or two about losing high school students as dropouts. Working as a high school principal for 17 years in East Texas, he experienced an estimated 30 percent dropout rate. The situation is not much brighter in The Rio Grande Valley. Out of 75,500 students that entered high schools in Hidalgo and Starr counties in 2000, less than 41,000 graduated four years later, according to a recent study by The Monitor.

Lowe, an educational leadership professor at The University of Texas-Pan American, said a simple solution might be to give students more individual attention by reducing class sizes. “[This is so] that you don’t have so many kids together,” Lowe said. “Sometimes students in large schools simply feel like a number.” Lowe recognized that it all depends on the economics of the school and that it would take much planning, but a versatile approach that he was able to use while a principal was evening school.

See DROP page 11

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