October 11, 2007

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Thursday October 11, 2007

58th Year No. 7


New state law limits dropped classes By BOBBY CERVANTES The Pan American With the fall semester in full swing, most college students across the nation have already adapted to a new schedule of classes and set of teachers. But for those at more than 100 public universities and colleges in Texas, a recently passed bill by the state Legislature adds another important new aspect with which students must become familiar. Senate Bill 1231, passed by both houses of the Legislature without opposition, went into effect immediately after Gov. Rick Perry signed the bill June 16. The new law restricts students from withdrawing from more than six courses throughout their college career. Any additional courses dropped after the six-course cap will remain permanently recorded on a student’s transcript. In addition, the student is required to pay for the course in full and accept an ‘F’ grade. Congressman Fred Brown, R-Brazos County, authored the portion of SB 1231 dealing with the six-

hour cap. According to MeLissa Nicholas, Brown’s chief of staff, Brown said that the bill would aid the average taxpayer as well as everyone in higher education. “This bill saves taxpayers money and decreases the amount of time to graduation, by making the right classes available to students who are serious and committed,” she said. “It also saves the schools from the problems of incurring so many refunds.” This new mandate directly affects any university or college in Texas receiving state funds. At The University of Texas-Pan American, officials are slowly trying to piece together what the change means.

Dennis McMillan, associate vice president for enrollment and student services at UTPA, said it is still unclear as to how, specifically, The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board will implement SB 1231. Still, he assured that the law will not affect sophomores, juniors or seniors. “THECB will be finalizing the rules for implementing this law within the next few weeks,” he said. “We do know that there are some provisions for exceptions due to illness, death in the family, call to military service or other reasons that can be justified. “ McMillan said that the law reinforces the necessity of students communicating with their academic advisors.

“We believe that students should take seriously the selection of their major and, subsequently, the selection of courses to meet degree requirements,” he said. “We provide advisers to assist in this process and we encourage students to take full advantage of these services.” When the THECB meets in Austin later this month, McMillan will sit on an advisory committee charged with assisting in development of the new rules. “One unanswered question about this new law deals with transfers from out-of-state or private schools,” he said. “We do not know if drops from these institutions will count against the student.” Some students at UTPA, like

See LAW page 11


Russian pol addresses big crowd Tuesday By ANA LEY The Pan American About 1,200 persons packed into the Fine Arts Auditorium at The University of Texas-Pan American Tuesday to watch a presentation by Mikhail Gorbachev, the Russian politician who served as the last leader of the Soviet Union before its collapse in 1991. Gorbachev, the first speaker to present for the Distinguished Speaker Series this semester, is best known for creating reform to end the Cold War with the United States, and for streamlining and decentralizing the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. He is also popular for coining the terms perestroika (governmental restructuring) and glasnost (political openness). “Not only is he a Nobel Peace Prize winner, he is also probably the most historically significant figure we have had on campus,” said John Bokina, a political science professor who specializes in Soviet politics. During his speech, Gorbachev reflected on his time in politics, remembering speeches he delivered to community members about the corruption of Stalin’s regime. “I remember after the death of Stalin, life in Russia was in flux,” he said. “I had many political discussions


See GORBACHEV page 11


NEWS State rep. hopeful speaks on election hopes, arrest See Page 3

A&E Anime lovers descend upon SPI for convention See Page 8 and 9

SPORTS Lady Broncs dominate at first home game of season See Page 16

SBS reconstruction yields other plans Fallen wall repair continues to cause hassle By JULIET PEREZ The Pan American For the past two months, students with classes in the Social and Behavioral Sciences Building have had to walk around construction sites to get inside, and officials at The University of Texas-

Pan American say students should expect no end to the hassle any time soon. In the SBS building, the Aug. 1 collapse of two small north walls sent crews into emergency reconstruction mode. The construction job, strictly for safety enhancements, will not lead to any aesthetic modifications of the building, said Marvin Boland, architect director of UTPA’s Physical Plant. Work is expected to be complete in three months. “In order to make sure [students]

get into the building and out of the building safely, [they] can’t get up close to the building until we finish repairing,” he said. Van Reidhead, dean of the college of Social and Behavioral Sciences, said he was notified immediately when the wall collapsed. “They told me straight in the morning [of Aug. 2] about the fallen wall,” he said. “It really was not a mess, it was very symmetrical. It had just fallen; it was almost like someone had laid it

down.” Boland and eight colleagues did three weeks of tests to figure out why the building began to deteriorate, and plan how to solve the problem. With the assistance of a local engineering firm and the UT System Office of Facilities Planning, the group was able to finish assessing the situation early last month. Boland said some of the brick ties around the bottom of the facility had gathered too much moisture and the


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