Volume 65, No. 10
October 30, 2008
SINCE 1943
President Cardenas under investigation By Brian Silva THE PAN AMERICAN The University of Texas System has launched an investigation into allegations of plagiarism in the 1974 dissertation of President Blandina “Bambi” Cardenas. The investigation came about after a packet from an anonymous sender was received by the UT System, as well as several media outlets, last
week. The packet included 100 examples of supposed citation misuse. “The University of Texas System has launched its own review of the passages called into question,” UT System Assistant Director of Public Affairs Matthew Flores said. “We’re moving expeditiously and hope to have the review completed as soon as is possible…but it will take some time.”
Flores said the received a doctorreview of the alle- “The University of Texas ate in educational gations will be System has launched its leadership. made public once own review of the passages University it’s completed. Relations and the called into question...” Cardenas, who UTPA Office of has been president the President of UTPA since Matthew Flores declined to com2004, wrote her UT System assistant director ment and referred dissertation at the of public affairs all questions to the University of UT System, as per Massachusetts at Amherst, where she request by UT System officials.
Flores confirmed that media outlets also received the packet, but that information included in the various packets was not all the same for each recipient. Multiple sources confirm the packet claims to have been authored by faculty from UTPA. “The executives of the UT System have been made aware of these allegations,” Flores said. “They and the
Early voting rises, record anticipated By Ana Villaurrutia THE PAN AMERICAN
VOTER TURNOUT - Several campaigners, including Eddie Zamora (fourth from left), stand outside the Elections Administration Office in Edinburg Wednesday. The last day to vote early is Oct. 31.
Danielle Valadez was upset at her voting area in the 2008 primaries held last March. Though she registered in time, long lines and miscommunications made it impossible for her to cast her ballot. Valadez however found early voting at The University of Texas-Pan American library a welcome alternative, because she only had to wait a minute to get to the booth. Early voting began Oct. 20 and will end Friday. “I wanted to make sure I was in the right place,” said the 25-year-old psychology major. “But they sent me to the wrong place and when we finally
got there it ended up turning into a four-hour wait.” In Texas, early voting provides 13.5 million registered voters two weeks to cast their ballots instead of having to do their thing under packed conditions Nov. 4. Early voting also allows people to vote in any precinct in the voter’s county. The UTPA library is just one of 27 polling locations in Hidalgo County and one of three in Edinburg that provides early voting. At the Hidalgo County Commissioners Court last Tuesday, Texas Secretary of State Hope Andrade urged people to choose early.
University unveils Ph.D UTPA PD police chief Miller fired in Rehab Counseling By Brian Silva THE PAN AMERICAN
By J.R. Ortega THE PAN AMERICAN The University of Texas-Pan American will soon offer a Doctorate of Philosophy in Rehabilitation Counseling, the only one of its kind in the state. The decision came last Thursday after the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board approved what will be the university’s third doctoral program. The program, which is etched to
begin fall 2009, was first proposed to the UT System in 2005 after nearly four years of discussion and deliberation. Rehabilitation Graduate Coordinator Irmo Marini, who will oversee the doctoral program once it takes flight, said the process has been lengthy but well worth the wait. “It has been a humbling experience,” Marini said. “It’s a unique opportunity that took so much to put
University of Texas-Pan American Police Chief Howard Miller was fired as the police department’s top boss and officially left the position on Oct. 3. At the moment, Miller’s duties are being fulfilled by Acting Police Chief James Loya, who is the former assistant police chief of the department, according to Matthew Flores, the assistant director of public affairs for the UT System. Loya will fill the spot until a new police chief is hired. “The termination came after an
investigation into some allegations that were made against him,” Flores said. The outcome of the investigation resulted in his firing by the UT System. Due to the issue being a university personnel matter, details were not released about what kind of allegations were made against Miller. Flores said all UT System police chiefs are named at the UT System level, and are hired as a collaborative effort between the system and UTPA officials. The UTPA Police Department resides under the university’s Division
of Business Affairs. Currently, the division is in the process of developing a committee that will search for the new police chief. The group will consist of staff, students and a member of the UT System. They will be charged with looking over applications and providing a recommendation for a police chief that fits UTPA’s needs. Flores said there is no timetable for the convening of the committee, but said a new police chief will be hired in a timely manner. Miller had been with the university for nearly 16 years.