South Texas kicks it up, See Page 15
SINCE 1943
Volume 65, No. 13
November 20, 2008
Buildings undergo brick wall modifications By Kristen Cabrera THE PAN AMERICAN It was 15 months ago when the north side of the Social and Behavioral Science building’s wall fell apart due to worn out, rusted pins. Two weeks immediately following the incident, maintenance crews went straight to work on the SBSC building as well as older buildings to make sure that The University of Texas-Pan
American was a safe campus. “I called the maintenance project my three year plan, which we ended up doing in about 15 months,” said Marvin Boland, UTPA director for planning and construction at Physical Plant. The university had to order more than 50,000 galvanized pins in order to prevent older walls from collapsing. The total cost of the maintenance project is $2.8 million, according to
Boland. When additions to the then Pan American College were being done in the late 1960s the buildings were made of St. Joseph brick. This brick acts like a sponge and holds water whenever it rains. What pinned this brick to the backing were ungalvanized pins unlike the galvanized ones now used for construction. Galvanized pins are coated for the prevention of rusting pins. The pins
on the north side of the SBSC building were just rods of plain metal and had basically disintegrated into rust between the mortars of the bricks, creating a freestanding wall, which eventually collapsed. When Boland saw the collapsed wall he walked over to where the Wellness and Recreational Center was being built and asked the contractor of A. Wilson Construction for help.
“I said to him, ‘Hey I need help in a hurry’ and that afternoon,” said Boland, “He had the SBSC building totally surrounded with fence and plywood tunnels to be able to get in and out of the building. Within five or six hours we had the building totally secured.” Once the action was taken to secure the wall, Boland started to identify the problem and began test-
Egypt’s Sadat brings message of peace By J.R. Ortega THE PAN AMERICAN
RALLY FOR PEACE - Egypt’s former first lady Jehan Sadat, the second in the Distinguished Speakers Series, talks to a full audience Monday night about the need for peace and the importance of human rights.
After Jehan Sadat concluded her speech with repitions of “yes we can,” those in the full auditorium rose to their feet to laud the former Egyptian First Lady’s message of peace. The human rights activist made her message loud and clear, that human rights and peace are attainable and essential. Sadat said the 1981 assassination of her late husband, former president Anwar Sadat, was difficult to deal with, resulting in her retreat from public life and projects as first lady. Despite the tragedy, the female visionary persevered, insisting on
carrying the message of peace sought by her husband. “Without bold, visionary, courageous leadership and without peace, there can be no human rights,” she said as students, faculty, staff and community members remained attentive. Her husband was gunned and grenade down in Cairo during an annual victory parade on Oct. 6, 1981. However, Sadat did not dwell much on the past, but rather remained optimistic about what the future holds. During and after her husband’s presidency, Sadat became a firm human and women’s right activist.
State Rep. Lucio files bill for Valley medical school By Abigail Muñiz THE PAN AMERICAN For pre-med students in the Valley looking to apply to and attend medical school, the closest choice is San Antonio. With only nine medical schools in Texas, four of which are part of the UT System, students’ options can seem limited. Chris Treviño, a senior chemistry and biology/pre-med student at The University of Texas-Pan American, said that when it comes to medical school, Hispanic students in the Valley typical-
ly do not want to travel far away. “I know one thing, Hispanics really pride themselves is having a really close family,” Treviño said. “Students sometimes won’t travel very far because they want to stay close to home.” For years, local activists have lobbied for a professional school in the Valley, but have not been successful. However, a bill filed Nov. 10 by State Rep. Eddie Lucio III, D-Brownsville, would create a medical and a law school in South Texas. The bill, which was one of four that was pre-filed
before the next session, is a major part of Lucio’s legislative agenda. “Establishing a fully developed medical school in the Valley is my number-one priority for next session,” Lucio stated in a press release. “The creation of such a school would have a tremendous positive impact in our area…” Scott Gunn, a biology professor and pre-med adviser at UTPA, said he agrees a medical school in the Valley would be a positive step for South Texas. “It would increase the potential for
getting new modern techniques down here,” Gunn said. “Most of our efforts have been to produce students that would stay here in South Texas.” The downfall Gunn sees in the proposed Legislature bill is that the Valley might have to wait for a medical school as the University of Texas at Austin is also planning on one. “The big caveat of this is that Austin also wants a medical school,” Gunn said. “A lot of people want it [in the Valley], but I don’t see we’re going to be able to out-compete Austin.”
In late 2007, the UT System asked UT Southwestern Medical School to conduct a feasibility study for a possible Austin medical school. The San Antonio Business Journal reported last summer that the idea continues to steam ahead as UT Regents study the issue. Cynthia Brown, vice provost for graduate programs and academic centers at UTPA, said that a medical school in the Valley would greatly benefit both students and the community. “If it were in our area it would be good for the community and a fantastic