September 9, 2010

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Volume 67, No. 2


September 9, 2010

One-stop website now off and running By Belinda Munoz The Pan American With so many websites to navigate, it is no surprise that most students at UTPA don’t know where to start when accessing account information online. To diminish confusion, the university has developed a new portal system called My UTPA that offers access to important university websites, on one convenient page. Funding for the program was provided by the Division

of Information Technology and supervised by Vice President for Information Technology Bob Lim. The project cost an estimated $150,000 to complete. Kumar Raman, 34, director for internet services at UTPA, feels that the website will help students achieve better efficiency with their personal and educational issues. “My UTPA is sort of a onestop shop, an information hub for students where they can find services and information across campus all centralized in one

place,” Raman explained. He also commented on the convenience of the newly designed portal. “Once they log into the portal they essentially don’t need to log in again into services like blackboard or email or assist. It’ll just be one click access to all these different services on campus,” Raman said. “It eliminates the need to remember ten different websites.” My UTPA was driven by the Student Government Association (SGA) with collaboration from

“My UTPA is sort of a one-

stop shop, an information

hub for students where they and




services across

campus all centralized in one place.”

Kumar Raman Internet services

departments such as Enrollment and Student Services Department and the Center for Online Learning. “We have these quarterly meetings with the Student Government Association and the student organization leaders,” Raman explained. “That’s where we get feedback from them. We are here to serve the students. We just had to keep in mind the needs of everybody else, that’s why we worked closely with all these


Faculty action in progress as parking situation continues By Roxann Garcia The Pan American Reaction to parking redistribution in lots B and B-1 near the Communications of Arts and Science building and the University Center continues to pour out as disgruntled faculty members have conjured creative alternatives to the situation. The Aug. 5 decision to redistribute lot B as residential parking and lot B-1 strictly for faculty shook up members of the college closest to the lots. Stella Behar, a professor of Modern Languages and Literature in the COAS, is one of the many faculty/ staff members who were displaced from their usual parking area at the start of the new semester. “I find the situation to be absurd and frustrating,” Behar said. “To me, there is not enough space to honor the commitment that parking

management is making. You anticipate a parking space when buying a parking permit.” Faculty and staff have been miffed over the lack of notice given by the Parking and Traffic Committee about the decision, which was made during its last official meeting, in June. Many felt it was a breach of the shared governance understood between the university community and the university itself. “ T h e process used was not one faculty, staff and students felt like they had a voice in,” Faculty Senate Chair Linda Matthews said at a town hall meeting

held by the College Council Tuesday. “That does not work.” However, many of the people have banded together to create new ideas and solutions for the issue, including a petition protesting the change that has been passed around the college. Another town hall meeting on the issue is scheduled for Friday at 1 p.m. in the Student Union Theater, hosted by Parking Services.

The petition, drafted by Behar, has been passed throughout the different departments in the COAS. The French professor Behar, who has been at the university since 1993, notes that she has yet to pick up all of the copies but can attest to over 100 signatures so far. In the brainstorming group is professor of history and philosophy Amy Hay, who along with Behar is compiling drafting solutions for the issue. The professors have e-mailed back and forth the past two weeks sharing horror stories and calling for collective action. “One of the wonderful aspects of this college is that there are a lot of creative people here who have come up with ideas and solutions to present to the committee,” Hay said. The solutions presented

by faculty members during a town hall meeting held by the College Council Tuesday, consisted of immediate, short and long-term ideas. Among the immediate suggestions was an agreement between residents and faculty to share lot B. Other ideas included a possible valet parking system, an arrangement between residents and faculty in which residents will remove their vehicles by 8 in the morning to make room for the workday rush, and finally, turning the field north and adjacent to the residence halls on the corner of Sugar Road and Van Week streets into an added parking lot. “A few of us have even suggested car pooling and mandating a designated spot for those types of vehicles,”


Photo illustration by Alma E. Hernandez / THE PAN AMERICAN Page 2Editorial: - Big business Nomight have packed their bags, but gubernatorial debate? they never left

Page 3 - Jobs after Extreme makeover: graduation becoming scarce Fine Arts edition

Page 11 - Holiday gift guide Student Union

turns 10

Inglés 4320: Temas Page 14 - Q&A with volleyball player Rebecca Fronterizos y Toddy el uso de la tecnología en UTPA

Injury doesn’t faze volleyball spirit

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