October 7, 2010

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Volume 67, No. 6


October 7, 2010

Campus polling station resurrected

University community rallies to restore Early Voting site, starting Oct. 18

By Karen Antonacci The Pan American

Controversy on campus pushed for the return of an early voting location, won a week back as an extension of downtown. With less than two weeks before the start of early voting for the Nov. 2 General Election, the UTPA early voting site has been reinstated as an extension to the other Edinburg location at the Elections Annex Building, but for the second week of voting only. A similar offer has been extended to South Texas College.

This comes after students and faculty caused an uproar last week when the UTPA Library was absent from the draft proposal listing locations for Hidalgo County, Associate Professor of Political Science Jessica LavariegaMonforti said. Many students and faculty were concerned by what they saw as an abrupt change. The response was overwhelming: three students attended a Hidalgo County Elections Commission meeting Sept. 30 to voice their opinions. Other students and faculty circulated e-mails to raise

awareness about the issue. When senior social work major Erica Ocana heard that there would no longer be an early voting station on campus, she started a petition that reached about 300 signatures in total. “I started the petition as soon as I found out that the voting location would be removed from Pan Am, to let the students know about the situation,” the social work major said. “And they were quick to sign on, they thought it was wrong too.” The primary reason the UTPA library was not included on the draft

proposal was due to budget cuts. According to Hidalgo County Elections Administrator Yvonne Ramon, an early voting station costs from $10,000 to $12,000 to man. In the primary election of 2010, the UTPA location only counted a total of 769 votes over the 11-day period, which means that each vote cost approximately between $13.01 and $15.60. Despite other locations in the county costing more per vote, Ramon added that UTPA’s proximity to the courthouse, parking regulation, restriction of posted materials, and lack of communication with the county were also factors in cutting it from the early draft proposal.

As it stands now, UTPA students will be able to vote early for the Nov. 2 general election at the Wellness and Recreation Center from Oct. 25 to Oct. 29, from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. The UTPA location will function as an extension of the Edinburg location at the Elections Annex Building for the busier last week out of the two-week early voting period that lasts from Oct. 18 to Oct 29. Hosting for the first week of early voting, which traditionally sees lower voter turnout, was offered to South Texas College. “We are happy that we were able to work out a solution to the early voting polling site,” UTPA President Robert S. Nelsen said in a statement. “Next year, we will work on getting reinstated as a full site once again.”

Magic number: Workload decision to be reached this semester. By Roxann Garcia The Pan American Change is coming soon at the University of Texas-Pan American as the current workload policy is under scrutiny by a presidentially appointed task force. According to a memo sent by President Robert Nelsen March 31 to all faculty members, department chairs and deans, a task force was created to investigate the current workload situation and develop solutions for university personnel. Since the initiation, the task force of 18 faculty members has met with other faculty members throughout campus to decipher the workload conundrum. Given the state’s $21 billion shortfall, less money will be coming UTPA’s way, and the university has already had to give back $14 million, with more paybacks on the way. When the budget cuts began in January, a series of minor ones were made, but looming on the horizon all along has been the possibility that the average number of classes faculty are required to teach per semester could increase from three to four. Wendy James-Aldridge, psychology and anthropology associate professor, has been at the head of the task force since its creation. The Oklahoma State graduate came to the university when “there were six buildings and four trees,” she noted in reference to her arrival in 1974. “Most generally, the faculty are looking for something more flexible and it’s going to take some background research,” Aldridge said. “It’s a big deal to faculty.”


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