Volume 67, No. 13
Nelsen, the man
December 9, 2010
Guiding an institution through uncertain times
Alma E. Hernandez/THE PAN AMERICAN By Alejandra Martinez The Pan American As he comes close to completing his first year as the eighth president of The University of Texas-Pan American, Robert S. Nelsen reflects and thinks back on the ups and downs of that year, sharing his vision for the future of the university and some insight on what its like to walk in his shoes. In the midst of an important budget crisis, the president is concerned but remains confident, as he has said before, about the future of UTPA. In an interview with The Pan American Tuesday afternoon he discussed plans for the upcoming year. “We got to get through the budget crisis,” he stressed. “At the same time we’ve got to continue to improve the quality of the education. We want to focus on sophomore retention. A lot of my year will be dedicated with the Legislature.” Tuesday the legislative budget board mandated another cut of 2.5 percent, which will mean another $2.5 to $2.7 million hit. The situation still remains uncertain but a worst-case scenario has been prepared in advance. “We really don’t know what will happen, there will be reductions,” he said. “Sales taxes are increasing, so they may not be as bad as we thought. But what you can expect is a lot of conversation on campus as we work together to try to find a solution.” In spite of obstacles along the way, Nelsen describes his first year as president as one of the best of his life, but also one of the hardest. “It’s been a rollercoaster. We’ve had a lot of great things happen in the university,” he said. “Anything from the merchant technology fund to the mariachi playing before Obama, HESTEC was wonderful. I was the grand marshal for
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the Night of Lights here in Edinburg. There have been some really great times. I’ve gotten to know a lot of students, a lot of faculty.” Nelsen spends a lot of time off campus trying to get recognition for the university. He works closely with the community and representatives from around the Rio Grande Valley such as politicians Ruben Hinojosa and Veronica Gonzalez. He also attends fundraising events, and every other week has donors over to his house, where he asks them for support of UTPA. “My job is to be out in the community and be selling Pan Am,” he reiterated. “My job is to be out there communicating what the needs of the students are, what the needs of the faculty are, making sure that everyone knows our story.” Part of the task includes going to as many events on campus as possible, although he wouldn’t call it a job, saying that being part of campus activities and interacting with students is the best part of his day, especially sporting events where he is often seen cheering along with the crowd. “I love the Broncs,” he said “I don’t have time to watch sports at home, so I really take advantage of going to the games here…and it’s really hard for me to not yell at the referees or whoever it is. I have to bite my tongue and look presidential.” Along these lines, the leader said that one of the hardest parts of his job is watching almost every word he says. As a former English professor he tends to be ironic and play with words, but knows that this doesn’t always sit well with people. “I can’t be sarcastic, because if I am, someone will really believe that I said that,” he explained. “So the hardest part is trying to remain really authentic and being yourself but having to
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watch what you say.” On the personal front, Nelsen is looking forward to the arrival of his wife Jody, who currently serves as the executive vice president for finance and administration at Texas A&M UniversityCorpus Christi, where Nelsen also worked as associate VP for academic affairs and English professor. “My wife will be joining me in the next few months, she’s going to retire from Corpus Christi, and we’re going to take a financial hit on retirement,” he noted. “We’ve been married since 1975 and commuting back and forth every weekend has been miserable for her, so I can’t wait to get her here.” In his office, Nelsen keeps reminders from his hometown in Montana. The one that stands out the most is an old saddle which once belonged to the Wild West performer Calamity Jane. The metaphor is obvious in terms of staying the difficult course UTPA has in front of it. But is also means something personal to the president. “It reminds me where I come from and it reminds me that through the kindness of strangers, you get chances,” he concluded.
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