January 27, 2011

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Volume 67, No. 15

First cut is the deepest Initial House bill tabs drastic education reductions

By Roxann Garcia The Pan American

More bad news is flooding in after the 82nd Texas Legislature released House Bill 1 last week, the first of many versions to come. With it, Texans received their first glimpse at the proposed budget cuts public education will undergo, though a later Senate bill attempt to trim expenses has been a bit more palatable. Local educators, students and parents are blasting the House proposal that would mandate cuts of nearly $14 billion in spending on public K-12 and higher education over the next two years. In a memo sent out to faculty, staff and students Sunday night, President Robert S. Nelsen updated the university community with a breakdown of the nearly $27 billion deficit the state faces. “I do not believe that there is any reason at this early stage to panic, but we do have concerns,” Nelsen wrote. The proposed cuts include slashing arts education, pre-kindergarten programs and college

financial aid. The number of people receiving the Texas Grant would fall by 69 percent between 2011 and 2013 under the House proposal, amounting to nearly 70,000 students. In 2009, UTPA awarded Texas Grants to 2,005 new students. “This will mainly affect incoming students but there isn’t a plan as of yet,” said Texas Grant coordinator Susana Hernandez. “We won’t reach a decision for some time.” Community colleges didn’t escape the ax either. Four two-year colleges are threatened with closure in the proposed bill: Brazosport College in Lake Jackson, Frank Phillips College in Borger, Odessa College, and Ranger College. The drastic measure would save $39 million and affect nearly 12,000 students. “It’s disappointing and disheartening to see the lack of importance our leaders are viewing our educational system,” said Irma Guadarrama, a bilingual education professor at UTPA. “Our congressional leaders are not doing enough. They’re playing politics at the expense of our system.” A memo sent out by Francisco Cigarroa, chancellor of the University of Texas System, also showed disapproval over the bill. “Even though universities in Texas account for 12.5 percent of the state’s budget, the cuts we suffer accounted for 41 percent of the total mandated

reductions,” he said. “We have now been required to cut an additional 2.5 percent in the current biennium and to prepare plans for an additional 10 percent cut for the next biennium. We cannot continue to absorb cuts without directly and negatively impacting all whom we serve.” Senate leaders released a more lenient and relaxed bill this week, cutting a larger chunk from Medicaid. The Senate would trim higher education funds by 5.3 percent, or nearly $1.2 billion, compared with 7.6 percent, or $1.7 billion in the House, according to the San Antonio Express-News. Neither the initial House or Senate drafts would raise taxes or dip into the state’s $9.4 billion rainy day fund. But public reaction seems to suggest that this is not a good idea. “If we need it bad enough, it’s understandable,” Guadarrama said. “We’re trying not to touch our rainy day fund, but how much gloomier can it be?” After a brief break that began Wednesday, the Senate is set to reconvene on Jan. 31. A second and third reading of its bill is required before the Legislature can make a decision. The second reading for joint resolutions is scheduled for May 12. The session is set to adjourn May 30.

Illustration by Chris Ponce, Alexis Carranza and Jennifer Tate


Live Blog: Broncs at the Capitol || Follow along as fellow UTPA students meet with Texas legislators for UTPA Day.

It’s Tennis Time Back to the courts || UTPA net programs begin 2011 fighting, look to improve after setbacks. PAGE 11

January 27, 2011

University prepares

for predicted

budget shortfall

By Alejandra Martinez The Pan American A new year has begun but the same old financial troubles continue. The state of Texas has proposed a budget cut of about $27 billion that will have a significant impact on different public sectors including education, leaving The University of Texas-Pan American no choice but to scour for funds elsewhere. The Office of Development along with the Office of the President and the vice president for university advancement have agreed on outlining fundraising needs, in order to have a more focused approach on how and who to talk to about money, said Lydia Aleman, associate VP for university advancement. “Part of our effort is working with foundations and corporations,” Aleman explained. “We also work with the alumni and friends of the university to ensure that they are engaged with what’s going on. We have been making a stronger push for additional support to meet our program needs.” Currently UTPA collaborates with Baylor College of Medicine on the Premedical Honors College (PHC) program; the partnership was established in 1994 and its focus is to locate funds in the form of scholarships for students who want to become physicians. “We’ll probably see a decline in scholarship support to our students,” Aleman said. “So, we’re going to run ads to ensure that people know that the need is out there with the hope that we’ll receive additional support.” One way the university supports scholarships is through endowments, a gift accepted on


Media Matters UTPA professors lend expertise to local news outlets PAGE 3

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