Volume 67, No. 20
March 3, 2011
UTPA reigns Supreme Texas Court justices hear cases on campus By Karen Antonacci The Pan American For the first time in 10 years, The Supreme Court of Texas will hear oral arguments at the University, today in the Student Union Theater. The two cases that will be argued Thursday from 7:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. involve workers’ compensation and land appraisal. The hearings are open to the public and will stream live on www.utpa.edu/live “I think the students will be impressed with the procedure of each argument we have,” said Chief Justice Wallace B. Jefferson, who was appointed in 2001. “You’ll see an active court,
a court that asks a lot of questions, lawyers that typically are very prepared for these arguments. And they handle questions well. It aids how we decide a case, and we’re looking forward to it.” Although the cases may not pertain specifically to students, Chief Justice Jefferson says the outcomes could affect all Texans. “When people ask me, ‘what’s the most important case you’ve heard?’ I say it’s the last one that we heard, because every one is important to every Texan, be it about workers’ compensation or eminent domain,” he said. “So the two cases tomorrow are right in line with the sort of case that we hear, they have an impact throughout the state.”
The work Thursday was not the only item on the justices’ busy UTPA schedule, however. On Wednesday, they attended a luncheon with members of the Student Government Association and the UTPA Pre-Law Society, as well as members of the Hidalgo Country Bar Foundation. Carla Bautista, a political science major, represented the Pre-Law Society at the luncheon and said that meeting the Texas Supreme Court justices was a huge honor, and that she planned to ask them for advice about her future law career. “I want to ask them what routine
GAVEL TIME - (Above from left) Texas Supreme Court Justices Dale Wainwright, David Medina, Debra Lehrmann, Don Willett, Phil Johnson and Paul Green speak in several classrooms Wednesday afternoon in the Social and Behavioral Sciences Building about their duties on the court.
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