March 10, 2011

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Volume 67, No. 21


March 10, 2011

Corte, Galindo win SGA campaign

By Pamela Morales The Pan American

‘Dream Job’

Alma E. Hernandez / THE PAN AMERICAN

Director of GEAR UP named acting VP for student affairs

By Kristen Cabrera The Pan American Martha Cantu, new acting vice president for student affairs, said she always knew she would attend UTPA ever since she was a little girl. “We would pass by here (campus),” she said, “because we would go to my mother’s ranch and my father would always say, ‘Aqui vas a ir a colegio.’ Always ‘Aqui es donde vas a ir a colegio,’ so it’s kind of ingrained that this is where I’m going to go. I’m going to be a Bronc.” Cantu is a product of UTPA and the Valley. A McAllen native, she says she never felt the urge to leave and as a result garnered three degrees from the University, a bachelors

in speech and hearing, a master’s in education, and a doctorate in educational leadership. Before she came back to her alma mater, Cantu worked in public education for 21 years. The impetus for her return was a program that focused on helping students understand and prepare for


came into this fully




going to be a difficult year

but also excited at the possibilities


with students. ”

CHECK THE WEB Bronc baseball || UTPA plays a doubleheader against TAMU-CC


Martha Cantu

Acting VP for student affairs

post-secondary education. Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Un d e r g r a d u a t e Programs, or GEAR UP, installed Cantu as director in 2005. “I care a lot about those kids,” Cantu said. “We started when they were in seventh grade and now they’re graduating and I want them

to go to college and I want them to be successful.” Her work for GEAR UP brought Cantu’s name to President Robert Nelsen’s mind when the candidate search for a VP to replace John Edwards, who retired last year. “When the candidates came,” Nelsen said, “they met with the students in many different forms more than normal. But there was not one candidate that everybody was supporting. ‘Everyone,’ meaning people from the faculty, people from the staff, people from the students that participated in the candidate’s open forums.” Nelsen said that after reading


Listen up Two festivals, two days || Spring Break proves fruitful for valley music lovers.


The votes are in with Stephanie Corte and George Galindo as the newest Student Government Association President and Vice-President for 2011-2012. Corte, president-elect of SGA, says she and Galindo are blessed to have been elected. “I knew gaining a position like this in SGA,” explains Corte, a junior in journalism, “was going to open up doors for me to make actual changes. I want to see things happen that would benefit students in the long run.” Galindo, vice-president elect, says the new term will begin on April 15 and start working with on-going issues such as the student referendum and making more awareness on the impeding budget cuts that could affect 2,000 Texas Grants recipients at UTPA. “The cost of education is going to be re-evaluated this upcoming year,” said Galindo, a senior in Secondary Education English. “And for us that’s a big thing because being able to know how much school is and being able to have the funds to pay for that is going to be an essence the foundation for your education. If


Stephanie Corte SGA President Elect

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