Volume 67, No. 24
April 14, 2011
Q&A Danny Cardenas, 28, Senior Graphic Design “I would like some kind of bar where you can pick and choose things. Something like the sandwich bar that we have, but something more hands-on. Perhaps, a soup buffet.”
Marcela Borrego, 19, Freshman Undecided
MUNCHIN’ - Rene Guzman enjoys a turkey bacon wrap for lunch from one of the Sodexo eateries in the Student Union.
“Salads and vegetable soups, fruit cups that are actually made at that moment and not stored away.”
Bye, bye Sodexo Campus dining services soon to change
By Alejandra Martinez The Pan American
Starting this summer, The University of Texas-Pan American will get a new dinning service, putting an end to the 10-year-old partnership with Sodexo, food provider since July 2001. The crux of the matter is that the contract’s term has exhausted and there are no more renewal options available. A bid was posted March 25 calling out to all interested food service providers, said Norma Dryer, director of materials management, whose division is in charge of helping other departments with procurement of goods or services. This first step consists of the University posting a Request for Proposal (RFP) on its website to all interested bidders. The offer is also posted on the Electronic Business Daily, the state’s website for procurement opportunities, Dryer noted.
“The RFP includes the University’s minimum requirements to hire a contractor to provide the services,” she explained. “The document includes all state, UT System and UTPA terms and conditions, and a description of the scope of the project.” According to the RFP’s minimum requirements each proposer must have at least five years in the business of providing university beverage services, and a minimum of three current accounts with public universities that have a student population comparable in size and enrollment to UTPA. After the document is posted, a University committee reviews proposals from interested bidders in order to select the most qualified according to the RFP’s guidelines. “If unable to reach an agreement with the first vendor,” Dryer said, “we end negotiations formally and proceed to the next vendor in the
order of selection ranking until a contract is reached.” The deadline for bidders to submit their responses is April 28 at 11 a.m., however, replies will not be opened and names won’t be read aloud until that day, Dryer said. Sodexo’s contract with UTPA will officially expire July 15. The current contractor and general manager for food services declined to comment on this story. It is not known at this point how the transition will affect UTPA employees with the outgoing firm. According to documents related to the change, the proposal for local staffing “should include consideration of retention for existing Sodexo food service employees with positions, salary and benefits comparable to the positions, staff and salary benefits available to such employees at the university.” The University has had a good working relationship with Sodexo, said Leticia Benavides, director of auxiliary
services, the department that serves as contract liaison. “The food service program has grown significantly over the past 10 years and we look forward to taking it to the next level.” Areas affected by the change will be the cafeteria, the food court, coffee cart and convenience store located on the first floor of the Student Union, the Café a la Carte kiosks situated in the library lobby, the NRG Zone kiosk on the first floor of the Wellness and Recreation Center, and the coffee lab on the first floor of the science building. Also included are catering services for University’s special events. Once the offer for a new vendor is extended, the bidders who respond to it will go through a confidential evaluation process, Dryer explained. Once a contract is awarded, the identity of the bidders will become public. The university hopes to award a contract for a minimum of 10 years to the new vendor July 16.
R.J. Gutierrez, 26, Junior Mechanical Engineering “McDonald’s, because they have the dollar menu, and since gas is very expensive right now, it’d be nice to save money.”
Victor Longoria, 22, Sophomore Music “I would like some stir fry, with meat, vegetables and sauces, maybe some pasta. It’s just variety, you get tired of the same Subways and fruit cups.”