June 2, 2011

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Volume 67, No. 28


June 2, 2011


“Guns on Campus” bill passes in Senate but halts in Texas House By Kristen Cabrera The Pan American The Controversial HB 750 known as the “Guns on Campus” bill, which passed in the Texas Senate in May, halted on the House floor Tuesday. It had been piggy-backing on another bill that was of fiscal interest but the Texas Constitution bars any bill from taking up two different subjects, so it was sent back to the Senate to have the section on the licensed firearms removed. UTPA President Robert Nelsen, who like the rest of the UT System presidents has been adamant about keeping guns off campus grounds, was relieved with the decision. “We at the University are very pleased and relieved that the concealed weapons bill did not become law,” Nelsen said. “The University is a safer place, and we will continue to oppose the bill if it should happen to appear again, in the special session or in the 83rd Legislative session two years from now.” Not everyone felt this way. Communication Studies lecturer Elizabeth Garcia said she hopes people will be better informed when the bill is re-introduced into legislation in the future. However, she is aware of the fears of those opposed to it. “I’d say that’s understandable considering some of the rumors surrounding the bill,” she said. “I’ve heard concerns that anyone would be allowed to carry on campus or that boasting and brandishing (showing your weapon, usually as a threat) would go unpunished.” Garcia dismissed the rumors citing that only the CHL (concealed handgun licensee) would be allowed to bring a handgun on campus and they are hemmed in by strict codes of conduct, or face arrest. “Threats and brandishing would remain illegal as ever since a

concealed weapon is meant to be just that, concealed and discreet,” she said. “Ideally, no one would ever know a licensed student had a weapon unless he or she had no other option to defend her or his self. And of course, in no way would this bill grant leniency to anyone unlicensed bringing a weapon to campus.” Chief Roger Stearns of the UTPA Police Department said the main focus should be safety. “My number one concern whenever and wherever there is a weapon present, Reynaldo Leal/THE PAN AMERICAN is the proper safe handling and security of the weapon by the LOADED ISSUE - The “Guns on Campus” bill was passed by the Texas Senate May 10 but sent back by person carrying it,” the House on Tuesday due to a state constitution technicality. The Texas Senate now has 11 days to he said. reconstruct the bill before the end of the legislative session. Though the main reason most are “We will continue to pursue if an assailant came here ignoring not make anyone proficient in the in favor of the bill is for protection handlings of handguns, he said. increased community participation in the nationwide ban on murder and purposes in the event of an active “CHL is a 10-hour class,” Rice the Shots Fired safety video we host on mayhem while one of our own obeyed shooter situation, George Rice, said. “You are not going to become our website,” he promised. “The safety a law that kept their best chance at sophomore political science major, a proficient anything with only 10 video and Bronc Alerts are critical survival locked in a drawer,” she said. thinks it would make the situation hours of training. The only reason resources to a community response for Stearns understands her concerns worse. I am proficient with firearms is this type of incident. I also encourage but said the UTPA PD is doing its “It would put you more at risk,” because I have had eight years of the community to frequently visit the best to make sure everyone is safe he said. “Going into the mind-set, extremely extensive training. And UTPA Police website, and follow us on on campus. everyone thinks they are going to not just training, actual practical real Facebook or Twitter. We will post any “The concern is a valid one,” he have a Rambo moment. Like if the life application in it as well.” additional information related to CHL answered. “We have significantly situation ever arises they are going When the Senate passed the bill (concealed handgun licensee) through increased the training our officers to rise to the occasion and be the May 10 Nelsen remained adamant these resources.” receive to respond to an active shooter hero. That’s not going to happen, about the potential dangers it posed Still the debate on whether incident. We have also coordinated you always fall back on your baseline to anyone at the University. Stearns the University would be more or an Active Shooter Drill on campus, training.” understands these concerns and less safe with guns around is not a equipped and trained our officers The training Rice refers to is that maintains that community awareness debate for Garcia; for her it would with the use of patrol rifles, and level at which one is proficient. and cooperation with UTPA PD is give extra security. pursued advanced scenario training But the average class time would “God forbid what would happen specific to this type of incident.” key to addressing these.

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