Volume 68, No. 6
October 6, 2011
Local marines return to families and School Story and photos By Reynaldo Leal The Pan American Cpl. Henry McFarland had last seen his wife, Kayla, when she was five months pregnant, her bump barely showing as he prepared for his tour in a combat zone. The UTPA sophomore put his business management degree and family life on hold when his Harlingen based reserve unit became activated for duty in Afghanistan. “I knew I was going to miss so much,” McFarland said. “I was going to miss all the late nights and early mornings. I was going to miss holding him and feeding him.” He recorded himself reading a book for his unborn child and tried to be as involved as he possibly could in the pregnancy before he left his home in Harlingen. “I knew I was going to be a father, and I thought about my wife a lot,” McFarland recalled. “Over there you just don’t always have the time to think about home. To make it back, you have to think about your Marines and getting the job done.” Once in Afghanistan he received constant updates from Kayla, which he checked on the camp computers between convoy missions through his unit’s area of operations. Each email containing an attached portrait of Kayla would change as his son grew in her womb. McFarland was on patrol clearing military supply routes of improvised explosive devices (IEDs) the day Kayla went into to labor and had to go through an emergency C-section to deliver his son. When he returned to base, he opened the email that contained the grainy photo of the baby they would name after himself. He placed the small picture under his flack-jacket, the photo now part of the armor protecting him from enemy shrapnel. The child would
remain a pixelated image to McFarland until the moment he held the 3-month-old baby in his arms for the first time. THE LONG ROAD HOME During its tour The Lone Star Battalion provided security for Camp Leatherneck, the largest Marinecontrolled base in the southern Afghan province of Helmand. Capt. David Moran, inspecting commander for the South Texas unit, described the mission as being important for all aspects of Marine combat operation in Afghanistan. Without their help, military routes that supplied isolated bases throughout the area would be cut off. The constant patrolling, however, exposed the Marines to the threat of IEDs every time they left the camp. According to Moran, the company had five different convoys hit by enemy explosives throughout their deployment. One blast in particular stood out in the mind of Lance Cpl. Dylan de la Rosa, who like McFarland, stopped attending UTPA when the unit was activated. “We had not seen many IEDs during the first few weeks,” the platoon radio operator recalled, “but towards the second month we started to see more action in the area.” The IEDs, which varied in size and complexity, were buried in the ground along their routes and either detonated by insurgents or activated by the Americans as their vehicles rolled over them. De la Rosa was in the second-tolast vehicle, providing security for the first part of the convoy as they crossed a dried-up riverbed, when the vehicles triggered the unit’s first experience with an enemy detonation. A plume of dust and smoke rose out of the ground as the lead Humvee lifted off the ground.
See marines || Page 4
father and son — Cpl. Henry McFarland holds his 3-month-old son Henry McFarland IV for the first time at his reserve unit’s homecoming in Donna, Saturday. His U.S Marine platoon had just returned from a seven month deployment to Afghanistan.