November 14, 2013

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Building the triathlete

UTPA hosts second annual triathlon for education

Pages 4-5

Volume 70, No.12


November 14, 2013

Policing beyond the sidewalks

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UTPA police department holds jurisdiction throughout the Rio Grande Valley By Andrew Vera The Pan American

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Local FBI agents discovered a stash house holding 71 undocumented immigrants in Alamo Oct. 16 and asked for help from the U.S. Border Patrol, the Alamo Police Department and the UTPA Police Department, according to The Monitor. While some may think the UTPA police department focuses its efforts solely on campus, Chief of Police Roger Stearns explained they are actually state police officers with jurisdiction that covers any county with property owned, operated or leased by The University of Texas System. “I think that there is a misperception, not just by students, but by faculty, staff, visitors and by the public, that our responsibilities as police officers ends at our sidewalk, and that’s not true,” Stearns said. “We have the same responsibility as any law enforcement office and that responsibil-

ity certainly extends beyond the sidewalks of the University.” The UTPA police staff consists of 48 full-time employees of which 23 hold police officer positions. Many on this team are also UTPA alumni. While these officers must keep up physical fitness and firearm skills, Stearns also noted that regular maintenance training helps keep officers prepared for active shooter and other violent threat situations. Stearns, the chief of University police for nearly five years, explained that the campus police department comprises a highly trained tactical team that has trained with SWAT (Special Weapons and Tactics) and the Texas Department of Public Safety. His team members have also trained to be

an advanced tactical team at the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center. FLETC is a key component for

nizations, FLETC also focuses on providing training for small community police staffs, such as the UTPA Police Department. While the skills learned by UTPA police through these agencies are practiced on campus, they are also used across the Rio Grande Valley with no limits on their outreach, Stearns said. These skills were present when UTPA police raided an illegal immigrant stash house and aided local authorities in finding similar stash houses in nearby areas. When surrounding cities need help with cases, the UTPA Police Department is on the list of officials to call, Stearns said. In July 2012, UTPA police were called to aid an investigation by Edinburg

UTPA police officers have jurisdiction in any county with property owned, operated or leased by the UT System. the U.S. Department of Homeland Security that has trained more than one million law enforcement agents since its start in 1970. Serving officers from rural, state and government orga-

police, who discovered human remains near a drainage ditch off South Raul Longoria Road. “We have property all the way from Rio Grande City in Starr County all the way out to (the UTPA) Coastal Studies Laboratory at South Padre Island,” said the former Vanderbilt University patrol major. “We extend the entire distance of the RGV.” In the event of an active shooter situation on campus or a stash house raid in any part of the Valley, Stearns feels his staff has the proper training to serve and protect the more than 20,000 faculty, staff and students on campus, as well as aid local law enforcement agencies. “What we want to provide to the University community is a professional law enforcement agency,” Stearns said. “We actively engage in training and we actively engage in providing the same services that you would expect from any larger municipality.”

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