61970 RCR 129 Brochure

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Two Rivers Cow Camp

Hahns Peak, CO

O ffe red by

Ask i ng Price

The Paoli Group


Two Rivers Cow Camp

Two Rivers Cow Camp is a private, 23 acre retreat bordered by National Forest. Conveniently located off of paved RCR 129 and less than one mile from Steamboat Lake, this is a true base camp for all of your outdoor adventures. Fenced and cross fenced for horses, the productive acreage is adjacent to easily accessible National Forest. Just open the gate and endless wilderness is yours to enjoy. Two Rivers Cow Camp is a grownup version of summer camp. Multiple guest quarters, ample toy storage, a trout stocked swimming pond, private gazebo and the calm offered only by endless nature. Newly constructed in 2015, the custom woodwork perfectly captures the heritage of the old west, while offering all of today’s modern conveniences.

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61970 Routt County Road 129

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Two Rivers Cow Camp

The mai n carri a ge hou s e b oa st s a residence w ith a fou r bay g ara ge. A g uest cabi n sit s at the p ond ’s edge w ith an outdo or bath hou s e pu l led f rom a s cene i n you r f avorite we ste rn. Noth i ng b eats a su m mer n ight i n the mou nt ai n s , esp ec i al ly sitti ng by the f i re pit enj oyi ng the st ars and v ie ws of Sand Mou nt ai n . For the ATV or snow mobi le e nthu sia st , 4 g ara ge bays are ideal for stori ng you r favorite toys . Su it up i n the warmth of you r heated g ara ge and ride f rom you r do or to a mai n trai l head on ly 250 yard s away. For the eq uestrian, the two le vel barn w ith t ack ro om , h ay shed w ith 3 st al l s , outdo or arena , and rou nd p en are al l i n excel le nt cond ition. Two Rivers Cow C amp can b e you r ow n ranch headq u arters w ith u nparal leled access to outdo or rec reation and the amen ities of nearby Steamb oat Spri ng s .

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61970 Routt County Road 129

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Guest Cabin

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N atio n a l Fo r es t

2 R Cow Camp S tat e Pa r k L an d

Entrance to S t e am b oat L ak e

Two Rivers Cow Camp is conveniently located off of a paved road less than one mile from Steamboat Lake State Park. A trail head 250 yards from the carriage house provides access to the surrounding National Forest and state park land. Recreational activities in the surrounding area include hunting, fishing, horseback riding, boating, mountain biking, cross country skiing and snowmobiling. The slopes of the Steamboat Ski Area and downtown Steamboat are 30 miles away.

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Steamboat Springs


http : / / w ww. steamb oat- chamb er. com /

Also called Ski Town, USA® and known for its World Class skiing facilities, Steamboat Springs was originally a summer resort. Travelers in the early 1900s visited Steamboat Springs in the summer months for the natural hot springs and vast hunting and fishing opportunities. Today, summer activities span the spectrum, with three championship golf courses, an indoor-outdoor tennis center, biking, hiking, kayaking, fly fishing, and horseback riding right in town. Location Colorado's Yampa Valley is located just 160 miles northwest of Denver. From Denver, take I-70 west through the Eisenhower Tunnel to the Silverthorne exit; go north on Colorado Highway 9 to Kremmling, then west on U.S. Highway 40 to Steamboat Springs. From Salt Lake City (390 miles), take I-80 east, merge into U.S. 40 east (exit 148) and take U.S. 40 into Steamboat Springs. Elevations Downtown: 6,695’ Steamboat Ski Area: Base: 6,900’ Summit/Mt. Werner: 10,568’ Medicine Bow/Routt National Forest: 5,500’ to 12,940’ Mt. Zirkel Wilderness: Fifteen peaks reach 12,000’ with Mt. Zirkel the highest at 12,180’ Flat Tops Wilderness: Devil’s Causeway 11,600’ Hahn’s Peak Village: 8,128’ Hahn’s Peak Summit: 10,839’ Access Yampa Valley Regional Airport (HDN) located 22 miles west of Steamboat Springs is open year round and accommodates jet service.

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Steamboat Springs

Population (2010 Census) City of Steamboat Springs: 12,088 Routt County: 23,509 Steamboat Facts • Named by French Fur trappers in the 1860s for a hot spring near the Yampa River that sounded like a steamboat. • There are more than 150 mineral springs in the area. • James Crawford staked the first homestead in 1875. • City of Steamboat Springs was incorporated in 1900. • Hometown of 69 Winter Olympic athletes since 1932, more than any other town in the US • Home to Howelsen Hill, Colorado’s oldest ski area in continuous use (opened 1915). • In the early 1900s Steamboat Springs was the largest exporter of cattle in the western United States. • Steamboat Springs weekly summer rodeo was named the “Small Town Outdoor Rodeo of the Year” by the Pro Rodeo Cowboys Association in 2002. • Holds oldest, continuous winter carnival west of the Mississippi River. • Home to Perry Mansfield Performing Arts School & Camp (opened 1913) attended by such performing artists as Dustin Hoffman, Julie Harris and Agnes de Mille. • One of the first 8 US cities to receive the Preserve America Community designation from the White House.

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Two Rivers Cow Camp

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By The Numbers

Finished Square Feet:


Acres: 23 Bedrooms:

One bedroom, one caretaker/guest bedroom/den, and a

guest cabin Full Bathrooms: Three Half Bathrooms: One Garage Type: Four Car Attached Year Built: 2005 Year Remodeled: 2014 Taxes 2014: $2,163.68 County: Routt Elementary School:

North Routt Charter School

Number of Fireplaces:


Heat Type: Radiant Fuel Type: Propane Sewer: Septic Water Source: Well

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Chris Paoli Owner/Broker 970.819.1432 chris@mybrokers.com

Randi Fox Broker/Partner 970.819.5916 randi@mybrokers.com

Amy Brown Broker/Partner 970.846.2114 AmyBrown@mybrokers.com

Kelly Conway Broker/Partner 970.846.7496 kellyconway@mybrokers.com

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