S ee Me Lod ge 2 6 10 S k i Tr a i l L a n e $4,595,000 www.SeeMeLodgeSteamboat.com
On Top of the World
Whatever the reason, See Me Lodge is a special place: for gathering with family and friends, for a corporate retreat, or simply to enjoy the beauty of the mountains. It’s all about memories. Skiin directly from the slopes and relax in the hot tub with views of the Steamboat Ski area. Enjoy an evening cocktail from the comfort of the gazebo and watch the lights come on across the Valley. Curl up in front of a roaring fire as the snow falls outside. Shoot some pool and watch the big game in your own, private pub. Or host a dinner on the wide, wrap around deck that overlooks the Yampa Valley.
The Paoli G roup
www. SeeMeLodgeS tea mb oat. c om
We l c o m e Ho m e S ee Me L o dge i s a work of art de sig ned w ith an exq u i site atte ntion to de t ai l. With the true c raf tsm an sh ip of a Mont an a L o g Home, S ee Me L o dge i s the e pitome of lo g home con struc tion . L arge ti mb e rs are a ss e mbled u si ng ti me te sted tech n iq ue s to cre ate the atmosphe re of a true we ste rn lo dge. Nu me rou s g athe ri ng space s , ex pan sive Yampa Val le y v ie ws , and f ive b ed ro om s plu s a one b ed ro om g ue st hou s e offe r an u n m atched ex p e rie nce for al l . As one of Steamb oat’s most reco g n i z able re side nce s , lo cated d i rec tly b elow the gondol a at the upp e rmost p oi nt of Ski Trai l L ane, th i s c u stom - bu i lt Mont ana lo g home i s acce nted w ith w ide pl an k flo ors , vau lted ce i l i ng s , a fou r car g ara ge and th ree f i re pl ace s .
The Paoli G roup
www. SeeMeLodgeS tea mb oat. c om
The Paoli G roup
A P l ac e f o r E v e ryo n e . 5 Bedroom Main House . Four Car Garage Capacity . 1 Bedroom Guest House . Ski-In Access from the Steamboat . Montana Log Home Construction Ski Area . Panoramic Views of the Yampa . Multiple Gathering Spaces Valley
www. SeeMeLodgeS tea mb oat. c om
T h e B e d ro o m s
A total of six bedrooms provide spacious, well-equipped lodgings for family and friends. The master suite features additional space for an office or sitting area, a private fireplace and scenic Yampa Valley views. A bunk room with adjacent living area is the perfect spot for the kids, while the one bedroom guest house allows for extra privacy.
The Paoli G roup
Ma s te r B ath roo m
www. SeeMeLodgeS tea mb oat. c om
The Paoli G roup
www. SeeMeLodgeS tea mb oat. c om
The Paoli G roup
" You r Mont ana L o g Home w i l l, by v i rtue of the cel lu lar struc tu re of the lo g s them s elves , rad iate warmth and cheeriness through the coldest of winter nights, and breathe the coolness of a prime val forest into your home during the heat of the su m mer. A Mont ana L o g Home i s craf ted for prac tical f u nc tion a s much a s it i s for its ti meless b eauty. It w i l l b e a s ou rce of contentment , com fort and s ec u rity th roughout al l the s ea s on s , and for many years to come."
The Mon ta n a Lo g Ho me Di ffe r e n c e
www. SeeMeLodgeS tea mb oat. c om
Private Mountain
The Paoli G roup
n Retreat
www. SeeMeLodgeS tea mb oat. c om
Chris Paoli Owner/Broker 970.819.1432 chris@mybrokers.com
Amy Brown Broker/Partner 970.846.2114 AmyBrown@mybrokers.com
Randi Fox Broker/Partner 970.819.5916 randi@mybrokers.com
Kelly Conway Broker/Partner 970.846.7496 kellyconway@mybrokers.com
E xc e l l e n c e i n Re a l E s tat e www.T h e Pao l iG roup .com