June 11

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No appointment needed. Treating all ages. • Bronchitis and pneumonia Many insurances accepted. • Asthma and allergic reactions Unable to accept MDwise • Physical exams at this time. • Coughs, colds, flu Monday – Friday 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Saturday 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Basic laboratory and X-ray services available. 260-274-0387

• Treatment of illness and injury • Bumps and bruises • Sprains, strains and burns • Minor lacerations


of wabash county inc. www.thepaperofwabash.com June 11, 2014 Proudly Serving Wabash County Since 1977 Vol. 37, No. 14

PO Box 603, Wabash, IN 46992 (260) 563-8326

Wabash landmark ends 68-year legacy McKee Hike

by Adam Smith Anyone who has driven up and down State Road 15 has surely noticed a small, white store on the edge of the Honeywell Golf Course with a sign that reads, “Chippewa Bait: Mom & Dad’s Legacy 1946”. That legacy drew to a close as demolition of the store began in the early morning, Saturday, June 7. Emotions were high, especially for owner Sharon Lewis, as her family helped her clear out

the building where her family has opened up shop almost every day for 76 years. She summed it up as “the end of an era”. Lewis recalls that she was two years old when her parents, Harold and Ruby Roser, bought the Chippewa Gas Station in 1946 and changed the name to the Chippewa Gulf Service. Eventually this landmark would become, simply, “Chippewa Bait”. On top of the original

gas station and convenience store, the Rosers added in a restaurant and bait shop, run by Ruby and Harold, respectively. Sandi Kastner, Lewis’ sister, likens their parents’ business to a modern day mini-mart. She remembers the time before the Wabash Country Club served food when they would call Ruby and ask her to fix up some hamburgers for them to serve. (continued on page 4)

AFTER BEING OPEN FOR 68 YEARS, Chippewa Bait is being torn down. The only piece being kept intact is a window that used to overlook the owner’s garden. The window will be repurposed in his grandson’s home. (photo by Adam Smith)

Habitat for Humanity holds open house at new location by Eric Stearley eric@thepaperofwabash.com Wabash County Habitat for Humanity celebrated the opening of its new office space with an open house May 30. Previously, the organization worked out of an open office at Friends Church, and before that, there was no office in Wabash County. This represents the second major step in the local affiliate’s transition from a volunteer-only model to a full-time, staffed model, the first step of which was the hiring of Executive Director Steve Miller last year. “It’s been a really smooth transition,” (continued on page 8)

HABITAT FOR HUMANITY EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR STEVE MILLER talks with guests as people stop in for a tour of the new Habitat for Humanity office in Wabash County. Habitat for Humanity recently held the open house to spread the word about their new office in Wabash and to seek volunteers for their upcoming projects. (photo by Eric Stearley)

Benefit to be held June 21 by Emily Armentrout On Nov. 6, 2013, Carson Ryne McKee was born to Jarrod and Heather, McKee, Wabash. At his one-week check up, Carson was diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis (CF). Always looking for new ways to stay fit and wanting to help a deserving family, family friend, Allison Eads-Dawes, Catalyst Fitness, decided to head up a benefit to assist Carson and his family. Cystic Fibrosis is a life-threatening genetic disease that primarily affects the lungs and digestive system. An estimated 30,000 children and adults in the United States have CF. “Carson has the most common form of the mutation know as the Delta F508. A defective gene that produces thick, sticky mucus that clogs the lungs and can cause life threatening infections,” Jarrod, Carson’s father, told The Paper. Carson is now seven months old, and he takes enzymes to help aid his pancreas. Carson currently takes over 20 pills a day. This number will increase as Carson grows older. Carson is also treated in the morning and the evening with a treatment called “pats,” where they pat him in eight different locations on the lung area to break up any mucus that could be building up in his lungs. “You would never and will never be able to tell he has Cystic Fibrosis as it’s known as the ‘invisible disease,” Jarrod told The Paper. “He can still play sports and excel in the classroom in the future,” added Jarrod. Starting out, the McKees were making monthly trips to Riley Hospital for Children, Indianapolis. They currently make bi-monthly visits, but the trips will eventually become every three months until they find a cure. They feel fortunate to work with Dr. Howenstine, who is a leader in the CF world and originally from Huntington. Another step the McKees have taken to find a cure for Carson is enrolling him in research studies. “As parents, we have a responsibility to other parents and patients to continue to fight for a cure,” Jarrod said of their decision to start Carson in the studies. “In the 1950s, life expectancy was that they wouldn’t live to go to grade school. Today, life expectancy is (continued on page 4)

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