November 16, 2011

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November 16, 2011

W.C. Mills releases honor roll

W.C. Mills recently released their honor roll for the first quarter of the 2011-2012 school year. Honor Roll Grade 4: John Abshire, Atlanta Adkins, Jesse Allison, Tayte Azbell, Bradyn Baker, Dominic Baker, Allison Morgan Bartoo, Bechtol, Jadelyn Bell, Maya Benysh, James Black, James Booth, Alexis Burton, Caleb Callahan, Bella Carillo, Emily Cole, Michael Cordes, Trenton Daughtry, Wyatt Davis, Hailey Dean, Hope Decker, Destiny Dils, Haylie Faust, Cassidy Flohr, Robert Ford, Jonah France, Kaleb Gidley, Seth Godwin, Traydon Goodwin, Madison Hecox, Madeline

Helsel, Carmen Higdon, Kristina Holley, Destiny Howard, Dana Hueston, Benny Hurd, Christina Kelly, Kallen K e l s h e i m e r, Drayton Larimore, Dani Lee, Tre Lopez, Lindsey Mattern, Jeffery McCord, Halle Miller, Hannah Mollett, Sydnee Osborn, Brylee Proctor, Sophia Ross, Evan Ryder, Randy Satterfield, Grace Schoening, Drake Sluss, Payton Sodervick, Cydney Taylor, Delaney Truman, Dereck Vogel, Erin Webb, Angel Wehrly, Alexis Westendorf, Kalli Williams, Alexis Wright, Richard Yang Grade 5: Gage Ballard, Tylor Bayliss, Peyton Bishir, Austin Black, Cali

Bonfitto, Chelsea Carver, Adam Cohee, Brayton C o l l i n s McPherson, Ethan Colvin, Madisyn Deboard, Selena Delgado, Alex Driscoll, Clayton Floor, Brianna France, Isabel France, Paige Frank, Cody Gatchel, Lucy Grey, Blake Gribben, Shelby Grumpp, Hannah Halverson, Taylor Cody Hayslett, H e n d e r s o n , Benjamin Hewitt, Higdon, Devin Claire Hipskind, Abigail Hobson, Natali Honeycutt, Brooke Irgang, Robert Irgang, Samantha Irgang, Dylan Johnson, Trinity Johnson, Madison Lester, Emilly Martin, Isaac Matchette, Bryant Miller, Alex Miracle, Joshuah Mitchem, Taylor Mollett, Molly



Moore, Carter M o r n i n g s t a r, Lillian Mota, Kendyl Mullett, K a t h e r i n e Kelsie Newman, Olinger, Kyle Parson, Tyler Pence, Koby Prater, Tiffany Rayburn, K a i l y n n Richardson, Isabelle Robinson, D a m i e n Rosehanson, Picabo Saunders, Morgan Schnitz, Blayze Shemwell, M a c k e n z i e Sheridan, Kiana Simpson, Coedy Slone, Bryanna Smith, Destinee Solomon, Brandi Sprague, Kiley Stone, Kaitlan Tracy, Keaton Vigar, Abigail Vinopal, Luke Voirol, Jayme Blake Wagner, Wiser, James Wolfe, Whitney Working

Tues., Wed., Thurs., Nov. 15, 16 & 17


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Come Back to Honeywell!


“You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy...�-Psalm 16:11 When you hear the name “Jesus�, what picture do you think of ? Google “images of Jesus�go ahead, I’ll wait... Now, let me guess: there were probably more images of a gloomy, menacing man with a stern face than of a grinning, laughing, cheerful person enjoying life, right? My mind immediately goes to the picture that hung in our family’s living room when I was a kid of a very serious Jesus who looked like his face

would crack if he smiled. Two questions this week: Why? and What if ? Why are the most common images of Jesus (the very one who set the example for us in living a joy-filled life) so intimidating? And what if we were to change the image in our mind to a picture of Christ laughing? The Bible teaches us that Jesus experienced life while on this earth - the good and the bad, sorrow and laughter, loneliness and friendship. When your friends picture your face what do you want them to see? Do you think Jesus feels the same about our image of him?

Holbert family welcomes son

Derek and Krista Holbert, Indianapolis, are the parents of a son born Sept. 10, 7:17 p.m., at St. Vincent Women’s Hospital, Indianapolis. Mathis John Holbert weighed 8 pounds, 9 ounces, and was 21 3/4 inches long. He joins a brother, Cole. His mother is the former Krista Michel. Grandparents are Rick and Nan Michel of North Manchester and John and Patricia Holbert of Fort Wayne. Great-grandparents are Robert and Joan Michel.

Come back to Honeywell golf course and create a lifetime of memories! Join us for the 2012 season. 2012 MEMBERSHIPS - New Packages -

This week, let’s make an effort to find a picture of a Christ who smiles, it just might change your approach to a relationship with him. Look up The Access Youth Center on Facebook; our profile pictures for the next month might help you in your quest. The Access Youth Center, 74 W. Canal St., Wabash, 260-5632070, Christ Centered, Youth Driven, Community Minded.

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November 16, 2011

Crime Stoppers presents check to Shop with a Cop The Wabash County Crime Stoppers Board of Directors recently presented a check for $509 to the Wabash FOP’s “Shop with a Cop” program. “We want to thank everyone for the great turnout we had for our annual tenderloin dinner we

held at the Elk’s on Sept. 30,” said Wabash County Stoppers Crime President Mike Werling. “We are happy to present this check to the Shop with a Cop program, which has been very beneficial to the u n d e r- p r iv i l e g e d children in our community

“One dollar from every ticket sold went towards the Shop with a Cop program. Our Battle of the Badges went very well with the team of the Wabash County S h e r i f f ’ s Department and Manchester Police Department coming out on top.”

Honeywell Golf Course... continued from front page

information and to add your name to a contact list so that you will be informed of all promotions and information. The Board concludes by saying, “We

would like to say thank you to all of you that have supported Honeywell throughout the years and ask for your continued support so that we may continue to be

an integral part of the Wabash community. We would also like to invite everyone to ‘Come back to Honeywell’ and enjoy the game of a lifetime with lifelong friends.”

by Danielle Smith

and Gordon Homes, a financial planner who specializes in dependents with special needs, will gather at Wabash Middle

School, 150 Colerain St., Wabash, to provide resources and insight for parents of children with special needs.

WABASH COUNTY CRIME STOPPERS recently presented a $509 check to the Wabash FOP’s Shop with a Cop program. Pictured are: (from left) Terri Weaver, Crime Stoppers board member; Patrolman Chad Galligan, Shop with a Cop coordinator; Wabash County Sheriff Bob Land; and Mike Werling, president of Wabash County Crime Stoppers. (photo provided)

Parents of children with special needs encouraged to attend Dec. 6 event DSmith

On Dec. 6, local support agencies for special needs individuals

This event is geared toward parents of children that will soon be transitioning to adult programs, but Joyce Lee, WabashMiami Area Program director, stresses that parents cannot begin planning too early. “Even parents of elementary age students with disabilities should attends,” Lee said. “You just can’t start early enough.” At 6 p.m., parents will have opportunities to speak with five support agencies, V o c a t i o n a l Rehabilitation, Bureau of Developmental Disabilities, Carey Services, Arc of Wabash County and Pathfinders. Vo c a t i o n a l Rehabilitation performs services such as evaluations and they provide assistance for young adults to pursue education, job training or job coaching. The Bureau of Developmental Disabilities is similar, but geared toward more severely disabled individuals. Carey Services, Arc and Pathfinders are

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all programs that help disabled individuals remain productive through workshops, volunteer work and other day programs. “Once the kids leave high school they need to do something productive in their day and parents are typically working,” Lee explained. During the time from 6 to 6:30 p.m., parents will have the opportunity to speak with these agencies, collect information and meet people. “We’re hoping that we can reach people to come and get this information because typically they would have to go from here to there to get information and we’re bringing it all together in one night,” Lee said. Also during that half-hour, parents will have the opportunity to purchase gifts created by the We Can class at Heartland Career Center. This is a workshop-style class for disabled students in which they create gifts throughout the year. Near Christmas time, their products

are taken into our local elementary schools, and the students there are given a chance to purchase Christmas gifts. Revenue from the sales is used to sustain the We Can program. “We’re featuring that here because we’re going to have a lot of parents of kid with disabilities, some of whom have participated in this program and have made the products that we’re going to be displaying and selling,” Lee said. “There are so many things that these kids can do – the products they can make – it is unbelievable. They really have a lot of skills.” At 6:30 p.m., parents will move to the library to listen to the guest speaker. “Gorodn Homes is a financial planner out of Indianapolis who does this all over the state,” Lee explained. “He has a particular interest in financial planning for parents of children with disabilities because he has a child with a disability himself, so he

has walked himself through the process.” Homes will address issues such as government benefit eligibility, guardianship and conservatorship/guar dian ad litem and financial security and funding options. “Parents with kids with disabilities have to work through agencies to get support, and he knows the inroads – who you meet with and when you meet with them,” Lee said. This program was presented two years ago with a positive turnout and results. The presentation will last approximately 45 minutes with time for questions at the end. Parents are encouraged to attend this educational event at Wabash Middle School on Dec. 6, beginning at 6 p.m. with the guest speaker’s presentation at 6:30 p.m. Everyone is welcome and childcare will be provided. Refreshments will be provided by the culinary arts class of Heartland Career Center.

In an annual community collaboration, North Manchester residents and Manchester College will help their less-fortunate neighbors and friends during 2011 Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week, which began Nov. 13. Expectations are always high for the annual food drive; students at Manchester High School and the college expect to collect more than 1,500 pounds of non-perishable food and household items

from households in the community. This year, students will deliver plastic bags to North Manchester households during the entire week and will collect them on the weekend, Nov. 19-20. Cereals, peanut butter, spaghetti, fruit, soap and detergents are high on the need list. To participate in Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week, contact Volunteer Services a t or 260-982-5084. The food drive is a collaboration of the College Office of Volunteer Services, Circle K campus Kiwanis club, Manchester High School Key Club and individual volunteers. To donate items directly, the Manchester Food Pantry is open from 1 to 5 p.m. on Wednesdays at 500 N. Front St., North Manchester, sponsored by the Fellowship of Churches.

North Manchester community, college launch Nov. 13-20 hunger campaign


November 16, 2011

Indiana celebrates three-year improvement in preterm birth rate March of Dimes recently announced a three-year improvement in Indiana’s grade on the annual premature birth report card to a “C” grade for 2011, which is up from a “D” in 2010 and 2009, and an “F” in 2008. “This is good progress,” says March of Dimes Indiana State Director Tanya Hand. “It shows that March of Dimes public health campaigns, programs funded at our partners like Marion County Public Health Department, and volunteer outreach is working. “Smoking is linked to both premature birth and low birth

weight in babies. Scheduling non-medically necessary inductions and Csections also puts a baby’s life and health at risk. “We are working to help babies by funding smoking cessation programs for women, implementing public health education campaigns encouraging every woman to give her baby 39 weeks and working with health care professionals to help families have healthy babies. Together we are making strides in the fight for stronger, healthier babies.” Since 2006, Indiana’s preterm birth rate has dropped to 11.9 per-

cent from its high of 13.2 percent. Also dropping was the rate of women smoking to 23.3 percent from 26.6 percent last year. The only backward motion was in the number of women uninsured in Indiana, up from 2010 to 19.3 percent in 2011. “Our state’s preterm birth rate has improved this year. We’re proud of this achievement and what we accomplished by working together with our partners for stronger, healthier babies,” says Minjoo Morlan, state director of program services and public affairs for March of Dimes. “We are determined to con-

tinue to find and implement solutions to improve the health of babies, such as improving access to health care coverage, helping women quit smoking, and preventing unnecessary early csections and inductions, so more babies can get a healthy start in life.” The United States received a “C” on the March of Dimes Report Card. Grades are based on comparing the state’s and the nation’s 2009 preliminary preterm birth rates with the new March of Dimes 2020 goal of 9.6 percent of all live births. The U.S. preterm birth rate is 12.2 percent down nearly 5 percent

from the peak of 12.8 percent in 2006. The Report Card information for the U.S. and states is available online at: prematurity. Preterm birth, birth before 37 weeks completed gestation, is a serious health problem that costs the United States more than $26 billion annually, according to the Institute of Medicine. It is the leading cause of newborn death, and babies who survive an early birth often face the risk of lifetime health challenges, such as breathing problems, cerebral palsy, intellectual disabilities and others. Even

babies born just a few weeks early have higher rates of hospitalization and illness than full-term infants. At least 39 weeks of pregnancy are critical to a baby’s health because many important organs, including the brain and lungs, are not completely developed until then. The March of Dimes says its 2020 preterm birth goal can be achieved by a combination of activities: giving all women of childbearing age access to health care coverage, fully implementing proven interventions to reduce the risk of an early birth, such as not smoking dur-

ing pregnancy, getting preconception and early prenatal care, progesterone treatments for women who are medically eligible, avoiding multiples from fertility treatments, avoiding medically unnecessary c-sections and inductions before 39 weeks of pregnancy, and by funding new research on prevention of preterm birth. Nov. 17 is World P r e m a t u r i t y Awareness Day with activities planned across Indiana, the nation and the world. For more information go to

SouthernCare Hospice raises awareness during Hospice and Palliative Care Month Bryant, IN 47326

Bryant, IN 47326 260-760-5431 Eddie Rabon 260-760-5431

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Hospice care helps patients and families focus on living life to its fullest. This is the message that SouthernCare Hospice is sharing with the community during National Hospice and Palliative Care Month. “November is a valuable time to raise awareness throughout our community about care at the end of life,” said Diane Northern, community relations specialists. “Buy the time a family might need us doesn’t follow a calendar or occur only during the season, so our message must make an impression that

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stays with people all year long.” Coping with a serious or life-limiting illness is not easy. In fact, it might be the hardest work you’ll ever do. Working with doctors and hospitals, navigating the maze of care needs, figuring out insurance coverage, all in addition to taking care of your family can be overwhelming. SouthernCare wants the community to know that there is help. Hospice and palliative care providers take the time to talk with you and help you understand your illness and what care options might be available. They make your wishes a priority and make sure you get the care you want and deserve. “We’re working hard all year round

to make sure people know that support, comfort and respect are available at a time when hope seems out of reach,” Northern said. “Yet during November, we ramp up our efforts to raise awareness of the high-quality care that’s available during one of life’s most challenging times.” Hospice care provides expert pain management, symptom control, psychosocial support and spiritual care to patients and families when a cure is not possible. All the necessary medicines and equipment needed to keep a patient comfortable are brought right to the home, which is where most Americans would like to be if at all possible. Hospice makes this happen.

“It’s about quality of life. With the help of hospice, patients and families can focus on living as fully as possible in spite of illness,” Northern said. “There’s an inaccurate perception among the American public that hospice means you’ve given up,” said J. Donald Schumacher, president and CEO of the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization. “Those of us who have worked in the field have seen firsthand how hospice and palliative care can improve the quality of life. And there’s a growing body of research showing that hospice and palliative care may prolong the lives of some people who receive care.” SouthernCare has

been providing hospice services to the Wabash community and surrounding areas since 2000. Souther nCare’s c o m m i t m e n t extends beyond their patients – it includes the families, physicians and caregivers of their patients. They recognize that these individuals face many challenges and stresses. Their goal is to be the soothing light that helps ease these struggles and assists in making the end-of-life experience as positive as it can be. SouthernCare is also a proud member of the We Honor Veterans initiative. Visit their website at m or call the SouthernCare office at 1-888-5251289.

Stone named District coach of the Year The Indiana High School Baseball Coaches Association will present a District Coach of the year Award to Matt Stone, Wabash High School. The coaches of his district voted him as their District

Coach of the Year

will be part of the

induction of five per-

following the 2011



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November 16, 2011

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John Helton, 70 North Manchester Resident Feb. 24, 1941 – Nov. 7, 2011 John H. Helton, 70, North Manchester, passed away on Nov. 7, 7:20 p.m., at his residence. He was born on Feb. 24, 1941, in Floyd County, Ky., to John and Myrtle (Hale) Helton. He married Carolyn J. Kline on Nov. 12, 1960; she preceded him in death on Sept. 22, 2010. Mr. Helton came to Silver Lake from Kentucky in 1954. His passion was his family and he enjoyed spending the winter in Florida. He was a journeyman welder at Fisher Body, Marion, for 31 years. He retired in 1998. He is survived by a son, Gary E. (Melanie) Helton of Roann; two daughters, Kimmy K. (Dennis) Cook of Dresden, Tenn., and Jenny C. Helton of North Manchester; three brothers, Fred (Lourena) Helton of Warsaw, Don (Janet) Helton of Silver Lake and Ellis (Mary) Helton of Silver Lake; two sisters, Elsie Dotson of Prestonsburg, Ky., and Emma Slone of Silver Lake; six grandchildren, Blake A. (Rachel) Harper of South Whitley, Cassie J. Cook of Dresden, Tenn., Brooke O. Helton of Roann, Denise R. Cook of Dresden, Tenn., Paige V. Helton of Roann and Peyton J. Helton of Roann; three sisters-inlaw, Sylvia Helton of Silver Lake, Marilyn (Larry) Vetor of North Manchester and Helen Jackson of Servia; three brothers-in-law, Marvin Phillips of Roann; Donny (Susie) Kline of North Manchester and Bill Kline of North Manchester; and 36 nieces and nephews. Along with his parents and wife, he is preceded in death by two brothers, Carl Helton and James Willard Helton, and two sisters, Thelma Hicks and Irene Phillips. Funeral services were held on Nov. 10 at McKee Mortuary, 1401 SR 114 W, North Manchester. Pastor Terry Bradford officiated. Burial followed in Oaklawn Cemetery, North Manchester. Preferred memorial contributions are to Kosciusko County Home Care & Hospice, PO Box 1196, Warsaw, IN 46581. Condolences for the family of Mr. Helton may be made at

Paul Hays, 61 U.S. Army Veteran Aug. 9, 1950 – Nov. 7, 2011 Paul William Hays, 61, Wabash, passed away on Nov. 7, 3:15 a.m., at Miller’s Merry Manor East, Wabash. He was born on Aug. 9, 1950, in Wabash, to Oren E. and Gertrude (Whiteman) Hays. He married Jane Ostendorf, in Wabash, on Aug. 12, 1978; she survives. Mr. Hays was a 1968 Wabash High School graduate, and he studied auto body mechanics at Greer Institute, Chicago, Ill. He worked in the body shop at Dorais Chevrolet for 12 years and was a machinist at Gen Corp for 12 years, retiring in 2007. He was a U.S. Army veteran, serving in Vietnam and was awarded four Meritorius Service commendations and the Bronze Star. He was a life member of the VFW Post #2067 in Peru, a member of the Wabash American Legion Post #15, Wabash Moose and the Rebel Rousers Car Club. His passion was cars. He was an avid NASCAR fan, and enjoyed slot car racing and going to auto shows. Along with his wife, he is survived by two brothers, Tom (Susie) Hays of St. Louis, Mo., and Dr. Richard (Betty) Hays of Muncie; and his sister, Ellen West of Huntertown. Funeral services were held at Grandstaff-Hentgen Funeral Service, 1241 Manchester Ave., Wabash, on Nov. 11. Fr. Sextus Don officiated. Burial was in Falls Cemetery, Wabash. Preferred memorial contributions are to the H.O.P.E. Foundation at Wabash County Hospital. The memorial guestbook for Mr. Hays may be signed at

Wabash City Police Department Accidents Nov. 8 At 4:29 p.m., vehicles driven by Frank Sluss, 70, 255 Grant St., Wabash, and Rhoda Gerig, 48, 1627 N. Miami St., Wabash, collided on Grant Street near Miami Street. Nov. 5 At 5:17 p.m., vehicles driven by Deann Gibson, 17, Wabash, and Christopher Hawkins, 18, 791 Congress St., Wabash, collided on U.S. 24 E near Manchester Avenue. At 1:32 p.m., vehicles driven by Debbie Goshert, 51, 1075 Columbus St., Wabash, and Kimberly Foster,

45, 460 N. Fisher St., Wabash, collided on Stitt Street near Hamlin Street. Nov. 4 At 2:55 p.m., vehicles driven by Cledies Holbrook, 66, 2855 N 675 W, Wabash, and Tamie Cavins, 35, 2317 E 250 S, Wabash, collided on SR 13 S near Vernon Street. Nov. 3 At 6:01 p.m., vehicles driven by Andrea Kirtlan, 23, 1004 N. SR 115, Wabash, and Anthony Griffin, 43, 442 Walnut St., Wabash, collided on Canal Street near Miami Street. Citations Nov. 8 Lynne Virgo, 47, Warsaw, speeding Nov. 7

Robert Blocher, 72 North Manchester Resident

Wabash • LaFontaine Eric Sobeck, 35, Elkhart, driving while suspended Nov. 6 Joshua Klingerman, 24, Indianapolis, speeding Adam Heintzman, 25, Crown Point, speeding Nov. 4 Brandon Patrick, 18, Peru, conversion North Manchester Police Department Accidents Nov. 4 At 4:03 p.m., a parked vehicle owned by Carole Jackson, 54, North Manchester, was struck by a vehicle that left the scene in the 1200 block of SR 114 W. Citations Nov. 3 Nicole E. Neal, 27, North Manchester, speeding and expired license plate registration

Jan. 23, 1939 – Nov. 6, 2011 Robert E. Blocher, 72, North Manchester, passed away on Nov. 6, 10:20 p.m., at Peabody Healthcare Center, North Manchester. He was born on Jan. 23, 1939, in Wabash, to S. Willis and Lelia (Baker) Blocher. Mr. Blocher He was a lifetime North Manchester area farmer. He was in the business of buying, selling, and trading cattle, horses, grain and hay. He is survived by three sons, Calvin R. (Sherri) Blocher of Waterford, Calif., Lamoine R. (Nicole) Blocher of Modesto, Calif., and Darryl L. (Debra) Blocher of Chapman, Kan.; seven grandchildren, Cole and Kristin Blocher of Waterford, Calif., Spencer and Hannah Blocher of Modesto, Calif., Chasity and Ashlee Blocher of Junction City, Kan., and Crystal Cox of Manhattan, Kan.; four brothers, Billie G. (Esther) Blocher, Joe (Bonnie) Blocher, Max (Sandra) Blocher and Marvin (Taffy) Blocher, all of North Manchester; a sister, Ruthie E. (David) Brubaker of Pasco, Wash.; and four great-grandchildren. He is preceded in death by his parents. Funeral services were held on Nov. 12 at McKee Mortuary, 1401 SR 114 W, North Manchester. Larry Cripe officiated. Burial was in Old German Baptist Brethren Cemetery, North Manchester. Preferred memorial contributions are to Wabash County Cancer Society, P. O. Box 144, North Manchester, IN 46962. Condolences for the family of Mr. Blocher may be sent at

Wabash County Sheriff ’s Department Accidents Nov. 10 At 3:36 a.m., a vehicle driven by Christopher Quinn struck a deer on U.S. 24 near Falls Avenue. Nov. 9 At 11:37 p.m., a vehicle driven by Donna

Paul struck a deer near 20 E 1100 N, North Manchester. At 12:28 a.m., a vehicle driven by Darrel Justice, 72, Alburn, struck a deer on CR 700 W near U.S. 24. Nov. 8 At 9:13 p.m., a vehicle driven by Jordan Tandy struck a deer on U.S. 24 west of the Huntington County Line. At 5:52 a.m., a vehicle driven by Ruth Jones, 52, 6310 S 390 E, Wabash, struck a deer on SR 125 near CR 300 E. Nov. 6 At 6:31 p.m., a vehicle driven by Kennedy Lucas, 16, LaFontaine, struck a deer on SR 13 near CR 850 S. At 6 p.m., a vehicle driven by Jennie Walsh struck a deer on U.S. 24 west of SR 15. At 1:33 p.m., a vehicle driven by Marsha Kratzer, 51, 195 W 900 S, LaFontaine, struck a parked car at 195 W 900 S, LaFontaine. Nov. 5 At 8:33 p.m., a vehicle driven by Rob Northrop struck a deer near 895 N. SR 15, Wabash. At 7:27 p.m., a vehicle driven by Matthew Clothier, 38, Peru, (continued on page 17)

Tommy Evans, 68 Wabash Resident Feb. 24, 1943 – Nov. 6, 2011

Tommy Lewis Evans, 68, Wabash, passed away on Nov. 6, 6:35 a.m., at Autumn Ridge Rehabilitation Center, Wabash. He was born on Feb. 24, 1943, to James N. Sr. and Katherine (Smith) Evans. Mr. Evans was a 1961 graduate of Wabash High School. He owned and operated Evans & Sons Inc. Heating and Cooling, Wabash. He is survived by three sons, Richard J. (Julia) Evans of San Diego, Calif., Michael T. (Pam) Evans of Noblesville and Andy J. (Colleen) Evans of Ponto; a brother, Joe (Julia) Evans of Wabash; and four grandchildren. He was preceded in death by a brother, James N. Evans Jr. No services were held. Arrangements were entrusted to McDonald Funeral Home, 231 Falls Ave., Wabash. Preferred memorial contributions are to Wabash Little League in care of McDonald Funeral Home. Condolences for the family of Mr. Evans may be sent at

November 16, 2011

Weekly Reports... continued from page 16

struck a deer on SR 15 north of SR 114. At 12:15 p.m., a vehicle driven by Joan Tracey, 61, Fort Wayne, struck a deer on SR 114 east of North Manchester. Nov. 4 At 10:31 p.m., a vehicle driven by Craig Haecker, 45, 401 E. 3rd St., North Manchester, struck a deer on SR 13 near CR 100 N. At 7:33 p.m., vehicles driven by Harold Heintzelman Jr., 62, Pierceton, and Abby Whiteman, 22, 1169 Meadowview Dr. #6, Wabash, collided on SR 114 near SR 13. Citations Oct. 31 John Fetrow, 55, 904 N. Mill St., North Manchester, driving while suspended John Moahs, 27, Warsaw, speeding Christopher Snyder, 18, 61 Speicher St., Urbana, speeding Oct. 30 Joshua French, 23, 12806 N. Bonestead Rd., North Manchester, operating a motor vehicle with a registration number belonging to a different vehicle C o l l e e n Schinbeckler, 42, Columbia City, speeding Oct. 29 Joshua Kelley, 36,

Willard, Mo., expired plates Wabash County Jail Arrests Nov. 8 Linda Long, 54, Warsaw, writ of attachment C h r i s t o p h e r Conwell, 30, Peru, corrupt business influence and theft Nov. 7 Matthew Tarte, 19, Muskegon, Mich., minor in possession of alcohol, possession of marijuana and possession of paraphernalia Marie Clore, 34, 60 E. Mill St., Urbana, educational neglect, violation of compulsory attendance law Emily Price, 25, South Whitley, revocation of bond – maintaining a common nuisance Nov. 5 Bertin Gisagara, 18, Mishawaka, minor consuming Martin Yohn, 23, Mepherson, Kan., possession of marijuana and public intoxication Kirsten Hart-Hults, 20, Indianapolis, possession of marijuana and public intoxication Ben Neace, Mooresville, 20, possession of marijuana, possession of paraphernalia and public intoxication Landon Nelson, 18, 604 Berklely St.,

Wabash, operating while intoxicated – controlled substance, possession of a hypodermic syringe Nov. 3 Andrew Starr, 23, Wabash, 4665 W 100 S, Wabash, probation violation Marriage Applications Trent Penrod, 30, to Casey Thomas, 24 James Getz, 30, to Megan Burke, 27 Kyle Lafferty, 21, to Ashley Meagher, 22 Dale Flora, 80, to Marilyn Thompson, 81

Nathan Mattern, 31, to Kristen Gidley, 28 Land Transfers Emma L. Marshall Estate and Personal Representative Teresa Bradley to Shawn Bradley, Teresa Bradley and Destiny Bradley, Personal Representative Deed, Shively’s Christian Addition, North Manchester, Lot: Pt. 2 Philip E. Schlemmer and Maynard L. Shellhammer to Tad Degunya, Warranty Deed, North Brook Addition, Wabash, Lot:

7 Hipskind Family Trust, Trustee Eugene K. Hipskind and Trustee Jacqueline J. Hipsking to Tarrance R. Trusty and Melinda M. Trusty, Trust Deed, Northern Addition, Wabash, Outlot: Pt. 99 Heather N. Brown NKA Heather N. Vest to Heather N. Vest and Travus R. Vest, Quitclaim Deed, Cochran & Bechtols Addition, Wabash, Multiple Lots / Blocks Todd J. Hamm and Brittany D. Hamm FKA Brittany D. (continued on page 17)

Geraldine Miller, 87 Butler Resident Feb. 9, 1924 – Nov. 11, 2011 Geraldine Elizabeth Miller, 87, Butler, formerly of Fort Wayne, passed away on Nov. 11, 6:30 a.m., at her home in Butler. She was born on Feb. 9, 1924, in Fort Wayne, to Frank H. and Elizabeth (Reed) Murphy. She married Marion James Miller, in Detroit, Mich., on May 10, 1969; he survives. Along with her husband, she is survived by sisters-in-law, Helen Williams and Louise Tyson, both of Wabash; caregivers, Victoria Monchilov and Risk Thompson, both of Butler; and several nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by three sisters and a brother. Graveside services and burial were in Enterprise Cemetery, rural Roann, on Nov. 14. Father Sextus Don officiated. Arrangements are entrusted to Grandstaff-Hentgen Funeral Service, Wabash. The memorial guestbook for Mrs. Miller may be signed at

Elizabeth McBride, 95 Member Roann Christian Church May 25, 1916 – Nov. 11, 2011

Verda Manning, 95 Wabash Resident Aug. 5, 1916 – Nov. 8, 2011

Verda E. Manning, 95, Wabash, passed away on Nov. 8, 9:45 a.m., at Miller’s Merry Manor East, Wabash. She was born on Aug. 5, 1916, in Howard County, to Omer and Sadie (Chew) Hiatt. She had owned and operated several restaurants around Mississinewa, and she retired as a cook at Marion College. She is survived by a son, Danny (Edna) Manning of Wabash; three daughters, Sally Cruzen of Fort Worth, Texas, Connie (Wayne) Smith of Urbana and Peggy Drook of Wabash; a sister, Maxine Wachtler of Woodlands, Texas; 17 grandchildren; and many great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by a son, a daughter, two brothers and four sisters. Graveside services were held on Nov. 12 at Mississinewa Cemetery, Somerset. Rev. Melissa Rice officiated. Burial followed in the Mississinewa Cemetery. Arrangements were entrusted to McDonald Funeral Home, 231 Falls Ave., Wabash. Preferred memorial contributions are to Wabash/Miami Home Healthcare and Hospice, 710 N. East St., Wabash, IN 46992, or New Beginnings in care of Lincolnville United Methodist Church, 5848 E 500 S, Wabash, IN 46992. Condolences for the family of Verda may be made at

Elizabeth B. McBride, 95, Roann, passed away on Nov. 11, 11:40 a.m., at Miller’s Merry Manor East, Wabash. She was born May 25, 1916, in Grant County, to Britton and Effie J. (McCormick) Barnes. She married Irald Everett McBride, in Huntington County, on Jan. 24, 1937; he preceded her in death on Feb. 17, 2001. Mrs. McBride was a 1934 graduate of Union Township High School in Huntington County. She retired in 1979 from the United Telephone Company after 20 years. She was a member of the Roann Christian Church. She and her husband wintered in Edinburg, Texas, 25 years, where they were active in the Tourist Club and the Edinburg Christian Church. She is survived by seven children, Patrick McBride of Marion, Samuel (Brenda) McBride of Harlan, Daniel (Patsy) McBride of Cumming, Ga., Holly (Berne) Jones of Kooskia, Idaho, Bonnie Castle of Roanoke, Timothy (Linda) McBride of Roann, and Ted (Karissa) McBride of Ardmore, Okla.; a brother, Alva Barnes of McAllen, Texas; 12 grandchildren, Angela McBride of Maine, Anne Jones of Wisconsin, Jennifer Thompson of Wyoming, Trina Hickert of Indiana, Jon McBride of Georgia, Carrie Miller of Indiana, Betsy McBride of Georgia, Philip McBride of Indiana, Ernest Castle of Indiana, Jessika McBride of Nebraska, Jeff McBride of Ohio and Andrew Jones of Wisconsin; and seven great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by three brothers, two sisters and one granddaughter, Sandra McBride. Funeral services were held at Grandstaff-Hentgen Funeral Service, 335 S. Chippewa Rd., Roann, on Nov. 15. Burial was in Roann Community Cemetery, Roann. Preferred memorial contributions are to Roann Christian Church or the Family Hospice and Palliative Care, Marion. The memorial guestbook for Mrs. McBride may be signed at


Lois Ramey, 86 Former North Manchester Resident March 30, 1925 – Nov. 12, 2011

Lois L. Ramey, 86, Michigan City, formerly of North Manchester, passed away on Nov. 12, 5:25 a.m., at Fountanview Terrace Golden Living Center, LaPorte. She was born on March 30, 1925, in Pleasant Township, Wabash County, to Ernest A. and Marie (Metzger) Floor. She married Jean R. Ramey on July 1, 1944; he preceded her in death on Oct. 24, 1975. She graduated from Chester High School in 1944. She was a member of the Exchangettes, Women of the Moose #935, Ladies of the VFW #2536 Auxiliary and R.S.V.P., where she served as president for five years. She volunteered at St. Anthony Memorial and for the Red Cross and the Bloodmobile at St. John’s United Church of Christ. Mrs. Ramey enjoyed doing arts and crafts and spending time with her cats, Mouse and Angelica. She was a homemaker, a ticket agent for South Shore Rail at Michigan City and an Avon representative for 20 years. She is survived by two sons, Gregory (Lillian) Ramey of Kingman, Ariz., and George (Stephanie) Ramey of New Lenox, Ill.; a daughter, Marcie Bradford of Michigan City; a halfbrother, Mark Floor of Maine; three half-sisters, Doris Lee Finn of Missouri, Pam Ward of Warsaw and Mary Kay (Milt) Simmons of Michigan; seven grandchildren, Kathleen “Katie” Bradford, Beth (Robbie) Britton, Eric Bradford, Sean (Kate) Ramey, Joel Ramey, Ryan Ramey and Megan Ramey; and six great-grandchildren. Along with her parents and husband, she is preceded in death by a grandchild, Jessica Marie Bradford; a special friend, Earl “Dutch” Shuster; a half-brother, Ernest Douglas Floor; two daughters, Deborah Kay Ramey and Kathy Marie Ramey; and a sister, Evelyn Bush. Funeral services were held on Nov. 15 at McKee Mortuary, 1401 SR 114 W, North Manchester. Pastor J.P. Freeman officiated. Burial was in Pleasant Hill Cemetery, North Manchester. Preferred memorial contributions are to Alzheimers Association, 50 E. 91st St. Suite 100, Indianapolis, IN 46209-4830. Condolences for the family of Mrs. Ramey may be sent at

Donna Hornaday, 58 Member Zion Lutheran Church Sept. 15, 1953

Donna Jean Hornaday, 58, rural LaFontaine, passed away at her home. She was born on Sept. 15, 1953, in Lake Worth, Fla., to James and Dorothy (Wassam) Register. She married Roger Hornaday on Aug. 16, 1986; he survives. Mrs. Hornaday was a supervisor at the Shirt Shed, Wabash. She was a member of Zion Lutheran Church, North Manchester. Along with her husband, she is survived by a brother, Rog Register of Eastman, Ga.; and four sisters, Denise Dryden of Vidalia, Ga., Linda Register of Clearwater, Fla., Lori Taylor of Jesup, Ga., and Diane Register of Russellville. No funeral services will be held. Arrangements are entrusted to McDonald Funeral Home, 231 Falls Ave., Wabash. Preferred memorial contributions are to Arc of Wabash County, 595 S. Miami St., Wabash, IN 46992. Condolences for the family of Mrs. Hornaday may be sent at


November 16, 2011

Weekly Reports... continued from page 17 Stamate to Todd J. Hamm and Brittany D. Hamm, Quitclaim Deed, 32-30-7 Allen R. Kahler to James Bucher and Mary Bucher, Warranty Deed, Strevy Addition, North

Manchester, Lot: 5 Fletcher M. Durbin to Daniel J. Dale and Debra J. Dale, Warranty Deed, Multiple Legals: See Record Randall W. Booth to Jeremy M. Newport,

Warranty Deed, McCartys Addition, Wabash, Lot: Pts. 2 Andrea Stevens to Illadeen Sue Hunt and Richard Eugene Vaughn, Quitclaim Deed, 6-26-7 Elizabeth Dianne

Duffey to MS Wabash LLC, Warranty Deed, 227-6 Kathleen Ann McGuckin FKA Kathleen Ann Schramm to MS Wabash LLC, Warranty Deed, Multiple Legals: See Record Gordon D. Good to Sharlie J. Walk, Warranty Deed, Twin Lake Estates, Pleasant Township, Multiple Lots / Blocks Deceased William E. Holton, Deceased Dorothy L. Holton and Trustee Nancy J. Baker to Wallace P. Bosse, Trust Deed, Crosspoint Horiz. Prop. Sec. 1

Geneva Zinn, 85 Member Richvalley United Methodist Church Jan. 25, 1926 – Nov. 6, 2011 Geneva Isabelle Zinn, 85, rural Wabash, passed away on Nov. 6, 4:50 a.m., at Miller’s Merry Manor West, Wabash. She was born on Jan. 25, 1926, in Miami County, to Ora and Nina (Kercher) Working. She married C. Clifford Zinn, in Peru, on Nov. 21, 1954; he preceded her in death on Feb. 6, 1994. Mrs. Zinn was a Peru High School graduate. She was a homemaker and a member of Richvalley United Methodist Church. She enjoyed working crafts. She is survived by her son, Charles (Cheri) Zinn of Wabash; two grandsons, Nathaniel Zinn and Nicklas Zinn, both of Wabash; two greatgrandsons, Trevor Zinn and Alexzander Zinn, both of Wabash; and a brother, Gerald Working of New Port Richey, Fla. She was preceded in death by one sister and one brother. Funeral services were held at Grandstaff-Hentgen Funeral Service, 1241 Manchester Ave., Wabash, on Nov. 10. Pastor Dan Gray officiated. Burial was in Paw Paw Cemetery, Miami County. The memorial guestbook for Mrs. Zinn may be signed at

Phase 2, also part common area, Lot: 3 A Benjamin J. Downey to Adam J. Shininger, Warranty Deed, South Haven Addition, Cont. of Wabash, Lot: 72 Madalyn J. Gardenour and Don O. Gardenour to Richard J. Snyder and Tammy L. Snyder, Warranty Deed, Jones Desylvia Addition, South Wabash, Lot: Pt. 2 Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation to Keri M. French, Warranty Deed, Indian Hills Subdivision, Wabash, Lot: 66 Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation to Jerry L. Holmes and

Dorothy Willett, 88 Member St. Roberts Catholic Church Dec. 15, 1922 – Nov. 8, 2011 Dorothy L. Willett, 88, North Manchester, passed away on Nov. 8, 4:40 a.m., at her residence. She was born on Dec. 15, 1922, in Fleming County, Ky., to William and Louise (Erskine) Coffey. She married Ralph M. Willett on June 27, 1942; he preceded her in death on Sept. 14, 1999. Mrs. Willett was a homemaker. She was a member of St. Roberts Catholic Church, North Manchester. She is survived by sons, Gary (Paula) Willett of Irving, Texas, John Willett of Owingsville, Ky., James (Joni Tracy) Willett of Fort Wayne, Larry Willett of Fort Wayne and C. Phillip Willett of Berea, Ky.; daughters, Charlotte (Tommy) Robey of Lebanon, Ky., Janie (Doug) Cambron of Loretto, Ky., Margaret Holt of Shepherdsville, Ky., Bernadette (Doug) Bradley of North Manchester, Dorothy Willett of Wabash, Laura (Charles) Pyles of Racine, Wis., and Nancy (Frank) Hoffman of South Whitley; daughter-in-law, Kathy Willett of California; sister, Betty Shafer of Dayton, Ohio; 29 grandchildren; 52 great-grandchildren; and two great-great-grandchildren. Along with her husband and parents, she is preceded in death by a son, a daughter, two brothers and three sisters. Funeral services were held on Nov. 12 at St. Charles Catholic Church, Flemingsburg, Ky. Burial followed in St. Patricks Cemetery, Maysville, Ky. Condolences for the family of Mrs. Willett may be sent at

Richard Wood, 86 U.S. Navy Veteran May 14, 1925 – Nov. 7, 2011 Richard L. “Dick” Wood, 86, Wabash, passed away on Nov. 7, 2:52 p.m., at Lutheran Hospital, Fort Wayne. He was born on May 14, 1925, in Tipton, to Wilma (Werner) Allisbaugh and Howard Wood. He married Josephine Sonda on Sept. 14, 1952; she survives. Mr. Wood graduated from Wabash High School in 1944. He was a toolmarker for Ford Meter Box, Wabash, for 25 years. He was also co-owner of Woods Framing & Art, Wabash. He served his country in the U.S. Navy during World War II. He was a District Commissioner for the Boy Scouts of America Sagamore Council and a former scoutmaster for 11 years. He was affiliated with Wabash Presbyterian Church. Along with his wife, he is survived by a daughter, Joyce (David) DeVore of Wabash; two grandsons, David (Amy) Bickford of Fort Wayne and Michael (Krystle) Bickford of Keystone Heights, Fla.; two greatgrandchildren, Abigail Bickford and Arabella Bickford; and cousins, Jackie Ray of Elwood, Janice Schuck of Elwood and Michael Schrenker of Anderson. Family shared memories on Nov. 10. Arrangements were entrusted to McDonald Funeral Home, 231 Falls Ave., Wabash. Condolences for the family of Mr. Wood may be sent at

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Connie S. Holmes, Warranty Deed, Ross Heights Addition, Wabash, Multiple Lots / Blocks U.S. Bank N A to Amber N. Edwards and Sandra S. Renz, Warranty Deed, Van Buskirks James Addition, Laketon, Multiple Lots / Blocks Rebecca K. Meredith to Christopher E. Meredith, Quitclaim Deed, 4-26-7 P e r s o n a l Representative James J. Weimer and Deceased Robert R. Weimer to James D. Ballard and Donna R. Pattee Ballard AKA Donna R. Pattee, P e r s o n a l Representative Deed, Original Plat, LaFontaine, FKA Ashland, Lot: Pt. 4 Block: 2 H o n e y w e l l Foundation Inc. to

Granite Ridge Builders Inc. by Tony Reincke, Warranty Deed, Gardens Replat of Sec. 2, Wabash, Lot: 17-V Todd A. Adams and Terri L. Adams FKA Terri L. Thomas to Todd A. Adams and Terri L. Adams, Quitclaim Deed, 34-276, Multiple Parcels Stella Star to Ballard J. Nelson, Quitclaim Deed, Williams B F Sub OL 1 JW Hanna, Wabash, Lot: 4 Frederick H. Wilcox to Susan A. Sailors FKA Susan A. Wilcox, Quitclaim Deed, 18-26-8 Vance Hancock and Karena Hancock to Sharlie Jane Walk, Warranty Deed, Board of Trade Addition, Wabash, Lot: 304 Rodney D. Eckman to Dixie L. Hamilton, Warranty Deed, Roots Addition, South

Dorothea Weaver, 99 Member Boundary Line Church of Christ Jan. 9, 1912 – Nov. 12, 2011

Dorothea Elizabeth Melick Weaver, 99, Marion, passed away on Nov. 12, 3:10 a.m., at Rolling Meadows Healthcare Center, LaFontaine. She was born on Jan. 9, 1912, near Somerset, to Edward and Sarah (Morts) Oyler. She married Oliver Melick on April 25, 1931; he preceded her in death on Oct. 4, 1971. She then married Joe Weaver on Nov. 29, 1980; he preceded her in death on Dec. l0, 1982. Mrs. Weaver was a 1930 graduate of Banquo High School. She played violin in the high school orchestra. She was a member of Boundary Line Church of Christ and a member of the LaFontaine Literacy Club since 1951. She worked at Troyer Library for three years. After selling her home in LaFontaine, she purchased a home in Sweetser, later moving to Marion. She enjoyed volunteering at Marion General Hospital for 22 years, where she belonged to the Marion Hospital Auxiliary for 15 years. She also enjoyed oil painting. She is survived by three daughters, Frances Elaine Stout of Windfall, Carmen (Willis) Cle of West Palm Beach, Fla., and LaVon (Jerry) Wert of Largo, Fla.; a daughter-in-law, Donna Lamkin of Dublin, Texas; a step-son, Leland (Jackie) Weaver of Pennsylvania; a step-daughter, Elaine (Terry) Martin of Fort Myers, Fla.; 15 grandchildren; 17 great-grandchildren; and three great-great-grandchildren. Along with her husband and parents, she is preceded in death by a son, Merle D. Melick, who passed away on Dec. 18, 1995; four sisters, Lois Bolinger, Frances Frick, Ellen Reed and Kathryn Kem; two brothers, Howard and Merritt Oyler; and a great-great-grandson. Funeral services will be held on Nov. 16, 10 a.m., at McDonald Funeral Home, LaFontaine Chapel, 104 S. Main St., LaFontaine. Brother Don McCarty and Pastor David Stout will officiate. Burial will be in I.O.O.F. Cemetery, LaFontaine. Preferred memorial contributions are to New Hope Hospice in care of the funeral home. Condolences for the family of Mrs. Weaver may be sent at

November 16, 2011


CHURCH DIRECTORY DAYWALT Pharmacy 1100 N. Cass St. Wabash, IN

948 N. Cass St. Wabash, IN

563-1046 HOURS: M & F 9 a.m.-7 p.m. T-W-Th 9 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Sat. 9 a.m.-5 p.m.


ASSEMBLY OF GOD Gospel Light Assembly of God, 347 Southwood Dr.; Neil Jeffrey, pastor. Sunday School 9:45 a.m. (all ages); Morning 10:30; Evening Service 6:00 p.m., Kids’ Korral Wednesday Midweek Service 7:00 p.m., Youth Meeting 7:00 p.m. Calvary Chapel Worship Center, north of corner of U.S. 24 & S.R. 13 (619 N. S.R. 13) in Wabash; phone 563-7849; Don Cogar, Senior Pastor. Sunday Bible Classes at 9:00 a.m.; Morning Worship, 10:00 a.m.; Evening Praise & Worship, 6:00 p.m.; Wednesday Prayer, 7:00 p.m.; Shockwave Youth Meeting Wednesday, 7:00 p.m. Handicapped Accessible. Sweetwater Assembly of God, 2551 State Road 114 East, North Manchester, IN; phone 260-982-6179; Pastor Chad McAtee. Prayer Service at 9a.m.; Worship Service at 10a.m..; Wednesday Evening Discipleship at 6:30 p.m. Adult Bible Study/Elevate Youth Discipleship/KidzZone “LIVE”. BAPTIST Emmanuel Free Will Baptist, 129 Southwood Dr., Wabash; Rev. Scott Real pastor. Phone 563-3009. Worship 10:30 a.m.; Sunday School 9:30 a.m.; Sunday Service 10:30 a.m.; Sunday Evening Service 6 p.m.; Wednesday Morning Prayer Service 11 a.m.; Wednesday Prayer Meeting & Bible Study 7 p.m.; Bus transportation available, call 563-3009. Erie Street Free Will Baptist Church, 1056 Erie Street, Wabash; phone 563-8616; Hobert Meek, pastor, 563-8616. Sunday School, 10:00 a.m.; Worship Service, 11:00 a.m.; Youth Service, 5:00 p.m.; Sunday Evening Service, 6:00 p.m.; Wednesday Prayer Service, 6:00 p.m. Transportation and nursery available. Sunday morning radio broadcast from 8:30 to 9:00 a.m. Sundays mornings on Oldies 106. Grand Street Baptist Church, 1655 Grand Street, Wabash; John Denniston, pastor, phone 765-981-2868; church phone: 563-8409. Sunday School 10:00 a.m.; Morning Service 11:00 a.m.; Sunday Evening 6:00 p.m.; Wednesday Evening 6:30 p.m. BRETHREN CHURCH Liberty Mills Church of the Brethren, 103 North Third St., Liberty Mills, IN; Church Phone: (260) 982-6169. Pastor: Kelly Beutler; Associate Pastor: Erin Huiras. Sunday Schedule: Traditional Worship: 8:30 a.m.; Sunday School All Ages: 9:45 a.m.; Fellowship Time: 10:30 a.m.; Contemporary Worship: 11:00 a.m. Roann Church of the Brethren, corner of Chippewa & Beamer Sts. in Roann; phone (765) 833-9931; fax (765) 833-6561 Sunday school: 9:00 a.m.; Worship: 10:00 a.m.; Children’s Worship: 10:00 a.m.; Pastor - Brad Eckerley; Youth Pastor Jody Tyner; Pastoral Care Minister - Donna Stiver; Sunday, November 20, 2011 our worship leader for this Sunday will be Jason Rouch. Our greeters for this Sunday will be Max and Cheryl Meyer and Fred and Pam Musselman. Pastor Brad Eckerley will be sharing the message with us. We invite all to come and worship.; November 20 - Community Service at First Brethren 6 p.m.; November 28 - Evangelism & Outreach meeting 7 p.m.; Men’s Bible Study meets Wednesday mornings at 6:30 a.m.; “The Source” Youth Ministry meets every Sunday at 6 p.m.; Small groups meet at 6:00 p.m. Sunday evenings. Wabash Church of the Brethren, Wabash Church of the Brethren. 645 Bond Street ( off Falls Avenue) 260-563-5291. Kay Gaier, Pastor. Wherever you are on life’s journey, come join us as we continue the work of Jesus, Peacefully, Simply, Together. Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Worship 10:30 a.m. Children’s church available during worship. Handicap accessible. CATHOLIC St. Bernard Catholic, Corner of Cass & Sinclair Sts.; Fr. Sextus Don, Pastor. Parish Office and Rectory: 207 N. Cass St., phone 563-4750. Saturday Evening Mass 5:30 p.m.; Sunday Masses: 8:00 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. (Sept. thru May); 8:00 a.m. & 10:30 a.m. (June thru August); CCD 9:30 a.m. each Sunday during school year. Weekday Masses: Mon., Wed., Fri., 5:30 p.m.; Tues. & Thurs. 8 a.m. Sacrament of Reconciliation 4:15 -5:15 p.m. Saturday or anytime by appointment. St. Patrick Catholic, Lagro, Mass at 12:30 p.m. first Sunday of each month.

WABASH PORTABLE EQUIPMENT 532 N. CASS ST., WABASH, IN 46992 T 260-563-7478 123 1-800-523-0477

CHARISMATIC Victory Christian Fellowship, Discover abundant life and victorious Christian living! Worship services: Sunday 10:00 a.m.; Wednesdays 7:00 p.m. Christian Bookstore: Tuesday through Friday 9:30-5:30, also before and after all services. All at 112 W. Main St. Church: 260-982-8357; Bookstore: 260-982-8317. Pastor Tim Morbitzer. - God bless you! Come as you are! CHRISTIAN Dora Christian Church, located 1 1/2 miles South of Salamonie Dam, Lagro; phone 260-782-2006. Sunday School 9:30 a.m.; Early Service 8:15 a.m.; Church Service 10:30 a.m. Minister: Steven L. Witt. LaFontaine Christian Church, 202 Bruner Pike, LaFontaine; Phone 765-981-2101; Pastor Rick Smalling; Youth Pastor Jared Kidwell. Sunday School 9:00 a.m.; Worship 10:00 am. Nursery Available. Wabash Christian Church, 110 W. Hill St., Wabash; phone 260-563-4179; Rev. Melinda Kammerer, Pastor; Worship Service 9:30 a.m.; Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Nursery provided. CHRISTIAN HERITAGE CHURCH Christian Heritage Church, 2776 River Rd.; Tim Prater, pastor. Sunday School 9:30 a.m.; Worship Service 10:30 a.m.; Sunday Evening 6:00 p.m.; Wednesday Bible Study, 9:00 a.m. & 6:00 p.m.; Radio Ministry 8:30 a.m.-9:00 a.m. Sunday WKUZ 95.9 FM.

1830 S. Wabash St. Wabash, IN


FRIENDS CHURCH Wabash Friends Church, 3563 S. St. Rd. 13, Wabash; phone 563-8452;; email:; Alex Falder, lead pastor; Scott Makin, Director of Counseling; Rich Davis, Adult Fellowship and Outreach Co-Pastor; Sandy Davis, Adult Fellowship and Outreach Co-Pastor; Patrick Byers, Director of Youth and Contemporary Worship; Wes Ball, Worship Pastor/Choir Director; Kathy Jaderholm, Children’s Pastor. David Phillips, Pastoral Care. First Service 8:00 a.m.; Second Service 10:30 a.m.; Third Service 10:35 a.m.; Sunday School 9:15 a.m.; Youth Group 6:30 p.m. Handicap Accessible. LUTHERAN Zion Lutheran Church, (Missouri Synod), 173 Hale Drive, Wabash – (260) 563-1886; Sunday school and Adult Bible study 9:15a.m.; Morning worship 10:30a.m.; On Sunday November 13 Adult Bible Class and the morning worship will be led by Rev. Jeremy Yeadon. Organist Susan Garrett, Elder Gary Masterson, Usher Ken Geller, Acolyte Kaelyn Short, Nursery Attendant April Nicely. Living Faith Church, worship service this Sunday at Falls Chapel, 725 Falls Avenue begins at 10:00 am. Please join us for an uplifting worship service filled with contemporary and traditional music, prayer, and a Bible-based message. A children's message is part of every worship service. Bible study classes for all ages begin at 9:00 am with fellowship time after worship. Everyone is welcome to join us for worship, inspiration and fellowship. Our facility is handicap accessible.

CHRISTIAN & MISSIONARY ALLIANCE Wabash Alliance Church, 1200 N. Cass St., 563-8503; Sunday School 9:30 a.m.; Morning Worship 10:45 a.m. (Kidz Worship, ages 4 through Grade 3); Sunday Evening Worship 6:00 p.m.; Wednesday Evening Family Night: activities include AWANA (6:30 p.m.); Alliance Allies (Teens) 7:00 p.m.; Adult Bible Study & Prayer 7:00 p.m. Nursery provided. Handicap Accessible.

Trinity Lutheran Church, (ELCA)1500 S. Wabash St., Wabash, IN 46992, 260.563.6626, We worship our Lord each Sunday at 9 a.m. with a Gospel-based message and Holy Communion. There is a time of fellowship and refreshments immediately following the service. We are handicap accessible and everyone is welcome at Trinity!

CHURCH OF CHRIST Bachelor Creek Church of Christ, 4 miles north of Wabash on St. Rd. 15; phone 563-4109; website:; Solomon David, Senior Minister; Michael Eaton, Worship Minister; Cheryl Eaton, Director Of Music & Arts; David Lloyd, Children’s Minister; Linda Mirante, Associate Ministries; Aaron McClary, Minister of Connections; Kathy Henderson, Director of “Happy Days” Preschool. Dual Bible School & Worship, 9:30 & 11:00 a.m.

CONGREGATIONAL CHRISTIAN CHURCHES Congregational Christian Church, 310 N. Walnut Street, North Manchester; Phone: 260-982-2882; Pastors JP Freeman & Sebrena Cline; Sunday Services: 8:30-Traditional; 9:30-Contemporary; 11:00-Blended; 11:00 - Small Groups for Children, Teens & Adults; Wednesday at 7-8:30 pm - LIFE by LIGHT - Worship & Discussion gathering for Adults to work through life's hurts, habits & hang-ups; Handicapped accessible.; On the web at;Email:

Church of Christ at Treaty, 5 Miles South of Wabash on St. Rd. 15 to 50 E, (N about 1000 feet); Doug Oakes, minister; Artie Weisenbarger, youth minister. Church phone (765) 9814345. Bible School 9:00 a.m.; Morning Worship 10:00 a.m.; Sunday Evening Services 6:30 p.m. Wednesday Bible Study 10:00 a.m. Wednesday evening meal at 5:45 p.m. Adult study & youth activity for all ages begins at 6:30 p.m.

WESLEYAN CHURCH Washington Street Wesleyan Church, 480 Washington Street, Wabash. Sunday School 9:30 a.m.; Morning worship 10:30 a.m.; Evening service 6:00 p.m.. Wednesday Service 7:00 p.m. Prayer and Praise. Pastor Rev. Steve Hudson. Home phone 260-569-1121. Cell 260-571-3219

Church of Christ at Wabash, 1904 N. Wabash St., Wabash (corner of N. Wabash St. & State Route 24); Evangelist Guy G. Provance Jr.; office phone 563-8234. Sunday School 9:00 a.m.; Worship Hour 10:00 a.m.; Evening Worship Hour 6:30 p.m.; Mid-Week Bible Study & Youth J.A.M. Program on Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m. Classes & activities for all ages. CHURCH OF GOD (ANDERSON) First Church of God, 525 N. Miami St., Wabash; church 5635346; Robert Rensberger, pastor. Sunday School at 9:15 a.m. for all ages; Continental Breakfast at 10:00 a.m., Sunday Morning Worship at 10:30 a.m. Nursery care is available during worship service. Stair lift available. COMMUNITY CHURCH Grace Fellowship Church, 4652 S. 100 W., Wabash; phone 260-563-8263; Pastor Bill Bowling. Sunday Morning: Sunday School 9:30 a.m.; Service 10:30 a.m. Sunday Evening Service: Faith In Action 6:00 p.m.; Wednesday Evening: Bible Study & Prayer Meeting 6:00 p.m.

NON-DENOMINATIONAL Encouraging Truth Ministries, Nixon Room in the Honeywell Center; Pastor Jackie Weaver; phone 765833-4793. Sunday School 9:00 a.m.; Sunday Worship 10:00 a.m. Faith Harvest Fellowship Church, meets in the Bowen Center gymnasium at 255 N Miami St. Wabash, IN. Pastor Bruce Hostetler can be reached at 260-571-0548 or 260-563-4282. The church office is located at 2609 S. 100 W. Wabash, IN. We focus on knowing Christ and making Christ known through personal and community transformation. Join us on Sunday at 10 a.m. for food and fellowship followed by our worship celebration and Children’s worship at 10:15 a.m. YOU are also invited to our Wednesday evening Going Deeper class from 6:30-8 p.m. New Foundations Ministries Freedom Center, 111 Falls Ave., Wabash; phone 260-569-0630; Pastor Rick Tolley. Sunday Adult Bible Study & Fellowship 9:30 a.m.; Worship 10:30 a.m.; Tuesday 7pm Bible Study. Center for biblical council by appointment.

Allen Insurance 85 Manchester Ave. Wabash, IN 260-563-3600

Niconza Christian Fellowship Church, 4 Miles North of State Rd. 16, 3 Mile South of Disco,Miami/Wabash County Line Road 13718N 700E, Roann, Indiana 46974. Sunday Praise & Worship Service begins at 9:30 AM. The youth will join with the adults for Praise and Worship in the sanctuary, and then move to the west rooms for Children’s Church. Special music will be presented during the service. Pastor Phil is bringing a series of messages on the book of Acts in the morning services. Everyone is welcome! Wednesday Bible Study meets the 2nd and 4th week of each month at 600 Strauss-Provimi Rd. in North Manchester at 7:00 PM. We are currently studying the methods used to fight the Spiritual war. Please come and join us! We are a Full Gospel Community Church where Spiritual gifts and talents operate. There is always an opportunity for one on one ministry for your special needs. You are invited to join us Sunday as we worship and hear from God through the preaching of His Word and the moving of the Holy Spirit! Get your prayer request to the prayer group by calling the church office at (260)-306-2030; by sending them E-Mail to (; or by sending them regular mail to Niconza Christian Fellowship Ministries, 300 W 4th Street, North Manchester, Indiana 46962 St. Paul’s County Line Church, 3995N 1000W, Phone 786-3365. Non-Denominational. Pastor Conrad Thompson. Sunday School at 9:30 a.m. Worship at 10:30 a.m. Youth program 6-8 p.m. on Sunday. Wednesday night Bible Study at 7 p.m. PRESBYTERIAN Presbyterian Church, 123 W. Hill St., Wabash; phone 260-563-8881; fax 260-563-8882; Sunday School 9:30 a.m.. Worship 10:30 a.m. Coffee hour & fellowship 11:30 a.m.; e-mail:; website:, handicap accessible sanctuary. UNITED METHODIST Christ United Methodist Church, intersections of Wabash, Stitt & Manchester Ave.; phone 563-3308. Phil Lake, pastor. Facilities & provisions for the physically handicapped, hearing & sight impaired. Air conditioned. Chapel Worship 8:00 a.m.; Sanctuary Worship 10:00 a.m. with pre-school childcare, MultiMedia Worship W/Praise Team & Band; Sunday School 9:00 a.m. Sunday Services 02 / 27 / 11 Scripture: Book of John, Sermon: “Did you hear the snow?” By Rev. Philip Lake, Pastor. 8:00am service Greeter: Laura Thomas, Usher: Frank Nordman. 10:00am service Liturgist: Mary Ellen Clark, Greeters: Judy Decker, Tom & Janet Ross, Ushers: Lalon Allen, Ike Binkerd, J.P. Mattern, Rollin McCoart First United Methodist Church, 110 N. Cass St. Wabash, IN; (260)563-3108.; Senior Pastor Kurt Freeman, Minister of Family Life and Outreach Heather Olson-Bunnell, Youth Director Mandi Liley.; Worship Service at 9:00 a.m., children Pre-school thru 3rd Grade leave service at 9:15 a.m. for Kids Connextion, Coffee Fellowship at 10:00 a.m., Sunday School for all ages at 10:30 a.m., Nursery available for morning activities, UMYF at 6:00 p.m.; Kids First Day Care open M-F from 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. children age 4 weeks thru Pre-School, Director Missie Edwards. LaFontaine United Methodist Church, P.O. Box 57 (Kendall & Main St.), LaFontaine; Phone: 765.981.4021; Email: Pastor Brad Garrett. Sunday School 9:15 – 10:00 a.m.; Worship 10:15 a.m. Nursery is provided; Men’s Fellowship is the 1st Sunday of each month 8:00 a.m.; Prayer and Share every Wednesday 5:45 p.m.; Bible Study every Thursday morning 10:00 a.m. North Manchester United Methodist Church, 306 East Second St., North Manchester; (260) 982-7537; Pastor Kevin G. Dekoninck. (260) 578-2160; Worship 8:15 a.m.; Coffee Fellowship Time 9:00 a.m.; Sunday School 9:30 a.m.; Worship 10:30 a.m.

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