The Paper of Wabash County -- June 22, 2022

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MSD officials work to explain project - Page 3 June 22, 2022

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Smoke, mud and lots of air Local motorcycle club hosts Umbarger Classic motocross event By Phil Smith

Photos by Phil Smith Wabash Cannonball Motorcycle Club President Shane McCray, above left and fellow competitor Matt Hanley, right, jump one of the track’s many moguls during Umbarger Classic action Sunday, June 19. At left, Kartson Hayslett (909), Easton Schnelle (129) and Karter Behny (276) negotiate the track during warmups. Below, competitors and crew used down time to make mechanical adjustments.

The near perfect weather continued Sunday, June 19 as the Wabash Cannonball Motorcycle Club hosted the annual Umbarger Classic, a motocross event sanctioned by the American Historic Racing Motorcycle Association. Editor’s Note: The Paper of President Wabash County is interested in Shane McCray of any information that readers the local club may have in regard to the competed in the Wabash Cannonball first race of the Motorcycle Club, as well as the day and used the track, located in Wabash that moment just serves as the headquarters for prior to the startthe club. The Paper is particuing flag to walk larly interested in original to the starting newspaper articles, historical tower and prodocuments and original photopose to his girlgraphs related to the club and friend, Kaitlyn the track. Anyone who has any Sprinkle. of the aforementioned items The local club, can contact Phil Smith at 260according to 306-4068 or by email McCray, sports at psmith@thepaperofwabash.c about 45-50 memom All items will be greatly bers and last appreciated and returned to week he said his their owners after copies have working club been made. Please, only origimembers were nal photographs instead of preparing for photocopies. Sunday’s event in earnest. “It’s our first race of the year and it’s also our Umbarger Classic,” he said. The annual event is named for former motorcycle racer Danny Umbarger of Kokomo, who was severely injured on Sept. 23, 1989. “He was left paralyzed,” said McCray. “We pretty much named our event after him. He shows up and raffles off some things.” Umbarger said before the races started that the weather was noteworthy, after near-triple digit temperatures the week prior and an unfavorable forecast for the coming week. “It’s a lot better than last week or this coming,” Umbarger said. “I’ll take the high heat over the blizzard any day.” The race’s namesake added that the Continued on Page 11


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The Paper of Wabash County

June 22, 2022

Voted “Best Garage Door Company in Wabash County” in The Paper of Wabash County 2020 Readers Choice

Plan commissions support Imagine One 85 plan By Joseph Slacian

The Imagine One 85 comprehensive plan was approved by three separate plan commissions on Thursday night, June 16. The Wabash Plan Commission, the North Manchester Plan Commission and the Wabash County Plan Commission approved the plan in a joint meeting – perhaps the first in Wabash County history — at the Wabash Middle School auditorium. Imagine One85 is designed as a way to help stem the population loss that has impacted the county for several years. Since 1980, the county has lost 5,800 people. “We all understand that if don’t do anything, the

projected decline to 2050 the projected decline will be another 10,000 citizens,” said Patty Grant, Community Foundation of Wabash County executive director. Each commission conducted public hearings, at which three people spoke. Marilyn CusterMitchell, North Manchester Town Council president Jim Smith and Wabash Mayor Scott Long all encouraged the commissions to approve the measure which will be presented to the respective councils to formally approve the plan. “I just to want to offer my support and ask for your support for the plan,” said CusterMitchell, a Grow Wabash County board member. “I think it’s wonderful that we have a

county-wide plan that everybody’s engaged in, that everyone’s participated in.” Custer-Mitchell, who recently retired as president of Parkview Wabash Hospital, said her family considers Wabash home and plans to stay here. One reason for that decision, she continued, is the amenities that the county offers. “We can’t continue to grow and develop and add amenities for our citizens if we’re declining in population,” she said. Smith said that unless something impactful happens, the population decline will continue. The comprehensive plan seeks to end the downward population spiral by involving the entire county, he

said. “Not north and south of State Road 16 or U.S. 24, or east and west of State

Roads 13 and 15,” he said. “No just Wabash, or Servia, or North Manchester, or

LaFontaine, or Lagro, or Ijamsville, or Roann, or Somerset, or

Laketon, but the entire county. This is our best shot to Cont. on Pg. 4.

An ongoing look at Wabbash County 4-H 10-year mem mbers




School: Northfield Parents: Max and Cheryl Mey yer Future Plans: Continuing grow owing his Purebred Angus and g Simmental beef herd on his fa amily farm 4-H Club: Chippewa Challeng gers Favorite 4-H Projects: Beef 4-H Grows Resiliency: Mason Meyer is a 10-year beef exhibitor and through those y years of experience, he has learned how to use the feedback he was given g and apply it in his projects s the following year. Every 4-H Her’s dream is but at the d i to win, i b h end d off the day it’s one judge’s opinion. Some years you may fall a hair too short of the big win and maybe some years you get that big win. Over the years Mason has put in the time and but has fallen short of that big win. In 2020, Mason won Grand Champion Beef Heifer, he got achieved his big win! Mason says, “ I know from experience that hard work pays off.” His favorite 4-H memories include hanging out with friends at the fairgrounds, hog wrestling, and winning the 2020 Grand Champion Beef Heifer.

School: Northfield Parents: Chad and Angela Satterthwaite Future Plans: Attending g IU Kokomo University sttudying Pediatric Nursing 4-H Club: Tip Top Favorite 4-H Projects: Sewing and Cake Decorating 4-H Grows Resiliency: Throughout Ella’s 10 yea ars in 4h she has learned how w to be resilient when completing 4-H projects and in her everyd day life. Sewing is a very timeconsuming project; you have h to create a project that fitts your personality but also folllow the requirements for your s specific level and category. Ella sa ays, “ In o make sewing you will have to adjustments and som metimes you may even have to sta art over. This can be upsetting b but you learn to bounce back and d better your project.” This is als so true when it comes to cake decorating, Ella has learned about being resilient ov ver the years. She’s glad she nev ver gave up and have stuck with h those projects. Some of Ella’s favorite f 4-H memories would be attending Teens as Teacher T events and seeing g the excitement on the stu udent’s faces as she com mpleted activities with them. Ellla also enjoyed attending Juniorr Leader events.

School: Northfield Parents: Brad & Marlea Dale ng Indiana Future Plans: Attendin Wesleyan y University y majoring m j g in nursing 4-H Club: Poultry Club Favorite 4-H Projectts: Goats, Swine, Poultry, & Foods 4-H grows Character: ny skills and Ainsley has gained man ars as 4-H traits through her yea ble to apply member that she be ab future in her everyday life and a ortantly, my profession. “Most impo ave shaped experiences in 4-H hav m today by me into i the h person I am building my characterr,” Ainsley stated. Anyone who has ever nows how participated in 4-H kn frustrating it can be whe en a project doesn’t turn out co orrectly or animals aren’t cooperatting during show day. Facing these e obstacles had helped her learn and grow from her mistakes. 4-H has provided Ainsley with wonderful opportunitiessuchasm opportunities such as m makingnew making new friends, playing cards, w water fights, and wheelbarrow races. Ainsley says it best, “I know tha at my time and effort spent in 4-H w will serve me well in the future beca ause it has prepared me for som me of life's challenges.” Ainsley’s fa avorite 4-H memory would be hav ving water fights by the wash pe ens in the swine barn.

The Paper of Wabash County

June 22, 2022


MSD website provides details of November referendum ‘Calculator’ to give property owners clearer idea of tax impact By Phil Smith

Officials at Metropolitan School District of Wabash County have become fully invested in ensuring every resident — particularly taxpayers — of the district have all the information necessary to make an informed decision in November, should the district’s proposed high school reconfiguration plan make it on the ballot. “Our website is live now,” said MSDWC Superintendent Mike Keaffaber. “We want the public, or the registered voters to be able to vote on this so that it will be a public thing and not necessarily just us or the board.” The district added links to its website that are designed to give the public any information available on a proposed construction project designed to combine Northfield Jr/Sr and Southwood Jr/Sr high schools into one building, as well as renovate the two existing high schools into K-8 facilities. It is estimated the entire project cost would be about $115 million.

The district has been taking numerous steps to help quell the tide of misinformation surrounding the project. Steps include trying to clarify the tax impact the project would have on property owners, as well as augmenting the district’s website with numerous links designed to stymie misconceptions and clarify just how much a person’s tax bill will be affected. On the district website, a red link button with drop downs has been added to the site. In addition, there are three informational links further down the district’s home page that are referendum related. Under the top link, entitled “referendum,” located just to the right of “connect,” visitors can find answers to questions, clarifications on common misconceptions and a tax calculator designed to help property owners see clearer what the project will do to their property taxes. The link also has a drop down menu for voter registration. The tax calculator comes complete with a link to the county assessor’s website, which gives visitors the ability to plug in their own numbers for a more accurate calculation. “The key is this,” said Keaffaber. “If they put the wrong number in, they’re going to get a larg-

er number. They have to look for the taxable assessment, and that will give them that tax rate. Taxable assessment is after all the deductions. That should help people a lot in terms of what’s going on.” Keaffaber added that when a taxpayer pulls up their tax information and finds the taxable assessment, they need to make sure they plug in those numbers without any commas. Keaffaber added that as new, previously unasked and unanswered questions arise, the website will adapt. “This will become a living breathing document that we will add things to as people ask questions,” he said. “This provides just a lot of information and hopefully we’ll answer a lot of questions before people.” To date, one of the district’s biggest challenges has been clarifying the tax impact to its citizens. Keaffaber, along with Christopher

Kuhn, assistant superintendent of finance and operations, said it was important to note that while property taxes will go up, should the project get the green light, the increase will not be as severe as previously reported. The school system’s place in a property owner’s property tax bill consists of two main components — operations and debt service. Currently, according to Keaffaber, the operations portion of the local tax levy is at capacity, and while the debt service part is currently very low, it will soon be down to zero as the school corporation becomes debt free next year. Keaffaber said this will make

room for MSD to take on the proposed project. He said building and renovation projects occur with every school system and MSD is no exception and that without the debt service portion of the tax levy, school systems would be unable to do construction projects. He said that even with the proposed

project, MSD will still have a tax levy at or below that of several of the school systems in the area. “I don’t want people to get confused about the operational tax rate,” said Kuhn. “Obviously, it’s a factor of the total tax rate, but it has nothing to do with the increase in the debt service tax

rate for the referendum. It’s kind of its own separate thing. Right now, for 2022, our operational tax rate is $0.57 and our debt service tax rate is $0.25 for a total of $0.83 (each rate involves more than two digits, causing the total to round up by one penny). That

Cont. on Pg. 4.


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The Paper of Wabash County


MSD ...Cont. from Page 3

Cont. from Page 2 grow and prosper. This is our best hope to come together and address population decline.” Long said he believes the plan isn’t about the members of the commissions or those in the audience. “It’s about the students who walk through the doors of this school, and every elementary school and high school in this county,” he said. “We have to reverse this trend in population loss.” He noted that for several years, Wabash, North Manchester and Wabash County officials have worked cooperatively on various issues. “We’re all in the same boat now,” he said. “This plan is going to ensure that we’re all rowing together now and not against one another.” Now that the plan is approved, Keith Gillenwater, president and CEO of Grow Wabash County, said the plan will now be presented to the various governing bodies around the county for adoption.

June 22, 2022

Teresa Galley (center) accepts a grant from Subaru in Lafayette. Photo provided

County museum receives 3 grants The Wabash County Museum received three grants in June toward their work to become a Sensory Friendly Museum. On June 14, Teresa Galley, executive director of the Wabash County Museum attended an awards ceremony at Subaru in Lafayette, Indiana, to accept a $12,000 check towards the Museum’s eorts. This awarded followed two others that were received earlier in the month from the Floyd A. & Frieda S. Guynn Foundation and the Leah M. Sundheimer

Foundation. “We have been overwhelmed by the positive response to our eorts to become a Sensory Friendly Museum,” said Galley. “One in six members of the Wabash County Community are affected by sensory friendly issues. We want the Museum to be an inclusive place that fully engages all of our guests. The Museum’s work to become sensory friendly began about a year ago with an assessment from an Autism specialist. With these grants, we now have the funding to begin the

process.” The planning has already begun. When the project is complete, the team will have tackled challenges like noise pollution created when several auto-triggered exhibits are in the same area, something that can negatively aect guests with hearing challenges or noise sensitivities. The Museum will be zoned based on the sensory benefits and challenges guests might experience in dierent areas and a Sensory Friendly Zone Map will be created.

$0.57 out of operations generates $4.4 million, which is our maximum levy. The debt service, obviously that’s to pay back debt, that $0.25 generates $1.9 million. That’s part of the debt that we still owe on some of the bonds that were taken out in previous years.” Keaffaber added “so that’s (operations) part of the tax impact. Of course, the next part of the impact is the debt service. Debt service is basically for those projects that all schools do, whether it’s a roof, or a wastewater treatment plant. In this particular case, our debt service will be down to zero at the end of 2023. This allows us to be able to do a lot larger project and still be under certain tax

rates of other schools who have done similar projects or have done major projects for their buildings. These other schools have done projects, not as big a project as ours, but they’ve done some very significant projects.” The website states that even with the increases in the tax rate, MSD will still fall below several other are school corporations. “That’s really what people need to know,” Keaffaber said.

The Paper of Wabash County

June 22, 2022

Wabash High School announces final honor roll of 2021-22 Officials at Wabash High School have announced the second semester honor roll for the 2021-22 school year. Earning honors were High Honor Roll (ALL A’s - taking 5 or more credits) Grade 12 Anne M. Cole, Ethan F. Haynes, Brycen A. Niccum, Alexis R. Satterfield Grade 11 Devin M. Coffman, Andrew J. Dillon, David L. Ford, Jacob D. France, Grace E. La Mar, Faryn A. Morris, Elena Pena

Olalla, Maria Del Mar Perez Salas Grade 10 Natalie A. Adams, Dakota Castro, Grant S. Ford, Troy A. Guenin-Hodson, Alexa S. Johnson, Madeline G. Von Uhl, Brooke M. Wagner Grade 9 Ella M. Hartley, Nonoka Higuera, Kenley N. McWhirt, Emma M. Weaver 2nd Semester/Regular Honor Roll Grade 12 Kalista A. Ballschmidt, Ashley M. Bricker, Anne M. Cole, Linda R. Cordes, Andrew S. Dinkins,

Jordan S. Dragoo, Ethan F. Haynes, Marcus L. Haynes, Mason J. Hostetler, Hunter M. Jones, Breanna N. Keefer, Ethan P. Kocher, Corinne O. Kugler, Chloe E. Miles, Cassie L. Murphy, Brycen A. Niccum, Lucas C. Roberts, Christopher A. Rowe, Alexis R. Satterfield, Ashtyn A. Shemwell, Blake E. Smith, Alex J. Weaver, Brooklynn M. Westendorf Grade 11 Abigale B. Boggs, Elijah C. Callahan, Kiara B. Car michael, Sungho Cho, Devin M. Coffman, Brodie

J. Craft, Mason T. Dangerfield, Andrew J. Dillon, Nicholas J. Ewing, Kaden M. Fedewa, David L. Ford, Jacob D. France, Mason E. Goshert, Grace E. La Mar, Haiden E. Lehman, Elizabeth L. Mattern, Arthur J. Mccord, Faryn A. Morris, Aaliyah Mota, Elena Pena Olalla, Maria Del Mar Perez Salas, Rachel N. Stapleton, Aubrey M. Till, Emma J. Tracy, Elliott I. Wiles, Rylee N. Yoakum. Grade 10 Natalie A. Adams, Piper M. Althouse,

Chloe J. Bishir, Dakota J. Castro, Octavia E. Claudio, Maya R. Drabenstot, Shyann N. Fisher, Grant S. Ford, Thomas W. Fritter, William R. Galley, Troy A. Guenin-Hodson, Karina M. Hernandez, Xavier P. Hughes, Alexa S. Johnson, Calisen J. Kugler, Calista R. Larrowe, Karigan A. Long, Paloma D. Shull, Madeline G. Smith, Emily D. Stellar, Spencer J. Stout, Madeline G. Von Uhl, Brooke M. Wagner, Kierra G. Wilson, Izaak, P. Wright

Wabash Middle School honors academic elite Officials from Wabash Middle School have announced the honor rolls for the fourth quarter and second semester of the 2021-22 school year. Earning honors were: Fourth Quarter 5th Grade High Honor Roll: Ayla Barber, Tayelin Bechtold, Kasey Black, Mason Braun, Zeke Byers, Emma Cantrell, Keaton Fairchild, Tristan Gardner, Mya Golliher, Harper Hanes, Robert Harris, Evelyn Hipskind, Lucas Kaufman,

Lillian Kelley, Brynn Lindsay, Maddox Mindach, Baelee Noland, Jake Sailors, Kinley Strickler, Daisy Till, McKinley Vanlandingham, Reed Wiles 5th Grade Regular Honor Roll: Brooklyn Arrowood, Josie Bakehorn, Emmie Baker, McKinley Baker, Christopher Belli-Malaga, Jenna Burton, Callan Cantrell, Tinsley Crace, Elijah Dafoe, Treyce Daughtry, Eliza Denney, Samuel Eppley, Landen Fisher,

Hope Fretter, Cadence Gatchel, Ian Gray, Aubrey Hanes, Paul Harper, Landan Johnson, Kendylan Lochner, Olivia Mathis, Emily McCoart, Kaydence McCord, Chase Miller, Ava Moorman, Avionna Osborne, Evelyn Ploughe, Karter Prater, Alyssa Rose, Charlotte Selleck, Amber Shaffer, Beckett Shaw, Micah Spring, Lillian VanHoose, Tyler Wardwell, 6th Grade High Honor Roll: Carson Amburgey, Kaitlyn Brewer, Scarlet Brookshire,

Quinnlynn Campbell, Kaylence Cole, Clover Eaton, Ian Edmond, Riley Flack, Noah Glenn, Carlee Honeycutt, Alexis Indrutz, Gabriel LePage,

Michael LePage, Maddisyn Poe, Emma Selleck, Lila Selleck, Taylin Shepherd, Alyssa Sheridan, Martha Cont. on Page 6.

Grade 9 Olivia K. Braun, Jonas E. Church, Ashton J. Coffman, Levi J. Fairchild, Harper A. Golliher, Ella M. Hartley, Trever J. Herron, Nonoka Higuera, Abigail C. Hipskind, Shaylee J. Jacobs, Kenley N.


McWhirt, Olivia L. Mollett, Kasen C. Oswalt, Sierria K. Rose, Hadley E. Schuler, Kristian J. Stanton, Sydney B. Till, Cole J. Vancamp, Isabella G. Vander Velden, Macy A. Von Uhl, Emma M. Weaver, Karyn D. Wilcox


The Paper of Wabash County

Wabash Middle School Steller, Lily Stevens, Beatrix Thomas 6th Grade Regular Honor Roll: Christian Bean, Tip Bolen, Alaura Cressell, Gunner Cressell, Piper Ellet, Ella Harrell, Carly Hayslett, Colyn Heitz, Abbigail Helsel, Chris Knox, Anneleissa Lujan, Ava Lynn, Jabin Miles, Harrison Mills, Kamden Oswalt, Cooper Sapusek, Noah Sarll, Gavin Schuler, Krysten Simmons, Macky Sorg, Layla Stevens, Grace Teague, Ashton Thurman, Zoe Vail, Kaiden White, Addison Wischman 7th Grade High Honor Roll: Brenda Alspach, Makenna Bechtold, Lucas Coffman, Chloe Cooper, Mia Fairchild, Clay Shepler, Harley Zumbrun 7th Grade Regular Honor Roll: Amanda Alspach, Andi

Conliff Braelyn Eis, Haylee Figert, Kinzie Flack, Sophia France, Violet George, Sally Harrell, Grace Harrington, John Harris, Shailynn Harrison, Rinka Higuera, Haiden McWhirt, Jarrett McWhirt, Paige Miller, Jess Norris, Colin Patton, Oliver Sapusek, Megan Snavely, Mallory Tart, Averie Turner 8th Grade High Honor Roll: Ava Bishir, Kalli Davis, Jaycee Jones, Victoria Koselke, Alison McCoart, Brett Shull, Andrea Stout 8th Grade Regular Honor Roll: Max Carpenter, Haylee Friend, Drew Guenin-Hodson, Maya Howard, Cooper Long, Laney Maple, Evelyn Myers, Derek Reed, Danielle Sarll, Abigail Smith, Logan Wright Second Semester

5th Grade High Honor Roll: Josie Bakehorn, Ayla Barber, Kasey Black, Mason Braun, Zeke Byers, Emma Cantrell, Keaton Fairchild, Tristan Gardner, Mya Golliher, Harper Hanes, Robert Harris, Evelyn Hipskind, Lucas Kaufman, Lillian Kelley, Brynn Lindsay, Kendylan Lochner, Maddox Mindach, Baelee Noland, Evelyn Ploughe, Jake Sailors, Kinley Strickler, Daisy Till, McKinley Vandlandingham, Reed Wiles 5th Grade Regular Honor Roll: Brooklyn Arrowood, Emmie Baker, McKinley Baker, Ashlyn Bass, Tayelin Bechtold, Christopher BelliMalaga, Hailey Berry Jenna Burton Callan Cantrell, Devvin Cornett, Tinsley Crace, Elijah Dafoe, Treyce Daughtry,

June 22, 2022

...continued from Page 5 Eliza Denney, Samuel Eppley, Lillian Esslinger, Tobius Fettig, Hope Fritter, Layla Garner, Cadence Gatchel, Aubrey Hanes, Paul Harper, Landan Johnson, Alexis Keirsey, Cole Leeka, Maddilynn Livingston, Liam Losher, Olivia Mathis, Emily McCoart, Kaydence McCord, Chase Miller, Zach Miller, Ava Moorman, Avionna Osborne, Karter Prater, Sofia Pries, Alyssa Rose, Ian Rowe, Charlotte Selleck, Amber Shaffer, Beckett Shaw, Andrew Shepherd, Micah Spring, Sienna Stoffel, Lillian VanHoose, Tyler Wardwell, Noah White. 6th Grade High Honor Roll: Carson Amburgey, Kaitlyn Brewer, Scarlet Brookshire, Quinnlynn Campbell, Kalyence Cole, Riley Flack, Noah Glenn, Carly Hayslett, Carlee

Honeycutt, Alexis Indrutz, Gabriel LePage, Michael LePage, Maddisyn Poe, Ellie Profitt, Cooper Sapusek, Emma Selleck, Lila Selleck, Taylin Shepherd, Alyssa Sheridan, Kyrsten Simoons, Martha Steller, Lily Stevens, Grace Teague, Beatrix Thomas, Caleb Thompson, Kaiden White, Addison Wischman 6th Grade Regular Honor Roll: Tannis Barber, Christian Bean, Gracie Bearman, Tip Bolen McKenzie Border, Preston Cantrell, Alaura Cressell, Gunner Cressell, Riley Durham, Ian Edmond, Piper, Ellet, Evelyn Grimm, Adrian Haughn, Colyn Heitz, Abbigail Helsel, Mckenna Honeycutt, Brycen Kelly, Christopher Knox, Jaidynn Lawson, Adrianna LeMaster, Anneleissa Lujan,

Ava Lynn, Aiden Mahan, John Mathias, Madalyn Mertz, Jabin Miles, Harrison Mills, Kamden Oswalt, Jack Payton Gabriellah Rojas, Noah Sarll, Gavin Schuler, Pasyn Schuler, Mackey Sorg, Layla Stevens, Zoe Vail, Olivia Wilkin 7th Grade High Honor Roll: Makenna Bechtold, Lucas Coffman, Chloe Cooper, Mia Fairchild, Violet George, Haiden McWhirt, Clayton Shepler, Harley Zumbrun 7th Grade Regular Honor Roll: Brenda Alspach, Randy Boring, Andi Conliff, Braelyn Eis, Haylee Figert, Kinzie Flack, Sophia France, Ayden Haneline, Sally Harrell, Grace Harrington, John Harris, Shailynn Harrison, Javier Hernandez, Rinka Higuera, Brianna Martin, Jaxon McCollum,

Jarrett McWhirt, Lilean Meadows, Aubri Merrell, Paige Miller, Jess Norris, Philip Palmer, Colin Patton, Vivien Ploughe, Oliver Sapusek, Hunter Simpson, Megan Snavely, Mallory Tart, Averie Turner, Emma Vancamp, Carson Young 8th Grade High Honor Roll: Ava Bishir, Kalli Davis, Kendall France, Haylee Friend, Drew GueninHodson, Jaycee Jones, Victoria Koselke, Cooper Long, Alison McCoart, Danielle Sarll, Brett Shull, Andrea Stout, Logan Wright 8th Grade Regular Honor Roll: Karlee Bearman, Delbert Carver, Matt Hipskind, Maya Howard, Reagan Jones, Coleson Kugler, Laney Maple, Evelyn Myers, Derek Reed, Emilie Westendorf

The Paper of Wabash County

June 22, 2022


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hren 645 Bond Street (off Falls Wabash Church of the Breth Avenue) 260-563-5291. Doug Veal, Pastor. Wherever you are on life’s journey, comee join us as we continue the work of Jesus - Peacefully, Sim mply, Together. HOURS: Sunday School at 9:30 a.m.; Woorship at 10:30 a.m. Children’s church available during worship. w Handicap accessible.


Emmanuel Free Will Baptisst Church 129 Southwood Dr., Wabash, Phone 563-3009 9. Terry Hinds, Pastor, Jeff Pope, Associate Pastor, Dylan Youth A i P D l Persinger, P Y h Pastor. P SSunday d School 9:30am. Sunday Worship 10:30am. Wednesday Prayer Meeting & Bible Study 6pm. Bus transportation is available, call 563-3009. Online at Find us on facebook. Wabash Free Will Baptist Church 1056 Erie Street, Wabash. Sunday School: 9:30 a.m., Worship Service: 10:30 a.m. Pastor: Dr. Bill Crank. Southside Freewilll Baptist 360 Columbus St., Wabash; Church Phone 260-563-4917; Sunday School 10:00 a.m.; Worship 11:00 a.m.; Evening Service 6:00 p.m.; Wednesday Evening 6:00 p.m.; p ; Pastor Tim Webb CATHOLIC

St. Bernard Catholic Corner of Cass & Sinclair Sts.; Fr. Levi Nkwocha, Pastor. Parish Office and Rectory: 207 N. Cass St., phone 563-4750. Weekend Masses: Saturday at 5:30 p.m. and Sunday at 9:30 a.m. Weekday Masses: Monday, Wednesday, Friday at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, Thursday at 8:15 a.m. St. Patrick's Catholic Church Main Street in Lagro. Holy Mass 11 a.m. the 1st Sunday of the month except January and February. St. Robert Bellarmine Catholic Church - We humbly invite you to experience ancient Christianity in the Church Jesus established. “You are Peter [rock], and on this rock I will build My Church” (Mathew 16:18). 1203 State Road 114 E, North Manchester, IN 260-982-4404 Like us on Facebook. Sacrament of Confession: Tues. 5-6PM, Wed. 5:15-6 PM, and Sat. 8-9 AM & 3:30-4:30 PM or anytime by appointment. “Therefore, confess your sins to one another”(James 5:16). Holy sacrifice of the Mass: Sat. 5PM., Sun. 9AM., and 11:30(en espanol). “for My flesh is real food and My blood is real drink” (John 6:55). For more information on Catholicism visit CHRISTIAN

Dora Christian Church located 1 1/2 miles South of Salamonie Dam, Lagro; phone 260-782-2006. Sunday School 9:30 a.m.; Early Service 8:15 a.m.; Church Service 10:30 a.m. Minister: Mark Wisniewski. LaFontaine Christian Church 202 Bruner Pike, LaFontaine; Phone 765-981-2101; Pastor Brad Wright; Sunday School 9:00 a.m.; Worship 10:30 am. Nursery Available. Wabash Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) 110 W. Hill St., Wabash; Stephen Eberhard, Minister; phone: 260-5634179; website: www.wabashchristian.orgg . Worship Service 9:30 a.m. Nursery provided. Find us on YouTube and Facebook.

CHURCH OF CHRIST Church of Christ at Wabash, 1904 4 N. Wabash St., Wabash (corner of N. Wabash St. & State Route 24); Evangelist Josh Fennell; office phone 563-8234. Sunday School 9:00 a.m.; Worship Hour 10:00 a.m.; Evening Worship Hour 6:30 p.m.; Mid-Week Bible Study Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m. Classes & activities for all ages. COMMUNITY CHURCH Grace Fellowship Church - Where Christ is our Passion and People are our Purpose, 4652 S. 100 W., Wabash; phone 260-563-8263; Pastor Shawn Light. Sunday Morning: Sunday School 9:30 a.m.; Service 10:30 a.m. Sunday Evening Service: Faith In Action 6:00 p.m.; Wednesday Evening: Bible Study & Prayer Meeting 6:00 p.m. INDEPENDENT CH HRISTIAN CHURCH Bachelor Creek Church of Christt 4 miles north of Wabash on St. Rd. 15; phone 260-563-4109; website: ; Lead Minister, Joel Cogdell; Worsship Minister, Michael Eaton; Middle School/Groups Minister, Nate Plyler; Next Steps/Outreach Minister, Ryan Keim; Wom men’s Director, Taylor McFarland; Student Minister, David Dien ner; Children’s Minister, Tyler Leland; Early Childhoood Director,, Janet Legesse. NOW OFFERING 2 ble Fellowship & Worship 9:15am & SERVICE TIMES. Adult Bib 10:45am. Roann Christian Church 240 E Alllen St, Roann, Indiana. Bible School am. Chris Ponchot Ponchot, Minister; 9:00 am, Worship Service - 10:00 am 856-405-5267. HERAN LUTH Living Faith Church (NALC) - 242 2 South Huntington Street, downtown at southwest corner of Markeet Street. Office phone 260.563.4051. Worship 10:10 a.m. with felloowship time after service. Bible study 9:00 a.m. for all ages. You honor us with your presence as we seek to serve Christ in our daily lives. All are welcome! www.LivingFaithWabash.orrg ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH (LCMS) 173 Hale Drive, Wabash. Phone 260-563-1886. Pastor: Rev. G Gerald Gauthier II. Sunday school and adult Bible class 9:15 a.m .,, worship p service 10:30 a.m. Holyy Communion observed the first and third Sundays. www.zionwabash.orgg Preaching and caring with Christ crucified for you! The LCMS Mission Church in North Manchester is holding services each Sunday evening at 6:00 p.m. with fellowship time following in the Life Center Building on 7th and Bond Streets. Please come and worship with us. Bring your family and friends. “For we maintain that a man is justified by faith apart from observing the law.” Roman 3:28 NIV. For more information call Pat at 260-6101961 or email to Trinity Lutheran Church (ELCA)1500 S. Wabash St., Wabash, IN 46992, 260.563.6626, Pastor Dr. Kent Young. We worship our Lord each Sunday at 9:30 a.m. with a Gospel-based message and Holy Communion. There is a time of fellowship and refreshments immediately following the service. We are handicap accessible and everyone is welcome at Trinity!


Christian Heritage Church 2776 River Rd.; Tim Prater, pastor. Sunday School 9:30 a.m.; Worship Service 10:30 a.m.; Sunday Evening 6:00 p.m.; Wednesday Bible Study 6:00 p.m.; Radio Ministry 8:30 a.m.-9:00 a.m. Sunday WKUZ 95.9 FM. FIRST BRETHREN CHURCH

North Manchester First Brethren Church: 407 N. Sycamore St., N. Manchester; Sunday Morning Schedule – Worship: 9:00 & 10:30 am, Adult Classes: 8:00, 9:15, & 10:30 am, Youth Connect (Grades 7-12): 9:15 am, “LOFT” Children’s Church (Grades 1-6): 9:15 am, Elementary Classes: 10:30 am, “The Garden” Nursery & Preschool Classes: 9:15 & 10:30 am. Find us online: www.nmfbc.orgg

NON-DENOMINATIONAL Christian Fellowship Church 1002 State Road 114 East N. Manchester, IN 46962. Christian Fellowship Church Services - Sunday Worship: 10 AM. Celebrate Recovery Tuesday at 6 PM and WOW Wednesday 6:30 PM. Pastor Jacob Good, 260-982-8558. p p g Freedom Life Church (Non-Denominational Full Gospel Church) 480 Washington St., Wabash, IN 46992. Pastor Tim Morrisett, 317385-4400. Adult Sunday School 9:30 a.m., Teens Jesus and Java Sunday morning 9:30 a.m., Sunday Morning Worship 10:30 a.m., Children'ss Church Sunday Morning 11:00 aa.m. Children m Nursery is provided. Sunday Night Worship 6:00 p.m. Wednesday Night: Adult Bible Study 7:00 p.m., Teen Bible Study 7:00 p.m.

Wabash W b h Friends F i d Ch Church h 3563 S SState St t Rd 13 13, W Wabash, b h (260) 563 563-8452. 8452 Lead Pastor, Brandon Eatoon. Join us for in-person worship at 8:30AM or 10:45AM, or via live-stream on Facebook at 10:45AM. Children's programming avvailable infants - 6th grade. Sunday M. Youth (7th-12th) Sunday evenings school for all ages at 9:45AM at 6:30PM. The Lord’s Table - Verse by Versse 1975 Vernon St., Wabash, Indiana, 46992. Pastor Roxane Ma nn 260-571-7686. Wherever your w continue on. Verse by Verse - Book Spiritual walk is, join us as we by Book - Chapter by Chapter - Through the Bible. Full Gospel. Sunday worship 10:30 a.m.. W Wednesday Bible study 6:30 p.m. St P St. Paul’s l’ County C t Line Li Church Ch h 399 95N 1000W 1000W, A Andrews, d IN IN; Ph Phone 786 7863365. Non-Denominationall. Pastor Conrad Thompson. Sunday School at 9:00 a.m. Worship at 10:00 a.m. Youth program 6-8 p.m. on Sunday. Wednesday nightt Bible Study at 7 p.m. Urbana Yoke Parish 75 Half Streeet in Urbana, phone 260-774-3516, email: urbanaparish@gmai p @g Pastor Larry Wade. Worship 9:30 am, Sunday School 10::45 am, Bible Study Sunday evenings 6:00 pm. Walk by Faith Community Chu urch 515 Chippewa Road, corner of Chippewa & Beamer Sts. in n Roann; phone (765) 833-9931 or (765) 833-6561. Join us forr services and children’s worship at 10:00 am, Sunday School at 9 am. Pastor - Jody Tyner. All are welcome and we wou uld love for you to join us! lkb f i h h h “W lk b i h” Y h “Walk by F Faith” Youth www.walkbyfaithcommunit Sunday at 5 pm. Ministry meets ev ery PRESBYTERIAN Wabash Presbyterian Church Looving people with the heart of Christ in d at 123 W Hill St; phone: (260) 563the heart of Wabash. Located 8881; on the web at www Sunday Worship Service: 10 AM M. Children’s Sunday School during worship. Handicap accessiblle. Bible Study every Monday at 1pm. Find us on Facebook at faceb / p y . UNITED M METHODIST Christ United Methodist Churcch intersections of Wabash, Stitt & Manchester Ave.; phone 563 3-3308. Facilities & provisions for the physically handicapped,, hearing & sight impaired. Air conditioned. Sunday multi-m media worship service at 10 a.m. with Choir. Email: wabashchristu LaFontaine United Methodist Ch hurch La Fontaine United Methodist Church, P.O. Box 57 (Kendalll & Main St), La Fontaine; phone: 765981-4021; email: lafon ; website: ; Su usan Shambaugh, Pastor; Worship: 9:30AM, Sunday School: 10:45AM, nursery provided for both. Lincolnville United Methodist Ch hurch 5848 E. 500 S. Wabash, 765981-2648. Pastor: John Cook, 260-563-1406, m. 9:00 a.m. Sunday School; 9:40 a.m. Fellowship time; 10 :00 a.m. Morning worship. g hodist Church 306 East Second St., North Manchester United Meth 82-7537; Pastor Steve Bahrt. Worship North Manchester; (260) 98 p Time 9:00 a.m.; Sunday School 9:30 8:15 a.m.; Coffee Fellowship a.m.; Worship 10:30 a.m. Liive Streamed on Sundays @ 10:30 a.m. on Facebook at INManchesterUMC. Website: urch 290 N. Jefferson Street, Wabash, Richvalley United Methodist Chu 63-1033; Pastor Jack Suits. Email: IN 46992; Phone: 260-56 hip: 9:30am, Sunday School: 10:45am. Worsh Church 110 N. Cass St, Wabash; (260) Wabash First United Methodist C 563-3108; www.wabashfirsstumc.orgg; Pastor Nathan Whybrew, Youth Pastor Nick Smith h. Service Times: 8am and 10am in the sanctuary, 11am Facebook Live, / ashfirstumc . Youth Group times: Wednesday 6pm @ Wabash h First UMC, High School; Sunday 57pm @ Lincolnville UMC, Mid ddle School. WESSLEYAN Wabash North Wesleyan Churrch 600 Manchester Ave., Wabash. Morning Worship 10:30am;; Sunday School 9:30am; Wednesday Bible Study 6:00pm. Chu urch is wheelchair and handicap accessible. A place to feel saffe and loved! New Journey Community Church h Old W.C. Mills School. 1721 Vernon Street, Wabash, IN. 9:00 a.m. a - Frist Service, 10:30 a.m. Second Service. Change iis possible! Whether you are overchurched, un-churched, or de-churched d you’ll find a fresh start at New Journey. We keep th he important things like worship, teaching, community, and serving primary, while letting the unnecessaryy stuff fade intoo the background. g Our mission is to make life transformation th hrough Jesus Christ accessible to all people. So, come as you are and a be made new!


The Paper of Wabash County

June 22, 2022

Corinne “Cory” Wesco, 69

Douglas Clay Sr., 82

Retired from nursing

Avid outdoorsman

Enjoyed traveling

March 7, 1940 – June 12, 2022

Oct. 25, 1926 – June 13, 2022

Nov. 2, 1952 – June 13, 2022

Corinne Ellen “Cory” Wesco, 69, of rural Wabash, died at 12:29 p.m., Monday, June 13, 2022, at her home. She was born on Nov. 2, 1952, in Wabash, to John E. and Mary Ellen (Titus) Kerr. Cory was a 1971 graduate of Wabash High School and a graduate of the Tucker School of Nursing, in Marion. She married James Wesco in Wabash on May 10, 1985, and built their dream cabin together. Cory loved living in the country with their dogs. She loved her fur babies, and they will miss her very much. Cory’s passion was being a nurse. She retired from Rolling Meadows but never stopped “nursing”. All of her grandkids would call with every ailment, imaginary or not, because she gave the best advice. She loved spending time with her family more than anything. She also enjoyed crocheting, fishing, and working crossword puzzles. She is survived by her husband, James Wesco, daughter, Angie (Anthony) Discordia, five grandchildren, Emily Cooper, Malyssa Holley, Carol-Jane Holley, and Xander Rose, all of Wabash; and Zaac (Kennedy) Wesco of Alexandria; six great-grandchildren, Stevie, Morrison, Lily, Joey, Henry, and Zayn. She was preceded in death by her parents, and her beloved sister and forever friend, Cathy Proffitt, who died in 2019. Their bond knows no end. Per Cory’s request there will be a Celebration of Life service at a later date. Grandstaff-Hentgen Funeral Service is in charge of the arrangements. The memorial guest book for Cory may be signed at

Douglas Varnell Clay Sr., 82, of Lagro, died at 5:15 a.m., Sunday, June 12, 2022, at his home. He was born on March 7, 1940, in David, Ky., to Ollie James and Walenie (Castle) Clay. Doug was a graduate of Oil Springs High School, in Oil Springs, Ky. He married Patsy LeMaster in Kentucky on Jan. 16, 1961. He retired from General Tire/GenCorp, in Wabash, in 1999, and also owned Clay’s Bait and Archery for 5 years. Doug was a member of the Lagro Sons of the American Legion. He was an avid hunter and fisherman. He enjoyed archery, and shot the World Archery Shoot in Snow Shoe Mountain, W.Va., several times. He is survived by his wife, Patsy Clay of Lagro; three children, Douglas Varnell (Monica) Clay, Jr. of Brownsburg, James Lee (Carol) Clay of Noblesville, and Gretta (Lonnie) Townsend of North Manchester; six grandchildren, Tammy (Stephen) Mirante of Fortville, Ashley (Gary) Gearlds of Avon, James Lee (Kelsey) Clay, Jr of Noblesville, Shannon Clay-Emmitt of Brownsburg, Kayla (Alex) VanDiepenbos of Lagro, and Denver (Amanda) Brown, Jr. of Laketon; 11 great-grandchildren; and his sister, Regina Clay LeMaster of Kentucky. He was preceded in death by his parents, brother, Gary Clay, and sister, Janet VanHoose. Visitation was Saturday, June 18, 2022, at Grandstaff-Hentgen Funeral Service, Wabash. Preferred memorial is a fishing or hunting organization of the donor’s choice. The memorial guest book for Douglas may be signed at

Jeffery Capes, 57 Was a movie buff July 20, 1964 – June 11, 2022

Jeffery M. Capes, 57, passed away at 5:36 p.m. on Saturday, June 11, 2022, in Avon. He was born on July 20, 1964, to Jerry L. Capes and Roberta (Harrell) Alexander in Wabash. Jeffery worked in the Painter’s Union in Fort Wayne. He was a movie buff and an avid fisherman. Jeff especially loved being with his grandchildren. Jeffery is survived by his mother, Roberta Alexander of Wabash, Indiana; one son, Travis Capes of Marion, Indiana; three daughters, Amber Gulley, Kiri Burks, and Alexis Hill, all of Marion, Indiana; one sister, Shelly Steiner of Arizona; and 12 grandchildren and 3 great-grandchildren. He is proceeded in death by his father and one brother. Private family services will take place at LaFontaine I.O.O.F. Cemetery. McDonald Funeral Homes, 231 Falls Avenue, Wabash, Indiana, 46992, have been trusted with Jeffery Capes’ final arrangements. Online condolences may be directed to the family at

Betty Hamlin, 95

Betty Bell Wright Hamlin, 95, North Manchester, passed away on June 13, 2022 at Timbercrest Healthcare Center in North Manchester. The daughter of John T. and Hattie E. (McIntire) Bucher, Betty was born in Wabash County on Oct. 25, 1926. She attended Laketon High School where she played clarinet in the band. After graduating from Laketon High School in 1944, she went on to take courses at Indiana Business College. Betty retired as a secretary at Eaton Controls in North Manchester. On June 6, 1948, Betty married Jack “Bill” Wright whom she met at the age of 21 while attending the Silver Creek Church of God in Akron. Bill passed away on Nov. 21, 1974. Betty met and married her second husband, Donald W. Hamlin, in Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church on September 4, 1976. Donald passed away on June 30, 1982. Betty was fond of traveling and her favorite trips included Paris, France and Italy. She was an extremely skilled seamstress and basket weaver and was a member of Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church in North Manchester. Active in the Lutheran Women’s groups, she also enjoyed making quilts and lap blankets. Betty was a member of the North Manchester Historical Society, Pony Creek Basket Guild, and the Business & Professional Women’s Club. Betty is survived by her nephews, Jerry (Jan) Bucher, William “Bill” (Jacki) Bucher, Larry (Chris) Bucher, David (Kristy) Bucher, and Ted (Tuesday) Bucher; nieces, Judy (Kent) French, and Jane (Tim) Denney, and many greatnieces and nephews. She is preceded in death by her parents, John T. and Hattie E. (McIntire) Bucher; husbands, Jack “Bill” Wright, and Donald W. Hamlin; brothers, Daniel M. Bucher, and Eugene F. Bucher; and nephews, Ken Bucher and John Bucher. Visitation and services were Friday, June 17, 2022, at McKee Mortuary, 1401 State Road 114 West, North Manchester. Pastor Laura Stone officiated. Burial was at Oaklawn Cemetery, 600 Beckley St., North Manchester. For those who wish to honor the memory of Betty Hamlin, memorial may be made to Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church, 113 W. Main St., North Manchester. The family of Betty Hamlin has entrusted McKee Mortuary with care and final arrangements. Condolences may be emailed to

June 22, 2022

The Paper of Wabash County Jeannette Renbarger, 105 Worked as school secretary Sept. 3, 1916 – June 14, 2022

Jeannette Renbarger , age 105 passed away peacefully on Tuesday, June 14, 2022 at Colonial Oaks Health Care in Marion. Jeannette was born Sept. 3, 1916 in Grant County, the daughter of the late Glem W. Nelson and Lulu (Maddox) Nelson. She attended Van Buren High School and graduated in 1933. She extended her education by attending the Indiana Business College in Marion. Her career consisted of various administrative positions including Marion Courthouse Corn-Hog Office (later AAA), cashier at Swift and Company, Marion. In 1955, after several years of raising a family, she returned to work as Secretary to the Principal of Sweetser High School. She continued in that position during the school consolidation of Sweetser, Swayzee and Converse joining to become Oak Hill School Corporation. She retired in 1963. Her activities in church, school, community, and family were varied and extensive. For nearly 90 years Jeannette was a life-long member of the First United Methodist Church in Marion, Indiana and was kitchen manager there for many years. She was a life member of Delta Theta Tau, member of the Pleasant Township Home Economics Club, Mount Olive Grade School PTO, a 4-H Club leader, a member of Progressive Farm Club, Pleasant Township and a 40 year member of the Grant County YMCA Marge McClure Fitness Class. In retirement years she and her husband enjoyed wintering in Ft. Myers Beach, Florida. She enjoyed golf, floor aerobics and club activities at The Palms of Bay Beach. She started the Palms of Beach Fitness Class including instructions in floor and swimming exercises. They were longtime residents of Colonial Oaks Retirement Health and Rehabilitation Center in Marion. Preceding her in death were her parents, Glem W. Nelson and Lulu Nelson (Maddox), Marion, and her husband, Marvin Dee Renbarger, Marion; a sister, Martha Walker (Fred) Marion; a brother, David H. Nelson (Mary Ann), Marion;, a sister, Joan MacFarlane, Overland Park, Kansas, a son-in-law, Larry Curless, Wabash, and greatgrandchildren, Ramie and Shey Harris, Marion. She is survived by three daughters, Anne Curless, Marion, Lynn Hamm (Don), Fort Wayne, and Rita Holloway (Tom), Marion; a son, Jerry Renbarger (Judy), Augusta, Ga; 10 grandchildren, Wade Reyburn (Paula), Port Charlotte, Florida, Dr. Todd Reyburn (Rhoda), Kokomo, Indiana, Brent Hamm (Kristyn), Fishers, Robb Hamm (Amy), Canton, Ga., Wendy Reilly (Mike), Fishers, Sherry Giese (Tony), Syracuse, Tommy Holloway, Marion, Dr. Jimmy Holloway (Heather), LaFontaine, Anjie Rosete, Alpharetta, Ga., and Dr. Joni Renbarger, Biloxi, Miss.; and 21 great-grandchildren; seven step-great-great-great and great-great-great grandchildren. A very special sign of appreciation is extended to Heart to Heart Hospice and to the entire staff at Colonial Oaks for the unconditional love and never ending care. Visitaton and services were Monday, June 20, 2022, at Raven-Choate Funeral Home, 1202 W. Kem Road, Marion. Pastor Wes Rediger officiated. Burial was in Grant Memorial Park Cemetery, Marion, Indiana. Memorial contributions can be made to First United Methodist Church, 624 S. Adams Street, Marion, IN 46953; or to Oak Chapel United Methodist Church, 1335 Jadden Road, Marion, IN 46953. Online condolences and memories for the family can be shared at www.raven-


Larry Wilkerson, 78 U.S. Navy veteran Sept. 9, 1943 – June 11, 2022 Larry C. Wilkerson, 78, a lifetime resident of Wabash, passed away at 12:33 p.m. on Saturday, June 11, 2022, at his home. He was born on Sept. 9, 1943, to Richard and Wilma (Faust) Wilkerson in Wabash. Larry was a 1962 graduate of Wabash High School. He served in the United States Navy. He served on the Wabash City Fire Department from 1971 to 1995, then retiring in 1995. He then worked for Dana Corp. in Andrews, then worked for Hileman’s Heating and Cooling. He was a member of the American Legion Post 15 of Wabash and a member of the American Legion Riders of Wabash. Larry is survived by one son, Drew (Molly) Wilkerson of Stevensville, Mich.; one daughter, Emily King of Wabash; four grandchildren, Alexa (Jake) Dials, Keaton Wilkerson, Edison (Kennedy) King, Gracie Mae Wilkerson; four greatgrandchildren, Ella King, Kassius Dials, Koda Dials, Kaliber Dials; two sisters, Sharon (Michael) Fisher of Wabash, Gaye Lynn (Steve) Orr of Wabash; and several cousins, nieces, and nephews. He was proceeded in death by one son, Andrew Wilkerson, and his parents. Visitation and funeral services were Tuesday June 21, 2022, at McDonald Funeral Homes 231 Falls Ave. Wabash, with Pastor David Phillips officiating. Private family graveside services will follow at Marion National Cemetery in Marion, Indiana. Preferred memorials are to be directed to the American Legion Post 15 in care of McDonald Funeral Homes. McDonald Funeral Homes, 231 Falls Ave., Wabash, have been trusted with Larry Wilkerson’s final arrangements. Online condolences may be directed to the family at

Police & Fire Reports North Manchester Public Safety Reports Accidents June 9 3:50 p.m. — A vehicle driven by Noah M. Burkhart, 17, Wabash struck a parked vehicle owned by James L. Hunt, 40, North Manchester in the 100 block of South River Road. June 11 9:57 p.m. — Vehicles driven by Scott A. Egbert, 53, Botkins, Ohio and Brittany S. Reese, 22, Leesburg collided at the intersection of SR 114 and Wabash Street. Fire Runs Units from North Manchester, Chester and Pleasant Township fire departments responded: June 12

4:41 p.m. — responded to an alarm in the 600 block of East College Avenue. Wabash Sheriff ’s Department Accidents June 12 9:06 p.m. — Vehicles driven by Jonathon R. Strong, 26, Peru and Lora A. Disbro, 54, Peru collided at the intersection of County Road 700 W and CR 200 N, Wabash. Damage up to $50,000. June 14 8:20 a.m. — Vehicles driven by Saw M. Wah, 39, Fort Wayne and William M. Futrell, 69, Wabash collided at the intersection of State Road 15 and CR 600 S, Wabash. Damage up to $10,000. Cont. on Page 10.


The Paper of Wabash County

Weekly reports June 15 3:45 p.m. — Vehicles driven by Jan E. Kent, 70, Marion and Phil O. Burgan, 79, Kokomo collided at the intersection of SR 15 and SR 114, North Manchester. Damage up to $2,500. June 16 4:25 p.m. — A vehicle driven by James L. Black, 21, Wabash left the roadway on SR 115, north of US 24 due to excessive tire shake. Black’s vehicle struck a utility pole. Damage up to $5,000. Arrests June 10 — Larry H. Moore, 43, Wabash was arrested for burglary and theft. June 11 — David N. Ramos, 50, Wabash was arrested for possession of methamphetamine and possession of paraphernalia. June 11 — Sandra E. Ramos, 49, Wabash was arrested for possession of methamphetamine and possession of paraphernalia. June 11 — Shelby M. Donaldson, 26, Wabash was arrested for operating a vehicle with a BAC of .08 or more. June 12 — Javais T. Johnson, 37, Wabash was arrested for public intoxication, disorderly conduct and criminal mischief. June 12 — Randall E. Hopkins, 57, Roann was arrested on three counts of operating while intoxicated, resisting law enforcement, battery on a person younger than 14, strangulation and domestic battery. June 12 — Noland S. Lock, 18, Monon, was arrested for escape. June 13 — Gerald R. Thompson, 33,

Avila was arrested on four counts of child molestation. June 14 — Paul J. Stephan, 41, Huntington was arrested for unlawful possession of a syringe and resisting law enforcement. June 14 — Rachael M. Hight, 30, Warsaw was arrested for possession of marijuana and operating a vehicle under the influence of a controlled substance. June 14 — Tiffany Haupert, 45, Urbana was arrested for battery against a public safety official. June 15 — Kyle D. Welsh, 27, Alexandria was arrested for failure to appear. June 15 — Bobbie Jean B. Ford, 33, Kokomo was arrested for failure to appear, false informing and two counts of possession of marijuana with a prior. June 15 — Trevor A. Titus, 35, Wabash was arrested for leaving the scene of an accident. June 16 — Terry L. Peregrine, 38, Plymouth was arrested for criminal trespass, criminal mischief and battery resulting in bodily injury. Land Transfers The following land transfers were reported by the Wabash County Recorder’s Office from June 6 to June 10, 2022: James L. Cummins, quit claim deed to Jill L. Cummins. Adam Handley and Tanyale Handley, warranty deed to Karina Lynn and Rodney Lynn. Rhonda Siders, Rick Leach, Randy Leach and Donnie Leach, warranty deed to Peyton Garrett and Victoria Bogert.

...continued from Page 9 James T. A. Shroyer and James A. Shroyer, personal deed to Deron Sherry and Cynthia Sherry. Bott Properties, LLC, warranty deed to Mark A. Hills. Jeremy Dye, quit claim deed to Jeremy Dye and Mary Dye. Gregory D. Lee, warranty deed to Amanda J. Shepherd. Richard K. Niccum and Elaine R. Niccum, warranty deed to Silver and Associates, LLC. James C. Lefforge, Cathie A. Lefforge and Cathie A. Siegel, quit claim deed to James C. Lefforge, Cathie A. Lefforge and Lefforge Family Trust. Robert Love and Tiffanie Love, quit claim deed to Robert Webb and Tiffanie Love. Charles W. Edmond, quit claim deed to Jerry W. Hendrix. Jerry W. Hendrix, quit claim deed to Rick Driscoll and Kimberly Driscoll. Connor J. Fraser and Matthew D. Fraser, warranty deed to Ralph J. Ramey. Deborah D. Hein, warranty deed to Christina Spencer. Christina Spencer, quit claim deed to Christina Spencer and Timothy R. Brewer. S & C Property Investments, LLC, warranty deed to Kathleen C. Scranton and Brian L. Scranton. Randy D. Osborne, quit claim deed to Julie N. Osborne. Vickie Elaine Barton, Richard Steven Barton and Alice Imogene Barton Irrevocable Family Trust, trust deed to Brian Ridgeway and Cheryl A. Ridgeway.

Tammy M. Keirn and Bechtold Irrevocable Family Trust, trust deed to Stephanie L. Judy and Matthew T. Bechtold. Shawn Reynard and Angela Reynard, warranty deed to Kellyn S. Bechtold, Kevin J. Bechtold and Karen S. Bechtold. Scott Eberly and Darla Eberly, warranty deed to Aaron M. Snover. Aaron M. Snover, quit claim deed to Aaron M. Snover. Brent E. Harrison and Duane Homer Davis, personal deed to Shane Allen Paul King. Kerry D. Moore and Toni K. Moore, quit claim deed to Scottie Moore and Thomas Moore. Fayanne S. Wertenberger and Ken M. Wertenberger, quit claim deed to Fayanne S. Wertenberger, Whitney Sue Scott, Tyler J. Wertenberger and Lincoln J. Wertenberger. Stanley Earl Stapleton, quit claim deed to Stanley Earl Stapleton and Tracy Lynn Stapleton. James P. King, quit claim deed to James P. King and Staci King. Lynn Allen Blocher, Wendy Sue Blocher and Lynn Allen Blocher and Wendy Sue Blocher Revocable Trust, trust deed to Lynn

Blocher Properties, LLC. Shane Allen Paul King, quit claim deed to Shane Allen Paul King and Paige Marie Frank. Terry Scher and Susan Scher, warranty deed to Jessica L. Kniesly. Carolyn Jones and Cleo Jones, warranty deed to Eric A. Metzger and Rachel E. Metzger. Kelly Riddle and Mark Lester, warranty deed to Ralph G. Swain and Laurie B. Swain. Trevor R. Sleighter and Frances M. Sleighter, warranty deed to Kyle J. Owen and Ashlyn Randall. Jeffrey J. Rager, Natalie A. Rager, Corbin J. Rager and Norma J. Rager, warranty deed to Corbin J. Rager. Building Permits The Wabash County Plan Commission Office issued the following building permits from June 12, 2022 to June 18, 2022. Robert Weaver, porch Nathan and Tabitha Welch, new home Aaron Dyson, business sign Iris White, new home Ed Church, barn Shirley Pontius, demo permit

June 22, 2022

Manchester Intermediate announces year’s final honor roll Officials at Manchester Intermediate School have announced the honor roll for the fourth quarter of the 2021-22 school year. Earning honors were: Fourth Grade: Blakely Allen, Brooklyn Baker, Alexander Blankenship, Mackenna Bolinger, Ainslee Brubaker, Gabriella Brubaker, Vincent Bueno, Ella Conley, Addelin DeWaard, Colton Eakright, Karter French, James Garber, Brynna Harshman, Delaney Harshman, Kerrington Hearn, Chance Hendrix, Evan Jent, Jonnisti Johnson, Isaac Johnston, Raelynne Jones, Ava Kerr and Hayden Krom. Also, Blaine Landes, Cooper Lauer, Kendall Lauer, Mason Licata, Samuel Macias, Ainsley Metzger, Caleb Metzger, Tenley Metzger, Lane Miller, Lilly Miller, Varick Miller, Remington Penrod, Liam Porras, Finley Pyle, Natalie Reed, Aydin Russell, Tristan Sellers, Aryanna Shepherd, Levi Smith, Elijah Sorg, Lyra Spangle, Landree Warnock, Braxton Westendorf, Tessa Who and Leila Wiley. Fifth Grade: Karson Applegate, Gaven Baermann, Chloe Benedict, Elin Betten, Amy Brovont, Maddie Brovont, Kelsie Brubaker, Arabell Conover, Clare D’Andrea, Hanna Dawson, Hope Dawson, McKayla Dillon, Rachel Eberly, Kai Elliott, Amara Everage, Easton Foust, Ameila Fulk, Brooklyn Grimes, Kedryk Haecker, Kiptyn Haecker, Tate HArtin, Jenson Haywood, Dyson Holmes, Landon Jackson, Kennedy Jones, Izabelle Keaffaber, Landon Kewish, Ellie Kopkey and Graham Kreps-Miller. Also, Katherine Lehman, Landon Longanecker, Cale MArkstahler, Camila Mata Reyes, Ely Mobley, Mason Neal, Nevaeh Ortiz, David Ousley, Mylie Patton, Mahayllie Cont. on Pg. 13.




The Paper of Wabash County

June 22, 2022

Cole Pristasch practices prior to racing action in the 65 CC Junior division. Pristasch placed fifth during the Umbarger Classic Sunday, June 19 at the Wabash Cannonball Motorcycle Club track. Photos by Phil Smith


...continued from Page 1

turnout for the event was favorable as well. “We’ve had some slim years, but the turnouts have definitely been picking up,” he continued. “We have some really neat, very old bikes here today. It’s fun to look at the old bikes. We’ve got super little kids here too.” The races are divided for ages and bike size. One youngster who competed in the event was 13-year-old Gavin Vetor of Warsaw who said he actually prefers it when the weather is cantankerous. “It’s really exciting,” said Vetor, who’s been competing since he was seven. “I like it when it’s rainy and muddy, it’s more fun.” Vetor said he began riding and becoming more proficient until his parents promoted him by buying a dirt bike. The club, as well as the track located on the south side of Wabash, has decades of history. “It was just a couple of guys who started the track and they started the club and back then, it was a flat track,” said McCray. “So, it was like old Harleys and old Indians and it was just a big oval. Waldo Brandt was one of the original members and I’m pretty sure that’s actually where Mike learned to ride a motorcycle was out at the Cannonball. McCray said part of Sunday’s festivities was the vintage series. “It’s all these older dudes who collect these older dirt bikes from like the 50s, 60s, 70s…they’ll show up with these old, old dirt bikes and this race is for them. They go out and ride the old bikes on the modern track. It’s pretty cool and we usually have a good turnout for it. Our main purpose is just to promote the sport of motocross and to help keep it alive.” Competing on Sunday was Richard Stephens, 67, who drove approximately four or five hours from Mount Vernon, Ohio, to participate in the event. Stephens said a double knee replacement four years ago was not about to slow him down. “It’s an addictive sport and once you get it in your blood, whether it’s motocross or flat track or street bikes or whatever, just that thrill of being on that motorcycle gives you that energy that’s unbelievable.”

At left, a competitor adjusts his gloves before morning practice. Above right, father and son Mike and Joseph Stewart of Indianapolis size up the track before racing begins. At right, Shane McCray pops the question to Kaitlyn Sprinkle prior to the first race.

Umbarger Classic results Provided by Wabash Cannonball Motorcycle Club 50 CC Sr. 1.— Joseph Stewart 2.— Karter Hayslett 3.— Eli Schuell Next Gen 50 Plus 1.— Donald J. Baker 2.— Matt Davis 3.— Scot Geller Next Gen 60 Plus 1.— Mike Hall 2.— Kevin Kline 3.— Mike Elliott PV Ultima/Pre Mod 500 1.— Simon Farmer 250-A 1.— Kiefer Banter 2.— Cameron Howard 250-B 1.— Casey Schuell 2.— Ethan Colvin 250-C 1.— Bryant Swinford 2.— Logan Beeler 3.— Xavier King 450-A 1.— Nick Hunt 2.— Adam W. Lock 3.— Jacob A. Wagner 450-B 1.— Matt Hanley 2.— Mike Eusey 3.— Ethan Colvin 450-C 1.— Bryant Swinford 2.— Logan Beeler 3.— Xavier King 125 CC 2 Stk Support 1.— Bryce J. Butler 2.— Logan Rickner 3.— Caiden Waite Modern 40 plus Support 1.— Peter S. Pristasch 2.— Shane Chellis 3.— Blake Baumer Next Gen 50 plus

1.— Donald J. Baker 2.— Matt Davis 3.— Scot Geller 65 CC Sr. 1.— Noah Schuell 2.— Bryson Schnelle 3.— Kartson Hayslett 85 CC Sr. 1.— Boe D. Lookabill 2.— Owen Thiele 3.— Brighton Harrington 125 CC 2 Stk Support 1.— Logan Rickner 2.— Jackson Elliott 3.— Cordi Pattison Modern 40 plus Support 1.— Peter S. Pristasch 2.— Shane Chellis 3.— Austin Gowen Next Gen 50 plus 1.— Donald J. Baker 2.— Matt Davis 3.— Scot Geller 65 CC Jr. 1.— Dane Mason 2.— Gavin Malott 3.— Cameron Siegle 86 CC Beginner 1.— Aden Lowe 2.— Gabe Mathews 3.— Jayce Wampler Super Mini 1.— Boe Lookabill 2.— Mateo Davis 3.— Karter Behny Current 2Stk 250 1.— Jackson Elliott Next Gen/Millen 250 1.— Taylor Addis Open A 1.— Austin Mallott Open B 1.— Aaron New 2.— Matt Hanley 3.— Mason Wilson Open C 1.— Tyler Jones 2.— Jonah Jones

3.— Ronald Skinner Vet 40 plus 1.— Kenneth R. Honn 2.— Josh Wallace 3.— Rod Rodkey Current 2Stk 250 Open 1.— Bailey Batchelor 2.— Cordi Pattison 3.— Brodi Pattison Open Support/2Stk4St 1.— Mike Eusey 2.— Luke Gallow 3.— Nathan Folley Classic Sportsman 1.— Jim Golliher Next Gen/Millen 125 1.— Bryce J. Butler 2.— Caiden Waite 3.— Jake Shaw PV Historic/GP 250 1.— Jim Golliher PV Historic/GP 500 1.— Simon Farmer 2.— Richard Stephens 3.— Karl Schamberger Vintage Open Age 1.— Donald J. Baker 2.— Luke Drake Vintage 100 1.— Sam Trumbauer Vintage 60 plus 1.— Richard Stephens 2.— Joe Rozek PV 100 1.— Matt Davis PV 50 plus 1.— Josh Wallace 2.— Jim Golliher PV 60 plus 1.— Karl Schamberger 2.— Richard Stephens 3.— Joe Rozek PV 70 plus 1.— Tim Graves 2.— Ethan Colvin Women’s 1.— Ava Elliott 2.— Madalyn Schnelle



The Paper of Wabash County

June 22, 2022

Habitat names new executive director

McDonald receives honor: Carol McDonald (right) receives a plaque from Ellen Stouffer in recognition of her 26 years as president of the Woman’s Clubhouse in Wabash. She received the plaque which will hang in the Clubhouse’s Wall of Outstanding Women. She also received the title of President Emeritus. In other business, Stouffer was elected as the new Clubhouse president. Other officers are 1st Vice President Heather Allen-Hoover; 2nd Vice President Mary Delauter; and Treasurer Kathy Baker. Photo provided

Delta Kappa Gamma meets Alpha Zeta Chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma Society International (DKG) met May 14 at the Upland Pierce United Methodist Church. The meeting was called to order by President Ann Ambler with 14 members present. Karen Miller offered the prayer before a delicious breakfast. For the program, First Vice President Vicki Hinen paid tribute to the 12 founders of the society, which began on May 11, 1929, in Austin, Texas. DKG was started in Indiana Jan. 9, 1938 with 17 founders. Vicki calculated

that those attending this meeting had given 646 years of service to DKG, while the entire chapter had 1, 015 years of service. The following members were recognized with a rose and certificate for their years in DKG: Jadean Barnes 25 years, Ruth Moreland 25 years, Barb Spaulding 35 years, Leona Bear 35 years, Carol Herzog 40 years, Margaret Wilson 45 years, and Kathaleen Reese 65 years. In the business meeting, thank you notes were read from DKG International for the monetary memorial for Laurel Steill and

for a donation to the International Emergency Fund. Cheer Chairman Jadean Barnes noted she had sent a sympathy card and a get well card to those needing encouragement. Professonal Growth and Development Chair Karen Kenny read “The Thank You Book,” an Elephant and Piggy book emphasizing the importance of showing appreciation to others. The musical interlude included the singing of “The Founders’ Torch” and “What’s the Weather in Song Today?” Roxanne Thomas standing in for Chair Mary

Catherine Palmer presented a memorial service for Laurel Steill who passed away this year. Laureill taught in Columbia City for 38 years. Ann Ambler officiated at the installation of officers: President—Mary Catherine Palmer 1st Vice President —Kirsten Jines 2nd Vice President — Karen Bandelier Recording Secretary —Donna Myer Corresponding Secretary — Roxanne Thomas Treasurer —Sue Corbin Parliamentarianelect—Carol Herzog

Wabash County Habitat for Humanity has named Becky Arnett as its new Executive Director. Arnett will succeed Erika Kambs, who has been with Habitat since 2018. “I am excited to be a part of such a worthwhile organization,”, said Arnett. “Even though I am fairly new to town, I already feel like Wabash is my home.” Arnett is a 2021 graduate of Indiana Tech and is pursuing a degree in Organizational Leadership. She is a former partner/homeowner with Habitat. She built her house in Huntington in 2010. Arnett recently relocated to Wabash and brings with her a wealth of knowledge and first- hand experience about Habitat for Humanity. Habitat for Humanity is a nonprofit organization


that helps families build and improve places to call home. Members believe affordable housing plays a critical role in strong and stable communities. Since 1991, Wabash County Habitat for

Humanity has been building and renovating homes in partnership with volunteers, the community and those in need of safe, affordable and adequate WCHFH has plans for construction in 2023 already in place. New homeowner applications will be available Sept. 1Oct. 31 for the next build in 2024. Donations are always welcome and can be tax deductible. The local Habitat office is located at 375 Manchester Ave., Wabash.

The Paper of Wabash County

June 22, 2022

Honeywell announces 7 new shows Honeywell Arts & Entertainment announced seven new shows added to the Honeywell Center lineup. Tickets go on sale Fri. June 24 at 10 a.m. and will be available online at or by calling 260.563.1102. MasterChef Junior Live! – Sunday, October 2, 6:00 p.m. America’s favorite cooking show is now on tour! MasterChef Junior Live! is a high-energy, interactive stage produc-

The Fort Wayne Philharmonic will perform its Holiday Pops concert on Tuesday, Dec. 20. Photo provided

tion that brings the

Honor roll

Reffitt, Calli Renz, Jett Reuter, Sawyer Reynolds, Isaac Sanson, Emersyn Sarber, Madelyn Sarll, Sophia Sheppard, Jacob Trout, Owen Vineyard, Ella Walker, Carson Weitzel, Braxton

Whiteman, Christian Young and Jocelyn Young. Sixth Grade: Aiden Bahney, Abe Brovont, Otto Brovont, Cora Brown, Dayana Cortes, Sophia Cumberland, Moncerath Davila,

culinary hit TV

show to fans and

...continued from Page 10 Malachi Edgecomb, Finley Espeset, Sophia Evans, Xavier Fox,, Ezra Hendricks, Paetyn Holloway and Alexis Jarrett. Also, Carson McLain, Harris Metzger, Kayulee Metzger, Sebastian

Mucu Kindy, Ella Peden, Hayden Renz, Lilyenne Sare, Layne Showalter, Dante Simpson, Piper Spangle, Brynlee Spann, Maryssa Stroud, Lacy Trump and Lincoln Young.

foodies alike. Watch season 8’s winner, finalist, and fan favorites as they take to the stage in head-tohead cooking demonstrations and fun (sometimes messy!) challenges in this immersive experience perfect for all ages. Most seats $25, $35. Limited premium seating $65. Celebrate the Music of Neil Diamond, I Am...He Said – Friday, Oct. 7, 7:30 p.m. Matt Vee and band present a celebration of Neil

Diamond’s greatest hits including “Cracklin’ Rosie,” “Song Sung Blue,” “America,” “Sweet Caroline” and more. Most seats $20, $35. The performance is welcomed by 105.9 The Bash. Limited premium seating $55. A Charlie Brown Christmas - Live On Stage! – Thursday, Dec. 15, 7:30 p.m. Everyone’s favorite holiday classic comes to life in this spectacular new tour! Adapted from Charles M. Schulz’s timeless story and featuring


the music of Vince Guaraldi, A Charlie Brown Christmas is a present the whole family can enjoy. Join Charlie Brown, Snoopy, Lucy, Linus, and the whole Peanuts gang as they sing, dance, and learn the true meaning of Christmas. Most seats $39, $49. Limited premium seating $79. Fort Wayne Philharmonic Holiday Pops – Tuesday, Dec. 20, 7:30 p.m. Take a journey through the winter wonderlands Cont. on Pg. 15.


The Paper of Wabash County

June 22, 2022

Strawberry season is here!

By Laura Kurella Nothing beats locallygrown strawberries, especially if you are blessed to live in the Midwest! This is because locallygrown strawberries are more fully ripened while on the vine, which gives them a sweeter flavor, and brighter red color throughout the entire berry. Strawberries from other states are picked before they fully ripen to help extend their shelf life. However, once a strawberry has been picked it can ripen no more. Therefore, the only way to enjoy the very best, Godgiven taste in a strawberry is to buy them when they are in season locally, which is right now throughout the entire state of Michigan! While we are all familiar with strawberries, many of us don’t know much more beyond the fact that they taste good, but there’s more to this incredible summer treat than meets the eye, or tongue. Being the only berry whose seeds appear on the outside of the fruit; strawberries were originally called “strewberries” for the way the berries appear to be strewn among their leaves. Hailing from the rose family, with a lengthy European history, strawberries were first cultivated in France in late 13th century for medicinal purposes because in folk medicine it has long been believed that eating fresh strawberries can prevent (or relieve) kidney stones, and a three-day fast of nothing but fresh strawberries is thought to bring about a cure for gout. A famous botanist named Linnaeus said that strawberries had worked so well for his inflammatory conditions that he referred to them as “A blessing from God!” Since fresh berries do provide salicylates, the active ingredients of aspirin, headache sufferers can also benefit from eating them as well. Rubbing fresh strawberries on your gums is said to heal sore gums, and rubbing berries on your teeth can remove tartar, stains, and discoloration without harming your enamel. With all the wonderful things a strawberry can do, it’s no wonder they’ve become one of the most important small fruits

Fabulous Fried Strawberries Makes:4 servings 1-pint fresh strawberries 1 cup all-purpose flour 1egg 1 cup milk, or sub 1 cup graham cracker crumbs 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon granulated sugar for sprinkling oil (for frying) whipped cream (optional) Wash and stem strawberries then pat dry with paper towels. In a shallow dish place flour. In a second bowl, beat egg and milk together. In a third bowl, mix cinnamon and graham cracker crumbs. Line up bowls then dredge strawberries first in flour, then in egg/milk mixture, then finish by rolling them in the graham cracker mixture. Heat 2 inches worth of oil to 360 degrees then deep fry strawberries for 1 to 2 minutes or until coating is crisped. Drain on paper towels. Place sugar in a shallow bowl and roll strawberries in the sugar while still hot. Place 4 berries per plate, then add a dollop of whipped cream, if desired.

Summer is so worth celebrating, and strawberries help us enjoy an explosion of summer fresh flavor in every bite! Photo by Laura Kurella

grown in the Western Hemisphere. When picking or purchasing, be sure to select only fully ripened berries because strawberries cannot ripen any further – only rot – once they are plucked from their vines. Strawberries also don’t have a long shelf life so wait to buy them until right up to the day you plan to use or store them. Here now are some simple yet special ways to indulge in this season’s best. Enjoy! Laura Kurella is an award-winning recipe devel-

oper and Midwest-based food columnist who loves sharing what she’s cooking up in her kitchen. Connect with her at Simple Strawberry Yogurt Parfaits Makes:4 parfaits Prep Time: 10 minutes; Total Time: 40 minutes 2 cups strawberries, sliced 2 tablespoons granulated sugar 2 cups vanilla yogurt, reg. or on-dairy, divided use Whipped cream, for garnish (optional) In a small bowl, toss sliced strawberries with sugar and

let sit for 30 minutes. To build parfaits, line the walls of four clear, shallow 1/2-cup size bowl or cup with slices of strawberries then add 1/4-cup of the vanilla yogurt in the bottom, being careful not to disturb strawberry slices. Top yogurt with a layer of sliced strawberries, then repeat the process by topping with remaining yogurt. Top each parfait with whipped cream, if desired, then garnish with sliced strawberries and serve immediately.

Strawberry Balsamic Bruschetta Prep time: 10 minutes; Cook time: 12 minutes; Total time: 22 minutes. Yield: 4 to 8 servings 1 (4 ounce) French baguette, sliced diagonally into eight slices 3 ounces goat cheese 8 fresh strawberries, sliced 1 tablespoon finely sliced fresh basil, loose, not packed 1 teaspoon balsamic glaze Preheat the oven to 400 degrees. Place baguette slices on a foil lined baking sheet and spray tops with cooking spray. Flip slices over and spray the other side as well. Place baguette slices in the oven for 10-14 minutes until the edges are golden. Allow to cool for a few minutes until easy to handle. Spread each slice with goat cheese, dividing it evenly. Top each slice with one sliced strawberry and a sprinkle of basil over the top. Drizzle with balsamic glaze and serve immediately.

The Paper of Wabash County

June 22, 2022


Winners announced in themed art contest The 2022 Themed Art Competition exhibit is on display in the Clark Gallery at the Honeywell Center through July 11. Sponsored by the City of Wabash, the exhibit features more than 40 works of art by 21 artists, with all pieces featuring a theme of Upside Down. Winning honors were awarded to works created by Elaine Balke of Silver Lake; Becky Bowman of Wabash; Rebecca Gazarik of Yoder; Jerry Ginther Rochester; Sarah Pyle of North Manchester; and Brenda Ramseier of Silver Lake. Artists receiving an Honorable Mention were Kelly Meadows of Peru; Barbara Pantaralka of Dubiecko, Ukraine; Shaun Edward Putnam of Kokomo; Christina

Becky Bowman’s entry, “Pineapple Upside Down Cake,” received the Sponsor’s Choice Award. Photos provided Slayton of Russiaville; Maria

Snapp of Tipton; and Elaine Wolfe of

New shows and traditional Christmases of bygone days right up to the present, in an entertaining concert of traditional and contemporary favorites. All tickets $20. Dean Z – The Ultimate Elvis! – Saturday, Jan. 21, 7:30 p.m. If you love the king of rock and roll, you’ll be blown away by Dean Z! He’s performed around the world for nearly two decades, and even received the honor of being named World’s Greatest Elvis Tribute by Elvis Presley Enterprises. Join us for an evening of music from all eras of Elvis’ legendary career. The performance is welcomed by 105.9 The Bash. Most seats $25, $35. Limited premium seating $55. Marshall

Charloff & Purple Xperience – Saturday, Feb. 4, 7:30 p.m. The Purple Xperience is a fivepiece group that presents the greatest and most authentic production of a Prince and The Revolution concert. Lead singer Marshall Charloff recreates

Westfield. Becky Bowman,

Wabash, received the Sponsor’s Choice Award. Pieces selected for the exhibit were chosen by judges David Hannon of Muncie and Sachi Yanari-Rizzo of Fort Wayne. Hannon, an Associate Professor of Art at Ball State University, has presented solo exhibitions in New York and Tennessee. His work has been featured in national juried exhibitions and art institutions at Xavier University, the Illinois Institute of Art Chicago’s Gallery 180, the Strohl Art Center in Chautauqua, New York, and more. Rizzo has served in a curator role at the Fort Wayne Museum of Art for nearly 30 years, most recently as Curator of Prints and Drawings. She holds a Master of

...continued from Page 13 the magic of Prince with the fashion, vocals, and even the multi-instrumental talent of the late legend. Most seats $29, $39. Limited premium seating $75. David Brighton’s Space Oddity: The Quintessential David Bowie Experience –

Saturday, March 4, 7:30 p.m. This live, multimedia spectacle presents a musical journey through the metamorphosis of David Bowie’s career. David Brighton and band deliver a stunning note-for-note theatrical concert event, transporting audiences from the

legend’s space-age rock idol phase through his years as a mainstream media star. Most seats $25, $35. Limited premium seating $50.

Jerry Ginther’s entry, “Six Identifying as Nine.” Arts degree from The Ohio State University and a

Bachelor of Arts degree from Michigan State.


The Paper of Wabash County

June 22, 2022

The monster truck, Country Strong, gets airborne going over several cars during a demonstration Saturday morning in Lagro.

Scenes from Lagro Good Ole Days

A youngster is all smiles — even his shirt — after getting a sucker thrown by one of the parade entries.

Photos by Joseph Slacian

Scott Siders led the parade, driving a float that played “The Star Spangled Banner” along the route.

The Paper of Wabash County

June 22, 2022


Veterans were honored with several entries during the Lagro Good Ole Days parade on Saturday.

Scenes from the Lagro Good Ole Days

People of all ages were participating in Saturday’s Lagro Good Ole Days parade. A pair of youngsters (top photo) wave as a Wabash County Sheriff ’s Deputy passes by in the Lagro Good Ole Days parade. Meanwhile, a young girl scurries about to collect candy thrown from passing floats.

Photos by Joseph Slacian


Wait for it! uilding anticipation is e po oint of most great ovie es. We are drawn to the dra-ma until -last, we find the solvve. The villain is defeated and the hero is vin-dicated. We live in the in-betw ween of these d a as dramas. The Bible says that God d is often found in the in-between; from start and finish He is present. (Isaiah 4 40:31) Wait for it in God! What drama are you in n the middle of? How can God meet with h you in the inbetween? v. Rick E. Carder - (Ric . Rev


The Paper of Wabash County

June 22, 2022

Tree of Life Christian Academy (TOLCA) is a Christ-centered Christian School providing students with an excellent education taught through a biblical worldview. The team starting TOLCA is working with a Christian organization called Renewanation to help coach them through the process of opening and maintaining a school. The school is planning to open its doors in the fall of 2023. They will start with Grades K-6 (and add a grade each year). TOLCA will be located at the South Pleasant building at 5064 W. 1400 N., North Manchester, IN 46962. (Just off 15, north of 114.) The team is actively looking for teachers for grades K-6. They are also looking for others who are passionate about Christian education to join the start-up team. If anyone is interested and would like to apply, they can go to the school website at Feel free to email or call Lauren with any questions at: tolcacademy@gmai or 574-4048149. ROANN CELEBRATION for the upcoming July 4th holiday: Activities will take place on Saturday, July 2, beginning with breakfast in the Roann Covered


New academy slated to open in 2023 Ann Meyer 765-833-2614 meyerann@

Bridge from 7am10am. Following the breakfast will be an antique pull (waiting for information on that). A horse pull is scheduled for Noon. Also, that weekend will be the town rummage sales if you would like to participate. This will be on Friday, July 1 and Saturday, July 2. We are fortunate to be able to continue to have our fireworks display each year. The Lions Club collects aluminum cans which help to cover a small part of the cost. But each year the cost continues to rise. It has increased by another $500 this year. The festival has given a donation to help out with the cost. If you would like to donate to the fireworks fund, you can send a donation to Roann Lions Club/Fireworks Fund, P.O. Box 322, Roann, IN 46974. Let’s keep the sparkle going in our “smalltown”. LIFE CENTER: As any parent of a toddler knows, boys are hard on clothing! We are in need of boys 2T

and 3T clothing for our free Mommy and Me Boutique. We accept gently used, non-stained clothing. If you can help, you may drop off during business hours or use our blessing box in our back parking lot. Thank you for helping us help others. Do you need formula? We might have what you need! Call or text 260-563-7275 or stop in at 489 Bond Street in Wabash. Open Monday 1-6pm, Wednesday 10am4pm, and Fridays 14pm. All services are free to parents, guardians and foster parents. IT’S THAT Time of Year! We will be having our Precious Child Contest again at the Wabash County 4-H Fair July 18-22. Voting is done by cash or change. Any Wabash County resident between the ages of newborn through 5 years old is eligible. Accepting entries until 4:00pm on July 15! LIFE Center Annual “Precious Child” Photo Contest: Prizes for first and second place. Requirements: Child must be Wabash County resident, age birth through 5 years; Photo must be 4x6 if mailed or brought into LIFE center; Child’s name, parents name, address must be on back of photo; Photos are to be submitted to

the LIFE Center office, 489 Bond Street, Wabash, IN 46992; Include a self-addressed, stamped envelope if you would like your photo returned; Previous first place winners are not eligible the next year. Entries are due by 4:00pm on July 15. Stop by our booth in the merchants building during the Wabash County 4-H Fair July 18-22 and vote by change or cash. ROANN COVERED Bridge Association met at Roann Town Hall on June 6, 2022 to discuss the Pancake and Sausage Breakfast at the bridge on July 2 from 7-10 a.m. The Association also discussed various fundraising ideas and projects. The Association is having a painting made of the bridge which will be raffled off. It is anticipated that the painting will be available for viewing and the purchase of raffle tickets will be at the

July 2nd Pancake and Sausage Breakfast. Volunteers are needed for the July 2nd breakfast and other fundraising activities. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Steve Hicks at 260377-8674 or Cynthia Schuler Donovan at 317-508-2368. THE STOCKDALE Mill is opened for the season. This is the 165th year for the mill. The mill is operated by a nonprofit community organization with 100% volunteer staff. Help is needed to keep it open and welcoming to our guests. Especially wanted are greeters on Saturdays, tour guides, and handy persons for restoration, maintenance, and landscaping on Tuesdays. If you can pitch in once or more per month, it would greatly be appreciated. Call Ron McColley at 260-330-9253 for more information. BALL TOURNAMENT at Roann started June 20 at 5:30pm with

Coaches Pitch games first and then a Major League game following. Game dates are June 20, 22, 24, and 25. PASTOR BALMER of the Roann United Methodist Church sermon for June 26 will be from Romans 3:9-18, 23 titled “Whatever Happened to Sin”. June birthdays will be celebrated. You are invited to worship in person or on Facebook at 9am. UPCOMING EVENTS: June 23 – Happy Homemakers, 9am; July 1 and 2 – Town Rummage sales; July 2 – July 4 celebration; July 7 – Roann Lions Club, 7pm; July 11 – Roann Town Board, 7pm; July 14 – Roann Heritage Meeting, 6:30pm. PLEASE CONTINUE praying for Jim Pell, Coy Eads, Ken Musselman, Rob Mace, Jim Huffman, Larry Meyer, Karla Stouffer, and our country. Stay safe and stay healthy. God bless you all! CELEBRATING

ANNIVERSARIES: June 22 – Mr. & Mrs. Jim Kendall; June 23 – Mr. & Mrs. Craig Hoppes and Mr. & Mrs. Daryn Cordes; June 24 – Mr. & Mrs. Don Richardson and Mr. & Mrs. Brian Myers; June 27 – Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Musselman. CELEBRATING BIRTHDAYS: June 22 – Sue Bennett; June 23 – Russell Quillen and Stuart Blackburn; June 24 – Stan Summers; June 25 – Alleen Summers and Amanda Randel; June 26 – Aideen Summers, Kaelea Sinclair, LeVoy Early, and Dennis Betzner; June 27 – Craig Hoppes; June 28 – James Deck and Cliff Gardner. I CAN BE reached by email at or at the Roann United Methodist Church on Tuesday and Thursday, 10am1pm. Also, I am reachable by phone 765833-2614. News deadline will be Wednesday at 10am to appear in the next weeks paper.

Urbana Yoke Parish Church’s vacation Bible school will be on Saturday, June 25, from 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Please invite your kids, grandkids, nieces, nephews, friends and neighbors. Kindergarten through sixth grade. Volunteers are needed. Lunch and snacks will be


Urbana church to host VBS on June 25

Michael Snell 260-774-3665 pinkynova71@

available. Contact

Stephanie Stambaugh at 260571-0223 for information. Attention veterans: if by chance you need to get to a medical facility for your appointment and you need a way, call 765-251-5908 D.A.V. Transportation to schedule MondayFriday 8 a.m. –

noon. This is Ffree transportation for all veterans to VA medical facilities. Prayer concerns: Marilyn Karns, Julie Miller, John Eltzroth, Eileen Weck, Alma DeVore, Phyllis Baker, Ron Baer, Duane Wagner, Kim and Brian Frank, Nancy Christie, Larry

Meyer, Ruth Summers, Paxton Wright, Jim and Pat Hartley, Coy Eads and his parents and sisters, Joni Fox, our nation and the leaders, our military personnel, our frontline responders and health providers. If anyone would like to have their name

added or removed from prayer concerns, please contact me. The Breakfast Bunch met at the Fried Egg on June 15. They try to meet every Wednesday about 7:30 a.m. and have breakfast together and talk about what is happening. Those attending

were Tom and Joyce Willcox, Larry and Nancy Meyers, Steve Gilbert, Peggy Dilling, Marca Snook and Pat McNabney. Come on down and join in on the fun. Rebel Rousers of Indiana Car Club Inc. will be hosting an open car show Cont. on Pg. 19

The Paper of Wabash County

June 22, 2022

Somerset fireworks show planned Somerset’s firworks display will be Sunday, July 3, at the softball field we will be able to see an excellent display along with a guitar version of the National Anthem. There will be raising the flag on a new flagpole provided by Ken Miller. The “pyrotechnic engineer”, Tim Devore, will oversee the fireworks. Lowell Shelton will bring a fire truck for safety. Parking will be available at the Elm Street Park. Bring your lawn chairs and insect repellent and prepare for a enjoyable evening starting after sunset at 9:15 p.m. Last year we collected and donated $500 to Tim to help defray the cost of the fireworks. I hope we can exceed that amount, so this display will continue next year. Ask your friends, neighbors and relatives to come and enjoy this program. EACH MONTH Josiah White’s staff are nominated for Employee of the Month based upon how they demonstrated the organization’s Core Values and How We Behave by being humble, effective, mission-driven, Christian, professional, and resilient to the

highest level! May’s Employee of the Month is Nick Bruss! LAFONTAINE UNITIED METHODIST CHURCH will host vacation Bible school on June 25 and 29 from 6-8:30 p.m. LIFE Center Annual “Precious Child” Photo Contest will have its Precious Child Contest again at the Wabash County 4H fair July 18-22. Voting is by change or cash. Any Wabash County resident between the ages of new born through 5 years old is eligible. Entries will be accepted until 4 p.m. July 15! Prizes will be awarded for first and second place. To enter: Child must be Wabash Co. resident age birth through 5 years Photo must be 4X6 if mailed or brought into LIFE Center Child's name, parents name, address must be on back of photo Photos are to be

submitted to the LIFE Center office, 489 Bond Street., Wabash IN 446992 Include a selfaddressed, stamped envelope if you would like your photo returned Previous first place winners are not eligible the next year. Include the child’s name, parents’ names, address, telephone number and child’s birthdate. Entry form can be found on Page 18. The TOWN OF LAFONTAINE board meeting was June 13 in the Town Hall. Present was President Jay Gillispie, board members, Lori Brane, John Krhin, town clerk, Diana Heath, attorney Jordon Tandy and Lance Gray, utility department. Gillespie opened the meeting followed by everyone saying the Pledge of Allegiance. Reports for Minutes, Town Marshal, Fire Department, Town Clerk/Treasurer were given and approved. It was stated that a budget needed to be done by the end of June for year 2022/23. Gillespie, Brane and John, Lori and Heath will meet on Monday June 25 to work on this and to be presented at the July board meeting.

Gillespie said that with the grant money that would be coming in, that a new checking account and at a different bank should be open. Because this money is to be used for the repair of sewage and water pipes lines, it would be easy to track it and to be audited. It was approved to have Heath open a new account with she and Gillespie as cosigners and to be done within a month. SOMERSET NEWS LodgeConcert-Meal on Sunday, July 3 at 7 p.m., the Lodge will be hosting a free meal and concert. The concert will be a piano trio consisting of Ken Miller, Logan Arnold and Hannah Miller. The meal will be traditional American fare consisting of hot dogs, hamburger, baked beans and chips. This will give you a chance to see the interior of the Lodge, then go over to the Elm Street Park to see the fireworks display. If you would like to attend, please RSVP to 260-5719809 so they can determine how much food to prepare. TOWN/TOWNSHIP WIDE RUMMAGE SALE July 15/16 2022

Lincoln Boyhood National Memorial are planned, with free time and shopping in Nashville on the way home. There are several spots remaining on this trip!! Deadline for final payment July 20. Trip includes two-nights lodging, two breakfasts, one lunch, two dinners,

and all tips and taxes. Luggage handling and Motorcoach transportation is also included. Cost is $499.00 per person double occupancy and $615 for single occupancy. For detailed information please contact: Bernie Ferringer, Tour Coordinator, 314

LaFontaine garage sales this year, and all items donated will be sold for this cause. Center officials are accepting gently used clothing, furniture no mattresses or tube TVs), home décor or monetary donations. Items donated can be dropped off at the center Monday-Friday from 9 a.m.-5 p.m. until July 1. LAFONTAINE CHRISTIAN CHURCH every Wednesday from 10:30 a.m. to noon will be Wiggling and Giggling and learning about Jesus! The 90minute program is open for children up to 5 years of age. VETERANS FAMILY AND FRIENDS Remember to order a brick for your veteran. Just call Jerry Wilson at 765981-4928 to order one and to give him the information for the brick. The cost is $75 and it is an 8-inch brick. The veteran does not have to live in this area or be from this area. If you have a veteran you would like to honor and know the years he or she served, please honor them with a brick. This memorial is located on the lawn of LaFontaine Community Building at 105 W.

Urbana news

S. Indiana trip planned Reservations are now being taken for the fall trip to Southern Indiana on Sept. 6, 7 & 8. Visits to t Indiana Caverns, Zimmerman Art Glass Demonstration, Turtle run Winery, Derby Dinner Playhouse and Show, Santa Claus Museum, Abe

Following is list of residents address who are participating: Addresses participating are: 314 E. Kendall, 7 W. Kendall, 214 W. Kendall, 12 E. Kendall, 210 E. Kendall, 110 Ashland Drive, 22 E. Branson St., 21 E. Branson St., 105 Branson St., 308 N. Wabash, 420 N. Wabash, 207 N. Wabash – LaFontaine Learning Community, 205 Walnut, 3 Clark St., 16 W. Parker St., 1606 East 900 S, 4644 E 1050 S, 2258 E 1050 S West of flashing light on State Road 15, 5325 E 975 S, 9227 S 50 E, 10563 S. America Road, 10577 S. America Road, Troyer Memorial Library Book Sale. GRADUATES from the class of Southwood Jr/Sr High School 1982 will have a 40-year class reunion at LaFontaine Community Building on Saturday Aug. 6, at noon. This will be a carry-in. Please let class mate Charles McKinley know if you will be attending. LAFONTAINE LEARNING CENTER are accepting donations to make improvements to the playground area to better accommodate the children. The center will be participating in the

Sunset Drive, Cont. on Pg. 20.

July 9 at the Urbana Ball Park. There is a $10 entry fee. Registration opens at 9 a.m. Show time 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. Awards at 3 p.m. Top 25 awards, specialty awards Best of Show, Best engine, Best Paint, Best Interior, Best Rat Rod, dash plaques, door prizes and ‘50s and


Branson St. LaFontaine 46940. HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY to Donna Lloyd on being 98 years young. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Gabe Kelly June 23, Alex Horine, Peter Madsen, Sheldon Jones June 24, Jonathon Friedersdorf Jun. 25, Evelyn Bridegroom, Jordan ridgeway June 26, David Compton, Idris Krhin, Mike Worthington, Don Garrison June 27, Terry Roser, June 28 Frank Vest June 29, Rita Herendeen, Makalya Miller June 30 HAPPY ANNIVERSARY Richard and Arlene Wolfgang, Tom and Joyce Willcox June 23, Andy and Candi Kirk, Sheldon and Marsha Jones June 24, bill and Laura Eppley, John and Lynn Swain June 25, Jeremy and Patti Steele June 26, Travis and Indi Piecy June 27, Brian and Josephine Miller, Tom and Connie Knable, Paul and Keisha Wright June 28, Dale and Turner May 29, Dwayne and Sheila “Bubbles” Lynn June 30 SEND YOUR NEWS and pictures to me by Thursday to m or 2258E 1050 S LaFontaine, IN

...cont. from Page 18

‘60s music. Urbana Lions Club will have the Snack Shack open for food. Urbana Streetlights: The streetlights are very important to the security of Urbana. I need your help in checking to see what lights are not working. If you know of

a light that has a problem, give me a call at 260-774-3665. Please leave a message if I don’t answer. Give me the address or street name of the location of the light and I will contact Duke and have a work order made to have the light repaired. Thank you.


The Paper of Wabash County

North Manchester news North Manchester, IN. 46962. E-Mail: bernievicki@gmail. com , phone: 260 982-8734. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS NELSON’S CHICKEN fundraiser will be at the Neighborhood Fresh parking lot on July 9 from 10:30 a,m, until sold out. The Knights of Columbus is a Catholic fraternity for men. Charity and faith is at the heart of the knights. In our charity work we support a variety of projects. Please come and support your local Knights of Columbus. PRECIOUS CHILD CONTEST: It’s that time of year! We will be having our Precious Child Contest again at the Wabash County 4H fair July 18-22. Voting is done by cash or change. Any Wabash County resident between the ages of new born through 5 years old is eligible. Accepting entries until 4 p.m. July 15! For an application contact the Life

Center at 489 Bond Street, Wabash or by phone at 260-5637275. MEETING OF THE FRANCIS SLOCUM DAR: The monthly meeting of the Frances Slocum Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) took place on Saturday, June11 at the Braves Restaurant, Wabash. Guests were Nancy Panning, Angie Penix, Debra Allard, Lela Allard and Richard Baker. The meeting

opened with the DAR ritual, followed with devotions by Tamra Wise. The 121st State Conference recognized the chapter with a gold award in Membership Recruitment and bronze award for Best Chapter Report. The chapter also received the National President General’s Project Award for Rise and Shine for America. The program was a U.S. Flag Quiz, testing our knowledge of the “Stars and

June 22, 2022

...continued from Page 19 Stripes.” The poem “The Flag Goes By” by Henry Holcomb Bennett was shared by Barbara Amiss, Regent. The next meeting of the Frances Slocum Chapter will be Tuesday, Sept 13, 2022 at GrandstaffHentgen, 1241 Manchester Avenue, Wabash. Prospective members and guests are always welcome to attend. DAR membership is open to any woman 18 years of age, who can prove lineal descent from a patriot of the

American Revolution. Those having questions about their family history lineage information may

contact or Tamra Wise at 574527-2208 or Barbara Amiss at 260-9824376.

THURSDAY’S CHILD: Do you have a newborn? Thursday’s Child has a lovely gift bag Cont. on Pg. 22.

The Paper of Wabash County

June 22 , 2022


Local Business Directory Continued on page 22

Mike Olinger Sales Representative

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MWS Construction, LLC Amish Builders

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Food pantry open monthly in Lagro

The Food Pantry at Lagro Community Church is open the third Saturday of every month from 9 to 10 a.m. in the basement. Please enter through the back door of the church. The Food Pantry is for Wabash County residents. For further information on donating food or for assistance please call 260-5714639. Dora Christian Church, 2325 S. Salamonie Dam Road, welcomes you to worship service Sunday at 8:15 a.m. or 10:30 a.m. Sunday School is at 9:30 a.m. Preacher Mark Wisniewski’s sermon for June 26 is “Horseshoes, Hand Grenades, and Atomic Bombs” based on Mark 12:28-38. The Men’s Group will meet Monday, June 20, at 6:30 p.m. Prayer and Bible study is every Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. A Grief Support group meets at the Church of Christ at Wabash, 1904 N. Wabash St, Wabash, every Monday at 3:30 p.m. You are welcome to join them. If you have questions, contact Donna Wendt, 260-782-2160. The Lagro Community Church invites you to Sunday School from 9:00 to 10:00 a.m. and worship service at 10:00 a.m. every Sunday. Dan Snyder will deliver the message on June 26. Lagro United Methodist Church invites you to its Sunday morning services at 9:00 a.m., and Sunday school for all ages at 10:00 a.m. Youth group activities for students in the 4th

through 12th grades are also offered. Those activities and times vary each month depending on the service project. For more information on youth programs, parents can email the church at LagroUMC@gmail. com. Lagro United Methodist Church will be hosting Vacation Bible School June 20 to June 24, from 6 to 7:30 p.m. There are people in our community who are in need of our prayers at this time. Their names remain on our lips and their concerns linger in our hearts. Let us not forget to personally be a presence in their lives, to offer hope and help. Their names need not be mentioned; God knows them by name. Lagro Happy Birthday: June 24 – Ryan Walker. Lagro Anniversary Celebration: June 24 – Roger and Susie Snyder (married at Lagro Presbyterian Church by Pastor Ron Mulles in 1972); June 25 – John and Lynn Swain. Do you have a birthday or anniversary to celebrate? Do you have a special event to share? If so, just email me at the above address. above, or text me at 260-571-2577. I’d love to share your

The Paper of Wabash County

June 22, 2022

NM news ...Cont. from Page 20 of useful items for you and your child! We recently changed our inventory to newborn through 4T (some 5T). Diapers, wipes, jackets and other necessities for little ones are also in stock. All items are free, and there are no income requirements! Thursday’s Child is open from 1-4 p.m. on Thursday in the same building as the Thrift Shop (410 N. Market Street). MOM OF AN ADDICT SUPPORT GROUP every Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. The Mom of an Addict support group is open to all family members or friends with loved ones who are struggling. For more information visit . The meetings are at the Congregational Christian Church located at 310 N. Walnut St., North Manchester. FARMER’S MARKET: The North Manchester Farmers Market is open from 8 a.m. until noon. The market will be located at Ogan’s Landing on S. Mill St. down the street from the Covered Bridge. Parking will be in the gravel lot with Handicap parking

beside the market (watch for signs). Following the market, vendors will have a meeting to organize the coming market year. DRIVE THRU FOC FELLOWSHIP MEAL hosted by the Fellowship of Churches is held on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month at the Zion Lutheran Church from 4:30-6 p.m. The church is located at 113 W. Main Street. Guests should drive up in front of the Zion Lutheran Church for pickup. FOC THRIFT STORE & FOOD PANTRY: Thrift Store hours are Tuesday through Friday 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. and Saturday 10 a.m. until 1 p.m. Closed Sundays and Mondays. No public restroom will be available. The Thrift Store is located at 410 N. Market St., North Manchester. The pantry is open from 2-5 p.m. on Thursdays. The Food Pantry is located at 500 N. Front Street, North Manchester. NORTH MANCHESTER NEWS ITEMS may be sent to my e-mail address at nmanchestertalks@gmail .com.

Town-Wide Garage NM Townwide HUGE 4 FAMILY SALE! Priced to sell! Baby, household, window a/c, Amish porch swing, antique bench. Too much to list! New plus gently used. 1403 East Street, North Manchester. Friday, 6/24, 8am-6pm; Saturday, 6/25, 9am-3pm. ANTIQUES, CLOTHING, QUILTS, designer handbags, vintage bicycles, chipper, snow blower, bike rack, shoes, slate roofing, cell phone, lawn mower. 201 S. River Road. June 24 & 25, 8am-5pm. 402 RIVER COVE LANE: Puzzles, books, fabric, Barbie clothing, childrens clothes, girls 7/8-juniors, boys 10-18, men’s pants 36, miscellaneous. Thursday, 3pm-7pm; Friday, 8am-5pm; Saturday, 8am-1pm. 905 NORTH MARKET: Multifamily, picture frames, household items, baskets, candles, handcraft and quilting materials, books, games, puzzles, Longaberger, hand power tools, melodicas, adult clothes, mix. LARGE GARAGE SALE: 724 N. Sycamore Street; Thursday, 8am-4pm; Friday, 9am-4pm. QUALITY ANTIQUES, VERNONWARE, John B. Taylor plates, Lillian Vernon Italian fruit plates & more. Friday, 8am-7pm. 1100 W. 4th, Village Hamlet, Lot 62. LARGE MOVING/MULTIFAMILY Sale: Tools, furniture, table, bicycles, gardening supplies, toys, small stuffed animals, kitchen items, new 1100 watt microwave, party light items, counter top convection oven, holiday décor, Christmas trees, car top carrier and much more. Spangle, 703 Miami Street, North Manchester, Friday, 8am-6pm; Saturday, 8am2pm. 4 FAMILY GARAGE SALE: 607 East 9th Street; June 24, 9am-5pm; June 25, 9am-Noon. Large variety of items. Don’t Miss! 602 N. MILL STREET: 77pcs. Dogwood dinnerware set, Fiestaware, garden ornaments, canning supplies, pressure canner, walker, S&P sets, old magazines, books, new leaf blower. Lots of miscellaneous! Thursday & Friday, 8am-5pm.

302 W. 5th STREET, North Manchester IN 46962, Multifamily Yard Sale! Something for everyone!! A Variety of Baked Goods! GARAGE SALE: FRIDAY, 8am-5pm; Saturday, 8am?. 594 Kech St. Inversion table, propane heater, lots of miscellaneous items. MEITO CHINA, FEWELRY, furniture, air fryer, kids clothes. June 24 & 25, 8am-3pm. 107 S. Maple Street. 813 E. 7th STREET: Friday, 9am-5pm; Saturda,y 9am2pm. Cosco 17’ multi-position ladder, circular saw, 14” chain saw, tree pruner, tools, 20” balance bike, women’s clothing, shoes, purses, glassware, baskets, Christmas and other decor, picture frames, lamps, antique garden cultivator. 1006 CHARLIE STREET: Household appliances, vintage Pyrex, handbags and lots of miscellaneous items. June 24, 9am-5pm; June 25, 9am-1pm. YARD SALE! STARTS at 8am,. June 23 & 24. Easy to find: HWY 13 - 4 miles north of North Manchester. Stove, recliner, dining table 6 chairs, desk, dorm refrigerator, hutch, name brand and boutique clothing, games, misc household items. HUGE BARN SALE with new items! Most items are new and overstock from my business. Lots of furniture, desks, chairs, couch, futon, small dining tables, armoires, side tables, TV stands and more! Hammocks, patio umbrellas and bases, bird feeders, bird baths and more! Foosball table, tabletop games, gaming chairs, toys and more! New kids clothes sizes baby-14/16. Misc kitchen, mixer, foot massagers, chair massagers, exercise items, Christmas items. Friday & Saturday, 8am-4pm at 4493 E. 900 N., North Manchester. 207 RIVER COVE LANE: Friday, 8am-4pm; Saturday, 8am-2pm. Home decor, men’s & ladies clothing, tools, oak table & chairs, lots of miscellaneous.

201 STATE ROAD 13 East, North Manchester. Friday, June 24, 8am-5pm, Saturday, June 25, 8am1pm. Antiques, home décor, books, puzzles, adult clothes, and more.

HUGE BABY/KIDS SALE. Girls NB-4T, Boys NB-18M. Name brands. Too much baby gear, shoes, clothing & kids’ toys to list. Maternity & women’s clothing. 8am Friday, June 24th & 8am Saturday, June 25th. 205 Wild Cherry Lane.

LARGE MULTIFAMILY GARAGE Sale: Tons of baby clothes. Boys nb-3t, girls nb-10/12. Baby swing, double stroller, exersaucer. Lots of baby items. Adult clothes, NEW scrubs, chi curling iron, folding dog ramp, Keurig, hiking shoes, 150 qt. Igloo cooler, split queen box springs, household/kitchen items and appliances, girls bike, games/books, and much more. Friday, June 24, 8am-5pm; Saturday, June 25, 8am-5pm. 610 Crestview Drive, North Manchester 1701 WESTCHESTER DRIVE: Friday & Saturday, 8am-4pm. Boys and girls clothes and much more.

CLARKS GARAGE SALE: June 23 & 24, 8am-5pm; June 25, 8am-1pm. 401 W. 2nd Street. Antiques & collectibles, 1940-1960 Ford new/old stock car parts, old military small gas engine, old Johnson outboard engine, outboard gas cans, 18” electric snow blower, tools, 2 old metal & wood medicine cabinets, old bent wood rocking chair, old upright radio cabinet, cast iron skillets, kitchen chairs, castor wheels, household miscellaneous, clothes large-Xlarge. Too much more to list! RECENTLY MOVED: 302 Sylers Lane, North Manchester. June 23 & 24, 8am-4pm; June 25, 8amNoon. Kitchen table and chairs, area rug, settee, grill, fluorescent shop lights, mirrors, paintings, miscellaneous items. GARAGE SALE: 301 Sylers Lane, North Manchester. Thursday, 6/23 and Friday, 6/24 8am5pm; Saturday, 6/25, 8am?

Continued from page 21

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The Paper of Wabash County

June 22, 2022


The Paper of Wabash County, P.O. Box 603, Wabash, IN 46992. Classified Ads: $9.50 for first 20 words in advance: 15¢ eac h word thereafter. Deadline 5:00 on Fridays

NM Townwide cont. 201 RIVER COVE LANE: June 24-25, 8am-3pm. Kids and adult clothes, housewares, desk and Radio Flyer wagon. 1404 VILLA COURT: Lots of women’s clothes, sizes M-XL and men’s, XXL. Kitchen and miscellaneous household items are also available! CRAFT/GARAGE SALE: 12222 N. 100 W., June 24, 9am-5pm; June 25, 9am1pm. GARAGE SALE: DECORATING and misc. 402 Kech Street. Thursday, June 24 and Friday, June 25. HUGE GARAGE SALE! Lots of new and used items. Priced to sell. 105 Hill St, North Manchester. Friday, June 24, 8am-5pm and Saturday, June 25, 8am to whenever people stop showing up! Pictures will be posted on Facebook Marketplace and other sales sites, June 23. Search for Pam Cornett Strasser. FAMILY GARAGE SALE: 1106 SR 114, North Manchester. Nordmann’s Nook. Baby boy, toddler, men, women clothing, large variety sizes; home décor, toys, and more. Friday, 8am-5pm; Saturday, 8am-Noon. LARGE GARAGE SALE: Thursday & Friday, 8am4pm; Saturday, 8am-1pm. Youth girls clothes & shoes, Snow Babies, LOL dolls, women’s scrub tops, 42” Panasonic TV, end tables, table lamps, small kitchen appliances, dishes, knickknacks, towels, lots of miscellaneous. 309 River Cove Lane, North Manchester. MULTIFAMILY SALE: 307 E. 7th Street. Friday, 9am5pm; Saturday, 9am-1pm. Clothes sizes 0-18, household items, vinyl flooring, purses, TV’s, a lot of nice items. 1403 N. BECKLEY STREET: Friday, 9am5pm, Saturday, 9am-Noon: Couch, desk, clothes, antiques, holiday items, so much more! 13615 N 100 E, BECKLEY STREET Extended. Multifamily Barn Sale: Clothing, household, homeschool books, double stroller, firewood, much more! Friday, 8am-5pm; Saturday, 8am-? GARAGE SALE: 106 E. 7th Street. Crafts, Sewing supplies, books, grill, patio set, Dunbar chairs & desk, plants, household items, and miscellaneous. HUGE 3 FAMILY SALE: Friday, 8am-5pm; Saturday, 8am-2pm. Wicker patio set, women’s clothes (XL-3X), boys clothes (5/6), books by popular authors, furniture, small appliances, puzzles, Legos, toys (all very clean). From smoke free home and priced to sell! 1406 Beckley Street, North Manchester.

701 MEADOW LANE: Women’s clothing (size medium), women’s shoes (size 7), Pride 3-wheeled battery-powered mobility scooter, mattress and gel overlay for hospital bed, like new. Schwinn LeTour 10-speed bike. Friday only, June 24, 8am-4pm.. GARAGE SALE: 701 N. Sycamore Street. Friday & Saturday, June 24 & 25, 8am-4pm. Bikes, Pepsi items, tools and more.

Wabash County GARAGE SALE: 2 1/4 miles east of Diehl Machines. 832 E. Baumbauer Road, June 23 & 24, 8am-5pm. Christmas, Hallmark ornaments: lighthouses and Harley Davidson motorcycles. Boys 5-6T, girls 4-5T, shoes, toys, bike, rocking horse, books, maternity, home decor, ladies S-L, miscellaneous. Watch for signs. Visit neighbor’s sale! GARAGE SALE: June 23, 24, 25. 9am-4pm. 2285 E. 300 N., Wabash. Filing cabinets, picnic baskets, stand lamps, furniture, children & teen boys & girls clothing, tea cups and tea pots, bird bath, lots of primitive decor, some Christmas decor, household items, lots of devotional books, cabinet shop extras. GARAGE SALE: Two miles east of Diehl Machines at 556 Baumbauer. Girls 6-8, 20 1/2, ladies PS-XL, girl bibs & headbands, changing pad, baby gate, double oak rocker, end table, Little People, weight bench, PreK workbooks, eye shadow, bathing suits, vintage Tupperware, Home Interior, Sears wood lathe, Dixon zero-turn mower, custom cutting boards and benches. Local raw honey! Thursday and Friday, June 23 & 24, 8am-5pm. Watch for signs. Rain or Shine! VFW AUXILIARY Rummage Sale: 3678 W. Old 24, US-24, Wabash. 10am-2pm, Saturday, June 25. Toddler girls clothes, home decor, shelves, ladies clothes (medium5X), dishes, craft items, kids items, pack-n-plays, furniture. Way too much to mention!

Wabash City


FIVE FAMILY Garage Sale: 267 Sherman Street, Wabash. June 24, 8am3pm; June 25, 8am-2pm. Clothes, vintage items, comic books, CD’s, DVD’s, VHS, sport collectibles, lamps and much, much more! GARAGE SALE: 1444 Middle Street. Friday, 6/24 and Saturday, 6/25, 9am5pm. Foosball game table, perennials ($2.00), KitchenAid portable dishwasher, Earnhardt memorabilia, coffee maker, like new clothes size 8 and large, miscellaneous.

Articles For Sale SAFARI GUN Safe (key pad lock). Up to 8 rifles and one shelf for pistols. 55” high, 26” wide, 18” deep. $300. Call 260-580-6191.

Wanted Coins! Always Buying Coins, Gold & Silver Jewelry.


50+ Years Experience. Please call me before you sell!

Tom’ s Coins 260-571-3553 Services

VINTAGE HOT Wheels still in boxes, baseball cards (some still in package, 1988), Major League players & trivia cards (made by Core), 11ft. cutter style boat with anchor and oars, 3 electric trolling motors, CB’s with boosters, Nakita and old Milwaukee Sawzalls, 4ft. above ground pool ladder, reclining lawn chairs, orbital sander, water cooler (hot & cold) works & includes jug, impact air tools. If interested, call Kirk at 260-5781294.

Fresh Produce FOR SALE: Taking orders for Black Hybrid Raspberries. Call 765-4912060.

For Rent FOR LEASE: Large duplex unit within walking distance of downtown Wabash, close to churches and library. Nicely renovated kitchen with stainless steel appliances, fully updated bath, central air. Dryer included. Off-street parking. Non-smokers only. References and deposit required. Rent negotiable with one-year lease. Available in early August. Contact 260-982-1877.

Court Security Officer Wabash County Government is seeking a fulltime security officer for the judicial center. Military or law enforcement experience is preferred. Applicants must be at least 21 years of age and able to obtain firearm and other required certifications. Individual will work with another officer to provide security to employees and visitors. Duties include screening individuals and packages entering the building and maintaining security during court proceedings. A job description may be obtained by contacting the address below. A cover letter and resume must be received by . June 27, 2022 Wabash County Government 1 West Hill Street, Ste. 202 Wabash IN 46992 Phone: (260) 563-0661 x 1290 Fax: (260) 563-5895 E-mail: jdils@ EEO M/F/D/V


The Paper of Wabash County

June 22, 2022

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