The Paper of Wabash County - Sept. 7, 2022

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In addition to this film, Special Olympics Indiana is proud to partner with Green in develop ing the Erskine Personal Impact Curriculum (EPIC). EPIC is a set of educational materials for elementary, middle, and high school students that has been released in conjunction with the film.

Carl Erskine

Special Olympics to screen film on Dodger legend at Eagles

PO Box 603, Wabash, IN 46992 (260) 563-8326 September 7, 2022 Proudly Serving Wabash County Since 1977 Vol. 45, No. 26 LOCALWABASH,PRSRTPATRONPOSTALSTDU.S.POSTAGEPAIDINPERMITNO.233 FREE Published Weekly, Read Daily FREE MSD to present series of meetings on question.ballot

“The Best We’ve Got: The Carl Erskine Story,” premiered on the big screen Aug. 11 at the Paramount Theatre in Erskine’s hometown of Anderson. The film, produced by renowned film maker Ted Green, takes a deep dive into Erskine’s upbringing as a child and his legendary career in Major League Baseball with Jackie Robinson, the first African American to break the color barrier in a sport that was segregated for more than 50 years. The film will take viewers on Erskine’s most proud adventure when he and his wife, Betty, have their son Jimmy, who was born with Down syndrome, and will share their story and impact they’ve made on Special Olympics Indiana and social change across the country.

Green has dedicated many laborious hours over the years to inform the world about the life of one of the best humanity has to offer. This master piece will include powerful and inspirational interviews from some of the most respected fig ures around. Charley Steiner, multiple national Emmy winner at ESPN and the lead radio voice of the Los Angeles Dodgers, narrates the documen tary. The late Vin Scully, who spent 67 seasons call ing games for the Dodgers, will be featured in the film. Other notable figures are Bob Costas, Governor Mitch Daniels, and Dr. Tim Shriver, son

Carl Erskine, the man who is living a perfect game, will be brought to the big screen in Wabash, Indiana, with the showing of “The Best We’ve Got: The Carl Erskine Story” on Sept. 26 at the Eagles Theatre, 106 W. Market St.

Erskine has been referred to as many things. In the classic baseball novel “The Boys of Summer”, Erskine was referred to as a philosopher, a poet and an “existential man.” A New York sports writer called him “the gentleman from Indiana.” Dennis Schmidt, former CEO of Special Olympics Indiana, said Erskine is the most decent man he’s ever met. Former Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels, in giving Erskine the state’s highest honor, said sim ply, “He’s the best we’ve got.”

The Best We ve Got

of Special Olympics founder Eunice Kennedy Shriver and current chairperson of the Special Olympics International Board of Directors.

supports action items from the Imagine One 85 comprehensive plan such as creating kindness ini tiative and continuing to support the County’s commitment to a diverse, equitable, and inclusive community for all.

With Erskine being such a pivotal figure in Special Olympics Indiana’s history, the organiza tion has partnered with Ted Green Films to spread Erskine’s messages of friendship, inclu sion, servant leadership, and respect.

Tickets for the Sept. 26 event are $6 and are on sale now through The Wabash screening of the documen tary is a partnership with the Community Foundation of Wabash County, the Honeywell Arts & Entertainment, Manchester University, and Special Olympics Wabash County with an expected sold-out crowd. This collaborative effort

A tives,largeawecontinued.licsioners,council,council,townthesentativeswoulddiversethatgrouphaveourthegoodtenreceived.mitteeresponsetheCountyPaperdowntheaddressedletterofficialsoftoalsoencouraging.lateWabashofficialstheoriginalwhomunityDavethetionalwantedhaveaboutineducationalformalitsingcommitteegrassrootsisgain-momentumineffortstogetastudyofneedsWabashCounty.“Wehavegot120folkswhoindicatedtheytobeaddi-signatorstoletter,”saidHaistacom-volunteerwasamongthesignerstolettersenttoaroundCountyinJuly.“That’sbeenveryWe’vehadachancetalktoanumberWabashCountythatthewastoacrosscounty.”HaistrecentlysatwithTheofWabashtodiscussletterandthethecom-has“We’vereallygot-alotofreallysupportforrequestthatgrouphadtoadiscussionestablishedwouldbeagroup,thathaverepre-fromallschoolboards,council,citycountycommis-allthepub-officials,”he“Thenwouldalsohavehandfulofat-representa-again,from all walks of life throughout the county, who would really spend some time to really look at what would be possible if we pulled needwhatlyexpected.blythatchangedlastgonetainlyuingeducationwetheneed“Whatdents,”bestaboutperspective,County.tancetiontalksimplyaccordingTerryCouncilScottWabashCouncil,ManchestertheSmith,RagerMontel,Miracle,TomthosetoaddedthoseseveralTheAug.tisementHowever,spokenthesaysible.”K-12forresourcesourtogetherthemostrobustprogrampos-Haistdeclinedtowhatofficialscommitteehaswith.anadver-inthe31issueofPaperlistedamongwhohavetheirnamestheletter.AmonglistedwereDale,AllenGaryLauraandJamesmembersofNorthTownandMayorLongandCitymemberBrewer.Thegroup,toHaist,seekstoabouteduca-anditsimpor-toWabash“Ithinkfromourit’sdoingwhat’sforthestu-hesaid.dostudentsandwantforfuture.Ithinkallknowthatiscontin-tochange,cer-aswe’vethroughthefewyears,it’sinwayslotsofproba-wouldn’thaveYoureal-needtolookatdowereallytoreallyhave


“I think we all know that the student census has been declining in our schools across the county,” Haist said. “Just running the numbers, we’re probably half of what we were back

would be possible? What would be possible if you looked at a realizationButtureparticularnotthesolution.countywide“Wedon’thaveanswer.We’resuggestinganystruc-oroutcome.rather,justathatit’s on Pg. 4.

in the 1980s. I think even if those.”dynamicsthosethetionsuredoferentThere’stoschools.candecision.TherethattoheWabashkidthanentdents.ingmanythatthrowchanges.”instudentchallengeswe’llulation,havewillplateauedwelasthasn’tcounty,stabilizespopulationforthewhichitbeenforthefewyears,ifsayit’sandwecontinuetothesamepop-Ithinkstillhavewithcensus,justdemographicOnealsomustintothemixthereareoptionsfac-today’sstu-“Therearediffer-alternativeswhenIwasagrowingupinCounty,”said.“Youwentyourschoolandwaskindofit.wasn’tabigNowyougotodifferentYoucangoonlineschools.lotsofdif-options.Howwereallybethatweposi-thecountyforfuturewithtypeofaheadof


When businesses look to relocate, he said, education and health care are the top two concerns.

the most competitive K-12 ofufacturinglikeyouit’sit’sit’sdemiccertainlytionthinkthemeetgramsbreadthprogramsquality,aboutButaboutIberlargesthaveinbethepossible.”programSchoolsaroundstateclaimtothetopsystemthestate.“Idon’tthinkyoutobethetobenum-one,”hesaid.“don’tthinkit’sscaleorsize.Ithinkit’shavingthathavingtheandtheofpro-toreallytheneedsofstudents.Youabouteduca-broadly,soit’stheaca-portion,butalsoathletics,alsothearts,alsothingsthatlookto,coursesadvancedman-orlotsotherthings.”

BySlacianJoseph erofwabash.comjslacian@thepap-

The student of the future

“I think we as a county can be very proud that we have a great healthcare system said.options,”andHaist“Wehave a brand new hospital. We have some strong providers. We have a number of other inthatmayneedsward?needsreallyneedtherewardneedthat.reallyence.lycounseloradministratorfavoritememoriescertainlyinofbeenstudentsaboutThey’readministrators.teachersschools,tradition;we’vewell.wefacilities.healthcareIthinkcheckthatbox“Withschools,gotagreatgreatgreatandreallyservingtheandhaveforyears.Alluswhogrewupthecountywillhaveofthatteacher,ororwhoreal-madeadiffer-Ithinkwe’reproudofButIthinkwetolookfor-andsayisanythingwetodothatwillmeetthegoingfor-Ithinktheinthepastbedifferentthechallengethefuture.”

Grassroots committee gaining momentum

2 The Paper of Wabash County September 7, 2022


“A lot of experts talk about the ‘student of the future,’ Haist said. “Is that a key.”reallyinNotdostudentswhat’sourboundneedthere’slegedon’thaveforcertainlythoseforpreparehavewethinklegeonestudent?college-boundOristhatthatisn’tcol-bound?Weit’sboth,andreallyneedtoschoolsthatstudentseitheroneoftracks.Thereisaneedfolkswhowillpositionsthatrequireacol-degree,butcertainlyaforcollegefolksaswell.TheMissionofgroupisreallybestfortheandwhattheyreallyneed.inthepast,butthefuture.Wethinkthat’s

The committee only has one goal, Haist pointed out

numerous times, and that is to do what is best for the students.“Thisis a really important issue,” he said. “We really need to get it right. We really need to leverage all the resources that we have as a county and just study what

Spaulding. “We are beyond grateful for the thankspate.peopleallevents,izersspenttime,commitment,andmoneybytheorgan-ofthesealongwiththewonderfulwhopartici-Oursinceresttoallof

residents of Wabash under-insured.uninsuredIndiana,County,whoareorFor

September 7, 2022 The Paper of Wabash County 3

Breast thanregisterareattendareoftheavailableticketsafterfleindividuals.toareholeInprizes,snacks,includesAp.m.Wabash,DivisionCourse,HoneywellSunday,ScramblePreventionBreasttheCourseandGolfHoneywellSeptember,,opensshirt.ner,event$20CassparkingHarleyatSaturday,willFundraiserBreastRide-for-a-Causetheevery3-DwomenWabashdirectlyProgram,MammogramMedicaltoheadeventsyear,cornerisAwarenessCancerMonthjustaroundtheandthistwolocalwillspear-thecampaignsupport85HOPEClinic’swhichhelpsCountyobtainfreemammogramsyear.Thefirsteventis10thAnnualCanceranditbeheldonSept.10,theBrandtDavidsonlot,1400N.St.,Wabash.Adonationtotheincludesdin-ride,,arafflewillaftertheAllproceedscausesthatbreastcancer,85HOPEClinic’sFormoreaboutevent,pleasetheRideforaFacebookorwebsiteatLaterintheLadiesAssociationHoneywellGolfwillhost12thAnnualCancerGolfonSept.25,atGolf3360,Rd.,witha1shotgunstart.playerfeeof$60acart,giftbag,anddinner.addition,$75sponsorshipsalsoavailablebusinessesandAraf-willbeheldtheeventandwillbethedayofevent.GolfersanyskilllevelwelcometoandteamsencouragedtonolaterSeptember20 by calling County,”womeneverymammogramstoeventsfromporttheHOPE.ProgramMammogramfundraisersScramblePreventionBreastandProgram.theeventsplayedimportantrecognizesLauraExecutivewomen.100gramberout2021,tions.anylessagesCountyanyWabashat3-DofferMonthannualClinicHOPEom.www.honeywellgc.cCoursetheFacebookAssociationLadiesvisitthisinformationProgram.MammogramClinic’sHOPEwill8633.CourseHoneywelltheGolfat260-563-Allproceedsbenefit85MedicalFormoreaboutevent,pleasetheHoneywellGolfpageorHoneywellGolfwebsiteatEveryOctober,85MedicalhostsanMammowheretheyordersforfeemammogramsParkviewHospitaltoWabashwoman40-64,regard-ofincomeorotherrestric-InOctober85HOPEgavearecordnum-ofmammo-orderstooverWabashCounty85HOPEDirectorSpauldingtherolebythethatsupportMammogram“RideforaCausetheAnnualCancerGolfarekeyforourat85Onlywithconsistentsup-anddonationsthesetwoareweableprovidefreeyearfortheofWabashstates

more information, visit the 85 HOPE Free Medical Clinic Facebook page or website at

abash, IN 46992Wa606 State Road 13 North • W Serving WaWabash County, Indiana culation publication in Wgest cirThe larrg rc Waabash Coun @ 4:00 p.m. @ 5:00 p.m. ay @ 5:00 p.m. ay @ 5:00 p.m. 2 ty or directly to your formation. ys after print, FridayDisplay Advertising copy changes/cancellation FridayClassified Advertising/cancellations ThursdayDisplay Advertising requiring proofs FridayDisplay Advertising abash County Circulation 16,225 www.thepaperofwabash.comeb Address:WWefice Hours: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday - Fridaff Deadlines Of Staff Publisher Don L. Commercial PrintingSam Editor Joe Reporter Phil Accounting Toni Bulington Advertising DirectorArlene The Paper reserves the right to refuse for publication any advertising that is considered offffensive, misleading, or detrimental to the public, the newspaper or another advertiser and to edit advertising at its discretion. Current W Production Ads and text may be emailed in PDF format to sales rep above. If you have any questions please call for detailed information. All submitted CDs, DVDs or photos need to be picked up 30 days any left after 30 days will be discarded. 1333 N. St. Rd. 13 • Wabash, IN 46992 • 260-563-6700 BUNDLE J u m o snow Clusters Beef short riBs Bone-in Pork steak Boneless ChiCken Breast 0 /lb. r B Reg. 24.90 lb Clus snowC JumBoBardi 16.90 SEPTEMBSALE IS GOOD $$ 90lbReg. 10.90 lb iBs eefshort /lb.8.99 ER 14TH-17TH 2022 Proudly Featuring 00129 B C B s P B $ 5-1 lb Ground Beef 5 lbs Pork Steaks 5 lb Chicken Drumsticks 5-1lb Gound Chicken Breast Assorted Bratwurst Patties5 5-1lblb Ground Pork BUNDLEOFTHEWEEK $ t en reas hiCk oneless teak ork one-in ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ S qua ME Reg. 3.99 lb.2.49 /lb. We f P Half Chickens Leg Quarters Wings Ribs Drumsticks TSMEA MOKED thd ality meat we can HEESES& CEAATTS eature the highest PREMIUM PREMIUMDELIDELI ueri9a F ksheh tCash,C ecepWeacc $30.00 Savings $ydayyvatives!No Additives, Binders or PreseryGround Fresh Here Ever POOLESMEA Our Meat is Cut Freshg WWW Hour s: TueFri 9a 1W 333 N St Rd • Waabash, I b &EBTirebis,D t,C ed t Reg. 7.99 lb.4.99 /lb. ChAll COMATMARKET a6p, Sat 9a3p N • 260 563 6700 gefrom the USA! beef and pork is airman's Reserve. et our hands on:

September to be busy month for 85 Hope

you!”85HOPE Medical Clinic is a free medical clinic inspired by the Gospel of Jesus Christ to provide free medical care and other healthcare services to low-income, adult

College Savings contest planned

Page 3

WHS alumni gather: Members of the Wabash High School Class of 1971 had their 51st reunion on Saturday, Aug. 27, at the Wabash Elks Lodge. A gettogether also took place at the Elks on Friday, Aug. 26. The class celebrated a year after its 50th anniversary due to the COVID pandemic. Those attending were (front, from left) Monica (Bever) Robish, Ronda (Ravenscroft) Fishback, Pam (Wilcox) Driscoll, Nancy (Blackburn) Litral, Jane Sunday, Liz (Dillan) Foust, Helen (Mitchell) Jolly, Nancy (Bronson) Laurino, Jane (Bucher) Denney, Sherry (Burton) Wakefield, Mary

4 The Paper of Wabash County September 7, 2022

a very important issue and get a group … that would be a formulated,Haistachievevisionhelpcouldotheraroundresentativesat-largeboards,thecommissionerscouncils,cityaroundoustivesincludebelieves,issue.”delvegrouptogroupbroad-basedinthecountyserveasastudyandreallyintothisThegroup,Haistwouldrepresenta-fromthevari-towncouncilsthecounty,andcountycountyandvariousschoolaswellascitizenrep-fromthecounty.Aconsultantorprofessionalbesoughttoformulateaandapathtothatvision,added.Oncethe

To celebrate, one individual will be selected to win a $10,000 account deposit in CollegeChoicethe 529$10,,Sweepstakes.EducationToentertheindi-18yearsoforoldermusttheentryavailablecollegechoicedi-by11:59p.m.on30,2022.Thewinnerwillrandomlyselect-fromalleligibletoreceivea529deposit.Forfullcontestandtoenter,college-

plan would be sent to those addressed in the letter, as well as the county at large.“We’re just thinking that would be a solid way to really be sure we’re using our resources as effectively as we can.”Haist stressed that the group has no ideaspreconceivedastowhat the outcome would be. “As we put in the letter, we don’t know what the preferred path is,” he said. “What we believe is that this is an important issue for all of us and for the future as a county and to get a truly representative group to sit down and study what is possible.”


September is National College Savings Month, and Gov. Eric Holcomb has highlighted the importance of saving for education with a SeptemberestablishingProclamation2022 as College Savings Month in Indiana.

(Nelson) Frank and Becky (Nelson) Ritter. Also, Tim Gorman (second row, from left), Rita (Minnicus) Stensland, Dave Hahn, Dan King, Todd Titus, Stephanie (Wilson) Manaher, Patty (Riley) Reese, Margie (Magner) Clark, Mike Hapner, Don Weaver. Also, John Harner (third row, from left), Greg Dickos, Nancy (Mossman) Dickos, Bill Eakright, Deb Vandegrift and Gary Muzzillo. Also, Dave Bickel (back row), Steve Fraustein, Terry Conley and Rod Eppley. Photo provided

The letter advocated for reformseducationaltoensure a positive future for our community and our schools.

the Wabash County school community and highlight the quality of life in Wabash County to attract new families.Third, we will build upon our strong wouldpotentialciency.andreduceexploredandfacilitywaysWenificantenvironmentsefficientprovidingallandfiscaltransparencystaff,tiveretainwenity.ersidentsstabilityresponsibilityensureresourcesfinancialandfiscalandfortheres-andtaxpay-ofourcommu-Bydoingthat,willrecruitandhighlyeffec-facultyandandcontinueonobligationssolutionsviaoperations.Finally,wemadesafeandlearningasig-priority.researchedtooptimizeutilizationsecurity.Wewaystoduplicationincreaseeffi-Theseupgradessupportour

ready to turn “Dream Big” into reality. We welcome the active support of everyone to help us achieve that goal for this and generations.futureThankyou.—

MSD board responds to community letter

September 7, 2022 The Paper of Wabash County 5

Editor’s Note:

ers of the community a vision that provided tainedoptions,educationalqualitymain-apriority on the use of tax dollars, and charted a future that used all of our resources to “Dream Big” for our ing/brandingexpandcapabilitiesorganizationalwedents.andeffortscontinuemeasurementlevelortinuestudentsgraduation.dentsingscurriculumensuringachievementimprovetyandtinuegoals.bleinThestudents.planzeroedonseveraltangi-andrealisticFirst,wewillcon-todevelopenhancequali-programstostudentbythatouroffer-preparestu-forlifeafterOurwillcon-toachieveatabovethestateonvarioustools.Second,wewillourtoattractretainstu-Thatmeanswilldevelopthetoourmarket-for

Our goals as board members of MSD of Wabash County are to be inclusive, transparent, and make decisions that are in the best interests of our students; both those enrolled now and those who will join us as offeredingicatedCounty.herepubliccommitmentelement“Dreamrealizesschools.ourstrategicwiththebeforeconsiderabletinuedfalltyseriesembarkedgraduates.futureThatiswhyweonaofcommuni-meetingsintheof2019andcon-toreceiveinputpresentingpublicin2020along-rangeplanforWabashCountyThatplanthegoalofBig,”akeyofourtoeducationinWabashItwaspred-uponmak-surethatwethetaxpay-

MSD of Wabash County School Board, Todd Dazey President;– Kevin Bowman - VicePresident; Matt Driscoll Secretary;– Scott Haupert ChristianMember;– RosenMember

The school board for thesomeletterrespondweeducationalCounty(MSD)SchoolMetropolitanwhoteachers,entsthe2,217ter:responselowingwideplan,siveoncommunity,thefromrecentrespondedboardtheWabashSchoolMetropolitanDistrictofCounty,atendofitslatestmeeting,toaopenlettermembersofWabashCountycallingacomprehen-educationonacounty-basis.Thefol-isMSDWC’stothatlet-Onbehalfofthestudentsandassociatedpar-andguardians,andstaffselectedtheDistrictofWabashastheirchoice,wantedtotoarecentpublishedbymembersofcommunity.

County a place where our present families will want to continue to live and an inviting place for future families. The new high school will be ready to serve our community if voters approve in November.Werealize and agree that every one of us, both the public and private sector, should work together for what is in the best interest of our schoolchildren. Our Wabash County schools are

The following is being re-printed to include a portion that was inadvertently left off of the original article.

students in the classroom and save taxpayers’ dollars by making todoor”’ssustainableschoolsWabashgoalschoolnowdecisionBoard,electedus,iningingnowinvestmentstheneededandnotdelay-themandfac-spiralingcoststhefuture.Thosereviewsledasthelocally-SchooltomakethetoinvestinanewhighwiththetomakeourCountyviableandforourThenewschoolwillthelatestdesignstocon-andforWemakebetterofourfacili-Wewillofferstudentstheinstate-of-classrooms.newhighwillbea“frontinoureffortmakeWabash

By Phil Smith

An artist’s rendering shows a view of the new high school’s commons.learning

An artist’s rendering (above) shows a possible view of the new high school’s classroom.typical

MSD ofplansboardseriesmeetings

Artist’s renderings show a view of the new high school’s stairwell. Photos provided

In an ongoing effort to northbinedbuildhighSouthwood(Northfieldhighthetofromsolidaterentcloseprojecturefinancestepsings.”withdescriptionsharepresented.cialcational,“Enrollment,MikeSuperintendentMSDWCgictionhistoricalwithvidemeetingsInformationalschooltheingviableschoolandoperationalofinggoaldistrict’singtoingsattend.theingsfulscheduledWabashSchoolMetropolitantransparency,projecttheDistrictofCountyhasahand-ofpublicmeet-itisinvitingpublictoThemeet-aredesignedcontinueprovid-claritytotheambitiousofrestructur-forthepurposestreamliningcostsmakingthecorporationinthecom-decades.“Thepurposeofnewhighistopro-theaudienceinforma-andourstrate-plan,”,con-studentskindergarteneighthgradeintwoexistingschoolsandjr/srschools)andanewcom-highschoolofWabash.

“Common misetc.,”LaFontaine,townsincounty,uleisings.additionalisengagement,andofMSDWC’sLangebartels,LaurariumHighNorthfieldriumHighSouthwoodBuildingLagroriumHighSouthwoodmeetingsauditorium.Jr./Sr.theningheldmeetingsandbothwithhighbuildingproposedquestionsopportunitytherediscussed.bedoestheanswered.willaskedandued.Keaffaberwillmentandconceptionsthetaxinvest-andimpactbediscussed,”contin-“‘Whynow?’frequentlyquestionsbe‘Whatifreferendumnotpass?’willFinally,willbeantoaskabouttheprojectofanewschool,alongrepurposingNorthfieldSouthwood.”ThefirstoffivewillbeSept.12,begin-at7p.m.inNorthfieldHighSchoolTheremainingwillbe:•Sept.24,9a.m.,Jr./Sr.Schoolaudito-•Sept.24,11a.m.,Community•Oct.5,7p.m.,Jr./Sr.Schoolaudito-•Oct.8,9a.m.,Jr./Sr.Schoolaudito-Accordingtodirectorcommunicationcommunitythereaplantoaddmeet-“Mike(Keaffaber)tryingtosched-moreacrossthespecificallyeachofthesuchasRoann,shesaid.

6 The Paper of Wabash County September 7, 2022

the Reminisce Tent with Big Four Railroad expert Kyle Coble, a former resident of Wabash. Other local historians will share stories of the Wabash Erie Canal, Interurban,the and the early history of Wabash. Some will share the stories of small towns including schedule.g/foundersfest-wabashmuseum.orbeoutscheduledactivitiesCabin.nearspringofnatingbronzetionbrateboardParadiseClub.LaFontainevidedKornBoard,ParadisebreadbeansLeague,Izaakwichespulledlagethroughoutwilltoricgo-roundtheLaFontaine.Lagro,Richvalley,andKidswillenjoypioneermerry-whilehis-foodoptionsbeavailablethevil-includingporksand-fromtheWaltonham&withcorn-bytheSpringandKettlewillbepro-bytheLionsAt11a.m.,theSpringwillcele-thededica-ofanewplatedesig-thelocationtheoriginalwillbeheldtheCook’sManyotherarethrough-thedayandcanviewedat

Manchester team that includes students in the Master of Science in PGx degree program and the dual degree program that allows students to earn a doctoral degree in pharmacy and the PGx master’s tionshipcsPharmacogenomidegree.studiestherela-between

an theputsbeoforearlymaximizeprescribeotherphysiciansication,responsegeneticsindividual’sandtheirtoamed-allowsandclinicianstodrugstotherapyonandavoiddecreasetheriskadverseeffects.Thislistingwillaresourcethatinoneplacelatestscientific

row from left, Joshua Steely, Raven King, Caden Miller, Mary Evaline Collett, Connor Taylor, Cale Bennet, Owen Harshman. Photo by Eric Christiansen


Wabash County Museum officials have taken over the planning and execution of the annual Wabash County Founders Festival (formerly Founders Day).This year’s family-friendly event will be held on Saturday, Sept. 17th in ers.fiddle,MorrisonConnerTraderedyearEntertainmentmakingspinning,wrighting,plesparkthetionsfeatureEncampmentment.AmericanmillreplicawagontheingmentsoldsideinteriorfurnishedcompleteneerloopCabinages.valactivitiesVillageturesHistoricalParadisewithcloseparadecourse,Park,atlivingties,merchanttrucks,MarketaandWabashFloat”aEast&includeWabashdowntownandwillavendorsartisans’rowonMarketStreet,new“Run,Walk,eventontheRiverTrailWabashRiver,Kids’ZoneonStreet,fooddowntownactivi-anexpandedhistoryeventParadiseSpringand,oftheannualwhichwillouttheeventa3p.m.start.Thisyear,SpringParkfea-aPioneerwithmanyforfesti-attendeesofallTheSettler’sonthelowerwillhostapio-homesteadwiththecabinwhileout-guestscanseefarmimple-andlogsaw-demonstration.ShowcasedalongpathwillbeathatholdsaoftheoldandaNativesettle-TheMilitiawilldemonstra-throughoutday.Gueststothewillseeexam-ofwood-flaxandbroom-andmore.thiswillbeprovid-bystorytellerDavidandRodontheamongoth-Newthisyearis

Founders events planned ParadiseatSpring

September 7, 2022 The Paper of Wabash County 7

MHS Homecoming candidates: The 2022 Manchester Junior-Senior High School Homecoming Queen and Queen and court nominees are, front row from left, Carleigh Blevins, Jessica Perez, Aliala Atienza, Macy Greer, Allie Evans, Abby Lengel; back

data.Its partner in the doneofquarter,bethisWednesday,thequarterlyreleasedMedicinetheproject,PersonalizedCoalition,thefirstlistingofdatabaseonAug.31.Goingforward,resourcewillupdatedeachandmuchtheworkwillbebya

thinking in personalized medicine with other Consortium.ImplementationPharmacogeneticsClinicalpublishedclinicalwidelythoseAssociationsPharmacogenetictheinformationcurrentfromFDA’sTableofandlistedinconsultedguidelinesbythe

Manchester PGx to maintain new drug-gene database

4 p.m. — Christopher R. Hall, 38, North Manchester was cited for driving while suspended.

Aug 29 — Virginia G. Honeycutt, 44, Wabash was arrested for failure to appear. Aug. 29 — Tony L. Isaac, 47, Wabash was arrested for posCont. on Pg. 9.

Aug. 31 — Tomas Z. Celis, 52, Gas City was arrested for battery, possession of methamphetamine and possession of paraphernalia.

Richard Keith Morris, 74, of Greenwood and Roann, passed away peacefully in his home on Aug. 30, 2022.

Dort attended Michigan State University and earned her nursing degree from IUPUI in Indiana. She was a registered Nurse at Wabash County Hospital for nearly 20 years. For many years she was a member of P.E.O., the Jaycees, and the local Alzheimer’s support group in Traverse City. She was also a devoted member of Christ the King Catholic Church.

He was born in Hopedale, Ill., on Dec. 11, 1947, to Donald and Helen (Rush) Morris.

4:30 p.m. — to a report of lines down in the 300 block of South River Road.

Aug. 30 — Andrew E. Saunders, 26, Wabash was arrested violating conditions of work release — possession of cocaine.

1:39 p.m. — Vehicles driven by Paige N. Martin, 44, North Manchester and Brian W. Kuczewski, 54, Wabash collided in the intersection of SR 13 and Wabash Street, Wabash. Damage up to $5,000.

services were Saturday, Sept. 3, 2022, at Roann Christian Church 240 E. Allen St., Roann, with Minister Chris Ponchot officiating. Visitation was Friday at Grandstaff-Hentgen Roann Chapel, 335 S. Chippewa Road, Roann.

Graveside services for Frederick and Dorthy Reiken will be at 11 a.m. on Saturday, September 10, 2022, at Falls Cemetery in Wabash, Indiana with Father Jay Horning officiating. Following Graveside Services, the family will receive friends to visit between 2-4 p.m. at the Honeywell Room at the Honeywell Center.

Wabash DepartmentPoliceAccidents

The memorial guest book for Rick may be signed at


Aug. 29

Dalsen, 35, Roann was arrested on two counts of failure to appear.

Aug. 31

3:10 p.m. — A vandalism report was taken in the 600 block of Bond Street.

North Manchester Public Safety AccidentReports

3:12 p.m. — to an alarm in the 1000 block of East Street Wabash

Dorthy ‘Dot’ Reiken, 87 Was an RN Sept. 19, 1934 – July 3, 2022

McDonald Funeral Homes, 231 Falls Avenue, Wabash, Indiana, 46992, have been trusted with Frederick and Dorthy Reiken’s local final arrangements. Online condolences may be directed to the family at

The North Manchester Fire Department responded: Aug. 29

Aug. 30

Aug. 29

Aug. 27 — Bobby D. Springer, 62, Peru was arrested for invasion of privacy. Aug. 28 — Blake A. Van

Aug. 26

4:13 p.m. — A vehicle driven by Shanna M. Heater, 40, LaFontaine struck a deer on CR 50 E, south of SR 124, Wabash. Damage up to $2,500. Aug. 29

Aug. 26

Aug. 30 — James E. Watson, 44, Marion was arrested on two counts of failure to register as a sex offender.

Aug. 29

Rick is survived by his wife Sandra Morris of Roann; children Jennifer Morris (Jason Swinford) of Indianapolis and Gregg Morris of Indianapolis; brothers Jim (Jan) Morris of Hopedale, and Bob (Carol) Morris of Normal, Illinois, and his many brother-in-laws, sister-in-laws, and many nieces & nephews.Funeral

Weekly reports

8:24 p.m. — A vehicle driven by Steven Collins, 17, Liberty Mills struck a vehicle owned by Luke Pinkerton, 37, North Manchester in the 1100 block of North Market Street, North Manchester.

On Sept. 1, 1954, Dort married Fred Reiken in Wabash.

Aug. 29


Aug. 26 — Skylar B. Honeycutt, 21, Wabash was arrested for domestic battery committed in the presence of a child younger than 16 years.

Aug. 28 — Patrick J. Fultz, 32, Wabash was arrested for auto theft.

Rick earned a bachelor’s degree in ag education from Illinois State University in 1969 and later his master’s degree from University of Illinois. He married Sandra Litwiller in Hopedale on March 1, 1969. He taught ag for several years at Olympia High School at Stanford Illinois before being lured into the farm machinery business.

Fire Runs


She was born on Sept. 19, 1934, in Wabash, to the late Floyd Leroy and Viola Gertrude (Fierstos) Unger.

5:20 a.m. — A vehicle driven by Shawn M. Bucher, 42, Roann was damaged when a tree fell into the roadway on CR 800 W, south of CR 1100 N, Roann. Damage up to $2,500.

Above all else, she cherished her family, especially her grandchildren and great grandchildren, and treasured the times she spent with friends, those nearby and as far away as Finland.

11:13 p.m. — Vehicles driven by Brandon P. Carey, 19, LaFontaine and Jordan M. Meyers, 29, Wabash collided at the intersection of Canal and Miami streets, Wabash. Damage up to $5,000.

Dort had a sweet tooth and enjoyed dessert any time of the day. She was a shopper extraordinaire, finding the best bargains and outlasting anyone with her on a shopping spree. She also loved her many cats throughout the years. Most of all, Dort enjoyed being with family, especially during summers at Spider Lake. She spent countless hours playing in the sand and water with her grandchildren, making fudge, and playing card games and dominoes with the family.


Aug. 31 — Joyce M. Morris, 37, Peru was arrested for resisting law enforcement.

Dorthy “Dort” Frances Reiken, 87, of Traverse City and formerly of Wabash, passed away July 3, 2022, at her home with her family by her side after a brief illness.

3:38 p.m. — Vehicles driven by Braiden M. Hampton, 27, Anderson, Billy J. Mora, 53, West Lafayette and Rodd J. Johnson, 46, Marion collided in the intersection of SR 15 and Harrison Street, Wabash. According to the police report, the collision occurred when the vehicle driven by Hampton struck Mora’s vehicle, causing that vehicle to collide with the vehicle driven by Johnson. Damage up to $50,000.

Rick moved from Hopedale to Greenwood in 1982, to become dealer development manager for Claas of North America, where he worked for a number of years, before going back to John Deere. He was service manager at John Deere dealerships in central Indiana for more than 20 years. Roann became his adopted town in 2012 where he quickly became involved in all things Roann. He served as president of the Lions Club, a member of the town board, a member of the Festival Committee and worked with the Roann Community Heritage organization, where he was looking forward to seeing the new street lighting which will soon be installed.

In lieu of flowers, the family suggests memorial contributions made to the Roann Community Heritage, Inc or to the Roann Christian Church.

Richard Morris, 74 Was Lions Club president Aug. 30, 2022 – Dec. 11, 1947

5:03 p.m. — to a report of lines down near the intersection of Shock and River roads. Aug. 30

Dort is survived by her children Kimberley (Ramon) LeDoux, Cinda (Kevin) Hipskind, Christopher (Barbara) Reiken, and Martin (Barb White) Reiken; grandchildren Andrea (John) Miller, Austin (Erika) Reiken, and Mary (Robert) Morrissey; and great grandchildren Ava, Elaina, Asher, Philip, and Lily; and sister Frances (Thomas) Whitmeyer; and sister-in-law Ann Unger. Dort was preceded in death by her beloved husband of 66 years, Fred; her parents; and her brother William Unger.


8 The Paper of Wabash County September 7, 2022

4:45 p.m. — A vehicle driven by Brittany L. Miller, 17, Wabash left the roadway at 3711 SR 15 S, Wabash, striking a fence and a tree. Damage up to $5,000.

6:17 a.m. — Maria M. Ybarra, 23, Fort Wayne was cited for driving while suspended.

9:21 p.m. — Thomas A. Dyson, 42, Roann was cited for having a false and fictitious vehicle registration.

Aug. 28

On Monday, Sept. 19, from 7 – 9 p.m., Charles Miller, speaker, author and cancer survivor from Mason Mich., will withresponse.immunewellnessstudyvastCharlesandmentsalternativeinformationpresentontreat-forcancerotherdiseases.hasdoneaamountofinthefieldofandsystemMillerhasworkedsupport

September 7, 2022 The Paper of Wabash County 9

for a violation of the after ordinance.hours

2022 to Sept. 3, 2022. Jason LLC.,homeDevelopment,remodelhomelandingMartheneexteriorCunningham,poleOverlander,remodelhomeAmandaandUnnel,exteriorShannonbarnJamesPorter,buildingCharleshomeremodelGaryandBurnau,w/rampRobertaAncil,exteriorHarpnew3MHoldings,polebuilding

Weekly reports

Aug. 30 — Zackery S. Case, 39, Wabash was arrested on a petition to revoke.

Street Land Trust, warranty deed to Blanca Rosibel Lopez


The MettlerandMusallandShahJr.ChainSutton23licensesfollowingOfficeCountyWabashClerk’sissuedthemarriagefromAug.toAug.30.JazmineN.andLarryS.TimothyEhrhart,andRekhaK.AbigailVinopalJordanS.TashaL.GeyerChadeA.

Aug. 29 — Ryan M. Fisher, 19, Wabash was cited

Wabash JosephquitandLanawarrantyMichellerantyTrust.RevocableF.HolsingerdeedTrust,RevocableHolsingerandDeniseDefendant:GRE,sheriff’sWabashArmstrong,Defendant:RPLandChristinaSociety,SavingsWilmingtonsheriff’sWabashM.Defendant:SRGsheriff’sCounty,deedtoProperties.MicheleSpangle.SheriffofCounty,deedtoFundFSB.,TrustCSMC2018-12Trust.DonaldSr.SheriffofCounty,deedtoLLC.AngelaFerguson.AlanF.HolsingerPauletteS.LivingwarrantytoAlanF.andAlanHolsingerLivingJerryRose,war-deedtoBlocher.JoshuaHecox,deedtoL.SheffrudChadA.Cripe.BruceA.Pollard,claimdeedtoD.Goshert.JefferyD.Jacoby,

The mitsingissuedCommissionCountyWabashPlanOfficethefollow-buildingper-fromAug.28,

The following land transfers were reported by the Wabash JessieclaimHamilton,Cunningham.CharleswarrantyShirleywarrantyJayneHouseholderGraber.andElmerpersonalLeonaJayOrtiz.deedBuzzard,Aug.fromRecorder’sCountyOfficeAug.22to26:AlexandriawarrantytoGerardoTerryFilbrun,A.FettersandN.Fetters,deedtoJ.Graber,Jr.DelilaMaeWilliamandHouseholder,deedtoGill.RobertF.White,deedtoSuzanJ.quitdeedtoGeneGray

Aug. 28 — Mark M. Buhr, 32, New Haven was cited for having no license when requested.

Joe Steven Jacoby and Julia A. Jacoby Irrevocable Trust, trust deed to Margaret J. Hillyard.Brandy andCoon,Coon,Coon,GregoryDefendants:MindyRavenscroftTimothySuzannesheriff’sWabashTerflinger.andDavidwarrantyandNeedsSupplementalRuthO’DonnellBrandyRachelsonalJohnnyO’DonnellL.andHunt,per-deedtoM.Devita,L.andHuntTrust.JerroldW.SutterLindaL.Sutter,deedtoTerflingerKarenSheriffofCounty,deedtoMetz,andMetz.EugeneGregoryE.GregoryGregE.CoonGregCoon.

groups for over four 547GatheringbeSeptember.thirdHuntingtoncomeyear18thness.thatsivetiontributingandthroughoutdecades,IndianaMichigan,dis-informa-aboutinexpen-supplementsaidinwell-ThisistheconsecutiveCharleshastoontheMondayofThemeetingwillheldatthePlace,GuilfordSt.,in 2675.Lockwood,Gracetions,event.weartoingChurch.UnitedfromacrossHuntington.ThisisdirectlythestreetTrinityMethodistThemeet-isfreeandopeneveryone.PleaseamasktothisIfyouhaveques-pleasecallAnn260-224-

and Suzan J. Hamilton.405West Main

Land Transfers

session of marijuana and possession of paraphernalia.

Aug. 30 — Dylan M. Klug, 22, Wabash was arrested for possession of paraphernalia, failure to appear and on two counts of violating bond.

Aug. 31 — Colt D. Lemaster, 39, Wabash was cited for obstructing an alley.

Wellness talk planned

Aug. 31 — Timothy Reichenbach,A. 34, Wabash was arrested for domestic battery.



AugCitations28—Homer H. Penix, 50, Wabash was cited for a violation of the nuisance dog ordinance.

Aug. 31 — Bradley appear.edWabashSaunders,H.49,wasarrest-forfailureto

Aug. 29 — Luke G. Tacker, 17, was cited for speeding.

deed to State of Indiana and DepartmentIndiana


K9 Mack

assistance to dogs of law enforcement and related agencies throughout the United States. This potentially lifesaving body armor for four-legged K9 officers is U.S. made, custom fitted, and NIJ

K9 Mack to get protective vest

Dam to Dam signup deadline nears


Lincolnville reunion planned: Lincolnville School alumni will have a reunion on Sept. 12 at Harvey Hinklemyers in Wabash. Those attending should plan to arrive between 11:30 a.m. and noon. The reunion is for anyone that attended the Lincolnville School. This photo is from a Lincolnville School Reunion that took place in June 2017.

2022 tourneydodgeballgetssponsor

Indiana State Police K9 Mack will receive a bullet and stab protective vest thanks to a charitable donation from Vestedorganizationnon-profitInterest in K9s, Inc. K9 Mack’s vest is sponsored by Susy and vestsstabprovidewhose501(c)(3)lishedK9s,tenedLoyalTrained“BorntheembroideredFairmount,WaymirePresswoodMichelleandofINandwillbewithsentimenttoLove-toServe-Always”.Deliveryisexpect-withineighttoweeks.VestedInterestinInc.,estab-in2009,isacharitymissionistobulletandprotectiveandother

Photo provided

10 The Paper of Wabash County September 7, 2022

Parker Beauchamp, is committed to supporting the event at the severalthefoundVolunteershappen.”thisWabashambassadorstogethervolunteershundredssponsorsforFlohr.DirectorCountysaidWabashremarkabletestamentyeareventensureworkandBaucco,Trimble,Stakeman,GregFord,volunteers.committeegroupofstaffWabashorganizedfromridingchoiceparticipantsagesridingcyclistsissupport.”weeventsthemselvesexpectationstheirpeople“EncouragingBeauchamp.INGUARD,”the“Intensitysponsorshiptitlelevel.ispartofcultureatsaidtoexceedownforintheseissomethingareproudtoTheeventgearedtowardofalllevelsandandgivesthebetweenanywhere15-150milesThiseventisbyVisitCountywiththehelpadedicatedofAmyDavidMann,Garner,AdamJohnShellyMikePaul,RogerPeeblestirelesslytothattheisasuccessafteryear.“D2DisatruetohowCountyis,”VisitWabashExecutiveChristine“Ifitweren’talloftheandtheofcomingtoserveasforCounty,eventcouldnotcanbethroughoutcountyrunningsupplyand

gear (SAG) stops that are Technologies,County,PaperLightPhotography,PuckerbrushCompany,Meter&WabashIntertech,Friends,Wabash,SponsorsSolutions,HealthGallery,BordersCountyEnergy,Fitness,Breakaway+INGUARD,SPONSORPOWERINGsponsorssponsors.thisshirt,commemorativelunch,includesthethetogethercollectivelyScottYMCA,WabashDepartment,HighwayWabashDepartment,CountyPenrod,ManagerDepartment,ManchesterDepartment,WabashDepartment,WabashDepartment,WabashCountywitheachvariousanticipatespecificallycateredtotheneedsofcyclist.AlongWabashEMA,CityStreetCityParksCityPoliceNorthPark’sTownAdamWabashSheriff’sCountyCountyandMayorLong,worktoensureoverallsafetyofevent.Registrationbreakfast,andat-thankstoyear’s2022include:-CarbonSponsors-Bike&5-HourWabashYMCA,&BeyondHomeCareCarbon-CityofAugie’sOjiInc.HardwareRental,FordBoxArcMedia,TheofWabashInterasect

Spirit Wear, Gaunt & Son com/dam-to-dam.visitwabashcounty.Registersponsorship.thanks18$60.Inn.andTHorneManchesterBankFirstWabashHurt,Printing,&Network,AmericanWabash,Seeds,HarvestDavidson,Brandt’sCPAs,DawesPetruniw,Downs,Manchester,ofDepartment,CountySponsorsAluminum105.9EcowaterChiropractic,Paints,Recovery,White’sUnion,BeaconInvestmentCrossroadsConsultants,MidwestAutomotive,Bistro,950MerchantsChrysler,WabashPaperworks,KissStreetCorning,Metalworks,Brothers-TitaniumAsphalt,SponsorsSchlemmerOwensMarketGrill,95.9FM,ValleyFirstBank,SpeakeasyKirtlan50Ast,EyeCenter,CreditJosiahTeenBigCityHoosierSystems,theBash,-WabashSheriff’sTownNorthTandy,&PC,andPughLLC,Harley-GoldenTrinityDowntownInc.,HealthB.WalterCo.,PettitInc.,JLGrowCounty,Farmers&Trust,Alive,Insurance,CharleyCreekRegistrationisRidersunderrideforfreetoat

Waypoint officials announce that 2022.dentsacceptWaypointEstablishedwomen.erytionalIndiana,inprofitrefreshments.fortownactivitieswilliningkidsofyearHOME.HARDGLOW,mentdowntownFirstconjunctionheldtournamentTournament.Dodgeballannualfor2022WholenessCoachingLeadership,UNDAUNTEDandisthetitlesponsorthesecondWaypointThefundraisingwillbeonNov.4inwithFridayinWabash.The2022tourna-themeisGLOWorGLOWNewthisistheadditionanopenplaycourt,allow-childrentojointhefun.Therebenumerousdown-andoptionsfoodandWaypoint,anon-organizationWabash,isatransi-livingrecov-residenceforin2021,issettofirstresi-inthefallofTheresidence,

located at 189 N Wabash Wabash,St.,has undergone extensive renovations since summer of 2020 to be prepared to welcome the first residents. A collaborative effort between Waypoint and Landmarks,Indiana the historical home will house up to 12 women as they move from a life of chaos, to living free in safety and structure.The Monday,onlineregisterortimes.participateTwomaximumparticipantsminimummustons.dodgeballgingpavementbattleshine,6:30gameStreetdoorswillTournamentDodgeballeventbeheldout-onMiamiwiththefirststartingatpm.Rainofteamswillitoutontheforbrag-rightsasthechampi-Co-Edteamsincludeaofsixandaof10.femalesmustatallIndividualssponsorscanteamsbeginningSept.5,at choice.donationmakeopportunityoffersLevelsfollowinginhouse,theplay?teamsponsorshipinquirepoint.comsitemwabash@gmail.cowaypoint-Custer-MitchellDirectoroutinterested.abletunitiesSponsorshipthetheWholenessCoachingLeadership,www.waypoint.comUNDAUNTEDandwillbetitlesponsorforevent.oppor-areavail-forothersReachtoExecutiveMarilynatorvisitourweb-atwww.way-toabouteventorsponsorship.NotavailabletoHelpsponsorevent,theandwomenrecoverybythelevels:SponsorshipDive:$250.00Dip:$500.00Duck:$750.00Dodge:$1,000.00Thewebsitealsoyouthetoanindividualofyour

of $6.9 million, made possible by both private and corporate donations.The program is open to U.S. dogs that are at least 20 months old and actively employed and certified with law enforcement or related agencies. K9s with expired vests are also eligible to participate.

Visit INGUARDbirthdayfromoriginalstates.fromattractinginnearlyfromhas13offers.WabashcountrysidebeautifulseeingenjoyingwithonThiscyclistscarefullybikejustevents.premierofhaslaterThirteenCountyoriginal92ride,inauguralDuringhisnearbymilestonecelebrateRauhfriendsandDr.theINGUARD.isSeptemberplace9.noon(D2D)DamWabashforonlineannounceCountyWabashofficialsthatregistrationthe13thannualCountytoDamRidewillcloseatonSeptemberTheridetakesonSunday,11andpoweredbyTheinceptionofridebeganwithWilliamRauheightofhisin2010.wantedtoabirthdaydoingsomethinganddeartoheart,cycling.thebirthday9cyclistsrodemilesoftheWabashBikeTrail.yearsandtheeventgrownintooneIndiana’scyclingD2Dismorethanaride,itisatourthatiscraftedbyforcyclists.tourfocusesspendingtimefriends,food,andallthethatCountyOverthelastyears,thiseventtransformed9ridersto1,000ridersthelastdecade,cyclists24differentOneofthecyclistsRauh’sride,CEO

Mailed and faxed letters must be signed. All submissions, including by e-mail, must include an address and daytime telephone number for verification.Theeditor reserves the right to edit letters for length, content and readability. Also, per

The editor must also limit readers to submitting a maximum of two letters per month.

Letters may be hand carried to The Paper office, 606 N. State Road 13, Wabash.

The editorial staff of The Paper invites readers to submit letters to the editor on timely issues. To ensure fairness to everyone, we have established the following guidelines:

Why is it so hard to respect the property of others and be respectful to our environment and the people around us?

September 7, 2022 The Paper of Wabash County 11

I have heard more than once from parents with toddlers how watchful they have to be when at the park because of the possibility that their child might pick up a cigarette butt to put in their mouths.

Dear Editor:

The number one item that litters our streets and sidewalks are cigarette butts. For some reason discarding “butts” on the street and sidewalk seems to be okay, it doesn’t matter. Well, it does matter. Many think that cigarette butts are an acceptable type of litter because there whichcellulosetypearebiodegrade.buttsthatmisconceptionthisiscigarettewillTheymadeofaofplastic,acetate,doesnotdegrade

Smokers need to think about our environment

the editor’s judgment, personal attacks, inflammatory statements and legally objectionable material will not be printed.Personal attacks against individuals or businesses will not be printed.

We can do something about that! We have to stop thinking about the “right” to smoke and start thinking about the “right” for a cleaner environment, safer parks, and clean air.

I am asking that you pick up the sword to make our parks, communities a safer place to live. We all have a “right” to live in a safe, healthy environment.

This has nothing to do with a person’s right to smoke. It has everything to do with the right to have a healthy life that is not exposed by others who choose to smoke in public places around other people, and do not take pride in our parks, streets, and sidewalks, and just discard their cigarette butts to of Wabash and Wabash County Tobacco discardpossibletogetherCoalitionFreemadeittocigarette

Let’s all work together to keep Wabash clean by disposing the cigarette butts properly and keeping the trash off the streets and sidewalks. –Dan Gray, Executive Director, Tobacco Free Coalition

One of the best ways to limit the discarded cigarette butts is to limit where people smoke and make everyone aware of how toxic the “butt” is and how harmful it is to our environment. Our parks should be a safe place for our families and children.

How to submit letters

Whoever took the lids and the receptacle are asked to return them. No questions asked, bring them to the Tobacco Free Coalition office or to City Hall.

well. They set for up to 5 or more years and release toxic waste. Our streets and parks are heavily cluttered with this costly litter.

butts in a safe and clean dispenser placed throughout the downtown area. There are cigarette butt receptacles on some of the trash bins so the “butts” do not have to be thrown to the street and sidewalk. This attempts to keep our downtown area cleaner. It is a sad affair that many do not use them as you can still see cigarette butts discarded on the sidewalks along with other trash. Also, for some reason, someone has taken one of the receptacles and lids of three are gone.


media worship service at 10 a.m. with , hearing & sight impaired. Air 3-3308. Facilities & provisions for the intersections of Wabash, Stitt &METHODISTch /py 1pm.

ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH (LCM www.LivingFaithWabash.o to serve Christ in our 9:00 a.m. for all ages. You ho Worship 10:10 a.m. with fell at southwest corner of Mark242

NOW OFFERING 2, Janet Legesse.

Church of Christ at Wabash, www.gracefellowshipwabash p.m.; Wednesday Evening: B Service 10:30 a.m. Sunday E Pastor Shawn Light. Sunday , 4652 S. 10are our Purpose

We are handicap accessible Trinity! fellowship and refreshments service. Gospel-based message and Young. We

facebFind us on Facebook at worship. Handicap accessibl Worship Service: 10 A M 8881; on the web at ww Locatewdthe heart of Wabash.

hip: 9:30am, Sunday School: 10:45am. 63-1033; Pastor Jack Suits. Email: 290 N. Jefferson Street, Wabash,urch tc.comINManchesterUMC. Website: ive Streamed on Sundays @ 10:30 p Time 9:00 a.m.; Sunday School 9:30 82-7537; Pastor Steve Bahrt. Worship 306 East Second St.,hodist Church

North Manchester, IN 260-982-4404

10:30a.m.; Independant Pre-Millennial Dispensational; 470-2154. Old school King James Bible preaching at 200 Linwood Lane, Wabash; Phone 765-Faith Baptist Church

Christ United Methodist Chur c UNITED M

oving people with the heart of Christ in email: Church, LaFontaine United Methodist wabashchristuChChoir Email: 6:00 Sunday School 9:30 a.m.; Worship Service 10:30 a.m.; 2776 River Rd.; Tim Prater, pastor.Christian HeritageCHRISTIANChurch HERITAGE CHURCH and ServiceFacebook.9:30a.m. Nursery provided. Find us on YouTube . Worshipwww.wabashchristian.orgg4179; Wabash;website:Stephen Eberhard, Minister; phone: 260-563110 W. Hill St.,Church (Disciples of Christ)Wabash Christian 9:00 a.m.; Worship 10:30 am. Nursery Available. Phone 765-981-2101; Pastor Brad Wright; Sunday School 202 Bruner Pike, LaFontaine;LaFontaine Christian Church Minister: Mark Wisniewski. a.m.; Early Service 8:15 a.m.; Church Service 10:30 a.m. Dam, Lagro; phone 260-782-2006. Sunday School 9:30 located 1 1/2 miles South of SalamonieDora Christian Church CHRISTIAN information on Catholicism visit real food and My blood is real drink” (John 6:55). For 5PM., Sun. 9AM., and 11:30(en espanol). “for My flesh is another(James 5:16). Holy sacrifice of the Mass: Sat. churchedun-churchedord Change iSecond Service. 9:00Street, Wabash, IN.

dnesday Prayer Meeting & Bible

Celebrate Recovery

Morning: Sunday School 9:30 a.m.;

0 W., Wabash; phone 260-563-8263;


and WOW IN 46962. Christian Fellowship Church Services - Sunday 1002 State Road 114 East N. Manchester,hristian Fellowship ChurchC

NON-DENOMINATIONAL worship Lord 46992, 260.563.6626, (ELCA)1500Lutheran and caring with Findwww.zionwabash.orgg

Living Faith Church (NALC) -LUTH,Worship Service240 E AlRoann Christian Church 10:45am.

wabashchristuconditioned.ChoirEmail: Sunday multi-m physically handicapped Manchester Ave.; phone 563

LoWabash Presbyterian Church

Children's programming available infants - 6th grade. Sunday school for all ages at 9:45AM. Youth (7th-12th) Sunday evenings at 6:30PM.

vening Service: Faith In Action 6:00

make life transformation th people. So, come as you are a

Pastor: Dr. Bill Crank.9:30 a.mSunday School: Wabash Free Will Baptist Ch facebook. emmanuelchOnline at Study 6pm. Bus transporWedWorship 10:30am. Sunday School 9:30am Sunday dLWbhPh765 bbce 6:00 p.m.; Wednesday Evening nday School 10:00 a.m.; Worship St., Wabash; Church60 Columbus m., Worship Service: 10:30 a.m. 1056 Erie Street, Wabash.hurch . Find us onh rtation is available, call 563-3009.

Grace Fellowship ChurchCOMMUNWherI Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m. Cla a.m.; Evening Worship Hou phone 563-8234. Sunday Sc Wabash St. & State Route 4 N Wabash St., Wabash (corner of N. .com ible Study & Prayer Meeting 6:00 p.m.

adult Bible class 9:15 a.m., churched,Newteaching,unnecessarymakelifetransformationthstufffadeintocommunity,andJourney.Wekeepthun-churched,ord8:30AM or 10:45AM, or via live-stream on Facebook at 10:45AM.

TY CHURCH sses & activities for all ages. r 6:30 p.m.; Mid-Week Bible Study hool 9:00 a.m.; Worship Hour 10:00 24); Evangelist Josh Fennell; office urbanaparish@gmaemail: L WbhPbtiChhPRESB

Early Childhoood Director Student Minister, David Dien Minister, Ryan Keim; Wom School/Groups Minister, Minister, Joel Cogdell; Wors 15; phone 260-563-4109;

a.m. - Frist Service, 10:30 a.m.Old W.C. Mills School. 1721 Vernonh fe and loved!

gfp Sacramentandappointment.another”(James5:16).HolysacrificeoftheMass:Sat.“Therefore,confessyoursinstooneSat.8-9AM&3:30-4:30PMoranytimebyofConfession:Tues.5-6PM,Wed.5:15-6PM,.LikeusonFacebook.



P.O. Box 57 (Kendall

FithBtitChh 6:00 p.m.; Pastor Tim Web 11:00 a.m.; Evening Servi Phone 260-563-4917; Su36Southside Freewilll Baptist

Pastor Larry Wade Sunday 260-563-1886.dltBibll915Pastor:Rev. G

Adult Bible Study 7:00 p.m., Teen Bible Study 7:00 p.m. (Grades 7-12): 9:00 am, “LOFT” Children’s Church (Grades Adult Classes: 8:00, 9:00, & 10:30 am, Youth Connect St.; Sunday Morning Schedule – Worship: 9:00 & 10:30 am, 407 N. SycamoreNorth Manchester First Brethren Church: (), ( 1-6): 9:00 am, Elementary Classes: 10:30 am, “The Garden” Nursery & Preschool Classes: 9:00 & 10:30 am. Find us online: www.nmfbc.orgbcog

; Pastor Nathan Whybrew,stumc.orgg110 N. Cass St, Wabash; (260)Church

10:00 am, Sunday School a (765) 833-6561. Join us fo Chippewa & Beamer Sts. in

11February.a.m.the 1st Sunday of the month except January and Main Street in Lagro. Holy MassSt. Patrick's Catholic Church Wednesday,a.m. Friday at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, Thursday at 8:15 and Sunday at 9:30 a.m. Weekday Masses: Monday, phone 563-4750. Weekend Masses: Saturday at 5:30 p.m. Horning, Pastor. Parish Office and Rectory: 207 N. Cass St., Corner of Cass & Sinclair Sts.; Fr. JaySt. Bernard Catholic CATHOLIC

Communion observed

ble Fellowship & Worship 9:15am &

45AM, nursery provided for both. usan Shambaugh, Pastor; Worship: ; l & Main St), La Fontaine; phone: 765La Fontaine United

tHRISTIAN CHURCH de-churchedheohroughJesusChristaccessibletoallthebackground.Ourmissionistoservingprimary,whilelettingtheimportantthingslikeworship,you’llfindafreshstartatWhetheryouareoveris possible!

12 The Paper of Wabash County September 7, 2022 Pastor Dr Ben Church VISIT errell 26TeJacob wwwterrellrealtyT260-563-7 ABASH, INWWA532 N. CAS (Fo f60-571-5297ygroupcom7478 N 46992., Tools SS ST rmerly Wabash True Value) or all your project needs. , products and expert advice B sbelow:semitecivreruoeeS ood 200wLa Lin ith Baptist CFa Yoevwill GieW King James B t H’u DonoIf Y Chuen ane chChur rch u aibleOne!,Aev SPersingerYouthPastor www.terrellrealty SundaySchool9:30amSunday 1904ChurchofChristatWabash 4NWabashStWabash(cornerofNPersinger, Youth 200LiPastor

ner; Children’s Minister, Tyler Leland; men’s Director, Taylor McFarland; Nate Plyler; Next Steps/Outreach ship Minister, Michael Eaton; bachelorcreek.comMiddle;Leadwebsite:4milesnorth of Wabash on St. Rd.

welcome and we wo u

Ministry meets every www.walkbyfaithcommuniSundayt

e Christ is our Passion and People

Walk by Faith Community Ch u morning at 10:00 AM. School 9:00 AM, Worshi p p@g PastorLarryWadeSundayailcom ilihhhfChii BYTERIAN at 5 pm. “Walk by Faith” ld love for you to join us!

llen St, Roann, Indiana. Bible School -

hrough Jesus Christ accessible to all and be made new! 563-3108;Youthinwwwfacebookcom/wabasthesanctuary,PastorNickSmithwww.wabashfirs Wabash First United Methodist C Worsh IN 46992; Phone: 260-5 6 Richvalley United Methodist Chu a.m.www.northmanchesterumconFacebookatL a.m.; Worship 10:30 a.m. 8:15 a.m.; Coffee Fellowship North Manchester; (260) 98 North Manchester United Met h glincolnvilleumc.or Fellowship time; 981-2648.pastorjohn1954@gmail.co10mPastor: Lincolnville United Methodist C 9:30AM, Sunday School: 10:;Suwww.lafontaineumc.orglafo n981-4021;

Bachelor Creek Church of INDEPENDENTChristC

New Journey Community Church accessible. A place to feel saf Bible Study 6:00pm. Chu Morning Worship 10:30am; Wabash North Wesleyan ChurWES Sunday 5-7pm @ Lincolnvill School, Thursday, 6pm @ provided. Sunday Night Worship 6:00 p.m. Wednesday Night: Children's Church Sunday Morning 11:00 a.m. Nursery is Sunday morning 9:30 a.m., Sunday Morning Worship 10:30 a.m., 385-4400. Adult Sunday School 9:30 a.m., Teens Jesus and Java Washington St., Wabash, IN 46992. Pastor Tim Morrisett, 317-480(Non-Denominational Full Gospel Church)Freedom Life Church ppg Wednesdaywww.cfcpeople.org6:30 PM. Pastor Jacob Good, 260-982-8558. 10 AM. Tuesday at 6 PM

urch is wheelchair and handicap ; Sunday School 9:30am; Wednesday 600 Manchester Ave., Wabash.SLEYANrch eWabashUMC. First UMC; Middle School, . Youth Group times: Highhfirstumc11:30am Facebook Live, h. Service Times: 8am and 10am

:00 a.m. Morning worship. m. 9:00 a.m. Sunday School; 9:40 a.m. John Cook, 260-563-1406, 5848 E. 500 S. Wabash, 765-hurch

Children’s Sunday School duringM.;phone:(260) 563-

Lead Pastor, Brandon Eaton. Join us for in-person worship at 3563 S State Rd 13, Wabash, (260) 563-8452.Wabash Friends Church

02SttRd114EtNMht OMINATIONAL and everyone is welcome at Trinity! ts immediately following the service. Holy Communion. There is a time of ord each Sunday at 9:30 a.m. with a Pastor Dr. Kent A)1500 S. Wabash St., Wabash, IN Christ crucified for you! n d us on Facebook and YouTube. the first and third Sundays. ., worship service 10:30 a.m. Holy Gerald Gauthier II. Sunday school and 173 Hale Drive, Wabash. PhoneMS) rgrg daily lives. All are welcome! onor us with your presence as we seek owship time after service. Bible study ket Street. Office phone 260.563.4051. 2 South Huntington Street, downtown HERAN 10:00 am. Chris Ponchot, Minister; FIRST BRETHREN CHURCH 95.9 p.m.;FM.Radio Ministry 8:30 a.m.-9:00 a.m. Sunday WKUZ Sunday Evening 6:00 p.m.; Wednesday Bible Study

All aret 9 am. Pastor - Jody Tyner. r services and children’s worship at Roann; phone (765) 833-9931 or 515 Chippewa Road, corner ofrch 10:00 AM, Bible Study Thursday

build My Church” (Mathew 16:18). 1203 State Road 114 E, established. “You are Peter [rock], and on this rock I will to experience ancient Christianity in the Church Jesus - We humbly invite youSt. Robert Bellarmine Catholic Church

Church Preaching

Pastor Dr. Ben Church

dahlia enthusiasts that meet regularly to discuss methods of growing, propagating, and overwintering tubers.

A dahlia tuber sale is held in May and garden tours are held in the summer.There is also a late summer annual show. This year’s 67th show is in conjunction with the 87th

Midwest Dahlia ety.comelkhartdahliasoci-theFacebookDahliamembers.welcomestifultechniquessharingmembersDahliaConference.TheElkhartSocietyenjoytipsandtoraisestunninglybeau-dahliasandnewFindElkhartSocietyonorvisitwebsiteat

The 87th Annual Show of the Midwest Dahlia Conference, sponsored by the Elkhart Dahlia Society, will be held Sept. 10- 11 at the Farmstead Inn Expo Barn, 368 South Van Buren Street (State Road 5), vases)showSunday1:30fromSunday,toSept.publicdahliasthesetiontionsdetailed(ADS)Dahliaslic.istotheOntario,Pittsburg,KansasasservesDahliaTheShipshewana.MidwestConference16clubsfromfarwestasCity,easttofromCanadainnorthandsouthIndiana.Thedahliashowopentothepub-TheAmericanSocietyprovidesspecifica-fortheevalua-ofnewdahlias.TheviewingofbeautifulisfreetotheonSaturday,

The trial garden in Bonneyville Mill County Park in Bristol, Indiana is cared for by members of the Elkhart Dahlia Society and is open to the public.Several members of the Elkhart Dahlia Society have had dahlias pass the evaluations of


andsuggestionsgive about raising dahlias, and how to become a member.The Midwest Dahlia Conference serves 16 clubs from as far west as Kansas City, east to Pittsburg, and from Ontario, Canada, UnitedlocationssevenADSDahliatheencesregionalandMichigan,Wisconsin,Minnesota,toIllinois,Ohio,Indiana.Itisoneofsevenconfer-alignedwithAmericanSociety.ThesponsorsTrialGardenintheStatesand

away to the public.

Many of their blooms will be at the Midwest Dahlia Conference show on Sept. 10 and 11.

Dahlias are a favorite flower among many gardeners because of versatility.Dahlias come in many colors, shapes, designs, and sizes, totaling into the many hundreds in terms of variety.Blooms range in size from micro (1 inch) to dinnerplate (can be over 12 inches) and are in every color and color combination except blue.All blooms at the show are recognized by the American Dahlia Society.Raffle tickets for a beautiful dahlia quilt, pieced by Elkhart Dahlia Society member Marcia Chambers of Topeka, will be available on Saturday, Sept. 10 from noon to 4:30 p.m. You do not need to be present toElkhartwin. Dahlia Society members in green aprons will be available to answer questions

September 7, 2022 The Paper of Wabash County 13

trial gardens to become recognized hybrids by the ADS.

Canada to provide a place for hybridizers to have new dahlia cultivars evaluated.TheADS provides detailed specifications for these evaluations. Trial gardens are in parks or gardens that the public can visit.

The Elkhart Dahlia Society is the only dahlia society in Indiana with membership from Indiana,Michigan and Illinois.Itis a group of

3-set match were Alex Dinkins fell short by the narrowest of margins, 7-6, 2-6, 7-6 (5).


experience with the Wabash Pride baseball themandbebaseball,timehavingthetheIt’stheand“I’mintheballworktudeexperienceattended.”elementaryCitytohadschooltheyeightBowenworkedtive,”ratherreinforcementstuffsocialalityferenttheSmithmanagement,withinbachelor’sAfterSchoolWabashworkerSmithprogram.isasocialintheCityDistrict.earninghisdegreecriminaljusticeaminorinHRsaidhefeltneedtogoadif-route.“Ifeltmyperson-wasmorework-like–positivethanpuni-hesaid.“IattheCenterforyearsandhadmeinthesystems.IanopportunitycometoWabashSchoolsattheschoolISmithbringshisandatti-fromhissocialcareertothediamond.“Iliketoteachwholestudentschool,”hesaid.(also)acoachIliketocoachwholeplayer.morethanjustproductiononfield.IfakidisatoughoutsideofIwanttothereforthembeamentorforoffthefield.”

Wabash’s only lost came at No. 2 singles, in another

Apache tennis team Eastern,tops4-1

Shane Smith is walking into a new experience as the new head baseball coach Manchesterat High School baseball coach but he isn’t unfamiliar with the team and said he is looking forward to his, and Squires’,thenew journey.“I’m really excited about the opportunity,” Smith said. “I met a lot of the players already, and I already knew some of them, and I’ve felt very welcomed here relaxedbaseballdence.playbyatplayersthatprogramshipsdeveloptinued.program,”munitymenttotoKylesuperintendent)(Silveus)ic(Manchesterbyathlet-director)Tysonand(MCS(Wieland).“Mymaingoaliscomeinandtrygenerateexcite-inthecom-aroundthehecon-“Iwanttorelation-andcreateacultureenablesthetocompetethehighestlevelbeingabletowithconfi-“Ifeellikeagoodplayerisaplayer.”

Wabash 6, Rochester 1

Wabash 7, Caston 0

Wabash 4, Eastern 1

The Apaches are now 3-7 on the year. Manchester Bluffton Manchester5,0

Smith named new Squires baseball coach

Nicholas Ewing won 6-2, 6-4 at No. 1 singles while Eli Mattern was dominate in his 6-1, 6-0 win at No. 3 singles.The double teams swept Eastern with the No. 1 team of Cooper Long and Dominic Baker won 6-1, 6-7, 7-6, and the No. 2 team of Ashton Coffman and Troy GueninHodson won a tight 6-3, 6-7 (4), 6-3 win.

The Squires ran into a Huntingtontough North team and lost to the VikingsPeyton5-0.Jones lost 6-2, 6-1 at No. 1 singles, Josh Steely

By ChristiansenEric news@thepaper-ofwabash


The Manchester boys soccer team beat Squiresbrokehalf,time.0SquirestoMcLainpassLiamfourkick.vertsteppedMichaelupperseemtherphysicalminutesoverall.TRCtheirAug.6-0TippecanoeopponentconferenceValleyonTuesday,30,toadvancerecordintheto3-0,and5-1Forthefirst20ofaverygame,nei-teamcouldtogetthehanduntilOrtizuptocon-thepenaltyLessthanminuteslater,YorkslottedatoTylerwhoscoredallowthetotakea2-leadintohalf-Inthesecondthegameopenasthescoredfour

The Apaches shut out Caston 7-0 Thursday, Sept. 1.

The Tigers gave up just three games in the three singles matches with Penton Jones losing 6-1, 6-2 at No. 1 singles. Josh Steely (2 singles) and Connor Trump (3 singles) both lost 60, The6-0. doubles

The Manchester and Wabash boys soccer teams had successful weeks last week.

pass from Jacob France to Put the Apaches up SunghooffingWabashscoredGuenin-Hodson5-0.thelastforbyfinish-fromdistanceapassfromCho.

The Manchester boys tennis team started a rough week with a 5-0 loss at Tuesday,BlufftonAug. 30.


Troy HodsonGuenin-assisted on goals for Jacob France and Jacob Fuchs and ended the game with three assist, with Sol France scoring with 16 minutes left to make it a 5-0 score.Carpenter and Wilson each scored in the final minutes.The improvedApachesto3-3 on the season with the win.

Manchester No. 1 singles player Peyton Jones hits a forehand in a recent match for the Squires. Photo by Eric Christiansen

Manchester 0, Columbia City 0 Manchester and Columbia City battled to a 0-0 tie Thursday night, Sept. 1 backthehitfreeminutescameshotteams.testedwasmark,boastingandwithgoingManchester.atWiththeSquiresintothegamea5-1recordtheEaglesa6-0thegamestronglycon-bybothManchester’sbestforagoalwitheightleftwhenakickbyMillertheinsideofpostandwentout.

14 The Paper of Wabash County September 7, 2022

Smith replaces Jack Rupley as the skipper of the Squires after Rupley retired after 23 years at the helm.“It’s kind of big after 20-some years of another coach,” Smith acknowledged. “There can be this uncertainty – who is this outsider, this new guy? I’m just trying to jump in an administrativeyearstwoApachestheassistantandunderthefor1990s,SchoolWabashsinceWabasharoundmunity.”iarwantrelationships.buildIjusttobeafamil-faceinthecom-SmithhasbeenbaseballinCountyheplacedforHighinthelatehascoached24yearsfromt-balllevelto18-travelball,hasbeenancoachforWabashthelastseasons.Healsohadsixofbaseball

lost 6-0, 6-0 at No. 2 singles, and Connor Trump lost 6-4, 6-4 at No. 3 singles.The No. 1 doubles team of 4.recordtwolostandofNo.loststartedSammieHendersonColeandLambertstrongbut6-4,6-1,andthe2doublesteamOwenHarshmanA.J.Weaver6-0,6-0.MiloHupplostJVmatches.TheSquires’standsat1-

In JV action, Derek Reed won 80, the doubles team of TJ Fritter and Colton Sellers lost 8-6, and the team of Dillon Pence and Nick Perkins lost 85.

The Wabash boys tennis team won a thriller at Eastern while Manchester ran into two strong opponents and came away with two losses.

Manchester 6, Tippy Valley 0

Jacob France scored the first goal of the night and Sol France scored a minute later to make it 2-0.

The Wabash boys tennis team traveled to Eastern and pulled out a 4-1 win over the Wednesday,CometsAug.

more goals. Ortiz scored his second goal of the game, assisted by Iaione.assistedMcLain,moreroundedTheassistedNathaniellowedMartynowicz,Evanfol-byagoalbyMiller,byOrtiz.scoringwasoutbytwogoalsfrombothbyRoberto

Apax, Squires boys have strong week

teams fared better with the No. 1 team of LambertSammieand Cole Henderson lost 6-3, 6-4 and the No. 2 team of HarshmanOwenand A.J. Weaver lost 6-4, 6-0.

The Wabash boys soccer team had it all working for them Wilsondone,nerkick.JacoblaternightsecondCarpenterthestartHodsonTroyFrancetheitalizewereofApachesWabashtheishedMaxAandingfirstscoredtory.Aug.RochesteragainstTuesday,20ina6-1vic-SolomonFrancethegame’sgoalbycollect-ablockedshotfiringithome.fewminuteslaterCarpenterfin-alooseballinboxtoputup2-0.Thehadalotgreatlooksbutunabletocap-ontheminfirsthalf.Wabash’sJacobheadedinaGuenin-crosstotheactioninsecond.gothisgoalofthealittlewhilefinishingaFuchscor-Nottobeout-Koltonfinisheda

The lecture in the Auer Performance Hall of the Rhinehart Music Center is made possible thanks to Purdue Fort Wayne’s Woodruff.”withseriesumentaryaward-winningincludingousanchoredspondent,Washingtonspondent,WhiteCNN,reportingspentnalistwell-respectedPBSpartnershiplongtimewithFortWayne.Woodruffisajour-whohasfivedecadesforNBC,andPBS.ShehasbeenHousecorre-chiefcorre-andnumer-programs,thedoc-“FrontlineJudyIn2013,she,along

From Prohibition to Craft” at 7 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 15, at the seating,butHouse.HoneywellTheeventisfree,duetolimitedreserva-

Beer is topic of talk

All tickets reserved online can be sent directly to patrons via text


picked up in person beginning one hour before the talk.


Want ads resultsbring

Learn about one of the most popular beverages in the nation when Scott Fergusson, founder of “BeerBrewery,Chapman’spresentsinAmerica:

September 7, 2022 The Paper of Wabash County 15

tions are required; reserve your spot now by calling 260563-1102 or online at of

SQUIRREL CREEKSQUIRREL CREEK SQUIRRELCREEK CREEKSQUIRREL – BULK FOODS –HOURS: MON - SAT 8:30-5:00 13653574-893-1942N500ERoann-MiamiCountyCookedhamlb.Applewoodsmokedhamlb. Mild$cheeseswisslb.449Pepperjackcheese$385lb. $cheeseGouda399lb. Buttermilk Shreddedcheese Prices Good Sept. 8th - Sept. 21st While Supplies Last $339 $399 $275 $799qt. 2lb.

ing platform, or at the Schatzlein Box Office in the Rhinehart Music Center lobby.

Tickets available for Woodruff lecture

A workshop on identifying native plants 260-468-2127.requireded.person.locatebeweather,species.nativehisWyattrainleastexpectedTheInterpretiveSalamonie’s11,takepollinatorsessentialspecificallytoIndianawillplaceonSept.4:30-6:30p.m.atCenter.workshopistolastattwohours,orshine.SpeakerJakewillshareknowledgeofplant—Dressforthetherewillsomewalkingtoplants.—Costis$10per—Spaceislimit-—Registrationisbycalling

Tickets can be


Tickets for “An Evening with Judy Woodruff” are now available on the Purdue University Fort Wayne on Sept. 14 at 7:30 p.m.

beer, Fergusson will share how he came to work in the beer business and his plans for Wabash.endeavorsbeer-centeredfuturein

message or email. These digital options are helpful when looking to avoid the need to stand in line at the box office on the night of the show.

with the late Gwen Ifill, broke boundaries as they became the first two women to coanchor a university’sonlinebeseat,forassessedienceson.limitservedfirst-come,tureNewsHour.broadcast,newsnational“PBS“Ticketstothelec-arefreeonafirst-basis.Theisfourperper-A$1.50conven-chargeisperticketonlineorders.Toguaranteeaticketsshouldreserved,eitherthroughtheticket-

LaFontaine Lions Club presented a $1,000 check to Tosha ect.portingcommunitylikeLionsCommunityLearningLaFontaineworkClubsandlocaltiesforisfunds.clubfundraisers,communityThroughthetythebreakfastheldproject.theirCommunityLearningLaFontaineOperations,DirectorSwanson,ofoftheforplaygroundTheLionsClubacommunitywherelocalcommuni-donated$500toproject.itsotherthematchedtheTheLion’sClubalwayslookingmoreopportuni-toservethecommunitysupportLionsInternationalorldwide.TheandClubwouldtothanktheforsup-thisproj-

765-981-4928. These bricks are placed at the lovely Veterans Memorial at the BuildingCommunityLaFontaineon 105 West Branson St. in LaFontaine. LIONSLAFONTAINE will be at Founders Day in Wabash on Sept. 17 with their Kettle Corn, (it might be called Sugar Corn since we will be in 1812 attire.)

Kari Johnson is the schools.attendinghasPolicetoiors.programandforhasNHSJohnsonHighSouthwoodPrincipalAssistantatJr.-Sr.School.Mrs.isa2003graduate.Shetaughtbusinessthelast10yearsrunstheinternforsen-SheismarriedaWabashCityofficerand3childrenoursouth

CLASSSOUTHWOODOF1969 IS HAVING A TOGETHERGETan informal gettogether on Sept. 10 at the Izaak Walton League We will meet at 4:00, meat and dinnerware will be furnished, bring a cover dish to share and lawn

VETERANS are taking orders for bricks to honor your family member or friend. All you need is $75, a name, rank, years of service and name of which branch of service they were in. Just call Jerry Wilson at

free will donation. Carry- outs will be available. Lions will also, be collecting eye glasses, old keys, and hearing aids.


SARY Dave and Diana Heath Aug. 30


Revv. Rick E. Carder - (Ri

If you have preordered a book, please send a check for $25 for each book ordered to Oren Guenin, 411 N. Lenfesty Marion IN 46952. Please make 981-2033.GoodpasturepleasehaveThankorderespublishinggreatlytreasurerisHistoryyLaFontaine/LibertpayablecheckstotheTownshipClub.Orenthehistoryclub’,callSusieat765-

Don and Linda

School ablebersschoolKeaffaberSupt.LeaningLaFontaine6:30Monday,ReferendumProjectonSept.19,p.m.atCenter.Mikeandboardmem-willbeavail-forquestions.

Lion Ethel Eib (left) and Dave Ballard present Tosha Swanson, Director of Operations, a check for the LaFontaine Learning Community playground project. Photo provided

We will be starting our fall Cross Shoots soon These shoots are for shotguns and open sight 22s.The dates for the shoots are, Sept. 11 and 25, Oct. 2, 23, and 30, Nov. 6, 13 and 27 and Dec. 4. Cost to shoot is $3 per shoot and everyone is welcome.The club encourages the youth to come and shoot also. There will be refreshments and the club furnishes new shells. Shoots start at 10 a.m.

EXPO 11 Have you marked your calendar? Plans for expo 11 are taking shape. It will be held at thisornamentcommemorativeold!isstory.ordisplayPeopletureBuildingortionpickCallestedthatknowbeIfbargoods,CharityBuildquiltsJoanturningphotolunch,tiontree/wreathentertainment,activitiesNov.LearningTheCenter,5.Someoftheincludeauc-forcharity,vendersales,shoots,bedfeaturingManning’sandstories.NewisLet’sATreeForusingcanandaCoffeeattheentrance.youwouldliketoavenderorofsomeonemightbeinter-letmeknow.7659812451orupanapplica-atthelibrarytownhall.TheParkerwillfea-Toyland.areaskedtotoys,books,gameswiththeThisactivityforyoungandTherewillbeaagainyear.

Jervis Sept. 2, Tony and Amy Long, Rick and Gay Nieman Sept. 3, Greg and Trisha Baldwin, John and Peggy Grayson, Sept. 5, Brad and Kristin Skinner, Bryce and Meghan Doyle Sept. 6, Brian and Harrison,Patty Neal and Sara Bates Sept. 7, Jim and rita Duncan Sept. 8

SEND YOUR NEWS and pictures to me by Thursday

history book is almost completed and ready to send to the bindery.



OOD D a ily n k o x i f n’t s e a prounam message from a friend associate.Sotoo,in our daily life, WOWORDS . . . y we all receive mail in our inour mail filter et right. It can noying to sift gh all that to see a d or busi-ness we need to hear o sort through all are 3roughtofilterbombardedtouncoveryou?Listenagentle breeze.carefully.Truth.bythefromSooo,oudaye,Godwhilehavingtothermessages.Weuntruth.UseabiblicalWhatisGodsayingHespeaksth(1Kings19:10-1

ONE OF FAVORITEMYspeeches comes from Robert Duvall in “Second Hand Lions.”“Sometimes the things that may or may not be true are the things that a man needs to believe in the most. That people are basically good That honor, courage and virtues ingmanoranyDoesn’tLoveThatrememberandumphsGoodmeanmoneypowereverything.meanThatandmoney,andpowernothing;thatalwaystri-overEvil’Iwantyoutothis:Love,trueneverdies.matterifofthisistruenot.Youseeashouldbeliev-in.”


16 The Paper of Wabash County September 7, 2022

LaFontaine Lions Club gives gift to Learning Community


MIKE RIGNEY will be having a meet and greet on Wednesday, Sept. 7 at 6:30 p.m. at the Building.CommunityLaFontaineHe will discuss his stance on school issues.

VETERANS will meet for coffee and a snack on Friday Sept. 9 at 9 a.m. in the Lion Room at the ans.yoursomecomeallBransonLaFontainedowntownBuildingCommunityBuilding.CommunityLaFontaineislocatedonStreet.So,youveteransandhavecoffeewithfellowveter-

chairs. Please RSVP on the class’ Facebook page or contact Ned at 260228-0772

IF YOU LIKE to play Euchre, come, and play Euchre at the p.m.Wednesday’sSeniorLaFontaineCenteronat1:30

HAPPY BIRTHDAY Charles Price Sept. 1, Stephan Polk, Marie Lloyd, Carol Snyder, Jan Vandergrift, Sept. 2, Donna Proffitt, Donna Dillon Sept. 4, Matt Culver, Luke Eviston, John Snyder Sept. 5, Pat Robinson, Jean Sneed Alex Tucker Sept. 6, Mary Brane, TomSimpsonMarilynSept.7,KnableSept. 8

LIONS’LAFONTAINENEWS:If you missed the smoked pulled pork meal in May, you will not want to miss the one we will be having one again on Sept. 24 from 4-7 p.m. (or until run out) in the wasenjoyedwhoBuilding.CommunityLaFontaineEveryonecameinMayitsaidit“delicious.”Themenuissmokedpulledporksandwich,bakedbeans,applesauce,anddrink.Dessertswillbeavailablefor

The Food Pantry is for Wabash County residents. For further information on donating food or for 4639.pleaseassistancecall260-571Lagro MethodistUnitedChurch

Our condolencesheartfelt to the family and friends of Kim Barrus, Frank Bever, and Judy Mullen.

Lagro Happy Bir thday: Sept. 7 – Athena Miller; Sept. 8 – Don Bever and Dave Good; Sept. 10 – Isis Ivy;

The ArtisansFarmersLagroandMarket is Saturday, Sept. 10, from 9 a.m. to noon on Street,Washingtoninfront of the pavilion. Enjoy the morning shopping and visiting with friends and family.

The PantryFood at doorthroughPleasethe9:00everythirdChurchCommunityLagroisopentheSaturdayofmonthfromto10:00a.m.inbasement.enterthebackofthechurch.

Carry-out meals are also available. The cost is $12 for those 12 years old and up; $7 for ages 7 to 11, and free for those 4 and under. Also that evening, is a car and truck show, and music from the questions‘Unwound.’bandForabout the event, call Bruce Eltzroth, 260-5711693.

The ChurchCommunityLagroinvites you to Sunday School from 9:00 to 10:00 a.m. and worship service at 10:00 a.m. every Sunday. Dan Snyder is the speaker for Sept. 11.

The HonorNorthfieldwinnerfor Aug. 19 was Joshua Baugher. Josh was recognized by Mrs. LeMaster for participating in class the first week of Joshua!Congratulations,school.

Volleyball (7/8); Volleyball Practice Volleyball(V/JV); (7/8) –FootballMcCulloch;(JV) at Southwood; Cheer Practice.Sept.13

Dora Christian Church, 2325 S. Salamonie Dam Road, welcomes you to serviceworshipSunday at 8:15 a.m. or 10:30 a.m. PrisonteachesBibleforeveningeveryPreachercomeEveryoneAvenue,ManchesterRestaurant,9:00Tuesday,forJoinQuarterlyBoardalso14.Corinthiansbased“Comefora.m.SchoolSundayisat9:30ThesermonSept.11isOn,Man,”on116:13-ThisSundayisthedayfortheMeetingandOffering.themembersbreakfastonSept.13,ata.m.,atBraves380Wabash.iswel-tojoinMarkWednesdayat6:30p.m.PrayerandstudyasheonPaul’sEpistles.

invites you to its Sunday com.LagroUMC@gmail.theparentsonmoreservicedependingvaryactivitiesoffered.12ththetiesYouthagesandservicesmorningat9a.m.,schoolforallat10a.m.groupactivi-forstudentsin4ththroughgradesarealsoThoseandtimeseachmonthontheproject.Forinformationyouthprograms,canemailchurchat

A SupportGriefgroup meets at the Church of Christ at Wabash, 1904 N. Wabash MondayWabash,St,everyat3:30 p.m. You are welcome to join them. If you have Wendt,contactquestions,Donna260-782-2160.

Norse WeekStudentsHonorofthe ending Aug. 26 were them.anddentuppickingwaswholethatexcellentcaughtLynn.HaupertGabbyandJustinGabbywasaskinganquestionhelpedtheclass.Justinchosenforsomethingthatanotherstu-haddroppedreturneditto

The DepartmentVolunteerLagroFirewill host a on Sept. 17, from 4 to 7 p.m., at the Lagro Fire Station, 1340 Main St. Dine-in is for all you can eat.

Auditorium;RingFreshman–ClassMeetinginCap & Gown (V/JV).VolleyballVolleyballFootballPeru.VolleyballOpenSouthwood;FootballElementary;PiercetonVolleyball6thRochester/Peru;V)(V/JV);VolleyballVolleyballFootballOpenOrdersGraduationDue;BbGym;Practice;(7/8);PracticeGolf(Girls–Grade,at(7/8)atBBBGym;(V/JV)–Sept.14–Practice;(7/8);Practice

our hearts. Let us not forget to personally be a presence in their lives, to offer hope and help. Their names need not be mentioned; God knows them by name.

September 7, 2022 The Paper of Wabash County 17

There are people in our community who are in need of our prayers at this time. Their names remain on our lips and their concerns linger in

Sept. 11 – Aaron Turner; Sept. 13 –Judy Quinn. Do you have a birthday anniversaryor to celebrate? Do you have a special event to share? If so, just send me an email at the address listed above, or text me at 260-571-2577; the deadline is Thursdays by 7:00 p.m. I’d love to share your special day or your community event. Let’s share the news!

Upcoming events

Farmers Market to take place Sept. 10

Wabash will observe Patriot Day, Sunday, Sept. 11, at 2 p.m., at the Wabash City Park. This Day Remembranceof will include prayers for the military, firefighters, and police.


The JuniorNorthfieldClass is sponsoring a Nelson’s atinWednesdaFundraiserPort-a-Pitony,Sept.7,theparkinglot3:45p.m.

DAR to meet on Sept. 13


honey and maple syrup as well as the fruits and vegetables.

FOC STORE:THRIFT Hours are Tuesday through Friday 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. and Saturday 10 a.m. until 1 p.m. Closed Sundays and GuidelinesMondays.will be in place for the safety of visitors and staff. Use back door for all donations. No public restroom will be available. The Thrift Store is located at 410 N. Market Street, North Manchester.

DRIVE THRU FOC SHIPFELLOW-MEALhosted by Fellowshipthe of Churches is held on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month at the Zion Lutheran Church from 4:30-6 p.m. The church is located at 113 W. Main Street. Guests should drive up in front of the Zion Lutheran Church for pickup.

18 The Paper of Wabash County September 7, 2022

Wabash County Frances Slocum Chapter, INDAR will meet Tuesday, Sept, 13, 7 the 4376.Amiss527-2208Tamrawww.dar.orgcontactinformationhistoryabouthavingRevolution.Americanpatriotdescentcanyearsanybershipattend.alwaysbersProspectiveGirlsAmericanlearningConstitutionbeWabash.ManchesterRoom,HentgenGrandstaff-Activity1241Ave.,TheprogramwillontheAmericanandabouttheHeritageorganization.mem-andguestsarewelcometoDARmem-isopentowoman18ofage,whoprovelinealfromaoftheThosequestionstheirfamilylineagemayorWiseat574-orBarbaraat260-9823B

Do you have a N.thesameThursday1-4Childments!nofree,stock.onesnecessitiesjackets5T).throughtorychangedWeyouofhasThursday’snewborn?Childalovelygiftbagusefulitemsforandyourchild!recentlyourinven-tonewborn4T(someDiapers,wipes,andotherforlittlearealsoinAllitemsareandthereareincomerequire-Thursday’sisopenfromp.m.oninthebuildingasThriftShop(410MarketStreet).

I CAN BE reached by email a.m.deadline765-833-2614.reachable1pm.Thursday,onMethodistRoannrylink.netmeyerann@centu-atorattheUnitedChurchTuesdayand10am-Also,IambyphoneNewswillbe10Wednesday.


BIRTHDAYS:CELEBRATINGSept. 7 – Kraig Ahfeld and Frieden;LandonSept. 8 –Kassidy Powell, Joe Flitcraft, and Issac Powell; Sept. 9 –Laura TiffanyShaw,Clark, and Presley Frieden; Sept. 10 –Chenault.Dyson,Ottinger,Ross,JennyConnieShidler;andDenton,Stouffer,Sept.11IdellRensbergerLarryandSmith;Sept.–JuneHaecker;12–RogerNoahJoelEllis,SamanthaSept.13–Winters,See,CherylLandonHankandRenee

Kathie gave devotions Philippians’using 4:4-9 and Proverbs 4:23. Talked about a tunnel and when traffic is light, you can yell out the window of your car and hear a marvelous echo. Whatever you say comes back to you. That echo is reminiscent of our life. What we put out there is exactly what we get back.

one’s faith (Belief). The 3B program is designed to be done primarily sitting in a chair, with the option of some exercises done standing. The aim is always to increase muscle strength and flexibility gram.beAngieclassestonotanyjoinIndividualsand/oralsusecanprogramTheimprovingwhilebalance.beautyoftheisthatitbeadaptedtowithindividu-inwheelchairswalkers.cantheclassattimeanditisarequirementattendalltheeachweek.Brinerwillleadingthispro-

one busy. THE ROANN

MOM OF AN ADDICT SUPPORT GROUP every Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. The Mom of an Addict support group is open to all family members or friends with loved ones who are struggling.

HIGHNORTHFIELD School graduating class of 1965 had its 57th class reunion on Aug. 25 at The Fried Egg in Wabash. Around 30 attended with classmates coming from Texas and Florida. Clifton (Corky) Cordes

PLEASE CONTINUE praying for Jeff Krom, Coy Eads, Musselman,Ken Karla Stouffer and our country. Stay safe and stay healthy.

BELIEF:BODY,PROGRAM:BRAIN, andthe(Body),movingThefordesignedProgramcharge.ClassesfromFridayWednesday,Monday,ClassesManchester.306churchSeniors.ProgramingisMethodistManchesterNorthUnitedChurchonceagainhost-fthe3BforTheislocatedatE.2ndSt,Northareheldonandeachweek10-11AM.arefreeofThe3Bisespeciallysenioradults.focusisonmusclesstretchingbrain(Brain),nurturing

September meeting. More information will follow.

Softball League has announced the rest of their season: Sept. 9 & 10 Games!Championship–

Roann Festival begins Thursday

MARKET:FARMER’SThe North meatshandicrafts,Comeproducefillducestalls.nexthandicapgravelParkingeredStreetjustOgan’slocatedThea.m.openFarmers’ManchesterMarketisSaturdays,8untilnoon.marketisnexttoLanding,upSouthMillfromthecov-bridge.isinthelotandparkingtothemarketSummerpro-isstartingtothetablesofthevendors.checkoutthelocalandeggs,

Ann centurylink.net765-833-2614Meyermeyerann@

WEEKENDFESTIVALis here with lots of activities going on. The theme this year is Farmers: friends.seetainmentoftheComemorep.m.registrationbackMud&Show,Rusty’sParadecornTours,Stockdaleactivities,horseBridge,BreakfastCornfieldContestTroupe,ClassPinewoodWalk,theBulldogs.FontainehaveHeroes.HomegrownOurThursdaywillSheriLaandTheFridaywillhaveCarShow,CakeCubScoutsDerby,ActDanceKaraokeandMafia.Saturdaywillbeinthe5KRun,pull,kidsMilltrolleyrides,holecontest,at2p.m.,MagicBlueHollerTimeTravelers.volleyballisonSunday,at12:30Thereisalotgoingon.andspendweekend.Lotsgoodfood,enter-andgettoyourold


Kathie also talked about our covered bridge, when you go through it, you are to give one horn beep for everyone in the The next meeting will be Sept. 22.

HAPPY HOMEMAKERS Club met on Aug. 25 hosted by hostingGrandstaffHapnerGrandstaff.Hapnergiftsing.Septemberhints”doEdithAmericanthenessopeneding.guests,Weaver,andcomedMcColleyandtoast,fastaguestsmembersprayerShoppe.Bailey’sLanaHollenbackColleenandKuhnatPizzaLanagavebefore16andtwowereservedbeautifulbreak-ofFrenchsausagelinksfruit.Jenniferwel-AnneBellPamelathetwotoourmeet-SallyRobbinsthebusi-meetingwithpledgetotheflag.Phillipwillthe“helpfulforthemeet-LuckyLadywenttoKayandKathieEdithPhillip,KayandKathiewillbethe

For more information visit Manchester.WalnutlocatedChristianCongregationalheld.momofanaddict.orgwww.the-ThemeetingsareattheChurchat310N.Street,N.

FOC PANTRYFOOD is open from 2-5 p.m. on Thursdays. The Food Pantry is located at 500 N. Front St., Manchester.North

All persons having claims against said estate, whether or not now due, must file the claim in the office of the clerk of this Court within three (3) months from the date of the first publication of this notice, or within nine (9) months after the decedent's death, whichever is earlier, or said claims will be forever barred.

ry. A carry-in meal followed our worship service and was enjoyed by all in attendance.

Notice is hereby given on the 31st day of August, 2022. St. Bernard Church filed with the Board of Zoning Appeals of the City of Wabash, lndiana, a petition requesting an appeal of a decision by the Building Commissioner of the City of Wabash, Indiana, to~wit for the grant of a variance.

James Straws CBI, CFI, CPE

The petition and all necessary information relating thereto will be available for public inspection in the office of the Building Commission of the City of Wabash, Indiana, Wabash City Hall, 202 South Wabash Street, Indiana from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday of each week until the date of the hearing of the

Project Manager


Dated at Wabash, Indiana, this 8/19/2022.LoriDraper, Clerk Wabash Circuit Court

A public hearing will be held by said Board on the 15th day of September, 2022 at 6:30 p.m. in the Wabash City Hall, 202 South Wabash Street, Wabash, Indiana, at which time all interested persons will have the opportunity to be heard on the matters set forth in the petition.

full house this week. Those attending were Larry and Nancy Meyer, Tom and Joyce Willcox, Helen Dawes, Steve Gilbert, Amy Niccum and Pat McNabney. Come on down and join in on the fun. I’m sure they would love for you to join them.

Cost per person is $50, teams of four are $200. Lunch will be served after you have finished playing golf.

petition.Apublic hearing will be held by said Board on the 20th day of October, 2022 at 6:30 p.m. in the Wabash City Hall, 202 Wabash Street, Wabash, Indiana, at which time all interested persons will have the opportunity to be heard on the matters set forth in the petition.

Notice is hereby given, Hagerman, Inc. (hereinafter “Constructor”) on behalf of Manchester Community Schools, will receive bids for the construction of the Additions and Renovations Project located at 404 W Ninth St, North Manchester, IN 46962.

Birthday wishes: Sept. 8 Karen Wilson, Sept. 8 Layanna Garci’a, Sept. 9 Chamberlain,Travis Sept. 11 Wade Warnock. Sept. 12 Winters.Sept.SwanquistJaneand13Connie


Hagerman, Inc.

All persons who have claims against this estate, whether or not now due, must file the claim in the office of the clerk of this court within three (3) months from the date of the first publication of this notice or nine (9) months after the decedent's death, whichever is earlier, or the claims will be forever barred.


Lot #2 in block number twenty seven (27) in J. Warren Hanna’s Addition to the City of Wabash, Indiana.

Eastern Engineering 1239 N Wells St, Fort Wayne, IN 46808




E: 8/31, 9/7/22

appetite. This event is to raise much needed funds for the pleandShowstreetlights.yoursupportgetyouacou-oftenderloins.

Veterans:Attention If by chance you need to get to a medical facility for MyMedicalveteransportationThisFridayscheduleTransportation765-251-5908youappointmentyourandneedaway,callD.A.V.toMonday-8AM–Noon.isFREEtrans-foralltoVAFacilities.Godblessyou

September 7, 2022 The Paper of Wabash County 19

URBANA Michael

Anniversary: Sept. 10 Steve and Nancy Anderson.

Urbana Lions to host golf outing Sept. 17

Coffee and doughnuts will be served at 8 a.m. and registration will be held at this time also.

Number Two Hundred and Twenty-two (222), in the Original Plat of the Town (now City) of Wabash.


Fort Wayne, IN 46802 awhitmer@hagermangc.com260-424-1470

Water and snacks will be available while you play. This fun day of golf includes; Tee Off at 9 a.m. with 18 holes and cart to play.

Notice of Public Hearing before the Board of Zoning Appeals of the City of Wabash, 1ndiana

Notice is hereby given that Bank of America, N.A., on 8/19/2022 was appointed Personal Representative of the Estate of Norman Benjamin, deceased, who died on the 18th day of February, 2022.


MetalX Aluminum Conversions, LLC

T: 317-569-9600

The description of the action requested in the petition is:

James Straws CBI, CFI, CPE Building

In the Circuit Court of Wabash County, Indiana. In the matter of the unsupervised Estate of Norman Benjamin, deceased.

F: 317-569-4800

Requesting a variance for the front set-back per RZ zoning requirements from 30’ to18’, to construct a wooden deck structure at the northwest corner of the rectory (House/Office) between the house and garage, approximately 330 sq ft area.




Mail your check or money order to Urbana Streetlights P.O. Box 112 Urbana, IN 46990. Don’t forget the Urbana is7Urbana24,loinputtingCommitteeStreetlightwillbeonatender-frythisSept.2022overattheBallPark4-p.m.Allyouneed$10.00andan

Veterans for service and give them a call today. Also the D.A.V. is in need of drivers for this much needed service. They are down to just 2 drivers do to medical issues. If you can help them out or just want to do something for our veterans, give them a call (765) 251-5908.

The petition and all necessary information relating thereto will be available for public inspection in the office of the Building Commission of the City of Wabash, Indiana, Wabash Clty Hall, 202 South Wabash Street, Wabash, Indiana from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday of each week until the date of the hearing of the petition.

There are sign-up sheets located at Waldo’s Golf Course. If you are not on a team and would like to play, we will pair you up with another player. Send your check or money order to Urbana Lions P.O. Box 97 Urbana, IN 46990. If you have any pleasequestionsfeelfree to contact Bonita at 260-774-3665.

Larry C. Thrush Thrush Law Office, P.C. One North Wabash Wabash, Indiana 46992

Bid Documents will be available on or after Monday September 19th, 2022, at 10:00 AM local time at:

The description of the action requested in the petition is: The set back of the building, also the percentage of lot being used by building. The building would set 5’ from property line on the north and south sides and 6’ from property line on the west side.

Dated at Wabash, Indiana this August 26, 2022.

Team Prizes: first place $200, second place $100. Putting contest, first putt free, next 3 additional putts $5.

Bids must be received by the Constructor in accordance with the Bid Documents, no later than Friday, September 30th, 2022, at 2:00 PM local time at 404 W Ninth Street, North Manchester, IN 46962.

The location and description of the property for which the variance has been requested is 480 Washington St., Wabash, IN 46992.

in your donation, please do so. The streetlights are a very important part of Urbana Safety and I need your support to keep them on.

The Urbana Lions Club is inviting you to a fun filled morning of golf. This event will be held at Waldo’s Golf Course on Sept. 17, 2022.

A Pre-Bid Conference will be held on Wednesday, September 21st, 2022, at 4:00 PM local time at 404 W Ninth Street, North Manchester, IN 46962. All interested Subcontractors and Suppliers are invited to attend. No additional cost will be accepted due to the Bidder’s failure to avail itself of a complete and thorough onsite inspection of existing conditions.

Attorney260-563-8485forthe Estate 9/7, 9/14/22

MetalX Aluminum Conversions, LLC is submitting a Notice of Intent (NOI) letter for our facility located at 50 Dimension Avenue Wabash, IN 46992 to notify the Indiana Department of Environmental Management of our intent to comply with the requirements of 327 IAC 15-6 to discharge storm water exposed to the industrial activities. Run-off from the facility will discharge to Treaty Creek. Questions or comments should be directed to Aaron Mills - EHS Manager.

Notice of Public Hearing before the Board of Zoning Appeals of the City of Wabash, Indiana.

All correspondence shall be directed to the Constructor’s main point of contact as indicated below. Any prospective bidder who has direct contact with any Owner, Owner’s Representative, Architect or Engineer employee or agent regarding the bid may be



Prayer concerns: Marilyn Karns, Julie Miller, John Eltzroth, Alma PhyllisDeVore,Baker, Ron Baer, Wagner,DuaneKim and Brian tactcerns,fromaddedhaveoneproviders.dersfrontlinetaryleaders,NationJoniparentsCoyandPaxtonRuthNancyFrank,Christie,Summers,Wright,JimPatHartley,Eadsandhisandsisters,Fox,ourandtheourmili-personnel,ourrespon-andhealthIfany-wouldliketotheirnameorremovedprayercon-pleasecon-me.

Celebration of life: The children of Doris Mattern will be hosting a get together on Saturday, Sept. 17. This will be held at the share.youriesmemoriesencouragep.m.Urbana44buildingLion/CommunityUrbanalocatedatHalfSt.infrom2–4Theywouldanyorsto-ofDoristhatwouldliketo

Urbana Yoke Parish Church will be holding a duringLayannacialThereserviceedAnchored,ladiesinawesomeCommitteethespecialFellowshipatWednesday,meetingaable.tochurch,theverypastor.youth/associatevotingMembersshipSept.meetingcongregationalonSunday,11,afterwor-service.willbeonhiringaThisvoteisimportantforlifeofourpleaseplanattendifyouareTherewillbeChurchBoardonSept.146:30p.m.intheHall.AthankstoProgramforan“ChurchtheGrove.”Thetrio,present-theworshiponAug.14.alsowasspe-musicfromGarci’atheofferto-

510 West Washington Blvd.

The Urbana CommitteeStreetlight would like to thank some of the Businesses and several residents for youoftion’sbeThestreetlightdonationstheirtothefund.committeewillacceptingdona-throughallSeptember.Ifhavenotsent

Building Commissioner

The location and description of the property for which the variance has been requested is 207 N. Cass St., Wabash, IN,


Brant O. Gardner (#13978-49 )

The BunchBreakfast met at the Fried Egg on August 31, 2022 around 7:30. They try to meet every Wednesday and have pening.abouttogetherbreakfastandtalkwhatishap-Theyhada


Notice is hereby given on the 31st day of August, 2022 Freedom Life Church (Petitioner’s name) filed with the Board of Zoning Appeals of the City of Wabash, Indiana, a petition requesting an appeal of a decision by the Building Commissioner of the City of Wabash, Indiana, to-wit: for the grant of a variance.

Notice is hereby given that William J. Corso was on August 26, 2022, appointed personal representative of the estate of Anthony J. Corso, Deceased, who died on March 26, 2022.

Lori J. Draper Clerk, Wabash Circuit Court

8/31, 9/7/22

Faegre Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP Suite 600 600 East 96th Street Indianapolis, IN 46240

Mike SalesOlingerRepresentative Cell 574-930-0534 MWS Construction, LLCAmish Builders Willie: (260) 229-6349 Custom Design and Build Free Estimates • Insured • Licensed • New Homes • Framing • Roofing • Remodeling • Pole Barns Concrete • Decks • Drywall • New Homes • Framing • Roofing • Remodeling • Pole Barns Concrete • Decks • Drywall ContinuedBusinessLocalDirectoryonpage21 20 The Paper of Wabash County September 7, 2022

Classified September 7, 2022 The Paper of Wabash County 21 Continuedfrompage20 UNHAPPYUN WITH YOURHAPPY TRACTOR/TRAILERTR ALIGNMENT?ACTOR/TRAILER WEWE HAVE THE BEST ALIGNMENTSHAVE THE AROUND...AR GUARANTEED!OUND... 24 HOUR ROAD www.triplellltruckrepair.comSERVICE260.786.3232Andrews,Indiana PreventativeOrthodonticsDentistry1911 S. Wabash St. • Wabash, IN 46992 Wanted - Dental Asistant √ RadiologyLicenseprefered Send Resume to

GARAGE SALE: Huge sale! Everything must go! Clothing, housewares, decor, shoes, accessories, collectibles, sports memo rabilia, misc. furniture, out door items, etc. Cleaning out the closets!

LINDA’S QUILTS: Quilt and Afghan sale, have all colors and sizes. September 7th, 8th, 9th, and 10th; 8am-?? 1375 N. Miami Street.

BARN SALE: Multiple families. September 8-10, 8am-5pm. 5623 W. St. Rd. 16, Roann. Slides, chain link fence, attic ladder, adult clothes, numerous miscellaneous items.



2008 KYMCO 160cc scooter. Runs good, has windshield. 652 low miles. Must have motorcycle license. Has 16” wheels, must be tall, $1,050. Call/leave message 260563-7165 11am-11pm.


Wabash City

5123 N. ST. RD. 15: Near Roann. September 10-11 and 15-17. 9am-? Household items, kids, tools, clothing, puzzles, and much more.

GARAGE SALE: Friday, Sept. 9, 8am-5pm & Saturday, Sept. 10, 8am3pm. Men’s shirts small, medium, 2&3X; pants 28x30, 34x32; women’s clothing (more to come so can’t give sizes), John Deere stuff, books, puzzles & houseware items. 991 N. 150 W., Wabash.

GARAGE SALE: Friday, September 9th from 8am4pm. Interior doors, medi cine cabinet with mirror, bar stools, gas stoves, washer, dryer, misc. household items. 665 S 475 W, Wabash.

Articles For Sale

MY NICE Things Sale: Thursday, 3:30pm7:30pm?; Friday & Saturday, 9am-5pm. 1643 N. Wabash Street. Puzzles, like new, $1-$3; Clothing (0-3T, women’s small-large coats, jackets, etc.), bedding (blankets, feather bed topper, quilts, mattress covers, lavender bedspread set), col lectibles, wall pictures and mirrors, floral, glass, vases, birdhouses, outdoor decor, vintage mini per fume bottles, craft sup plies, StampNUp, toys, American Girl doll, girls dress-ups (ballet, cos tumes, etc.), floral sofa, dining tables, fainting couch folding chairs, hospi tal bed, walkers, tub chair, etc., some jewelry, kitchen ware.

Wednesday 9/7, Thursday 9/8, and Friday 9/9 only, from 9am-5pm. Just 2 miles North of US 24 and 2 miles East of US 13.

3pm. Wowza!! Don’t miss this multifamily rummage sale! 10008 S. America Road. Furniture crafts, Craftsman tool box, cloth ing, books, toys. S’mores Bar!

GARAGE SALE: Friday, Sept. 9, 9am-5pm; Saturday, Sept. 10, 3pm6pm. 453 W. Waterworks Road, Wabash.

22 The Paper of Wabash County September 7, 2022

FREE: USED cable con sole piano with bench (you move) 260-571-6492 or 260-563-4792 (leave mes sage).

The Paper of Wabash County, P.O. Box 603, Wabash, IN 46992. Classified Ads: $9.50 for first 20 words in advance: 15¢ each word thereafter. Deadline 5:00 on Fridays

EXTRA LARGE Garage Sale & Bake Sale: Saturday, September 10, 8am-1pm, 201 Euclid Street, Wabash. 50% off new items, women’s & men’s personal items, laundry products, baby care, gift items, toys, food items, Women’s, men’s, girls, boys, and maternity clothes, all clean. Shoes, household items, decora tive items, some small appliances and the best baked goods! You will not be disappointed. Hope to see you there!

Wabash County


HUGE RUMMAGE Sale: During the Roann Festival, September 9 & 10, Rain or Shine. 9am-5pm. Rools, crocks, primitive hutch, wood crates, pocket knives, antiques, road signs, blue canning jars, cookbooks, Halloween, Black Americana. Lots of $.50 tables. 4632 N. 600 W., Wabash.

ROADSIDE ANTIQUES & Collectibles. Come find the unusual! September 8-10, 9am-5pm, 2721 N. 600 W., Wabash.

PART-TIME (possibly fulltime) Bartender position available. Hours vary. Must be willing to work week ends. Pay based on expe rience. Send responses to: Box 482, c/o The Paper of Wabash, 606 St. Rd. 13 N., Wabash, IN 46992.


September 7, 2022 The Paper of Wabash County 23 The Paper of Wabash County, P.O. Box 603, Wabash, IN 46992. Classified Ads: $9.50 for first 20 words in advance: 15¢ each word thereafter. Deadline 5:00 on Fridays Services cont. FISH FOR STOCKING: Most Varieties Pond Lakes. Laggis Fish Farm, 269628-2056 (days) or 269624-6215 (evenings). Farm NH 268 baler, NH 256 rake, NH 1190 9ft. mower conditioner, 2 hay wagons. 260-438-4480. Fresh $18/BUSHEL,TOMATOESProduce sweet corn, green beans, zucchini & cucumbers. Sweet onions, peppers, and so forth. For large orders, call 260-7234172, extension 1. Graber’s Welding, 8350 S. 850 W., South Whitley, IN 46787. For Rent NORTH MANCHESTER One bedroom upstairs apartment with carport. Appliances & window treat ments included. No smok ing or pets. Landlord pays part of utilities. 260-9822746. WABASH RESIDENCES: 1 and 2 bedroom apart ments. All utilities fur nished. Non-smoking. No pets. $400 deposit. References required. Call 260-274-0156. Wanted Auto WantedCoins ! Always Buying Coins, Gold & Silver Jewelry. 50+ Years Experience. Please call me before you sell! Tom’ s Coins 260-571-3553

24 The Paper of Wabash County September 7, 2022

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