On behalf of the IPMI board, staff, and community, we are so glad you are here! I want to extend my appreciation to all the Leadership Summit participants. Your interest, time, and willingness to learn and share your experiences will be instrumental in making this event successful.
Our business is rapidly evolving globally. As leaders, we must anticipate market trends and leverage the latest tools to address today’s needs while keeping an eye on the future. This leadership event provides us with a venue to exchange ideas, explore new ways of addressing unforeseen challenges, and set a clear vision for the future.
Leadership entails making complex decisions that have not been tested before. The journey is not without challenges, but the rewards are enormous. Leaders must inspire, encourage, and guide those around them to aim higher and achieve more.
The evolving urban environment effects not only metropolises but also smaller cities. Population growth, technological advances, and the effects of unraveling urbanization can shake leadership to the core.
This robust program agenda features subject matter experts who will share their knowledge and experiences, shedding light on the most pressing topics in our industry. We trust that you will come away with refreshed ideas and a framework that will enrich you as a leader and help you instill a culture of innovation, creativity, and critical thinking in your teams and colleagues.
We are so happy to have you with us at the IPMI’s Leadership Summit. Have a great experience and please reach out to any of the IPMI staff or to me with any questions, or just to say hello. And please give us your feedback at events@parking-mobility.org.
With my warmest wishes,
Alejandra Argudin, MBA, CAPP, LEED AP Chair, IPMI Board of Directors Chief Executive Officer, Miami Parking Authority
Tuesday, February 18
2:00 – 5:00 p.m.
Registration & Check-In
5:00 – 6:30 p.m.
Welcome Reception
with IPMI Board of Directors
Wednesday, February 19
7:00 – 8:00 a.m.
Yoga on the Beach
8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Registration & Check-In
8:00 – 9:00 a.m.
Breakfast & Coffee Service
9:00 – 10:00 a.m.
Opening Speaker
10:15 – 11:15 a.m.
11:15 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Ask the Experts Break
12:00 – 1:00 p.m. LUNCH
1:00 – 2:00 p.m. Sessions
2:00 – 2:30 p.m.
Ask the Experts Break
2:30 – 3:30 p.m.
Panel Presentation
3:30 – 4:00 p.m.
Ask the Experts Break
4:00 – 5:15 p.m.
Town Hall
6:00 – 7:30 p.m.
Game Night Reception
Thursday, February 20
7:00 – 8:00 a.m.
Yoga on the Beach
8:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
8:00 – 9:00 a.m.
Breakfast & Coffee Service
9:00 – 10:00 a.m. Session
10:00 – 10:30 a.m.
Ask the Experts Break
10:30 – 11:30 a.m. Session
11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Ask the Experts Break
12:00 – 12:30 p.m.
Grab & Go Lunch
Education Sessions sponsored by:
This event offers 4 CAPP points toward application or annual maximum toward recertification.
Attendees can claim up to 4 CAPP points towards application and recertification.
Tuesday 18th February
5:00 - 6:30 p.m. I Location: Verandina & Patio
Welcome Reception
This reception will kick off the Leadership Summit. Open to all Leadership Summit attendees and featuring complimentary beer, wine, and soft drinks, this is the perfect time to get acquainted with other attendees and meet the IPMI Board of Directors.
Wednesday 19th February
9:00 - 10:00 a.m. I Location: Atlantica Ballroom
Presenter: Anthony Huey, Communicate Clearly
Don’t let 30 years of hard work get destroyed in 30 seconds. Somewhere within every organization, a crisis is waiting to happen. Maybe tomorrow, maybe next year, or even in five years. You can’t be sure what the crisis will be or when it will strike, but you can be sure that a crisis will put your organization’s hard-earned image and reputation up for grabs. The old adage perception is reality has never been truer than in today’s superficial, hyper-critical, and social media-driven world. This timely and highly entertaining keynote offers actionable keys to swaying internal and external perception during a negative event.
Wednesday 19th February
10:15 – 11:15 a.m. I Location: Pristina I 1 CAPP Point
Presenter: Lazetta Rainey Braxton, MBA, CFP®, Lazetta & Associates
Just like a flat tire can disrupt a trip, burnout and financial strain can hinder team performance and organizational success. This interactive session helps leaders prevent these challenges in the fast-paced parking and mobility industry. Participants will learn to recognize early warning signs like decreased productivity and emotional outbursts. The session offers strategies to enhance mental and financial well-being, including open communication, employee benefits, and wellness-focused solutions. By fostering a supportive culture, leaders can empower their teams to overcome obstacles and thrive.
10:15 – 11:15 a.m. I Location: Solaria I 1 CAPP Point
Moderator: Jason Schrieber, Stantec
Panelist: Alex Argudin, CAPP, Miami Parking Authority; Brooke Nelson, Town of West Hartford, Connecticut; Matt Nelson, City of Sioux Falls, South Dakota
Complex downtowns regularly face parking scarcity in prime locations, yet ample vacancies nearby that cannot be unlocked. Pressure to build more supply runs against budgets and demand projections but remains relentless. Learn how municipalities and parking agencies have been forced to reconsider their supply approach, work with tighter margins, and partner with private operators. Discussion topics include political decision-making, overcoming public perceptions, unlocking shared supply, implementing pricing changes, making public realm trade-offs, co-development, and opportunities to incorporate emerging technologies in traditional parking operations.
Wednesday 19th February
1:00 – 2:00 p.m. I Location: Solaria I 1 CAPP Point
Ignite Your Leadership Potential
Presenter: LTC Oakland McCulloch, U.S. Army, Retired, Your Leadership Legacy
Retired Lieutenant Colonel Oakland McCulloch has more than 40 years of leadership experience in combat, peacekeeping operations, disaster relief...and in the board room. His “Ignite Your Leadership Potential” talk and book are based on his wealth of knowledge and lessons learned during his career as a leader. Oak highlights leadership principles that will benefit today’s leaders and inspire the leaders of tomorrow. There is no discussion of theory in this talk. Instead we will discuss what every leader can do every day to improve their leadership skills and abilities. We will examine what it takes to become the leader you were meant to be – a servant leader.
1:00 – 2:00 p.m. I Location: Pristina I 1 CAPP Point
Presenters: Shayna Hodges, Julia Crooks, and Tanya Chotejaruchaiya, University of Maryland, College Park
The University of Maryland’s Department of Transportation Services (DOTS) supports campus transportation and parking with a team of 400 staff members. To enhance professional development and retention, the Employee Engagement Team launched the MAPS program (Mentoring, Advising/Coaching, Professional Development, and Skill Building) in 2023. Open to staff with at least one year of service, MAPS offers a six-month cohort-based training, including coaching, workshops, and career growth activities. The program accommodates diverse schedules and fosters strong peer connections. Learn how by investing in employees’ aspirations, your organization will retain a motivated workforce and strengthen professional development within your department.
Attendees can claim up to 4 CAPP Points towards application and recertification.
Wednesday 19th February
2:30 – 3:30 p.m. I Atlantica Ballroom
Expert Panel Discussion:
Moderator: Roamy Valera, CAPP, Automotus, Inc.
Panelists: Mike Simmons and Maggie Vercoe, TEZ Technology; Peter Lange and Debbie Lollar, CAPP, Texas A&M University, College Station; Maria Irshad, CAPP, MPA, and Rami Arafat, City of Houston/ParkHouston
Mentorship is a key process where experienced individuals guide others in personal and professional growth, fostering future leaders and aiding retention and succession planning. Effective mentorship provides tailored guidance, feedback, and encouragement to support mentees’ aspirations. This session features three mentor/mentee pairs sharing their journeys, from formation to impact. Senior executives, directors, and C-suite leaders will discuss how mentorship has shaped their careers and the benefits for both mentors and mentees. Attendees will learn how mentorship strengthens organizations, enhances retention, and serves as a valuable tool for succession planning and leadership development.
4:00 – 5:15 p.m. I Atlantica Ballroom
Moderator: Conor Buckley, LAZ Parking
Panelists: Dave Onorato, CAPP, Pittsburgh Parking Authority; Keith Hutchings, City of Detroit; and Russell O’Quinn, City of Raleigh Transportation Department
IPMI is pleased to host a Town Hall session focused on one of the industry’s most pressing topics: parking enforcement and compliance. Parking enforcement is a key component of any parking operation. It is also one of our industry’s most dynamic and transforming aspects today. Please join our community discussion on parking enforcement, facilitated by three municipal executives who will lead the conversation by sharing their perspectives. Our session will cover the following topics but draw many more from interaction with the attendees: compliance vs. revenue generation; automated enforcement; PEO safety; technology; and best practices.
Thursday 20th February
Wednesday 19th February
6:00 – 7:30 p.m. I Location: Verandina & Patio
Join us for an evening of drinks, apps, and friendly competition with some of your favorite games. Did we mention BINGO?
Come dressed in your favorite sports team apparel!
9:00 – 10 a.m. I Location: Atlantica Ballroom I 1 CAPP Point
Presenter: Kenya Rutland, KJR Consulting
Developing an equity-minded organization requires a willingness and ability to implement initiatives that prioritize equity. Equity-minded leaders do not base their decisions on assumptions or stereotypes. They rely on research, evidence, and multiple input sources to guide decision-making. During this presentation, leaders will learn strategies for embracing an equity-informed decision-making process. They will also learn how to clarify roles within the decisionmaking process to ensure adherence to an equity lens.
Thursday 20th February
10:30 – 11:30 a.m. I Location: Pristina I 1 CAPP Point
Presenter: Dr. Perry H. Eggleston, CAPP, and Ramon Zavala, University of California, Davis
In 2021, UC Davis transformed campus parking by replacing long-term permits with a daily choice system, promoting sustainability and flexibility. Over 90% of the community embraced this model, leading to a permanent shift in operations. Implementing this change required strong leadership, clear vision, and continuous collaboration. The process involved refining the plan internally, addressing stakeholder concerns, and adapting to unforeseen challenges. While flexibility was crucial for adoption, it introduced internal complexities. Successful change requires leaders to maintain focus on goals, ensuring adjustments align with the intended outcomes. Normalizing such a transformation takes years but is essential for long-term success.
10:30 – 11:30 a.m. I Location: Solaria I 1 CAPP Point
Presenter: Mo McCanna, Modii
Strong leadership is often defined by actions and traits like empathy, transparency, and adaptability. However, the mental processes behind these qualities are just as important and can be strengthened. This session on metacognition explores how self-awareness and thought regulation enhance leadership and collaboration. Participants will learn to shift from defensive, threat-based thinking to curiosity and growth, transforming mistakes and feedback into opportunities. Drawing from The Four Agreements and Crucial Conversations, this session provides practical principles and resources to foster introspection, improve engagement, and create a more positive, productive workplace culture through mindful leadership.
Attendees can claim up to 4 CAPP Points towards application and recertification.
Senior Division Manager, City of Houston/ParkHouston
Rami Arafat is the Senior Division Manager for ParkHouston, where he oversees operations for the Customer Service and Compliance sections. A dynamic, assertive, and results-driven public sector professional, Rami has more than 18 years of experience in leadership and development, strategic planning and administration, data analytics, budgeting and forecasting, and project management.
Alejandra Argudin, MBA, CAPP, LEED AP CEO, Miami Parking Authority
Alejandra “Alex” Argudin is the Miami Parking Authority (MPA) CEO and Chair of the IPMI Bord of Directors. Alex is transforming MPA from a traditional parking organization to a forward-looking, multi-disciplinary entity. Under Alex’s stewardship, MPA embraces micro-mobility, fosters public-private partnerships, promotes digitalization and integration with smart-city technologies, and implements a corporate social responsibility program that engages diverse stakeholders.
Lazetta Rainey Braxton, MBA, CFP® Founder, Lazetta & Associates
Lazetta Rainey Braxton is passionate about amplifying diversity, inclusion, equality, and belonging in the financial planning profession and does so through financial planning, public speaking, writing, consulting, and coaching. Through her consulting practice, she employs a “no fear, no shame zone” to help financial services firms nurture culturally aware and hospitable workplace environments that ignite innovation and allocate equity amongst their employees.
Conor Buckley
Vice President, Government Services, Laz Parking, Ltd.
Conor Buckley joined LAZ in 2024 as Vice President of Government Services for the East Coast. With over a decade of experience, Conor has built lasting partnerships with public and private parking operators by offering innovative technology and scalable solutions focused on client success. He works directly with parking authorities and city councils to gain approval and support for modern curb management policies and practices aimed at improving accessibility, reducing congestion, and enhancing the customer experience.
Tanya Chotejaruchaiya
Talent Acquisition and Onboarding, University of Maryland, College Park
Tanya Chotejaruchaiya, a dynamic talent acquisition and employee engagement professional, leads transformative initiatives as the Talent Acquisition and Onboarding Coordinator at the University of Maryland’s Department of Transportation Services (DOTS). In this capacity, she employs a strategic recruitment approach to identify top talent and designs comprehensive onboarding strategies. Dedicated to creating a continuous learning, development, and engaging culture, she strives to provide opportunities for employees to thrive professionally.
Julia Crooks
Training and Development Manager, University of Maryland, College Park
Julia Crooks is the Training and Development Manager at the University of Maryland’s Department of Transportation Services (DOTS). Her primary responsibilities involve the conception and execution of learning, growth, and engagement initiatives for over 400 staff and students. Julia is passionate about building community and connections in the workplace and has extensive experience in nonprofit administration and adult learning.
Dr. Perry H. Eggleston, DPA, CAPP
Executive Director, University of California, Davis
Dr. Perry H. Eggleston has over 30 years of experience in the transportation and mobility industry, where he found placing rectangles in polygons fascinating while trying to understand human parking behavior. He has worked for organizations in Kentucky, New Jersey, Texas, California, Ohio, and Arizona. He is now the Executive Director for UC Davis Transportation Services.
Shayna Hodges
Associate Director of Organizational Development and Employee Engagement, University of Maryland, College Park
Shayna Hodges is the Associate Director of Organizational Development and Employee Engagement for the University of Maryland’s Department of Transportation Services (DOTS). She provides overall supervision, leadership, and direction for the functions and responsibilities of organizational development, talent acquisition, onboarding, offboarding, student recruitment, training and professional development, coaching, overall employee engagement, and internal communications.
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Keith Hutchings, Director of the Municipal Parking Department for the City of Detroit, focuses on solving the challenges of Smart City parking, transportation, and data management. His approach focuses on long-term solutions that create mutual benefits for all parties. Using data and private market forces, Keith’s efforts ensure shared solutions that serve all community segments.
Anthony Huey, CSP® President, Communicate Clearly
Anthony Huey, CSP®, is a highly rated international speaker who offers pragmatic communication tools, tips, and techniques they can use immediately. He owns Reputation Management, LLC, one of the nation’s leading communications training and crisis consulting companies. Anthony has presented over 3,500 paid communications workshops, seminars, and speeches. The National Speakers Association named him a Certified Speaking Professional (CSP), an honor awarded to less than 12% of its speakers worldwide. Anthony’s 25 year career includes tenures as a news reporter and senior editor, crisis management specialist, media relations consultant, and executive speech coach.
Peter Lange
Chief Operating Officer and Senior Vice President, Texas A & M University, College Station
Peter Lange provides strategic leadership and oversight to operational units that support Texas A&M’s teaching, research, and outreach mission. He focuses on improving performance, collaborative effectiveness, cost containment, and efficiency. Before serving as a COO and Senior Vice President, Peter was Associate Vice President of Transportation Services. Over more than two decades, he led one of the largest parking, transportation, and fleet operations on any college campus in the country.
Maria Irshad, CAPP
Deputy Director, City of Houston, Texas (ParkHouston)
Maria Irshad, CAPP, MPA is the Deputy Director for ParkHouston, the City of Houston agency responsible for the management of 10,000 paid parking spaces; enforcement of all parking codes and administration of parking permits. She leads a team of 80 and provides policy recommendations to the Mayor’s Office. Maria is a Certified Administrator of Public Parking and holds a Master’s degree in Public Administration. She serves on the board of the International Parking & Mobility Institute and is a past president of the Texas Parking & Transportation Association and Women Professionals in Government.
Debbie Lollar, CAPP
Associate Vice President, Transportation Services, Texas A & M University, College Station
Debbie Lollar joined Texas A&M University’s Transportation Services in 1998 and oversees parking, transit, and fleet operations. Debbie led efforts to develop the campuses’ mobility master and strategic plans, which were completed in 2022 and are in the implementation phase. Debbie was a founding board member of the Center for Transportation Demand Management, serves on IPMI’s Accredited Parking Organization board, and served on IPMI’s Accessible Parking Coalition Advisory Council.
Mo McCanna, SHRM-CP
HR & Business Manager, Modii
Mo McCanna’s professional path has been far from straight and narrow. She is now Modii’s HR and Business Manager after having careers in teaching, sustainable transportation, traffic safety advocacy, and Big Tech. Her role combines this industry experience with a passion for serving a company’s most valuable asset, its people. Mo uses her strengths to support process improvement, coaching, and culture-building to help create thriving businesses and great places to work.
LTC Oakland McCulloch U.S. Army, Retired, Your Leadership Legacy
Retired Lieutenant Colonel Oakland McCulloch is an internationally recognized keynote speaker and the author of the 2021 release “Your Leadership Legacy: Becoming the Leader You Were Meant to Be.” His leadership talk and book are based on his over 40 years of leadership experience in combat, peacekeeping operations, disaster relief operations, and the board room. Oak highlights principles that will benefit today’s leaders and inspire the leaders of tomorrow in any profession and at any level of leadership.
Brooke Nelson, MBA, BSIE
Operations Manager, Town of West Hartford, Connecticut
Brooke Nelson is the Operations Manager with the Department of Public Works in West Hartford, Connecticut, overseeing enterprise funds like municipal parking. With a background in engineering and business administration, she explores emerging technologies to tackle municipal challenges. West Hartford has long embraced public-private partnerships (P3), which are increasingly relevant today, especially regarding housing, curbside management, and climate change. Brooke serves on the New England Parking and Transportation Council board.
Matthew Nelson
Public Parking and Utility Billing Manager, City of Sioux Falls, South Dakota
Matt Nelson has served as the Public Parking Manager for the City of Sioux Falls for over 16 years, overseeing parking operations and, more recently, adding billing operations for the city’s water system—both enterprise funds. He ensures the efficient management of public resources while supporting urban development initiatives. A former officer in the U.S. Army, Matt brings strong leadership and strategic planning skills to his work.
David Onorato, CAPP Executive Director, Pittsburgh Parking Authority
David Onorato, CAPP, is recognized as an industry leader with over 25 years of experience. He oversees the dayto-day operations of the Pittsburgh Parking Authority and its vision for the future. David oversaw the first pay-byplate installation in the U.S. and was a leader in obtaining legislation for ticket-by-mail enforcement. Under his watch the Authority was recognized by IPMI as “Parking Organization of the Year” and earned Accredited Parking Organization status with Distinction.
Russell O’Quinn
Parking Superintendent, City of Raleigh Transportation Department
Russell O’Quinn has served the City of Raleigh for nearly a decade, significantly impacting the city’s parking operations. As Parking Superintendent, he oversees parking operations and is deeply committed to improving the parking experience. Russell is dedicated to continuously improving parking operations, addressing the industry’s unique challenges, and fostering an environment of equity and understanding.
Principal & Chief Enthusiasm Officer, KJR Consulting
Kenya Rutland is a passionate and trustworthy consultant who increases others’ confidence, motivation, and performance. He is a persuasive, facilitative leader who uses his keen business acumen to build commitment and accountability among staff at all levels of any organization. Kenya has 24 years of experience delivering results-oriented consulting and facilitation to a diverse client portfolio. He holds certifications in various learning and organizational development topics and continues to supplement these through his commitment to lifelong learning.
Jason Schrieber, AICP
Senior Principal, Stantec
Jason Schrieber, AICP, leads the Urban Mobility Group of Stantec’s Urban Places, a cross-cutting policy, planning, and design initiative focused on downtowns across North America. He has 30 years of planning experience and has focused on parking since he served as the City of Cambridge’s Traffic, Parking, and Transportation planning manager. He has helped hundreds of communities, institutions, and developers rationalize their parking policies, regulations, facility designs, and technologies, emphasizing rationalizing efficient auto access and parking in the context of multi-modal downtowns.
Mike Simmons is the Chairman and CEO of TEZ Technology based in Plano, TX.
Before his work at TEZ, Mike co-founded T2 Systems in 1994 and led the company as President, CEO, and Chairman, growing the company to 325 people and $60+ million in revenue when the company was acquired in 2016. Mike recently received the IPMI Lifetime Achievement Award for over 30 years of work with multiple organizations, building and deploying widely used technology solutions in the parking industry. Mike was an IPMI board member for eight years.
Roamy Valera, CAPP
Automotus, Inc.
Roamy Valera, CAPP, is a recognized leader driving innovation in the parking and mobility industry. As past chair of the IPMI board, he championed Mobility as a Service (MaaS) and has dedicated his career to streamlining users’ “first and last mile” journey. His leadership extends beyond his current and past roles, as he also helps cities tackle the challenges of increased commercial vehicle activity through innovative curb management and climate-tech solutions. Roamy firmly believes in the power of mentorship to shape the future of organizations and is passionate about developing the next generation of leaders.
Maggie Vercoe
Executive Vice President of Customer Engagement, TEZ Technology
Maggie Vercoe is a highly accomplished professional with 30 years of dedicated experience in the parking industry. She has expertise in various critical functions, including account management, customer support, training, and marketing. Maggie started her career at the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee. She joined T2 Systems in 1999, assuming diverse roles focused on customer experience. She now serves as the EVP of Customer Engagement with TEZ Technology, working closely with the account management and marketing functions.
Ramon Zavala
Transportation Demand Manager, University of California, Davis
Ramon Zavala has served as the UC Davis Transportation Demand Manager since 2017 and, before that, held a similar position at UC Irvine, his alma mater. As a League of American Bicyclists-certified instructor, Ramon’s passion is transportation infrastructure and law and transitioning people away from drive-alone commutes. He’s such an advocate for the car-light life that he’s never had a driver’s license.
The IPMI Conference & Expo
June 8-11, 2025
Louisville, Kentucky
The must-attend event that brings together parking, transportation, and mobility professionals for education, knowledge sharing, networking, and exposure to the latest technology and service providers.
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Best-in-class learning, a powerful network, and tools you need for success – all in one dynamic resource.
Discover what is on the horizon in parking, transportation, and mobility. Meet with experts to get the latest industry information and expertise on subjects like parking compliance, AI technology, accessibility needs, curb management, and technology innovation.
Parking | Experts: Rob Maroney, CAPP, and Conor Buckley
LAZ Parking is the largest, fastest-growing privately owned parking operator in the United States and a pioneer in digital parking technology. LAZ has been providing parking management and transportation services since 1981 and operates over 1.5 million parking spaces in over 3,700 locations in 42 states and 472 cities in the U.S. We leverage our national network of parking facilities to offer cutting-edge, techenabled solutions, working across a variety of industries.
SpotGenius is an innovative smart parking management system that leverages computer vision and AI technology to provide you with ‘eyes in the parking lot’. Built by a seasoned team of AI experts, SpotGenius is changing how parking management works by providing advanced analytics, robust enforcement triggers, and real-time, spot-level parking data. SpotGeinus smart parking Vision AI Technology easily integrates into new or existing camera feeds. No special equipment is required.
Trellint delivers comprehensive parking and curbside management solutions that make the curb easy to use and accessible to all. Our vision is to enhance the value of every curb. To accomplish this, we are leading the transformation of the industry with intelligent curbside management solutions that promote equitable access to the curb, conquer congestion, and improve safety. Our name Trellint was inspired by a trellis, a structure that supports plants as they grow. A trellis reflects our desire to be the supportive structure to help the growth and advancement of the parking management industry. And just like a trellis is interwoven, we too aim to be interwoven into the communities in which we support.
Umojo is a leading platform provider of curb management technology, contact center operations, and data analytics, serving over 3,200 municipalities and parking locations. It enables municipalities, parking operators, and businesses to make data-driven decisions, improving service for customers and citizens. By utilizing highly accurate camera AI, Umojo offers unparalleled insights and control for both onstreet and off-street parking and mobility, driving operational excellence and smarter decision-making.
Discover what is on the horizon in parking, transportation, and mobility. Meet with experts to get the latest industry information and expertise on subjects like parking compliance, AI technology, accessibility needs, curb management, and technology innovation.
IPS Group, Inc. | Experts: Amanda Zimmer, Director of Marketing; Mike Chiodo, SVP of Sales and Marketing, and Andrew LaMothe, VP Sales and Strategy
IPS Group promotes Smarter Parking for Smart Communities™ through its Fully Integrated Smart Parking Ecosystem that includes: enforcement and permitting applications, single and multi-space meters, vehicle sensors, and mobile payment options, all connected to a real-time analytics and business intelligence platform. IPS helps operations of alll sizes unify parking resource planning, management, and data-driven decision-making with one proven solution.
Take the next step in your career path as a parking enforcement professional today!
This online, on-demand micro-credential is designed to advance your knowledge and skills and provide you with the foundation for greater advancement in the parking, transportation, and mobility industry. Take nine job-specific courses on-demand, on your schedule, and pass the assessment to earn this valuable new micro-credential.
PECP™ is open to all industry professionals with a minimum of one year of employment in the industry. This micro-credential is ideal for frontline and enforcement personnel, and specifically tailored to the needs of your staff.
Course Credit: 9 Certification Points.