2 minute read
Benefits for Signature CAPP Sponsor, continued
Highest visibility on IPMI website and marketing for all instructor-led courses outlined below, plus hyperlinked logo for new multi-day class offering in April 2020�
Your hyperlinked logo on the CAPP Program webpage�
One rotating side rail banner ad on parkingmobility�org for one month from remaining available opportunities� Graphics provided by sponsor�
One sponsored content post or banner in IPMI’s Moving Forward newsletter from remaining available opportunities�
A single complimentary registration annually for one employee of your company to attend any one IPMI instructor-led course, including the multiday course (Essential Skills: Maintenance, Legal and Operational Risk Management, & Marketing for Industry Leaders: April 12 & 13, 2021� Maximum value $475)
Looping ad or PowerPoint slide in waiting room (five minutes prior to event start) for each training�
Promotion for the 2021 instructor-led learning runs December 1, 2020 through December 2021� This includes a minimum of four emails promoting the series� (No dedicated email provided with this sponsorship�)
One half-page advertisement in Parking & Mobility magazine, issue to be determined between sponsor and IPMI�
Investment Levels
EXCLUSIVE: $7,500 for a single, year-long advertising placement on Forum landing page� Secure sponsorship by December 31, 2020, billed quarterly� Available immediately�
$2,750 for one of four quarterly (three month) placements� Payment required by December 31, 2020� Available December 15, 2020�
Non-members add 25% premium to investment�
Number of Opportunities: Up to 4
Are you on Forum? Your clients are� The IPMI members-only online community hosts vibrant discussions and postings every day� Members access conversation threads on the platform, and every IPMI member receives a daily digest in their inbox, Monday through Friday (excluding U�S� holidays)� The digest includes the IPMI Blog and a summary of the daily discussion threads� Reach the most engaged leaders and decision-makers in the IPMI community
Quarterly opportunities are secured through advance payment:
January 1 – March 31, 2021
April 1 – June 30, 2021
July 1 – September 30, 2021
October 1 – December 31, 2021
Sponsor Benefits
EXCLUSIVE SPONSOR ONLY: Dedicated chat session in Forum for quarter on topic of your choice, dates as outlined above� Your dedicated chat topic will appear in the Daily Digest sent to all members each day it has activity, comments, or posts�
Your hyperlinked banner advertisement on the Forum community, where members go to post and connect (members-only access)�
Your hyperlinked logo on parking-mobility�org webpage directing members to Forum�
Your logo in Forum advertising in Parking & Mobility magazine (minimum two placements annually)�
One rotating side rail banner ad on Forum webpage at parking-mobility�org for each quarter� Graphics provided by sponsor�
2020 Forum Stats 449 threads 2.033 posts 5,663 individual members 39 discussions per moth with engaged decision-makers and industry leaders