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Webinar Sponsor Benefits, continued

One dedicated email sent to IPMI’s webinar contact list, timed in coordination with IPMI staff�

Content provided and reviewed by sponsor, IPMI to send directly to contacts through our email platform�

Plus all the benefits below

Sponsor Benefits

Year-round benefit and high visibility on a variety of platforms and vehicles� •Your hyperlinked logo on all promotional emails for webinar series� (Promotion kicks off

December 1, 2020 through December 2021 with a minimum of six promotional emails)� •Your hyperlinked logo on the new dedicated webpage for the series� •Your hyperlinked logo in each calendar event listing on parking-mobility�org� •Looping ad or PowerPoint slide in waiting room (five minutes prior to event start) for every webinar� •Your hyperlinked logo on every confirmation, reminder, and follow-up email to all participants� Free training: Five complimentary registrations for members of your staff to each webinar ($35 per attendee per session; valued at over $1,900)� Magazine profile: Your hyperlinked logo will be included in an article on the 2021 webinar series in an issue of Parking & Mobility magazine� Social media posts naming your company and tagging your preferred social media platforms as our primary sponsor throughout the year� Right of first refusal as the key sponsor for the 2022 IPMI Professional Development webinar series, if offered fall 2021 for renewal�

Shoptalk Sponsor— Our Community Speaks Volumes

Number of Opportunities: 1 to 12

Reach the IPMI member audience and beyond! IPMI Shoptalks are online roundtable sessions offered free to all members and industry professionals� IPMI hosts monthly Shoptalks on our dedicated platform that are available both live and then on-demand on parking-mobility�org in the Resource Center and on our YouTube channel�

Investment Levels

EXCLUSIVE: $5,000 to sponsor the entire series of 12 Shoptalks, and moderate three Shoptalks� Secured through advance payment by December 31, 2020� Available immediately� $1,500 to sponsor four Shoptalks� (May be offered January 1, 2021� Preference will be given to sponsors for exclusive opportunity for the yearlong series)� Available December 15, 2020� $500 to sponsor one Shoptalk� (May be offered January 1, 2021� Preference will be given to sponsors for exclusive opportunity for the yearlong series)� Available January 1, 2021�

Topics to be determined solely by IPMI staff based on the most critical and trending issues.

Available Shoptalk Series are first come, first served, and are secured through advance payment� Shoptalk dates are scheduled for the entire year:

Wednesday, January 6

Wednesday, February 3

Wednesday, March 3

Wednesday, April 7

Wednesday, May 5

Wednesday, June 1 Wednesday, July 7 Wednesday, August 4 Wednesday, September 1 Wednesday, October 13 Wednesday, November 3 Wednesday, December 8

Exclusive Sponsor Benefits

Moderate two Shoptalks in the series; topics and dates to be selected by IPMI staff� Looping ad or PowerPoint slide 2019 Shoptalks gained more than 2,000 in waiting room (five minutes views, with prior to event start) for each an average of

Shoptalk� more than 125

One dedicated email sent to attendees per the IPMI Shoptalk contact sesson. list, timed in coordination with IPMI staff� Content provided and reviewed by sponsor, IPMI to send directly to contacts�

Your recorded Learning Lab posted on IPMI website and YouTube channel� Sponsor receives recording copy�

Plus all the benefits below…

Sponsor Benefits

Your hyperlinked logo on the new webpage for 2021 Shoptalk Series� Your hyperlinked logo on IPMI calendar event; event appears on home page as the date nears� Your hyperlinked logo on emails for confirmation, reminders, and follow-ups to all participants� Your logo on post event slides� Coordinated social media campaign for series, tagging your company’s social media handle as a key supporter� Shoptalk promotion for the 2021 series kicks off January 2021� This includes a minimum of three emails promoting the series� (No dedicated email provided with this sponsorship�)

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