Parking & Mobility magazine, June 2020

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Taking Home the Trophies Presenting the winners of this year’s IPMI Awards of Excellence Competition


Roadmap to Recovery

Considerations parking and mobility organizations should address during the re-opening process.




Taking Home the Trophies

Presenting the winners of this year’s IPMI Awards of Excellence Competition. By Melanie Padgett Powers


People Movers

The winners of this year’s Professional Recognition Program awards. By Melanie Padgett Powers


IPMI Roadmap to Recovery


Considerations parking and mobility organizations should address during the re-opening process. By Brett Wood, CAPP, PE


Keeping Parking Facilities Safe During a Pandemic

Nothing is 100 percent, but some steps can help keep patrons and staff safer while the Coronavirus is in play. By Bill Smith


Curbing COVID-19

How the parking industry is responding and adapting. By Jeffrey Elsey, CAPP, PE, LEED AP; Chuck Reedstron, CAPP; and David Taxman, PE




On Leadership IN A NORMAL YEAR, we’d be packing our bags for a

DEPARTMENTS 4 ENTRANCE To See and be Seen By Gary Means, CAPP

6 FIVE THINGS Things We’ve Learned about Working from Home 8 THE BUSINESS OF PARKING Coach ‘Em Up By Julius E. Rhodes, SPHR

10 MOBILITY & TECH Options for Bird Deterrence in Garages By Darin Cielocha

12 THE GREEN STANDARD A Lot of COVID-19 Questions; Not a Lot of Answers By Megan Leinart, CAPP, LEED AP BD+C

14 PARKING & MOBILITY SPOTLIGHT The Millennium Gateway Innovation Lab By Brenna Berman and Firas Suqi

18 ASK THE EXPERTS 56 IPMI IN ACTION Breaking it Down: Start Your CAPP Pursuit Today By Rachel Yoka, CAPP, LEED AP BD+C, WELL AP


great week with industry friends and colleagues and preparing to congratulate our Awards of Excellence, Professional Recognition, and Marketing Awards honorees in person. I think we can all agree this is not a normal year; I am terribly sad to not be boarding that plane and landing in San Antonio. One thing we’ve all learned this year (among many, many things) is that leadership crosses physical boundaries—a leader is a leader whether leading from an office, the field, or their dining room table. And in a time of uncertainty and upheaval, leadership is more important and apparent than ever. I say it every year, but our annual awards issue is one of my favorites. Reading about the people, projects, and programs leading our collective way forward is awfully inspiring, and I always learn something. This year’s Professional Recognition winners have led their organizations, sometimes from head offices and sometimes from the frontlines, while our Awards of Excellence winners bring new concepts and ways of thinking that are visible far beyond parking a car. And our Marketing Award winners, who you’ll read about next month, help spread the good news about our industry, which is a critically important task, especially when things go upside-down. I also learned a lot reading our two COVID-themed features in this issue. “Unprecedented times” has become my most-hated phrase because we hear it so much, but we really have lived through something no one ever thought could happen. Watching this industry pivot has really been inspiring, and to see it plan ahead so its employees and its communities stay as safe as possible is nothing short of amazing. I hope these two stories help you continue looking forward. I didn’t get to see you in person this year, but I have enjoyed our many interactions on social media, through emails and phone calls and Zoom meetings (those Shoptalks have been terrific touch points!), and by reading conversations on Forum; the way people in this industry lift one other up has done my heart good through some very long weeks (anybody else “teaching” Common Core math for the first time with zero credentials to do it?). I am humbled and proud to work with you. As always, my contact information is below—please get in touch anytime. I hope you’ll pass this issue along and share all the great news in it. Until next month…




To See and be Seen


Shawn Conrad, CAE EDITOR




Bonnie Watts, CEM


By Gary Means, CAPP

N RECENT YEARS THE PHRASE “I see you” has become widely

used. According to, it is what someone says to you when they understand where you are coming from or they are impressed by you. In the 2009 movie Avatar, “I see you” expressed a much deeper connection. SUBSCRIPTIONS


BonoTom Studio at or 571.699.3011. For subscription changes, contact Tina Altman, Parking & Mobility (ISSN 0896-2324 & USPS 001436) is published monthly by the International Parking & Mobility Institute. 1330 Braddock Place, Suite 350 Alexandria, VA 22314 Phone: 571.699.3011 Fax: 703.566.2267 Email: Website: Postmaster note: Send address label changes promptly to: Parking & Mobility 1330 Braddock Place, Suite 350 Alexandria, VA 22314 Interactive electronic version of Parking & Mobility for members and subscribers only at parking-mobility. org/magazine. Periodical postage paid at Alexandria, Va., and additional mailing offices. Copyright © International Parking & Mobility Institute, 2020. Statements of fact and opinion expressed in articles contained if Parking & Mobility are the sole responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent an official expression of policy or opinion on the part of officers or the members of IPMI. Manuscripts, correspondence, articles, product releases, and all contributed materials are welcomed by Parking & Mobility; however, publication is subject to editing, if deemed necessary to conform to standards of publication. The subscription rate is included in IPMI annual dues. Subscription rate for non-members of IPMI is $120 per year (U.S. currency) in the U.S., Canada, and Mexico. All other countries, $150. Back issues, $10. Parking & Mobility is printed on 10 percent recycled paper and on paper from trees grown specifically for that purpose.

I am not an introvert, but from what I understand, even though an introvert might not want to be the center of attention, they still want to be seen or appreciated. What we do and the accomplishments we achieve really do matter to all of us. To be recognized for any accomplishment in this industry, which is chock full of inspiring people, projects, and programs, is an amazing feeling. Ask any of those who are recognized (page 20) and I’m sure they will agree. The 2020 Awards & Recognition Program was revamped a bit and rebranded with new and expanded categories, so there are even more ways to share your story. As a member of IPMI’s Board of Directors, I want to personally thank all of you who unselfishly serve on our volunteer committees, but in this column, I want to recognize those who serve on the Awards of Excellence Committee, Professional Recognition Committee, and the Committee to Advance Parking & Mobility, (formerly Parking Matters). These committee members spent many hours reviewing the submissions to select the people, projects, and programs that are honored this year. I know it’s a lot of work and we all benefit from it. I also want to thank everyone who submitted this year and in the years past. I’ve personally learned so much from


these programs. For example, when the Pittsburgh Parking Authority rolled out their pay-by-plate program, it gave many other municipal programs (including LEXPARK) the confidence to make that switch as well.

Are you inspired by this year’s honorees? On the IPMI website, under the “membership” tab, you’ll find “Awards & Recognition.” I recommend you go there and take a look at the various categories and the criteria for this year and make your plans to submit for next year. You have time to complete that award-­ winning project and get it submitted or start working on compiling all the great things your organization has done recently, or think about submitting one of your team members to be recognized for their amazing contributions to your organization. I can’t wait to see who, what and where gets “seen” next year! ◆ GARY MEANS, CAPP, is executive director of the Lexington & Fayette County Parking Authority and chairelect of IPMI’s Board of Directors. He can be reached at gmeans@

Things We’ve Learned about Working from Home The COVID-19 pandemic shut down offices around the world almost overnight, sending office workers home for several months. Many lessons were learned, both by employees and their companies, about remote working, and there have been some big surprises. Here are five things we’ve all learned about working from home.

Remote workers are often more productive and work longer hours than when they’re in the office. “Studies indicate that remote workers are more productive and work longer hours,” says Jennifer Glass, a sociologist at the University of Texas who studies the issue, at She says working at home offers more schedule flexibility than in-the-office days, and employees are grateful for that.


Concerns about cybersecurity went up and more companies faced issues keeping their networks secure when people went home to work. “In the UK, 41 percent surveyed was threatened by at least one cybersecurity scare since shifting to remote working model,” reports Enterprise Times.


We might like the perks of working at home, but we miss seeing each other—and videoconferencing platform Zoom released numbers that prove it. Their weekend calls are up 2,000 percent and lunchtime workday calls are up 700 percent over pre-COVID numbers. More than 300 million people used the platform in April alone. Source: CNET.



Remote office setups let companies hire for experience, skill, and attitude without geographic boundaries. And some companies say they’ll continue hiring that way and letting people work from home indefinitely—it improves their workforce overall. Source:


Working from home has narrowed the gap between extroverts and introverts. At least, Andy MacMillan, CEO of UserTesting, thinks so. He wrote in Venture Beat about his personal surprises working from home, and says one was that more employees than ever participate in meetings—he’s seeing more than the usual suspects speaking up now that meetings are on a screen instead of in a boardroom.




Coach ’Em Up By Julius E. Rhodes, SPHR


n the movie “The Blind Side,” Sandra Bullock plays Leigh Anne Tuohy, a true southern woman who is very attentive to and concerned about accuracy and detail in her personal and professional life. One day, she is watching her son’s football practice as a host of college coaches from various teams vie for the opportunity to enlist his services at the next level.

Coaching ‘em Up in Parking When any employee joins our team, they are more than likely a bit raw in terms of our ways of doing

things and our methodology. This means we need to “coach ‘em up” a bit, but how do we do that? The reality is that being a good coach doesn’t mean just knowing when to blow the whistle. There are many things that need to be done to effectively facilitate your role as a coach to elevate performance of the team—and your own, too. The following is a list—not all-inclusive—of things I have taken away from “The Blind Side”’ that apply to the coaching role we must play in our workplaces: ■  Don’t be afraid to admit you don’t know it all. We’ve all had situations with people who thought they knew it all or always wanted things to go their way. In time, we began to disconnect from these people. By admitting you don’t know it all and seeking the input of others, you create stronger bonds—and

When any employee joins our team, they are more than likely a bit raw in terms of our ways of doing things and our methodology. This means we need to “coach ‘em up” a bit, but how do we do that?



Her son’s high school coach was a bit inept initially in his approach to the game and to Leigh Anne. During the practice, coach Phil Fulmer of the University of Tennessee asks if they could see some drills and high school coach Burt Cotton agrees. After Leigh Anne’s son demolishes his competition in the drill, Coach Fulmer turns to Coach Cotton and says, “You’ve done a fine job with this young man.” Coach Cotton replies, “Yeah, well, he was a little raw when we first got him, but we coached ‘em up a little.” Upon hearing this, Leigh Anne gives Coach Cotton a look that says what the what?

BUSINESS VISION We seek to streamline and optimize control of your parking structure, its management, productivity and security. Our differentiation and competitive advantages enable you to improve the level of service, while exploring new business opportunities. they put in that discretionary effort that takes you from where you are today to where you need to be tomorrow. ■  Recognize victories, encourage people to push through setbacks, and hold people accountable. To be effective as a coach, you must approach people with balance. There will always be good times and tough times and our ability to share information on both while holding people accountable is key to our success. ■  Empathy is crucial to engagement and commitment. There is a quote I positively love by the Greek philosopher Plato: “Be kind, for everyone you know is fighting a tough battle.” By being empathetic and showing people we care about them as more than just workers, we create conditions for increased connection and coherence in our workplace and beyond. ■  Hard work, dedication, and persistence can and will prevail. My parents used to tell me all the time that nothing worthwhile ever came easy, and anything worth having is worth working for. ■  Trust is essential, as is a belief in the team. We cannot do anything without trust; it is the basis of all relationships. ■  It’s vital to have others’ backs. In football, the term “blind side” means the side of the quarterback that’s away from the direction of the play. As many quarterbacks are right-handed, their blind side is the left side— the player is completely blind to hits on that side. All of us have blind spots and so do the members of our teams, and to the extent that we recognize these blind spots, we can be a valuable support to each other. Finally, I’d like to add that all the above areas are crucial to our overall success and I’d like to simplify these areas in a purely working context. We get our chance to be a successful coach and achieve the ideas I have laid out when we: ■  Always share expectations. ■  Communicate those expectations early and often in clear, concise, and compelling terms. ■  Make sure to identify the deliverables. ■  Always ensure there are mechanisms in place to provide feedback. ◆ JULIUS E. RHODES, SPHR, is founder and principal of the mpr group and author of BRAND: YOU Personal Branding for Success in Life and Business. He can be reached at or 773.548.8037.

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Options for Bird Deterrence in Garages By Darin Cielocha


IRDS CAUSE MILLIONS OF DOLLARS of damage every year to buildings, vehicles, and

Protecting Parking Garages

Preventative Measures

Birds congregate in areas to socialize, feed, shelter and nest. Parking garages offer numerous areas that are ideal for these activities. Examples of nesting areas are flat ledges and covered areas; staircases and awnings; mechanical rooms and HVAC systems/vents; light fixtures; and drain/sprinkler pipes, to list a few. When birds find good areas to socialize, feed, and nest, they can become a nuisance and potentially destructive. Bird feces/droppings are very acidic and highly corrosive and can cause damage to many different parts of a structure, not to mention the paint on vehicles. Debris from nests can clog water drains and ventilation systems. Their nesting areas can create an overload of weight that can potentially collapse a suspended ceiling or damage metal facades. Colonizing birds can also discourage potential vendors and customers in and/or around a parking garage, especially food vendors or restaurants.

The first step in preventing bird nesting, socializing, or feeding is to identify the species. To be effective, bird control programs must be tailored to the specific bird species and situation: ■  Netting. Bird-control netting can be used as an exclusion method for any type of structure configuration. It is probably the most humane and effective way to consistently deter birds from becoming a major problem. The price range for netting is $.15– $.50 per square foot for different grades of netting (not including accessories or labor). ■  Pitched/slides or spiked materials for flat ledges. These types of measures look to deter birds by replacing any flat areas for birds to roost or nest with a pitched elevation/slide or spikes. There are many different materials that can be purchased and customized to fit onto any flat surface. They are usually made of plastic or metal and adhered with either



roofs, and can even cause illness in humans. Bird feces and nests can cause a host of serious physical problems. They can deface buildings and bring disease-causing hazards to those who occupy the buildings. For these reasons, it is important to recognize the potential dangers birds pose and determine if you want to deter their presence in parking structures.

mechanical or adhesive materials. The price range for this is $4.75–$6.00 per linear foot (not including accessories or labor). ■  Noise and visual device deterrents. There are alarm and distress call devices that emit noises that trigger a fleeing behavioral response by birds. These types of devices can be very effective in scaring birds away from annual nesting areas. Pairing an alarm device with visual deterrents such as a perching owl or reflective metals and/or lights can be an effective way to frighten and confuse birds to keep them away permanently. However, as previously mentioned, it is important to match the correct distress call with the species of bird you are looking to deter. The price range for this is $150 to $500 for hardware (not including setup and install). ■  Low-voltage deterrent systems. Some owners may not like the appearance or noise-emitting devices and may opt for deterrent systems that are low-profile and effective. There are electrified, low-voltage systems that can attach to any size or shape of parking structure. These low-voltage systems create an intermittent shock that will continue to keep birds from gathering where these types of systems are installed. The price range for this is $12–$18 per linear foot (not including accessories or labor). ■  Smell and touch repellents. Like many other pests, birds cannot stand the smell of citronella and peppermint oils. Birds also avoid areas that are sticky to the touch. The combination of these two types of repellents together can be an effective and low-cost way to keep birds away. The price range for

Birds congregate in areas to socialize, feed, shelter and nest. Parking garages offer numerous areas that are ideal for these activities this is $5–$500 depending on the material and quantity (not including accessories or labor). It is important to get a pest management professional involved to help determine bird species and the reason the birds are on your property. Identification will be instrumental in providing solu-

tions to your nesting/flocking issues in all areas of your parking structure. It is important to stress that bird treatment and prevention systems need to be installed and used in the safest and most humane manner possible. Remember, just because birds are a part of our everyday environment does not mean they need to make your garage their home. ◆ DARIN CIELOCHA is vice president, business development, with McGill Restoration. He can be reached at dcielocha@

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A Lot of COVID-19 Questions; Not a Lot of Answers By Megan Leinart, CAPP, LEED AP BD+C


HE COVID-19 CRISIS HAS SWEPT THROUGH the world in recent months. We’ve never

seen an event affect the daily lives of the majority of individuals on a global level like this, even during wars, previous virus spreads, financial meltdowns, or anything else. This has been unprecedented, and our industry is certainly no exception with massive layoffs, significant reductions in the numbers of people driving, and so on.

Work from Home Many organizations have been resistant to the idea of telecommuting or even part-time work-from-home arrangements, often citing reduced productivity, difficulties collaborating, and the need for in-person connections. We have now been forced to move forward with these arrangements and I think many are finding them to be quite doable, at least on a limited scale if not completely. There are, of course, many exceptions where on-site work is required, but many can survive and maybe even thrive with their workers at home full or part time (especially in the future when they 12 PARKING & MOBILITY / JUNE 2020 / PARKING-MOBILITY.ORG

likely won’t also be moonlighting as ­homeschool teachers). Will we go back to business as usual, or will we begin to see more organizations (where possible) being more flexible with their work-from-home policies? How would even a modest transition to work-from-home options affect traffic congestion, emissions, and even stress and mental health? It’s definitely worth exploring.

Mass Transit and Alternative Transportation On the other hand, we could see an increase in the use of single-occupant vehicles at least in the short-term. There is no doubt the psychological effects from this crisis will be extensive. This isn’t an issue that will suddenly go away or where we will visually see improvements. For weeks, people have been given daily reminders of infections and death tolls. Any sort of comeback to “normal” will be gradual, and initially in small doses. With that, will people for the foreseeable future feel more comfortable traveling in their personal vehicles rather than in shared alternatives like Uber and Lyft, carpooling, and especially mass transit?


As I write this, pretty much any place that isn’t deemed “essential” is closed. Who knows what the situation will be by the time this issue is published? But one thing that will remain is the questions that will come out of this as we begin to re-open our country and the world, and what our lives will look like moving forward. Some of the most common questions facing society are related to parking and transportation and have a direct connection to environmental, health, and economic impacts.

Will people for the foreseeable future feel more comfortable traveling in their personal vehicles rather than in shared alternatives like Uber and Lyft, carpooling, and especially mass transit?

While this may not put a stress on parking demand initially, given the likelihood of a gradual reopening, the psychological impacts of this event may have a longer term effect on transportation choices, eventually putting stress on parking demand across cities, at airports, at major events (another issue altogether), and beyond. How will owners and operators at these destinations handle this additional demand when the financial capital and/or available space to build or acquire additional infrastructure may be limited or non-existent?

and organizations successfully into the future. I for one can’t wait to see what we do next—once I’m finally allowed to leave the house. ◆ MEGAN LEINART, CAPP, LEED AP BD+C, is president of Leinart Consulting. She can be reached at

Parking Demand and Technology Assuming people do choose to use their personal vehicles for travel at least in the short-term, how does this impact parking operations at their chosen destinations? In addition to owners and operators facing the potential for significant parking demand, how will they move forward serving patrons in this new “normal?” Contactless technologies will officially take a front seat in this conversation. While our industry has been a leader at setting up this infrastructure, the public has been more hesitant about embracing it. This may be very well be the catalyst toward the complete integration of these solutions. Additional impacts will include the implementation of extensive sanitary measures and protective equipment for valet operations, access control in parking facilities and between connected buildings, enforcement policies and procedures, and much more. The questions and issues coming out of this crisis are unlimited, and we will face predictable and unpredictable situations well into the foreseeable future. But the opportunities for the parking, transportation, and mobility industry to lead and be a force for positive change will be there too. Ready or not, change is happening and there is no going back. But as we have done before, professionals throughout our industry from planners and designers, to the forward-thinking owners and operators, and technology and solution providers will collaborate to meet this transition head on and lead our communities PARKING-MOBILITY.ORG / JUNE 2020 / PARKING & MOBILITY 13


The Millennium Gateway Innovation Lab City Tech Collaborative and IPMI launch a new cross-sector collaboration to shape the future of parking. By Brenna Berman and Firas Suqi


EFORE CORONAVIRUS SLAMMED ON THE BRAKES in cities across the country, urban

parking and mobility were already in a state of profound transformation. In a new era of online reservations, ride-hailing and vehicle sharing, electrification and automation, boundless data and countless journey planning tools, the beaten path suddenly looks a lot less familiar and all of the wheels are squeaky. In response to this rapidly changing landscape, City Tech Collaborative launched the Millennium Gateway Innovation Lab to explore, develop, deploy, and scale new urban parking solutions and business models. Taking a unique and inclusive approach, the Lab is reimagining parking as a critical access point to a more


closely connected system of urban places, modes, and services. To do that, City Tech and its partners are integrating parking with other public and private transportation systems, adopting new technology for smarter asset management, and cultivating value-added services and space uses.

One of the Millennium Gateway’s first priorities involves rethinking the cyberphysical technology foundation that will enable new parking services and real estate uses. In the absence of a one-size-fits-all combination of hardware, software, connectivity, data management, and utility infrastructure for the parking lot of the future, asset owners need a customizable framework and tangible proof to guide their tech-related capital planning. Embracing Transformation With Millennium Parking Garages, SP+, and Arrive as the Lab’s founding members—and through strategic partnerships with the International Parking & Mobility Institute (IPMI), and others—the Millennium Gateway is building a cross-sector consortium of parking asset owners, operators, technology providers, and civic institutions. Together, Lab participants bring the perspective, capabilities, and resources to inform and lead the transformation of a $100 billion national industry. The Millennium Gateway is part of City Tech’s Advanced Mobility Initiative, which draws upon the insights and experience of Microsoft, Bosch, HERE Technologies, McKinsey & Company, and more than 20 additional companies and organizations. Focused on applied innovation, the Lab brings together cutting-edge technology at the intersection of the built environment, digital infrastructure, and scalable ­business models. Millennium Garages serves as an anchor testbed for the new Lab, bringing 9,000 parking spaces, 3.8 million square feet, and an 86-year municipal concession agreement to operate four connected parking facilities in the heart of downtown Chicago. SP+ provides mobility solutions to clients across North America, including parking management, ground transportation, remote baggage check-in, and event logistics. Arrive’s aptitude for integrating vehicle navigation, payment systems, voice platforms, websites, mobile apps, and other cutting-edge technology further strengthens the Lab’s position. As an urban solutions accelerator, City Tech offers a proven approach and innovation methodology that help collaborative solutions succeed where other efforts fall short. City Tech’s amplifies partners’ technical capabilities and business goals through rigorous strategy, partnership structure, and market development.

play new roles. Like city streets designed for horses that now conduct cars, trucks, bikes, and electric scooters, parking structures will become fueling stations for electric vehicles, fleet storage and staging areas, multi-modal logistics hubs, maintenance bays, server rooms, and drone depots. More often than not, technology will be the key to unlocking these new sources of value. So how should a forward-looking parking facility decide when, how, and in which technologies to invest? One of the Millennium Gateway’s first priorities involves rethinking the cyberphysical technology foundation that

A Forward-looking Foundation One of the make-or-break success factors for parking facilities in the new urban mobility context will be their ability to PARKING-MOBILITY.ORG / JUNE 2020 / PARKING & MOBILITY 15


Founding Members


will enable new parking services and real estate uses. In the absence of a one-size-fits-all combination of hardware, software, connectivity, data management, and utility infrastructure for the parking lot of the future, asset owners need a customizable framework and tangible proof to guide their tech-related capital planning. Instead of the Frankensteinian mashups that too often results from haphazard tech adoption, Millennium Gateway participants will take a more strategic, scalable, and value-driven approach to cyberphysical improvements. In conjunction with the tech framework being developed by the Lab, City Tech has defined a parking innovation roadmap that includes sensor deployment, high-definition geospatial mapping, automated vehicle and freight pilots, and other solution development that would not be possible without a solid tech foundation. One current Millennium Gateway solution is deploying sensors to gather information on electric vehicle charging station occupancy and user behavior that can allow drivers to see charger availability, reserve a space, and navigate to it in real time. Newly enabled analytics will help facility owners, operators, and technology providers to improve planning, design, and dynamic pricing to maximize these investments.

Partnering for Success Within this rapidly changing landscape, successful parking operators, asset owners, technology providers, and regulators will rely more than ever on high performing partnerships. But genuine collaboration is always harder than it seems, and ­real-world innovation requires much more than creativity and good intentions. The Millennium Gateway Innovation Lab is an ideal collaboration opportunity for IPMI and its members, aligning closely with IPMI’s internationally recognized research, education, and innovation efforts. As strategic partners through the Millennium Gateway, IPMI and City Tech have joined forces in solution development and industry engagement—including participation in the Alliance for Data Parking Data Standards and IPMI’s 2020 Parking & Mobility Virtual Conference & Expo. City Tech, IPMI, and Millennium Gateway Innovation Lab participants are reimagining cities as places where technology fuels innovation, creates business opportunity, and improves urban quality of life for all. In light of the need for a safe and sustainable resumption of urban transportation, evolving mobility

trends and customer needs, and the opportunities they create, the Millennium Gateway is an important step forward for the parking industry. Technology will continue to be a critical factor in solving cities’ most pressing challenges, and collaboration will help us rise above them. For more information about the Millennium Gateway Innovation Lab and to join the collaboration, please email or visit ◆ BRENNA BERMAN is the CEO and executive director of City Tech Collaborative. She can be reached at brenna.

FIRAS SUQI leads mobility and parking solution development at City Tech’s Millennium Gateway Innovation Lab. He can be reached at firas.suqi@citytech. org.

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As this issue goes to press, organizations are thinking about opening up post-pandemic-shutdown. What are you thinking about or how do you plan to handle social distancing in the workplace when that happens?

Scott C. Bauman, CAPP

Nicole Chinea, CAPP

John W. Hammerschlag

Manager of Parking & Mobility Services City of Aurora, Colo.

Senior Project Manager WGI

President Hammerschlag & Co., Inc.

Detailed response plans have been created. Our parking offices will remain closed to the public indefinitely and all office staff now work split shifts (50 percent in office and 50 percent remotely). Only every other work space cubicle is occupied at any time to ensure adherence to physical distancing requirements between employees.

The density of office space will need to be reevaluated. Organizations have made a strong shift to open workspace during the last couple of years. Working remotely the last two months has shown remote work does not negatively impact productivity or effectiveness. The push to leverage technology has needed to happen and I hope that it is sustained post-COVID. With just these items alone, I think we will see remote work encouraged, internally and externally, more than pre-COVID.

In anticipation of our customers return to the garages, we are taking the following steps: PPE supplies for employees; sanitizing and hand wipe stations in elevator lobbies and at equipment; implementing contactless payment systems; updating cleaning frequency, particularly for high-contact areas; limiting passengers in elevators; physical distancing in higher density areas; plexiglass separators in garage offices and between pay stations; and additional messaging through dynamic rate signs.

Erik Nelson, PCIP Director of Operations and Technology Consulting Walker Consultants We will plan to continue leveraging all the great remote working tools that we have all (nearly) mastered during the last several months to help with keeping our distance while in the office.

Jennifer Tougas, CAPP, PhD Director, Parking and Transportation Services Western Kentucky University We need to be as flexible and nimble as possible to respond to the needs of the institution. I fully expect commuting patterns to change now that our entire workforce has worked from home. Parking demand will be determined by the level of face-to-face classes we have. I expect to see a higher demand for daily parking and a potential shift away from residents to commuter students. Bus routes will need to change if we have to reduce passenger densities. Micro-mobility services will become more important.

/ HAVE A QUESTION? Send it to and watch this space for answers from the experts.

The opinions and thoughts expressed by the contributors do not necessarily reflect the opinions and viewpoints of the International Parking & Mobility Institute or official policies of IPMI.



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Taking Home T the Trophies


Presenting the winners of this year’s IPMI Awards of Excellence Competition. By Melanie Padgett Powers

EVERY YEAR (well, most years, anyway) sports fans wait with anticipation to see who will be crowned the baseball World Series champion, the NFL Super Bowl winner and the king of the Daytona 500. In the parking and mobility world, the best of the best are also recognized once a year for their outstanding achievements with the Awards of Excellence. The wait is over. Here are this year’s inspiring winners.


has been hailed by Berkeley Mayor Jesse Arreguin as “probably the greenest parking garage in California” thanks to its endless environmentally sustainable features. The garage includes 480 rooftop solar panels, electric-vehicle charging stations, a rainwater collection cistern, and stormwater treatment vegetation. The aggressive efforts to reduce energy use beat California’s Title 24 energy standards by 15 percent. Easily accessible by mass transit, bicyclists, pedestrians, and drivers, the new structure provides 720 spaces for cars and 350 spaces for bikes. Beyond its sustainability features, the 250,000-square-foot, eight-level garage offers plenty of amenities and a beautiful design. The garage features an art exhibit space, café, bike valet, public restrooms, a state-of-the-art security system, and a parking count system with red and green indicator lights designating open spaces. It also houses a bike-share network and includes a Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) bike station with bicycle-equipment repair shop and 55 secured bicycle spaces. Graphic color schemes throughout the facility provide easy visibility for wayfinding. The exterior facade consists of folded perforated metal panels creating a wavelike form on both Addison Street and Center Street. The elevation is capped by a continuous metal panel canopy that protects the stairs, while also visually terminating the facade. A covered cantilevered walkway at the second level is clad in an accent-colored perforated metal that articulates up the exterior on a dramatic twisting staircase. The exterior design is highlighted by accent lighting that is programmable and allows a dynamic variety of colors for visual effect at night. The garage—which is expected to receive Parksmart gold certification—serves visitors of the bustling downtown and Berkeley theater district. The site was previously occupied by a four-story parking structure built in the late 1950s.

Best Design of a Mixed or Multi-use Parking & Transportation Facility

The Center Street Garage Owning Agency: City of Berkeley, Calif. Architect of Record: International Parking Design, Inc. Overall Construction, Contractor, and Structural Engineer: KPFF Consulting Engineers Facade Design: Marcy Wong Donn Logan Architects Lighting Engineer: Architecture and Light TOTAL COST: $38 MILLION


Best Design of a Mixed or Multi-use Parking & Transportation Facility

Terminal Garage Owning Agency: Metropolitan Nashville Airport Authority Structural and Functional Engineer: Walker Consultants Architect: Atkins





(BNA) in Tennessee has experienced unprecedented growth for the past six consecutive years. In response, the airport is in the midst of a major expansion program called BNA Vision. Spanning seven years, the expansion includes a variety of landside and airside projects that will accommodate the record-breaking growth. New parking facilities are a key component. BNA opened a six-level garage in December 2018 as part of a three-phase parking expansion. This state-ofthe-art facility offers 2,200 covered parking spaces convenient to the terminal, as well as a variety of customer conveniences and a dedicated Ground Transportation


Center at grade. This mixed-use facility serves two distinctive needs: convenient public parking and access to commercial vehicle pick-ups for arriving passengers. The project entailed cast-in-place, post-tensioned construction, which provides a durable and low maintenance structure. The project relocated an exit road and toll plaza, enhanced wayfinding signage, and included roadway improvements to streamline entry and exit to the new garage, an adjacent surface lot, and the airport’s consolidated rental car center. BNA broke ground on the facility in January 2017 and opened the garage in December 2018. It was built with a workforce of more than 1,200 people and took 534,000 hours of labor to complete. The project finished $7 million under budget.



AIRPORT (SFO) Long Term Parking 2 was designed to be the most technologically advanced structure of its kind, elevating industry standards through collaboration and sustainability. The six-story, 1.2 million-square-foot parking garage has 3,600 stalls. The thoughtful use of technology is intended to alleviate user stress, improve operations, reduce environmental impact, and ready the garage to adapt to future needs. The structure features an automated parking guidance system that signals drivers about the availability of stalls, an access-and-revenue-control system for reserved parking, and a find-my-car function at the pay stations. The structure is 100 percent Wi-Fi accessible, and the team installed backbone conduit risers to accommodate future improvements in cellphone coverage. The garage has earned Parksmart gold

certification—it was designed and built to be over 20 percent electric-vehicle charging capable, with 3 percent of the parking stalls providing charging stations at the facility’s opening. Solar panels cover the roof, creating a net-energy-positive system that powers the garage and additional SFO facilities. A lighting control system reduces energy consumption and can be operated remotely to adjust energy consumption for the garage’s elevators and electrical and mechanical systems. A pedestrian and vehicle bridge connects the garage to the adjacent existing parking structure, and the new garage has been designed to directly connect to the future AirTrain station and future consolidated rental car facility. Speed ramps and intuitive wayfinding signs throughout the structure help drivers find open parking stalls as quick as possible. The San Francisco Arts Commission contributed to the open aesthetic with painted steel art panels and mirrored glass panels that spell out “San Francisco” in Morse code.

Best Design of a Parking Facility

San Francisco International Airport Long Term Parking 2 Owning Agency: San Francisco International Airport General Contractor: Nibbi Brothers General Contractors Architect: DLR Group | Kwan Hemni and FMG Civil Engineer: Telemon Engineering Consultants TOTAL COST: $3.8 MILLION



Best Facility Rehabilitation or Restoration

Nebraska Medical Center Lot 01 Restoration Owning Agency: Nebraska Medical Center Engineer: Walker Consultants General Contractor: Kiewit Building Group, Inc. Restoration Contractor: McGill Restoration TOTAL COST: $4,665,216



ward with a long-overdue renovation of the Orange Parking Structure (Lot 01) and the hospital front entrance. The renovation allowed for significant structural enhancements: a three-level parking structure, a drive-up patient and valet entrance for Clarkson Tower, a helipad that serves as the primary emergency department landing zone, doctor parking at grade level, and a waterproofed plaza system. Before the renovation could start, a new access entrance to the parking deck had to be constructed and the flow of traffic remapped. While the plaza system was replaced at the main entry, a temporary patient drop-off canopy was erected and the side emergency door was used as the entry. To further accommodate the needs of patients and staff (while maintaining a tight schedule) a significant amount of the work was performed during off-business hours, and major demolition of the parking garage occurred at specified times. The restoration of this important facility was successful due to phasing cooperation of the design and construction teams. The scope of work included replacement of expansion joints, post-tension cable repairs, masonry repairs, application of traffic coatings, application of penetrating sealer, and painting the interior ceiling surfaces. A new waterproofing membrane was applied; the specifications called for a 24-hour flood test to ensure the new system was water tight. The project was completed on budget and on time in less than six months, while never closing the garage and keeping the valet operational 24/7.



Innovation In Facility Design

Pixar Pals Parking Structure Owning Agency: Walt Disney Imagineering Architect of Record: International Parking Design Contractor: Bomel Construction Structural Engineer: Culp & Tanner Project Management: Spectrum Development Group Design Assist: Architects Orange



ISNEYLAND RESORT is the No. 1 tourist attrac-

tion in Southern California, drawing millions of visitors each year. As attendance continues to ­increase and the resort expands, the Pixar Pals Parking Structure was designed and constructed to accommodate guests and cast members. The new structure, which connects to the existing Mickey & Friends Garage, serves as the primary transportation hub and gateway to Disneyland Park, Disney California Adventure Park and Downtown Disney District by integrating the main tram pick-up/drop-off into the ground level of the garage. Pixar Pals has 6,500 parking spaces on six levels and

Innovation in a Mobility, Transportation, or Parking Program

Automating Disability Cart Service Owning Agency: University of Arizona University of Arizona, Parking and Transportation Services Staff



features additional entry lanes, express vehicular ramping, an electronic car-counting system, and a pedestrian bridge directly linking to Downtown Disney District. The design expedites parking, improves circulation, reduces traffic, and provides additional safety and security measures for guests and cast members. For many guests, the new Pixar Pals Parking Structure is their first experience as they arrive at Disneyland Resort. Branded wayfinding elements designed by Disney Imagineers are located throughout, including levels named after Pixar characters. Once guests exit their vehicle, they are directed to a dedicated pedestrian walkway along the east edge of the structure that leads to the vertical circulation core. This core includes elevators and stairs, along with the adjacent feature “rotunda” containing a series of escalators serving all levels of the garage. Guests gather in the main pedestrian plaza, which includes multi-color paving and enhanced landscaping, and proceed to the security screening bag-check area. Guests board the tram that is routed through the garage’s ground level and are transported to the main entrance of Disneyland Park and Disney California Adventure Park.

(PTS) at the University of Arizona offers a free service for those with long- or short-term disabilities called the Disability Cart Service. It uses electric golf carts and had operated for 22 years through paper ride submissions and an Excel spreadsheet. In 2017, PTS was focused on growth and realized that this service was underdeveloped and could become more efficient. The process of collecting a ride request, establishing a schedule, and assigning a driver could take over six hours each day. In fall 2018, PTS began a two-phase project that created a highly desired, free ride service that now provides over 2,700 rides a month. In phase one, PTS created an in-house scheduling tool to allow riders to more easily access the service and to assist dispatchers in creating schedules. Phase two rolled out the TapRide application, which allows for auto-assignment of rides and better management of schedules. The drivers now use tablets, eliminating the use of more than 2,160 pieces of paper each month. TapRide had only previously been used for on-demand ride services; Disability Cart Service is the first to use the app to manage a scheduled ride service. Besides improved efficiency, ridership has also increased. In October 2019, the service completed 2,727 rides, compared to 2,075 rides in October 2018 and approximately 1,500 rides in October 2017.


Excellence in Sustainable Design

Terminal Garage Owning Agency: Metropolitan Nashville Airport Authority Walker Consultants TOTAL COST: $115 MILLION




he 900,000-square-foot TERMINAL GARAGE at Nashville International Airport in Tennessee was awarded a Parksmart bronze level certification in August 2019, making it one of only 35 parking structures in the world with this distinction. This visually striking, state-of-the-art garage is a six-level structure with five levels of public parking totaling 2,200 spaces, an integrated ground transportation center, and numerous user amenities. The concept was for the garage to be an openair structure and ensure proper indoor air quality to nearly eliminate the need for energy-consuming and maintenance-intensive mechanical ventilation systems or exhaust fans. The garage’s sustainable design features include energy-­ efficient LED lighting throughout; a 20,000-gallon cistern; high-efficiency VRF heat pumps for heating and cooling enclosed personnel spaces; and facade trellises to add high-profile landscape elements that provide biophilia-related mental health benefits and enhance the overall appearance. To help customers reduce vehicle-use carbon and emissions, a ground transportation center provides convenient access to multi-modal transportation, including public mass transit, and a parking guidance system directs drivers to parking spaces quickly and efficiently, reducing unnecessary drive time, fossil fuel usage, and greenhouse gases. In addition, there are pay-on-foot kiosks, electric-­ vehicle charging stations, and a tire inflation station. Proactive construction waste management practices successfully recycled 70 percent of the total 2,500 cubic yards of construction waste. Emphasis on a regional labor force and regionally sourced materials helped support the local economy while reducing transportation-related fossil fuel usage and greenhouse gas emissions. Recycling receptacles enable over 50 percent of the garage’s operational waste stream to be successfully recycled. A truck-mounted pressure washer maintains the sizable garage parking deck floor area vacuums and filters and reuses the wash water.

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Excellence in Architectural Design

MELANIE PADGETT POWERS is a freelance writer and editor. She can be reached at


Center Street Garage Owning Agency: City of Berkeley, Calif. Architect of Record: International Parking Design Facade Design: Marcy Wong Donn Logan Architects Lighting Engineer: Architecture and Light Overall Construction, Contractor, and Structural Engineer: KPFF Consulting Engineers TOTAL COST: $38 MILLION


he 250,000-square-foot, eight-level CENTER STREET GARAGE provides 720 spaces for cars and 350 spaces for bikes. The garage features an art exhibit space, café, bike valet, public restrooms, state-of-theart security system, and a parking count system with red and green indicator lights designating open spaces. The garage also houses a bike-share network and includes a BART bike station with bicycle-­equipment repair shop and 55 secured bicycle spaces. Graphic color schemes throughout the facility provide easy visibility for wayfinding to and from the vertical circulation elements and orientation to either end of the building. The exterior facade consists of folded perforated metal panels creating a wave-like form on both Addison Street and Center Street. With over 20 size variations of the metal panels, each one is numbered and bolted into place in an accordion-like fashion. The elevation is capped by a continuous metal panel canopy that protects the stairs, as well as visually terminates the facade. A covered cantilevered walkway at the second level is clad in an accent-colored perforated metal that articulates up the exterior on a dramatic twisting staircase. The exterior design is highlighted by accent lighting that is programmable and allows a dynamic variety of colors for visual effect at night. To design the facade illumination, the sharply folded perforated metal panels strike an up-tempo counterpoint to the red and lime green staircases. The pleated scrims form two waves surging in different directions. Using all LEDs, the structure behind is lit with color-changing floods, while the front is lit in white, creating great depth and mystery. These two layers of light provide complexity and seemingly infinite thematic variations. The eye-catching sculpture and light display enhances the vitality of Berkeley and delights people. This dynamic optical contrast allows low brightness, achieves exceptional efficiency, and meets dark sky constraints not otherwise possible from conventional approaches. ◆

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The winners of this year’s Pro


ARKING AND MOBILITY OPERATIONS and initiatives could not succeed without the talented

and dedicated people behind them. This year’s Professional Recognition Program award winners are those people on the frontlines and behind the scenes who ensure each daily operation, special project, or new initiative goes beyond expectations.

James M. Hunnicutt, CAPP, Industry Professional of the Year


ParkHouston Houston, Texas Maria Irshad, CAPP—known as “the parking lady” around Houston—is dedicated, well-respected by colleagues, and known for her innovation. ParkHouston manages about 9,500 paid parking spaces and 19 off-street surface lots; the enforcement of all parking codes; and the administration of various permits. Irshad leads a team of 75 and provides parking policy recommendations to the Mayor’s Office. Irshad holds a master’s degree in public administration. In 2015, she spearheaded Accredited Parking Organization (APO) 30 PARKING & MOBILITY / JUNE 2020 / PARKING-MOBILITY.ORG

recognition for ParkHouston, and the organization earned APO with Distinction in 2016. In 2017, she organized a committee of private parking operators to provide parking for the Super Bowl in Houston through the My Fan parking app. In addition, she’s been very close to the arts community. She collaborated with Houston Arts Alliance to create the nation’s first art parking meter sculptures, which were featured in the 2016 Sculpture Month Houston tour. She was successful in being awarded a $3.2 million federal grant to establish a public-private partnership for an automated parking guidance system for downtown Houston, which launched the first on-street car-share program in the city.



fessional Recognition Program awards. By Melanie Padgett Powers

She worked with stakeholders to develop master parking plans uniquely designed for some of Houston’s most densely populated communities, including Montrose, the Museum District, and Rice Village. Her latest project is the creation of the Community Parking Program, which would authorize the issuance of permits that exempt residents and employees of businesses in designated areas from the on-street parking restrictions (meter and/or time limits). The program will be deployed in mixed-use areas where multiple establishments rely on the curb space. Irshad is heavily involved in the parking and mobility industry. She is the current president of the Texas Parking & Transportation Association, a member of the International Parking and Mobility Institute (IPMI) Accredited Parking Organization Board of Directors, co-chair of the IPMI Professional Recognition Committee, and a past IPMI Parking Solutions judge. She has served on several other committees, including Professional Recognition, Parking Research, and Data Analytics, and is a past president of Women Professionals in Government. In 2014, the Network of Schools of Public Policy, Affairs and Administration recognized her with a Spotlight Award for her contributions toward solving public sector problems. Outside of work, Irshad chairs the Houston Shifa Services Foundation, which offers low-cost medical and dental services to the community. The Shifa Women’s Center provides a safe haven and resources for survivors of domestic violence.

Parking Organization of the Year

Philadelphia Parking Authority The Philadelphia Parking Authority (PPA) in Pennsylvania serves the parking needs of the sixth-most populous U.S. city, with more than 1.5 million residents. The PPA—which has achieved an APO with Distinction designation—recently developed a three-year strategic plan, with the goal to advance economic development and improve quality of life while reducing the environmental impacts of single-occupant vehicle use. The PPA is dedicated to implementing the latest parking, transportation, and mobility technologies to enhance user experience and improve efficiency for employees. In 2017, the PPA implemented its new mobile parking payment app, meterUP, which has transformed how residents and visitors interact with parking. Users can pay for parking with their smartphone, which notifies them before their session expires. PARKING-MOBILITY.ORG / JUNE 2020 / PARKING & MOBILITY 31


They can also end their sessions early and receive a refund for unused time. The PPA recently updated its towing system, allowing for complete automation of the towing process through handheld devices. The devices can send assignments directly to tow truck drivers, while parking enforcement officers (PEOs) can request a tow. This system has helped improve the jobs of PEOs and tow truck drivers, while creating a more safe and efficient process. To provide a paradigm shift to the meaning of enforcement, PEOs now provide drivers with written reminders when their vehicle registrations expire (given in the first 15 days of the month). This allows the public to see officers from a different perspective and provides education, not punitive action, with the goal of improving public safety. PPA Executive Director Scott Petri has created a podcast aimed at informing the community of the PPA’s efforts. He interviews employees about PPA initiatives so the public can better understand projects, programs, and technology. The PPA has worked with the city to implement its Sustainability Action Plan, focusing on enhanced recycling; reducing waste, energy, and emissions; and conserving water. The PPA has implemented sustainability initiatives throughout its facilities and management procedures, including using low-emitting and fuel-efficient fleet vehicles, energy-efficient lighting and HVAC systems, and halon-free fire suppression systems. It has also implemented parking guidance systems, electric-vehicle charging stations, tire inflation stations, and off-street bike racks. The PPA is also working with Philadelphia’s regional transit agency, SEPTA, to address congestion along bus routes. PEOs conduct targeted enforcement in bus lanes to reduce traffic delays, congestion, and the resulting emissions. The PPA is responsible for a number of unique tasks in Philadelphia that are not typically the responsibility of municipal parking authorities. These revolve mostly around community safety. The city participates in the Vision Zero Network, an international initiative aimed at reducing the number of 32 PARKING & MOBILITY / JUNE 2020 / PARKING-MOBILITY.ORG

injuries and deaths from traffic collisions each year. The PPA takes part by managing red-light and speed-camera enforcement, identifying the most dangerous intersections, installing signage, and conducting community outreach to encourage traffic calming. This initiative has helped modify the city’s curb behavior and resulted in a significant drop in violations at these locations. In addition, the PPA supports bicycle mobility and collaborates with the local Bicycle Coalition. In fiscal year 2019, 5,438 tickets were written to enforce clearing bike lanes. The PPA’s unique combination of responsibilities highlights its ability to manage the comprehensive nature of this changing industry, with the integration of transportation and mobility initiatives.

Emerging Leader of the Year


District Department of Transportation, Washington, DC Benito O. Pérez, AICP CTP, CPM, has been advancing curbside management in the nation’s capital and throughout the industry for the past five years. Pérez has been curbside management operations planning manager for the District Department of Transportation (DDOT) in Washington, DC, since January 2018. Before that, he was curbside management operations planner. In his early days of curbside management, Pérez helped structure and build out a framework and culture on data-driven, performance-based, and context-sensitive curbside management planning for operations. That involved creating a curbside analyst internship program with DDOT’s Parking and Ground Transportation Division (PGTD). Pérez is leading the scoping and rollout of next-generation, regionally holistic, curbside asset management

solutions such as digital curbside permit management, mobility wallet/payment and data aggregator, and comprehensive curbside asset management services. He was also instrumental in crafting DDOT’s Parking Services Industry Day, which showcases innovations to regional curbside managers and the public. He’s also been involved with analysis and community advocacy work with the Penn Quarter/Chinatown Multimodal Value Pricing Project and recalibrating the Stadium Event Performance Pricing Zone from fixed rate event pricing toward customer- and enforcement-friendly progressive duration pricing. He has been involved in the design, rollout, and communication of the District’s Pick-up/Drop-off Zone program since 2017 and revamped the accessible meter parking program toward a more asset-light approach paired with rolling out pay-by-plate metering in the District. Pérez is a noteworthy advocate in advancing and documenting the state of the practice in curbside management, presenting at the Transportation Research Board, Railvolution, American Planning Association, and the National Association of City Transportation Officials. He started a regional dialogue on curbside management; it has regional implications and has garnered regional cooperation and collaboration in curbside management planning, operations, and procurement. Pérez has spent considerable time helping DDOT PGTD recalibrate its curbside management practice, which has included ensuring better curbside accessibility for mobility impaired and/or limited-English–proficient customers. That has led to publications such as “Parking 101,” the forthcoming consolidated ParkDC website, and a curbside mobility photoshoot to better visually document user experiences.

Emerging Leader of the Year


Leinart Consulting Megan Leinart, CAPP, LEED AP BD+C, is president of Leinart Consulting, a professional services marketing and consulting firm specializing in the parking, commercial real estate, and professional services industries. She has over 13 years of experience in the parking industry, working with both public and private organizations. She is a LEED Accredited Professional, as well as a Parksmart Advisor through the United States Green Building Council (USGBC). She is also an APO site reviewer. Leinart has served in numerous leadership positions throughout her career; she is a member of IPMI’s Sustainability Committee, a past member of the IPMI Research Committee, and a past member of the Pennsylvania Parking Association board. She was the marketing chair for the Green Parking Council (now Parksmart/USGBC); a board member of the Society for Marketing Professional Services, Philadelphia Chapter; and a board member of the Delaware Valley Smart Growth Association. Leinart has served on the IPMI Sustainability Committee for a number of years. In that role, she has spoken at numerous state, regional, and national conferences, educating attendees on the latest sustainability trends, technologies, and advancements in the industry. Leinart co-founded IPMI’s Young Professionals in Parking (YPIP). She has also been very involved in the commercial real estate industry, specifically with the Urban Land Institute, where she has worked to highlight the advancements of the parking, transportation, and mobility industry. She served as membership chair and young leader chair for the Urban Land Institute Philadelphia Chapter, as well as a vice chair for its national Urban Development and Mixed-Use Council. She has also contributed articles on parking to Urban Land magazine. Her background in the parking, transportation, and mobility industry includes experiences in a wide range of areas, including planning, design, and construction, as well as operations and management.




Customer Service



Barbara Sails

Kenneth Kimball, CAPP



REEF Parking Barbara Sails has spent over six years providing the highest quality of customer service for patients and visitors to the Markey Cancer Center in Lexington, Ky. The center is Kentucky’s National Cancer Institute-designated center. As an ambassador, Sails interacts with dozens of patients and visitors daily. Her interactions are key to a frictionless visit, with most patients arriving for chemotherapy or radiation appointments. Sails is mindful of and sensitive to patients’ emotional state and always takes the time to listen as they share news and updates. One of her tasks is to assist with wayfinding and guidance, and her knowledge of the center is especially helpful for new patients trying to navigate their way around. Sails’ friendly face, demeanor, and emphatic approach helps soften a frightening period in people’s lives. The job can be emotionally difficult as patients tell her about unsuccessful courses of treatment. This role requires a genuinely kind and caring person like Sails to handle the daily interactions. Sails’ service makes a difference. She has been nominated for the Markey Difference Maker Award, which recognizes the above-and-beyond dedication and talent of those who go about the business of treating cancer patients, finding efficiencies in business procedures, improving working conditions. 34 PARKING & MOBILITY / JUNE 2020 / PARKING-MOBILITY.ORG

Texas A&M University, Transportation Services

Kenneth “Kenny” Kimball, CAPP, is chief compliance officer and chief finance officer, Texas A&M University Transportation Services, managing a budget of $50 million, directing the IT development and support unit, and overseeing the human resources manager and staff. He also volunteers in his church and community and for Texas A&M, leading a university committee of business administrators. Kimball is frequently called upon by peer universities, undergraduates, and graduate students to lend help and solutions to their problems or projects. He recently wrote a comprehensive, instructive article for Parking & Mobility magazine, “Financial Success in a University Environment,” in which he outlined how to create a successful financial plan. Kimball took the lead for his department in undertaking becoming an APO with Distinction. He met with all of the units to lay out expectations and tirelessly gathered and organized thousands of documents. His plans help his department thrive even in lean times. In one example, Transportation Services was faced with an aging bus fleet and limited financial resources for replacement. Kimball identified a bus company to serve as a partner and led a significant cost-­ saving venture to remanufacture the fleet. A new bus costs about $450,000 and takes about two years to build. Remanufacturing usually takes less than a year and saves hundreds of thousands of dollars. As the department financial adviser, Kimball’s goal is to always make sure leadership has the information needed to make sound fiscal decisions. His strength is projecting what the budgets will look like in the future and creating good models. He is also talented at building

models that factor in the many challenges of budgeting for auxiliary services in a university environment. He has an intuitive sense for planning for the unknown, based on his vast experience with the many constraints a government entity is bound to produce. His presentations to propose rate, policy, and infrastructure changes are always based on a careful look at the big picture, constraints, and future projections. Recently, he was placed on a university-level task force to explore how recent changes to federal tax law will affect parking benefits for staff and faculty.




Philadelphia Parking Authority In May 1990, Corrine O’Connor started her career at the Philadelphia Parking Authority (PPA) in Pennsylvania as a parking enforcement officer. Over the years, she worked her way up and now serves as deputy executive director. She led four major projects last year that led to the integration of many customer conveniences. First, she led the roll-out of meterUP, a mobile payment application that has had over 5 million transactions and approximately 440,000 downloads. MeterUP accounts for roughly 30 percent of the parking authority’s meter revenue. The PPA procured and began installation of new touch screen kiosks in Center City. Ultimately, over 8,000 single-head meters throughout the city will be replaced, along with 2,000 older kiosks. The conversion of ticketing and enforcement was a major initiative and automates the towing and booting processes. O’Connor spearheaded the strategic thinking necessary to craft

new solutions to a very complicated system that has been in place for over 35 years. The PPA was tasked with overseeing the installation of speed cameras on Roosevelt Boulevard, one of the deadliest highways in the country. Last year, a vendor was selected and the cameras installed. The program has been married with the red light camera enforcement program already administered by the PPA. O’Connor has testified before the city council and provided input into many ordinances involving on-street regulation. She has also testified before a state Senate committee regarding taxi enforcement, which is part of the PPA’s responsibilities. She has provided input into various proposed state laws regarding license-plate recognition; traffic cameras; taxi, limo, and transportation network companies; and ride-sharing. The PPA is also preparing various technologies to assist with managing the curb. O’Connor is on several committees for related projects that include an ability to monitor truck loading zones, create and enforce demand pricing, and provide an application to determine real-time availability.




Texas A&M University Transportation Services, Parking Services Carol Yeager has been with Texas A&M Transportation Services since 2008, and has single-­ handedly created a culture of service toward its personnel and is universally admired and respected. Every year she is a top nominee and frequent winner of the department’s Shining Star awards, which recognize selfless service and commitment to the department’s mission. She is known for her characteristic humor and good nature. Yeager’s duties include serving as the manager’s administrative assistant and assisting with daily office support activities for eight other supervisors and managerial staff. In addition to routine administrative duties, she is responsible for her internal “customers,” the enforcement staff, and orders the uniforms for 56 full-time employees. Additionally, she is active with departmental committees and has served as the unit’s representative for university-wide fundraisers. Every year she is a key committee member and contributor toward the department’s two major awards and years of service recognition events. PARKING-MOBILITY.ORG / JUNE 2020 / PARKING & MOBILITY 35


On football game days, when work shifts often last up to 18 hours, her excellent prior planning ensures that supplies are available and ready for distribution. She arranges for box lunches, (frequently delivering them to each post) and then a full meal for all officers once the game begins. She assists in serving all meals and cleaning up after. Without Yeager in this role, the department would be unable to function so seamlessly, providing support to over 100,000 football fans and 50,000 tailgaters seven times a year. Yeager also assists during the annual move-in event, welcoming about 10,000 new students each fall semester. She supports the officers as they often work 12-hour days. Yeager is also the primary expense account holder, making the purchasing decisions for the unit regarding all supplies, equipment, services, and uniforms. She was instrumental in the recent purchase of three mobile systems, working directly with the vendor, the department, and the Texas A&M Finance and Operations Division. When the vehicles arrived, she performed inspections and received user training. Yeager also recently enabled the Parking Services unit to drastically improve its key control program. She assisted in the selection, acquisition, and purchase of a digital system that enables the unit to track, control, and maintain accountability of about 100 sets of keys for the vehicles, offices, and facilities managed by the unit.



Award for three consecutive years. She manages two websites and two mobile apps that target nearly 200,000 combined users each year. She also oversees seven social media platforms, leads branding and image campaigns, and maintains media relationships and media inquiries, community relations, and public engagement. Throughout her time with the department, Maraj-Bubela has been at the forefront of the department’s most impactful initiatives, successfully spearheading the communications and media outreach for noteworthy campaigns such as the rollout of the largest bike-share program for a university and the implementation of the first U.S. Dutch-style unsignalized and glow-in-dark intersection installed on a university campus. She has also led the implementation of the university’s Donations for Citations initiative and collaborated with the university’s Football Thursday gameday communications committee, which resulted in unprecedented social media engagement for the university, international media coverage, and university-wide recognition. Furthermore, she has participated in some of the university’s most notable events, providing communications support for events such as the 2017 Hurricane Harvey response and the George H.W. and Barbara Bush interments.



Melissa Maraj-Bubela

Megan Smit



Texas A&M Transportation Services


The Texas A&M University Transportation Services Marketing and Communications unit is a powerhouse of creativity charged with safeguarding the public image, promoting services, and telling the university’s story. As manager of this unit, Melissa Maraj-Bubela leads the marketing and communications charge for one of the largest parking and transportations operations on any college campus in the country. Maraj-Bubela joined the department in 2015. Since then, the department has garnered national and international recognition, including being awarded an IPMI Marketing & Communications 36 PARKING & MOBILITY / JUNE 2020 / PARKING-MOBILITY.ORG

At heart, Megan Smit is a brand evangelist. As PayByPhone’s director of marketing and communications, she develops and maintains the North American marketing strategy to increase adoption, usage, and reactivation of users on a global scale. She has created a marketing presence from ground zero and is focused on growing PayByPhone’s monthly active users as the company’s coverage increases worldwide. Smit challenges the status quo and forges long-term

relationships with key partners, clients, prospects, and departments. When she joined PayByPhone, Smit created a full marketing department in a remarkably short amount of time. She used her experience and knowledge from building brands and experiences with global companies within Africa and Europe to scale a high-performance team with specific skill sets that include mobile growth, digital marketing, media and communications, operations, and strategic campaign management led by an aggressive growth strategy. Smit introduced processes and agile frameworks that brought structure and scale to all projects and tasks that involved multiple departments, including product management and client management. This was new for the company and disrupted it in the best possible way. Most importantly, however, Smit achieved this while forging strong relationships with these stakeholders. Her tireless efforts and expertise were recognized through four IPMI awards in two years that recognized innovative and creative campaigns. Smit has presented on the industry on various stages around North America.



Hugo Contreras SUPERVISOR

Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport Hugo Contreras joined Dallas/ Fort Worth (DFW) International Airport in March 2013 as a guest assistant in the Guest Transportation Operations section of what is now the Transportation Business Unit (TBU). After a year of service, he was promoted to ground transportation agent, and in June 2016, he became a quality agent in the Guest Contract Services section, where he was quickly promoted to Supervisor in May 2017. In the supervisor role, Contreras has provided significant leadership. He supervises the evening and overnight shifts of quality agents, provides leadership

of daily operations, and oversees a variety of special operations and projects. He oversees as many as 12 permanent employees and four contract employees. He also works closely with contract managers to incorporate DFW values and objectives into their dayto-day operations. Contreras leads the infrastructure and construction, emergency response, communications, and career development committees within Guest Contract Services; he was the lead member of TBU’s Lifesaver Steering Committee (emergency response drills), a member of the Military Exodus Planning Committee, and a coach for Q1 FY20 Quarterly Department Meeting hosts. He regularly collaborates with the TBU project manager to assess the operational impact of planned construction projects on Guest Contract Services’ business. This collaboration has included six major projects in the past year alone. In 2019, he reached beyond his assignment to provide leadership for the TBU Guest Services Section during a transitional period. Guest Services assists the public by providing customer service and transportation for aircraft hardstands, special events, and emergency response. Contreras’ leadership skills are especially apparent when he is called on to mediate conflicts between employees. Contreras consistently motivates the team to perform at an optimal level, keeping safety and customer experience at the forefront. His focus on emergency operations has made him a key contributor to TBU’s emergency planning; he created the emergency operations protocols for Guest Contract Services. Contreras also serves as a founding member of TBU’s Support Desk, where he helped establish procedures for department-wide collaboration in sharing information during routine and irregular operations. Contreras’s fluency in English and Spanish adds to his ability to connect and communicate effectively with customers and colleagues.






EasyPark As a member of EasyPark’s management team for 3 1/2 years, Ravinder Bains’ innovation in operations and contributions to process improvement has allowed EasyPark to achieve record revenue targets. Bains’ efforts have pushed the company forward as a customer-­ focused and solutions-­ oriented organization. Bains successfully created a set of proactive and repetitive processes using various principles for continuous improvement. He always recognizes that creativity comes before capital and that large budgets are not required to manage successful employee engagement and recognition programs. Bains was an early adopter of social media, embracing the medium as a professional mass communications outlet. He capitalized on the ability to reach broad and diverse audiences in real time with valuable company information and achievements, and he leveraged ways to increase revenue and market share. His partnerships with community businesses helped to build the EasyPerks membership program, offering discounts to monthly parking permit holders. One of the first lessons Bains learned from his own mentor and first manager at EasyPark was that regardless of your title, you need everyone helping out to get the job done. He has been able to rally a team that understands that every contribution has incredible value. In that way, he has enabled junior-level contributors to partner with senior managers, providing a platform for growth and personal and professional development. Bains is a key contributing member to the EasyPark Health, Wellness, and Sustainability Committee and EasyPark’s Corporate Responsibility Program. He has assisted with large charitable contributions to organizations where he lives in Vancouver, Canada, such as the Greater Vancouver Food Bank, Keep 38 PARKING & MOBILITY / JUNE 2020 / PARKING-MOBILITY.ORG

Vancouver Spectacular, the Downtown Eastside Women’s Centre, the Museum of Vancouver’s Resilience and Reconciliation Education Programs, and the Vancouver SPCA. Bains also works tirelessly in the community. As a member of the Hastings Xing Business Improvement Association (BIA) and the Vancouver Chinatown Merchants Association, as well as a community liaison for the Strathcona BIA Community Watch, he has volunteered countless hours to serve the community where he was born and raised. He organized neighborhood clean-ups and arranged for breakfast for 150 homeless citizens in Downtown Eastside. With the Union Gospel Mission community, he strapped on a backpack thermos filled with hot chocolate and distributed it to homeless residents in the middle of winter.




Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport Jannette Benefee is at the forefront of innovation through use of business intelligence tools and facilitating development of new business solutions. She led the Dallas/ Fort Worth (DFW) International Airport Transportation Business Unit (TBU) in two critical innovative efforts recently. The airport is partnering with the U.S. Department of Energy on the Advancing Transportation Hub Efficiency Using Novel Analytics project. The objective of this three-year study is to leverage mobility data to optimize efficiency and reduce the cost of both passenger and freight movement at and around transportation hubs. Benefee has worked closely with the National Renewable Energy Laboratory and Oak Ridge National Laboratory, providing input and ensuring that DFW provides accurate and applicable data to fit the needs of this project. Benefee has also created and fostered the internal Transportation Business Intelligence (TBI) team, with the motto “Data that makes sense.” This team disseminates essential and usable data throughout the organization to optimize the customer

experience and operational excellence. Collaborating with the DFW Information Technology Services business intelligence team, she has developed a custom training series that used actual parking information to enable trainees to internalize their training experience and expose them to reporting and data dashboards. This training created a group of “citizen analysts” consisting of staff at all levels and job descriptions. Each citizen analyst acts on behalf of his or her section to create data solutions and informational displays specific to the individual sections and provide section management the ability to quickly access information and identify trends. During her first year on the job, she led TBU business intelligence efforts, collaborating with TBU leadership, IT, and finance to enhance and update the TBU business intelligence mobile dashboard and ensure the data integrity of its contents. This dashboard provides essential decision-making data to staff. When a software update to the revenue control system created data gaps, Benefee identified the gaps and collaborated with IT to make corrections and re-map data tables and views. She also employed tactics to ensure the data needs of all sections of the TBU were addressed. Benefee identified future data requirements and partnered with DFW IT to develop custom training for the parking and transportation team. Additionally, she collaborated with the TBU operations team to improve occupancy measurements and with DFW Intelligent Transportation System to build a mobile input screen to update and display lot occupancy information more efficiently. She also led the creation of a mobile app to display comparatives of DFW parking options and was able to resolve issues that prevented the curbside team from automating taxi dispatching and regulation.




Parking & Transportation Services, University of Arizona David Wallace has been with the University of Arizona Parking & Transportation Services for more than three years. He started as a website designer and developer, updating internal and external webpages. As a senior website designer and developer, he has designed and developed several programs and apps for different parking section heads that have improved efficiency tremendously in a wide variety of areas. The apps have reduced the need for paperwork and redundancy, helping better serve customers.

Paperwork is no longer required when officers go out to assist customers. Instead, the app on the officers’ tablets allows customers to sign the consent form electronically. Officers can now do boots and tows and provide motor assist without carrying around all the paperwork that was once linked to those tasks. Wallace also created a program that tracks the equipment employees check out. This is also on a tablet that requires filling out only a few fields. Wallace recently created a check-in/out form for special events employees. The program logs the time employees sign in so they can get to their stations faster. Plus, it cuts down on the congestion of 80–100 employees trying to log in at the same time. Wallace created an online shuttle request form for the Cat Tran Shuttles rental, again eliminating paperwork and improving speed. Another project he created was a program that bills a hotel that uses one of the university garages for their guests. The program is based on a contract with the hotel that stipulates that it pays extra for any spaces its guests use over 50. The new program tracks the guests’ ins and outs and bills accordingly. Beyond these new developments, Wallace has also created several dashboards for the different parking sections. One allows that section’s employees to go to one spot for all their announcements, training, time reporting, and operational documents. It includes a section for supervisors to post daily briefings and tasks for employees. The dashboard includes a report that list trends and other stats. Wallace has taken every task he has been given and created and improved upon each one. He has illustrated that he can find creative solutions to solve problems. Furthermore, he’s always available to lend a hand to his co-workers and has excellent listening skills, which are critical as he works with co-workers and supervisors to come up with the best solutions to the problems they are trying to solve. ◆ MELANIE PADGETT POWERS is a freelance writer and editor. She can be reached at melanie@meledits. com.


In Their Own Words ✩

IPMI’s Lifetime Achievement Award


Princeton University My parking career started at Rutgers University in 1988, when I began working as the first assistant director for administration of the university’s parking department. I had an amazing mentor, Rita Molnar, the first woman president of IPMC (now IPMI), who got me involved in the association and taught me everything I know about the business. Within a year Rita retired and I was promoted to director of parking and transportation—becoming the first person in the newly-created position—working in that capacity until 1994, when I left to become the director of technical services (DOTS) for IMPC, which later became IPI, which is now IPMI, answering members’ technical questions and planning seminar and conference meeting content. During my IMPC/IPI days I was promoted to director of professional development, assisting with the launch of IPI’s onsite frontline training, editing The Parking Professional magazine, IPI publications and conference management; then was named vice president of the association; and eventually became executive director of the association. After 15 amazing years working for the association, it was time to return to the parking industry’s daily operations and to that end, I accepted a position at Princeton University as their first director of parking and transportation services. I became a member of the IPI Board of Directors in 40 PARKING & MOBILITY / JUNE 2020 / PARKING-MOBILITY.ORG

2009, and was elected as Board Chair at the 2015 IPI Conference & Expo in Las Vegas. A class of 2000 CAPP graduate and a Past Chair on the IPI Board of Directors. I have been truly blessed to be the “first” many time in this industry, to have been touched by SO many in the industry, to have given back when possible—within 32 short years I have had the unique opportunity to go full circle.

IPMI Chairman’s Award


Harvard University My greatest joy in working as a managing director in the field of parking, transportation, and mobility has been the opportunity to greatly improve numerous organizations’ operations, enhance capital infrastructure outcomes, and provide multiple mobility programs that have improved the daily working lives of so many people. I never could have accomplished as much as I have without the support and friendship of so many people within the IPMI family, the directors and managers who have supported me throughout the years, and certainly the trust placed in me and support given to me by Harvard, Georgetown, and MGH. Before starting in this field 31 years ago, I realized how important education was in obtaining the knowledge, skillset and trust to move organizations forward in any field. My degrees in business and management from Merrimack College and Lesley University


VERY YEAR, IPMI RECOGNIZES outstanding professionals with its Lifetime Achievement

Awards and Chairman’s Award. This year, we are privileged to honor several professionals for their longstanding commitment and tireless work for the parking and mobility industry. We asked them to share their accomplishments in their own words and heartily congratulate and thank them.

prepared me for this new field back then, however the education that would take me to the next level was being a graduate of the first CAPP class in 1994. It was this educational foundation, association networking, vendor/consultant engagement, and strong work ethic that enabled me to be a solid leader and demonstrate a skill set that led to numerous engagements as owners’ representative or client executive for major capital garage and infrastructure projects and to serve as an operations and management consultant to many organizations. I have always felt it was important to give something back to our industry that had helped me along the way and was honored to be selected to be a member of the IPI Board of Advisors, to be elected several times to the IPI Board of Directors, and to serve as President of the New England Parking Council for over 10 years. However, my greatest joy has been to be a member and now Chairman of the William M. Voigt CAPP golf scholarship outing, named after my mentor, that has enabled many individuals to achieve the goal of CAPP in order to advance their career as I did. In closing let me say, I am very honored and grateful to receive this special recognition from the International Parking and Mobility Institute, but as I’ve indicated above, it’s because of a lot of help received from so many wonderful parking and mobility professionals, educators and family along the way. A big thank-you to all of them!

IPMI Chairman’s Award


T2 Systems I was asked to provide a list of work accomplishments, but that stuff is not important. Rather, I chose to point out just a few events and people that I look back on and cherish

when thinking about my career in the parking industry. There are many, many more that I can list and should write a book, but for the sake of brevity: To Dennis Cunning, who asked me to look at a broken lane at the Pier 40 location one cold December morning. I opened up the gate and a rat as big as a small hippopotamus came out. He looked up at me and wanted to know how long I was going to be (the rat, not Dennis). To Bob Harkins and his sons for showing all of us what it is to love this country. To Bobby Brown, who exemplified travel expense management when he opted to sleep in a ticket dispenser box one evening instead of getting a hotel room. To Kevin Austin and his mathematical conundrum discovery, when he glared down at a platter of 100 buffalo wings, stood, and shouted to the gods “Holy cow – how many chickens did it take to get this many wings?” To Barbara Chance, who taught me the proper way to hunt waterfowl with a 3 wood and a Titleist. To Peter Schneck, who showed that time travel was indeed possible. One morning we left a hotel in Monchengladbach and drove to Dusseldorf in a highly spirited fashion, a distance of 32 kilometers, and we arrived six minutes before we left. To John Tencer and Mike Block, who demonstrated what extraordinary accomplishments could be had with a small team of dedicated and motivated individuals. To Jeff Sparrow, who taught me never, ever lend anyone your cell phone. But most of all I am grateful beyond words for my wife and family, who overlooked my many foibles as a husband and father, the missed events and late nights, the impromptu travel and the burned barbeque. It has been special beyond anything I could have imagined. ◆ PARKING-MOBILITY.ORG / JUNE 2020 / PARKING & MOBILITY 41


Roadmap to Recovery PART


Considerations parking and mobility organizations should address during the re-opening process. BY BRETT WOOD, CAPP, PE



to work, home, and life in general, we’ve been trying to answer the question of what next? While no one really has the definitive answer, we do have a network of colleagues around us that have created opportunities to collaborate and move forward together. From partnerships to meet the rapidly changing needs at the curbs, IPMI-led meetings to discuss the effects, and the heavily used IPMI Forum and COVID Information Clearinghouse, the parking and mobility industry has come together to provide guidance, creative ideas, and words of encouragement to support one another. This two-part series aims to codify some of the conversations around key areas cities, communities, and campuses need to consider on the Roadmap to Recovery. Much of the input for this series comes from conversations with IPMI’s Big Cities Working Group, but the concepts should be applicable to anyone in the industry.

Defining the Roadmap Recovery and re-opening are going to look different everywhere as communities and campuses find solid footing. Some may already be opened back up at the time this is published. Some may be wrestling with steps along the way. Wherever you are in your re-opening and recovery, it is good to have a plan that outlines the how, why, and what, and creates opportunities to transparently relate your goals back to the community around you. Your plan should include decisions and approaches to staffing and their safety, how operational practices are revived, steps for engaging and expanding responsibilities, and capital needs to support cleanliness, changing policies, and new practices. First and foremost, decisions on health, safety, and cleanliness are largely out of our hands. We need to collaborate with local, state, and federal experts to define when we re-open, what that looks like, and how to create the safest environment for our staff and the public. When it comes to parking and mobility—our area of expertise—we should provide guidance on returning to regular practice, adapting old practices, and creating strategies to make parking and mobility work in concert with the


community’s new goals. We will need to help push back on any desires to eliminate parking and mobility management strategies—such as paid parking and enforcement—that were designed to make the communities work efficiently. The remainder of the information in this article is meant to provide some guidance on elements to consider initially. As more and more of our partner programs open up, we hope to share additional data with the industry to strengthen the response and dial in the guidance further. For more information, stay tuned to the IPMI Forum, IPMI’s COVID Information Clearinghouse, and future publications.

When it comes to parking and mobility—our area of expertise— we should provide guidance on returning to regular practice, adapting old practices, and creating strategies to make parking and mobility work in concert with the community’s new goals.


Staffing and Office Operations Many of IPMI’s member organizations ceased consistent operations in March and April in response to stay-at-home orders throughout the country. In some places, this meant repurposing frontline staff to other positions. In others, it meant furloughing staff until normal operations resumed. As your program reopens, here are a few key elements to consider. ■  Staffing decisions will need to be made as demand dictates. It might not be readily apparent from the beginning of re-opening how long that may take and where that may occur, so consistent observations and discussions with leadership should drive those decisions. ■  It may be prudent to phase in or stagger staffing to maintain proper social distancing guidelines. Open and meaningful discussions with your staff can help evaluate the readiness and desire to return and develop staffing plans that allow for safe and efficient re-entry into the community. ■  Staff returns may allow for a slight repurposing of roles. Several IPMI member organizations have transitioned frontline staff into maintenance and cleanliness roles in preparation for the return from quarantine. This could allow staff the opportunity to return to work and could be the time to tackle some of those projects on the bottom of your to-do list while we have some time. ■  Once your staff returns, there will be a few things to consider from a COVID-19 standpoint—do we test/monitor employees and how do we keep them socially distant? For both, you should look to your local, state, and federal partners for guidance on how to optimize procedures. You should also discuss with your staff and have them help define practices that support their level of comfort. Spending time preparing before higher levels of staffing return can provide more efficient re-entry into the office environment. ■  Our operations will definitely need to rethink internal space in offices and facilities. To achieve proper social distancing, you may need to remove or reduce adjacent cashiering, customer service, and office stations to create space. Many of our members 44 PARKING & MOBILITY / JUNE 2020 / PARKING-MOBILITY.ORG

Your plan should include decisions and approaches to staffing and their safety, how operational practices are revived, steps for engaging and expanding responsibilities, and capital needs to support cleanliness, changing policies, and new practices. have transitioned some or many staff to remote work or work-from-home arrangements; leaders should strategically consider if these arrangements continue, as they not only allow for social distancing but in some cases, productivity gains and reduced need for office space in the longer term.

Maintenance and Cleanliness As staff comes back to work, it is critical to develop cleaning protocols for offices, shared spaces, locker rooms, vehicles, and shared equipment. Programs should work with local, state, and federal guidance to define ongoing (hourly, daily, weekly, monthly) cleaning protocols. For some programs, an initial deep clean (based on CDC guidelines) might provide a sense of comfort as programs ramp back up. Programs will need to weigh the cost of those services and the benefits they bring to staff morale. Beyond new approaches to maintenance and cleanliness in the office, your programs should focus on cleaning, sanitizing, and developing maintenance plans to help the public interact with your facilities and technology. IPMI member organizations have shared guidance on cleaning parking lots, garages, and even the technology associated with revenue control. Some member agencies are debating the merits of cleaning individual parking meters, which could immediately become contaminated again with use after cleaning. Instead, many organizations are promoting self-sanitization with the use of gloves and hand sanitizer by the patron. Additionally, advocating the use of mobile payment technologies for those that can use them helps to limit the number of touch points.

Marketing and Outreach One opportunity we have in front of us is the ability to message the objectives of our re-opening and use tools and partnerships to help inform our patrons of the safe way to return to parking. Several of IPMI’s member organizations have begun implementing marketing campaigns focused on welcoming back their communities, including a mixture of vouchers for free parking transactions, validations for business, or commitments to give back to the community through initial revenue shares or donations. Many of these programs are being tied to the reintroduction of paid parking or enforcement and help strengthen the connection between efficient parking management and vibrant communities. These marketing campaigns can be strengthened by engaging with your community’s business improvement or downtown groups to reach their constituents and promote a cohesive message. Other marketing elements to consider are cleanliness, ability to social distance, and other reassurances to patrons concerned about safety. Another primary marketing campaign to consider is to push for usage of mobile or contactless payments for customers. If you already have a mobile app, re-educating people on the benefits of touchless payments can help reduce interactions between patrons and equipment. This effort can also lead to alternative payment patterns in the future which could alleviate or alter future capital investment decisions. One primary concern is that a move toward all-mobile pay could lead to equity concerns for those without mobile phones or those that are unbanked. You will need to have discussions with city and program leadership to ensure that decisions today do not exclude patrons in the future.

Practice and Policy One of the biggest aspects of re-opening will be reinstating or adapting existing policies and operational practices. The next feature of this series will focus more in depth on considerations for data-driven decision making and transparent communications with your community. A few initial considerations include: ■  The decision to start charging for parking and enforcing again will likely require a strategic combination of political support, re-education, and a balance of data analytics and community outreach. It is critical we don’t wait too long to re-engage, or we run the risk of diminishing positive parking management strategies from before the quarantine. ■  We may need to consider altering our approach to monthly parkers if office workers remain remote workers. Flexible permits or redesigning our systems to promote daily pay-as-you-go

parking could support new commute patterns. We need to think outside the box to support our changing customers’ needs. ■  Our approach to curb management likely needs to change as demands change. Monitoring and understanding data can help us define advancements to commercial loading, deliveries, curbside takeout, and the effects on parking. Now is the time to push for monetization of all curb activities to help balance the load of who is paying for curb management. ■  Consider developing a wish list of capital or support investments now. Even with revenues down, if you can show a business case for investments to support customer service, safety and social distancing, and revenue generation, you can probably add the tools to your program. As you begin (or continue) down the path to re-opening, we hope that these considerations and ideas can provide some guidance or help to stir conversations in your community. We anticipate that these conversations will continue to take place in places like the IPMI Forum, so stay engaged there as we post more information to help solidify these plans. And remember—we are all in this together and will rise up together! ◆ BRETT WOOD, CAPP, PE, is president of Wood Solutions Group. He can be reached at brett@

Our approach to curb management likely needs to change as demands change. Monitoring and understanding data can help us define advancements to commercial loading, deliveries, curbside takeout, and the effects on parking. Now is the time to push for monetization of all curb activities to help balance the load of who is paying for curb management.


Keeping Parking





UR WORLD HAS BEEN TURNED UPSIDE-DOWN during the past weeks. As of this writing, more than 3 million people have tested positive for COVID-19 (the illness caused by the Coronavirus) and more than 350,000 have died. In the U.S., more than 1 million Americans have contracted Covid-19, over 107,000 have died, and the majority of Americans are under stay-at-home orders.

During A Pandemic Nothing is 100 percent, but some steps can help keep patrons and staff safer while the Coronavirus is in play.

This pandemic has focused many industries, including parking, on public health and how we can make public facilities safer. The Coronavirus is extraordinarily contagious—experts estimate that it’s three times more contagious than the flu—and public places pose particular risks. In fact, anyplace where multiple people congregate, particularly places with shared surfaces that can become contaminated, poses potential health dangers. According to the NIH’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease (NIAID), the Coronavirus can remain active on plastic and steel surfaces for as many as two to three days. Parking facilities fall into this category. It’s imperative parking owners and organizations with parking assets to take the necessary steps to make parking areas safer and protect parking employees and visitors. SHUTTERSTOCK / JAMESBIN / DMITRY KOVALCHUK / PETR BORN

By Bill Smith

Sanitation Protecting the health of staff and other parkers begins with cleaning. Sanitation is essential, particularly in common areas. There are many shared touchpoints that require frequent, aggressive cleaning. Also, if you can obtain extra sanitizing wipes, it makes sense to leave them in common areas so employees and other parkers can wipe down any surfaces they touch. Not only does this protect them, but it protects others who will be touching those surfaces after them. “During this crisis, adhere to the guidelines established by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC),” says Nicole Chinea, CAPP, senior project manager in WGI’s Parking Solutions Division. “The CDC recommends cleaning hard, non-porous surfaces with a detergent or soap before disinfecting them. And until this crisis passes, it’s advisable to use hospital-grade cleaning supplies.” PARKING-MOBILITY.ORG / JUNE 2020 / PARKING & MOBILITY 47

Chinea recognizes that switching to heavier duty cleaning supplies may pose a quandary for many parking owners for whom sustainability is an important operational focus. But she points out that the switch will only be temporary, and for the time being, public health might have to outweigh being green. “There are a number of common touchpoints that require particularly aggressive cleaning,” says Chinea. “The most obvious are doors and door handles, stairway handles, and elevators and elevator lobbies. In elevators and elevator lobbies, it’s particularly important to pay close attention to call buttons.”

Technology Payment technology, in particular, presents common touchpoints that are used by many parkers throughout the day. “Until the Coronavirus hit, we didn’t give a second thought to pressing the buttons on parking payment equipment, find-my-car kiosks, or smart meters,” says Chris McKenty, vice president of SKIDATA. “But someone using that equipment isn’t the only person pushing those buttons. Chances are, many people have already used that equipment, and there’s no way to know whether it has been contaminated.” Parking technology can play an important role in minimizing common touchpoints through which the Coronavirus and other viruses can spread. Frictionless parking, for instance, can promote public health by allowing people to enter and exit garages and parking lots without stopping to take a ticket or pay at exits. Frictionless parking suites, which typically include PARCS, LPR, RFID readers, and parking guidance technologies, recognize the car when it enters the facility and associates the parking transaction with a previously registered credit card or permit. “There’s really no reason for people to have to touch anything when they enter or exit a parking garage,” says Gorm Tuxen, president of IPsens. “Long-range RFID and LPR technologies have become so advanced that cars can enter and exit with barely a tap of the brakes.” Pre-booking is another common element of frictionless parking that can provide public health benefits. When parkers reserve a space, they also either pay in advance or tie their transaction to an existing account, which is automatically charged either up entry or exit. “Pre-booking is essentially a customer service amenity, but in times like these it can help promote public health,” says Theresa Hughes, chief executive 48 PARKING & MOBILITY / JUNE 2020 / PARKING-MOBILITY.ORG

Frictionless parking can promote public health by allowing people to enter and exit garages and parking lots without stopping to take a ticket or pay at exits. officer of Chauntry. “As part of a frictionless parking suite, or as a standalone service, pre-booking can eliminate the need to touch payment equipment where viruses can spread.” “Thousands of parking facilities have moved to frictionless parking over the past five years,” says McKenty. “It wasn’t meant as a public health benefit, but it has become an important tool for protecting parkers and parking employees, and it will become all the more important as life returns to normal and parking facilities begin to fill up again.” Just as frictionless parking can promote public health by eliminating touchpoints in garages, contactless parking can also protect parkers. Whereas frictionless parking eliminates the “friction” drivers experience at parking gates, contactless parking allows parkers to completely bypass parking equipment, using their smart phones or other personal devices to pay. Some mobile payment apps even work with Siri and Alexa.

“Our lives are full of activities that could potentially expose us to contaminated surfaces, and we need to be extra vigilant these days,” says Roamy Valera, CAPP, CEO North America for PayByPhone. “The parking payment process is one area of our lives that presents unseen hazards that we’ve never had to worry about in the past. Contactless parking eliminates these risks by permitting parkers to pay with their personal devices rather than being exposed to equipment that has been touched by others. ” According to Valera, mobile payment platforms can potentially serve another vital purpose: communication. Mobile payment app users who have their notifications turned on can be sent Coronavirus updates from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and other public health agencies so they can stay informed of the latest information and public health recommendations.

Staffing Staffing is a final consideration owners and operators during this pandemic. It’s just as important to protect staff as patrons. Many garages and lots still have staffed booths to collect cash from parkers and assist them when technical issues arise. During this public health crisis, owners and operators should limit the number of staff working in booths. When staff are required, they should wear masks and gloves to protect themselves and parking patrons. If possible, it also makes sense to install temporary barriers comprised of clear plastic to provide a protective barrier between staff and parkers. This is another area where technology can help. Customer service platforms connecting drivers to online customer service representatives via two-way video allow owners and operators to have a customer service presence without having to staff garage exits. The platform is electronically connected to the PARCS equipment via the cloud, and provides a live audio connection to a trained customer service professional who can solve any problems parkers may have with parking equipment or transactions. “As helpful as touchless parking technology has become, things still sometimes go wrong,” says Brian Wolff, president & CEO of Parker Technology. “At a time like this, when it’s important to minimize the exposure of staff and parking customers, leveraging technology by having a virtual ambassador may be the most empathetic and effective way to protect your staff and parking guests.”

Moving Forward The parking industry has been particularly hard hit by the Coronavirus crisis, with some cities reporting that parking demand has dropped by as much as 90 percent. At the same time, it also presents an unexpected opportunity. Typically, when parking owners and municipalities upgrade their facilities, they are forced to close lanes and disrupt service. For parking owners and operators with the means, the current environment offers the opportunity to invest in parking technology without impacting customer service. “The smart city revolution is well underway, and cities are beginning to mandate that owners install parking guidance, PARCS, and other systems that connect to city parking grids,” says Chris Scheppmann, managing member of EnSight Technologies. “It’s not a question of if parking owners and owners of complexes with parking assets will have to invest in smart technology suites; it’s a matter of when. By doing it now, owners can put themselves in a great position when this crisis ends in the coming weeks.” Disease prevention and public health will continue to be an issue for the parking industry, even after the Coronavirus crisis ends. As we take our initial steps toward reopening our communities and returning to our normal lives, it will be vital to continue to pay close attention to these public health issues to avoid flare-ups of new Covid-19 cases. And many public health experts expect that even after the immediate dangers have passed, the Coronavirus will reappear next year with the flu and other seasonal viruses. “The parking industry was already moving toward a primarily automated future,” says Kevin Uhlenhaker, managing director of SLS Insights. “When we emerge from this crisis, I think we’ll find that it has sped up that transition because many of the technologies that parking owners and operators already value for their operational and customer service benefits can also help promote public health and provide a healthier environment for parkers and parking staff. Going forward, this is going to continue to be an important issue for our industry.” ◆ BILL SMITH is president of Smith Phillips Strategic Communications and contributing editor of Parking & Mobility. He can be reached at



Municipalities, universities, and airports take steps to pivot their priorities and reduce revenue loss By Jeffrey Elsey, CAPP, PE, LEED AP; Chuck Reedstrom, CAPP; and David Taxman, PE



led to quarantine and shelterat-home orders, decreasing

parking activity and resulting in shutdowns and closures of parking facilities nationwide. From empty garages to micro-mobility service disruptions and lay-offs, now more than ever, it is necessary for parking departments to respond to the needs of the community and help to ensure the safety of their staff.

How the Parking Industry is Responding and Adapting


Municipal Parking and Mobility For municipalities, a major and possibly lasting effect is a reduction in parking demand and revenue. Parking software company Smarking randomly selected 541 garages across the nation and found a reduction between 50 and 70 percent for commuter/monthly facilities and up to 95 percent for visitor/transient parking compared with the activity level at the same time last year. There is also a reduction in revenue from parking enforcement from fewer parkers and from communities stopping or relaxing enforcement.

University Parking Universities have shifted to an almost completely virtual learning and work experience overnight. This shift has resulted in only five to 10 percent of the typical campus population being on campus. Universities 52 PARKING & MOBILITY / JUNE 2020 / PARKING-MOBILITY.ORG

It is important to think about curb management, access to the curb, and being flexible with the curb. We will need to consider how curb management is performed and how we can support local businesses in the long run.

operate as mini-cities, with a large portfolio of parking assets, transit services, and infrastructure in place to serve the needs of tens of thousands of people. With almost no one on campus, the demand for parking, transit, and other services has all but disappeared, leading to reimbursements for parking permits, reductions in citation revenue, and transient parking revenues. This loss in revenue coupled with ongoing expense liabilities such as debt service on parking, transit contracts, and labor costs, will force most universities to face multi-million-dollar budget shortfalls by the summer months. This will be the most challenging budget crisis we’ve seen in the university environment in decades,

if not longer. Many universities have initiated hiring freezes and stopped all capital projects from moving forward for the next 18 to 24 months. The hope is that life will return to normal within a few months, as the financial stability of university parking and mobility programs will largely depend on it.

Airport Parking Parking revenues represent the second largest, and in some cases the single largest revenue source for airports. Unfortunately, the parking demand associated with parking revenue is now down by as much as 95 percent due to coronavirus-related travel restrictions. Most airports are continuing with projects that have already started, a few are issuing stop-work orders for projects, and others are delaying new projects. Charleston International Airport (South Carolina) has been able to accelerate the construction on a new consolidated rental car facility and garage by limiting use of their current garage to only construction employees. Most airports have moved employee parking to closer facilities, allowing the airport to eliminate expensive shuttle operations. As a result, many airports have closed their remote employee lots, saving electric costs for unused garages.

Adapting Procedure Parking lots are being used for COVID-19 screening at Walmarts and pharmacies. Parking facilities provide a great opportunity for both testing and hospital care functions, but proper planning is needed to help ensure efficiency and safety. Many communities have decided to stop or relax enforcement of on-street parking violations for time restrictions, permit parking, and payment. Public parking facilities are raising their gates and offering free parking. For shuttle or bus service, some communities have taken precautions to keep the driver and riders safe; people are directed to enter through the rear door of the bus to help protect the driver. The number of riders has been limited up to 10 passengers and passengers are directed to sit at least six feet from each other on the bus.

Pivoting Priorities We spoke with several of our friends responsible for parking and transportation at universities* across the country to see how they are adapting. The common themes from our discussions are the industry’s

need to repurpose, be nimble, and be flexible during this time. Some ways they are pivoting in times of uncertainty to maintain the strength of their parking and mobility programs: ■  Moving all customer support to a virtual experience, including issuance of permits. ■  Transitioning enforcement staff to help with healthcare operations (this works great at a healthcare university). ■  Using downtime to work on updating department policies and employee development and training. ■  Renegotiating transit contracts to lower rates and shift bus drivers to on-demand service. ■  Breaking the year into quarterly budgets instead of completing the full budget process. ■  Performing maintenance such as painting and cleaning on empty parking facilities. ■  Discontinuing transit service to remote park-andride lots and moving parkers to proximate locations not requiring shuttle transport.

Replacing Lost Revenue In addition to performing much-needed maintenance on their parking facilities and modifying shuttle operations to ensure the health and safety of patrons and drivers, airports have found a new opportunity to replace some lost revenue. Rental car companies have an excess of unused vehicles and need to store these vehicles somewhere. Norfolk Airport (Virginia) has entered into a lease agreement with at least one rental car agency to store 500 vehicles in their now empty employee lot.

Continuing Curbside and Contactless Municipalities are converting curbside space to free, short-term parking for restaurant take-out. We anticipate the increase in curbside pick-up will continue after quarantine. It is important to think about curb management, access to the curb, and being flexible with the curb. We will need to consider how curb management is performed and how we can support local businesses in the long run. Additionally, to help keep people safe, more contactless payment options will be offered in parking facilities and on-street, which may include mobile payment apps, contactless credit cards with nearfield communication (NFC), or mobile wallet services (e.g. Google Pay or Apple Pay). Contactless payment will reduce touching pay-stations or interacting with a cashier. PARKING-MOBILITY.ORG / JUNE 2020 / PARKING & MOBILITY 53

Declining Transit Ridership Telecommuting could also become the new normal for a lot of businesses, which could cause a disruption in the long-term demand and revenue for public parking. Transit ridership was already seeing a decrease in activity from rideshare services, but now people are going to be concerned about using transit and being in condensed areas with groups of people. A potential reduction in transit ridership will hurt funding of planned improvements and transit services. People will look for alternative transportation modes including driving, which could increase parking demand in some communities.

Reimagining Student Mobility No one knows how long the shutdown will persist and how transportation behavior will change once people begin to return to university campuses. It is likely that life will return to a similar norm several years from now, but the next two to three years may look different. Experts from universities offer their thoughts again on how they are preparing for our world to change: ■  Explore long-term, work-from-home policies and their impact on parking and transit needs. ■  Move to touchless technologies, such as contactless payments, automated parking access control, and citation issuance protocols. ■  Return to normal at a gradual pace, dictating the number of people on campuses and bus capacity. ■  Reevaluate parking locations and costs as a result of fewer people being on campus per week or needing flexibility to park proximate to destinations for short durations. ■  Consider probable reductions in various revenue streams (events, visitor, etc.). ■  Focus on cutting expenses such as non-essential contracts and refinancing existing debt service. ■  Seek other revenue streams such as more daily or hourly parking. ■  Rewrite third-party contracts to share burdens equally between the university and third parties. ■  Begin working on increasing department reserves needed to weather similar storms. ■  Anticipate reallocating resources to critical routes, such as park-n-ride lots if social-distancing continues, and focusing on walking and biking activity. ■  Increase revenue streams for deferred maintenance and capital projects needing immediate attention. 54 PARKING & MOBILITY / JUNE 2020 / PARKING-MOBILITY.ORG

The COVID-19 pandemic may require us to examine our operations holistically and be smarter about our future programs. Some potential positive outcomes are becoming more virtual and customer friendly, expanding and exploring new technologies, and aligning parking pricing models with the true cost of our parking and mobility programs. Lower parking demands may be a good thing for campuses that already face parking deficits, but it’s unknown how long these demands will remain low. It is critical for universities to perform financial modeling for various lowdemand and high-demand scenarios and understand revenue and expense opportunities, ensuring a resilient system over the next year and beyond.

Returning to Normal Travel Many airports agree that it may take as long as 18 months to three years to return to 2019 parking demand levels. There may be some renewed activity starting as early as early summer this year. Travel will slowly increase throughout this year and the industry may not see significant increases until the third quarter of 2020. We forecast continuing trends will include: ■  A virtual environment where the patron registers and pre-pays for their parking through a pre­booking reservation website. ■  Virtual registration and issuance of parking permits. ■  Implementation of touch free/contactless revenue control systems, including: ●  Reduction or elimination of cashiered exit lanes. ●  Reduction in the use of a parking tickets as the credential.

Parking revenues represent the second largest, and in some cases the single largest revenue source for airports. Unfortunately, the parking demand associated with parking revenue is now down by as much as 95 percent due to coronavirus-related travel restrictions.

●  Use of the license plate as the parking credential. ●  Use of an automatic vehicle identification (AVI)

transponder as the parking credential. ●  Use of a bar code as the parking credential

These strategies are a critical part of mitigating COVID-19’s effects on our communities and the parking industry. We are hopeful the best practices here help communities around the country.◆ *Special thanks to our university partners for providing their input: Adele Clements, Emory University; Andre Davis, University of Alabama at Birmingham; Josh Stone, CAPP, Virginia Commonwealth University; Sherry Davidson, Georgia Institute of Technology; Don Andre, Auburn University; Brett Dodson, Oregon Health Sciences University; Carl Depinto, Duke University; and Karen Hallisey, UCLA.

JEFFREY ELSEY, CAPP, PE, LEED AP, is a parking and mobility specialist with Kimley-Horn. He can be reached at, CHUCK REEDSTROM, CAPP, is senior practice builder at Kimley-Horn. He an be reached at

DAVID TAXMAN, PE, is an associate with Kimley-Horn. He can be reached at



Breaking it Down: Start your CAPP Pursuit Today CAPP is respected worldwide as the leading credential in parking, transportation, and mobility. By Rachel Yoka, CAPP, LEED AP BD+C, WELL AP


HAT DOES IT MEAN TO BE A CAPP? CAPPs represent the best of our industry,

providing service, demonstrating competence as they advance the profession, and leading with innovation, professionalism, and expertise.

Connect with any CAPP to get to know the community, and feel free to ask around. CAPPs warmly welcome new leaders to the fold, expanding what has become a closeknit family of colleagues with whom to network, share, learn, and grow. Visit IPMI’s Forum to search the online membership directory for CAPPs or ask us who would be a good connection for you. Earning those four letters after your name can mean a significant difference in your career, as well as access to a community of professionals who stand ready to support you. Let’s get you off and running!

Who is Eligible to Take the CAPP Exam? Eligibility is based on education, experience, and professional development. Here are the specifics: ■  Three years of management or supervisory experience in parking, mobility, transportation, or a related profession. ■  A high school diploma. ■  25 professional development hours within the past five years. ■  Endorsement from a CAPP or your employer. If you aren’t yet eligible but interested, it’s important to set a personal timeline to plan out next steps. Feel free to reach out and we can help.

Easy Ways to Get Started Download key resources. IPMI has provided all the resources you need to get started! Visit the resources page and contact us at with any questions. 56 PARKING & MOBILITY / JUNE 2020 / PARKING-MOBILITY.ORG


Candidate Handbook: find answers to all your questions about the certification. • CAPP Resource Guide. Get the resources you need to prepare. • William Voigt, CAPP Scholarship Fund. Get financial support for your certification pursuit or recertification efforts. Join the mentor program. The CAPP Mentor program strengthens leadership skills and supports industry professionals as they prepare to become CAPP credentialed. To sign up, members must have a strong interest in earning the credential and agree to work with a mentor for six to 18 months. We will find a great match to get you started. Do the paperwork. The journey starts with one step. Make this the first one. Read up and reach out and let us know how we can help. ◆

Kickstart your CAPP. RACHEL YOKA, CAPP, LEED AP BD+C, WELL AP, is IPMI’s vice president of program development. She can be reached at yoka@

First-person Experiences “CAPP changed my life! I graduated in 2000 while working at IPI (now IPMI). My CAPP not only served me well as CEO of IPI, it was a requirement for my current position at Princeton University. Getting back into operations was easier than I imagined, with all my CAPP materials I use as ready reference, and the many colleagues I can always count on!” —Kim E. Jackson, CAPP, D ­ irector, Parking & Transportation Services, Princeton University

“As a newcomer to the parking and mobility world, I was looking for a credential that will show my commitment to excellence to everyone that I serve and work with. Once I started researching my options and talking to colleagues, it was clear that the CAPP program was exactly what I was looking for and the top credential for anyone in our industry. I was pleasantly surprised by the community response and the number of parking and mobility professionals that have reached out to me for advice and information after I obtained my certification. This has been a great journey and provided me an excellent opportunity to grow professionally and help others in the process. CAPP is the credential that believe every parking and mobility professional should have.” —Wady Burgos, CAPP, Parking & Transportation Demand Management Coordinator, City of Westminster, Colo.

ELSAG® VPH900 ALPR Software Automates Parking Management Using Your Customers’ Cameras Integrate your customers’ video cameras with ELSAG VPH900 automatic license plate reader (ALPR) software for more efficient parking management. The VPH900 reads plate numbers of vehicles entering and exiting lots and garages, then automatically compares each one to white lists to validate permit holders, record the entry and exit times of vehicles, determine time parked, and much more. Save time and money with the ELSAG VPH900. Made in the USA Helicopters | Aeronautics | Electronics, Defense & Security Systems | Space


/ Flowbird Uses Advanced Technology To Limit Contact During Transactions Flowbird Group announced recent developments that limit the amount of physical interaction with its parking kiosks and an alternative to avoid the kiosks altogether. The company’s solutions have helped cities worldwide collect vital revenue that is reinvested to provide invaluable services to the community. One such feature is Flowbird’s latest release of pay station software called, “recall,” which is now available on the CWT smart parking kiosk. How does it work? The recall feature makes a token from the credit card used the first time a driver makes a transaction at a kiosk. The next time they return and swipe their card, the kiosk will suggest the same license plate number and phone number for text receipts. This limits the amount of physical interaction when entering their license plate number for pay-by-plate transactions or entering their phone number for time expiration reminders and receipts. The recall function is an optional feature the city operator can choose to enable on their kiosks. While credit card use at Flowbird kiosks remain high and contactless payments rise in popularity, Flowbird reminds and encourages drivers to use tap-to-pay methods whenever pos-

sible. Several Flowbird clients are in the final phases of launching contactless/NFC payments, including the ability to accept Apple Pay, Google Pay, Samsung Pay, and credit cards with the NFC symbol. This method of payment eliminates another touchpoint at the kiosk. For users who are not quite ready to interact with pay stations or meters, Flowbird continues to provide and make advances to its Flowbird mobile payment application. The latest release of the app was recently launched at the end of April, giving drivers the option to search, filter, book and pay for a parking reservation before they even leave their home. This gives motorists a completely contactless parking experience. “Our No. 1 concern will always be our customers and their safety,” says Benoit Reliquet, president of Flowbird, North America, “Over the last several months, we have also seen city revenues dropping tremendously, so it is important that we offer as many ways as possible for cities to continue to collect parking fees while ensuring the health and wellbeing of its citizens.”

FlashParking Introduces Hardware-as-a-Service Purchasing Model FlashParking’s new Hardware-as-a-Service is a purchasing model with no long-term contracts. FlashParking is minimizing risk exposure for asset owners and operators that ensure today’s investment provides an efficient, intelligent, and future-ready platform. FlashParking’s HaaS model wraps 21st century parking technology, business intelligence, and a lifetime equipment warranty into a predictable monthly payment. This gives parking professionals an alternative to the hamster wheel equipment replacement cycle of seven to 10 years. As asset owners and operators subscribed to FlashParking’s HaaS model discover new opportunities to diversify revenue and expand into new locations or markets, they can confidently grow their investment with upgrades and expansions without taking on more risk. Mandatory technology updates needed to maintain functionality and PCI compliance are included at no additional cost. “We are at an inflection point in the market,” says Alan Poulton, EVP of sales of FlashParking. “Everyone recognizes


that customers, regardless of the industry, want technology delivered as a service. In parking, that means a solution free of the headaches of burdensome PCI compliance and unpredictable upgrades, like the Windows 7 end-of-life obsolescence. The launch of FlashParking’s Hardware-as-a-Service purchasing model delivers exactly that: a solution free of financial risk and antiquated, difficult-to-maintain technology. HaaS is a complete, future-ready, extensible solution with software updates and payment security managed on the customer’s behalf.” By offering a standard package of hardware, software, maintenance, installation and other support services on a month-tomonth pricing structure, FlashParking is creating tremendous value for asset owners and operators. Shifting these costs to an operating expense rather than a capital expense gives owners and operators the opportunity to align entire portfolios, standardize on a single operating system, and revamp static parking garages to become flexible mobility assets for success in the future.

SKIDATA Names Matt Gambardella Sales Manager for Denver Office SKIDATA named Matt Gambardella to oversee sales for the company’s Denver office. In his new role, Gambardella will manage all new business development and project management throughout Colorado. He joins the Denver office from SKIDATA’s Las Vegas office, where he served as a sales professional. “Matt is an experienced and accomplished parking technology leader who will be a great asset in Colorado,” says Chris McKenty, vice president of SKIDATA. “SKIDATA has a long and proud history of working with cities, institutions, and private owners throughout the state to provide the most advanced and driver-friendly parking technologies. Matt will be a terrific leader as SKIDATA contin-

ues to build upon that history of success in Colorado.” In addition to overseeing SKIDATA’s business development and project management efforts throughout Colorado, Gambardella will also work closely with the company’s ski and special events access teams to create integrated technology suites permitting single-credential solutions for mountains, sporting and entertainment venues, and parking. “I’m excited to be joining SKIDATA’s Colorado team,” says Gambardella. “We are about to launch some very exciting new products and services that will be perfect fits for Colorado businesses, ski resorts, and entertainment and sports venues.”


/ Installation is slated for completion for SLC’s grand opening in September 2020. PARKHELP AND PARKING SENSE recently announced the merger of the two companies to create a new provider of parking sensors and guidance systems for indoor and outdoor parking lots and structures. The new company, ParkHelp Technologies, has significantly expanded its reach and product lines, creating the widest and most unified range of parking sensors available to customers on the market today. ParkHelp, a parking guidance system company and early pioneer in single-space parking sensors for both indoor and outdoor parking facilities, was


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founded in Barcelona, Spain in 2004 by Alexis Puig. Parking Sense, the newer of the two companies, disrupted the the parking industry by offering a cost-effective, comprehensive, and easy-to-install suite of intelligent parking solutions. The combined entity of ParkHelp Technologies is expected to exceed 1 million spaces under management in 2020. News of the merger follows the appointment of Ed Robinson as CEO and executive director earlier this year, as well as Matt Taub being appointed executive vice president of sales. Both Robinson and Taub will continue in their respective roles under ParkHelp Technologies. Alexis Puig, ParkHelp’s founder and CEO, joins ParkHelp Technologies’ executive team as founder and general manager EMEA and LATAM, and leads the design of next generation hardware and connected systems. “This merger has proven to be a tremendous cultural and technological match,” said ParkHelp Technologies CEO Ed Robinson. “We now have super accurate single-space sensors for covered and uncovered parking, from desert to snowy conditions.” ParkHelp Technologies’ combined set of sensors, including ultrasonic indoor sensors, outdoor wireless sensors, and car counters, will be immediately available to all existing customers and position the company as the premier provider of parking guidance systems. In addition, ParkHelp Technologies is planning a Q2 release an improved outdoor sensor and a next generation parking camera to address critical gaps in smart parking technology as well as upgrading all sensors with Bluetooth capabilities. Moving forward, ParkHelp Technologies will continue to invest in the depth and breadth of its product line as they lead the disruption of the parking industry. “The future of parking will be built on the back of a robust network of sensors and an integrated technology platform combined with superior customer service—and we are very excited to be joining forces to help lead this change,” said Alexis Puig, ParkHelp’s founder and CEO.


ParkHelp Merges with Parking Sense, Expands Product Line

Genetec Helps Monitor Occupancy, Ensure Distancing Compliance


As many retailers, restaurants, and public venues get set to start reopening, the need to enforce physical distancing measures is critical. To help these organizations monitor their occupancy levels and ensure compliance with regulations, G ­ enetec Inc. (“Genetec”) announced a new Occupancy ­Management Package. The Occupancy Management Package includes analytics and reporting tools that enable organizations to tap into their security systems to count the number of people in a business area, visualize data, and alert employees when occupancy limits are being reached. Audit reports can also be easily produced to demonstrate a business’s compliance with physical distancing regulations. With this new package, organizations can define policies that adhere to local guidelines for occupancy, and mobilize their operations to limit the risk of transmission. Live occupancy data is displayed in clear, graphical ways. When occupancy limits are being reached, employees who are responsible for monitoring the situation can receive alerts on a mobile device, via email, or on their Security Center dashboard so they can take appropriate action. “As public-facing organizations get ready to re-open, they are looking for ways to align security measures in adherence with physical distancing regulations to keep their staff and patrons safe,” says Rob Borsch, practice leader, retail and banking at Genetec, Inc. “In order to enforce these strict occupancy rules, they will need to do more than just count the number of people entering their premises—they will need to know how many people are inside a store or restaurant at any given moment, continuously monitor this data, and be able take action when thresholds are reached.”

The new SKIDATA skiosk family combines ease-of-use and intelligent tech into a new class of device. Increase revenue and improve guest experience with the large HD touch screen display and attractive advertising space incorporated into an automated payment machine with card vending.


/ EDC Corporation Introduces E-ticketing to AIMS Parking Management

PayByPhone Helps World Central Kitchen #ChefsForAmerica Fuel Those in Need Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, PayByPhone announced it will support the global nonprofit organization World ­Central ­Kitchen’s COVID-19 relief response. The #ChefsForAmerica effort is now serving 160,000 meals every day across the United States and in Spain. Founded by Chef José Andrés a decade ago, World Central Kitchen and its partners are working to safely distribute fresh meals in communities across the nation that need support. The effort enables families to pick up and take home meals, and includes delivering food to vulnerable communities, seniors who cannot venture outside and frontline workers at hospitals and other medical facilities. The endeavor also includes putting restaurants—that otherwise might be temporarily closed—back in business through a coalition of restaurants and tech companies working to feed the hungry. PayByPhone is using its parking platform to collect donations across the United States to bolster the #ChefsForAmerica effort. PayByPhone users in Miami, San Francisco, Seattle, and Washington, D.C., can log into the app and donate by using designated parking zone number 19. To stretch each donation, PayByPhone will match a portion of user donations through its app to the #ChefsForAmerica initiative. “We want to do our part to help the communities we serve weather this storm,” says North American CEO Roamy Valera, CAPP. “Our customers are looking for ways to help too, and this effort lets them contribute in an easy way. Making a meaningful impact can happen right in the palm of your hands.”

EDC Corporation, the Syracuse, NY-based developer of the AIMS Parking Management suite of parking management solutions, announced it has introduced e-Ticketing functionality in conjunction with the company’s proven and popular LPR technology. E-ticketing enables parking staff to issue citations within the parking office, using the violator’s license plate as the primary credential. Benefits include enhanced safety for personnel, higher productivity, lower operational costs, faster collection of fees, and a more robust and automated documentation trail, which includes photographic, timestamp and GPS proof of the violation. “Moving from physical to virtual ticketing is the next, logical step in the evolution of the parking industry,” says Ellen Genung, vice president of EDC Corporation. “We’ve seen this same progression in other segments of the transportation industry, beginning with Red Light Cameras as early as 1993—to the current rush in the U.S. to migrate from staffed, paper-ticket toll booths to LPR cameras and pay-by-plate tolls, after longstanding use of that technology in Europe.” According to Genung, e-Ticketing is likewise a logical enhancement to and investment in EDC’s suite of parking software modules. EDC customer Derrick Davis, director of parking and transportation for Georgia Southern University, has seen excellent results from the AIMS e-Ticketing software, which was rolled out to select customers as a beta this past fall. “Building on our use of AIMS LPR and virtual permitting, we implemented the AIMS eTicket module in the fall of 2019,” says Davis. “We’ve been able to issue 54 percent more citations, are no longer spending a quarter of our time looking for vehicles to tag with a windshield envelope, and we’re providing violators with far more information with each citation. Even better, our web payments have increased around 10%, which saves hands-on processing time. And, if we cite an unregistered vehicle, the license plate RO Lookup has enabled us to collect more than $26,000 of previously unpaid citations and link over half of the unregistered vehicles to students.” Davis adds his department has also seen a drop-off in parking ticket-related office traffic. “This has been a real game changer for our operation.”


/ Salt Lake City International Airport Chooses Park Assist’s Parking Guidance System for its New Development Park Assist® was awarded the Parking Guidance System (PGS) contract for Salt Lake City International Airport’s latest parking garage. Salt Lake City is building a new International Airport (SLC) to replace the existing structure. Serving more than 26 million passengers a year, SLC also chose to include a 3,600-space parking garage in the new development. This parking facility, equipped with Park Assist’s camera based M4 PGS, is designed to meet Salt Lake City’s current and future needs with the flexibility to adapt with the ever-changing aviation industry.


As part of SLC’s effort to improve its passengers’ travel experience, Park Assist’s proprietary M4 PGS will serve to decrease parking search times and traffic in the garage and increase customer satisfaction. Along with the M4 technology, SLC’s parking guidance solution will also include two of Park Assist’s advanced software add-ons: Park FinderTM and Park AlertsTM. The camera based M4 smart sensor system uses color-coded LED lights to guide drivers to vacant spaces; triggered to turn from red to green when spaces become available, these lights remove all confusion from the parking journey. Upon returning to the garage, these travelers will have an equally effortless experience finding their car by utilizing Park Assist’s Find Your Car software add-on. This advanced vehicle locator feature uses license plate recognition (LPR) technology to pinpoint each customer’s car. By simply entering all or part of their license plate number into the Park Assist system or mobile app, guests are directed to their vehicle’s exact location within the facility. Additionally, Park Assist’s Park Alerts software extension allows the airport to gain valuable control and increase security in the garage. Using this add-on, parking management will be able to set and enforce automated rules and alerts. These alerts will immediately notify them of any policy violations so they can take the appropriate action, creating an efficient, safe, and secure facility. “Park Assist is extremely excited to work with Salt Lake City International on this groundbreaking development. As the airport transforms for the future, Park Assist hopes to deliver an equally innovative parking experience. We are honored to be a part of SLC’s initiative and provide travelers with a state-of-theart parking garage through our advanced technology,” says Jeff Sparrow, regional account manager.






FUELED WITH INNOVATION. DRIVEN BY CUSTOMER SERVICE. As the industry expands beyond the painted stripes and gate arms of parking lots and garages, we are paving the way on curbside management, LPR, and mobile solutions. We give you all the tools and support you need to activate your parking super powers today, with a growth path to the future.


/ Genetec Introduces AutoVu™ SharpZ3 Mobile LPR System Genetec Inc., a leading technology provider of unified security, public safety, operations, and business intelligence solutions announced the immediate availability of its next-generation mobile license plate recognition system. The new AutoVu™ SharpZ3 goes beyond traditional license plate identification and brings new levels of insight in vehicle analytics, situational awareness, and accuracy. Ideally suited to meet the needs of parking managers who use mobile ALPR as part of their enforcement activities, the new SharpZ3 can help them track the types of vehicle (car, van, truck, bus, motorcycle) in parking lots or around the city, and analyze the evolution of the mix of vehicle types over time. For law enforcement officers who use mobile ALPR to aid investigations, the SharpZ3 allows patrols to flag vehicles based on vehicle type and color where no license plate was identified by a witness.

It’s Official: The Best Nashville International Airport Terminal Garage Structural Engineering and Functional Design by Walker Consultants

2020 IPMI Award of Excellence Best Design of a Mixed-Use Parking & Transportation Facility



“Traditional ALPR systems solve traditional parking and law enforcement challenges, like finding vehicles of interest and parking violators,” said Stephan Kaiser AutoVu General Manager at Genetec. “The SharpZ3 tackles emerging problems that are not served by current technology, helping customers gain new insights into the types of vehicles in their city and how their streets and curbs are used.” The AutoVu™ SharpZ3 is among the first specialized in-vehicle ALPR systems in the world to use Intel’s latest machine learning and computer vision technology to unlock new insights through innovative analytics. The AutoVu SharpZ3 system will not only be able to improve the accuracy of license plate reads in difficult environments (such as bad weather, heavy traffic, and fast speeds), but will also be able to record additional vehicle characteristics such as vehicle type, color, and more, in real-time, and without requiring large amounts of bandwidth. Designed with a third optical sensor, the AutoVu SharpZ3 can accurately capture multiple plate designs in complex urban environments. These include flat, embossed, reflective and non-reflective license plates. The extra sensor will also allow more precise positioning of vehicle data on maps to provide more precise occupancy data than before. With its modular design, the SharpZ3 gives users the flexibility to add new functionalities over time. This reduces the complication and cost of hardware replacement. With future releases, the machine learning capabilities in the AutoVu SharpZ3 will enable a number of new potential applications such as enabling cities to use their ALPR-equipped vehicles to address other operational issues including detecting unpermitted road construction, discovering abandoned e-scooters or bikes in unauthorized zones, and more.


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Nashville International Airport Terminal Garage

John Dorsett, AICP, CPP Senior Vice President 317.842.6890


Parking Design Planning & Mobility Operations & Technology Forensics & Restoration Building Envelope




Design Management


Innovation through Collaboration, Success by Design

Boston Chicago Cleveland Denver Ft Lauderdale Hartford New York Pittsburgh Washington, D.C.


Parking and Transportation Planning

Traffic Engineering

Parking Design and Consulting

Civil Engineering

Structural Engineering

Intelligent Transportation Systems

Structural Diagnostics

Systems Integration

Brian Lozano, PMP




2020 JUNE 1-2


How to Increase Retention and Build Team Culture


IPMI Parking & Mobility Virtual Conference & Expo

IPMI Webinar ASU’s Campus Access Management: Student Safety, Curb Management, and Multi-modal Access

IPMI Webinar


Carolinas Parking & Mobility Association 2020 Conference & Trade Show Charleston, S.C.


Parking Association of the Virginias Fall workshop Virginia Beach, Va.


APO Site Reviewer online course begins



California Public Parking Association Annual Conference & Trade Show

Reimagining a Sustainable, Resilient Workforce for Curbside Management

Campus Parking & Transportation Association Conference

San Diego, Calif.

College Station, Texas





IPMI Webinar

IPMI Online, Instructor-led Course Analysis and Application of Technology

Southwest Parking & Transportation Association Annual Fall Conference

Las Vegas, Nev.



Parksmart Advisor Online, Instructor-led Training Begins

IPMI Leadership Summit

Raleigh, N.C.



IPMI Webinar

Considering an Alternative to Adaptive Reuse

New York State Parking & Transportation Association Annual Fall Conference

Watkins Glen, N.Y.



MENA Transportation Projects Forum: Arab Transport Development & Integration Conference Abu Dhabi

IPMI Webinar

IPMI Webinar

A Portrait of El Paso Parking Using GIS


Florida Parking & Transportation Association Conference & Trade Show Palm Beach Gardens, Fla.


PARCS Replacement and Implementing the Latest Technologies: A Case Study of the American Dream Project in New Jersey

Enabling Daily Parking Decisions For Faculty and Staff: How More Granular Choice Has Reduced Parking Demand and Delighted Customers

Stay up to date on industry events and activities! Visit for the latest updates and additions.


Frontline Training: Live Class Series Live, online, instructor-led classes just for frontline parking and mobility employees. For more details, to register, or to schedule courses for your agency, visit Cost: $30 per attendee per session, register for three individual sessions for $75. Friday, June 5, 1:00 p.m. (Eastern): Key Components to Composing Effective Emails

Friday, June 19, 1:00 p.m. (Eastern): Developing Workplace Resilience

Friday, June 5, 3:00 p.m. (Eastern): Understanding Your Role in Effective Customer Service

Friday, June 19, 3:00 p.m. (Eastern): How to Succeed in a Changing Workplace (Three-part Series) – Session 2: Identifying the Phases of Change

Tuesday, June 9, 2:00 p.m. (Eastern): How to Succeed in a Changing Workplace (Three-part Series) – Session 1: Understanding Your Reaction to Change Tuesday, June 9, 4:00 p.m. (Eastern): Effective Communication: The Importance of Active Listening Friday, June 12, 1:00 p.m. (Eastern): Effective Business Communication Friday, June 12, 3:00 p.m. (Eastern): How to Succeed in a Changing Workplace (Three-part Series) – Session 1: Understanding Your Reaction to Change

Tuesday, June 23, 2:00 p.m. (Eastern): How to Succeed in a Changing Workplace (Three-part Series) – Session 3: Changing Group Dynamics Tuesday, June 23, 4:00 p.m. (Eastern): Key Components to Composing Effective Emails Friday, June 26, 1:00 p.m. (Eastern): Team Dynamics and Their Effect on Organizational Agility Friday, June 26, 3:00 p.m. (Eastern): Effective Business Communication

Tuesday, June 16, 2:00 p.m. (Eastern): How to Succeed in a Changing Workplace (Three-part Series) – Session 2: Identifying the Phases of Change

Tuesday, June 30, 2:00 p.m. (Eastern): How to Succeed in a Changing Workplace (Three-part Series) – Session 3: Changing Group Dynamics

Tuesday, June 16, 4:00 p.m. (Eastern): Our Role in Resolving Workplace Conflict

Tuesday, June 30, 4:00 p.m. (Eastern): Effective Communication: The Importance of Active Listening

/ Aims Parking ��������������������������������������������������� 1

Leonardo/ELSAG LPR Solutions ���������� 57

Southland Printing �������������������������������������13 800.886.6316 877.773.5724 800.241.8662

Amano McGann, Inc. ���������������������������������19

Magnetic AutoControl ������������������������������29

T2 Systems, Inc. ������������������������������������������65 612.331.2020 321.635.8585 800.434.1502

DESMAN ��������������������������������������������������������69

MEYPAR USA Corp. �������������������������������������� 9

Tannery Creek Systems Inc. ��������������������60 877.337.6260 281.404.1667 855.738.1406

International Parking Design, Inc. ��������68

Park Assist �����������������������������������������������������17

Timothy Haahs & Associates, Inc ���������.67 818.986.1494 917.793.5400 484.342.0200

Flowbird ��������������������������������������������������������59

ParkMobile �����������������������������������������������������7

Toledo Ticket ���������������������������������������������� 27 800.732.6868 678.681.9433 800.533.6620

Groome Transportation ���������������������������63

PayByPhone Technologies, Inc. ������������C2

Walker Consultants ���������������������������66, 68 228.206.3647 877.610.2054 800.860.1579

Hörmann High Performance Door ����������11

Quercus Technologies, S.L. ��������������������64

Walter P Moore ������������������������������������������69 800.365.3667 +34977300377 800.364.7300

IPS Group Inc ����������������������������������������������C4

Rich & Associates, Inc. ������������������������������69

WGI �����������������������������������������������������������������15 858.404.0607 248.353.5080 866.909.2220

Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc ����� 5, 68

SKIDATA ���������������������������������������������������������61 919.653.6646 908.243.0000 PARKING-MOBILITY.ORG / JUNE 2020 / PARKING & MOBILITY 71


In Case You Missed It... ON THE BLOG

➚What do We do Next? COVID-19 and the Triple Helix Model of Innovation, by David C. Lipscomb. ➚A New (Ab)Normal, by Chris Lechner, CAPP. ➚Reassessing Mobile Technology, by John Nolan, CAPP ➚Stand Strong Even if You Stand Alone, by Tope Longe. ➚A 10-point Roadmap for the New Normal in Parking and Mobility, by Kevin White, AICP ➚Are Parking Minimums a Thing of the Past? By Jonathan Wicks, CAPP more posts online and in your daily Forum email, or contribute your own. parking-mobility. ➚Read org/blog ON THE FORUM

➚Virtual citation appeals hearings. ➚COVID service counter signage. ➚Planning for recovery. ➚Low-emissions vehicle enforcement. ➚Hotel loading zones. questions, share your experiences, and connect with other industry professionals: forum. ➚Ask ONLINE

➚Free COVID-19 resources for you and your team. ➚Shoptalks, webinars, and more events. ➚Recordings of previous Shoptalks and other events. ➚Job postings. ➚And a lot more.

All from your desk, on your time, at 72 PARKING & MOBILITY / JUNE 2020 / PARKING-MOBILITY.ORG


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