EXPERTS What advice would you give city parking departments/organizations as they plan for 2021 after a crazy 2020?
Scott C. Bauman, CAPP
James C. Anderson
Brett Wood, CAPP, PE
Kim E. Jackson, CAPP
Manager of Parking & Mobility Services City of Aurora, Colo.
Market Development Manager Master Builders Solutions, US, LLC
President Wood Solutions Group
Director, Transportation & Parking Services Princeton University
The continuing effect of COVID-19 dramatically alters parking operations, revenue projections, and ultimately every city agency’s budget(s) for next year and likely beyond. Effectively identifying the impacts and leveraging the analysis to innovate and create new business opportunities for supplemental revenue streams can help mitigate budget shortfalls while simultaneously increasing customer service amenities.
Keep your parking user/customers at the forefront of your plans and continue safe practices. Recognize reality, using past history coupled with 2020 actualities for determining structured asset and on-street demand.
Parking programs need to focus on revenue diversification. Commercial loading, passenger loading, mobility hubs, and congestion-level pricing are all tools we are considering to help cities function. Our programs need to capitalize on those programs to find new revenue streams and ensure better balance.
It will be crucial for parking organizations to remember their customers might be fearful about returning to “normal operations.” If they have not already started, many operations should work toward contactless transactions, making the experience safer and easier. Service providers should consider, if possible, how to reduce initial costs and fees as we continue to increase mobility for our customers.
Vanessa Solesbee Schnipkoweit, CAPP President The Solesbee Group Look for the silver lining in everything you do. COVID-19 has thrown so many of us for a loop and it is hard to feel like we have any control over what will happen in 2021 and beyond. Try that crazy idea you’ve had on your whiteboard for years, mentor someone or find yourself a mentor, raise your hand and volunteer for something completely unexpected and outside of your comfort zone.