Post-COVID Thoughts and Concerns about TDM and Parking
By Brian Shaw, CAPP ATELY, as we emerge from the pandemic and organizations can determine for them-
selves how to operate post-pandemic, I have been contemplating several, parking, mobility, and sustainability issues:
■ What
is more sustainable? Folks working remotely or commuting? Is more remote working generating more non-work trips vs. concentrated peak-hour trips? Is it better to have the ability to provide transit and ride-share viability vs. remote workers avoiding commute trips? ■ What is more equitable? Daily parking fees vs. monthly permits and payroll deduction consistency? How to manage the revenue impacts and budgeting from daily vs. monthly? How best to set daily rates in terms of equity and demand management? ■ How do you ensure folks are carpooling when remote working is so common? Do we care? Do we need to track mode use now? Is parking purchasing alone adequate now for determining TDM program eligibility? I do not have all the answers but thought I would pose questions and concerns to raise as we emerge from the pandemic. Where our Stanford team has some ideas, I will share them. We are all heading into uncharted territory so let us continue to use IPMI to share our ideas, concerns, and solutions.
Commute Trips vs. Non-work trips It remains to be seen if having more folks working remotely is better for traffic and mobility than pre- pandemic, traditional commute patterns. Arguably, fewer commuters should make traffic better, but also cause there to be fewer ride-share options and makes transit less efficient on a cost/ride basis, frequency, and capacity. Reducing the viability of ride-sharing and transit also affects folks at lower income levels and creates an equity issue for folks who need to come to work but do not drive.
Daily vs. Monthly Parking Rates Speaking of equity, as there will likely be more folks
working remotely, should parking permits shift from a monthly model to daily? Is that model equitable to essential workers who need to be onsite every day? Should their parking be discounted to reflect the savings achieved by folks who do not need to come work as often? We are addressing this by maintaining discounted monthly permit rates, particularly for our residents and essential workers, but not discounting daily rates, which are staying as they were prior to March 2020.
Balance Between COVID Concerns and TDM Modes At the start of the pandemic, there were concerns about riding transit, sharing rides, and generally being in the same space with others. Cleaning was also a primary issue for transit services. With more data and research, transit has been shown to not be a transmission source for the COVID-19 virus. Air circulation and mandatory mask use as well as enhanced cleaning procedures have made transit a safe mode. I have been riding transit since our return to work in June. Some employers have ended transit subsidies due to lower use as well as concerns over promoting transit use. I will suggest a reinstatement of transit subsides as folks return to work and transit services return to pre-pandemic levels of service. Providing some competitive advantage for transit continues to be needed to offset the inherent convenience of driving.
Vanpools We have remained committed to supporting our vanpoolers, who have tended to be essential employees and/or folks who have challenging and expensive commutes. This commitment has weathered ever