The Patriot December 2004, Issue 3, Vol 40

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John Carroll School ! Tradition ! Pride ! Excellence


PATRIOT Variety Show

Volume 30, Issue 3 ! December 2004

Elizabeth Hersey Features co Editor

At the Senior Variety Show this year, the excitement level in the auditorium was so high one could feel it in the air. Maybe it was because of the crowd, mostly students and recent alumni, all hyped up to see their friends on stage. Or perhaps it was caused by the students involved who had worked hard to pull the show together. A traditional senior class fundraiser, the Variety Show usually earns about $6,000 for prom. Since the show has few other expenses, and those are only small things such as ticket printing, nearly all of the money is saved for April. It has paid for as much as 50% of prom’s cost in the past, although Þgures for this year have not been determined yet. The acts themselves were weeks in the making. This year’s show had 31 skits on Tuesday and 32 on Wednesday. A large part of the experience depended on which of the two shows one saw. For example, the skit “Teacher Hiring Session” was performed both nights, but on

uniÞes ‘05

Wednesday Mr. Heubeck himself joined “Mr. Del Puppo” and “Mr. Akers” (Mike Tagliaferri and Charles Sergent) at the end, with much screaming from his female fans. Also, Carolyn Hedlund and Lindsay Nicolucci performed “In the Walls” by Stellastarr* only on Wednesday. Similarly, some of the jokes only make sense if one attended last year. Will Gibbons tried to repeat Jason Lipinski’s (‘04) infamous green joke numerous times, only to be tackled by Greg Boyle. Amusing as this was, many audience members were confused. One of the main reasons for Variety Show is to make fun of the previous class (the other being to make fun of the faculty). A handful of senior boys performed “’04 Dance Reunion,” a reproduction of last year’s senior girls’ dance. This year’s senior girls dance was a much-anticipated event, and all the effort put into organizing it showed. The dance was choreographed by senior Shannon Lhotsky and used professionally mixed music. The “Dance Reunion” was considerably less serious—it’s difÞcult to take boys in Catholic schoolgirl uniforms seriously. A few of the “What If’s” were also aimed directly at the class of 2004, such as, “What if last year’s seniors hadn’t won powderpuff…would they have accomplished anything at all?” The question “What if Harford Community College didn’t exist” was cut off on Wednesday by yelling from these ex-seniors, who came in droves. (Fortunately, Mr. Piercy was standing by to quell any possible riots.) Seniors and audience alike enjoyed skits which made fun of JC’s teachers and administration. “JC Idol” featured students dressed up as their teachers, performing musical acts that related to their character and competing for a prize. It ended in a tie between the team of “Mr. Akers” and “Mr. Del Puppo” with the song “U + Me = Us (Calculus)” by 2gether, and “Ms. Beadle”

Several senior athletes commit to colleges.

! Page 16

“Dear Virginia” letter teaches valuable holiday lesson.

! Page 3

(Molly Housman) with “These Boots Are Made for Walking” by Nancy Sinatra. Some of the most successful acts were not original, but adaptations of television skits. Will Gibbons and McKenzie Walsh played Stuart and Stuart’s mother respectively, based on the popular MADtv characters. Mrs. Swan, also from MADtv and portrayed by Laura Leeb, was left to deal with a JC senior scavenger hunt in Mr. Barker’s absence. There were also scenes from Saturday Night Live and Monty Python’s Flying Circus. Of course, showcases of musical talent were dispersed throughout the night. From a capella singing to rock jams, the audience got to hear the remarkable abilities of JC’s seniors. PJ Ireton played the National Anthem on his guitar with amazing skill. Kelly Navin and McKenzie Walsh sang a duet called “For Good” from the play Wicked, which is a prequel to the Wizard of Oz. Both girls had major roles in JC’s production of The Wizard of Oz last year. The excited crowd seemed to have difÞculty staying quiet for all the remarkable music acts, but they applauded well at the end, and no one was truly disrespectful and seemed to enjoy the show. “The Variety Show was really good,” said senior Alex Wozniak. “People actually like it, because it’s actually funny.” By the time the entire Variety Show experience had ended, the senior class realized what a fun and unique event it is and how impor-

tant it is as a part of the JC experience. Senior Laura Leeb said, “It brought the class together. Underclassmen should deÞnitely do their Variety Show, it’s a bonding experience.” “We became friends with people we never knew well before,” said Shannon Lhotsky. Despite early turbulence, it seems that this year’s Variety Show turned out very successfully. “Variety Show started off a little rough, but in the end everything came together and we were said to have one of the best Variety Show ever,” said senior Matt Maskell. “The amount of talent people were willing to share was incredible,” said Mrs. Kangas, senior class moderator along with Mrs. Russell. “It will be up to each class hereafter to live up to the gold standard set by 2005.”

Editors review new holiday movies.

! Page 12 Brave editors dare to taste “unique” flavors of Jones Soda Co. Holiday Pack. Page 8




Shoddy bathroom maintenance Early festivities cause mayhem All this early shopping interrupts daily Rachael Kessler concerns student population Editor in Chief on their skirt or pants after they have washed them; that is, if rinsing your hands with waEveryone uses the bathrooms, whether ter and no soap can be called washing. Not only are students unable to wash their it be to put on make-up, Þx hair, console a hands after using the bathroom, often they friend, get a small break from that boring have to walk to a different bathroom beclass, or to actually relieve themselves. No cause there is no toilet paper or, for girls, no matter for what use, it is common knowltampons. No toilet edge that people use paper is bad enough, the bathrooms. Howbut attempting to ever, it is also common Þnd a working tamknowledge that people pon machine is not do their best to avoid something you want the JC bathrooms. to have to run around The bathrooms are and do. horrible, that is why We at The Pano one wants to go triot believe the to them. They never bathrooms should be have toilet paper, fully equipped with soap, or paper towels, all of the items that which is unsanitary. bathrooms should Also there is a lack have (i.e. toilet paper, of working tampon tampons, soap, paper machines, girls often towels). The bathhave to travel to many rooms are probably different bathrooms in Sarah Hagelin tries in vain to disthe easiest things in order to get a tampon. a school to maintain While no one can pense soap from the soap machine and we feel that it is be in the bathrooms in one of JC’s bathrooms. 24/7 to make sure that they are clean and not too much to ask to have a fully-equipped equipped with everything they should have, bathroom. Being unable to wash your hands is init would be nice if someone would occatolerable; we can only hope that the faculty, sionally check up on the bathroom supplies. administration, and staff (especially those It is ridiculous and inexcusable that JC working with food) at JC wash their hands. cannot make sure that there is toilet paper, JC is constantly slacking in situations that paper towels, soap, and that the tampon could be easily rendered. Is it really that machines work. hard to keep the bathrooms Þlled with the There is a constant lack of toilet paper, necessities? paper towels, soap, and tampons. These shortages force a person to wipe their hands

life for nearly two months. Those of us trying to run normal errands Þnd it incredibly annoying to have to deal with crazed holiday shoppers before December has even begun.


PATRIOT 703 Churchville Road, Bel Air, Maryland 21014 Volume 40, Number 3, December 2004

Editor in Chief........................................................................Rachael Kessler Editorials co Editor..................................................................Laura Kirchner Editorials co Editor.......................................................................Mary Etting News co Editor.......................................................................Courtney Kurtz News co Editor...........................................................................Aisha Turner Features co Editor.................................................................Elizabeth Hersey Features co Editor...............................................................Lindsay Nicolucci Entertainment co Editor.........................................................Sandy Wienholt Entertainment co Editor................................................................Sarah Jones Sports co Editor.........................................................................Rose DiPaula Sports co Editor.....................................................................Dave Lomonico Photography co Editor...........................................................Lauren Schnupp Photography co Editor...................................................................Jess Rießer Business Manager..................................................................Patricia Kingery Cartoonist......................................................................................Rich Fleury Moderator.....................................................................................Mr. Ionescu

It’s November 1st, just one day after Halloween. There was no school, and I decided to take a leisurely trip to the mall. Little did I know that upon my arrival, I would be accosted by unprecedented early Christmas decorations in every single store. I begin to feel rather out of place in my t-shirt walking around Christmas trees, Santa Þgures, and snowmen. Over the next month, these decorations seemed to spread rather quickly. By mid-November, garland Christmas trees adorned the light posts along Main Street, many houses were already consumed in hundreds of light bulbs, and even our own JC cafeteria had been covered in festive red and green. Many of us were still trying to level with the fact that Thanksgiving was two weeks away; Christmas was the very last thing on our minds. Part of the problem this year is the unseasonably warm temperatures. The coming of Christmas is difÞcult to consider when it is sixtyÞve degrees outside. Perhaps global warming is also ruining the holiday season, but I suppose that that is an entirely different dilemma. For now, the main problem is decorating much too early. The earlier Christmas decorations are put up, the less excitement that lasts JC celebrates the Christmas season by setting until the holiday itself. There is no up decorations such as this mini-Christmas time for anticipation to build when tree. it already feels like Christmas and October are barely Þnished. The Christmas season is a special time. Early decorations also allow too much We shouldn’t ruin it by stretching it out over time for holiday stress to build. Seeing two months. Before we know it, Christmas Christmas decorations all over the place in will be beginning in September and will early November easily startles anyone who have lost its wonder, that magic that makes has not yet begun holiday shopping. it the most special time of the year. This causes a premature and overly hectic Stores should at least wait until after shopping season. Even two weeks before Thanksgiving to put up their Christmas Thanksgiving this year it was difÞcult to decorations. Then, perhaps overanxious Þnd a parking spot at any mall during the shoppers won’t interfere in our daily lives. weekend. It took me ten whole minutes just A quick trip to the mall will actually be to Þnd a parking spot at The Avenue after possible before Thanksgiving. Stores school the Friday before Thanksgiving. It don’t need to over-advertise for Christmas was only 4pm, so this lack of parking was - customers will be buying a lot during the not caused by the usual weekend trafÞc at season no matter what. The Avenue. Christmas, after all, is about relaxing I Þnally squeezed my car into a ridicu- and spending time celebrating with family. lously tiny spot at the very edge of the lot. So let’s not overemphasize, overstress, or When I left at 5pm, three cars were Þghting stretch it out any longer than it should be. for my parking spot. photo by Lauren Schnupp

photo by Jess Riefler

Staff Editorial

Staff: Shril Amin, Ashley Livingston, Leah McGann, Danny Morris, Delia The Patriot is a publication of the students of John Carroll School. The views and opinions expressed in The Patriot are not necessarily the views and opinions of the Board or Administration of John Carroll School. The editorial staff invites and greatly appreciates comments from readers on any issue. Volume 40, Number 3


photo by Jess Riefler

Pais, Trista Sturdivant, Eleni vanRoden

Starting in Novemeber, Harford Mall, like many malls, began decorating for the Christmas season starting in November.


December 2004

3 EDITORIALS Dear Virginia remains relevant today Laura Kirchner Editorials co Editor

Francis Church The New York Sun (1897)

Virginia O’Hanlon Dear Virginia, Your little friends are wrong. They have been affected by the skepticism of a skeptical age. They do not believe except what they see. They think that nothing can be which is not comprehensible by their minds. All minds, Virginia, whether they be mens or childrens, are little. In this great universe of ours, man is a mere insect, an ant, in his intellect, as compared with the boundless world about him, as measured by the intelligence capable of grasping the whole of truth and knowledge. Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus. He exists as certainly as love and generosity and devotion exist, and you know that they abound and give to your life its highest beauty and joy. Alas! How dreary would be the world if there were no Santa Claus! It would be as dreary as if there were no Virginias. There would be no childlike faith then, no poetry, no romance to make tolerable this existence. We should have no enjoyment, except in the sense and sight. The external light with which childhood Þlls the world would be extinguished. Not believe in Santa Claus! You might as well not believe in fairies. You might get your papa to hire men to watch all the chimneys on Christmas Eve to catch Santa Claus, but even if they did not see Santa Claus coming down, what would that prove? Nobody sees Santa Claus, but that is no sign that there is no Santa Claus. The most real things in the world are those that neither children nor men can see. Did you ever see fairies dancing on the lawn? Of course not, but that’s no proof that they are not there. Nobody can conceive or imagine all the wonders there are unseen and unseeable in the world. You may tear apart the baby’s Children sit on Santa’s lap at Harford Mall. rattle and see what makes the noise Christmas alive. inside, but there is a veil covering the unseen world which not the strongest man, nor even the united strength of all the strongest men that ever lived, could tear apart. Only faith, fancy, poetry, love, romance, can push aside that curtain and view and picture the supernal beauty and glory beyond. Is it all real? Ah, Virginia, in all this world there is nothing else real and abiding. No Santa Claus? Thank God, he lives and lives forever. A thousand years from now, Virginia, nay, ten times ten thousand years from now, he will continue to make glad the heart of childhood.

This famous “Dear Virginia” editorial was printed and reprinted in The New York Sun from 1897 until the paper went out of business in 1949. I recently came across a copy of this editorial and its messages struck me as indubitably relevant in today’s times. I had never heard of this article myself, and I surmised that many of my peers had probably also not had the pleasure. During the Christmas season, we oftentimes forget who and what “Santa Claus” is. We are all guilty of becoming temporarily consumed in our own little worlds of gift buying and receiving; likewise we neglect to reßect upon the greater meaning of Christmas. When we think of Santa Claus, we think of a jolly, old, fat man in a red suit and beard who comes down our chimneys to give us presents on Christmas morning. The true Santa Claus, however, is much more. As former editor of The New York Sun Francis Church described in his touching editorial to eight-year-old Virginia O’Hanlon, Santa Claus is the personiÞcation of that which we cannot see—love, generosity, devotion—but is nevertheless real. In today’s times of materialism, self-importance, and scientiÞc knowledge, it is important to remember that the most real things in life are those that cannot be touched or explained. I encountered such skepticism of the intangible when I bounced ideas off my fellow newspaper editors concerning this issue of The Patriot. When I read them the “Dear Virginia” editorial, many of them dismissed Francis Church’s response to Virginia as inadequate. They argued that his response did nothing but suggest that editors lie and manipulate readers. The Patriot staff was doing what so many of us tend to do in today’s world. The staff was getting caught up in the literal meaning of Santa Claus and in what is concrete and imaginary. In doing so, they failed to ruminate over the spirit of Christmas that is embodied in the person of Santa Claus. This spirit of Christmas is what the editor from The New York Sun so vehemently attempted to express in his words to Virginia. The belief in the symbol of Santa Claus keeps Without the magic of beauty, joy, and childlike faith that is Santa Claus, the entire concept of the Christmas season would cease to be anything but empty. Christmas is about generosity, love, and giving thanks for all that we take for granted. If we refuse to accept the reality of what is meant by Santa Claus, then the notion of Christmas has been truly lost upon us. Francis Church made believers out of millions of New Yorkers when he summarized what Santa Claus truly is. Take time this season to reßect upon just what Christmas means to you. Do you believe? photo by Jess Riefler

Dear Editor: I am 8 years old. Some of my little friends say there is no Santa Claus. Papa says, “If you see it in The Sun, it’s so.” Please tell me the truth ... is there a Santa Claus?

Naturalized citizens deserve equal rights Lindsay Nicolucci Features co Editor

US citizenship is something often taken for granted. Freedom is trivialized by recent inßuxes of illegal aliens (looking for work and not citizenship) and also by near-sighted hypocrites willing to emigrate because of republican policies. Citizenship is something to be taken seriously, and although naturalized citizens are foreign-born, this does not mean that they do not share the rights of American-born citizens. The Constitution, however, has stated that no person born in a foreign country can hold the ofÞce of the presidency. Although there have been recent attempts to change this aspect of the Constitution, it has not been as recognized a cause as supporters would like. The attention does not come from those concerned with human rights or equality. It comes, rather, from a group of people with

December 2004

one purpose: boosting Austrian-born Arnold Schwarzenegger. Although this seems simple, it is at least an attempt at changing the Constitution for the better. Naturalized citizens have the same basic rights as other Americans. They can vote in elections and hold public ofÞce. The votes of foreign-born Americans have changed the shape and direction of the country, politically and economically. Immigrants are, in large part, responsible for the development of America as a Þrst-world country. There is no real reason that all public ofÞces except the presidency can go to immigrants. The fact that naturalized citizens were not born stateside does not mean that they do not share the same values as other Americans. The fact that they willfully moved to this country from their homelands is proof enough that they share the spirit of democracy and equality upon which this country was founded. In a more recent light, it seems


especially hypocritical that foreign-born Americans are not allowed to hold the ofÞce of the presidency. Lately, President Bush has made a special public effort to Þll his cabinet with minority leaders such as Condoleeza Rice and Alberto Gonzalez. Despite his self-congratulatory attitude about such decisions, this is a great step towards diversity in the White House; it shows an attitude of progress and acceptance. This demonstrates an effort in offering opportunities This effort of letting naturalized citizens run for presidency has become an issue only recently. Now that Arnold Schwarzenegger is the newest Californian governor, it has been rumored that he will run for the presidency in ’08. Governator jokes aside, having a famous spokesperson is absolutely helping the cause. Sites such as encourage people to raise awareness for the cause. Their reasoning behind it seems a little shallow. As the website name ex-


plains, it is basically all about Arnold. They claim that since the Constitution is regularly amended it is time to amend it again, if only to keep with the statistics. It is clear that this is all said with President Arnold in mind, but it shows an interest in changing the policies that hinder people from following their political dreams. The law against naturalized citizens becoming president seems unreasonable when one thinks of all of the ways naturalized citizens have helped America grow into a better country. Naturalized citizens are a group of people that does not want to throw their citizenship and rights away. If they did not believe in personal and political freedoms, they would not have come to this country in the Þrst place. Although the only concern for this issue comes from supporters of Arnold Schwarzenegger, it is still a step in a good direction.

Volume 40, Number 3

Editorials School Masses raise student concerns 4

and Catholic tradition,” but he also disagrees with several of the Catholic Church’s actions and message. This collective attitude Mass at JC should be a pleasant spiritual makes it difÞcult to approach the experience in which students cheerfully mass without a certain sense of take part in the hymns and quietly reßect on skepticism and negativity. the meaning of the sermon. And in case God There are real issues in the feels inclined to answer any other prayers, lives of high school students that there should also be world peace, an end the Church fails to protest or even to hunger, and a cure for cancer. However, address. The negative attitude without divine inspiration, students seem towards the Church manifests destined to suffer from a chronic lack of itself in Church attendance, interest and enthusiasm for the masses at which has dropped by as much JC. as nine percent in the past Students attempt to avoid Masses and other assemblies by arriving late to school and The homilies are often irrelevant to the decade, and in the boredom and leaving early. lives of high school students today, and indifference of those who are often fall on deaf ears as many students forced to attend Mass. Not surprisingly, this are either merely mentioned in passing or interested. Mrs. Murphy Dohn, our campus minister, have become disillusioned with the Catholic trend is mirrored in our school community completely ignored. Church. Squatting on the gym bleachers for by disinterest in Masses. Address the sermon to the audience: agrees that, “If there were more student an hour is an experience comparable to The sermons given do not address the teenage students who have an abundance participation in the singing, and prayer sitting on a cold, iron pole watching repeats concerns of the students, and the school of unanswered questions, especially responses, it would be a better experience of 1980’s British sitcoms. sends confusing messages by its actions. concerning their religion. Bring in special for the students.” If the experience were The average student would probably rather Meanwhile, the closest any sermons guests, let priests from other parishes assist more relevant to students, it could be made copy from the dictionary for an hour than have come to guidance was a suggestion with the Mass, devote a day to seminars more enjoyable and students would likely sit through a typical mass. Junior Richard that students abstain from sex last Lent. answering some of the questions the take a greater interest in the mass itself. Mrs. Murphy Dohn has made a great Trujillo is a Catholic student and agrees that Problems the average student faces, such students have for the Church; do something masses are “a part of our Catholic education as the temptations of drugs and alcohol, to get the students involved, or at least effort to enliven the masses, but what is needed is a committee of students to develop new ways to get students interested in the Masses. Community service should be awarded to those students who participate in this committee, as they are making an obvious contribution to our school community. Celebrating Mass in the auditorium is an obvious and recent improvement that allows students to better enjoy the mass and provides for a more comfortable, intimate setting. Mass should be kept separate from other assemblies because combining the two causes both events to suffer, as the audience is gradually lulled into a stupor. There is potential for the normally mundane Masses to become enjoyable, spirited celebrations, if additional changes are made and the questions of the Moving the Masses to the aditorium provides a more intimate and spititual atmosphere. students are addressed. photo by Kristin Pytko

photo by Jess Riefler

Danny Morris Staff Writer

Wolf-Man Comic: by Rich Fleury

Volume 40, Number 3



December 2004


News The Brown Room was quietly buzzing on the morning of November 19th as JC students awaited the arrival of a group of students from St. Frances Academy. As the small group of SFA students piled into the Brown Room, everyone grew quiet with nervous anticipation. The two groups of students had come together for a morning conference on leadership and diversity. Ms. Urra, of the religious studies department, was responsible for organizing the exchange. “The intention of the morning was just to give students a chance to interact with each other,” said Ms. Urra. “We came together with a common goal of how to be better leaders and more speciÞcally, how to address the issue of acceptance,” she added. SFA, located in Baltimore City, sent 12 of its students to meet with 11 JC students. After a brief “meet-and-greet” over breakfast pastries, the SFA students were taken on a tour of the school. JC students introduced the SFA students to a quick glimpse of Patriot life: students gathered at senior bench during free mods, saw the yearbook staff hard at work, and watched Ms. Michael’s AP Spanish class struggling through a 200word essay. Senior Kristen Barry, who was fortunate enough to attend the conference rather than write her Spanish essay, enjoyed hosting the students. “I didn’t know what to expect, but I’m glad I was a part of this experience. [The SFA students] were very friendly and outgoing,” she said. Once the tours were over, students gathered back in the Brown Room for large group icebreakers. First, the students had to line themselves up according to their birthdays without talking, which they were successfully able to do after only one try. After giggling their way through the Þrst icebreaker, everyone sat down and Ms. Urra passed around a bag of Starbursts, encouraging people to take as many as they wished. Students were then required to say one fact about themselves for each piece of candy they took. “The icebreakers were fun. They lightened the mood and allowed us to get to know one another,” said Barry. The students held large and small group discussions about leadership and diversity. On the surface the two schools seem very different: SFA is in the city, while JC is located in the suburbs; SFA has mostly African-American students, while JC is made up primarily of Caucasian students. However, despite these differences, students were able to Þnd common ground through the simple fact that they are all high school students. “Acceptance and Þtting in are issues that all high school students face,” said Ms. Urra. Senior Megan Beyer, like most of the students who attended, was surprised by how similar everyone was. “I thought, considering the difference in location and backgrounds, that the schools and students would be very dissimilar,” she said, “but on the contrary, we all thought that change, diversity, and leadership needed to happen in both schools. We were all on the same page when it came to the issues we discussed.” Ms. Urra was pleased with the results of

December 2004

the conference. “Through our dialogue, students were able to learn more about each other and understand where students from the other school were coming from. Hopefully, students were able to break down some of the stereotypes they have and begin to form real relationships with the other [students],” said Ms. Urra. Beyer felt that the experience was a valuable one. “I absolutely think it was worthwhile,” said Beyer. “The best part was hearing about each of the students. They were so nice and I felt like we bonded quickly; it’s always great to hear other people’s perspectives on school and their peers,” she added. The same group of students has tentative plans to come together again in the spring. Next time, however, the students will meet at SFA. “I would really like to go– it would be a positive culture shock,” said Barry. “You need to experience things outside your comfort zone in order to grow.” Ms. Urra is excited about the possibility of going to SFA in the spring. She volunteered at the school this past summer with their summer enrichment program, and was impressed with what she saw. “These students, this school, with no resources produces some of the Þnest results I’ve ever seen from an educational environment,” she said. “They became a “basketball school” without a gym in which to practice. They have a golf team that practices in a parking lot. It’s just incredible, and I’m really excited for the JC students to see what it’s like over there.”

photo by Lauren Schnupp

Aisha Tuner News co Editor

photo courtesy of SFA website

Diverse students discover common ground

John Carroll School Location: suburbs of Baltimore

St. Frances Academy Location: Baltimore City

Namesake: John Carroll, America’s first bishop

Namesake: Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini of Rome, patroness of immigrants

Year Est: 1964

Year Est: 1828

2004-05 Tution: $9,550

2004-05 Tuition: $4,700

No. of Students: approx. 850

No. of Students: approx. 320

Mascot: The Patriots

Mascot: The Panthers

Student Profile: Primarily Caucasian; no more than 1% of any minority group

Student Profile: Primarily African American; one student from Honduras

College Rate: typically 100% College Rate: over 90% Motto: “Tradition, Pride, Excellence”

Motto: “We can, we will, we must”

Despite obvious differences in school environments, JC and SFA students discovered that all highschoolers face the same issues. Students from both schools could relate to issues of acceptance and leadership.



Volume 40, Number 3

6 news College admission process: seniors get head start As Christmas approaches and 2004 comes to an end, many JC seniors can be found struggling on college essays and transcripts in hopes of getting into the college of their dreams. For the next couple of months, breaths will be held and anxiety will intensify as college acceptance and rejection letters start to come in the mail. For some seniors, however, this process is already taking place, but with a lot less stress and tension. Many colleges offer alternatives to the regular admissions procedure. Schools that offer early decision and early action programs give students the chance to apply before the regular admissions deadline. Most early application deadlines are in November, with students Þnding out the decision of the college in December. Not only are students able to apply before the regular deadline, but they also Þnd out the school’s decision early—sometimes so early that their friends have not even submitted their applications yet. There are two types of early application procedures. Early decision indicates that a student is committed to attending a college if he is accepted. Early decision has been

criticized by guidance counselors, who feel college life. Also, if a student gets accepted early decision alleviates some of the presthat requiring a student to commit to a col- to his chosen college, he can save countless sure of senior year, by allowing a student to lege so early is too much pressure for the hours and hundreds of dollars in submitting know the decision of her Þrst choice school sooner than if they had applied under regustudent. For this reason, many colleges, applications to other schools. Most importantly to seniors, however, lar decision. such as Yale University, have abandoned their early decision programs for early action. If a student applies to a school early action, they simply receive notiÞcation of the college’s decision early and may still apply to other schools if accepted. There are two types of early action programs: unrestricted and single-choice. Unrestricted means you can apply to other schools’ early action programs; single-choice means you cannot. Students who choose this route Þnd it to be beneÞcial. “It’s non-binding, and a lot faster. It also helps if you apply early because you can get considered for more scholarships,” says senior Christy HeereBeyer, who has applied through early action to Villanova University. Heere-Beyer also points out that a student can Þnd out if they got accepted into their number one college choice sooner than with regular admission. This gives seniors more time to make their decision, a decision that could very well decide their future. Senior Dan Ellis meets with Mrs. Barnes. During their free mods, seniors are Early admission enables students to get often called in to speak with their guidance counselors regarding colleges decia head start on housing preparations, Þnansions. cial aid, and getting themselves ready for photo by Kristin Pytko

Eleni van Roden Staff Writer

Holiday season inspires innovative charities Leah McGann Staff Writer

As the holiday season approaches and Christmas trees go up all over the school, students and faculty all over JC Þnd them-

selves engaged in various seasonal charities. From Adopt-a-Family to Adopt-a-Soldier, everyone is involved in something. One of the most common charity projects at JC is the Adopt-a-Family program. This is usually undertaken by one or two homerooms working together. Students and

teachers buy toys, clothes, games, hygiene products such as toothpaste, and anything else their particular family requests. Student volunteers then wrap the items and deliver the gifts to the family. Freshman James Hetzel, who is participating in this program with his homeroom, says, “I think helping out families in need, especially around the holidays, is a great thing to do.” Some students get extremely involved in all steps of the Adopt-a-Family process. Sophomore Laura Perry says she wants to go help hand out the gifts this year. “I want to see the joyful reaction from those unfortunate people who need a little extra help around the holidays,” she said. Perry helped distribute thanksgiving baskets recently to families in need, and wants to repeat the experience. Another popular charity this year is Adopt-a-Soldier. Both the Respect Life Club and the cheerleading squad have chosen a soldier and are busily gathering items to send overseas. These items greatly help the soldiers’ comfort while serving, and are greatly appreciated. Sophomore Kimberly Coffman said, “We’re getting a bunch of things together and writing notes to send to the soldiers in Iraq.” The team is trying to make Christmas as fun and joyful as possible for the soldiers in a foreign country, away from their families for the holiday season. The Respect Life Club, under the leadership of Mrs. Drinks, chose to adopt Phil Henshiak of the Marines, a JC graduate. He is currently serving in Iraq and recently returned to active duty on November 11, after a short visit home. The Respect Life

Club has already assembled and sent their package. The items sent include: candy, Christmas cards, lip balm, Frisbees, footballs, hand lotion, toothpaste, and baby wipes. The members of the club hope that their contributions will help Henshiak get through Christmas with some sense of holiday cheer. The National Honor Society, moderated by Mrs. Jansing-Kaestner and Mrs. Dearing, also plans to contribute to a charity for Christmas. The students in the organization have decided to collect toys to donate to a children’s hospital. Members hope that it will make the sick children spending Christmas in the hospital a little happier. Senior Justin Huovenin, vice president of the NHS said, “It’s a great outreach projJames Hetzel ect. It is a really worthwhile cause, and helps children who really need our attention.” All of the members of NHS are looking forward to purchasing gifts for the children. In addition to helping out the needy families in our area or our soldiers overseas, involvement with Christmas charities beneÞts the students who contribute. Junior Eleni van Roden said, “I think it’s a really good idea because it helps kids who wouldn’t normally be doing this kind of stuff become involved, and we’re helping out others at one of the most important times of the year.” On the whole, the student body seems to agree with R. Senior Matthew Shumacher says, “Charities are great at providing a Christmas for those people not fortunate enough to have one of their own.”

photo by Courtney Kurtz

I think helping out families in need, especially around the holidays, is a great thing to do.

Mrs. Michael’s senior homeroom was in the Christmas spirt this year, for they collected a variety of gifts for their adopted family. The items included clothing, a basketball, and a skateboard with knee pads and a helmet.

Volume 40, Number 3



December 2004


7 Mass changes encourage reverent atmosphere Before students and teachers get to embark on a relaxing four-day weekend Þlled with delicious Thanksgiving food, they typically end their day with the traditional Thanksgiving prayer service. However, this year JC moved the prayer service to the beginning of the school day. The bell schedule on November 24th for the Thanksgiving prayer service was hectic. All students went to mods 4-5, and then the lower classmen went to the prayer service while the upperclassmen had mods 1-3. When the prayer service was over, the lowerclassmen went to class mods 1-3 while the upperclassmen attended the prayer service. After both prayer services were over, all students proceeded onto mod 6 and followed a one-hour early dismissal bell for the remainder of the day. Besides the chaotic bell schedule, November 24th went against tradition because the prayer service was moved from the gym to the auditorium. “Years ago we used to do masses in the auditorium when the whole student body could Þt,” said Mrs. Dohn. Since the student body has grown vastly over the years, mass was shifted to the gym, which accommodated the larger class sizes. However, it is the general consensus that the impersonal halogen lighting and bleachers in the gym do not create a solemn atmosphere. “The environment in the gym is not always conducive to worship,” said Mrs. Dohn. According to Mrs. Dohn, the auditorium’s reverent atmosphere is attributed to many factors. The acoustics are better, which helps to magnify the music ministry’s performances. “All the kids in music ministry work so hard, and this way everyone gets to listen and enjoy them,” said Attendance Coordinator Mrs. Parvis. While some attribute the more serene atmosphere to the location change, others think the time change had something to do with it. “Student behavior is a little more reverent in the morning,” said Mr. McAdams. However, he does agree that mass in the auditorium “makes it a little more respectful as well.” Another beneÞt to masses being held in the auditorium is that it requires less setup. Since the auditorium already has seating, the facilities department does not have to set up chairs and bleachers. Furthermore, the auditorium allows for a more efÞcient trafÞc ßow. “Holy communion distribution goes much more smoothly,” said Mrs. Dohn. Contrary to popular belief, the change in the Thanksgiving prayer service had nothing to do with attendance. “The decision [to

photo by Kristin Pytko

Courtney Kurtz News co Editor

Mrs. Heflin conducts the Music Ministry during the Thanksgiving prayer service. The auditorium has better acoustics than the gym and this helped to showcase their hardwork. Due to the change in mass time, more students were present to hear and appreciate the prayerful songs.

photo by Lauren Schnupp

move mass] was based on priest availability,” said Mrs. Dohn. “It had nothing to do with students leaving early.” On the day before Thanksgiving break last year, many absences occurred. A total of 70 students were absent, with an additional 43 early dismissals. “When they had the masses at the end of the day, a lot of the students would leave at 12:30 instead of staying for mass,” said Mrs. Parvis. Since this year’s Thanksgiving prayer service was held in the middle of the day, the number of early dismissals was substantially lower. Although 87 students were absent, there were only 21 early dismissals. The shift in the prayer service prompted nothing but positive reactions. “I think this is going to work a lot better. This way everyone gets to enjoy the mass,” said Mrs. Parvis. November 24th was not the Þrst time JC attempted having separate masses. “Two years ago we tried splitting up the school and having two masses. It worked out very well. This year we decided to try it with Thanksgiving. We had positive results so we’re going to do it again on December 8 for Immaculate Conception,” said Mrs. Dohn. A similar bell schedule was in effect on December 8th for the Immaculate Conception. Mr. McAdams added, “December 8th has nothing to do with attendance.” However, according to Mr. McAdams, the Easter program will be moved to the beginning of the day to “discourage people leaving early.” Certain ceremonies require the whole student body to be together at once. Such occasions include: All Souls Day, Catholic Schools Week and the Christmas program and concert on December 17th. Due to the success of the separate masses, the school wishes to continue with the separate masses if the occasion is deemed appropriate. Ash Mr. Barker gives Communion to junior Holly Wednesday is the next time JC will be Huffman. The auditorium made for a more having separate masses. reverent setting to distribute Communion.

December 2004


Anniversary raffle replaces traditional magazine drive Leah McGann Staff Writer As many of the students at JC may have already noticed, there will be no magazine drive this year. To many of the upperclassmen, this may seem like a visible hole in the school year, but the newer additions (i.e. freshmen) to the school population may not have ever experienced the magazine drive, and therefore do not miss it. However, for the rest of the students, several questions arise: Why is there no magazine drive? What, if anything, is going to be done instead? If there is another kind of fundraiser, when will it take place? The Þrst question can be answered quite simply. As Principal Mr. Barker points out, the magazine drive has been around a long time and seems to have run its course. He said, “Organizations like Catholic schools are always trying to raise money, and tuition is high enough already.” It is therefore necessary to have a fundraiser of some kind to keep the school running; the magazine drive, however, is no longer the solution. The plan for this year is to have a 40th Anniversary Rafße, coordinated by the Development ofÞce. Mr. Barker said the administration is “looking for a new [fundraiser] model,” and he hopes that this rafße will have the “same energy and enthusiasm as the magazine drive has had in the past, or even more.” Typically, the magazine drive has raised from twenty to twenty-Þve thousand dollars, but Mr. Barker hopes that the rafße this year will raise thirty thousand. The rafße will remain “incentive-laden,” just as the magazine drive was. There will a day off of school some time in February or March if the students are able to achieve ninety percent participation.


Information about the rafße is contained in the most recent JC newsletter. The plan is for the fundraiser to take place in early February, for about two weeks. It will be, according to Mr. Barker, “short and sharp.” The goal is to keep the students interested and entertained, in order to maintain high participation rates. Student opinions of the fundraisers of the past seem to range from complete lack of interest to warm affection. “The magazine drive was a pleasant diversion from the persistent routine of school. It gave the student body a chance to escape these vices, both mentally and physically, by means of dress down days and prizes for selling magazines and supporting the school,” said senior Max Davis. He hopes that the administration will be able to live up to the standards of prior years. Senior Danny Condon does not feel as strongly about the magazine drive. “I never really participated in it, so I don’t really care,” he said. Senior Larry Hetzel is in between like and dislike and agrees with Condon to an extent. He said, “To me, it was just sort of there. I participated, but it wasn’t the highlight of my year or anything.” This seems to be the feeling of the majority of students. They participated, but the magazine drive was not really a huge cause for celebration. The administration hopes that the new rafße will inspire more feeling in the student body. Senior Andrew O’Hara is optimistic. He said, “It will be a nice change. I think student participation will probably go up, because it’s something new and different. No one will know what to expect, so they won’t get bored with the same old routine.” If O’Hara’s predictions are accurate, this year could bring a new surge of energy to student involvement in fundraising.

Volume 40, Number 3



Editors endure holiday soda tasting for a little tasting party during a three mod journalism class on Wednesday. After numerous tests, the results were in: this soda is sickening. First, we decided to drink the mashed Tasty turkey, buttery mashed potatoes, potato ßavor. Upon opening the bottle and warm green bean casserole, refreshing cran- smelling its false buttery contents, we were berry sauce, and a Þnal course of fruitcake. immediately skeptical of the entire tasting These delectable dishes are what make holi- process, but our curiosity motivated us to continue regardless. Looking back, perhaps we should have taken these initial warnings to heart and ended the tasting process right there. Our love of journalism (and food) drove us to continue. We poured the soda into clear plastic cups, so we could see the nastiness of the soda color as we drank. The mashed potato soda was a viscous off-white color. After staring into the cloudy concoction, we took the Þrst brave sip. At Þrst taste, we felt our tongue experiencing chunky deaths, swiftly followed by an intense burning sensation and the overwhelmingly urgent need to vomit. After a few minutes of gagging, coughing, and gasping for clean air, we cleaned up our drool and gathered all our courage to attempt the Rushing to cleanse her pallet with water, brave next bottle of undoubtedly soda-taster Rachael Kessler feels the wrath of poabominable drink. The next tato soda. stop on our Puke Train was Turkey and Gravyville. Once again we examined the smell and day feast dreams come true. However, these Seemingly harmless, the Jones Soda Co. Holiday Pack cost $46.00, but no delicious foods have a ton of calories, carbs, color, and once again we were completely amount of money could compensate for emotional damages. and require quite a bit of chewing. Thank- revolted. It was a frighteningly familiar fully Jones Soda Company has come up shade of brown disgust. We aren’t sure entire bottle of Dasani could not wash down vomit-inducing counterparts. Unfortunately, with a solution for all of us looking to watch what exactly it smelled like, but it certainly this mix of pure nastiness. Next in line was fruitcake, a delicious this was not the truth. Imagine rancid sprite our weight around the holiday season…or wasn’t turkey. The drink itself was no better. It tasted like a poisonous mixture of and sweet holiday favorite. This regular mixed with Skittles. Now imagine this setare just plain lazy. For this holiday season, Jones has re- medicine and other things not turkey. An cola brown color seemed friendlier than its tling in your mouth and throat, making your air thick, and causing strenuous breathing. leased a holiday pack of special sodas That is the essence of fruitcake soda. of all these ßavors. Upon We chased the Þlthy fruitcake with a side hearing of this unique invenof green bean casserole. Perhaps the label tion, we decided we just had with a cat on it should have been warning to try them. Doing so, howenough, but no. Nothing could stop us from ever, was not as easy as we consuming this dying-grass colored beverexpected. age. Our initial shared reaction was “EW!” We went to the Jones webIt was like biting into a liquid casserole of site only to Þnd that these every evil thing in this entire world. specialty beverages were sold Finally, we Þ nished with what should out. We sent a request email have been the sweetest beverage on the directly to the Jones online menu: cranberry sauce. This bright pink store, and they explained that bottle beckoned us with promises of being they were back-ordered, and less disgusting than the previous drinks. were searching for extra cases In fact, it was the least foul of the drinks. in warehouses. They also ofIt almost tasted like real cranberry sauce. fered Target as an alternate loThe downside, though, was that it was, in cation where we might be able fact, carbonated. The Þ zzy cranberry juice to Þnd the soda. However was certainly not as bad as the others, but upon further investigation, we it still was not something we would care to discovered that Target was sold indulge in. out of the soda as well. Our liquid holiday feast had come to an We ended up ordering the end. After a strenuous day-long recovery soda from E-bay. A bit sketchy, from the toxic smells and tastes of Jones yes, but we made sure to order a Soda Co. Holiday Pack, which somehow sealed pack. We were forced to manage to continuously corrupt our senses pay $30 for the pack and $16 for for an entire twenty-four hour period, the shipping and handling (an interesttruth hit us: We drank a whole turkey dining expense on The Patriot budget). ner…and we want to puke. Then we had to sit around and Dave Lomonico feverishly gulps down regular soda in an attempt to remove the anxiously await the arrival of our coveted pure evil of green bean casserole soda from his mouth. soda. It Þnally arrived and we brought it in photo by Aisha Turner

photo by Rachael Kessler

photo by Aisha Turner

Rachael Kessler and Lindsay Nicolucci Editor in Chief and Features co Editor



Annual toy hunt perturbs parents Rachael Kessler and Elizabeth Hersey Editor in Chief and Features co Editor

On an average day, a Wal Mart store is pretty pleasant, though somewhat busy. Starting in late November, however, it becomes a madhouse full of frantic shoppers willing to do just about anything to get the perfect gift. Usually one or two toys will dominate the shopping season, inciting large riots, hospitalizations, and the emergence of Toys ‘r’ Us parking lots as campgrounds. The most memorable of all these toy crazes occurred in 1983, when the world was introduced to Cabbage Patch Kids. Originally called “Little People”, over two million of these uniquely chubby dolls sold in the Þrst six months. Almost every child wanted a Cabbage Patch Kid. Their poor parents were left with the task of “adopting” one of these pudgy, under-produced babies. During the weeks prior to Christmas, the media reported several incidents involving parents being hospitalized during intense riots at toy stores instigated by a lack of available dolls. My Little Pony and Care Bears closely followed Cabbage Patch Kids, but neither created the insane disturbance of those odd “children”. Another source of toy insanity was popular movies. Because the characters were already famous, these action Þgures and playsets had instant marketability and notoriety. Ghostbusters was one of the longer lasting movie/toy combinations, running from the movie’s release in 1984 to the beginning of the 90’s. Parents hurried to

buy “proton packs” for their little specter-hunting darlings. Fast food chains offered miniature versions in their children’s meals. And what couldn’t be bought could be made--virtually hundreds of shoeboxes were converted into “ghost traps” with the help of a little duct tape. Following Ghostbusters came Batman in 1989. The comicbook superhero already had a substantial following, but Tim Burton’s movie earned him a whole new generation of admirers. Black capes were big that year. Here’s one students ought to remember: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. The heroes on a half-shell were another mark of the 80’s that carried well into the 90’s, via cartoons, merchandise and live-action movies. Some parents had issues with the Turtles, however, and felt that their “ninja” status promoted violence among their turtle-wannabes. For this reason, “ninja” was changed to “hero” when the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles invaded England in 1990. The US kept its name--such a thing could hardly be changed once it was so well-known. Indepentantly popular was the Nintendo Game Boy, the Þrst of its kind. Released in Japan in 1989 with great success, it moved to the US in 1991. By the end

of the Gameboy’s third year, over 32 million had been sold worldwide. Several years passed without any serious toy craze incidents. There were some lesser fads, such as Power Ranger action Þgures. Not all fads were electronic and plastic, as was proved by Magic Eye books. Pogs—equally hightech cardboard circles with amusing pictures, replaced trading cards for a while. Teletubbies and Tamagotchis also made their appearance in 1997, but the most noteworthy were Beanie Babies. The effect Beanie Babies had on the American population was remarkable. Perfectly reasonable adults began hoarding the small, plasticÞlled animals, convinced that they would eventually become valuable collector’s items. Ty Company proÞted from Beanie Babies’ immediate popularity by making special-edition bears in limited quantities, but even these have failed to earn their collectors any serious money. When the American public Þnally realized the senselessness of this obsession, they were ready to move on to the next: yoyos, a simple yet unexplainably entertaining toy. Toy companies milked the yo-yo craze, creating all sorts of complex yo-yos with eye-catching selling points such as sparkles and lights. It wasn’t long before the youth of America, spoiled by the conveniences of television and computers, got bored with the simplicity of the yo-yo and moved on to a much more complex invention: the Furby. Furbys were robotic gremlins that escaped from a nightmare. Naturally, children loved them. With their cuddly, armless bodies and senseless speech, what was not to love? Kids could train them, play games, and teach them English—although most

Furbys inevitably lived out their batteries’ lives in dark places, “sleeping”. In 2000, aluminum Razor scooters seemed to be the transportation of the new millennium. They were marketed as lightweight and easy to carry, so one could take their scooter with them when they weren’t riding it—much more mobile than the common, antiquated bicycle. Similarly came the rise of Bratz dolls. These “girls with a passion for fashion” quickly outstripped their competition, Barbie and her hordes of friends. As is clear, almost every year has had an identifying toy—some two or three. This year is an exception. Due to the recessing economy, companies are not trying to promote any one toy above all others. No one wants to put all their funds behind one product, the Þnancial risk is simply too great. A multitude of different toys will be featured this Christmas, but many of them have one thing in common: they’re not so new. The makers of the Easy-Bake Oven have introduced the Real Meal Oven, which prepares appetizers and dinners, not just cookies and cakes. Tamagotchi has also gotten an update: the new Tamagotchi Connection allows the virtual pets to interact and play with each other. They can even get married. Because of the rush to get the perfect present (before someone else snatches it), holiday shopping has become a dangerous endeavor. Choose destinations carefully, beware frenetic parents, and remember—it’s the thought that counts. And don’t forget to buy batteries.

Hit toys of holidays past 1980-The ever-puzzling Rubik’s Cube proved to be hours of brain-teasing fun.. fun 1995-Quite possibly the laziest of all toy trends, pogs came in all varieties. Many cartoon characters were featured.

December 2004

1985-Multifunctional Transformers were not only a popular toy, but cartoon show.

1984-Carebears and riot-inciting Cabbage Patch Kids made their ways onto Christmas lists.

1997-Ty Beanie Babies, Japanese-imported Tamagotchis, and Teletubbies took over.


1998-Talking, singing, electronic creatures called Furbies were in high demand.


1990-Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles crawled their way from the sewers to the hearts of children everywhere. 2000+2001-Scooters, particularly Razor Scooters, were all the rage. They were sold not only at toystores, but roadside stands.

Volume 40, Number 3



Mr. Barker shares the giving spirit Dear Santa, How are you doing? This year we John Carrollers have been very good. Our girls soccer team is nationally ranked, the Senior Variety Show went superbly, and we finally secured Mr. Ionescu as a full-time teacher. Since tuition is so low this year, I need help getting gifts for my school. Below is a list with members of the John Carroll family and what they would like. Off we go… 1. Mr. Blair would like an Italian Club with real members. 2. Mr. Spencer would like another baby, and soon, so that he can take more time off. 3. Mrs. Andersen would like world peace, and also, if it’s not too much trouble, a complete ban on the use of SUVs. 4. Mr. Schick requests a television monitor in every classroom. He also would like a new sound system. Coincidentally, The Patriot staff would like some new earplugs. 5. The juniors would each like a new pair of Timberlands. 6. The freshman boys would like some stilts, and the freshman girls would like new uniforms. 7. Finally, if it’s not too much trouble, perhaps you and Rudolph could kidnap Mr. Heubeck from Gilman, and return him to the adoring senior girls. Thank you for your help, Santa. Take it easy, Paul G. Barker

Students spend Thanksgiving in swamp When one thinks of Thanksgiving, their mind wanders through family reunions, football games, and turkey-induced comas. This year, some students chose to abandon the Macy’s Day Parade and Mom’s pecan pie for some quality time with Mr. Hughes, Ms. Dombrock, and the swamplands. The

They arrived in Okefenokee at 8:00 at night, each very relieved that American custom requires teens to wear anti-perspirant. A typical day for the naturalists began with a camp-cooked breakfast before leaving to canoe in the Okefenokee swamp, which has been a Wildlife refuge since 1937. The swamp is home to many endangered species including manatees, herons, egrets, ibises, cranes and bitterns.

photo courtesy of Mr. Hughes

Daily activities included snorkeling, hiking, and discovering wildlife. Senior Matt DeSesa Þrmly believes, “The best part about the trip this year was being able to swim with the manatees.” Another important creature was the alligator. As leader of the expedition, Mr. Hughes believes “This year was a good year for seeing alligators. They were all over the place.” The reason for the trip was to have the students learn the importance of the natural history of the swamp, as well as learn about themselves. Many of the students expressed their intense joy at being able to give back to Senior Matt DeSesa takes a break from snorthe environment. And by give keling to pose for an underwater photo. back to the environment I mean becoming mosquito food. The one downside of this trip was the trip to Okefenokee Swamp in Florida was amount of bugs and mosquitoes, which is to be expected in a swamp .This annoying facanything but a traditional Thanksgiving. They group, including seniors Pat tor was not enough to keep senior Pat Casey Casey, Matt DeSesa,, junior Mark Scanlon, from embarking on his second Okeefenokee and sophomore Stan Strawbridge, began trip. He throroughly enjoyed last year’s their 15 hour car ride bright and early at Okeefenokee trip, and wanted to visit the 3:00 on the morning of Saturday the 20th. swamp again. Casey says, “It was worth the

Volume 40, Number 3


photo courtesy of Mr. Hughes

Ashley Livingston Staff Writer

Mr. Hughes, Ms. Dombrock, and the students enjoyed canoeing through the swamp. money and the driving time.” He recommends this trip to people who enjoy camping and canoeing. After packing up camp, they readied themselves for the only other setback of the trip: the car ride home. By this time, the students and teachers were so exhausted that the ride home was remembered as a long sleep for all (except the driver of course.) Senior Dan Ellis expressed his regret at not going on the trip. “I would have liked the wildlife and canoeing. I think it would have been cool to see an alligator up close.” interested in next year’s trip, contact Mr.Hughes and don’t forget the bug spray.


December 2004



Seniors stress over college search Tricia Kingery Business Manager

they should look at applying to a 4-year institution, Mrs. Barnes said that she would never push the issue. She acknowledges that the ultimate decision is up to the student and feels that it is not her place to force someone into going to any school against their will.

photo by Kristin Pytko

from guidance makes me more stressed, but isn’t going to make me do anything faster.” Early Decision, where students apply approximately a month ahead of time to Seniors are under constant pressure their Þ rst choice school is another route that from the never-ending college admission seems popular amongst some seniors. By process: writing essays that never seem applying a month to complete themselves and Þlling ahead of all the out countless forms having to do other applications, with vague topics such as where these students’ their parents went to school. acceptance or reHowever, a few seniors seemed jection letters are to have missed the memo about mailed out at the applying to college. Senior Jessica same time that Rießer was uncertain as to what colleges stop accollege actually was while asking cepting forms from the befuddled question, “What is Regular Decision college?” Fellow classmate Greg applications. Their Hatem shares Jessica’s uncertainty. applications are the “You mean we have to apply?” Greg Þrst ones considasked in amazement. “Is that why I ered and this can haven’t been accepted yet?” allow a student who may otherwise Granted, this example not be accepted in takes the confusion and pressure the general admiswith regards to college applications sions process to to an extreme, but it does illustrate attend their Þrst how many seniors feel. They are Senior Delsin Richardson examines college applications and inforchoice school. lost in a sea of essays and forms, mation books in the guidance office. Students have many factors However, there and the time constraints placed by to consider when choosing a college, such as price, location, and is a catch: once the guidance ofÞce do not ease the programs. a student is actension. Guidance can overwhelm cepted to a school students with the responsibility of essays, applications, and recommendations, However, guidance feels that it is the that they applied Early Decision to, they always with the basic assumption that ev- nature of teenagers to procrastinate, and must withdraw all other applications and eryone wants to go to college. Senior Justin gentle reminders, through a few meetings commit that one school for at least the next Lake feels the pressure acutely. “I think it with one of the guidance counselors, are a year. The select few who decide to apply makes people uncomfortable,” Lake said good way of keeping students on track with for Early Decision receive a large amount while taking about guidance’s approach to the deadlines. In reality, the constant stream college applications, “[Guidance] assumes of colored strips beckoning students to the everyone has to go to college right away.” guidance ofÞce causes even more stress. Dave Lomonico Guidance counselor Mrs. Kathy Senior Lindsay Parsons admits that she has Sports coEditor Barnes does not share the view that students not applied to any colleges yet, and the Þrst

of the guidance ofÞce’s attention since their applications usually need to be post marked by November 15th at the latest. But sometimes the attention guidance pays to certain students seems lopsided. Senior Jessica Monaghan has not even met with her guidance counselor once to talk about what colleges she is applying too. This fact does not seem to bother her, “I’m not really competitive about getting into college,” says Monaghan, but it does pose an interesting question about how guidance treats the seniors. Guidance appears to focus primarily on getting the “smarter” students into excellent, competitive schools, by coming to talk with them Þrst about their applications and then scheduling repeated follow-up sessions. This implied bias by the guidance ofÞce, even if it is not intended, adds to the preexisting tension over college. The smart students have more pressure placed on them to get into really “good” schools while the average students have to work more on their own when it comes to their applications. As the deadlines for applying draw constantly nearer the tension continues to build for those who have yet to even begin the application process. “I haven’t even applied anywhere yet, let alone interviewed at a school,” said Parsons. However there is one light at the end of the tunnel for all seniors caught up in this never terminating process: once all the seniors have been accepted they can sit back, relax, and let senioritis take over.

Study tips make midterms more managable

are pressured. “John Carroll is college prep,” said Mrs. Barnes. It is generally accepted by the school that everyone attends with the intention of going to college. While she admits to sometimes suggesting to a student who is thinking of applying solely to Harford Community College that

time she took the SATs was November 6th. For Parsons, being asked to go to Mr. Mullin to “talk” about college just reinforces the fact that she has not really done anything about applying to college. “I know that I’m going to leave all my college stuff to the last minute,” said Parsons. “The added pressure

New Year’s resolutions 1. Eat less carbs than you did in ‘04 2. Don’t drink and drive-especially if you are worth millions in sports endorsements 3. Make sure the right song plays as you lipsync** 4. Altruistically support more super-important causes you don’t understand with plastic bracelets. 5. Continue advocating Michael Moore’s brilliant “documentaries...”they ’ll definitely affect the ‘08 elections! 6. Invade the privacy of every unsuspecting citizen with your hot new picture phone 7. Plan wardrobe malfunctions carefully 8. Don’t forget to pay $2.00 a gallon every time your SUV hits a quarter tank **If you fail to do so, dancing a jig will not explain this to your fans December 2004


Every year, just to make sure Christmas vacation isn’t too much fun, JC slaps on the midterm exams right after break, hoping that the students will put aside part of their holidays for studying. Some students will take advantage of this opportunity and spend their time preparing, while others will wait until the last minute, if they even do study. For those more studious John Carrollers, there are several tips for getting the most out of your notes. Reading the class’s textbook and going over every detail probably isn’t a good idea, especially for those who are strapped for time and have things to do or places to be. The Þrst step to effective studying is being in the right mindset. You have to challenge yourself to learn the material. Pick a time that you think most clearly, put yourself in an environment with no distractions, and always think positively. If you see studying as tedious work, you will get tired or lose interest in it. You want to keep as active as possible in studying. Once you are in the right mentality, you need to open the books. Skim over notes or textbook pages and mark off important information. It is also important to make note of something you do not understand completely. Usually teachers will provide a study guide for the exam, and using this will help you pick out the most important information to review. The next step is to go back and make sure you understand it by putting the information in your own words. If you do not understand, either seek help from a teacher or refer to other sources that may explain the information in a way that you can understand.


Do not try to study everything at once. Set up a schedule or a routine where you study one subject for an hour, then take a break, and then study another subject for an hour. If you stick to one thing too long, your mind will wander and you will not be able to concentrate. Other tips include asking yourself questions about the material, doing review questions, or even teaching the material to someone else. Also, make sure that you get enough sleep before the exam so you aren’t tired and are able to concentrate during the exam itself. If these tips don’t work out for you, some other interesting strategies include listening to classical music while studying and wearing cologne or perfume. Studies have shown that listening to classical music aids your ability to remember information and, since scent is closely related to memory, wearing the same scent while studying and while taking the test can help you remember information as well. Most importantly, be sure to allow for ample study time so it doesn’t wait until January 17th.

Volume 40, Number 3




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Blade: Trinity is the editor’s pick for this year’s top winter movie. This action-packed science Þction Þlm is sure to keep movie-goers in suspense. For years, Blade (Wesley Snipes) has fought against vampires without the awareness of the world above. However, he is soon driven to join forces with a pack of vampire hunters called the Nightstalkers. Abigail (Jessica Biel) and Hannibal (Ryan Reynolds) are just two of the adroitly trained Nightstalkers. Blade, together with Abigail and Hannibal, follows a trail of blood to an ancient creature that is hunting him, the original vampire, Dracula. Blade: Trinity hunts theaters on December 10.

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Ocean’s Twelve


Ocean’s Twelve follows the eve nts of Ocean’s Elev en. Danny Oce an (George Cloo ney), Tess (J ulia Roberts) and th e remaining thie ves and con men team up for another three h uge heists. This ti me they’re in thre e different place s: Rome, Paris and Amsterdam. In Amsterdam, they will steal Rembrandt’s “ De Nachtwacht” p a inting, which resides a t the Rijksmuse um. Meanwhile, ca sino owner Te rry Benedict (Garc ia), whom Oce an and crew had ch eated in Las Veg as, follows them w aiting for his cha nce to seek reveng e. Ocean’s Tw elve made waves on December 10. w

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Meet the Fockers

Sandy Wienholt Entertainment co Editor

Volume 40, Number 3




Acting class puts on annual Christmas play SelÞsh, greedy, conceited, arrogant, and stubborn; these are a just a few words that no one wants to associate themselves with, especially during this time of year. For it is the time of year to be generous, welcoming, and friendly. It’s Christmas time and individuals should be thankful for what they have and try to be generous to those in need. A Christmas Carol will cause a change of heart for those individuals that are greedy and help turn them into an individual that cares about everyone. On Tuesday December 14, the JC fall acting class presented their annual Christmas play, A Christmas Carol, during mods 4, 5, and 6 in the auditorium. A Christmas Carol is about Ebenezer Scrooge, a man that cares more about money than anything else, including people. He especially hates Christmas, and on Christmas Eve, Scrooge is visited by a ghost. The ghost happens to be the ghost of his former partner Jacob Marley that died seven years earlier on Christmas Eve. Marley wants to help Scrooge avoid his fate and tells him that he will be visited by three spirits, the ghosts of Christmas past, present, and future, which will help show Scrooge his errors of his life and his behavior. Scrooge realizes how selÞsh and greedy he has been to every one around him and has a change of heart. Scrooge becomes nicer to those around him and spends time with his nephew and increases the pay of his clerk and vows to help assist the clerk’s family with the assistance of their crippled son. Scrooge becomes a good man and is pleasant to be around.

Sophomore Cory Jacques plays Scrooge. Jacques describes Scrooge as a “lonesome, stubborn old man, who replaces his family and friends with money. Scrooge goes from this squeezing wrenching old sinner to this jolly generous old man, jumping up and gown in the streets.”

This play has also taught lessons to the cast. Sophomore Jordan Zeman said, “You really have to be aware of how you live your life because if you live a poor and selÞsh life, it’s going to come back and haunt you. This is the 8th year that JC has had a Christmas play. Mrs. Brueggemann, the acting class teacher said, “I have produced all eight and to my knowledge, this was not done before I came here.” To determine the Christmas play that will be performed, the acting class reads several synopsis’ and votes on the one of their choice. Auditions were the Þrst week of October and rehearsals are only during acting class. The cast has been preparing for a couple of months. Mrs. Brueggemann said, “The cast learned their lines in a timely fashion, allowing us more time to actually work on character. The cast is comprised mostly of sophomores, but some juniors as well. Mrs. Brueggemann said, “There is no speciÞc reason…scheduling in general dictates who ends up in the class, after students sign up.” Unlike the fall play and the spring musical, the students put together their own set. For this reason, and due to the limited amount of time that they have, the sets are very basic. The cast is also the stage crew, and must move the sets and pull the curtains, along with acting. As we prepare for the holiday season, sophomore Vinnie Lidie said, “This play teaches individuals to be friendly to one another and to value the time you have with your family during the Christmas season.”

Sarah Jones Entertainment co Editor

Gwen Stefani’s new solo album doomed to garbage cans What happens when a cultural icon with millions of fans (and dollars) completely forsakes her band, sound, and general sentiment simply to sell herself to hip hop producers? A L.A.M.B is born. Don’t let the name’s sweet and docile connotation mislead you. This lamb is a poorly written leap in the direction of all things bubblegum and asinine. Gwen Stefani’s Þrst musical venture without band No Doubt is, above all else, annoying. Over the span of her career, it is obvious that she has updated her appearance (we’ve seen blue-haired, blonde-haired, and pink-haired Gwen) and sound from time to time, as many artists do. This is not necessarily a bad thing. She transformed a successful ska-based band to a successful rock band to a successful pop/rock band. Although she went through many “stages,” she always managed to maintain her fanship. This album, however, shows no signs of Gwen’s past. The opening track, “What You Waiting For,” was recorded live. It is not a bad song, but it does sound freakishly similar to any given Madonna song. The next track, however, is what ultimately convinced me that this was not worth my $11.99. The opening is catchy, but about thirty seconds into the song, I realized that something was wrong. “If I were a rich girl//I would have all the money in the world//if I were a wealthy girl.” This song, “Rich Girl,” would be a blatant theft from the musical Fiddler on the Roof, however, the words have been changed to Þt a more modern period, and rap artist Eve

December 2004

makes an appearance. Much of the song is spent mentioning Eve’s name, an insanely abhorrent quality of rap music that has now worsened Stefani’s pop album. Other songs include lyrics about losing one’s virginity in the back of a car and a high school hard-core throw down under the bleachers with “no coaches, no student teachers.” This is a far cry from the glory days of tasteful hits like “Don’t Speak,” “Ex-Girlfriend,” and “Spiderwebs.” These drastic changes in sound and content matter may cost Stefani quite a few fans. A number of No Doubt enthusiasts were upset with the changes between albums Return of Saturn and Rock Steady. Those who remained true throughout that transformation may not be as understanding this time around. The music makes for a good pop album, but the fact is that the same girl who empowered young women with the original rock/ska sounds of “Just a Girl” has completely sold herself out. If you want to look at things positively, Stefani will no doubt gain a new following of R&B fans, as she works with hip-hop’s hottest names, such as Andre 3000 of Outkast, Eve, Dr. Dre, and the Neptunes. Although the poor lyrics and over-produced backbeats seem a little silly, this album is entertaining. The sheer catchiness of the songs are enough to drag you in for a long

Lindsay Nicolucci Features co Editor



day of hearing “My s*** is bananas//b-a-n-a-n-a-s” replay over and over and OVER in your head. They are very danceable, and Stefani (or perhaps her multiple producers and collaborators) succeeded in a making an upbeat, and eclectic album.

Wintertime indoor golf lessons available at the Forest Hill Sports Complex with new John Carroll golf coach Serge Hogg. It’s a great Christmas gift for Dads to keep their game sharp.

Call 410-893-7564 Volume 40, Number 3



Roberts looks to break record, lead team to title This is the year of Dean “The Machine” Roberts. Roberts, a senior wrestler here at JC, has quite a few goals for the upcoming wrestling season. Dean, who has already proved himself worthy of his nickname, already has quite a few accomplishments under his belt. Roberts has placed twice in the state competition, 6th as a sophomore and 4th as a junior. He is also the Maryland State Wrestling Association’s champion. During the course of the MSWA’s championship tournament, he defeated two-time state champ Sonni Nucci and a previous Florida state champion. He is one match away from being ranked eighth in the nation. But Dean Roberts has a whole lot more to accomplish than beating his own personal records. There is one record in particular that he hopes to surpass.. In 1992, Matt Slutzky of Aberdeen High School set the record of most wins in a Harford County high school wrestling career with 122. Roberts is currently on track to surpass that record. Roberts entered the 2004-2005 season with 91 wins and only 25 losses. At the time of print, Roberts already had 10 wins on the season and was still undefeated. He needs only 21 more wins to break Slutzky’s record. Over the weekend of December 11, Dean won all of his matches and earned his place on the 100 wins list. He is the Þrst JC wrestler to earn a spot on the list. Less than 250 wrestlers in the history of Maryland wrestling have accomplished 100 wins. At the Progressive Christian tournament

“This team will do better than any other winter team,” said Roberts. But the wrestlers, especially Roberts, are discouraged with the support they receive from the JC community. “John Carroll has no respect for the wrestling team. We have been screwed over and lied to for four years,” stated Roberts. Roberts is referring to the lack of suitable practice facilities offered to the wrestlers over the last few seasons. In his Þrst season as a wrestler here at JC, Roberts and the rest of the championship Patriot wrestling team were forced to practice in the cafeteria after school, due to the lack of gym space. The following year, things started to look up. “We practiced off campus. We rented a Senior Dean Roberts recently broke the JC record for most facility because we career wins. had nowhere else to “My biggest goal is to win the state cham- practice,” said Roberts. That same year, a pionship, but I would be satisÞed to make it plan was devised for a new athletic wing to to the state Þnals,” said Roberts. He has yet be built to solve all of the on-campus practo make it to the state Þnals, but competed in tice problems. According to Roberts, the wrestling team the state semiÞnals last year. “I expect Dean to be state champ…un- was told that a new wrestling room would defeated would be nice, but it would only be included in the new plan, but somehow be a bonus,” said JC wrestling coach Keith that plan was scrapped. No new wrestling room was included in the Þnal plans. Watson. Instead, for the 2003-2004 season, the Roberts has a lot more than just personal success on his mind. He is ready for the JC wrestlers and cheerleaders were forced to wrestling program to be on top, just like share the main gym together, after the boys’ basketball teams. The girls’ basketball their conference win in 2002. on November 27, Dean placed Þrst in his weight class, defeating Robert Michaels of Progressive Christian, 10-7. Junior wrestler JT Levendusky also won his weight class, and seniors Delsin Richardson and Paul Muhlenkamp each placed second in their classes. As a whole, the JC wrestling team Þnished third. On December 6, Roberts defeated the number 4 public school wrestler in the state in a match against Towson High School.

photo by Rose DiPaula

Rose DiPaula Sports co Editor

teams used the lower gym. Roberts said, “We were forced to practice in a gym with no sound barriers with yelling cheerleaders.” As of the beginning of this year, the wrestlers and the cheerleaders were supposed to practice in a heated tent on campus that would be suitable for their safety. “This year was worst of all. We were ordered to practice in a tent. When it rains, the tent gets wet. When it’s muddy, the tent gets muddy,” said Roberts. But the tent has not turned out to work as planned. Neither the wrestlers nor the cheerleaders are satisÞed with the current practice conditions. “It’s a start, but it’s not 100%. Maybe when it’s completely Þnished it will be adequate,” stated Watson. “Think about it: There are eight people on the basketball team which uses the gym after school. We have 60 + wrestlers that are practicing in a dangerous pop-up tent,” said Roberts. Due to the three inches of rain received over the Thanksgiving break, practice in the tent for both teams was temporarily halted. According to Athletic Director Mr. Dukes, there was no ofÞcial damage done to the tent, but some water did leak into the tent. A platform will be built for both wrestling and cheerleading mats inside the tent to prevent this from happening again. After this season, Dean Roberts will probably not be through with his wrestling career. He plans to attend York College in Pennsylvania, where he will continue to wrestle. Although he is barely into the wrestling season, Roberts has shown that he has the capability to deliver. After all, he is Dean “The Machine” Roberts.

Lack of sportsmanship eclipses athletics all around After watching the rumble at the Palace in Auburn Hills unfold, I am not shocked speciÞcally at the players and the fans involved, but rather the direction in which sports and the conduct involved is headed. The actions of an athlete are never bigger than the game regardless of the phenomenal stats they put up or eight Þgure salaries they earn. I feel as if the actions of Ben Wallace, Ron Artest, and the Detroit fans have set the bar for athletic indecency in the future on both a national and local level. To be honest, when Ben Wallace shoved Ron Artest in the face, I was somewhat excited. I mean the game wasn’t close and the all around play was less than mediocre. However, it is obvious that no one expected Ron Artest to charge the stands and start a melee of punches, chair tossings, beer dumpings, and hundreds of disappointed kids in the stands. Although I completely think that Ron Artest’s actions were irrational and I feel as if the year-long suspension he received is not harsh enough, without a doubt in my mind I would have done the same, if I possessed his physique, of course. Charles Barkley, known for his ability to speak his mind rather than his excellent basketball play, brings up a good point

Volume 40, Number 3

concerning the situation at hand. He says yours. Not to say you shouldn’t support people forget that professional athletes are your team of course.” One incident in particular is the alleged men Þrst. He further goes on to say that if he went up to a complete stranger on the street racial slurs that were said at last year’s and threw a drink in his face, he would lacrosse championships. Even though expect the other man to swing at him. However, Artest had a split second decision to make when that drink hit his face. Reviewing the tape the next day, everyone can say that Ron Artest overreacted. But in that one instant, Ron Artest’s instincts told him to go into the stands and confront who he thought threw the cup. Did Ron Artest do the right thing? No. Did he do the human thing? I believe so. Although nothing of the magnitude that A referee tries to separate Wallace and Artest during their occurred in the NBA has brawl that broke out during a game last month.

Shril Amin Staff Writer

taken place at John Carroll, verbal lewdness and lack of sportsmanship has become somewhat of a concern. What is sportsmanship? According to senior volleyball co-captain Larry Hetzel, “Sportsmanship is the ability to recognize that if a fan or another player screws up, it is their problem, not


punches weren’t thrown over the incident, the possibility of punches being thrown isn’t too far fetched. An athlete that wished to remain anonymous stated, “If someone was to verbally harass while I was competing, I might not have the self control to ignore those comments.”


Could the actions of the NBA inßuence violence on a local level? They most deÞnitely could. Almost two days after the incident, a Þght broke out during a South Carolina/Clemson football game. No serious injuries occurred but this leads to one question: Was this a direct result of the Þght in the NBA? I don’t believe it was coincidence that shortly after a Þght broke out in a game of basketball, another Þght broke out in a sport. Teacher and newly promoted basketball coach Mr. Vierheller recently expressed his opinions on the lack of sportsmanship in sports and what he believes the solution is. Having coached for sixteen years, Mr. V has seen numerous incidents of inappropriate behavior by parents, fans, coaches, and players. Mr. V said, “The best that we can do is clean our own house here at John Carroll and make our Þelds, courts, gyms, and other sports venues; places of friendly competition for all the right reasons. We need to wake up and realize that we control the players whether recreational or professional level.” Mr. V ended his argument by saying, “Stop the madness, the anger, the arrogance. We’re in control. Take the games back from the agents and players’ unions and lawyers. The only reason that professional sports exist is to entertain us. We are not entertained right now.” Indeed, we are not.

December 2004



Boys’ Basketball shakes things up for season 8 players, a new coach, a new program, a new philosophy. The boys’ varsity basketball team will face stiff competition in a solid MIAA B-conference, yet the squad and their coaches believe that the overhaul in the program will result in a successful season in terms of building a solid basketball program here at JC. Religion teacher Mr. Vierheller will be the new head coach of the varsity team. He brings over 16 years of coaching experience to the program and, if nothing else, his team will be fundamentally sound and mentally ready to play every game. The trick is getting all 8 players to buy into his philosophy of teamwork and unselÞsh play. “I expect my team to have loyalty, commitment, hard work, and dedication to the rebuilding process,” said Mr. V. Maybe the most interesting decision so far this season has been to keep only 8 players on the squad. The reality is that the team could have carried up to 12 players, but one returning varsity player chose not to return, one player got injured, and 2 JV players who were set to move up to varsity did not return. Therefore, instead of dipping into the JV squad for more bodies, Mr. V decided to go with the 8 best players he saw in tryouts. Though many have questioned carrying such a small number of players on a squad, Mr. V and the team do not see this as a detriment. “This team is not about the number of guys on the team,” said Mr. V. “It’s about who they are. And with attitude and commitment we can overcome the number.”

Senior forward Matt Hirschhorn be- over the game offensively and defensively. lieves despite the number, the team will be He has the ability to go inside and score ready. “We’ve got a lot of athletes. We’ll be and hit shots from the outside as well. His in shape by the time the season starts,” said stißing defense and great quickness will Hirschhorn. cause problems for whoever he is matched Mr. V’s philosophy of choosing bas- up against. ketball players is not always to take the Mr. V’s eyes lit up when he talked about ßashiest player, but rather those that show Cranford. “[Cranford] can ßat out do it all. an understanding of the game and show a This guy can jump through the gym,” said willingness to Mr. V. learn and give Each player is their all for the instrumental to program. the squad and for “I want to the team to be suctake the processful they must gram in a new have solid dedirection,” fense, rebounding said Mr. V. and crisp passing. “Much of the Besides Jackson reason I took and Cranford, the these 8 boys team will feature was because of Hirschhorn, senior their attitude Dan Hinder and and personaljunior Tom Marucity. They have ci on the inside. At great team guard, the team dynamic.” will rotate senior These 8 Senior Cordell Jackson looks for a pass as he Larry Hetzel and players were cuts between Joppatowne defenders. juniors Chaz Linn dubbed, “by and Kendrick Scofar the most intelligent and basketball savvy nion. Lack of playing time is not an issue group of guys I’ve ever coached,” by Mr. with the team having just two bench players V. The team is lead by senior guard/forward constantly subbing in and out. Andrew Cranford and senior point guard “These guys have great team chemistry,” Cordell Jackson. Jackson will be asked to said Mr. V. “They are outright fun to coach run the offense smoothly while having good and they soak up all the information from court vision in distributing the ball. the coaches and set the example for JV.” “It is not about me, it’s about the team. Fundamentals, attitude, and teamwork I’m going to do my best to put our shooters are always key philosophies of Mr. V, but in position to score,” said Jackson. this year’s team conditioning will also be Cranford has shown the ability to take stressed. Despite the obvious lack of depth, photo by Kristin Pytko

Dave Lomonico Sports co Editor

the team will enter each contest looking to run the ßoor when they can on offense and matching up with a man-to-man defense. In order for this to occur, the team has to be able to run for a full 32-minute game. “The only drawback [to the squad] that I can see right now is going to be fatigue as the season wears on,” said Mr. V. In order to solve this problem, Mr. V and the rest of the coaching staff have instituted an entire new conditioning program in practice. The team will do plenty of full court drills where the goal is to not only improve basketball skills, but stamina as well. One new technique the team will use for conditioning are weighted jump ropes that should improve stamina and strength. Mr. V is not the only new coach on varsity this year. Mr. Tony Martin was brought in to help the basketball program gain a stronghold at JC. He coached in the Baltimore Catholic League where he took Spalding to the BCL championship. “Tony Martin brings tremendous experience and knowledge to the program. The reason he was brought in was to build a boys’ basketball program where all 3 teams (varsity, JV, and fresh/soph) work together,” said Mr. V. The MIAA B-conference is not overly forgiving as it features several strong squads including Boys Latin, Gilman, and St. Paul’s. Though the team may not be ready to take on the conference’s elite, they should be able to stay competitive and stay in every game due to the fact that the team has great knowledge of the game and exhibits team camaraderie. “The team’s goal is to set the example of academic and athletic improvement,” said Mr. V.

Interest is low in Girl’s rugby Ultimate Frisbee club heats up Delia Pais Staff Writer With interest in rugby increasing around the country, this year seemed an opportune time for the North Bay Rugby Club to start a women’s rugby team for the 2004 season. Ellen and Brian Hickey, founders and commissioners of the North Bay Rugby Club, attempted to compile a team of girls from around Harford and Cecil counties to compete in the Potomac Rugby league. Unfortunately, the Hickeys have not received enough response from girls and “are in dire need of players,” Ms. Ellen Hickey stated. With only nine girls responding to the ßyers around the county, ads in the Aegis, and posters around Harford County schools, the girls’ team may have to wait another year before competing in the Potomac League. The Hickeys placed signs around JC, thinking that Mr. Barker’s love of rugby, and the already established, successful boys’ team would spark interest in the girls around school. However, there was not enough interest shown. “This is really heartbreaking. I would love to start a girls’ team. I know the girls would love it. I don’t even believe that there’s not a lack of interest; there are just not enough people that know about this opportunity,” said Ms. Hickey. There are opportunities all over the state of Maryland for women’s rugby. Every college in Maryland has a women’s rugby team, and while the teams will accept anyone willing to play, girls who have played in high school have a great advantage over the others. These college teams provide a great opportunity for girls to participate in a sport and make great friends, and also give girls

December 2004

the chance to play such a “wonderful and unique sport,” according to Ms. Hickey. “Rugby is such a wonderful game. It is great physically because there are positions for everyone. A player can be big and slow, and be perfect for a position; a player can also be small and quick, and be an amazing contributor to the team,” said Ms. Hickey. “Rugby is also the only sport that encourages inter-team camaraderie. After each game, both teams get together for a ‘tailgate.’ This encourages good sportsmanship and forms great friendships.” The Hickeys are still holding out hope that more girls will recognize the great opportunity provided by rugby, and a North Bay women’s team can be formed. “There is a certain sense of power and toughness that comes from playing rugby. It’s an incredible thing,” said Ms. Hickey. The power and toughness that is derived from rugby may be a deterrent to some girls because they believe it would give them a masculine image, though the Hickeys claim that this is not the case at all. “If anything, the girls that play rugby gain a greater respect from men, because it is such a physically exhausting sport. It’s an amazing thing to see girls participate,” said Mrs. Hickey. As the season draws nearer and nearer, the North Bay Rugby Club may not have a girls’ team this season, though there is still a possibility of a girls’ 7-man team to play in modiÞed, smaller games. Any girls interested in playing should contact the Hickeys at 410-838-5410. Mrs. Hickey ended with a surprisingly optimistic view by saying, “If it doesn’t happen this year, that is unfortunate, but I know a team will deÞnitely form for the next season. I can’t wait until that happens.”


Dave Lomonico Sports co Editor

Ultimate Frisbee is a game that in recent years has started to gain popularity around JC. In the past, tournaments have taken place among the student body and the game has been played in gym classes. Now, under the supervision of Mr. Del Puppo, JC has formed an Ultimate Frisbee club for all students interested in the popular sport. The student body evidently expressed a strong desire to play Ultimate Frisbee for Mr. Del Puppo to take the initiative in suggesting the club. “I was in the cafeteria talking to sophomores and they seemed interested so I checked around to see who else would want to play,” said Mr. Del Puppo. “I thought it would be fun.” The club, which meets every Wednesday except in January, is up and running. As expected, a good number of students have shown interest with about 20-30 people already playing. Ultimate Frisbee is a coed sport and is open to anyone interested in participating. Usually teams consist of 7 players who line up at their goal line. They must throw the Frisbee to their teammates attempting to get to the other team’s goal. The person with the frisbee cannot run with it; they must try and Þnd an open teammate in order to advance downÞeld. If a pass is not completed or the defense intercepts it they immediately take over on offense and must


try to score. The play goes back and forth until a team scores, a foul occurs, or the twenty minute half ends. As of right now, JC has no formal teams. They usually just get together, play and have fun. A few years ago Mr. Johnson and the SAC hosted tournaments where the student body organized different teams in competition for the Ultimate Frisbee Championship. The title 2 years ago went to Trik Noodle. Mr. Del Puppo says that there is potential for the club to play C. Milton Wright if both schools can get teams together and agree on a match. The new sport seems to appeal to many students who just want to come out and have a good time. “It’s a fun, fast paced sport,” said senior Will Gibbons.

Volume 40, Number 3



Seniors sign to play collegiate level sports Compiled by Trista Sturdivant Photos by Kristin Pytko

Dane Frank -


Sport: Lacrosse School: Robert Morris University Years on Varsity: 4 Achievements: All-county, Allconference Intended Major: Sports Medicine

Christine Luongo

Sport: Lacrosse - School: Syracuse University - Years on Varsity: 4 - Christine chose Syracuse because of the very competitive women’s lacrosse team and high academics.


Brittany Button Sport: Lacrosse - School: University of Delaware - Years on Varsity: 4 - Intended Major: Psychology, Sports Medicine - Brittany chose Delaware because she likes the new coach and her plans for the women’s lacrosse program.



Sport: Soccer School: East Tennessee University Intended Major: Communications Years on Varsity: 4 Achievements: All-county, Allconference, named Player of the Week Volume 40, Number 3



Dean Roberts

Rachel Layer -

Sport: Lacrosse School: Presbyterian College Years on Varsity: 2 Intended Major: English “I look forward to playing on their Þrst varsity lacrosse team at the school.”


Sport: Wrestling School: York College Years on Varsity: 4 Achievements: placed 2nd and 4th in conference championships, on track to break county records for most career wins (see article p. 15)


Sport: Lacrosse - School: Vanderbilt University - Years on Varsity: 3 - Rachel chose Vanderbilt because of strong academics and reputation of the lacrosse team; she looks forward to helping the Commodores return to the Final Four. -

Brett Leppert

Jamie Zimmerman

Trista Sturdivant -

Rachel Woolford

Lauren Barnaba

Sport: Lacrosse - School: Longwood College - Years onVarsity: 3 - Lauren chose Longwood because of the academic programs and the unity and focus of the team. -

Sport: Soccer School: University of Richmond Years on Varsity: 4 Intended Major: Undecided Achievements: All-county, All-state, All-metro, All-south, named Player of the Week She chose Richmond because she liked the team and the campus was beautiful.

Ashley Myers -


School: Penn State Sport: Soccer Years on Varsity: Four Intended Major: Undecided Achievements: All-county, Allconference, named Player of the Week, Player of the Year




Sport: Lacrosse School: Franklin and Marshall University Intended Major: Business Years on Varsity: 4

The MIAA recently announced that it will be shufßing things up a bit for the Fall 2005 football season. There will be no ‘C’ conference, a conference in which the JC football team has competed in in recent years. There will be one, 10-team ‘B’ conference, which will have two 5-team divisions within itself. JC will compete in the ‘Black’ division, along with St. Paul’s, Cardinal Gibbons, Boys’ Latin, and Baltimore Lutheran. The ‘Blue’ Division will feature Severn, St. Mary’s, St. John’s at Prospect Hall, St. Vincent Pallotti, and Archbishop Spalding. Teams will play each team in their division once and three teams in the other division. The winner of each division will play in a championship game for the conference crown for the Þrst time in MIAA football history. Because of this conference elimination, the Friends School Varsity football team will be demoted to compete as a JV team. The Archbishop Curley football team will be promoted to the ‘A’ conference and will join the ranks of Calvert Hall, Loyola, and McDonogh. Georgetown Prep will also join the ‘A’ conference. It is undecided as to whether a championship game will be played for the ‘A’ conference.

December 2004

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