John Carroll School ! Tradition ! Pride ! Excellence
Volume 40, Issue 4 ! February 2005
with what we have now. I can understand Þnals if it’s cumulative; then the two hours would be good, but other than that I don’t think this will work because it’s not going to be like college at all.” Junior Jennifer Brown agrees. “The amount of studying that we already have to do for the one hour test is ridiculous. To make it two hours would be insane.” Senior Rebecca Walton said, “You go over more in college than in high school anyway. What more information could teachers
Eleni vanRoden Staff Writer
Midterms and Þnal exams: these words alone are enough to scare some students to death. And for all of us at JC, the exam experience is about to change. Rumors traveled rapidly throughout the halls of JC last month as the administration made the decision to have two hour long exams for Þnals and midterms to come. Their goal is to try and get JC exams formatted similar to the ones given in college. This way, students will not be completely blown away when they leave high school. For the most part, the student body has not taken kindly to this change. “I don’t want to sit in a room for another hour!” said freshman Krista Walls. “We should stick
sheet of paper, so students may gain partial credit instead of no credit at all if they get part of the problem right but the answer comes out wrong. This will be helpful for showing math teachers how much the students really learned and to what extent they comprehended and remembered all of the information.” “It is overall a good idea,” said Mrs. Heßin-Shupe. “As it is, I don’t think students take the one hour exams very seriously. The new exam format will increase the amount of writing and once in college, students will be required to write essays for exams. Exams count for one-Þfth of each student’s semester grade. One hour doesn’t really account for all of the information learned in a semester or in an entire year. ” Some teachers already give students a writing portion of the exam before exam week. “There will be no more exams during regular class time,” says Mr. Scholl. This means that all extra exam material that students take prior to exams will be taken with their usual exams on the scheduled dates to create one self-contained exam. The administration has lost no time in making sure two hour exams will be introduced before the end of the 2004-2005 school year. “The administration should have all of the details and logistics Þgured out by senior exams this coming May,” said Mr. Scholl. Ready or not, the new formatted exam is coming, so be prepared.
possibly put on our exams?” There are also students who think this would be a good thing. Sophomore Jillian Hughes said that a two-hour test would obviously have to be worth more points total, so students could get more wrong on the exam without having
Students debate the merits and shortcomings of Governor Ehrlich’s administration. Page 3
a low or failing grade. To get a better picture of what’s going on, the administration spoke on its behalf regarding the new exam plan. “We surveyed other AIMS schools and Catholic high schools in our area and most had 1½2 hours for each of their exams,” said Mr. Scholl, vice principal of academics. “In reality, the 1 hour exam time we require now is meager compared to what other schools are requiring.” It seems that the main issue with our exams now is that there is little to no writing involved. The goal for the new exams will be for each subject to have a written portion added on. Mr. Scholl comments that this idea will increase the rigor of taking exams and future exams will be more academically challenging, a lot more like college. It will also put JC more in line with other AIMS and Catholic schools in our area. “For the math department,” said Mr. McAd- ams, “there will perhaps be space for the student to write down their work on a separate
Annual Pow Wow brings Native American culture to JC.
! Page 9
Students displays creativity and talent at the Literary Tea.
! Page 7
Baltimore Olympian Michael Phelps appears in court for drunk driving charges.
! Page 16
New Patriot raffle replaces Foreign pressure awakens traditional magazine drive humanitarian sentiments
PATRIOT 703 Churchville Road, Bel Air, Maryland 21014 Volume 40, Number 4, February 2005
Editor in Chief........................................................................Rachael Kessler Editorials co Editor..................................................................Laura Kirchner Editorials co Editor.......................................................................Mary Etting News co Editor.......................................................................Courtney Kurtz News co Editor...........................................................................Aisha Turner Features co Editor.................................................................Elizabeth Hersey Features co Editor...............................................................Lindsay Nicolucci Entertainment co Editor.........................................................Sandy Wienholt Entertainment co Editor................................................................Sarah Jones Sports co Editor.........................................................................Rose DiPaula Sports co Editor.....................................................................Dave Lomonico Photography co Editor...........................................................Lauren Schnupp Photography co Editor...................................................................Jess Rießer Business Manager..................................................................Patricia Kingery Cartoonist......................................................................................Rich Fleury Moderator.....................................................................................Mr. Ionescu
Staff: Derek Cramer, Kathleen Franetovich, Jordan Fritz, Carolyn Hedlund, Christy Heere-Beyer, Katie Hill, Kate Martin, Leah McGann, Trista Sturdivant, Caitlin Toner, Eleni vanRoden The Patriot is a publication of the students of John Carroll School. The views and opinions expressed in The Patriot are not necessarily the views and opinions of the Board or Administration of John Carroll School. The editorial staff invites and greatly appreciates comments from readers on any issue. Volume 40, Number 4
Lindsay Nicolucci Features co Editor
The tsunamis that rocked parts of Asia and Africa in December were nothing short of tragic. This natural disaster killed an estimated 140,000 people and left entire
and egotistical comment. Supercilious as this was, the worst was yet to come. Our fellow world citizens, obviously concerned with the welfare of our great country, decided to offer their advice. Since a good portion of the free world does not look favorably upon the United States at the moment, it was decided that we should
World News/KRT
Like most schools, JC has an annual fund-raiser, normally the magazine drive. During the drive we are given opportunities to win prizes and candy, receive an out-ofuniform day, and there was even a possibility of a day off. However, this year we will no longer be selling magazines. In previous years the student body and administration seemed perfectly content with the magazine drive. Although the magazines were over-priced (you could get them for about half the price we were selling them for), JC students were excited to receive their weepuls, and wore them proudly. JC seems to be constantly changing things. Last year the administration took away Ring Day and turned it into a night affair which had students up in arms, and currently freshmen are forced to stick out even more by wearing a different uniform. Fitting right in with thia pattern is the change to JC’s fund raising efforts. This new fund-raiser will consist of students selling rafße tickets. This will help JC bring in more money by cutting out the magazine vending middle man. Unfortunately, the assembly that introduced this rafße should have been more organized. Although it was interesting, more pertinent information should have been provided such as how many tickets need to be
sold to count towards the participation. Also, the “horse race”, while interesting, had nothing to do with the rafße; maybe the rafße should have had a derby theme. While JC could have done a better job explaining the rafße, the idea itself is a relatively good one. During the magazine drive JC only received a portion of the proÞt because they had to pay those who supplied us with the magazines and prizes. Also, the prizes that are being offered this year are directed more to the wants of the students. Mr. Barker’s parking spot, out of uniform days, and Starbucks and Subway gift cards are just some of the prizes that are giving students an incentive to sell. However, even with all the reasons to get out there and sell, I doubt we will achieve te biggest incentive: getting a day off. Last year we were unable to get 90% participation in the magazine drive with extra time given to us. Selling a ten dollar rafße ticket is harder than selling a magazine. The price of tickets is part of the problem. Students would have better luck selling a packet of twenty tickets that cost Þve dollars per ticket rather than a packet of ten tickets at ten dollars per ticket. A special deal may have also been a good idea: ten dollars per ticket or eighty dollars per book. Despite the disappointment of no weepuls, the fund-raiser is a good idea. The rafße will give JC a chance to make a greater proÞt than what was made during the magazine drive. This should be a productive fund-raiser for the JC community.
The recent tsunami disasters, shown here in Kalmunai, Sri Lanka, have sparked a sense of competitive philanthropy across the world. cities without homes. A catastrophe of such magnitude has not only changed the lives of those living in the areas that are directly affected, but people the world over also feel the aftershock. While some people have chosen a route of direct service and aid, offering their time and energy to organize and rebuild the disaster zones, the majority of aid comes from monetary donations. Not only are private citizens helping the relief effort, but the world’s governments are doing their part as well. However, the benevolence and giving has turned into a competition measuring each country’s altruism, where the most generous donor wins. This is not the appro-
regain their trust and support by exploiting this natural disaster. If the US became the highest bidder, we would become popular once again, and all would be well. Sound advice. Unfortunately, we live in a rebellious country that doesn’t seem to care about the opinions of other countries. If we did care about these opinions, there would be no Iraqi war, and freedom fries would go back to being French fries. The US should not aid the world due to foreign pressure; we should aid the world because it is the right thing to do. In a way it is insulting, to think that our impression on the world is dominated by how much we give. It has come to the point where it is great that we, as a country, give at all. Celebrities are holding poker tournaments and sponsoring auctions with the money going directly to the relief aid. Schools, religious groups, and private donators also contribute. JC has already held one fundraiser in which we raised over $16,000. On Friday February 11th we will also be hosting a tsunami beneÞt concert. However, it is unfortunate that it A Sri Lankan man sits in front of the rubble takes a disaster of such momentousafter the devastation of the tsunami. To ness to bring out our humanity. This correct damages, aid from all over the is not to trivialize the tragedy of the world is desperately needed. tsunamis, but there is also a world AIDS crisis and atrocities are being compriate mindset in helping those in need. mitted in Darfur, as well as other incidents. In the weeks following the tsunamis, Other crises are not as attention-grabbing millions of donations poured into the afas the tsunamis, but are equally destructive ßicted regions. Soon enough, the world and worthy of our help. If anything good governments decided to step in publicly. can come out of this tragedy, perhaps it will That is where the trouble began. UN Relief open our eyes to all of the dire dilemmas ofÞcial Jan Egeland of Norway pointed the around the world, not only the headlineÞnger at Western Europe and the US for not grabbing catastrophes. With any luck, it making large enough donations. Despite the will awaken in everyone the call to help in blatant arrogance of his comment, the donaa consistent manner, because the world has tion amounts began to rise dramatically. It more problems facing it than large-scale turned into a rat race under the guise of hunatural disasters. manitarianism, all to appease one haughty World News/KRT
Mary Etting Editorials co Editor
February 2005
3 EDITORIALS Students debate Ehrlich’s leadership Rachael Kessler Editor in Chief
Mary Etting Editorials co Editor
Maryland is a democratic state. Our electoral votes have gone to the Democratic candidates in the last four elections. Why then do we have a Republican governor? Governor Robert Ehrlich is the Þrst Republican to govern Maryland in 36 years. He has been completely unwilling to compromise with liberal legislators and as a result unable to create any change within the state. Ehrlich is, however, very concerned with how he is portrayed in Maryland’s liberal media outlets. Ehrlich sent a memo to all executive ofÞcials requiring them not to speak to Sun reporters Michael Olesker or David Nitkin because he felt they both portrayed him in a negative light. The Sun has since Þled a suit with federal court, claiming infringement of the First Amendment. If Ehrlich is so adequate a leader and so conÞdent in his conservative agenda, why does he care what the media is saying about him? This anxiety has also prevented Ehrlich from doing anything positive during his term. Ehrlich promised improvement in Þve key “pillars” for the state: Þscal responsibility, education, health and the environment, public safety, and commerce. Though his agenda seems prioritized, little progress has been made in any one of these areas. As far as Þscal responsibility is concerned, yes it is true that Ehrlich has reduced the budget deÞcit and rejected a plan for tax increases (which was simply proposed as an alternative to his proposal of the introduction of slot machines), but let’s take a look at how Ehrlich accomplished this. Though no one was taxed directly per se (except those affected by the 2003 state property tax increase), Ehrlich has used several different methods of obtaining our money, such as increasing the fees required for registering a vehicle, adding a state surcharge to residential sewage bills, and, of course, tolls. Despite these excess fees, the bottom line is that governments need tax money in order to effectively run a state. Though tax cuts are convenient for us, we cannot expect adequate social structures if we are not willing to pay for them. Ehrlich’s tax cuts of the past few years have decreased funding to local governments, forcing mayors to increase local income or property taxes. It has already happened in places such as Havre de Grace and Mayor Martin O’Malley warns that it may soon happen in Baltimore City as well, where the new costs will not be easily absorbed by the already low median income. In the education department, Ehrlich recently introduced his 2005 Children’s Initiative, pledging $423 million for education. Where exactly did this money come from? Slot machines still have not been approved nor has the tax increase. If this money was readily available in the budget, why was it not used to alleviate the Baltimore City Schools budget crisis? The next pillar in Ehrlich’s agenda is health and the environment. Even after grouping these two important issues together, Ehrlich was still unable to make any signiÞcant progress. As far as health care, Ehrlich’s promise of a “rebuilt” and “adequately funded” health care system for the poor has by no means been actualized. In fact Ehrlich has proposed many health care budget cuts, such as eliminating prenatal care for some women, dropping family and individual support services for those with disabilities, and making rape victims pay for evidence collection. For the environment, Ehrlich passed the Chesapeake Bay Restoration Fund, reducing nutrient pollution. Sure it’s a small step forward, but at this point more drastic measures are required to save the bay. Ehrlich also then turned around and voted against prohibiting oil drilling in ANWR and against incentives for using alternative fuels. He also of course has been involved in selling portions of Maryland’s undeveloped land. Public safety is one of the areas where Ehrlich has failed the most. He voted for reducing the gun waiting period from three days to one. Ehrlich fought for background checks to be rushed so we can all get our guns faster, an obvious step toward improved public safety. Maybe that’s why the homicide count in Baltimore City was at 27 as of January 25th (it was 16 the same time last year). So although Ehrlich’s agenda and intentions seem decent, it’s another thing for him to actually make progress. Ehrlich’s administration needs to stop making promises and start taking action.
Robert Ehrlich became governor of Maryland about two years ago; he is the Þrst Republican to do this in 36 years. Governor Ehrlich has made great strides to strengthen Maryland and will continue to do so. Maryland is a Democratic state, and many are still bitter about his win and say he has done nothing to deserve the title of governor and has made no progress. I disagree. He has decreased the budget deÞcit, found other ways besides taxing to bring in state money, and proposed numerous bills that will help Maryland progress into an even better place to live. Recently the Governor has been criticized and will be taken to court over a supposed infringement of the First Amendment. He sent a memo to executive ofÞcials requiring them not to talk to Sun reporters, which is the same as a celebrity not wanting to answer certain questions in an interview or getting aggravated because the paparazzi would not leave them alone. The media has a huge impact on politics; the way you are portrayed could make or break your campaign and chances of election or re-election. How is it wrong for someone to want to protect their image? While attempting to keep the media from ruining his image, he was also able to decrease the budget deÞcit by 1.2 billion dollars. Ehrlich has been able to do this without taxing the citizens of Maryland to death; he actually rejected a 1.1 billion dollar plan for tax increase. Instead of taxes, Governor Ehrlich has found other ways to help decrease the deÞcit. He increased the fees that are required for registering a vehicle, added a state surcharge to residential sewage bills, and increased the price of tolls. Besides increasing fees, Governor Ehrlich has also found other ways to help reduce state spending and bring the budget back into balance such as the proposition of the introduction of slot machines. This proposal is a noteworthy idea. Slot machines are currently legal in 35 states and generated about six billion dollars in tax revenue last year alone. Ehrlich is not just worried about the state funding and taxes, he also is concerned about the environment, education, medical treatment, and public safety. This year Governor Ehrlich proposed the largest education increase in Maryland’s history, and the Legislature passed it.
$319 million will be given to help aid the schools. $155 million will also be provided for school construction funding, which is a 55% increase from last year. Ehrlich has also proposed a 43 million dollar increase for the University System of Maryland. Ehrlich’s bill, the Chesapeake Bay Restoration Fun, has been called the most important piece of environmental legislation in the last twenty years. This bill could help to signiÞcantly reduce nitrogen pollution to the Bay from sewage treatment plants. The bill for the Chesapeake Bay Restoration Fund does include a fee of $2.50 a month for all houses hooked up to sewer systems, a reasonable price for increasing the quality of the environment and attempting to undo some of the damage already done by man-kind. Ehrlich invested $36 million to upgrade wastewater treatment plants. Like promised, Ehrlich has made health care one of his main priorities while governor. His budget fully funds Medicaid, which received a $128 million increase in 2004’s Þscal year. Mental health services, an area which has suffered from deÞcits and repeated cuts, received a $36 million increase in 2004, while developmental disabilities services gained $38 million. Public safety is another issue that Ehrlich has been focusing on. While many want to blame the increased murder rate on Ehrlich, this situation can not be blamed solely on one person; rather is must be based on the rapid decline of the morals of Americans and society itself. The Governor invested $31 million in law enforcement information technology and $250,000 to support community-based offender job training programs to help former criminals stay on the path to more productive lives. More recently Governor Ehrlich has committed to the prosperity of Maryland’s economy with the State’s Small Business Reserve Program. This encourages small business growth and employment across Maryland. The program creates opportunities that were previously not available; small business owners are now able to compete for state procurement with an equal chance. Ehrlich is pushing Maryland in the right direction, hopefully he will be able to continue helping Maryland to progress.
ished, I realized I had found my topic. There’s something a little wrong with the general ignorance concerning the NHS, I think. A society that is supposed to honor those students who display exemplary academic records, leadership, and involvement in the school is largely unknown. How is this possible at a school that supposedly upholds the motto: tradition, pride, excellence? In an institution that calls itself college preparatory and encourages us to do our best, many of us are ignorant of one of the primary examples of student accomplishment. In an attempt to remedy this situation, I will provide a simple overview of the National Honor Society: it is an organization designed to credit those students who are able to fulÞll the stringent admission requirements. Once a student has become a member, the expectation is that he or she will continue to display such qualities as
gained them entrance to the society in the Þrst place. Students become eligible after the second semester of sophomore year. They must have a certain cumulative grade point average and be involved in at least two extracurricular activities throughout the academic year. In addition to being active throughout the school and in the classroom, students hoping to become members must complete eight service hours prior to acceptance. The NHS has meetings several times a month to discuss possible service projects, fundraisers, and general business. Among the many responsibilities of the members are: changing the messages on the sign out front (and most likely getting honked at in the process, as many NHS members will tell you), providing extra help (on their own free mods) for students struggling with any subject, and, in the past, running the cow pie bingo at the country fair. Overall, the NHS
is a pretty useful organization, and it is sad that many people are unaware of all the help it provides around the school. Not only does the NHS take care of several things that most people take for granted, but half the point of the society is to honor the members. If no one even knows what the NHS is, how will we honor it? The students work very hard to get in and stay in, and the only recognition they receive is once a year at the induction ceremony. And yes, we are all aware that ninety percent of you sleep through it or talk to your friends. I am certainly not going to blame you for it; those assemblies get long and the bleachers are extremely uncomfortable. All I’m saying is that the school as a whole should take a little bit more of an interest in the NHS. Congratulate your friends who make it, or try extra hard to get in yourself. At the very least, try to learn more about what the members do.
National Honor Society deserves more recognition Leah McGann Staff Writer
I was given the topic of the National Honor Society for this edition of The Patriot. My article was going to be very supportive of the NHS and prove all those critics, all those people who call us “perfect people on parade,” wrong. However, after a brief period of thought, I realized that I have never, not even once, heard someone refer to the organization as thus, outside of the members, who apparently like to espouse self-deprecating humor. This left me with no topic as I tried frantically to form an opinion on something concerning the NHS. After talking to a few friends I realized that not only does the student population not make fun of the NHS, a large portion of the school does not even know what it is or does. After being aston-
February 2004 2005
Volume 40, Number 4
Spears displays detestable image
Britney has spiraled out of control. On changed her small town, southern image reveal a ßesh-colored outÞt is not acceptmagazines everywhere are pictures of Brit- for one of decidedly more “adult” nature. able behavior for a bubble-gum pop-prinney wearing next to nothing with a cigarette Gone are the days of innocent pop videos, cess. Sure she wants to be more grown-up, hanging out of her mouth. There are reports in are the new sexually explicit videos, i.e. but making herself a blatant sex object is not From talent to torture, success to scourge, of a promiscuous Britney partying, drinking, “Prerogative.” With the right way to go about attaining an adult loved to loathed. Loyal fans, including and experimenting with drugs; all are things her videos, Britney image. those at JC, have stood by her, at times re- that Britney had professed not to do. The is blatantly selling Her fans, nonetheless, adapt with her. luctantly, as she continues along her down- person she has become is a direct contrast to sex. In this sense, Children and teens recreate Britney’s ward spiral. Britney Spears is, in the truest the Britney of the past. What happened to Britney has sold scantily-clad style and blast her music sense of the word, a disappointment. the Britney we all knew and loved? out. It seems from their cars and homes. At JC In the beginning of her career, everything Britney disappointed fans everywhere that every we see Britney’s effects everywas roses and sunshine. Britney Spears had with her spur-of-the-moment, 55-hour-long time album where from the dyed blonde it all. She was young, beautiful, talented, marriage to friend Jason Alexander in Las sales go pony-tails, to the knee high and a good role model for Vegas in 2004. The two were married at down, socks, to the music of the her young fans. She the The Little White Wedding Chapel, more cheerleading teams. was a self-professed as a joke that was taken too far. This, clothes The overall appearChristian who did Britney’s Þrst marriage, was quickly come ance of American not drink, smoke, annuled, but was in the press for weeks off. females, those or have sex. Every to come. Although fans frowned upon With each at JC being no song that she came Britney’s Þrst trivialization of the new record and exception, out with was a sure sacrament of marriage, her newest music video, has been afhit, and everyone marriage to Kevin Federline has ev- Britney Spears fected by wanted a piece of eryone up in arms. is testing the Spears. The her. The freshKevin Federline is one of limits. last thing we faced Kentwood, Britney’s back-up dancneed is more Louisiana native ers. He and ex-girlfriend Britney, of her in the was a oneShar Jackson already who media. woman emhave two children tois Britney pire. She was, gether, the youngest Spears has in essence, of which was born in no place America’s July of 2004. To put in music sweetheart. it lightly, Federtoday. She All of her line doesn’t no success hit a quite longer speed bump with seem to be marthe ending of husband kets her fairytale rematerial. music; lationship with The “pop- Britney’s latest image consists of suggestive outfits and sexually explicit dance rather moves. she childhood love, princess” markets Justin Timberand Federline lake. The end had a mockery of a wedding someone to whom many children look up, rumors and sex. She has misused her fame of this relain which they solidiÞed their has a complete disregard for the effects of and is not capable of the responsibility that tionship was vows to each other. her actions on her young fans. She has comes with that fame. For an entertainer a milestone Bridesmaids and made her living off selling CDs to young who once had so much potential, Britney Britney Spears’ former image was that of in Britney’s groomsmen wore children, but professes that she never asked Spears has been the utmost of disappointa small town girl who had just hit it big. image. It tracksuits that had to be a role model. She gets up on stage ments. The sooner the world stops buying marked the “maids” and “pimps” at performances, such as on her Las Vegas into the worthlessness of Britney’s career, point when Britney traded in her squeaky- written on the backs. This is not the pure, tour, and basically does strip tease, with the better off the music industry will be. clean image and emerged as a seemingly schoolgirl Britney of the past. the eyes of millions of children and parents different person. Before our very eyes, Britney has ex- watching in horror. Stripping off clothes to
Laura Kirchner Editorials co Editor
Wolf-Man Comic: by Rich Fleury
Volume 40, Number 4
February 2005
Students raise money for Tsunami victims Tricia Kingery Business Manager
eryone is pulling together and raising a lot of money.” In total, JC raised $16,652.71 for Catholic Relief. While the homeroom collections were Hundreds of thousands dead, entire viltaking place, Mr. Hollan organized special lages washed away by the enormous waves, incentives to encourage the members of his and entire schools closed because there are homeroom to bring in donations. For every no longer any children left alive to go to dollar they donated, the students received a them. All of this caused by an unexpected rafße ticket to enter into a special drawing tsunami whose devastating waves lasted at the end of the week. Mr. Hollan’s wife only for a few minutes. As the also baked cookies for the death toll continues to rise, peostudents to reward them for ple around the world are working their efforts. to help in any way possible. Mrs. Dohn was truly The tsunami that struck on moved by the amount of December 26 was caused by a student participation saying 9.0 magnitude earthquake, the that it was “important each strongest since 1964, which student gets involved.” originated 100 miles off the westIndividual students have ern coast of Sumatra, an island also mobilized events on of Indonesia. The tsunami was their own to help raise funds. With the help of Sister Marie formed by the massive displaceGregory, senior Greg Hatem ment of water that occurred when has organized a relief con600 miles of the Burma and India cert on February 11 for the plates slipped. This large scale plate movement caused waves tsunami survivors. Greg was two stories high to crash against excited by the opportunity the various countries that line the to “raise as much money as Indian Ocean. possible to beneÞt tsunami As of February 2, victims,” while also providconÞrmed the death toll caused ing JC students with quality by the massive waves at 162,000 music. 4 bands have been people with over 146,000 missconÞrmed with Shelly Blake ing. This number is expected to headlining and Human Host, rise as more bodies are recovered Wax and Wane, and Passiou from the rubble. Indonesia has The tsumani greatly affected an innumerable amount of families in Asia, Indonesia, and Africa. Many supporting. suffered the most devastation of those who died have not yet been identified. The concert, which will with 95,000 people conÞrmed begin at 7 pm and go until dead and 77,000 still missing. Other coun- also contributed their money and services 14, when the entire collection was sent to approximately 11pm, will be held in the caftries affected by this tragedy include Sri to the relief effort and have already raised Catholic Relief Services to aid in their relief eteria and is expected to sell out. In order Lanka, India, Thailand, Somalia, Maldives, millions of dollars. JC joined in the effort to efforts. Inspired by JC’s efforts, Kevin Ja- to raise money during the night, Greg plans Malaysia, Myanmar, Tanzania, Bangladesh, raise money for this noble cause. cobs, the president of Harford Bank under- on accepting donations, charging admisand Kenya. All sources, however, do not In a letter sent to parents and teachers took a collection fund with his employees. sion, selling drinks, snacks, and other band agree on the number of deaths. Deaths had on Friday, January 9, Principal Barker The money raised was given to JC to be sent merchandise. been listed as high as 190,000 but nothing outlined a plan for the fundraising effort to Catholic Relief with our money. It was There will also be a rafße that students has been conÞrmed. With the large number that highlighted JC’s mission statement “to important to him that the money he raised and faculty may enter that will include of people still listed as missing, the death serve responsibly in shaping a more just went to a creditable organization, insuring CDs from all of the bands playing and a tolls are still expected to rise drastically as and compassionate global society.” Mr. that the money would go to good use. Shelly Blake T-shirt. Tickets are $5 and all the recovery continues over the next several Barker asked the JC community “to help Mrs. Dohn, who coordinated the fund- money raised from the night will be given to weeks. the millions of people who so desperately raiser efforts, was “really excited that ev- Catholic Relief Services with the rest of the money raised by JC. need our help” and the outpouring support from all fronts was overwhelming. A single donation of $5,000 was received from Gus Brown, Chairman of the Board. All members of the community reached deep in their pockets to aid the people affected by this tragedy. Money was collected every morning in homeroom, as well as through checks sent in by parents and alumni, until Friday, January
A tremendous outpouring of money and relief efforts has been spawned by this catastrophe. Concerned national governments from all parts of the world have donated money and sent relief services to the ailing nations still suffering. International aid has been raised for the victims of the tsunami by groups including CARE, Catholic Relief Services, Islamic Relief Worldwide, and the Salvation Army. Concerned citizens have
Honor Council established to discourage cheating Leah McGann Staff Writer Several years ago Dr. Don McCabe, a professor at Rutgers University, sparked a national investigation of academic integrity through his surveys of cheating among high school and college students. The AIMS schools, in keeping with the trend of the time, also issued surveys to their students, and have continued the policy for several years now. Many of the current students at JC, one of the AIMS schools, will recall at least one or two of these annual surveys. The surveys are structured to gain information directly from the students in an anonymous way. The hope is that students answer honestly, since they cannot get in trouble for anything they put on the survey. The school administrators are then sent the results, so they can make any necessary changes to the school structure. Some of the results of the surveys are alarming; compared to other AIMS schools
February 2005
JC students engage in 7% more plagiarism and are 15% more likely to cheat on tests. JC teachers are 15% less likely to catch cheating, and a full 22% fewer JC students have never cheated. The administration of the school realized that something needed to be done and decided that the focus of any push to better these statistics should be student centered. Therefore, under the leadership of Mr. Scholl, a committee has recently been formed to “investigate how to make academic integrity more meaningful to students.” Also on the committee are Mrs. Michael, Mr. Piercy, Mr. Gallen, and student representatives. The idea is to answer the question: Is an Honor Council the solution to the schools apparent problem with academic integrity? If the committee decides that the answer to this question is yes, they must then Þgure out how an Honor Council would operate. Currently, there is a JC Honor Code. The guidelines for academic integrity and possible consequences of plagiarism and
cheating are outlined in the student handbook. Every student is required to submit a signed form stating that he or she has read the handbook and understands the rules to which he or she is expected to adhere. However, most of the students sign the form without reading the handbook. As there is no way to physically force the students to read it, the administration is presented with a problem. The tentative solution presented in regards to the student lack of interest in the Honor Code is to implement an Honor Pledge. The National Honor Society could potentially back this Honor Pledge, in order to promote the student involvement that is essential to a working Honor System. As Mr. Piercy says, “The only way to make a real impact is to get the students to say ‘I cannot accept cheating from myself or others.’” The idea of an Honor Pledge is integral to the concept of an Honor Council. Mrs. Michael says it is “putting the cart before the horse to have an Honor Council before an Honor Pledge.” The pledge
could potentially be a written statement to be completed and signed after projects, tests, exams, etc., basically stating that the student did not give or receive any unauthorized help. Beyond the idea of an Honor Pledge, the picture is hazy. The speciÞcs of an Honor Council still need to be worked out, and the committee must decide whether or not this is even a good idea for the school in the Þrst place. If implemented, the Honor Council would most likely be modeled on those found in colleges and universities, such as the University of Maryland and University of Virginia. These colleges have extensive Honor Systems and high rates of student involvement. Senior Alex Wozniak thinks the school is taking a positive step towards academic integrity. “I think it’s a good idea. It won’t hurt anything, and students should take more responsibility for their own school work.”
Volume 40, Number 4
Cutting trend rising among teens Aisha Turner News co Editor
ward and inward pressures. Self-injuring results from an inability to cope with traumatic events. Nash explained that when most people experience pain, they cope by crying or talking to someone, and are then able to feel “normal” again. Selfinjurers, however, cope through “impulsive
numb. “Sometimes I self-injure just to see the blood because it helps me to know that I am alive and I am real,” said a girl Nash once counseled. To help people overcome this behavior, Nash holds intense therapy workshops, which last all day every day for three to
photo by Lauren Schnupp
Mention “teenage problems,” and most people think of peer pressure regarding drinking, smoking and having sex. However, the pressure placed on teenagers is far more serious than most people realize. Today’s teenagers are using dangerous coping methods to deal with their pressures. Millions of teens are struggling with anorexia, bulimia, and binge eating. A problem that goes more unnoticed, however, is self mutilation. About 1% of the U.S. population engages in self-injury, which has recently been on the rise at JC. On January 4, Mr. McAdams sent an e-mail from Ms. Glass, the school nurse, to parents regarding the rise of self-mutilation among JC students. Ms. Glass deÞned self-injury as “when one causes deliberate physical injury to one-self.” Self-mutilation is not just a simple cut or scratch, for the injury caused must be serious enough to cause nerve damage. To inform parents about this dangerous behavior, JC invited 1985 graduate Paula Nash, LCSW-C, to speak with parents on Wednesday, January 12. The meeting was held at 7pm in the Brown Room, with no more than ten parents in attendance. Nash has worked with adolescents in a clinical environment for fourteen years, dealing signiÞcantly with the problem of self-mutilation. Ms. Barnes, Ms. Gauthier, and Ms. Glass listen intently as Paula Nash, Class of ‘85, She has become an expert on how speaks of the dangers of teenage self-mutilation. and why students self-injure, as well as ways to help. The most common form of self-injury is cutting, particularly aggressiveness,” which gives them a feeling four months. Rather than simply telling with razors. of calm. Nash equates this feeling to that kids not to self-mutilate, Nash tries to give Knowing that cutting and other forms of a drug: like a drug addict, a self-injurer them alternatives. She has her patients sign of self-injury are often seen as suicide at- needs more each time. This “impulsive a “safety contract” agreeing not to hurt tempts, Nash’s Þrst order of business was to aggressiveness” does not teach people new themselves or others and to Þnd alternative make sure parents coping skills, allow- coping methods. knew why people ing their self-esteem Counselor Ms. Drinks asked Nash if she, do this to themto drop. This leads to like many psychologists, tells her patients selves. “This Þrst more pain, and there- to snap a rubber band on their arm instead time a kid came fore more cutting. of performing more drastic forms of selfto me with cuts I According to Nash, mutilation. “No,” Nash responded, “to me thought they want“cutting is commu- that’s like saying, ‘If you have a drinking ed to die—that’s nication.” Many of problem, don’t drink whiskey, drink wine what you see in the the teenagers she has spritzers.’” movies,” she said. worked with say that Nash teaches her patients to self-soothe Nash actucutting allows them to by rubbing lotion on the spots where they ally views it as a wear their inner pain. normally inßict pain, or by putting on soft suicide deterrent. One once told her, clothing. Nash’s meeting helped to educate - Anonymous “It’s a coping “My drops of blood parents about self-injury warning signs, mechanism,” she are like tears that I as well as ways to cope with the problem. said. “The sense can’t cry.” Parents now have the tools to responsibly of calm gives them Others cut because deal with the serious problem of teenage a sense that they they feel emotionally self-mutilation. don’t have to die.” People who cut do not just slice themselves; if they did it would viewed as a suicide attempt. Nash explained that often before cutting, people will rub an area of their body with a sharp object, such as a razor, until the area is numb. “This is not an impulsive rip,” she said, “it’s slow.” Self-mutilation is done by people with severe emotional problems. “Self-injury is not the problem—it’s the symptom of the problem,” said Nash, who names depression as the primary drive of self-injurers. Like eating disorders, self-mutilation is linked to a lack of control over one’s life. People who self-injure are often suffering from low self-esteem and signiÞcant out-
My drops of blood are like tears that I can’t cry.
Volume 40, Number 4
JC updates technology, mission statement Katie Hill Staff Writer
Over the past 40 years, JC has changed in many ways, with the latest improvements being made during Christmas break. While students were partying, traveling, and celebrating during the holidays, JC was busy at work. One improvement was the enhancement and renewal of the mission statement. The new mission statement provides outsiders and incoming students a glimpse into what JC has to offer. Our school’s goal is to educate the whole student physically, mentally, and socially. At the same time, the school strives to make students’ high school years memorable. Mr. Barker said, “Our school is different from other schools because we are like a family and we are blessed to have a school that is able to provide our faculty and students with a friendly and workable environment to learn and succeed.” In addition to the new mission statement, recent improvements have been made in the cafeteria. The addition of ceiling fans is a highlight for students because they will help to combat the summer heat. The faculty, however, is most excited about the new wireless network. For the past three years, JC has supplied a laptop to all teachers. JC’s wireless network will make it easier for teachers to plan for classes because it allows them to access the internet from anywhere in the building. For the parents and students, PowerSchool has been an exciting addition because it helps parents, teachers, and students alike to monitor grades. PowerSchool can be accessed via JC’s website. Furthermore, the fairly recent gymnasium addition has excited Mrs. Gauthier. “We are educating the student as a whole because we have the available resources and tools to make the environment the best it can be,” said Mrs. Gauthier. She has seen many improvements in the past couple years, including\new carpeting, the weight room, updating the computer lab, as well as the new Þne arts wing. Mr. Barker believes that our school is very fortunate to have the resources to improve our school. Our school has grown in many areas, both in academics and extracurriculars. However, JC will continue to improve the school “We would like to redo the cafeteria and revamp the science labs. Like anything else, improvements require time and money,” said Mr. Barker. “All of the changes listed and planned seem to provide the student the best John Carroll experience possible.”
February 2005
Juniors prepare for more comprehensive SAT Derek Cramer Staff Writer As March approaches, juniors are occupied with dreams of Ring Dance and Easter break. Try as they might to imagine warm weather and an evening with their friends, JC juniors and students nationwide are beginning to Þnd their thoughts drawn to a
students take this test very seriously, and it is not uncommon to spend several hours studying, or even to take review classes in preparation for the examination. Previously, students getting ready for the SAT would know exactly what to study and which type of problems would appear on the test. Unfortunately for the class 2006 on, there will be a brand new, more grueling, and signiÞcantly changed SAT.
Math: 800 points.
grammar usage. They have also added a critical reading section (previously known as the verbal section) which contains a new reading analysis portion and no longer has analogies. The math section of the test is also signiÞcantly changed. Formerly the math problems only focused on basic math such as Algebra I and geometry. The “new SAT” will include more difÞcult math topics and ‘third-year math’ such as Algebra II. The most noticeable change to the SAT will be the change in scoring. With a new essay section added the perfect score will be changed from a 1600 to a 2400— the essay portion comprises a large portion of this numerical change. Many students do not know what to think about the new SAT. Nationwide college prep courses are seeing record numbers of students registering for their classes. Juniors Chaz Lynn and Scott Dunn are indicative of the vast number of students about to take this very important very new test. “I wonder how the colleges are going to evaluate a whole new point system fairly, being that this is the Þrst year with the new test” says Dunn. Lynn does not see the newness as being much of a factor. “The new SATs are just like the old ones, except new,” said Lynn. The mixed views of the students reßect how little is actually known about the new SAT. While some take the changes in stride, others worry and most will take it more than once. Mrs. Heßin, junior advisor, says that there is a good reason behind the changing of the
10 out of 54 will be new Algebra II, including advanced functions and coordinate geometry.
Reading: 800 points.
No more analogies, more short reading comprehension passages.
800 points. Students must write an essay that argues one side of an issue.
test that could help determine the next four years of their lives. The root of all their worries is a test that takes only three hours and forty Þve minutes to complete, a test known by three looming letters: SAT. This test is arguably the largest contributor to a student’s high school transcript. It gives colleges a uniform measurement by which to grade prospective applicants. Most
The College Examination Board, which owns the rights to the test, has made several adjustments to the SAT in hope to create a new national curriculum for schools in the United States. This is the Þrst major overhaul of the test since 1994. The changes include a new writing section including an essay portion of the test and a multiple choice grammar section which focuses on
Creative writing students host winter Literary Tea Sipping tea and nibbling crumpets while enjoying a piece of quality literature is seemingly an exclusively British experience. However, JC students were offered a similar experience during this year’s winter Literary Tea. Mrs. Geczy’s creative writing classes held a Literary Tea during mods 7-11 on Friday, January 7. Students shared approximately 75 pieces of writing with an audience of fellow students, teachers, and family members. The event was organized to give students a chance to showcase their written art. “I think it’s a nice venue for students to get a chance to share their creations and for other people to see what they’ve done,” said Mrs. Geczy. The Literary Tea allows for students to express talents that they can’t express in other classes. Carrying over the tradition from Perry Hall, Mrs. Geczy began hosting the Literary Tea when she came to JC. “I’ve been here three years and I’ve had it every year since I’ve been here,” said Mrs. Geczy. The tea has grown in size every year. The Þrst year
February 2005
the tea was comprised of just one creative writing class and was held in the Þne arts wing. The second tea was held last year in
the Brown Room, and this year there were two creative writing classes, along with Þve independent study students. The tea was once again held in the Brown room to accommodate the large group. There were thirty-eight students participating this year. The tea went well and the attendance was high; 100 chairs were set up and all were Þlled. Guests were left standing up and sitting on ßoors. “I hope [the tea] grows in the sense that more and more students will take the course,” said Mrs. Geczy. A spring Literary Tea will be held on May 2 for students taking independent creative writing and speech during second semester. To gain eligibility to take independent creative writing, students must have taken the creative writing course Þrst semester and possess a true interest in writing, as well as strong writing skills. Independent creative writing can be taken only with teacher approval. “It’s nice to be able to look at people in ways that you normally wouldn’t see them,” said Mrs. Geczy. “They have an amazing Senior Kelsey Kearney shares her writing with the crowd of paramount of talent.” ents and students. Her short story, “Hear Comes the Bride,” was a favorite among guests of the Literary Tea. photo by Kristin Pytko
Courtney Kurtz News co Editor
SAT. “The test was changed because there were multiple schools in California that demanded a writing sample from their applicants, and many of the admission ofÞces believed that too many of their prospective students got their parents to write the essay for the applications,” said Mrs. Heßin. Though the essay is a major change, she also believes that JC students will be well prepared for the new SAT. “I believe that the essay portion will beneÞt our students because in the past the school as a whole has done very well on the writing skills section in the PSAT. John Carroll as a school is starting to make slight variations in their curriculum to help prepare students for the new SAT,” said Mrs. Heßin. “Mr. Barker asked all of the English teachers to focus more on writing in class and in the future there will be essays on the exams that would be similar to the ones found on the SAT.” With rising awareness, the Peterson Review service, and prep books juniors should be well prepared for the new SAT.
Falling Branch feasibly falls from Harford County Christy Heere-Beyer Staff Writer
Falling Branch and its surrounding landscape is one of the many state owned properties in danger of being sold to private corporations. Falling Branch, also known as Kilgore Falls, is the second highest waterfall in Maryland. At 30 feet tall, it resides in JC’s own backyard of Harford County. Surrounded by abundant forests, rocky cliffs, and winding trails Harford County is reluctant to give up this strip of land. However, in order to raise money without raising taxes, the state government is planning to sell several properties, most of them wetlands, to private owners who may do with the land whatever they please. This issue was brought to the attention of the JC community by senior Danielle Lapinski who has been gathering signatures for a petition to send to Annapolis. Lapinski’s efforts are fueled with hopes of protecting Falling Branch and its beauty. A Þeld trip to Falling Branch has been organized by Mrs. Anderson to take place on Saturday, February 5. The goal of these efforts is to increase awareness of the area and convince the government to amass revenue in another way. Falling Branch has been state owned and protected since its public opening in October, 1993, but the government is close to selling the falls. Selling Falling Branch will result in either a private owner keeping open the park but charging a price for visitors, or a developer building houses on top of the acres of wetlands. The main fear of environmentalists is that the natural resources will be reduced to waste and housing developments if nothing is done to protect it. Mr. Hughes emphatically stated, “When they’re gone they’re gone,” and there is nothing anyone can do to bring them back. The effort to protect Falling Branch is occurring in other arenas in addition to JC. Supporters hope that a large enough response standing up against its sale will keep the state government from throwing away one of its greatest natural resources.
Volume 40, Number 4
Valentine’s Day There’s only one day a year when people all over the country receive mounds of cheap chocolate, cheesy Hallmark cards, and tacky teddy bears, or sit alone eating macaroni and cheese and watching the Lifetime channel. It’s a day that’s either loved and anticipated or loathed and feared. It can, of course, only be Valentine’s Day.
A Brief History
The actual celebration of Valentine’s Day began with a celebration called Lupercalia. Young men would draw the name of a woman to bed for a year as a coming-of-age ritual. During the time of Valentine, a Roman priest, the emperor Claudius forbade this practice, as well as the sacrament of marriage. He felt that warriors with close family connections would be weaker, and he did not want to risk his military success for love. Many young lovers were distraught over this. Soon there was news of a priest named Valentine. He offered to marry coples in secrecy. Eventually, Valentine was arrested and imprisoned for his “crimes.” While in jail, Valentine exchanged letters with the daughter of his jailor. Although she was at Þrst blind, Valentine was later attributed
Lindsay Nicolucci & Rachael Kessler Features co Editor & Editor in Chief
to healing her blindness. Despite his good works in prison, Valentine was sentenced to death. He was beheaded on February 14th. This custom lasted 800 years and ended with the Pope Gelasius I, who did not like this salacious tradition. Instead, he suggested that the names of saints ought to be drawn in place of women’s names. Whichever saint one drew would be someone they were supposed to model themselves after for the next year. Since Lupercalia was celebrated on February 15th, it became St. Valentine’s Day. Although it had toned down greatly, it would continue to be a day dedicated to love and affection.
Recipe for Love Victorian Gingerbread Valentines
2 1/2 cups unsifted flour 2 teaspoons cinnamon 1 1/2 teaspoons ginger 1/2 teaspoon ground cloves 1/4 teaspoon salt 1/2 cup margarine 1/2 cup packed dark brown sugar 1/3 cup dark corn syrup 1 large egg
If a girl sees a robin ßying in the sky on Valentines Day, she will marry a sailor. If she sees a sparrow ßying, she will marry poor but happy. If she sees a goldÞnch, she will marry a very rich man. Before eating an apple, twist the stem while thinking of a number of boys or girls names, and repeat the names until the stem pops off. You will marry the person whose name you say as the stem comes off. Similarly, recite the alphabet while ßipping a soda can tab back and forth until it comes off. You will marry someone whose name begins with the last letter you said
before the top comes off. Cut an apple in half and count the number of seeds. This is also supposed to be the number of children you will have. Pick a dandelion that contains many seeds. Blow the seeds into the air. The amount of seeds that remain on the stem is the number of children you will have. As a sign of love, the Welsh used to give gifts of wooden spoons with hearts, keys, and keyholes carved out of them. During the Middle Ages, people would draw Valentine’s at random and then wear their names on their sleeves for an entire week. This is where the expression “wear your heart on your sleeve” comes from. Courtesty of
Lost in translation? Don’t let language be a barrier. Declare your love! Mi aime jou-Creol
Volim te-Croatian
Tora dust midaram-Farsi
Mina rakastan sinna-Finnish
Je t’aime-French
Ta gra agam ort-Gaelic
Ich liebe dich-German
Eg elska tig-Icelandic
Ti amo-Italian
Jag alskar dig-Swedish
In large bowl, sift together flour, cinnamon, ginger, cloves, and salt.
Less than three-internet nerd Available Now! at
Blend together margarine and brown sugar until smooth. Add corn syrup and egg; beat well. Add dry ingredients, about one-third at a time, mixing until smooth after each addition. Chill dough one hour.
Tiger Lily
52 N. Main Street Bel Air, MD (410) 420-9784 Tuesday - Saturday 10-5
Roll out half of dough on lightly floured surface to one-quarter inch thickness. (Reserve other half for decorations or for a second batch of cookies.) Using heart-shaped cookie cutter, press out cookie shapes or use knife to cut around a pattern. Place hearts on cookie sheet. Decorate as desired. Bake at 350 degrees for 15 to 20 minutes until golden. Remove and place on wire racks to cool. Store in covered container. Makes about eight 4 1/2 inch cookies. Recipe courtesy of http:// Volume 40, Number 4
February 2005
Morning Star Pow Wow spreads culture who passed me were dressed in traditional Native American outÞts. The long dresses and ßowing head pieces piqued my interest in the JC Pow-Wow. By 11:15 my friend had arrived. When we entered the front doors, my eye was immediately drawn to one thing: jewelry. As expected, there was a large array of turquoise jewelry. As a jewelry lover, I was pleased to see that every shade, texture, and form of turquoise was represented. I tried on a ring, but was not successful. Disappointed, I moved on to an earring display. As a joke, I picked up a pair of long turquoise bird earrings. I tried them on, and could not help but laugh as the large blue
photo by Lauren Schnupp
photo by Lauren Schnupp
photo by Lauren Schnupp
eagles swung about gracefully, tapping the side of my neck. My friend looked at me and, being the kind of Standing outside under the canopy in the person who revels in the middle of January, I began to regret agreehumiliation of others, immeing to write my article. It was 11:00 in the diately told me that I should morning on January 15, and I was waiting get them. For one reason or outside the Pow-Wow for my friend to aranother, I just could not resist rive. As I leaned against one of the canopy the temptation. Although poles, I wondered why I had waited until my the earrings were a bit “out senior year at JC to attend the Pow-Wow. there,” the idea of wearing As I greeted my teachers and classmates one inch winged creatures that were entering the cultural festivities, I on my ears was something I was able to get a quick preview of what was needed to make a reality. waiting for me inside. Several of the people After giving the turquoise Seniors Eva Budzynski and Gretchen Vogel prepare eagles a permanent to eat special tacos served at the Pow-Wow. Lines place on my ears, I for food were incredibly long as many were excited made my way to the about tasting new cuisine. gym, meeting up with hand dripping with meat juices and melted more of my friends. As we approached the gym, my cheese. After Þlling myself with the Native heart began to thump. The drums were overwhelming; I felt as if my American taco (which by the way was nothheart sank deeper into my chest each ing different from the ones found at Taco time someone pounded a drum. As I Bell, except much, much, bigger), it was rounded the corner into the gym I saw time to go home….I was Pow-wowed out. endless colors bouncing around the room. Several people, from the Native American guests to JC students, were doing a traditional Indian tribal dance around the gym. I stared intensely as specks of orange, magenta, and turquoise ßuttered about the room. By the time the dancing released my focus, my friends and I turned to what we know best— food. We relentlessly made our way to the cafeteria where the line for “Native American tacos and ßatbread” was over a dozen people long. While my friends opted for the dainty ßatbread sprinkled with powdered sugar, I ordered what was probably the biggest taco I had ever seen. To Native American art was displayed throughout Mr. Scholl participates in a traditional dance. The music and dance portion of the Pow my friends’ amazement the front hallways and in the Brown Room. The Wow drew in large crowds. I quickly conquered art was sold for a variety of prices. the taco, despite my Aisha Turner News co Editor
Self-injuring students suffer from psychological stress Caitlin Toner Staff Writer Last month JC parents received an email from Mrs. Glass bringing their attention to a problem that has recently surfaced at JC: self-injury. Self-injury is when a person abuses them self intentionally. It comes in a variety of forms; the abuser/victim can cut themselves with razor, knives, and other sharp objects. Some people will burn themselves with things such as lighters and matches. Then there is wound interference, when a person will pick at their own skin till it creates a wound but will still keep picking at it, not allowing it to heal correctly. These can be performed anywhere on the body, but most of the time abusers will choose to do it on the arms or legs since those areas are easily covered up and can be hidden. Unfortunately, this type of behavior is mostly seen in girls, ages 13-19. It is estimated that 1 out of 200 girls has tried to cut them self. The problem also affects boys. About 11,000 boys will fall victim to
February 2005
this behavior every year. It is commonly seen during the teenage years, when kids face stress and pressure from school, family life, and Þnding their place in the social world. Most abusers say that they take part in this because it makes them feel they are still in control their lives, while letting them release the pain. Self-injury can affect any person. These young victims are often well liked, and participate in activities. If things seem to be going so well, why would they do this to themselves? Adolescents go through time periods in which they feel they don’t belong or could be better at something. They end up facing extreme amounts of stress. Some just bottle all these emotions up; self-injuring is their release. It’s not at all healthy to do, and they need to Þnd other ways to release the tension then causing bodily harm. Obviously, self-injury is a serious sign of depression. Over time a depressed person’s situation may worsen and they might Þnd themselves coping in other destructive
ways. They may come to depend on illegal substances or develop eating disorders such as anorexia if they do not receive help. Selfinjury is very serious. If it is permitted to continue, a person will undoubtedly be left with both physical and emotional scars. Self-mutilation is something to which all teenagers are susceptible. People that do this to themselves need help as fast as they can get it. The road to recovery is long and hard, and quite often these young victims will deny that they’re doing anything or will become defensive about it. Such people need someone who is experienced in dealing with these types of problems to help them. Even talking to one of our many guidance counselors at JC could help them, or seeing the family therapist. If you know someone who is doing this, help them realize
that they don’t need a horrible habit for the rest of their lives and that you’re going to help and support them. There are millions of groups outside of school that offer help such as S.A.F.E (Self-Abuse Finally Ends). As a group dedicated to stop unhealthy behavior, S.A.F.E offers information in the form of videos and literature, as well as advice and support. They can be contacted by calling 1(800)-366-8288. So if you witness this around our school, talk to someone that can help, before it is too late.
Volume 40, Number 4
Students’ art displayed at local coffee shop
photo by Lindsay Nicolucci
Since Þrst opening, the store has been showcasing local and professional art. Our own JC artists got their own taste of stardom by having their ceramics teapots displayed in the storefront window. Some of last semester’s ceramDe Danann Coffee and Tea also ic students may be wondering exhibits many other artists’ works, where their work has gone. It’s both professional and amateur. not sitting in their usual place The walls are adorned with in the art gallery next to photography and paintings. the artwork of fellow Even their tables were spestudents, but in a place ciÞcally created that may receive more atas art for the tention. Now it’s in a place where painted teapots feel at store. In the home: De Danann Coffee and Tea on Main Street in Bel Air. past, ownTucked in the scenic backdrop of Bel ers Ronan and Air’s hisMolly Corbett toric Main have worked Street is a with many philsmall and anthropic organizations, such warm cofas the Kennedy fee shop Krieger Foundacalled De tion. They have Danann also displayed Coffee pieces of art and Tea. created by the A relatively new homeless. place, De Not all art Danann displays are De Dannan is filled with original art. The tables visual, either. will be themselves were created especially for the shop, Every Friday is celebratand feature different foods served there. music night at ing its the shop. Local Þrst anmusicians are invited to play until the shop niversary at the end of this month.
photo by Lindsay Nicolucci
Carolyn Hedlund Contributing Writer
The interior of De Dannan features an eclectic mix of custom furniture, artwork, music, and even board games. A breeding ground for creativity, customers can experience art of all kinds while sipping organic coffee. closes at 9:30. The most important aspect of De Danann is its commitment to community. The Corbetts believe in active participation, and they see local art as a great outlet. Ronan admits, “We are very dedicated to being involved locally.” Another major focus is environmental and sociopolitical issues. De Danann only
buys fair trade coffee and gives priority to farms with a strong commitment to the environment. If you are interested in showcasing your own art or music at De Danann Coffee and Tea, you can contact Molly Corbett at (410) 638-0072.
Annual fundraiser races toward a good start On the morning of Wednesday, January 26, the homeroom representatives were called to the cafeteria for the Þrst ofÞcial unveiling to the student body of the new school fundraiser. The entire school was then thrown off-kilter by the Þnal afÞrmation that the magazine drive would not return this year. The yearly tradition, Þlled with out-of-uniform days, prizes, and electric pig races, has been eradicated and replaced by a new “Patriot Rafße.” The rafße fundraiser began on February 1st during a Y Bell assembly, where the plan was revealed to the entire school, and will run through Friday, February 18th. All John Carroll families were supposed to receive rafße tickets in the mail in mid-January along with a letter explaining the rafße, though several students claim that their family never received such a mailing. According to Mrs. Lang, the Director of Development for the school, the Patriot Rafße takes the place of the magazine drive and all proceeds will beneÞt the 40th Anniversary Campaign, which is “to raise $1 million for technology, annual giving, facilities, and endowment.” According to Mrs. Lang, though the magazine drive has been a tradition for 20 years, “with the 40th Anniversary of the school we wanted to try something new and different.” The fundraising techniques of other schools were studied and ideas were brought back to JC for the students to give feedback. Some options considered included a walkaton or a cookie dough sale. But according to Mrs. Lang, “Knowing our students and parents, we thought this rafße was the best way to go.” Thus, what resulted was the new rafße.
Volume 40, Number 4
There are a variety of incentives and prizes that the students can win during the fundraising drive. To kick off the
photo by Lauren Schnupp
Tricia Kingery Business Manager
Mrs. Brueggemann, aka “The Green Goddess,” celebrates her win at the raffle kick off race. The race of eight contestants was close and actionpacked.
drive there was a “Patriot Stakes Race” at sad cry from the magazine drive where most the assembly on February 1st. Five faculty students were able to go the majority of a and Þve students participated in a “Candy- week dressing down. land-type” horse race, which was run by Every individual rafße ticket costs Mr. Barker. Each student received a race $10 each, with an entire book costing $100. ticket and if their number won, they re- Each student is encouraged to attempt to ceived a cash prize from the Rafße booth in sell their entire book of ten tickets to famthe main lobby. The Green Goddess, Mrs. ily members and friends, but with the sheer Brueggemann, decidedly won the tight cost of the tickets it seems like a daunting race. task for students to accomplish. Unlike Other prizes that students can win the previous drive, where a person could during the drive are gift cards to Starbucks, be sure of at least receiving the magazines Best Buy, American Eagle, and movies, as they ordered, there is no guarantee that the well as cash. Mrs. Lang guarantees, “All individuals who buy rafße tickets will restudents who sell even one ticket will win ceive anything at all for their money. After something.” discussing possible prizes with members of JC also has revived the locker bucks for the SAC ofÞcers, it was decided that cash students. With the locker bucks, student was the best choice for the ultimate prize. lockers are chosen at random to get large The good news is however, that stu“locker bucks” place in them for varying dents need to only sell 1 ticket for it to count amounts of money. If the student has par- towards overall participation. The goal for ticipated in the fundraiser that day, they are student participation is 90%. “That’s 766 able to redeem the bucks for cash. students,” said Mrs. Lang. Should JC reach However, if they did not participate on the that goal, all students and faculty will win day the buck is placed in their locker, they the day off on Monday, March 7th. Hopereceive no prize regardless of how much fully, all students can pull through to win they have actually participated in the fund- this much needed day off. raiser. But perhaps the best new prizes are free chicken tender days and being able to win Mr. Barker’s and Mr. Scholl’s parking spaces. As for the dress down days, students will not be able to dress down for an entire week unlike during the magazine drive. All students that sell all ten tickets receive dress down days on Fridays. The maximum students can obtain is three Fridays to dress down: a Classes only $250 thru March 31 and only $315 after!
February 2005
E ntertainment Phantom
captivates audience
winding staircase which seems endless leads to the beginnings of an underground lake. A boat is used to travel to the dungeon which is decorated with thousands of candles. The actors and actresses also bring the production to a new level. Gerard Butler portrays the Phantom as a human being not as a harsh monster as in the play. Also, Emmy Rossum plays Christine very well. She illustrates very well the image of the Phantom hypnotizing her. The singing in the movie is very well done considering the actors were not singers to begin with. Gerard Butler Christine (Emmy Rossum) is hypnotized by the Phantom of went through the Opera (Gerard Butler). eighteen months of voice training for his part in the Þlm. He movie is very evident. The Phantom of the also went to classes in order to prepare him- Opera moves audiences at an even higher self for the important role of the Phantom. level because of the visual effects and new Andrew Lloyd Webber is the producer perspectives on the various characters. and director of the movie. He also wrote The Phantom of the Opera captures audithe original screenplay which ensures the ences and brings them into the world of the movie’s legitamacy. Phantom so well that movie-goers have seen The amount of time and effort put into this the movie several times.
past productions are being auctioned off. One of the most important is a monkey sitting on a music box playing the cymbols. A mysterious man buys the monkey for perThe Phantom of the Opera movie magi- sonal reasons which are revealed at the end cally brings the stage production to life with of the Þlm as well as his identity. amazing visual effects, extensive scenery, The next item is a chandelier, and, as and the personable cast. IntensiÞed visu- the auctioneers uncover it, the opera house als allow the audience to get an up close comes to life to the theme music of The and personal experience of the story of The Phantom of the Opera. Phantom of the Opera. The most intriguing visual effect is this Flickering in the transition of the candlelight, the opera house. From words “The Phana dark and dingy tom of the Opera” place to a new, appear out of darkgolden and bright ness. The scene heaven, the opera cuts to an antique house is transpostcard picturing formed in a wave the opera house and of mist. bearing the words This turning “Paris 1917.” As back of the years the camera zooms goes to the time in on the card, the right before the photo comes to “strange affair of life. the Phantom of the This is the Þrst of Opera.” And the the ßash-forwards story of Christine in the movie. VariDaae begins. ous scenes throughChristine Daae out the movie lost her father at appear in black in a very early age. white in order to On his deathbed, transition from the her father told her main plot to the Christine (Emmy Rossum) and Raoul of an “angel of ßash-forwards. music.” The story (Patrick Wilson) watch the masquerade However, in the ball performance. is about Christine’s play this form of encounters with transition cannot be utilized. The scenes her “angel of music.” just appear out of place and are confusing. The scenery in the Þlm is very extensive. Therefore, the movie clariÞes the scenes In the main opera stage area, golden statues of the ßash-forwards using a simple tech- in the hundreds are stacked to the ceiling. nique which is less confusing than that of The lobby area has a grand staircase bearing the play. several golden statues of the same nature. The Þrst ßash-forward is of an auction Also, the path down to the dungeons held in the opera house. Various items from of the Phantom is very complex. First, a Sandy Wienholt Entertainment co Editor
Saadawi depicts harsh treatment of Arab women Rachael Kessler Editor in Chief Every now and then a person comes along with the courage and determination to work against the oppressive bonds of injustice to Þght for the equality of a group of people. Martin Luther King, Jr. did it for African Americans, Susan B. Anthony did it for American women, and now Nawal El Saadawi is working to do the same for Arab women. Nawal El Saadawi is an Arab writer and psychiatrist whose novels depict the appalling situations facing women in the Middle East. In Woman at Point Zero, a young Arab woman named Firdaus is in prison awaiting execution for killing a man. The narrator, a psychiatrist, visits Firdaus and is shocked that so gentle a woman could have committed so heinous a crime. As Firdaus begins to tell her life story, however, the narrator comes to realize how the indifferent and sometimes cruel treatment of women such as Firdaus in Arab society can mutate them into numb and callous beings only concerned with their own
February 2005
survival. Firdaus was born in a small village to a father who was more concerned with his own well-being than that of his family. Firdaus and her mother would eat the scraps of food he left after he had been satisÞed. Also, he often beat them and sometimes for no apparent reason. Firdaus was sexually abused by her uncle from a young age. After the death of her parents she goes to live with him in the city. When he Þnds a wife, however, they are unable to pay for Firdaus to eat any longer and arrange for her to marry an old man. The old man constantly beats Firdaus. Eventually she runs away into the city. Despite having her secondary school certiÞcate, Firdaus cannot Þnd work and is forced to become a prostitute. Firdaus soon Þnds that life as a prostitute is plentiful in material objects as well as more abuse and empty promises from men. Firdaus’ growing cynicism forces her into a downward spiral, eventually leading to the murder. As a result of writing Woman at Point Zero, as well as her many other controversial publications, Nawal El Saadawi has had
to face many difÞculties, such as losing her job with the Egyptian government and even being imprisoned. To this day her name remains on death lists created by Arab terrorist organizations. Reading a novel by Nawal El Saadawi greatly personalizes a very pressing issue in today’s global society. Oftentimes issues such as the treatment of Arab women are overlooked because they seem so distant. Nawal El Saadawi offers a new and challenging experience to get inside the head of a woman directly affected
by the oppressive Arab culture. Woman at Point Zero is a good read for anyone interested in learning more about the situation facing women in the Middle East or anyone simply interested in reading an emotional story of survival.
Volume 40, Number 4
entertainment Cold Stone Creamery crazes students 12
Kate Martin Contributing Writer
Cold Stone Creamery has taken students by storm. Since its opening in late October, Cold Stone has quickly replaced the Smoothie King obsession and has become the new place to eat and hang out. Located in the Amyclae Shopping Center, at the corner of Routes 22 and 543, the store is very close to JC and convenient to students. Students usually get ice cream after school and on Friday and Saturday nights. The store has a welcoming atmosphere which attracts teenage customers. Most of Cold Stone’s employees come from JC; others come from C. Milton Wright and Bel Air High School. Teenage employees help to make it a friendly and welcoming environment for students. Coincidentally, the owner, Steve Lozinak, is a JC graduate of the class of 1987. The Bel Air store is one of two that he operates; his other Cold Stone is located in Glasgow, Delaware. The Þrst Cold Stone was established in Arizona in 1988. In the West, the stores are very popular. Now, Cold Stone is slowly spread eastward. Cold Stone popularity may be attributed to the fact that it provides a unique ice cream experience. Upon entering Cold Stone, a customer will tend to Þnd a long line of smiles, created by the sound of employees’ singing voices. There is a policy at Cold Stone: if a customer tips, the employees must sing. One of the popular tunes sung at the store goes like this, “I don’t know what it is about that Cold Stone ice cream, but I like it, I love it, I want some more of it.” Cold Stone has many choices. Massive signs hanging in the store detail the numerous delectable ice cream creations from
which one can choose. Customers may also create their own sundae. To create a sundae, a customer selects an ice cream ßavor and picks out their mix-ins. Cold Stone features eleven ice cream ßavors ranging from vanilla to cheesecake and cake batter. However, it is the wide variety (over 30 choices!) of mix-ins that makes the sundae truly unique. Toppings include everything from the ordinary such as nuts and hot fudge to the extraordinary such as white chocolate chips, pineapples, strawberries, and graham cracker crust. After the customer makes his choices, the ingredients are ground together with metal spatulas called spades A customer relaxes in the great atmosphere of Cold Stone while eating his ice cream sundae. Cold on a frozen, granite Stone is often busy during the weekends and after school during the week. stone set at 16 degrees Fahrenheit (hence the name “Cold Stone”). nut butter, and fudge. Birthday Cake Remix are unique. You can either buy a “Like It,” This technique is used to ensure that the is made up of cake batter ice cream, rainbow “Love It,” or “Gotta Have It” sized bowl. mix-ins will be tasted all the way through jimmies, brownie, and fudge. Although the prices may seem to be expenCold Stone also has seasonal ßavors. sive, the amount of ice cream the customer the dessert. Cold Stone employees truly put a lot of effort into satisfying their custom- During Halloween, a customer could get receives is plentiful. spooked on pumpkin ice cream and during ers! A “Love It,” regular sized creation, costs There are over 100 possible creation the Christmas season one could be merry $4.39. If customers decide to create their choices using the entire range of mix-ins eating peppermint ice cream. own sundae, mix-ins are $0.59 each. “We make our own brownies, wafße and ice cream ßavors. Two extremely Cold Stone’s hours are very extensive. popular creations are Peanut Buttercup Per- bowls, and ice cream everyday,” explained The store is open from 12-10pm Sunday Mr. Lozinak. “This is what makes us unique through Thursday, 12-11pm on Fridays, and fection and Birthday Cake Remix. Peanut Buttercup Perfection is made of from everyone else.” 11am-11pm on Saturdays. At Cold Stone, even the serving sizes chocolate ice cream, peanut buttercups, pea-
Chipotle opens in Festival, replaces Chi-Chi’s offer a simple menu of great food prepared fresh each day, using many of the same cooking techniques as gourmet restaurants. Then serve the food quickly, in a cool atmosphere.” A giant ßour tortilla, cilantro-lime It started out as a small burrito joint in rice, marinated chicken, pinto beans, fresh Denver, Colorado and expanded throughtomato salsa, cheese, and sour cream, all out the United States. Restaurants can be rolled up to make one delicious oversized found throughout Maryland and as far west burrito. Chipotle is place to go for this deli- as California. The largest Chipotle in the cious concoction. country is located in College Park. Chipotle serves up Mexican food Chipotle is a Mexican restaurant and was founded in 1993 by Steve Ells. located in the Festival of Bel Air. It reElls said that he “had a very simple idea: placed the Chi-Chi’s Mexican restaurant about Þve months ago. In many ways, Chipotle is similar to Panera Bread. When one walks in individuals order their food and it is prepared for a customer so it is ready before he sits down. What sets Chipotle apart from other restaurants is that they receive shipment 2 or 3 times per week. Therefore, they do not need freezers and customers are getting fresh food. Chipotle strives on serving the “Þnest and freshest ingredients” all Customers enjoy their personalized Chipotle food. the time. Chipotle allows customers to choose their toppings, There are four making their burritos unique. Sarah Jones and Kathleen Franetovich Ent co Editor and Contributing Writer
Volume 40, Number 4
choices on the menu. They are tacos, burritos, fajitas, and burrito in a bowl. There are also several choices of meat to go inside the taco, burrito, and fajita. Meat choices include marinated chicken, marinated lean steak, carnitas (pork), and barbacoa (beef). Along with a variety of meat, there is a variety of toppings. These include: romaine lettuce, guacamole, cheese, sour cream, roasted chili-corn salsa, tomatillo green chili salsa, tomatilla red chili salsa, fresh tomato salsa, pinto beans, black beans, fajita vegetables, and cilantro-lime rice. Even the chips and salsa are unique. The chips are thick and sprinkled salt and lime juice. Customers also have their choice of the Two customers order their meals at Chipotle. salsa. There are four different kinds ranging in spiciness. large proportions, which might be the reaChipotle can be considered a more son why it attracts so many young adults: casual Don Pablo’s or a fancier Taco Bell college students and JC students. except the food is more authentic. Don If one is in the mood to have an enjoyable Pablo’s and Taco Bell, although Mexican meal that will leave their stomach and their wallet full, Chipotle is deÞnitely the place inspired, are Americanized. Chipotle has very reasonable prices and to go.
February 2005
13 entertainment Annual spring musical well under way Sarah Jones Entertainment co Editor In continuing with a JC tradition that started in 1966, the annual spring musical, 42nd Street will be performed on the weekend of March 4 in the JC auditorium. The show includes nearly 150 students, which will bring the show to life and audience members will get a full show of singing and dancing. 42nd Street is set in the spring of 1933 in New York City and Philadelphia. Maggie Jones and Bert Barry are co-authors and producers of a new Broadway show called Pretty Lady, and Julian Marsh, who is know as “the greatest director on Broadway” is going to stage the show. Billy Lawlor is the leading man in Pretty Lady and Dorothy Brock is the leading lady. Peggy Sawyer is a Broadway hopeful who misses the audition because she did not have enough courage to walk through the stage doors and she will have to prove herself sooner than she
anticipated. As director of 42nd Street, Mrs. Lang has a very big under taking, which includes many long hours. Mrs. Lang said her duties include “choosing the show, setting up auditions, blocking, set design, tickets sales-you name it, I do it. But of course I couldn’t do it without all of the terriÞc help that I have - Mrs. Brueggemann, Mr. Gaudreau, Mr. Schick, Mrs. Bair, and all of the students who work so hard on stage and behind the scenes, in the pit, in the lighting booth, and building the sets.” After having put together another successful fall play, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, Mrs. Brueggemann is once again helping with the musical. Mrs. Brueggemann said, “I am a co-choreographer for 42nd Street. Together with Larry Hensley, I create all dances and movements in songs. This year we have the most production numbers of any show we’ve done together in eight years. We have a total of thirteen numbers to stage.” Shortly after the musical ends in the
Editor chooses top music Lindsay Nicolucci Features co Editor
Everybody has a favorite song, one that puts them in a relaxed mood. They have that song that demands enthusiasm without forcing them to wake up entirely, the song that they Þnd on the backburner on any given school day. Now I can successfully say I’ve found that song, and twelve others with the exact same effect. Enter Athlete. With “Vehicles and Animals,” the London-based quartet serves up the perfect blend of infectious, jangly pop, relaxing ballads, and the ever-endearing British nerd appeal. Athlete’s Þrst effort begins with “El Salvador,” a happy-go-lucky, Beck-inßuenced track. It only hints at the subdued, keyboard-driven album that lies ahead. As the songs continue, one Þnally sees the full spectrum. The following tracks bounce through computerized effects, cheesy keyboards reminiscent of the Napoleon Dynamite soundtrack, light acoustic guitar, and a sad, ethereal second half which would make the Flaming Lips jealous. The highlight of the album takes place over the course of two tracks. “Beautiful” is an aptly named and computer-tinged ballad. It rustles up a wide-eyed, earnest feeling - a slightly sad anthem beÞtting of a lovelorn teenager. As “Beautiful” bleeds into “New Project,” the theme is taken and gracefully reverted to the laidback pop found earlier in the album. Simple piano and heartfelt lyrics complete the mood until midway through the song, when it revives the electronica with an energetic breakdown. Eventually, the entire thing comes to a satisÞed, mellow ending. “Vehicles and Animals” shares the same tragic ßaw as many of its predecessors. Although Athlete has successfully established a style and feeling, they cling to the same two emotions for thirteen tracks. It walks a Þne line between honest and obnoxious. Buoying back and forth between self-satisÞed and comfortably desperate, the album melts too much into itself. Perhaps adding more variety or settling on just one distinct theme would save Athlete from overkill. Athlete brings out the fun, lovable qual-
February 2005
ity typical of British rock without the pretentious undertones of indiepop. They put together an airy, low-key album that was not meant to impress anyone; however, it has won over many listeners. Athlete-“Vehicles and Animalss” “Youth and Young Manhood,” the newest album from southern rock family Kings of Leon, is easily summed up in one word: dirty. Not Þlthy, disgusting, bad, dirty. Just…dirty. Kings of Leon recreates the gritty sound of 60s rock’n’roll, but in no way personalizes it. They are carbon copies of The Strokes minus the creativity, and Jet minus the hit single. Although their concept is time-proven, the crazy hipster thing has been done and overdone. They lack any quality to help them stand out in a sea of similar artists. This does not mean that the Kings have no good aspects to their music. They have created the ultimate summer album. The guitars are brash, the lyrics slurred with a drunken enthusiasm, and the catchiness is inescapable. It screams with youth and excitement, a raspy and carefree dip into a simpler time. Songs such as “Red Morning Light” and “Wasted Time” wake up the inner rebel and draw him out to mumble along with the barely discernable lyrics. Unfortunately, the album falls ßat. Despite the excitement found in the beginning, the rest of the songs draw out into long, whining, southern rock clichés. Between the droning vocals, predictable solos, and lack of anything current, the sound gets old, fast. The only hint at variety lies in groovy bridges scattered throughout. The rock’n’roll is undeniable to the point of disgust. One more “yeee-oww” and I would have gone insane. Worse yet, there are no pickups to be found later on, so it remains boringly rooted in 1968. The cookie-cutter feel to this album just does not sit well. Despite its entertaining places, it cannot carry its own. It is the perfect thing to listen to when you’re cruising down an open road, or when you want to feel the heat and excitement of July, but not for a straight through listen. Added variety is the obvious cure for this album, plus a reality check to pull these boys out of the last century. Hopefully their next album due out later this month will show signs of improvement.
spring, ideas for following year’s musical are already being thought about. Mrs. Lang said, “Beginning last spring I met with Mrs. Brueggemann and we start to discuss possible shows. I then order scripts and read them over the summer. We really base our decision on the talent that we have, the predicted cost of the production, and the level of difÞculty. Over the years the spring musicals have gradually become more popular. This year 111 students auditioned for 42nd Street and 100 of them accepted their roles. Mrs. Lang said, “With all the help I’ve already mentioned, we will have close to 150 students involved in this year’s production - 17% of the student body. I believe we are the largest extracurricular activity in the school.” Try-out’s for 42nd Street were held in December and rehearsals began in early January and will continue right up until the Þrst performance. Mrs. Brueggemann said, “The show is really progressing nicely this year. We have a very talented cast and chorus. I am thrilled with our talented tap dancers!”
John Carroll School Proudly Presents
March 4 @ 7:00 March 5 @ 7:00 March 6@ 2:00
Tickets are currently being sold and according to Mrs. Lang, “Sales are going very well, and very fast!” On a Þnal note, Mrs. Lang has only one fear which “is that someone will fall off the stage and into the pit… which has happened twice before.” However, her expectations by far outweigh her fear, and she hopes “that the students involved have fun; perhaps learn something about themselves and about theater, and they leave the production with fabulous memories.”
Rooney surprises audiences Rose DiPaula Sports co Editor
Sh, I have a secret! It’s a secret about a secret band from California. Their harmonies rock and they can jam, but don’t let anyone know about them. Their name is Rooney, stemming from the principal Ed Rooney in Ferris Bueller’s Day Off. Rooney consists of a Þve-piece band of young men, trying to bring a classic rock sound back to today’s modern music. However, no one seems to know about them. Their singles and album have been released and their tours have been successful, yet they still seem like a secret to most of the world. Their frontman is Robert Carmine. Carmine writes all of their original songs and plays the guitar. You may have seen him in the Disney movie The Princess Diaries. Robert played the lead hunk, Michael Moscovitz. Other members include Taylor Locke (so cute) on guitar, Ned Brower banging on the drums (crazy boy!), Matt Winters on the bass (cut your hair!) and Louie Stephens on keyboards and percussion (cool kid). I found out about this band from senior Shannon Lhotsky. Shannon was surÞng the web one day about three years ago and came across this band with a really neat sound. A few months later, Rooney came to town while touring with Weezer. No one knew who Rooney was, so while at the show, Shannon happened to run into Robert. Of course, I wanted to meet these guys, but my turn didn’t come for another few months. I Þnally got to go to a show in Phila-
delphia. After coming off of an *NSYNC obsession, I was amazed at how small the venue was. I was even more surprised when after the show, the band came out to chill with fans! We met Robert, and, sure enough, he remembered Shannon! She introduced us and he seemed like a really sweet guy. Almost a year later, we went to their most recent show in Washington D.C. In that year, Rooney had grown - a lot. Rooney actually had fans there to see them at the show and was headlining a tour. It was a little trickier to meet the guys this time, but we found them. To our surprise, the guys remembered us! Robert told us that he “had been wondering when they would see us again.” Rooney has a very unique sound. They are fans of classic rock and as you listen to their music, you can hear their musical inßuences. Their harmonies sound much like the Beach Boys. Their sound is a pop-rock sound, much like the Beatles. Their guitar parts are modeled off of Brian May of Queen and the late George Harrison. Their goal is to bring what they consider good music back to today’s younger generations. The guys are in the process of making a name for themselves. They have had two singles released, “I’m Shakin’” and “Blueside.” Their self-titled album was released in May 2003. Rooney looks to have a new album released this spring, but more recently, they released a DVD of their summer concert tour that was held this past summer. Little by little, people all over the country are becoming Rooney fans, as this California band is bringing back the older generation of music.
Volume 40, Number 4
Boys’ basketball struggles through season, stays tight Dave Lomonico Sports co Editor
photo by Kristin Pytko
and right now their pride is hurt,” said excuse for our performance,” said Mr. Vier- teams have failed to win many games the Vierheller. “They are not apathetic in the heller. Coach V made it clear that his team players start to get lazy, become selÞsh or do not commit themslightest.” selves. This is where The MIAA B-Conference features an arthe team’s character Do not feel sorry for this basketball team. ray of tough, competitive teams that have really shows. Even Do not show any pity. They don’t want it. been able to exploit JC including Gilman, if the result was not On a team that has not won a game this St. Vincent Pallotti, and Boys’ Latin. To victory, Mr. V knew season and is fast approaching 20 losses the make matters worse, the out of conference he was going to get poise they have displayed reveals something games feature tough matchups against maximum effort. about their character. schools such as Bel Air and Fallston. This attitude has In years to come, this team will unjustly At times, JC has shown that they can stay shown through in be judged on the wins and losses and the fact competitive. In a game against an undepractice, where not that they may not win a game this season. feated Gilman team on January 29, JC kept one complaint can be Teams with lesser character, teams with less the game close until the 4th quarter where faheard from any of the tigue obviously became a factor. However, motivation and teams with less pride would players. there are games, have quit on a season like “We knew it was like the one this. These 8 players (now 7) going to be tough, but against Fallston show up every day to practice we kept it all in peron December 17, determined to give their best, spective,” said Mr. V. where the team even with tremendous chalMr. V, obviously looked overlenges staring them in the Senior Andrew Cranford looks to pass the ball. Cranford was proud of how his matched and the face every time they take the one of the greatest contributors to the team this season. team has responded game was over court for a game. has the type of players who are not going to defeat, felt that the biggest disappointbefore halftime. “It’s easy to get wrapped to look for ways out or hide from the criti- ment this year was not beating Harford Tech “We are playup in the wins and losses,” ing excellent cisms. “We don’t make excuses,” said Mr. in a home game on January 26. The team said coach Vierheller. “[The matched up well against Tech and felt they teams and it’s Vierheller. players] are tremendous If the team has struggled, it is not because could at least salvage one win. However, the just been tough,” young men and there has never been any Þnger point- Coach Vierheller said Mr. V. “It’s a they slacked or have not been prepared. team faltered slightly in the 4th quarter as great conference They have given complete commitment to the leading Tech scorer, Anthony Deangelo, ing or frustration shown. The and there’s no- the program. Vierheller knew coming into caught Þre and handed JC a 53 – 48 loss. team was never phased.” the season that fatigue could be a problem, where to hide.” Dealing with the fact that The loss to Tech leaves JC with very few so he and assistant Tony Martin made sure realistic shots at a victory this season. Yet The one aspect they have not won a game of the team that the team was going to be in shape. Practices Mr. V continues to stress that the record is a great burden on the team is quickly pointed out by their critics is that consist of full court drills, lots of running, does not matter. Instead he points to the who obviously does not want to be rememthey only go 7 or 8 deep. By the time the and breaking down Þlm of their opponents. chemistry, the character, and the heart his bered for that reason. Even with their coach Part of the reason Mr. V selected this team has. second half hits, the team is naturally a step stressing not to worry about the record, the team was that he knew he was getting comslower. However, the team will not use fa“We’re like worn tired soldiers. They just players have to be disgruntled by the accumitted players who would leave everything continue to march and Þght,” said Mr. V. tigue as the reason they are struggling. mulating losses. “The fatigue is showing, but it’s not an they had out on the court. Usually when “The team inspires other athletes.” “These players all have personal pride
“We’re like worn, tired soldiers. They just continue to march and fight.”
Swimmers make splash with great MIAA upsets
Volume 40, Number 4
and the girls are very excited for championships on Sunday,” said Ms. Zavodny. On the other hand, the boys’ team has had to struggle with the problem of depth due to lack of numbers. The team was led by sophomore David Dukes and freshman Tim DeFatta. Over the course of the season, the team as a whole learned one very important lesson: every swimmer plays a major role on The JC swim teams practice together at the Bel Air Athletic Club. the team. AfThe JC swim program has improved in recent years. ter dropping from eight to has helped them with some major wins, like just six swimmers, depth has been a major the win over Seton Keough. issue for the boys. They also have had weaknesses to The major highlight of their season was overcome such as their depth in specialty beating Pallotti, which was their Þrst MIAA strokes, but it was also the support that the win since they joined their current MIAA girls have for each other that brought about division. Over all, they have improved their improvement. throughout the course season. The coaches “The girls have performed very well, were impressed with their hard work and
improving times. For their championships on February 12, they are looking to make a good stand, and place to well. Their other goal was to beat a team in the MIAA, which they accomplished with their Pallotti victory. Despite their struggles, Mrs. Zavodny has been pleased with their progress throughout the season The swim teams’ success has brought a lot of anxiety, for the upcoming championships, they all are proud of their accomplishments this season, and they are excited to competing with the area’s top teams. Ms. Zavodny concluded, “It was an exciting season with a lot of improvement all around and we’re looking forward to championships.”
photo by Kristin Pytko
As the season winds down, all members of the swim teams reßect. They reßect on their hopes, their goals, and now looking back, they reßect on their achievements and what each one of them has brought to their teams. Both teams have had to overcome obstacles, which has brought them success and unity. Leading the girls’ swim team are senior Leah McGann, junior Giuliana Kunkel, sophomore Julian Hughes, and freshman Krista Walls. They led the team to their greatest achievement: tying a Division ‘A’ team, Seton Keough, in a match against The Catholic High School. “It was a surprise to be swimming agaist Seton Keough, but it was exciting to tie a Division ‘A’ team,” said Coach Zavodny. Ms. Zavodny has been very pleased with the girls’ overall performance throughout the season. At the beginning of the season, the girls’ goals were to be competitive throughout the season and to win their division. Their goal for the championships, which took place on February 6, were to have as many top eight Þnishers as possible and to improve from last year’s championships, when they only had one top eight Þnisher. The team did achieve their goal. The team Þnished eighth in the 200 Medley Relay, the 400 Free Relay, and Jillian Hughes Þnished sixth in the 500 Free. The team had
eight other top 25 Þnishes. Throughout the season the team has been very spirited and very enthusiastic, which
photo by Kristin Pytko
Trista Sturdivant Staff Writer
February 2005
15 Terps’ Caner-Medley steps up game, wins a fan
I am in love with Nik Caner-Medley. No, not the shoot-for-the-stars, over-thefence, World Series kind of love. No that would be impossible, since I don’t even know him. It’s the kind of love that is respect and admiration. The kind of love of a diehard fan, one that doesn’t hop on the bandwagon when things are going well, and one that doesn’t hop off when things are badly. Just a few short weeks ago, many young males right here at JC made fun of me for putting my money on the gangly, white kid from Maine. Nik was going through an awful slump, and things did not look good for the 6’8 starter for the Terps. He started out the year in a slump, I’ll admit. But I never lost faith. I knew he’d come around. All these boys kept saying, “Rose! He sucks! Get over it!” I just ignored them because I knew that I knew more about this kid than they did. You see, I have been watching this kid since he was a young baby Terp as a freshman, before many of his critics were. I will also admit that at Þrst I was a little skeptical of this kid being called the number one high school player in Maine. I thought, “What are there only eight players in the whole state?”
In the world of college basketball, one some major wins and some disappointing Caner-Medley led the Terps in scoring in short slump is nothing. Everyone knows losses. They have shone some moments both of these tough matches. He scored 25 that college kids can’t focus, or are new at of excellent play and moments in the same points against the Blue Devils and 19 over this level, or have exams, or whatever. the Yellow JackThere’s always an excuse. The beauty of ets. college basketball is that every team and named Canerevery player has its ups and downs. The Medley its Nateam or player that you see in November tional Player of is not the same team or player you see the Week for the in March. week of January But why do I like Nik above all 23. other Terps? I like Nik for a bunch of Caner-Medreasons. I like him for when he gets ley has always excited during a game and he spastically been doubted. runs down the court after making a great Doubted by play. I like him people in Maine, for his ability doubted by the to run with the nation, and even big dogs. I like doubted by fellhis intensity low Terps fans. Maryland’s Nik Caner-Medley looks to pass as he is taunted by and his will to It is now his time the Cameron Crazies at Duke. One call that was particularly win. I like him to step it up and directed at him was, “3 names, no game!” for his ups and show his love downs. Anyfor the game. one can root for game where they look like a rec team. His senior year next year will provide Nik a player or team Nik has proven himself as a leader in with an even greater opportunity to prove that always wins the last month of the college basketball sea- his ability and his will to lead. (Duke fans, any- son. He has proven himself as a player that So yes, Caner-Medley may be kind of one?). is ready to step up his game in order to win. inconsistent and may have gotten into some Lately, I Over Þve games, beginning with the Terps’ trouble in Maine this past summer, but over especially like win over Temple on January 15 and ending the last few weeks, he has proven himself Nik for his ability to step it up and force with their win over Georgia Tech, Caner- as an organizer and a player in control of the team into a winning streak. I like him Medley averaged 24 points, 6.8 rebounds, his game. Caner-Medley may be a little bit for his hard work. Before coming into this 2.0 assists, 1.4 steals, and 1.2 blocks per of streaky player, but if you wait out the season, Caner-Medley was pumping iron game. These are career-high numbers for streaks, you’ll see smooth sailing. and working out a signiÞcant amount more him. He ranks Þfth in the ACC in scoring than the rest of the team. His 6’8 frame now with 18.1 points per game for the season. NOTE: Caner-Medley reportedly had a weighs 240. In just one week, Caner-Medley led bad case of the ßu last week, which explains This year’s Terps squad has been strug- unranked Maryland to wins over 2 ranked his poor showings against Clemson and gling to Þnd its identity. They have had teams: # 2 Duke and # 22 Georgia Tech. Miami.
Rose DiPaula Sports co Editor
“The team or player you see in November is not the same team or player you see in March.”
Slammin’ Sammy slugs his way into Camden Yards Dave Lomonico Sports co Editor
on the team on the last day of the season, Sosa became more and more fed up with the city that made him famous. Sosa wanted out of Chicago and Chicago was more than willing to deal him. For the Þrst time since the start of Having Clinton’s Second Term, struck out on there was a buzz about the seemingly “other” sports franchise in every free Baltimore. The Orioles, atagent (save tempting to improve their relief pitchers ball club, signed Miguel Steve Kline Tejada, Javy Lopez, and and Steve Rafael Palmeiro last offReed and season. Even though the utility player team failed to make the Chris Gomez) playoffs for the 7th straight the Orioles year, the hopes were high became going into this offseason. desperate to The team improved to a make a move. 78-84 record and moved up The Orioles to 3rd place in the AL East. wanted a star The GM duo of Jim player to atBeattie and Mike Flanatract fans and gan wanted to continue to complitheir “plan” in order to Sammy Sosa, the Orioles new rightfielder, gives his approval at his press conment Miguel bring the city of Balti- ference of the trade that sent him over to Baltimore from the Chicago Cubs. Tejada and more a team that could the Cubs were trying to get rid of one. The compete with the Red Sox and Yankees. Atlanta. The fans felt betrayed – mutiny was cer- match was perfect. The Cubs were so desHowever, with Peter Angelos limiting the payroll of his team due to the Washing- tain. Peter Angelos became the number one perate to get rid of Sosa, they traded him ton Nationals moving to town, the team target for Orioles fans and the heads of Be- to the Orioles for three players who will most likely never reach star status. was unable to bring in a major free agent. attie and Flanagan were wanted on a plate. Excuses were made, Þngers were point- Jerry Hairston, Dave Crouthers, The team targeted three free agent players knowing that they needed a quality start- ed. The Orioles were in trouble. The “plan” and Mike Fontenot were all it took. ing pitcher and a power hitting Þrstbaseman had seemingly failed this offseason as no On top of that, the Cubs will pay for or rightÞelder. Carl Pavano, coming off a major acquisitions were made to improve more then half of Sosa’s contract this year (about 12 million dollars). stellar year with Florida, chose the Yankees the club. In order to make the deal work, Enter the Chicago Cubs. Chicago rightover Baltimore. Home run hitter Carlos Delgado shunned the Orioles late charge to sign Þelder Sammy Sosa, the face of the fran- Sosa waived his no trade clause and him and took a 4 year 52 million dollar deal chise, the once fun-loving power hitter who his 2006 player option. In other from the Marlins. Richie Sexson, a big time hit over 60 homeruns 3 times in his career words, the Orioles are only responright handed bat took more money and more had worn out his welcome in Cubby nation. sible for paying about 7.5 million of guaranteed years and signed with Seattle. As the Chicago media blasted him for his Sosa’s deal this year while giving Ace Tim Hudson was put on the trading me-Þrst attitude, steroids and walking out up very little to get him.
block by Oakland and the Orioles had a deal in place to bring him to Baltimore. However, the A’s would not let Baltimore work out a contract extension with Hudson before the trade was completed. Thus he was traded to
February 2005
Sosa, 36, does not come to Baltimore without baggage. He’s been on the decline in terms of offensive production which is probably the result of age and possibly steroids. Also, his attitude could potentially become a problem in the clubhouse. Not to mention the fact that he corked his bat in the 2003 season, earning him a suspension. Despite all the negatives, the potential upside was worth the risk. For one, if Sosa does not Þt in with the Orioles he would only be with the team for one or two years depending if the Orioles work out an extension. Also, Sosa, despite being on the decline, still has the potential to hit around 40 homeruns Þlling the need for a strong right handed bat who could hit left handers. Even in a down year he has killed left handed pitching, hitting .319 the past three years against them. Finally, Hairston, Crouthers and Fontenot were not going to turn this team around and will most likely not be sorely missed. Angelos escapes this offseason without having to dig too deep into his pocket. The Orioles GM’s made a move. Fans will come out to see a new star. Sosa has expressed how much he loves Baltimore and is hungry to turn his career around. In the end, this move cannot hurt the city of Baltimore.
Volume 40, Number 4
16 SPORTS Phelps’ DUI puts his golden image into jeopardy
at the 2004 Olympics pulled the country into a swimming, Speedo frenzy. Everyone wanted a piece of Phelps. The boy could do no wrong, or so it was believed. Earlier this year, The Patriot printed This all changed around 2:00 AM on an article characterizing the young November 4 when Phelps was arrested in Baltimorean phenomenon Michael Phelps. Salisbury, Maryland with some friends. Since that publication, it seems that Phelps’ Phelps failed to characterization stop at a stop sign has changed from and later showed charming good-boy further signs of to law-breaking intoxication. He college kid. Was was charged the world population with driving wrong in their while impaired, evaluation of Phelps u n d e r a g e as the “good kid?” drinking, violation Did this 19-year-old of a license phenomenon fool us restriction, and all? failure to obey a Phelps seemed to trafÞc device. have poise and grace “I made a and a public persona mistake,” said that most of the Phelps, “Getting country fell in love into a car after with. This teenager anything to drink proved to have more is wrong. It’s reserve and a better dangerous and competitive spirit Olympic gold medalist Michael Phelps unacceptable. than most parents in leaves the courthouse in Salisbury after I’m 19 and was the world of sports being sentenced for his DUI arrest. taught that no when he gave up his matter how old you are, you should take spot in the 4 X 100 meter relay to teammate responsibility for your actions, which I will and opponent, Ian Crocker. Many across the do. I’m sorry.” country wondered, “How could someone so In an instant, the world seemed to become young be such a good inßuence on us all?” disillusioned with Phelps. His soaring In today’s world in which anything less popularity plummeted, and his good-boy than perfect is considered a failure, Phelps’ image had vanished. The world population imperfect, yet historic and remarkable run seemed to ask, “Had America’s good-boy
Rose DiPaula Sports co Editor
never really been that good at all?” Phelps made. Yes, he deserved to be The real question should have been: Is punished in some way, but why focus on Phelps the only teen out there that has ever one teen that most of us will not come driven after drinking? Are the teenagers across in our lives, rather than focusing in our community on the kids with less doing the exact responsibility in our same thing on our own community that own community can put our own lives streets? in danger? According According to the to MADD, 649 total National Center for trafÞc deaths occurred Injury Prevention in Maryland in 2003. and Control in 2004, 281, or 43%, of those young men ages 18 deaths were alcohol to 20 (Phelps’ age related. range) are reported On December 29, as driving under 2004, Phelps pleaded - Michael Phelps the inßuence almost guilty to drunken as frequently as driving and was men ages 21 to 34. sentenced to 18 months In 2001, roughly probation before 10.7 million teens judgment, meaning if (ages 12-20) reported current alcohol use, he follows the terms of his probation, his according to MADD. MADD also reports record will be cleared. Phelps’ charges that in 2004, 26.6 percent of young adults of driving under the inßuence, underage (ages 18 – 25), have gotten behind the wheel drinking, and failure to obey a trafÞc device while being under the inßuence of alcohol, were all dropped. He was also Þned $250, which proves that no, Phelps is not the only he must attend a meeting hosted by MADD, teen drunk driver in the country. must give speeches to three schools about Some may argue that Phelps has a making smart choices and the dangers of different level of responsibility after being a alcohol by June 1. national icon and role model. This is true to Despite the trouble Michael Phelps faced a certain degree, but does Phelps really have earlier this year, is looks as if there is the to live with his job every second of his life? possibility of good coming from his not-soMust he be reminded of his two week run in smart choices. Our children, and some fof Athens every time he leaves his house? us, will learn from their hero’s mistakes. Yes, drinking and driving is wrong, Besides, who else can turn a sticky situation especially under age drinking and driving. into a good lesson for us all? None other Yes, there is no excuse for the decision than America’s Golden Boy.
“No matter how old you are, you should take responsibility for your actions.”
Super Bowl ends, offseason begins Dave Lomonico Sports co Editor Why even play the Þrst twenty weeks of the season? It was a foregone conclusion that the Patriots would win their 3rd Super Bowl in 4 years and they may win again next year. But America loves football and every city save Cleveland feels they have a shot at hoisting the Lombardi Trophy. So now the focus turns to Detroit, the site of Super Bowl XXXX. An entire offseason of scouting, free agency, coaching decisions and player development will ensue. The games may be over, but the NFL front ofÞces will be in full swing trying to get their teams a shot at the Super Bowl. The Patriots have fallen victim to their success already as two of their coordinators left the team for head coaching jobs. The Pats defensive mastermind Romeo Crennel accepted a job to coach the Cleveland Browns immediately after New England clinched Super Bowl XXXIX. The Patriots offensive coordinator Charlie Weis had already accepted a job to coach at Notre Dame next season, thus leaving the champs with two coaching positions to Þll. The team will also have to make a decision on cornerbacks Ty Law and Tyrone Pool who are likely to be cut or traded do to the emergence of Randall Gay and Asante Samuel in the secondary. Teams in need of a big play wide receiver may want to look at Minnesota’s Randy Moss who will be on the trading block this offseason. Minnesota wants to rid themselves of Moss’ attitude and extra baggage, but reportedly are requesting a Þrst round pick and a defensive starter in return for Moss. The Ravens, Raiders, and Jets could potentially be interested. The Green Bay Packers could potentially be looking for a new quarterback this
Volume 40, Number 4
offseason as rumors have surfaced that future Þrst ballot hall-of-famer Brett Favre will retire. Favre has considered retirement for a couple of years now and the chances of him actually retiring now are 50-50. The Miami Dolphins, under new head coach Nick Saban, will almost certainly trade former Pro-Bowl cornerback Patrick Surtain who does not Þt into the new system. The Indianapolis Colts who ßoundered in the playoffs once again could trade draft picks to try and acquire the veteran and improve their leaky secondary. The Dolphins are in need of a running back unless Ricky Williams somehow makes his way back into the Dolphins system. The Baltimore Ravens’ star running back Jamal Lewis will serve a four-month sentence in a Florida prison this offseason. However, he should be back in time for training camp giving the Ravens little reason to go after another running back just yet. The Ravens hired new offensive coordinator Jim Fassel to take over for Matt Cavanaugh in hopes to improve their anemic offense. They will look to add a big play receiver (possibly Moss) and a new right tackle or guard to pass block. The San Diego Chargers have a decision to make on their two quarterbacks Drew Brees and Phillip Rivers. The Chargers invested a Þrst round pick and a lot of money into Rivers, but Brees looks to have Þnally found his rhythm. They must either let Brees go into free agency or try and resign him to a new deal. The Colts must address their defensive concerns. Surtain is available through trade, but they could use the draft as well. Antrel Rolle, cornerback from Miami, would be a solid Þrst round pick for the Colts if he drops a few slots. Running Back Edgerrin James may have played his last game as a Colt as he is seeking a trade and a big money extension.
In Cincinnati, running back Rudi Johnson is seeking a new contract, but the Bengals may have trouble coming to an agreement. Johnson is not a star running back yet he’s seeking a big pay day. If his asking price is too steep, last year’s Þrst round pick Chris Perry is ready to step in and contribute. The Seahawks may end up losing their star running back Shaun Alexander. Alexander has expressed interest in the Tampa Bay Bucs who are in dire need of a solid rushing attack. The Bucs, who hold the number 5 pick in the draft, may also look to draft Carnell Williams or Ronnie Brown, both out of Auburn to Þll their void at running back. If Texas running back Cedric Benson, the best RB in the draft, somehow drops out of the top 3, the Bucs should take him. The Cleveland Browns signed quarterback Jeff Garcia to bring stability to their offense last offseason, but Garcia was less than thrilled with the situation in Cleveland. He would like to be traded or released. Backup Kelly Holcomb, a free agent, is not the answer at QB for the Browns and they might be best served to use their number 3 pick in the draft on Utah quarterback Alex Smith. The San Francisco 49ers will be in trouble again this offseason. The 49ers have a lot of holes to Þll and no money to do it. They are well over the cap and would be best served to cut running back Kevin Barlow. They hold the number 1 pick in the draft, but may not want to spend the money it takes to sign a number one pick. They may trade down in the draft hoping to acquire more picks and more players at a lesser cost. Already there are a ßurry of moves and decisions being made already. Teams will look forward to free agency which will begin on March 2nd and the NFL Draft (April 23-24) in search of that key component to put them in Super Bowl contention.
Two members of the JC girls’ Indoor Track team, Jessica O’Brien and Erika Stasakova, were both named the All-IAAM team this season. O’Brien was named IAAM Champion and meet record-holder for the high jump. The top three Varsity girls’ Þnishers were O’Brien in Þrst with 75 points, Stasakova in second with 58, and Jessica Hnatiuk scoring 40 points. Varsity boys’ team member Kevin Turek led the boys’ team with 36.75 points. Andrew Kriss was a distant second with 11 points. Both teams look forward to their upcoming spring seasons.
February 2005